samcybercat · 6 years
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The wonderfully skilled and all-around great person, @brickerbeetle, was kind enough to let me share this commission I got from them of Makoto and my OC, Chiyo, from my SouMako zombie AU series, Trail Mix. I just adore everything about it, this is deffo how they look in the fic now. Thanks a million, Bricc!
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bringmemyqueen · 6 years
marvel-n-stuff replied to your post “The Cringe Wave tagged by @heresmellslikecanon aaahhh thanks for...”
Both are so goooooooood ♡♡♡
brickerbeetle replied to your post “The Cringe Wave tagged by @heresmellslikecanon aaahhh thanks for...”
you've come so far!! ;A; im so proud of u and both soumakos! <3
salviohexiia replied to your post “The Cringe Wave tagged by @heresmellslikecanon aaahhh thanks for...”
your progress is amazing!!! i've always loved your art and now even more so ����
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sunkenscruffycat · 7 years
ahh shit i just realized i needed to specify a number ;; mmMM 4-8?
Sounds good to me. :>SouKisuMako:How do date nights look like?If it’s down to Sousuke, then they’re pretty chill. Just hanging out together in the living room, watching shit on Netflix and ordering take-out food works well for him. If it’s down to Kisumi, then they’re needlessly fancy. Kisumi has to check out every new restaurant that opens in town, which he claims is for market research for his estate agent job, but is actually just because he’s both nosy and likes to treat his boys out to a good meal. Makoto is content to go along with either of the other two, but to the point that it’s annoying. Sousuke and Kisumi are both constantly like “But what do you want to do???” and Makoto’s always “I’m happy with just whatever :)”. Completely insufferable.Do any members get jealous? How do they act when they do?Makoto is the most jealous one. Prone to pettiness, especially since he knows no one expects it from him. Will dislike someone before he gets to know them and claims he “got a bad vibe from them” just because they dated Kisumi like five years ago or something (re: Chiyo). But once he’s settled and content in a relationship, Makoto will calm down considerably and see he’s got nothing to worry about.Sousuke can get pretty jealous as well, but he tends to keep it to himself more than Makoto does. Silent, judging stares are more his thing.Kisumi doesn’t have a jealousy button or even understands how jealousy works. I see Kisumi and Haru as being the most poly of the Free! boys, so Kisumi tends to be free with his affections and doesn’t understand that his casual flirting with everyone causes Makoto and Sousuke a lot of stress. He tries harder to understand once they talk him through it, but he still never gets it. They all work hard though, both SouMako with their jealous streaks and Kisumi with being too free with his affections, until they reach a happy middle ground.Who asked who out? How was the first date(s)?Makoto asked both Sousuke and Kisumi out. He’d been torn between them for a while and one day just blurted out that he likes them both and things went from there. Sousuke and Kisumi had a history of casually dating each other before that, so they were more familiar with one another. The first date the three of them shared was kind of awkward for both Sousuke and Makoto, like oh god are people judging us???? But as soon as the three of them got back to one of their apartments and were free to just be themselves they had a better night.Who brings home stray pets and convinces the others to keep them? MAKOTO OF COURSE. If it’s a dog, Sousuke will instantly agree to keeping it. Anything else he’ll be like “Well, if it makes you happy”. Kisumi has to be the voice of reason and ask them if they’re truly ready and prepared to have a pet, including if their schedules can work with one. It’s not easy looking into Makoto’s eyes and saying this about every cat he brings home, but someone has to do it.Who are the reckless ones that make Bad Decisions? Who are the sensible ones who follow after them to make sure they don’t die?Kisumi and Makoto are both the reckless thrill-seekers. Sousuke thought he’d have an easy time with these two. He was wrong. Sousuke is the one who follows them around with a med kit and an arsenal of quotes that your mum would come out with in regards to reckless behaviour. Sometimes he can be no fun.
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radiodread · 7 years
"hands" :O
When Haruka wakes one night, covered in sweat and heavilybreathing, his first instinct when Kisumi tries to calm him down is to fight.He swats away Kisumi’s hands from himself, kicks himself away as far as he can,and ends up falling down from the bed onto the floor.
“Shit,” Kisumi whispers loudly. “Haru… are you okay?”
Haruka takes a few seconds to reassess the situation, tocalm down. He sighs, looking up at Kisumi. “Yeah. Sorry, Kisumi.”
Kisumi shakes his head. “It’s fine, I promise. This… tends tohappen to a lot of people.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s okay,”Haruka says before he gets up from the floor to crawl in under the coversagain. “I’m tired of this.” 
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ereans · 7 years
rinharu or kisuharu space AU? ;3;
I ... I ended up .... wanting both.
- TechNerd!Haruka again, because I can, and because I think you enjoyed that.
- So he gets hired for a voyage newbies-KisuRin are assigned to. They’re best friends with similar dreams; Rin to be involved with or running a voyage for research on the kind of phenomena that resulted in the disappearance/death of his father, and Kisumi to take after his mother by captaining voyages of his own, wherever his heart takes him.
- When they first meet Haruka, Rin’s appalled and Kisumi’s intrigued by his scruffy state of dress and clear lack of respect for superiors. They have a split second to wonder how the hell this guy got hired before they learn that the system they’ve gotta learn how to operate? Yeah, hand-designed by him. Maybe he’s not too shabby after all.
- Slowly but surely, the two of them start to become suspicious of the intentions behind the voyage they’re on. They’re supposed to be researching, but the captain seems like more of a figurehead than anything, and those supporting him seem more than a little sketchy. Cue them both enlisting Haruka for help on figuring out exactly what’s going on; at first he’s hesitant, but when he realizes there’s a chance his own system, his baby, is likely being used for something he doesn’t approve of? Doesn’t result in a happy Haru.
- Haruka kisses Kisumi first, probably just because he won’t stop fucking talking and it was the first thing he thought of that would do the trick. Kisumi is successfully stunned into silence for a handful of minutes, which is handy because they’re in the middle of snooping on a private meeting. Though it leaves Haruka to do all the work setting up the bug; Rin’s left with doing most of the listening hidden away in a room on the other side of the ship since Kisumi’s down for the count. (Although he does spend a good twenty seconds or so wondering what’s got Kisumi so quiet all of a sudden.) When he kisses Rin, it’s in front of Kisumi, on purpose. Neither of them have any idea how to react until Haruka looks at them both, meaningfully, and then it clicks. Rin gets his private kiss later on, after giving Haruka his life story or something else as ridiculously romantic as that.
(- Imagining best friends!KisuRin being thrown into a threesome with the guy they’re both enamored with is fucking hilarious please imagine it with me. I bet Haru likes to watch them make out, because. Pretty.
- Basically this story is military-ish (??) KisuRin teaming up with badass techie Haruka on a mission to take down an evil space voyage. It is full of tropes and I am trash. You can fill in all the dramatic parts, I assume~ 
- “Am I making the right decision by turning on the leading team behind this mission” discourse going on inside Rin’s head. Because he’s waited his whole life for this, hello. Exploding at one point, Kisumi and Haru talking him down.
- At one point Haruka programs the ship to respond to certain commands, but only to his voice. This comes handy in battle scenes---Haru’s alright with hand-to-hand combat, but he likes giving his software commands and watching it take out guys for him. Also, it’s kickass. Meanwhile Kisumi’s darting all over the place, tricking foes into taking each other out, and Rin’s probably got four damn guns out at the same time because he’ll go to an early grave before he does anything halfway.
- Did I mention Kisumi and Rin in uniform. whistles
- Also please imagine them in future voyages together after this mess, all domestic and shit. Rin bugging Haru to fix whatever bug is currently bothering him. The bugs are on purpose. Kisumi helping Haru make the bugs, then turning against him when Rin wants revenge. Space OT3 idiots in general.
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jubesy · 7 years
♧ + sourin?
Ah, SouRin~ Thank you!! ♥
♧:One character playing with the other’s hair
On a bright and sunny afternoon, it was rose-colored and unbelievably vibrant. When it was soaking wet from the pool, it took on more of a merlot-colored hue. Fresh from the shower, only slightly damp, it appeared scarlet. But, in the low light of their shared bedroom, the strands looked crimson as they slid through Sousuke’s fingers.
He was seated on their bed, Rin’s head pillowed in his lap, his husband’s eyes closed as he snoozed. Well, Sousuke thought he was sleeping. Still, he wasn’t startled when Rin spoke.
“Sou, what are you doing?” he asked, dark mahogany lashes fluttering as he opened his eyes to look up at Sousuke, only the tiniest crease in his brow.
Despite aging over the years, neither had matured much and, because of this, Sousuke just smirked, answering with his own question. “What does it feel like I’m doing?” he replied, continuing to comb his fingers through Rin’s crimson locks.
Rin slipped his eyes closed, breathing out harshly through his nose, his brow furrowing. “It feels like you’re playing with my hair.”
“How observant, you are,” Sousuke teased, toying with the strands before sliding both hands into his hair.
“You’d better not try and braid it again,” Rin warned sharply, his eyes still closed.
“Rin…that was one time.”
“I don’t care,” he snapped.
“We were six-”
“Sousuke.” His tone was serious and Sousuke bit back a chuckle.
“Yes, Dear,” he purred and then moved to massage Rin’s scalp, rubbing his fingers in soothing circles. “This okay?”
Rin sighed contentedly, wriggling his shoulders to get into a more comfortable position.
Ah, thanks for the ask! I meant to make this super short, but…at least I didn’t go too far~ Also, this turned into the “How many synonyms can I use for red” drabble.
Thanks again!Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy Asks
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soumako w/ a different sport AU :D
“Are you alright?” Makoto’s brow knitted in concern as he eyed Sousuke’s swelling ankle, regretting his earlier aggression (his head was abnormally clouded today with finals coming up and friend drama escalating, not to mention the twins needed to be watched this evening and he needed to study).
“I was being careless and reckless and is that blood? I’m so so-”“Hey,” Sousuke grabs his wrist and their eyes meet for a moment. Sousuke’s blue irises are wide with concern for the stranger, “It’s fine. ” This was soccer, players get hurt all the time, so why was this boy looking so guilty over a sprained ankle? “Are you?” He asks quietly, conscious of the medics not too far off. He doesn’t want them to overhear if the shaking green eyed defender suddenly starts crying.
((Totally more than three sentences but it just kind of ended up that way ))
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sierrasuke · 7 years
brickerbeetle replied to your post “this has 0 to do with free but i’m too much of a weenie to try raw egg...”
i am a coward as well..... raw eggs, man....... if they're not in cookie dough, im afraid to have them anywhere near my mouth
SAME yet my hungry ass keeps watching recipe vids...its torture 
side note: sousuke eats 2 dozen raw eggs a day to get laaaarge
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delusionalkiing · 8 years
makorin ;D
Who said “I love you” first:  Rin, definitely. He’s the bigger sap, after all.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background:  THEY BOTH DO.  It surprises absolutely no one except each other and then they get all flustered and embarrassed by it.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror:  I think Rin would?? He wakes up earlier, after all, so he leaves little gross hearts and ILUs in the fog for Makoto to see later when he showers.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts:  They both do.  Rin buys Makoto dorky tourist stuff from Sydney and then from places he visits for competitions.  Makoto buys Rin stuff from Tokyo and then usually whatever little thing reminds him of Rin.
Who initiated the first kiss:  I like the idea that Rin has this elaborate plan for their first kiss and Makoto’s ruins it by giving him a quick smooch after joint practice or something LMAO
Who kisses the other awake in the morning:  Rin lmao he’ll come back from his morning jog and shower and then kiss Makoto’s face all over to get him to wake up.  He has to be careful though or Makoto will drag him back into bed for cuddles.
Who starts tickle fights:  Makoto!  Look his siblings are much younger than him okay he’s the master at tickle fights.  It usually happens while they’re goofing off playing video games or something.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower:  Makoto, if he manages to get up in time!  If it’s an after work shower, it can be either one of them, tbh.  It’s cramped and they end up taking forever because they keep smooching but they love it.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch:  If Makoto has a day off from coaching or something, he’ll usually stop by Haru’s restaurant to pick up some food for Rin.  Haru’s gotten so used to it, he always has food ready on the day’s Makoto’s off work.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date:  They both were but I think Rin might have been more!  He’d probably try to come up with a plan and worry about things going wrong.
Who kills/takes out the spiders:  RIN BECAUSE MAKOTO CRIES OTHERWISE.  (I always remember the end card where he can’t even hook a worm and Haru has to do it for him… what a good soul)
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk:  Definitely Rin because I HC him as a lightweight so poor tipsy Makoto has to try to get drunk Rin from shouting his love to the world lmao
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whisperingsofsaints · 8 years
soumako + roommate AU? :D
“Um, Sousuke? Are you okay?”
Makoto had come back to the apartment from work, his 8-hour shift leaving him exhausted and ready to sleep for the next 10 hours. Instead of heading straight for his room, Makoto stopped in the doorway, confused, and a little worried. 
Right near the entrance of the apartment, Sousuke was sitting on the floor with a partially empty coffee pot in his hand, a metal mixing bowl on top of his head, and papers strewn all over the place.
Sousuke looked up at Makoto, eyes bleary, “I have a mid-term tomorrow and forgot to study.”
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samcybercat · 6 years
Title: Unreasonably Hot Rating: T Genre: Romance Series: Free! Relationship(s): Makoto/Rin Character(s): Rin, Makoto Spoilers: None Summary: Rin and Makoto leave a bar together. At least one of them is consumed with UST. Notes: A short MakoRin drabble for @brickerbeetle, as a thank you for donating to my kofi!
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
sousuke with A1? :'D
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he got caught staring (´꒳`)
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sunkenscruffycat · 7 years
kisumako ;D
oh my gosh thank youuu…!
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter Okay, so I usually default to having Makoto as the werewolf whenever it’s an option, but hear me out on this - werewolf Kisumi. Fluffy, white wolf with a pink sheen to his fur. Probably a pretty damn rare and valuable wolf. The kind that rumours get started about and who attracts hunters. Makoto being the hunter a given, but throw in hunter Sousuke as well for an OT3.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fishermanThis one works either way very well, but I do like the idea of Kisumi being a fisherman who specifically seeks out merfolk to study or whatever and orca merman Makoto being a bit more than he bargains for.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiarOkay, so I’m a bit biased from that Free! witch fic I wrote ages ago, but I’m kind of stuck on Makoto being a witch and Kisumi being a genie. But even in a non-genie setting, I think Kisumi would make a great familiar. Probably fox-themed, because that’s a go-to for Kisumi, but basically hangs around Makoto, casually draped off him, and helps make his magic extra sparkly.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addictMAKOTO IS ALWAYS THE COFFEE ADDICT. I think a lot of fandom generally agrees on that? Kisumi is the barista who lowkey infuriates him, because Kisumi insists on making all the fanciest, bubbliest, artsy drinks ever and Makoto just wants a black coffee. Is that so hard? And yet Makoto could go to literally any other coffee shop to get his plain black coffee, but he keeps coming to this one where Kisumi works, doesn’t he?
who’s the professor and who’s the TALet’s switch it up from the expectation here and have Kisumi as the professor. He’s the head lecturer for a university fashion degree and Makoto is his ever-faithful assistant, who also happens to model all of his creations. The students all love Professor Shigino’s classes, which has as much to do with Makoto as it does with Kisumi himself.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)Okay, gonna break the rules a bit for this one - Makoto is the prince, Haru is the wanderer who somehow gets roped into becoming a knight and Kisumi is the meddlesome genie/spirit who’s loyal to Haru. Both Kisumi and, surprisingly, Haru are prone to matchmaking each other with Makoto. How the ships work out is up to you.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parentI’m always going to have Makoto as the teacher, because it just feels right. Let’s pretend this is a situation where Kisumi’s parents are out of the picture for whatever reason, leaving Kisumi to act as a guardian for Hayato. Kisumi quickly notices that Hayato performs well in classes taught by Makoto and wants to thank Hayato’s teacher for helping him so much. But oh my, he wasn’t expecting Mr. Tachibana to be such an attractive, single man and it’s far too late for Kisumi to abort the parents evening. Help him.
who’s the writer and who’s the editorBreaking the rules again, Hayato is the young prodigy writer who both Kisumi and Makoto (the two of them established as a couple in this AU) are tasked with being the editors of to make sure Hayato doesn’t get too overwhelmed by the industry expectations of being a writer at his young age.
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radiodread · 7 years
20, 30, and 31 for the writer ask :>
20: What book would you love to see adapted for the big or small screen? - Can I just say fanfic instead because I honestly can’t remember the last time I read a book??? In that case I would LOVE to see @iskabee‘s “lullaby” on the big screen. DUDE. I would cry my heart out again. Kyoani get on this.
30: Does writing calm you down or stress you out? - In general it calms me down. In the past I’ve been too harsh on myself, set deadlines when I didn’t have to, put way too much effort into writing (like research) etc., so that kinda made me feel stressed instead.
31: What trope do you actually like? - Fave trope is definitely “friends to lovers”, or even “enemies to friends to lovers”. I really love both writing and reading those.
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ereans · 7 years
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@brickerbeetle clearly tumblr can't decide if it wants you to follow me or not 😂😂😂
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jubesy · 7 years
Emimike + police AU? :D
Omigosh, yes! Thank you! ♥
Michele was in no mood to meet his new partner, considering he and Sara had worked together flawlessly for years, he couldn’t figure out why he was getting reassigned to be with some damn rookie out of nowhere.
“Officer Crispino,” the chief greeted as Michele walked into his office, not bothering to hide his scowl, “This is your new partner, Emil Nekola.”
The man standing across from the chief turned around to face him, flashing Michele the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen before offering a cheery ‘Hello,’ and, try as he might, Michele couldn’t ignore the way his stomach gave a little flip as he took in the tall, handsome man he was going to have to share his patrol with for the next eight hours…and the rest of his schedule from then on.
(”Damn it.”)
This three sentence thing is hard! (That last one doesn’t count!) Plus, I’m cheating by making them all run-on sentences, haha. Thanks again!Three-sentence Fic Ask
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