#bridgeton season 3
hauntedfictionland · 2 days
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Dearest gentle reader, I am pleased to inform you that our dear pianist miss Francesca Bridgerton, is indeed, autistic and gay. When she was wicked indeed.
(Gif: @maxanor)
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I for one applaud the decision of not only making one Bridgeton sibling bi curious BUT TWO. And during pride month? We truly keep winning
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graaaaaayy · 3 days
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maevelin · 2 days
Unpopular opinion: what I liked the most about the season was its... PR.
Which ultimately created too much hype and breaking the season in two parts didn't help.
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nsain25 · 6 hours
My opinion on a certain aspect of S3 pt 2
Unpopular opinion now that I have calmed down from the excitement Before I say, please do understand that I do respect individual choices and opinions and don't mean to backlash on anything done..it's something I would love to get off my chest and all I need is to understand my POV
I am really happy about the introduction of Micheala Sterling, I am really..she's extremely gorgeous and has that vibe that I really like about her...
I grew up reading Julia Quinn's books and for me, I have already paired all the characters since day 1…so it's very evident when I say this but as much as I loved Micheala, I am extremely disappointed that they had to gender reverse the character…I loved the intensity of love Michael held for Fran in the books and Fran had a lot of common day issues a woman of few undergo and it nearly portrays what Violet went through and Micheal was so understanding to overcome the grief…
I am assuming the reason for the gender change is to attract the newer audience and I respect that wholeheartedly but as a book reader, I am not really sure about it…
Again I apologise if I hurt anyone's sentiments but I believe this place is a free space to talk and I really wanted to let it out
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starkmaiden · 1 day
Me explaining how Benedict’s bisexuality is inadvertently one of the most beautifully complex coming out story in awhile
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consuming Polin content on 3 different social media platforms even though they're all the same content feels like a game of hide-and-seek where I try to find something the other platform haven't shown yet
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vengerb3rg · 3 months
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burnthoneydrops · 10 days
A Shame Indeed (c.b. x fem!reader)
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pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: use of female descriptors (miss, young lady, etc)
a/n: Part II to this post for colin! also a continuation of this series! i hope you enjoy and a reminder that requests are open! (both in general and for my 200 celebration :)) )
The Bridgerton drawing room is a wonderful net for beautiful sunlight. At least, that is what you gather while sitting there early one morning, a few weeks into your new role as governess. No main member of the family is awake, just the staff that keep the house afloat. It is rather peaceful, and you are grateful for the moments of solitude away from your room where you have piles of old curtain fabric surrounding you. As you finish stitching two panels of a Hyacinth size dress together, there are footsteps traipsing down the carpeted floor, alerting you of someone else’s arrival. You’re quick to your feet, lest it be a Bridgerton and you appear disrespectful. Though you have gained their trust and appreciation, it still feels as though someone might pull you back out of this dream scenario at any second. 
“Ah, good morning Mr. Bridgerton,” you nod, smiling lightly as Colin appears in the doorway. 
“Good morning Miss Y/N. It is rather early is it not? Is Hyacinth even awake yet?” He asks, looking down the hallway before walking closer into the room. 
“Alas, she is not. I figured wasting time while awake rather silly, however, so here I am”.
“With…” he looks behind you, back at the couch, and his eyebrows raise in confusion as his head tilts to the side. 
“Oh, those are curtains that Mrs. Wilson was going to have thrown out. There was a stain on them, apparently, but I have yet to find it”. 
That does not seem to lessen Colin’s confusion. 
“And what exactly are you doing with them?” 
“Hyacinth has been begging to go to the modiste with Lady Bridgerton and Miss Bridgerton, but the focus is on those who need new dresses for the season. So, in the absence of the actual modiste, I figured I could stand in and make her a new dress. It is, however, a surprise so please do not tell her,” you look between him and the curtain, hoping you hadn’t just spoiled your plan. 
Instead of verbally responding, Colin drags his fingers in front of his lips and twists an imaginary key, signalling his sworn secrecy. You laugh quietly, before turning to sit back down with your work. Now that you no longer have to fear the undermining of your surprise, you are free to work on it in the open, or at least in front of Colin. As a member of staff passes, Colin orders tea and scones, muttering something about how if the two of you were going to stay awake you might have some fuel. One thing you have learned throughout your few weeks is Hyacinth and Gregory’s love for mischief is rivalled only by Colin’s love of food. You say nothing, choosing to politely nod in agreement instead as you create the puff sleeves of Hyacinth’s dress. The scones and tea are brought quickly, you assume already prepared. You don’t think it will ever fail to amaze you how on top of everything the people who run Bridgerton house are nor the fact that you are now a part of that. 
“Do you care for cream or jam first?” Colin breaks the silence, almost startling you. 
“Oh, um, do not feel obliged to offer me any Mr. Bridgerton”. 
“Colin, please. We did agree to get to know each other on more adult terms, did we not?” 
“Well, I suppose we did. But that does not remove anything in the series of respect and class differentials Mr. Bridgerton”. 
“Yes, but if I am insisting, and you work for my house, then you must listen to me. Yes?” He looks quite pleased with himself as he pours milk into his teacup. 
“Fine, Colin it is. But if anyone asks, you are to inform them of your wishes immediately. I will not have people thinking I disrespect this house voluntarily,”. 
“Yes ma’am,” he laughs, “now, cream or jam?”  
The conversation carries on easily enough between the two of you, and for a second you forget yourself. You forget that you are inside the previously terrifying Bridgerton home, making clothes out of old curtains and drinking tea with one of your employers. It feels easy, relaxed, and you wish that you could perpetually stay in this moment. The warm sun on your back is the same that makes Colin appear glowing, making his laugh even that more heavenly in appearance. You pause, internally slow blinking and hoping that you’re not physically translating that on your face. You did not just call Colin Bridgerton’s laugh heavenly, did you? You push the thought out of your mind, remembering there is no place for thoughts like that while doing your job. 
That is until Lady Bridgerton makes her way into the drawing room and pauses at the sight before her. You notice her before Colin does, standing at attention immediately, dropping the dress down on the couch beside you. Colin stands cooly, walking over to greet his mother with a soft hug and a light kiss on the cheek. You do not think you’ve seen him do anything with much more force than that since your arrival, and you wonder if he is that gentle with every person he meets. Quickly checking that train of thought and registering it unhelpful at this current moment in time, you look back solely at Lady Bridgerton, apologising for the possibility that you had any part in waking her. 
“Oh no, my dear, it was not you,” she reassures you, choosing not to question why she found her third eldest and her newest hire alone together, but rather allowing Colin to excuse himself with the claim that he is to meet his brothers for a round of fencing. “May I ask why you have some of our old curtains in your possession?” She asks instead, taking Colin’s previously occupied seat on the couch across from you. 
“Oh, Mrs. Wilson said they were to be thrown away and I couldn’t bear the waste of perfectly good fabric, so I fashioned Hyacinth a new dress,” you display the work you had completed during your conversation with the third Bridgerton boy, trying to be prideful but fearing the response all the same. 
“How thoughtful of you,” Lady Bridgerton smiles and you secretly sigh in relief. Though you had never pegged Lady Bridgerton to be cruel or patronising in any way, some of your previous employers had not been as kind, so you always secretly fear the worst. Your letters to your mother would describe as such, the growing anxiety that every well-to-do mama that you serve under will be exactly like the last. As much as you continually remind yourself that the Bridgertons are different, those thoughts do love to linger. 
The afternoon sun brings a welcome break to your lesson with Hyacinth, who immediately insisted on wearing her new dress when presented with it. She looks lovely wandering around the garden, running across benches in the lightly patterned fabric which makes her easier to spot as well. Though that had not been your intention while making the garment, you have to admit it is a welcomed bonus. That child certainly has enough energy for all the ton twice over, so being easily seen is a necessity when she could run off at any moment. She had been dying to show you what she had observed in Gregory’s dance lesson and requested that you acted as the female so she could take Gregory’s spot. You curtsey as low as you can go before placing your hands on her small frame, bending at the knees ever so slightly so her hands can rest at a comfortable position. With no music to accompany you, Hyacinth takes to counting the steps out loud and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to suppress your laughter. One misstep has Hyacinth scolding you, though not entirely in earnest as the situation quickly crumbles into a fit of laughter between you both. The sweet girl sits next to you on the garden pathway, the two of you holding your stomachs as you laugh heartily. 
Colin stands at a window a floor above the gardens, overlooking the entertaining spectacle taking place before him. A persistent smile etches its way onto his face as his hands rest behind his back, grateful that you are down there and otherwise preoccupied so as to not witness his very obvious infatuation. He does not entirely know when his thoughts about you transitioned in such a way, he just hopes it is not as obvious as he feels it must be. Soon, he realises he is not the only person watching, as his mother has joined by his side, glancing down at what has captured her son’s attention so. 
“She has quite the way with the children,” his mother comments, continuing to glance at the two of you rather than addressing her son directly. 
“You chose well,” he agrees, looking quickly at Lady Bridgerton before continuing to smile at the sound of your laugh climbing its way up through the window. 
“A very kind soul indeed,” Lady Bridgerton sighs contently, turning then to look at her son. “With a rather large, loving heart as well. It would be a shame to let that go to waste”. With no further explanation, she turns and walks away, leaving her son in the sunlit spot on the carpet, confused. She did always have a way for reading her childrens’ minds, as well as their hearts, even when they could not conjure up their thoughts themselves. 
What a shame it would be, he agrees mentally. What a shame.
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aphrmoosun · 12 days
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rhymesblack · 2 months
The hate for season 3 of Bridgerton is just reeking of fatphobia. Penelope is a gossip and petty, yes, those are her flaws. Each season the main leads have had serious flaws, Simon was consumed with hate so much so that he was self-destructive in a way that almost took Daphne with him. Daphne was so stubborn in her anger that she raped her husband to prove a point. Anthony never processed his grief and therefore controlled his family so much they hated him. Kate was self-righteous and had a martyr complex. And Colin we know is childish and has a hero complex. But the only person I'm seeing hate for is Penelope and how she doesn't deserve to be happy or have a good season. Like WTF? It's a romance show and the only real difference between this season and the last 2 is that the main lady is plus sized and getting her man. Ugh, hate Penelope if you want but don't act like every other character is without fault on the show. I'll get off my soapbox now.
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maevelin · 2 days
And come to think about it...
You know I am not much of a kathony fan. I mean I like them just fine, they are cute. And I don't give much attention to the ship wars bc they always happen and each season has a main couple and this was polin's season and of course shippers will ship and nag lol.
BUT when you are able to utilize the actors who play Antony and Kate for s3 as well, at least make it make sense? I don't mean it even as a ship. But Antony is the viscount and the official head of the bridgerton family and the queen of England makes such an accusation which can have severe repercussions and in THAT timeline Antony would leave? Before the matter was resolved and with a threat from the crown hanging upon his family's reputation and name?
THE Antony we know?
The pace of the season was wrong. You cannot make it make any sense really.
I get it. Light entertainment and all and the season sure had its great moments but some things were just...sloppy?
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tungtung-thanawat · 13 days
I do find it quite insane that people think Bridgerton season 3 was too rushed. I really think Colin's every plot line has been to bring him closer to Penelope. I think there's plenty of gifsets already that show the little affectionate or longing looks between Colin and Penelope starting from season 1. But I don't even mean those when I say that Colin is written in a way that perfectly matches Penelope's fat girl romance story. People skirt around calling Penelope a fat girl and therefore her romance one that's strife with struggles around being fat because somehow that is what they think will betray their fatphobia. But it's not fatphobic to recognize the way that a fatphobic society has fucked with both Colin and Penelope's heads. Colin's incredibly strong, incredibly illogical crush on Marina Thompson, Penelope's cousin, suddenly makes so much sense when you contextualize it as his feelings for Penelope being misguided onto the closest eligible target. (It honestly even felt that way when I watched season 1 as it was coming out.) Because here's the thing about Penelope, right? That society has deemed her ineligible. A fact that we know Colin is painfully aware of by the end of season 2 when he declares to his 'friends' that he would never court her. The same friends he calls shallow to their faces in season 3. So was it surprising that Colin's whole arc in season 3 was about shaking off the shackles society has on his decisions and more importantly, his desires. Because Colin isn't just trying to get by with society's expectations like Anthony was, no. He was trying to change himself to like it. He was trying to buy into it. Because society made him miserable before and maybe embracing it would make him happier. There's a reason he's so passionately anti-Whistledown. She represents those very shackles of society that ironically keeps him from acknowledging his feelings for Penelope. Colin has been in love with Penelope for just as long as she has been in love with him, if not more. But Penelope wasn't the only one who thought that was impossible simply because she was fat. In fact, this is a very common fat girl dating experience, you meet men who would absolutely fuck you, heck they can even love you in their own way but they're not ready to face the shame of other's judgement in acknowledging you. Colin's every appearance on this show starting from season 1 has been setting him up to release those shackles. He wanted to for Marina, but his feelings for her were not genuine. He chased her out of obsession, not love and I think that distinction was infinitely clear to Marina. She could never inspire this soft, sensitive man to harden his backbone in a way that Penelope can. His love for Marina brought him anguish, his love for Penelope brings him joy. The Duke and Daphne barely had a conversation that entire season, Kate and Anthony met and created all of this havoc for what? Colin and Penelope are the only two, whose emotional connection has been established over the course of three whole seasons. Lots of criticisms can be made of their romance I'm sure, but rushed? Listen, I know why people think it's rushed and while season 1 and season 2 Colin would really really care that you think Penelope is unfuckable but season 3 Colin doesn't have a single fuck left to give.
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helluvabook · 24 days
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Them fr fr
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imgondeletedis · 1 month
ugh i am so jealous of lady tilley arnold like so much she's so finee but benedict is MY mann, i really do need a oneshot of benedict bridgerton x reader where she's jealous of lady tilley arnold bec yeah lolll (i would write it but i need writing classes bec im not the best at writing conversations)
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vengerb3rg · 2 months
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