#brighten up your phone to fully appreciate the second drawing btw
motherdanger · 1 year
Another installment in the Daniel Matthews is a Jigsaw apprentice AU—story + artworks!
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Amanda stiffens. She feels a chill run up her spine as his ice-cold blue eyes pierce right through her--more demanding than questioning. 
That awful feeling she gets when she finds herself in darkness comes creeping back in.
Just because you don't see me... doesn't mean I'm not here. 
A cold breeze blows on her neck.
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Mr Flirt || Jangjun
Request: Hi, can I get an idol jangjun + flowershop owner reader? Thank youuu ❤️
Of course💞 Jangjun is such a dork I love him so much, he's also my dad's favorite haha :)) I'm glad to get a Golcha request since I've fallen deep for them especially with this new comeback and omg Jangjun with his new hair color?? The silver fits him so good🤧 I didn't fully know where I was going at times with this so sorry if it feels a little rushed at times, now enough of me I'll let you get to the fic now💞
Synopsis: Jangjun walks into a flower shop to get flowers for a event one day, but because of a certain worker he finds himself there more than expected.
Pairing: Idol! Jangjun x Flower shop owner! Reader
Warnings: none! Cute fluff :))
Gif credits to owner~
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You sat behind the counter of your shop waiting for a customer to drop by, you had already watered all the flowers and made the different bouquets people usually ordered so now it was the waiting game for when you'd hear the bell ring. Today it was only you since you let your fellow workers have the day off since she felt sick and you needed to interview the new boy who was interested in working at your shop but you're okay with it just being you today since it was a slow day. The bell rang and you looked up to see a very gorgeous man, his hair was silver and messy; he was in a big hoodie and jeans. You caught yourself staring and quickly looked down, thankfully he hadn't noticed; he walked up to the front desk where you stood and gave you a smile causing your heart to skip a beat but you had to stay collected.
"Hello, how may I help you? Anything in your mind specifically?" You said greeting him with a smile in return, his smile faulted for a second from how cute and soft spoken you where but came back quickly.
"Yeah! I would like a bouquet of Dahlias, if that's okay with you cutie." He said with a wink causing you to giggle redness hitting your ears by the nickname.
"Okay Mr Flirt I'll be right back with those Dahlias for you." You said sending a wink back, your flirting game wasn't the strongest but if he was showing interest you where gonna take it since he certainly seemed like a keeper. You walked to the back and quickly got together the bouqu he wanted, walking back you saw he was on his phone and not paying attention so you tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jolt up in surprise.
"Gosh you scared me there Ya!" He said putting his hand on his chest exaggerating each word and movement dramatically. You laughed at his actions causing a smile to appear on both of your faces.
"I'm sorry to scare you, here's your Dahlias atleast. What brings you here for this bouquet Mr Flirt?" You said handing them over and typing out the total into the cash register.
"Oh just a event coming up, I wanted to get flowers for the winning group. My name's Jangjun by the way, what's yours Cutie?" He said handing you his card which you then scanned getting the receipt and grabbing a pen to draw a smiley face on it to then hand to him, it was just a thing you did for customer receipts it made it so if a order was returned but there was a struggle your employees could look at it and see the smiley face to then get your attention to help.
"Aw that's sweet, my name is y/n nice to meet you." You said handing him his card and receipt, he put the bouquet in one hand and got his card back in his wallet same with the receipt to then be put in his pocket so he could reach his hand out to you which you took.
"It's nice to meet you too." He said shaking your hand a smile re-appearing on his face. You took back your hand and smiled at him starting to give a wave of goodbye even if you didn't want to.
"Well that'll be it for you, if you ever comeback here I'll give you a discount since you're cute and made my day since it's been quite slow." You said continuing to wave at him making his smile grow larger.
"Thanks, I'm glad I could brighten your day." He said leaving you with a wink then exiting the store. The day went by customers came and went but you couldn't stop thinking about him, he truly was handsome and seemed to have a sweet personality. The day came to a end and you closed shop, a few days had passed and you had a part in the back of your mind hopeful for him to comeback soon. You came to work early this morning with your co-worker teaching the new employee how to use the cash register while you made bouquets to be put out at the front not hearing the door bell jingle.
"Hello is y/n here?" A familiar voice said to your employee, she smiled and looked up at him.
"Yeah she's in the back! Want me to go get her for you?" She said with a big smile making sure he felt welcomed.
"It'd be appreciated." He said running his hand through his hair. You co-worker came to the back and called for you to come to the front since a boy was waiting for you bringing you by surprise but still went out there. Your eyes landed on Jangjun's and you smiled tucking a strand of hair behind your ear you walked up to the front desk and greeted him.
"Oh Jangjun! I didn't suspect to see you again so soon, what flowers are you interested in? Dahlias again? Or are you here to change it up." You said with a small laugh at the end.
"You caught me red handed, another bouquet of Dahlias again thank you." He said lifting his hands up in the air like he had been caught for a crime then putting them back down after you both started to laugh by his actions. You went to the back and brought out a bouquet you had prepared.
"There you have it, is this for a event again?" You said putting the flowers on the counter looking up at him in curiosity.
"No I just thought I'd get a excuse to see you." He said smiling handing you his card with a little wink.
"Well then Mr Flirt, As I promised here is your discount I promised." You took his card and swiped it through the register, taking his receipt and drawing a smiley face on it you handed both things to him. He then looked at you and had a idea.
"Do you have a piece of paper I could use?" He asked smiling at you blinking a lot giving you a little confusion but you think he was just trying to be cute so you smiled.
"Yeah here." You grabbed a small piece of paper and pen handing it to him.
"Will this work?" You said.
"Yeah absolutely." He said with a smile sliding it back to you, he quickly turned around and right before getting to the door said.
"Bye y/n I'll hopefully be back soon." He said opening the door turning back at you giving you a wide smile. You picked up the piece of paper and looked at it seeing it wrote
Hey it's Jangjun, this is my number if you're interested :) XXX-XXX-XXXX P.S you're super cute ;)
Your day became better and once you got home you quickly put Jangjun into your contacts and texted him.
Y/N: Hey it's y/n :))) Is this Jangjun ??
Jangjun: Yes it is :) now that I've gotten your number, if it's not too soon may I ask if we could arrange a date in the near future?
Y/N: wow so bold, but I'd love that💞 btw I've never gotten around to asking but what's your occupation?
Jangjun: I'll tell you at the date since it's a bit to unpack.
Y/N: Well I'm curious so we better have it soon haha :)
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