#bridgeton au
kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
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Dearest reader, It has come to this author's attention that the Silva family seems to be rather enjoying themselves this season... even though some choices are questionable and may become the centre of gossip. Foreign princess, a peasant with a sharp tongue, frail daughter of a Great House and a boy from nowhere... Will they prevail, or will the obstacles be greater?
Rosette belongs to @vilandel 💕
All of these were referenced from Kanthony scenes from the second Bridgeton season.
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lawonderlandwriter · 9 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Olenna Tyrell, Cersei Lannister Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Era, Alternate Universe - Bridgerton (TV) Fusion, Daenerys as Daphne, Jon as Simon, NO rape or no-con, Eventual Smut, slowish burn, depends on how long it takes me to write it really, age history and relationship changes for my own convenience, Don't Like Don't Read, Aunt/Nephew Incest, Targaryen incest is still a thing and totally acceptable, copy pasta the Bridgerton script in places, if that's not your thing you don't have to read Summary:
After Daenerys's eldest brother Rhaegar all but ruins her prospects on the marriage market with his constant meddling, her newly minted Duke of Winterfell nephew steps in with an intriguing proposal. All Dany has to do is... not fall head over heels in love with him. And all Jon has to do is the same. Pity for them both things do not go according to plan.
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xoxosimp · 7 months
the urge to write a Bridgeton AU with General! Dick Grayson and Spinster! Reader ... The urge is indeed very strong
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shiningstar-byulxx · 1 year
Second Choice No More
Kim Gyuvin X Female Reader ft Shen Ricky / Shen Quanrui
Genre - Angst / Royal au / Bridgeton au
Requested - No
Word Count - 797
Synopsis - Y/n had enough of being the second option. She changed but Gyuvin cannot accept the new situation that has occurred. Y/n decides her own path and fate with or without Gyuvin.
Mobile Masterlist Website Masterlist
Disclaimer - Please do note that this is work of fiction, and it does not reflect on the members personalities or how they are in real life.
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑖𝑚'𝑠 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒
Two people can be heard from the young duke's study room, many maids were curious but knew not to over step the boundaries of the young duke and the lady conversation and went off to do their duties.
Y/n whose looking at Gyuvin who is looking out from his window and sighed then said with frustration emitted from her voice "Gyuvin, you cannot decide when you want to love me..."
Tears began to appear glistening from her shining eyes, but Y/n continued as she was replied with silence "You had all these years, and now I am tired of waiting for you... You could have escorted me to the ball, but you had refused my invitation and came with another!"
Letting out a breath and softly said "You cannot act like you love me now!..."
She sniffles "I have already decided to take the Crown Prince Ricky's hand in marriage, my parents has already approved of the marriage so does the majesties... the invitations of our wedding will be sent out soon and preparation has already begun."
With that Y/n stood up from the sofa and turns away from Gyuvin walking towards the door, but as she reaches for the door, Gyuivin grabs her wrist to stop her from leaving, but Y/n continues to look ahead refusing to look at Gyuvin.
Gyuvin who speaks with despair underlying in his voice "Y/n please rethink about it... about us! You know how much you mean to me!" But with a cold voice piercing through Gyuvin's ears Y/n replies, "Sorry does not work anymore Gyuvin, you have already made your choice and it was not me..." Y/n's voice breaks but continues "it was never me who is going to be your first choice... I cannot keep being your second choice when you were my first..."
Y/n turned around in which Gyuvin is faced with a tear-stained appearance from Y/n and she looked into his eyes and said "I am not going to be an option or a last-minute solution to your problems anymore... and frankly I believe I deserve worthy of love and Crown Prince Ricky has shown me his sincerity and love towards me..."
Y/n let out a breath "I fell in love with a man who truly cherishes me and loves me for the way I am. I am his first choice and his last love, and I tend to the same for him because I love him!"
Her eyes softens which showed Gyuvin she held deep love for her new lover.
Y/n takes her other hand and gently removes Gyuvin hand away from her wrist and said "Gyuvin, I am finally happy now so please do not make this any harder for me anymore" whilst giving him a weak smile and tears are flowing down her face.
Once again Y/n looks up towards Gyuvin with sincerity "Maybe in another life time, it could have been us but now let us be each other's first love who became strangers that were childhood friends".
This in turn made Y/n tears flow even more and Gyuvin tears rolls down his face.
Y/n quickly wipe her face with her handkerchief and proceeded to walk out through the doors of Gyuvin's studies to return home. But before leaving Y/n look back towards Gyuvin tear-stained face and curtsied whilst saying "It was a pleasure to meet you Young Duke Gyuvin" giving him a weak smile with glistening eyes.
Once again Y/n softly says, "goodbye Vinny" and walked out the door with Gyuvin's heart and love.
Gyuvin stood still with shock running through his body. He reminisces the late-night shenanigans they have been through, escaping from their studies and being each other's escorts to get their parents off their back about potential partners.
Remembering Y/n's smiling face whilst saying his name softly and lovingly in amides of the flower meadow where the escape from their strict classes.
Gyuvin just had realised that he really had lost his only love... He was too busy changing himself to fit his social circle with his friends that he forgot the person he was with since the beginning especially his first love, but now it is all in vain he lost his love who has already left him to be with someone who puts her first, unlike him who he had forgotten about her.
He always thought Y/n and him would always be with each other, but he never imagined she would ever leave him.
Hearing the trotting and plodding of the horses hooves and the carriage leaving the estate that is when he knew he has lost her.. he lost his first and last love... and it will be forever engrained in his mind for a long time, his tears cannot bring back his love.
Hello everyone, I hope you have enjoyed this imagine. I haven't written in a long time so I hope this was alright, sorry if its not perfect, but its practically imperfect to me haha. But let me know if I had made a mistake.
I actually wanted to make this a series of how it came to this scene, but I don't know if anyone will be interested in other parts of this story could lead to haha. I had this idea since a while before boys planet and I thought it would go nicely with the '04 line.
©shiningstar-byulxx; all my work is made by me, please don't copy, translate, repost and steal my work!
You're more than welcome to like, comment and reblog, Thank you! I hope everyone will have a lovely day!
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lumosinlove · 2 years
Beneath My Touch
Chapter Four
Leo/Logan/Finn Bridgerton AU
Read the rest on AO3
Logan waited in his small, secret library, facing out the window, until the door opened and Leo was guided through, along with the tea just behind him.
“Lord Knut, sir,” said the butler.
“Yes, thank you,” Logan said, then nodded at Maisie, who was carrying the tea. “Thank you.”
He and Logan watched each other as the servants set out the china and then left with a bow, shutting the door behind them. Logan took a step forward, letting out a breath. “Leo.”
Leo just looked at him for a long moment. He looked just as handsome as Logan remembered in his light gray summer suit, almost the same color as the streak in his hair.
“If people thought we were engaged after a dance, and then…after we ran into the gardens together…” Leo said quietly into the silence, then removed a copy of Whistledown from inside his jacket. “God knows what they think now.”
Logan didn’t know how to reply, and so he poured the tea.
“I must confess, I…” Leo removed his hat, held it nervously in his hands. “I don’t understand what has happened. I mean, I do understand, but…”
“I know,” Logan said. “I’m not sure I quite do, either. How do you take it?”
“Milk and one sugar.”
“I take three,” Logan said, then sent a glance up at him. “I’m not sure why I told you that.”
“It’s Finn, isn’t it?” Leo asked quietly. “The boy from the garden.”
Logan paused, hand poised with the milk pitcher, then cleared his throat and poured. He dropped one sugar into Leo’s cup, and three into his own. He gestured Leo to the sofa, slid the cup to poise in front of it, but didn’t sit himself. He didn’t think he could manage stillness just then.
“Yes,” Logan said, and rubbed at the back of his neck. “It is.”
Leo nodded faintly, then somewhat shakily lowered himself into the chair.
“That’s a lot of sugar,” Leo said.
“Yes,” Logan said again. “Leo, I…” Logan sank onto the sofa beside him. “God, I’m—I'm so sorry. You put all of yourself towards me last night and I let you. All while I knew—”
“It’s all right,” Leo said quietly.
“No, it isn’t. I…The truth is, no part of me set out to enjoy myself last night.”
Leo looked up from where he was messing with the handle of his cup. Just trying to keep his hands busy it seemed. “Well…all right.”
“No,” Logan sighed. “No, I—God, how do I say this. I wasn’t just—but I did. I was happy last night. You made me laugh, and you can’t imagine how far I was from anything of that sort just a few hours earlier. Finn and I, we’d been thinking that we could never—it doesn’t matter now. You did make me laugh, and you were unbearably kind. Even when…”
Logan could barely piece together the scene by the fountain. One second, his lips on Finn’s, I love you so, so much.Then the next, Leo had been there. 
Leo only smiled sadly. He took a sip of his tea, and then rose, smoothing his jacket. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t see you at the Starlight ball tonight.”
Logan stood, too, unsettled by the panic that brought to his chest. “Leo…”
“I think I’ll…” Leo wasn’t looking at him. “I’ll skip a few days of the Season. Go to the country.”
“But…” Logan couldn’t stand the thought that he had ruined it all for Leo. And he knew that Finn didn’t know Leo at all, but Logan knew Finn, and he thought Finn wouldn’t be able to stand it either. “The Starlight—it’s the beginning of the Season. It’s where people get talking, and where matches are made. All sorts. All sorts of matches.” What Logan even saying now, he didn’t know. he only knew he wanted Leo to stay, to not leave yet.
“A match for me is not a necessity,” Leo said. “And I’m afraid the original longing for one that I felt last night has…diminished.”
Logan put a hand to his own chest. “Leo.”
“Matches,” Leo said again, eyes back on Logan. Blue. So blue. He nodded, as if in realization. “A good match, I said last night, and you went so far away.”
Logan swallowed. “Yes. I know.”
“I hope Finn is yours,” Leo said. “Your match. And I hope you are his. I do know you make a good partner now, you know.” Another sad smile as he took a step towards the door. “Even if only in dance.”
“Leo…” Logan said, if only because he had no words to reply to Leo’s. He should stop saying his name, but it brought about this peaceful set to Leo’s mouth that Logan enjoyed. He took a step forward. “I’m sorry. For dragging you into this, for…”
“I saw you walk down that aisle to the Queen and I thought…” Leo smiled, realer this time, steeped in memory. “He is the most stunning thing. A little melancholy, maybe—and now I know why—but then you were kind, too, and sweet.”
Logan couldn’t deny the flush on his neck, or the disappointment he felt. Perhaps it was only that it would have been nice to have a friendly face, someone who knew what had happened. But that was wrong. That felt too sparse. Too superficial.
“I understand,” Logan forced himself to say. “But I…I do hope we meet again?”
“Of course,” Leo said, but Logan couldn’t tell if he meant it. He could only watch as Leo turned fully towards the door, striding across the room to take it by the handle—and pause. He stood there for a long moment, poised to leave. Logan watched his shoulders rise and fall, rise and fall, and then he turned—just a little. Just enough for Logan to catch a last glimpse of his profile.
“I’m sorry, too, Logan, but not because I met you. Only because I met you too late. And you didn’t drag me into anything,” Leo cracked the door. “I chose you. Remember?”
Every movement of the sun across the floor, every slight billow of the curtain by the window, turned into Finn’s potential arrival. Logan sat on the cushions by the window, a book open in his lap that he wasn’t reading. It was only that it was a favorite of Finn’s. He’d seen it in Finn’s hands, and he stared at the words as if, somehow, they would tell him what Finn was doing, and why he wasn’t coming to see him. He knew where Logan would be. Logan was never anywhere. His days were mindless things, and every time he wanted to do something about that, every time he wanted to change that, no one, not even his sisters, seemed to know what to say to him.
He had just surprised himself with the thought that Leo would know what to say to him, Leo who seemed to have every passion for life, when the door opened.
Logan’s head snapped up so fast that he knocked it on the wooden frame he was sitting against.
“Sorry, it’s just me,” Noelle said. “You are jumpy.”
“Can’t imagine why,” Logan said, and looked back down at the book.
Noelle came in and shut the door behind her, dress rustling, hair loose down her back. “The maids are saying that Knut was here.”
“The maids should mind their own business.”
“What did he want?”
“And so should you.”
Noelle sat on the cushion by his feet. “Logan. Come on.”
Logan sighed and closed the book, rubbing his palm over the worn cover.
“I know—” Noelle began carefully, and when he looked up at her, she was tracing the pattern on the window seat’s cushion. “Logan…I know that the idea of Finn being there at the ball tonight, requesting the dance through Whistledown no less, or I suppose I should say his alter-persona. I know that is exciting. But I implore you to think of what he offers you.”
“I love Finn, Noelle,” Logan said. “I love him entirely. That is what he offers me.”
“I love that you are happy,” Noelle said, but it was almost pleading, rather than pleased. “But what will you do, move into your bedroom together?” Noelle shook her head. “You think that he will be invited to the places we are invited? Logan, I’m not even sure some of our staff will agree to wait on him. It will be seen as a snub. He will be miserable in this world and I’m worried that then you will be, too.”
“Maybe I don’t want him in this world,” Logan said. “Maybe I want to find a world of our own.”
Noelle laughed, but not unkindly. “That sounds just grand when you say it like a poet, but that world of your own is not a little bubble of love, it’s a world you have never—no, Logan, don’t get up, look at me.”
Logan clutched the book to his chest and settled back against the cushions. He felt like a pouting child doing it.
Noelle put a hand on his knee. “Finn is…beneath your touch.”
Logan pushed her hand away. “You don’t even know him. You can’t say that, you can’t say he’s not good enough.”
“I don’t mean him, I mean the way he was raised. It’s not good enough for you not because it’s bad but because it will be hard for you to understand. It will be as hard for the people there to accept you as it would be for the people here to accept him. Finn’s is a world you have never stepped even a toe in. Even a little finger. You don’t know what it’s like to be without all of,” she gestured to the greater room. “This. You will have absolutely no idea how to conduct yourself in it.”
“I don’t know how to conduct myself in this world!” Logan said. “Noelle…” He made a frustrated noise and rubbed at his eyes, then looked out the window. He could see the gardeners below, smoothing the hedges, keeping up the summer blossoms. What did they go home to? He had seen the cottages of the tenants around the ground. No, they weren’t the Greencloake Manor he lived in, but they were beautiful nonetheless. Why did Noelle think it would be so bad? Because he would have to learn to boil his own eggs? Maybe he could learn that. Maybe he wanted to, if Finn would teach him. If he had Finn’s help.
“I’m asking…” Noelle said softly. “Did—did Leo Knut offer you something just now?”
Logan looked at her. “What, you mean his hand?” 
“Yes, Lo. I mean marriage, because you two—last night you two—”
“He saw me and Finn.”
Noelle sucked in a breath, her fingers digging into the cushion. “What does…what does that mean.”
“Finn, he was at the ball last night,” Logan said. “I saw him, waiting for me out the window and I found him in the gardens.”
“He shouldn’t have.”
“Let me speak,” Logan said, a bit more harshly than he had meant to, and he covered her hand with his own to try and make up for it. “Yesterday afternoon, Finn all but told me what you are telling me now. That we have no chance. That I must marry because that’s the world I was born into. The youngest child, with a fine inheritance, but nothing very promising other than that.”
“Oh, Lo, you are promising—”
“But he came to see me, and we told each other that we loved each other,” Logan didn’t know why he had dropped his voice to a whisper, but it felt suited to the words. Sacred.
“And he said nothing of Whistledown?” Noelle asked.
“He—he said that he might have something, a plan, that may allow us to be together.”
Noelle frowned. “How does…”
“Though it might not work.”
Noelle blinked. “He thinks—he thinks Whistledown raises his station, doesn’t he?”
Logan had been thinking on it. “I believe so.”
Noelle let out a scoff. “Logan. You’re a Lord.”
“He’s not a servant anymore.”
“So, he’s a writer? Where exactly does that place him in our society?”
“I don’t give a damn.”
“Logan. What kind of life will you two have?”
Logan stood, done with the conversation. “I am happy with him. That’s what kind of life we will have, and I am going to the ball tonight, and we will have our first dance, and it will be in the middle of a crowded room, and everyone is going to stare, and whisper, and gossip because that’s what they’re best at, but I will still be happy. Because I am in his arms, and he loves me, and that is more of a life than I have ever thought I could dream of.”
Logan didn’t wait for his sister’s response. He didn’t put the book down. He kept it close to his chest as he tore out of the room and slammed the door.
Finn wasn’t here. Logan kept close to his family—not exactly speaking to any of them—as the glimmering ballroom moved around him, but Finn wasn’t here. Families were still being announced, Logan supposed—Lord and Lady Tremblay of Greencloake Manor and their children, Lady Tremblay, Lady Tremblay, Lady Tremblay, and Lord Tremblay.
But he’d hoped that he and Finn could talk, even before the first dance. What was he going to be wearing? How would they say Finn’s name? Would they say it at all, or would Finn sneak in somehow. Logan felt the same adrenaline as their secret meetings, ready always for Finn to appear, to wrap him up in his arms. Got you. How was your day? But it wasn’t secret. None of it was secret or hidden. People had begun to stare at him the moment he walked in. Even some people that he considered friends had seen him and then turned away, mouths hidden behind hands. Some eyes were amused, some were scornful.
Logan surprised himself again with a thought of Leo, and how he wished that he were here. He understood. He hadn’t mocked him. Logan would do anything to be standing with someone who could make him laugh right now.
The announcer beat his staff twice against the floor, signaling another family’s arrival, but Logan was tired of snapping his head up to look, to see if it was Finn. He’d been doing that all night. He just stared down into his cup of wine, which he’d barely touched. Everything tasted sour.
“Lord and Lady Knut of Sweetgrass Manor, and their son, Lord Knut.”
Logan turned fast, sure that he’d heard wrong. But there was Leo, standing at the top of the stairs with his parents, elegant and handsome in a light blue-gray set of tails, white tie, and—God, pearl pins nestled into his blond curls that caught the candles’ glow like he himself was the starlight of the ball. His eyes found Logan as he descended the stairs, and he smiled slightly. He ignored the whispers, too—these ones no doubt about his sheer radiance—and inclined his head to the hosts of the ball before striding right over to Logan, that same soft smile on his face.
“My Lord,” Leo said quietly when he reached Logan. The chatter around them was frantic now—Lord Knut and Lord Tremblay—But Whistledown?—And when will he arrive?
Leo bowed slightly, aware of Logan’s family near by, and then shifted to stand politely at Logan’s shoulder. In an even softer voice, meant just for the two of them, he said in Logan’s ear, “I thought you might require a friend by your side tonight, after all. At least until you-know-who arrives.”
Logan looked up at him. He still felt slack with surprise, off-kilter by Leo’s appearance. “You didn’t—you didn’t have to do that.”
Leo kept his blue eyes on the ballroom. “I know.”
Logan stepped in front of him, insistent on drawing that blue gaze. “Leo.”
Finally, Leo looked at him. Logan had the strongest urge to reach up and touch one of the tiny pearls in his hair.
“Thank you,” Logan said.
And then, with two more taps of his staff, out called a name that sent Logan’s heart knocking against his ribs even harder.
“Mr. Finn O’Hara, of—” the man’s voice broke, and stuttered. “Of Whistledown Cottage.”
The ballroom hushed into silence. Logan watched Leo’s eyes move to the staircase behind him first, the blue of them focusing in on the boy who was, of course, standing at the top of them. We will see each other tomorrow.
“Speaking of,” Leo said quietly, and nodded forward. “Look. He looks quite fine.”
Slowly, Logan turned.
And there, at the top of the stairs, was Finn. Logan had to blink twice to fully recognize him. Gone was the roughspun shirt, the work boots, all replaced by a fine summer suit—dark green. It made his auburn hair look smooth and rich, his pale skin flush. The statement was clear enough. Green was the Tremblay’s color. That, and the cottage name, and the determined, confident look on his face—Logan’s stomach was in knots, heart pounding, Finn, this entire time, Finn—
“That is Whistledown?” whispered voices from all around him. “Whistledown.” Logan barely heard.
“Go,” Leo said in his ear, and pressed a hand to his back. “Go, Logan.”
He vaguely registered himself walking towards the foot of the staircase as Finn descended it. He shouldered through the other bodies in the room, and then realized they were parting for him. He could hardly believe that it was really Finn who he was seeing. Not some phantom. Not some trick. Finn, so changed that Logan could hardly take it all in. Whistledown. All of the times Logan had read to Finn aloud from it—his own words—praising them, laughing at them, wondering how on Earth this author had come to power.
Only, then Finn was standing right in front of him, up close, and Logan realized he was entirely wrong. Those brown eyes were the same, warm and searching for Logan’s reaction, his thoughts. Logan could see Finn’s chest rise and fall with a breath, and then he bowed the deep, well-practiced one that Logan had taught him. When he rose to meet Logan’s eyes again, he looked less confident, as if the foreign gesture had unsettled him.
“My Lord,” Finn said, and it was a jolt to hear him speak. His voice was familiar, too, bringing the reality of this, all of this, crashing into Logan even harder.
“Lo,” Finn whispered, and held out his hand.
Logan didn’t think he could have spoken even if he wanted to. He couldn’t imagine why Finn looked so afraid all of a sudden, as if he actually thought there was any world in which Logan would refuse him. He didn’t think he’d be able to say that just then, and so he only placed his palm into Finn’s. Finn’s fingers were warm as they tightened around his own.
The room seemed to unfreeze then. The promise of the start of the dancing was too enticing to refuse, and other couples gathered around them. Logan looked for Leo but didn’t see that he had joined, too. Go. Go, Logan.
Those beside him and Finn on the floor stared openly, and Logan, too, finally got a little self-conscious. He squeezed Finn’s hand and relaxed a little when he felt Finn squeeze his palm in return. The green coat was smooth and well-made beneath Logan’s palm when he reached up to hold Finn’s shoulder, but Logan far preferred the rough skin of Finn’s hand.
“Are you all right?” Logan whispered, lips barely moving to avoid the listeners.
“Only if you are,” Finn breathed.
“I missed you,” Logan said, and then the music struck up. Finn took the lead perfectly, guiding Logan where he wanted with the slightest pressure. It wasn’t until they had turned a few steps that Logan realized, with a warm bloom of something in his chest, that they were doing the very thing they had dreamed of. Dancing, right there in the middle of the crowd. The awe of it all invaded his senses, and he didn’t even have to try to remember any steps. He wasn’t even sure the crowd existed anymore, only Finn’s face, still worried seeming, gazing down at him.
He didn’t care what his family might be doing, watching them. He didn’t care that they were surrounded by frowns and puzzlement and scandalized old-timers disappointed that Whistledown was not one of the fine ladies among them, not someone they could pamper and win over for their own status. Finn was here, and Logan wasn’t exactly sure what that meant for either of them, but he did know he could no longer take the unease in Finn’s expression. Logan needed Finn to stop watching him as if he might be angry. Maybe he was something other than perfectly delighted that Finn had been hiding something like this, but Logan could sort that out later.
The dance brought them apart briefly—Logan hated that bit. Finn had, too, when they had practiced, just the two of them. God, why, if I chose to dance with you, have I got to touch all these other people? Logan had laughed hard at that, but now he agreed. He kept his eyes on Finn’s the whole time, even when he had to spin a woman around, and then on the back of his red hair when Finn, too, was forced to turn.
Finn couldn’t be doing it all alone, could he? Looking back on it now, Logan was sure that he himself had fed some of what Finn had written about. He’d thought he was merely agreeing with Whistledown, not seeing his own opinions written down. Finn had given him a voice, he’d given them both of voice, when neither of them were expected to have one. Their circumstances were nothing alike. Finn came from a poor family. He had no voice because no one cared to listen. Logan came from, well, this. And he had no voice because no one cared to listen. It was a relief when they came back together, for both of them. Finn let out a shaky breath as he took Logan against him again, closer than was usually respectable.
Once, months ago, they had altered this particular dance. Together, while practicing and having fun. On a summer night in the forest by the country manor, candlelight and blankets thrown down, the air warm and alive with crickets. A bottle of whiskey to share and food Finn had snuck away from the kitchens. Finn had said what if it went like this instead? Then I’ll never have to let you go, and the dance had suddenly become their own.
Now, If Logan couldn’t tell Finn that he wasn’t angry, he’d show him.
The next part of the dance was supposed to be another step back, and then a turn. But that’s not what they had done. So, now, in the crowded, shocked ballroom, when Finn took the traditional step back, Logan stepped right up to him, as close as they had been in the woods. It made them stand out from the other couples, as did Finn’s frozen, surprised expression.
“You remember,” Logan said.
Finn stared at him for a long moment, and then a slow, bright smile crept over his face. He nodded. While the other dancers barely touched palms, Finn took Logan’s hands and spun him, Logan’s back to him, but their arms crossed closely across Logan’s chest, like a wrapped up embrace. They stepped together, once, twice, and it brought Finn’s mouth right by Logan’s ear.
“I never wanted to hide from you,” Finn said softly.
“I…” Logan said, and tilted his head to look up at him. “I know that.”
“I thought you might be angry,” Finn said and turned him back around in time to join the other dancers in their synchronized steps.
“I’m not. You could have told me.” While the others turned and brushed palms again in a slow circle, they did the same, only with their fingers laced together.
“I didn’t want you to think I was only using you for information,” Finn said, and pulled Logan back in, before leading him back a step, then to the side, the room spinning around them. “I still don’t want you to think that.”
“Why did you do it at all?” Logan asked. “Whistledown.”
“Us,” Finn said. “Our talks. It began with me writing some of it down. I wanted to remember what you said—you are a great speaker, Logan, when you decide to be.”
“I’m not.”
“When you are comfortable with who is listening to you, you are. And I’ll always listen.”
Logan tried to find it in him to wish they were both away from it all, the flickering candles and the eyes and the murmuring chatter. But he couldn’t. He wanted this. Him and Finn, talking as they always had, right in front of them all. The music, anyhow, was coming to an end, the dance coming to a close.
“And then I realized you were forever for me,” Finn said as Logan raised his hands to loop around his neck, as their own dance went. “But I knew we couldn’t have that, not with how I was. So I knew I needed to raise my rank, just a little. Just a few steps up.” They didn’t bow, while applause raised around them, but Finn blinked, as if he’d forgotten the others. “Funny, right? Abiding to the system, even while picking it apart.”
Logan shook his head. “How did I not see it before?”
“What?” Finn asked.
“You talk how you write,” Logan said, then reached up to run a gentle thumb over the high of Finn’s cheeks. “So, it’s you that doesn’t like my rakish ways.”
“Well, Whistledown hasn’t noticed those in quite some time now,” Finn smiled. “Could Lord Tremblay have taken a lover?”
“Oh, he has. And he doesn’t plan on straying.”
“Well, then.” Finn pressed their foreheads together. “Looks like someone lucky gets you all to himself.”
Logan put a hand to Finn’s cheek, and laughed. Part of him wanted to cry—only, not in front of all these people—a smaller thought passed through part of him, too. Where is Leo?
“Well,” Logan said softly to Finn, and dropped his palm from his cheek to his hand, hoping he agreed that it was time to go. “You have me.”
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ladyconstantinex · 2 years
Start of a new season
Johanna once read that when you fall in love it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then simply subsides. And when it settles you have to make a decision, you have to decide if your roots are to become so entwined that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Although Johanna’s prime aspiration was in her mind superior to that of love, she wondered if one day she would find true virtue in those words and find that love was worthy after all.
There was something intangible about social events, principally grand balls. Johanna found that the absence of propriety displayed by the many mothers and their many daughters mortifying. Of course, It gave Johanna tremendous pleasure to witness the dancing, it brought back memories of her beloved sister.
‘Miss Constantine, you’ve finally decided to grace us with your presence’ the rich but distinctive voice of The Queen addresses Johanna to which she bows almost simultaneously. “Your highness” Johanna acknowledges, lips press together to stop the temptation of a smirk. She watches the Queens gaze and knows their short conversation would continue at some point soon, for now she continues her stride greeting her other guests.
She can feel the preying of a thousand eyes followed by the sounds of whispering, gossiping Johanna did not miss this. At first she’s almost certain she is the subject of the conversation but the gaze of the room becomes transfixed on a particular spot and Johanna knows that she was mistaken. Johanna observes from afar with curious eyes, the tall man with the brooding expression and how every eligible young woman flocked to await his approval.
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auroralightsthesky · 1 year
Hi bby!! It’s been a while, I’ve been good, I’ve been busy, the house is been good. I was wondering how caught up you are on Lady Whistledown,
Apparently Lord Robert from the House Floyd and Miss (Y/N) from House Seresin have started a courtship! But one must come to wonder what Lord Jacob Miss Y/N’s Elder Brother must think of the Courtship.
OH MY GOD BELLA I ALMOST SHIT A GOLD BRICK WHEN I SAW THIS!!!!!! (lol). I am so glad to hear that you and the family are good and that the house is coming together and this!!!! (In Don Corleone's voice) "You come into my house on the day of my daughter's wedding......and you leave me with this little gem??" (lol).
Bella, my bestie of besties you are an absolute genius for this!!! I'm gonna have to send in something now because I've been horrible at it (lol).
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Hey I missed you! Been thinking of Medieval Arrange marriage au tho, where each Bridgerton sibling inherit their own kingdom that been split into eight pieces by their late father. But in order to inherit it, they must marry the person he assigned them to.
Anthony first thought he was to marry Edwina, she is proper and agreeable only to find out it is her fiery and stubborn sister he is promised with. Boy, is he happy.
Benedict didn’t want to marry Rosemund, Posy was nice enough, but it was shy Sophie who caught his eyes and he nearly danced in joy when he finds out that she is his betrothed. Much to Araminta’s horror.
Colin was surprised that he was to marry his sister’s lady in waiting, Penelope but as he starts paying closer attention to her, he is ready to fight anyone to stands in his way to ravish her like a meal.
Daphne is delighted to marry her betrothed, her brother’s best friend but boy is he hard work, cause she never knows what he is thinking or feeling. She is going to make him love her whatever it’s the last thing she does.
Eloise didn’t wish to marry but having written and been charmed by her betrothed through letters, she decides to meet him and boy was he a meal… plus two menace children and she was down for it.
Francesca’s betrothed was one of the Stirlings cousins and she chose John, she was happy until he unfortunately passed. She has her inheritance and is ready to remarry, but she grows guilty as she lists for her late husband’s cousin.
Gregory met Lucy and instantly knew that he is to sweep her up and carry her away to their kingdom and shower her the love she never had before, away from her horrible family and cherish her forever.
Hyacinth was a tricky one, she was set to marry a St. Clair. George St.Clair which leaves Garrett who charms her but he refuses her… only until he finds his family jewels and she is up for the ride.
Awww that's so sweet, guys, this medieval au sounds fun and I wouldl ike to read it very much. whoever is up for writing it I would def give a signal boost.
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mjmikaelson · 26 days
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Penelope Featherington-Watson
•secretly writes for the Daily Bugle, her goal: unmasked Spider-Man
Colin Bridgerton-Parker
•photographer of the Daily Bugle
(masked vigilant of NY)
new reacting fic—coming soon!
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meekmedea · 4 months
Lady Themis
This just popped into mind but consider this: Clemensia becomes inspired to write scathing things to newspapers about the games 
Because yeah, Casca Highbottom is trying to get supporters, but not quick enough for her liking 
Maybe the 2nd game is coming up/has happened, and well she's frustrated with the lack of success lately
It’s a scathing piece. Though the important thing is that it doesn’t criticize the president, but the games as a concept (The line between treason and not-treason is thin, and Clemmie isn't taking any chances)
Obviously, she can't use her own name - so she decides on a pen name: Lady Themis
Through black market connections, she manages to get it to a newspaper editor's office. (Whether it's a big newspaper or a small one, you decide)
And the newspaper decides to prints it because it is so scathing and will likely bring about attention. Scandal gets people buying things haha
People talk about it - some condemn the writer for being anonymous; some see it as ‘district sympathizing’, others think they make good points to consider  
A week or so passes, and she listens to people talk about it 
Then she decides to write another article and have it sent off again
Bonus ideas to consider:
Pres. Ravinstill has a headache watching Dr. Gaul pace + rant about this upstart who’s publicly challenging the games (Please just let the man reminisce about Hector Dovecote in peace)
Casca is finding it easier to approach some people about shutting the games down
Masterlist of other thoughts and hcs of the time travelling Clemmie AU
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sea-owl · 1 year
I request a governess polin au, hell we can add kathony too.
So let's say that in this au, Kate never went to London and Penelope never had London debut. To help with the family finances Kate set out to become a nurse/governess (I am aware they are two different positions, but just roll with me.) After discovering Lord Featheringtons debts Portia only had enough money to debut one more daughter. After debating she decided to place her bets on Felicity. Neither ever met the Bridgertons.
Somehow Penelope ended up as a sort of apprentice/partner to Kate and the two found a good job within the house of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings. With two of them they are able to take care of the children, Auggie, and Amelia, when they are younger and later teach them as well as any other children the Duke and Duchess may have.
The two get along well with their employers and they have each other so the loneliness that usually comes with their kind of position isn't as bad.
Then comes 1816 aka the year without summer. Things were wet and cold, some of the ton had decided to forgo that season and stay in their country homes. One of those families was the Bassets, who decided to invite the family to Clyvedon for the rest of the season, with possibly taking some time to go to Aubrey Hall.
Of course Kate and Penelope are also at Clyvedon, helping take care of the young lord and ladies.
"Oh Kate, Penelope," Daphne greeted as she walked into the nursery. "You two can take a break for a little while. Just bring the children down to the drawing room, my family will be here soon and I'm sure they'll want to see the babies."
"Yes your grace," Kate and Penelope bowed.
"Thank you-," Daphne cut herself off with a yawn. "Oh forgive me on that."
"It is alright your grace," Kate said.
Daphne fought another yawn as she walked out of the nursery.
Kate and Penelope looked at each other before letting out soft giggles.
"I suppose we'll have another little one soon enough," Kate said as she held onto Auggie's leading strings in one hand and held Belinda in another.
"Good for us, it keeps us employed longer," Penelope joked. She gently bounces Caroline, while her other hand holds Amelia's leading strings. "Looks like you won't be the baby for long young miss."
Kate grinned. "That it does."
The two lead the children down to the family drawing room where Simon was waiting. After that they were temporarily free for probably most of the afternoon if this was like the other visits from the duchess' family. Not that Kate and Penelope haven't really had any more than brief glimpses at the infamous Bridgertons.
After that Kate went to take a walk while Penelope went down to the kitchen for some leftovers cook left since she missed breakfast.
Enter Anthony and Colin.
Anthony had ridden separate from his family as he had to make a stop on the way for business. Unfortunately this also meant that Anthony had gotten caught in the rain on his way. Colin had gotten back just in time for them to leave and had not yet had a chance to change out of his traveling clothes nor a chance to really eat anything. Suffice to say they did not really look like sons of a high bred family.
Kate just happened to be passing by when Anthony rode up to Clyvedon.
Kate had to stop herself from raising an eyebrow at the soaked man who was foolish to ride out into the rain. If she had to guess he may have been one of the tenets. Just as they always did during the first day of guest arriving, the duke and duchess gave strict orders that they are not to be disturbed.
"Excuse me," the man said. "You could you direct me to where Simon and Daphne are?"
Kate was taken aback. She has never heard of a tenet being so informal. "I'm sorry sir, but their graces are not seeing to any business today. The duchess' family had arrived today."
The tenet looked annoyed. "I assure you they are expecting me."
"Sir," Kare sighed, then yelled when he pushed past her. "Sir!"
That's when Kate heard the bell designated for the nurses and governesses. Well fine, she'll just let her employers handle the tenet.
Meanwhile Colin had sneaked down to the kitchen. He was a growing boy after all, and he hadn't eaten all day.
He was surprised to see a cute red down there happily eating an eclair.
"Is there anymore?" Colin asked her.
Penelope jumped, just barely catching the custard that fell. Turning towards Colin she did in fact raise an eyebrow. She has not seen this man before. Penelope could place almost all the servants at Clyvedon by face and she has seen this one. Plus his clothing does not look like anything any of the servants would be wearing. Nor is he looking at her food like anyone else she has met before.
"I'm sorry sir, but this was the only one Cook had set aside. The rest are being served to her grace's family," Penelope said.
The man's eyes lit up at the mere mention of more food. "Really? Oh must show me where they are!"
What was this man? Some kind of interloper? Penelope would rather not show him where the duke and duchess are, but blast. It looks like she might not have a choice. That was the bell to summon her and Kate. Well hopefully if he does follow the duke will take care of it.
Kate and Penelope met at the entrance of the drawing room both of them looking at their partner with a questioning look at the strange man following.
Before Kate or Penelope could stop them the tenet and the interloper both walk into the drawing room.
Oh fuck, Kate and Penelope knew those names. Those were the names of the duchess' brothers, the Viscount Bridgerton and the third Bridgerton. And now among the rest of their siblings Kate and Penelope could see the resemblance.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
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Can you guess who my favorite Bridgeton ship is based on this Nozelena Bridgeton AU doodle?
Inspired by @jaycrakhead's Bridgeton AU on twitter
Reference below the cut (but try guessing yourself)
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lawonderlandwriter · 7 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), Rhaella Targaryen (Wife of Aerys II), Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys), Olenna Tyrell, Cersei Lannister Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Era, Alternate Universe - Bridgerton (TV) Fusion, Daenerys as Daphne, Jon as Simon, NO rape or no-con, Eventual Smut, slowish burn, depends on how long it takes me to write it really, age history and relationship changes for my own convenience, Don't Like Don't Read, Aunt/Nephew Incest, Targaryen incest is still a thing and totally acceptable, copy pasta the Bridgerton script in places, if that's not your thing you don't have to read Summary:
Jon and Dany's ruse gets more complicated than either of them expected as Ser Jorah refuses to be set aside so easily.
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cypanache · 7 months
Im joining the Obidala fandom and I read your unintended Obidala story and I gotta say, I love it!! And the artwork is beautiful!!!
First and most important ... Welcome to Obidala!!! I obviously adore this tugboat of a ship, but even moreso I adore this little corner of the fandom. We are a small but dedicated group. I just really came to Star Wars in 2022 post OWK and everyone here has truly been so lovely. Please don't be a stranger. Come flail with us. I can talk about these two endlessly in every possible permutation.
Second, isn't the art amazing?! It's not mine. The credit for all that extra yumminess that just adds to the experience goes to my bestie and writing muse @alabama-metal-man. Without whom this story would not exist.
Finally, I'm so happy you're enjoying Unintended. It's my ode to what happened to my brain when I watch OWK and became obsessed with Obidala in the exact same month I watched the first two seasons of Bridgerton, and I've been humbled by it's reception so far. I know it's been awhile since I updated, but I've been actively working on the next few parts, pulling things together from snippets that had been posted on tumblr previously and fleshing them out. It's been slow going because of work life stuff, but rest assured I have not gone anywhere and it is coming.
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year
Lost, Drifting - Chapter 1 - Soldier Side
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"Anthony Sharma could not remember anything from his life. Well, not anything before Kate had found him in the Sharma’s estate, bleeding and bruised nearly to death four years ago. In all honesty, he couldn’t remember much of that either.
___________________________________________________ Colin discovered his brother was alive four years after he was declared presumed dead. But what happened to Anthony in that time?"
Have just updated Lost Drifting.
Frennie, @waterlilyrose and @kateandanthonyaremyparents, wouldn't have done it without you. Thank you so very much <3
Part 1 of understanding how Anthony ended up in the situation we see him in the ending of the prologue.
Let me know what you think! Enjoy!
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lumosinlove · 2 years
Day Eleven:
On the eleventh day of Winterfic, Hazel gave to you, Bridgerton AU Part Three
Logan could do nothing but stare back at Leo. His blond hair looked bright in the moonlight, a white-gold that made his eyes seem even paler, almost silver. Even his tuxedo looked paler, the black bleeding out into the night and replaced by a fairer gray-white. Leo wasn’t holding their cups of punch anymore and his fingers curled at his sides, empty.
Logan felt too exposed. Not even the circle of tall trees helped. Not even the fountain, whose trickling at least did something to fill the silence. The crickets, too, all around them. No one had ever seen him and Finn like this. This close and curled against each other. Finn had released Logan immediately, stumbling backwards and catching himself on the edge of the fountain. Logan could only watch him from the corner of his eye, unable to take his gaze off of Leo.
For so many, this was a nightmare. A lover, a garden. A dark night, a full moon. An intruder and prying eyes. Logan’s mind took him through two thousand possibilities, as it had so many times before. With all the wonderful things that came with loving Finn—waking up to his warm skin and his familiar voice, having his hand to hold on evening walks—there also came all the things they were both afraid of. The first of which had become a reality when Noelle had met Finn on the staircase up to Logan’s room. But Noelle was Noelle. Logan could never be afraid of her.
This was Lord Leo Knut. He had every connection, ever possible good fortune in the world. He had just danced with Logan—three times—only to find him kissing and confessing his love (if he had even heard that part) to another boy. He had every single right and means to put into reality everything that Logan and Finn feared.
So why, why wasn’t Logan more afraid of him?
“God, I’m—” Leo began, and fell a step back, too, just as Finn had. He looked down at the grass between them, as if that would restore their privacy and undo what had just happened. “I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t mean…” 
Logan tried to form the words he wanted, but all he seemed to be able to do was look at Finn, and then at Leo. Finn was still clutching the lip of the fountain with white knuckles, frozen into place. A summer breeze picked up, and his ruffling hair and rapidly rising chest were the only things giving him away as a human and not one of the statued Greek figurines that forever poured the water out of their amphorae.
Leo seemed to be having the opposite problem. His hands were nervous at his sides, and he stumbled over his words. “I worried…You never came back, so—And I thought maybe something was—Whatever made you go, you looked so surprised, or perhaps I thought scared, and so I wanted to make sure—”
“It’s all right, Leo,” Logan finally managed, then looked back at Finn, who’s eyes were wide and afraid. “Finn, it’s okay. He’s—he’s a friend.”
Logan didn’t know what made him say it. They’d only just met, but something was there, obviously, keeping Logan calm. Or maybe it was what wasn’t there. Nothing about Leo’s face told Logan he was about to go running to tell. Nothing about his face looked horrified, either. It was obvious Finn was a servant by the way he was dressed, but Leo made no confused glances or questions. He was looking respectfully away, head bowed, hands behind his back—fingers twisting together furiously by the looks of it.
“I’m was just going,” Finn said suddenly, and bowed to Logan. “My Lord.”
Logan’s heart lurched.
Finn bowed to Leo. “My Lord.”
Logan reached out and caught Finn’s hand. “Don’t. Finn, don’t, it’s all right—”
Finn just closed both of his hands around Logan’s and squeezed firmly, his back towards Leo. He looked more nervous than before, cheeks high in color, brown eyes a little wild. He kept his voice low. “We will see each other tomorrow. We will. Remember what I said—”
“No,” Leo called. “Sir, please, it was my intrusion.”
“Logan, please trust me,” Finn whispered when Logan wouldn’t let him go.
Logan could only shake his head. “I don’t understand.”
“I know,” Finn whispered. “I know you don’t, and—and I will explain it all, I promise.” He glanced back towards Leo. “Only not now.”
Finn’s hand slipped through Logan’s fingers and he watched his red hair disappear into the night with nothing but the slight rustle of his footsteps in the grass. He was only partially aware of Leo stepping towards him, his fingers brushing his arm.
“Logan,” Leo said gently, and when Logan looked at him, he was gazing after Finn, eyes puzzled.
“Please, don’t look at him like that,” Logan said softly. “He’s not—Don’t tell me you care that he’s…”
“No,” Leo said. “God, no, what must you think of me? It was only…I feel as though we have met before. I only can’t quite place him.”
Logan was too exhausted to bring up the markets, or the cooking. Tomorrow, Finn had said. They would next see each other tomorrow. Not tonight. Not at home. Logan tried to think of why, why would he not tell Logan to come with him now, or even to meet him at home like they had planned.
Only, Logan thought of his mother back in the ballroom. She was probably throwing a silent fit. No doubt people had seen him rush out. At least Leo had waited some moments, but wasn’t that Logan’s oldest trick in the book? I’ll go, you wait five minutes, and then follow.
“We should go back,” Logan said softly. “This isn’t…”
“If you say proper, I’ll remind you that we are practically engaged.”
Logan looked up at him sharply, but only to see that Leo was smiling hesitantly.
“That was a joke,” Leo said softly. He held out his arm. “I…you don’t have to explain anything to me, my Lord. Logan. We hardly know each other. Only I ask—please let me escort you back inside. We can show our faces, and then you can do whatever you wish. We don’t have to dance, we don’t have to talk. You can even make your goodbyes.”
Logan could only stare at him. It was a risk, it was all a risk. “Aren’t you worried—”
“Logan,” Leo said gently, and put a hand on Logan’s shoulder. “I have nothing to fear. I’m privileged in that way. I am lucky. I’m not worried about anything. What could I have to fear? People saying that the most handsome boy in the room has taken me to the gardens for a midnight stroll?”
“I have a reputation,” Logan reminded him, flush on his cheeks. “It is a midnight one, but it’s certainly not for strolling.”
The smile Leo gave him was surprisingly sharp, eyes turning playful. “Then I should be so lucky.”
Logan couldn’t explain it, but his breath caught in his chest at seeing such a look on Leo’s face.
“I…” Logan shook his head. “I don’t know why he ran away. I mean, I do, but…” He looked in the direction Finn had gone. “I don’t know…” We will see each other tomorrow. Remember what I said.
“He was scared,” Leo said and began guiding Logan back towards the ballroom. “You were, too, when you first saw me. I could tell.”
“I was surprised,” Logan said. “There’s a difference.”
The garden became brighter as they ascended the stairs back up to the patio. They stood for a moment, watching the dancers whirling within.
“At least one of us doesn’t look like they’ve been snogging,” Leo said, and it startled a laugh out of Logan, who put a hand to his mouth.
“God, do I?”
Leo smiled. “No. You look…” He took a breath. “You look…you look very well.”
“Thank you,” Logan said softly. The most handsome boy. The fact that Leo still saw him that way after what he had just done…Logan didn’t know what to make of that. Looking at Leo in the warm light, he wanted badly to reach up and brush back that gray wave of hair, mixing it into the blond that feathered back in Leo’s soft curls.
“Shall we? You look conflicted still.”
“No,” Logan said. “I mean, yes, we should, but…”
Leo tilted his head. “But?”
“I don’t know why but…I know you won’t hurt me. Or him.”
Leo just looked down at him, and shook his head. “No. I won’t.”
Logan woke up the next morning feeling like he hadn’t slept at all. He had kept waking in the night, thinking he had heard the creak of his door, felt a dip in his bed, felt Finn coming to him, finally, with an explanation. Logan couldn’t think what he had done. What could be so rash? What could go so wrong? He pushed himself up in his bed, and it felt too big to be alone in. His chambers, too—looming and empty and cold, even in the summer morning. They had felt that way ever since Finn had stopped sneaking upstairs at night. He looked outside at the bright sky. Finn would be downstairs now. Logan would have breakfast, and then corner him. He’d make up some excuse for Mrs. Hawk to steal him away from his duties. Logan groaned and pushed himself out of bed. He didn’t know what excuse. It wasn’t like he was prone to accompanying the staff to the markets.
When he finally made his way down to the breakfast table, it was to chatter that sounded too loud. Even the clink of cutlery was too much—and Logan wasn’t even hungover, he was just a wreck. Nervous and worried for Finn—guilty about Leo.
“Little brother,” Noelle greeted him.
Logan just sat down, distastefully eyeing the way she was clacking her spoon against her boiled egg.
“Late riser,” Sydney said. “Are you going to tell us where you disappeared to last night now?”
Noelle leaned in. “You and Knut.”
His mother sighed. “The entire ballroom was talking about it, Logan, and not in the way we wanted exactly—”
“What do you do with your boys in gardens, Lolo?” Sydney asked, and Logan’s mother shushed her.
“It doesn’t matter,” his mother said in matter-of-fact voice. “A Knut is a Knut, and nothing can change that. Not even my son who romps around like—oh well, a Knut is a Knut.” She laughed happily. “And he volunteered. Good gracious, Logan, you have done well.”
“That sounds like something out of a nursery rhyme,” Noelle said, then put on a very posh accent. “A newt is a newt, an egg is an egg. Never, oh, never ask ladies their age!”
“Everyone be quiet, please,” Logan sighed and took a small bite of toast.
“But—” his mother began, though Logan was saved by the butler coming in with the morning mail.
“Oh, oh, new Whistledown!” Noelle called, and gestured for it. “Bring it here, Morris, if you please. Thanks.”
Logan didn’t even want to think about Whistledown right now. “Save it for later, would you, Noelle. God knows what’s in there.”
Noelle just scoffed and tucked it by her plate so she could read while she ate. “Exactly. We better be prepared.”
“Did you just go walking?” Sydney asked. “Lily says she saw you bolt outside and leave poor Knut alone, only for him to follow you later.”
“That is one of his old tricks,” his mother said.
“You are not supposed to know that, mum,” Sydney laughed, and his mother just smiled and sipped her tea.
“Um,” Noelle said.
“Stop,” Logan sighed. “Honest. I don’t want to hear it. We just walked. Nothing happened.”
“Um,” Noelle said more loudly, holding up the latest Whistledown and fixing Logan with a hard stare. “Excuse me.”
“What did she say?” Sydney asked. “Is it about Logan and Lord Knut?”
“It’s about Logan, all right, but—” Noelle fixed Logan with a pointed stare. “When were you going to tell us—when—Jesus Christ, I—when were—” She slapped the pamphlet down. “You’re courting Whistledown?"
Logan frowned, looking up from his eggs and toast. “Huh?”
Noelle all but shoved the pamphlet in front of him, and Logan narrowed his eyes at her when it nearly upset his tea, but picked the paper up.
“Noelle, what are you talking about?” their mother asked.
Logan didn’t have to look far to find his own name. He passed by remarks about a worker’s strike to read later, some others about the Queen’s expenses, until finally, he found whatever had made Noelle shriek so in the pamphlet’s famous slanted type.
Logan Tremblay and Leo Knut danced three times at the Queen’s ball last night. The diamond of the season—though Tremblay was mysteriously absent to see himself be named—and the handsome Lord Knut made a fine pair. Anyone who is anyone knows how rare a true Tremblay smile is, and Lord Knut had him positively laughing.
Many speculate this is a sure match, that we are to expect a proposal in no time—and what a season treat would that be.
But I’m afraid that this Author has other intentions.
Logan frowned. He set his toast down.
This Author is not who you expect, dear Reader, though they are sure that you all prefer the mystery of it all—this Author favors it, too. It has been exceedingly compelling, a fine way to fill the late hours of the night, our correspondence. But our time as two estranged confidants has come to an end. This Author’s true identity means more to them than ever.
While this Author may write about ballrooms, they do not dance within them.
While this Author may critique the latest fashions, they do not wear them.
And yet this Author made you believe they belonged in the same rooms you occupy, dear Reader. Did you not believe me? You did.
And so—one final question to pose to you before I uncloak myself, and depart: If you, dear Reader, could not guess that I was not one of you, how different can I be? I, in my real life below the ballrooms and below you all.
While this Author writes about the loves and losses of your world, dear Reader, can they not feel them just as keenly?
This Author thinks they can. In fact, he knows it.
This Author knows love, a universal subject. He knows love for Lord Logan Tremblay. He is in love with him, and he wishes to request the first dance at tonight’s Starlight Ball, should the Lord permit it—please. This Author can explain everything.
Logan put his fingers to his mouth. “Oh…”
“Whistledown is a servant…” Logan’s mother breathed, staring wide-eyed at her own copy. “Logan, I don’t…I don’t understand. Do you know this person?”
“Logan.” Noelle’s voice this time—knowing. Understanding. “Logan, do you mean to tell me that…All this time, is this the writing of—”
But Logan shook his head, gesturing for her to be silent, because suddenly it was clear in his mind. There had always, always been something he liked about the Whistledown pamphlets. Something almost familiar about the way the author spoke, the way she wrote. She tore people down, yes, but only those who deserved it. She poked fun at Logan himself, yes, but never in a way that was ruinous.
Even here, with Leo, Logan had been merely portrayed as desirable. He and Leo both had.
All the times he had read aloud from the pamphlet to Finn. All those times, had he merely been reading Finn’s own words back to him?
You don’t love it? Logan could remember asking Finn recently when he’d barely had a reaction at all to a Whistledown piece. The writing had fiercely and openly supported a Lady in Kent who was to marry her driver. Look at this Finn, Whistledown would be for us, too. And he hadn’t been able to understand it when Finn had merely given him a soft smile, a casual nod, a stroke of a hand down Logan’s cheek. Yes, I think so, Lo.
Logan pushed back from the table without a word. He didn’t care that he was leaving behind stunned faces, didn’t care that he nearly knocked one of the maids down as he blew through the dining room doors. He had to get to him. He had to get to Finn. He thundered down the servant’s staircase, whipped around the corner and dashed down the hallway until he reached the kitchens. They all had probably heard him coming, because they were much stiller than usual when he arrived, flushed and out of breath. Mrs. Hawk was poised by the ovens, wringing her hands in her apron, her brown hair curling around her kind, aging face.
“Mrs. Hawk,” Logan said, out of breath. “Mrs. Hawk…”
Logan scanned the kitchens as best he could. Finn wasn’t in sight. Not at the work tables, not at the stoves, or the ovens. Outside? Fetching milk perhaps?
“Yes, my Lord? Breakfast is upstairs, you know.”
“Oh,” one of the maids chimed in. She was clutching Whistledown to her chest. “Who is it, my Lord? Who are you in love with?”
“Maisie,” Mrs. Hawk hissed, and Maisie ducked.
“It’s only romantic, that’s all…” Maisie mumbled.
Logan’s eyes caught on her, on the phrase. Romantic. He shouldn’t have come down here. What had he been thinking? He’d give Finn right up asking about him after that declaration, and he’d lose his job, or he’d—God, what was he doing?
Maisie put that together just about as fast as him. She gasped.
“Oh gosh, is he—is he here? Does he work here, my Lord?”
Mrs. Hawk waved a hand at her. “Maisie.”
“No,” Logan said quickly, not knowing what else to say. “No, I—I only wanted…” He tried desperately to think of something he could have wanted from downstairs. “Aspirin—my—a headache from last night, I…”
“Oh,” Mrs. Hawk said. “My Lord, do let us send things like that up to you, would you now.”
“Whistledown,” Maisie said, sounding delighted. “Did you know, sir? Did you know?”
Logan tried to plead with her with his eyes to please stop.
“My Lord, pardon me,” came a voice from behind Logan, and he turned, feeling dizzy.
“Yes?” Logan asked the butler, Morris. “Yes, Morris?”
“Sir,” said Morris again. “Lord Knut has called on you this morning.”
“Oh,” came a muffled gasp from Maisie—even Mrs. Hawk seemed to allow herself to succumb some to the drama of it all.
Logan blinked, pressed a hand over his heart to feel its pounding. “Really.”
“I have seated him in the South parlor,” Morris said in his low, smooth voice. “Shall I bring tea?”
Leo. Leo was here. Leo had no doubt read Whistledown. And Leo had seen him and Finn. Last night. If anyone but him, and Noelle, knew who Finn really was then it would be Leo.
“Yes,” Logan said. He pushed a shaky hand through his hair. “But wait. Not in the South parlor.”
[TBC post-Winterfic…this story has taken over my brain, gotten so much longer than I had thought originally, and I’m loving it…:)]
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