#meg & haz
amcdrawnon · 14 days
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Keeping up with the times (a decade ago)
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woahkana · 2 years
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sutijany · 2 years
Bandi mindig kitesz magaert a szulinapi ajandekokkal, de ezen most rengeteget nevettem!
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okay okay, I've thought about it, and here's the statement I very much wish Harry and Meghan would make in response to questions of their attendance at King Charles' coronation:
"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex extend their very best wishes to King Charles on this historic occasion, and will celebrate the Coronation along with the people of Great Britain. Unfortunately they will not be able to attend the event in person as the date conflicts with a private family gathering."
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dayas · 2 years
Give me all the Harry and Meghan docs, films, books, interviews, podcasts, etc!!!!!
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abstractreign · 1 year
{ o shit we talking about ships?? uh well for me there's really just the one—
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batselves · 2 months
now we take requeztz for dividerz!! theyre actually pretty fun to make
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cherryblossom5555 · 5 months
Do you know this blog on tumblr "https://www.tumblr.com/meghan-markle-archive" He shared archived posts from Instagram @meghanmarkle and @thetigofficial. Unfortunately, it disappeared from Tumblr on Wednesday. Now it's need a password on Pinterest for this blog https://www.tumblr.com/blog_auth/meghan-markle-archive Unfortunately, I found out about Meghan Markle in my country on the day of her wedding to Harry. Meghan had already closed her accounts then. I'm looking for her archived posts to get to know her better. She wants to form her own opinion about Meghan not only based on press articles. From the posts I've seen so far, I admire her. She's amazing. Unfortunately, especially from the @thetigofficial account, there are few posts on the Internet. The meghan_markle_archive account was a wanderfull source for these posts.
I checked this account every day to see new interesting facts, now I miss this blog. I will cry for him 😭😭😭😭 and what's going on with the password for the other account, I don't know, maybe one of you has this password (blog https://www.tumblr.com/blog_auth/meghan-markle-archive) . Unfortunately, when the posts were published on https://www.tumblr.com/meghan-markle-archive, it was night in my country , so I don't know if any password was given or if there was information that it would be closed, so I'm looking for any information why it is no longer on tumblr.
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zsuzso fonoke elment szabira, ugyhogy o is ugy volt, hogy fuck this shit, menjunk el legalabb egy ejszakara mi is a varosbol. ki is neztuk Pennsylvania grand canyonjat uticelnak ami ugyan kisebbnek bizonyult az eredetinel, de azert igy is nagyon szep volt.
mivel a kanyonban van egy 100 km-es bringaut, ugy voltunk hogy akkor mar bringazzunknis egyet, megha az egeszet eselytelen egy nap alatt megcsinalni, de menjunk amit tudunk. gyorsan szervaltunk egy csomagtartora szerelheto bringatartot a marketplace-rol 15 dodoert (tenyleg gyorsan, az otlettol szamolva 1 oran belul kezben volt a cucc) talaltunk olcson klassz szallast, igy semmi nem allt mar az utunkba.
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a kanyon, eredeti neven pine creek gorge, legkozelebbi vege 3 orara van otthontol, de a szallast kb a kozepenel talaltuk es amugy is szeretunk autopalya helyett kisebb forgalmu utakon, varosokon, falvakon keresztul autozni igy egy kicsit tovabb tartott. amugy az appalachia hegyseg nagyon szep, nem olyan gigantikus mint a rockies, de nagyon kis kedves, kb olyan volt keresztul autozni mintha a matran vagtunk volna keresztul, csak ez esetben a matra miskolctol gyorig huzodik.
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mielott bringazni kezdtunk volna megegneztunk egy kilatopontot a patak nyugati oldalan ahonnan szep kilatas nyilt az egesz kanyonra.
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nagyon tetszett, hogy magara a trailre nem igazan lehetett ramenni autoval, az egyik fele a bringasoknak volt fenntartva, a masik a gyalogosoknak es lovasoknak. ugyan nem aszfalt volt hanem ledongolt fold amitol kicsit feltem a varosi bringammal, de nem volt semmi gond mivel az autok nem tettek tonkre, a lovak sem szartak ossze, gond nelkul lehetett keskeny gumival is gurulni. maga a patak es a kanyon nagyon szep a foletornyosulo ormokkal es erdokkel, par kilometerenkent voltak pihenok padokkal es bringatarokkal, de lattunk szerelopontot is es par helyet ahol satorozni is lehetett kiepitett tuzrakohelyekkel es kemping asztalokkal, ezekhez el lehetett jutni autoval de nem a bringauton keresztul.
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vegul oda-vissza 45km lett a tura, el is faradtunk mindketten rendesen, azert regebben ennel jobban birtuk, de teny hogy miota amerikaban vagyunk mar egyikunk se bringazik naponta, iowaban nem volt hova, pittsburghben meg a hegyek es a forgalom miatt altalaban csak hetvegenkent teszunk egy-egy kort.
meg gyorsan megneztuk a kanyont a keleti oldalrol is, onnan is nagyon szep, foleg az ott vitorlazo pulykakeselyukkel (turkey vulture).
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gyorsan a szallas fele vettuk az iranyt mert mar rankfert egy zuhany vacsi elott, kb haromezer bogarka volt rankragadva. a szoba amit kivettunk nagyon szep helyen van, kicsit feljebb a patak mellett, tobb kisebb nagyobb ronkhazat adnak ki van aminel az egesz hazat ki lehet venni hot tubbal, de szerencsere volt egy nagy haz kisebb szobakkal is, de azokhoz is van terasz, hintaszekkel es kakas formaju legycsapoval.
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aznapra mar csak a vacsora volt hatra, szerencsere talaltunk egy nagyon klassz helyet, clam chowder-el lenyugtattuk a korgo gyomrunkat amig vartunk a mahi-mahi burgerre chow-meinnel es egy negyed fontos angus burgerre rantott savanyu uborkaval. a hazi chips es a szinten hazi buzasoruk csak hab volt a tortan, megelegedetten terhettunk nyugovora.
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ugy voltunk vele, ha mar eljovunk idaig, itt van kozel (2 es fel ora) bufallo es a niagara. ugyan ez utobbit mar lattuk mikor zsuzso osztondijon volt torontoban, de csak a kanadai oldalrol, ugyhogy ugy voltunk vele, hogy miert ne.
mielott indultunk volna meg betertunk egy helyi reggelizobe, ahol zsuzso egy tojasos-baconos-sajtos fahejas bagelt evett, en pedig egy tojasos-kolbaszos-sajtos szendvicset ami kenyer helyett szirupos palacsintaban volt (nem tudom van-e ott a mekiben mcgriddle szendvics, ha van, ez olyan volt csak kb 10x jobb). amellett hogy borzaszto jo volt minden, magalapitottuk, hogy amiota elhagytuk pittsburghot csak es kizarolag kedves es segitokesz emberekkel talalkoztunk, ugyhogy majd meg visszaterunk.
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a kiados reggeli utan, irany a niagara ahol vegre a masik oldalrol is megcsodalhattuk a vilag egyik leghiresebb vizeseset. azt kell mondjuk igazuk van azoknak aki azt mondjak a kanadai oldarol szebb a kilatas, de igy is megerte, foleg hogy nalunk voltak a bringak, amikkel korbe tudtuk tekerni az egesz szigetet es csinaltunk csillio kepet a vizesesekrol kb az osszes lehetseges szogbol.
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indulas elott meg talaltunk egy olasz pekseget ahol nagyon klassz dolgok voltak, egy szelet pizza es egy sfogliatelle mellett dontottunk, mindketto igen kivalo volt, kar hogy ilyen nincs pittsburghben.
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nem maradt mas mint faradtan hazafele indulni, jo sokaig a lake erie mellett vitt az utunk amin szinten nagyon szep videk, el is hataroztuk hogy oda is visszaterunk meg.
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 10 months
I get why everyone thinks Haz is s.o.l. and that these press leaks are all lies from him or Megs, but there’s another BRF life that isn’t about being in the tabloids. We think only in terms of C&C or W&K or train wreck Andrew and Haz. But there’s a whole aristo pool that still matters despite Chas slim down plan bc if the working royals try and erase all that, they lose their value too. Basically, they can’t kick everyone out of the club wholesale. And that’s to Haz’s advantage. Srsly, he needs a dumb not avaricious sexpot wife who’s a sole heir to something somewhere. That and he can live quite well behind the scenes in Africa or in the hidden nooks and crannies of posh UK life. Haz equates respect with being famous (which is how Megs got her hooks into him) but if someone could convince him that those two things aren’t inextricably linked … the BRF would help him get there, only of course if he comes sans-Megs.
They can’t have him around, even in the periphery. First, he can’t be trusted. Second, he won’t be satisfied because he thinks he deserves center stage. It would never work.
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newlifeprojects · 1 month
ma egy veletlen folytan feny derult arra a rejtrlyre, amit azt gondoltam, hogy mar orok homaly fog fedni.
a lepcsohazi ajtoszomszedunk (!!!) talalta meg a kutyat azon az ominozus delutanon, ahol megfogadtam, hogy a kurvaanyjat soha tobbe nem engedem el a mezon, mert annal sokkal tobb idom es penzem van benne, hogy csak ugy hagyjam kinyuvadni valami arok menten, miutan telibe verte egy kocsi, vagy felnyarsalta egy vasrud. kiderult, hogy alig fel oraval a vilagga rohanasa utan mar itt kalezolt a haz elotti parkoloban, ok meg osszeszedtek, de balszerencsejere a biletajan a telefonszama van, aki akkor eppen dolgozott, igy nem volt nala a telefonja. a biztonsag kedveert tettek par kort meg a haz korul is kocsival, hatha eszreveszik azt, aki keresi, mikozben en meg a padon vartam a masik oldalon, meg korbejartam az osszes szantast, szolot es mezot fel es ala, hatha valahol felbukkan. ezutan a sikertelen kiserlet utan mentek fel a kastelyhoz a rendororsre, es adtak le ezt a szutykot, majd vitte haza magaval zarora utan az ugyeletes rendor sankt georgenbe.
szoval megiscsak hazajott ugy, hogy engem okosan kikerult, nehogy lebaszast kapjon, amiert elrohant...
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the-empress-7 · 3 months
Haz and Andy are wayyyy too similar for my liking. Both disgruntled spares, both fought for their children to have titles when they don't need them, both married attention seekers, and both have brought insurmountable shame to the family. And Andy just so happens to be his godfather. Yikes.
And just like Fergie, Megs is never going to go away.
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redundant2 · 1 year
OK. I'm seeing the chess moves now.
In regards to the Invisible Children getting titles and having them posted on the Royal Family website, King Charles has accomplished two things:
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He's letting the Harkles have their (small) moment and letting Nutmeg parade about with her Duper's Delight grin because he won't stop grey rocking them long enough to battle out interpretations of the 1917 Letters Patent. Retroactive or not, doesn't matter. Megsy would put out PR claiming the titles one way or another. This means she's getting close to her last-resort chess move - merching the invisible kids.
But why on earth would Charles roll over and immediately change the kids' title on the official website? It looks so WEAK
But wait.
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2. Lady C said today there is more going on the scenes and something big (hinting at moonbumps and the actual day the above pictures were taken.) Whether she knows anything or not remains to be seen, but the big question is DID THE ROYAL FAMILY KNOW? Did they have their suspicions? Did they find out that things weren't kosher at Arkie's birth, yet not say a word to the public?
It could be a terrible turn of events for the royal family if it comes out in the public sphere that the Harkles used surrogates and that their children were NOT "born of the body" of Megsy. Without plausible deniability, it could cost King Charles dearly.
Now do you see it? By acquiesing to the Harkles wish to have their unseen kids called Prince and Princess and BY POSTING IT ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE, King Charles now does indeed have plausible deniability of prior knowledge or suspicion of Harkle shenanigans in the Line of Succession.
"My word! We truly believed these children were legitimate and came out of Meg's body in under an hour and that the magic epidural from Haz's book truly allowed her to be home 2 hours after the birth! We trusted them and even posted it on our website. Good heavens! The whole royal family was fooled just like the public was!"
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Let her think she's won this round by giving her what she thinks she really wants. Let her gloat and papwalk and think she's come out on top. Let her drop her guard, while behind the scenes moves are being made to reveal the truth about the circumstances of her alleged children's births.
Remember how Tom Bower called Invisibet "Harry's daughter" in his book? Yeah, that.
If true? Well played, Your Majesty.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
The sugars and their exhausting mental gymnastics by u/Hermes_Blanket
The sugars and their exhausting mental gymnastics Lots of sugars on X and elsewhere today tweeting frantically that there is no way that anyone could possibly have taken the "Wrong number, Harry!" in Rishi Sunak's Christmas video as intended to mean Prince Harry. Only Harry Cole could have been intended! Lalalalalala! (fingers firmly stuck in ears).Then why didn't Rishi use Harry Cole's last name? He could have made it completely unambiguous by saying, "Wrong number, Mr. Cole!" But he didn't, and that was because he knew everyone would think of Prince Harry. Especially non-Brits, of whom the vast majority have no idea who Harry Cole is.The other thing they have begun doing lately is post everywhere that the reason Haz and Megs are mentioned in social media so often is that "everyone" is "obsessed with their every move", because they are such world-famous figures. No, dear sugars, that is not why they are mentioned so often. They are mentioned so often because people everywhere are laughing at them. And deep down in your sweet little hearts, even you know this to be the truth. post link: https://ift.tt/TEQ26nU author: Hermes_Blanket submitted: December 27, 2023 at 12:11AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Snare plan
From Quora
12 April 2023
How do you to move on and up from a Toronto chef to a Kensington Palace prince?
Sobbing from left eye, prostrate on the floor “ I’ ll leave you if you don’t immediately tell the world I’m your girlfriend.” So despite his fear and loathing of the media, he chose the path of publicity. Over abandonment by a man- eater.
World wide opinion is growing that Meghan organised her OWN online harassment club to pressure Harry to cave into her engagement plans.
Here’s how the plan goes… April 25 2015 Meghan meets Harry at the opening of Soho House Istanbul. Meghan admits she “did her homework and scoured Harry’s Instagram feed. “
Meghan 35 says in Vanity Fair she met 32 year old Harry in 2016 and was secretly dating for about 6 months, (about April 2016 ) after chatting on Instagram.
October 28th 2016 news breaks about the “ secret” relationship.
The next day, the pair publicly celebrates on October 29th 2016 when she and Harry attend Soho House Toronto Halloween Apocalypse themed party with Eugenie and Jack.
Someone “leaks” info and photos to the press.
Such a narrow window through which to manoeuvre and organise Harry , but just one week later, he issues a public statement Nov 8th 2016 about Meghan, his new American “actress” girlfriend and media intrusion. Using his Kensington Palace Press Release he complains about nightly legal battles to keep stories out of papers.
A quote “ It is not right that a few months into a relationship with him that” etc. and so on. A FEW Months???
( The UK Sun Wednesday 2 November has a front page busty photo of Meghan in her red low cleavage Deal Or No Deal dress, titled Princess Pushy. Nothing racist, just sexy photos.)
So, from October 28 to November 7, barely a week, how is such a media storm raised without prior assistance? ( Reminiscent of Megs lowering the limo windows at HMTQs Jubilee to wave ‘look at me ‘ to the media.)
December 2016 they publicly shop together for a Christmas tree at London’ s Pines and Needles store, and a few days later attend a play in London’s West End.
Meghan goes to Toronto Invictus Games with Markus Anderson and then attends wheelchair tennis with Harry 25 September 2017 happily waving to the media.
Magically , the engagement is announced on 27 Nov 2017 along with an announcement that 6 months later there would be a Windsor wedding on 19 May 2018 .
So her first consideration was how long does it take to land a big fish after he took the first risky bite, and how to fast -track the process.
Totally proficient with manipulating her own on -line Tig fan club, she sets up her own remote shark tank of anti-Megs orientated trolls. They help back in her plan of getting young Haz rage up every time he reads a critical comment about his “movie star “girlfriend. What a crisis for struggling Harry.
It has been revealed Achewell Foundation contributes to these on -line social media groups today, with the hope of influencing more accolades, tributes and awards for the pair.
Meanwhile 2023 , the world has grown bored with, and tired of watching when the reptiles will engorge on the other and who will be left
Love it!  Thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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houseofbrat · 11 months
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I know people in Monticeto and the rumors aren't true. They still live together and are apparently getting along They had a rough patch over the coronation. But they are not living apart or any of that nonsense. They don't let people see their home, they receive friends at a local hotel. .
The Harkles know plenty of people. Yes they aren't in with the top A listers (who are only a few dozen people in Montecito, most of whom don't even live there as their main residence). Pretty much everyone else local has kissed their asses and made them welcome. There are a couple Netflix big wigs in the area who regularly entertain them. Oprah recently loaned them her Maui home for a little jaunt. I wouldn't worry about their social life. It isn't what she wants, but most people would envy it. I don't live in Monticeto my cousin does. As I have said before my cuz has children at the same school as Archie (not the same grade, class or teacher). I know through her that they live in the community, are together, and participate in the community. Regular people like my cousin (married to a wealthy tech guy) don't hate her. She was so excited she nearly pissed her pants the first time she got to meet Haz. There are billions of people out there. Most are neither saints nor sinners, just people living their lives who don't strongly hate or love meg. And most of them get excited over any kind of celebrity. Of course, that's not who Megs wants as friends. But just because they aren't the leaders of the cool crowd, that doesn't mean they are frozen out and no one has anything to do with them.
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