#bear with me im still trying to figure out how to draw him
motherdanger · 9 months
Another installment in the Daniel Matthews is a Jigsaw apprentice AU—story + artworks!
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Amanda stiffens. She feels a chill run up her spine as his ice-cold blue eyes pierce right through her--more demanding than questioning. 
That awful feeling she gets when she finds herself in darkness comes creeping back in.
Just because you don't see me... doesn't mean I'm not here. 
A cold breeze blows on her neck.
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grimmwulf-a · 1 year
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me, making all of my muses have wings at SOME point in their lives: i just think it's neat :)
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hii congrats on 5k!! i love your writing ! if you’re still celebrating could i request a carmy blurb where maybe you’re syd’s besite and carmy has this biggggest crush on you (im talking this mf is Yearning) and she gets on him sooo hard about it like teasing him and reader and him end up together ? TIA <3
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Not So Secret.
carmen berzatto x female reader
warnings - cursing.
written for my 5k celebration- post here, masterlist here, inbox here.
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“You’re gonna stare a hole through her fuckin’ head.”
“Shut up.”
Richie laughs, following Carmens eyeline to where it’s fixed on you.
You’re stood in the restaurant with Sydney, both of you giggling at something she’s showing you on her phone. When you look up, you smile at Carmy, all soft and sweet and like butter wouldn’t melt. He almost melts, a puddle of yearning on the kitchen floor.
Sugar appears next to the two of you, holding out a piece of paper.
“This is a really rough draft of what we kind of want them to look like. Obviously you have full control, but this is kind of the vibe?”
When Carmen mentioned wanting a more personal touch on the menus, Sydney quickly offered your services. You’re the most artistic person she knows, gifted with naturally gorgeous handwriting that almost looks like calligraphy. Plus, she knows how much everyone at The Bear likes you, having been a part of their transformation. It’s a win - win.
“Yeah, I get you. So you want the title words like Dessert in more of a cursive, and then the actual dishes and descriptions in a typeface?”
“Yes! Do your thing. We trust you.”
She gives you a side hug, careful not to hit you with her bump.
“I’m gonna need some nice paper, and probably a new calligraphy pen so I can start from scratch. I’m gonna head to the craft store, and I’ll be back.”
“Carmy will go with you!”
Richie shouts it from the doorway, where he’s been not so subtly watching the conversation. Carmy blushes, clearly caught off guard.
“He needs to go to the craft store too, right Cousin? Good. Go. Bye!”
Carmy’s practically being pushed out the door, uncomfortable and flustered. You smile reassuringly, grabbing your bag and walking over to your car.
“You’re okay with me driving?”
“Course. Shouldn’t I be?”
You laugh, and he can’t help but grin, the sound settling nicely into his ribcage to warm him up.
“I’m a good driver, I promise. Despite what Sydney might say.”
He looks worried but gets in anyway, ever trusting you and anything you do.
He can’t help but sneak glances at you as you drive. You’re completely focused on the road in front, bottom lip pulled between your teeth as you concentrate. Carmy feels heat bloom across his chest at the action, wishing he could reach out and release it for you before you draw blood.
A text chimes through the air, startling you both. You press the button on your steering wheel so your car can read the message out loud.
From Sydney: Carmy. Tell her immediately or I’ll lock you in the walk in freezer. Sick of you acting like a lovesick puppy. This is your chance. Don’t blow it, asshole. We’re all tired.
Both of you freeze, your hands tightening on the wheel. Carmy wants to throw himself out of the moving car, but decides against it at the last minute.
You pull the car into the craft store parking lot, choosing a space and yanking the handbrake on. You turn to him, looking at him for the first time since the bombshell.
He’s blushed all over, chest heaving and bottom lip pulled between his teeth. You almost want to reach out and release it for him, before he draws blood.
“I think, uh, yeah, I just - that was clearly sent to the wrong person. Not meant for you.”
You laugh, suddenly, and it spooks Carmy so much that he jumps out of his skin.
“Yeah, Carm. That I figured.”
He laughs with you then, unsure and nervous. You reach out and place a hand on his knee, trying to calm him down. It just makes his heart lurch.
“What’s Syd talking about? Tell me what?”
He looks down at his lap, hands knotted together.
“I think you know.”
“Wanna hear you say it,” you whisper.
He finds the courage to meet your gaze, taking a deep breath.
“I like you. So much. I can’t stop talking about you to anyone and everyone that’ll listen - to the point that everyone at The Bear gives me so much shit for it. Sydney won’t get off my back, either. She says I’m ‘yearning’.”
You chuckle, rubbing patterns into the material of his jeans with your thumb.
“They’ve all made bets,” he continues, “about if I’ll ever tell you or not.”
“Who bet on you? And who against?”
“Syd and Richie against me. Marcus too. Tina and Sugar are on my side. Not sure why.”
“Wanna make Tina and Sugar some money?”
He quirks a brow questioningly, eyes going wide when you lean over the centre console and plant your hands on either side of his face. You’re so close to him that your breaths tangle together, one set of lungs working overtime.
“Kiss me, Carm.”
He doesn’t think twice, closing the gap and pressing his lips to yours. You tangle your fingers in his hair, trying to pull him impossibly closer. His hands find your back, tugging you into him as much as the limited space allows.
You whine when he bites at your lip gently, and he has to pull away to take a steadying breath before he passes out.
“You should get your eyes checked.”
He tries to process for a moment.
“You must be blind if you can’t see how much I like you, Carm. How much I’ve always liked you.”
He grins at you, bright and white, and you shake your head before leaning in to kiss him again.
When you don’t make it back into the restaurant that day, everyone has never been happier to not see the both you.
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icyachr · 1 year
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A silly little drawing of Emmet because I love him. Feral boy.
I'm still trying to figure out how to draw him and ingo so please bear with me im tryna feel it out :')
Inspired by this legendary shirt bc I feel like he would wear it:
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honeeslust · 4 months
Satoru Gojo | you cryin?
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🖤 inspo for this comes from that slutty gif of Satoru in the box. I know well all collectively had… thoughts… but couple that with the ‘you cryin’ and yea… lets go!
🖤 WC 4100+
Could you imagine falling in love with someone like Satoru? The man can process anything coming his way faster than it can even be perceived. This is except when it came to falling for you.
That being said, he's not going to baby you into the supernatural three ring circus that is his life. That would be arrogantly irresponsible.
As soon as he knew you weren't going anywhere, he made a point to teach you to fear the dangers of his world as he understood better than anyone the cost of bearing such a burden. One of the first things he made sure you understood was how to be wary of the places that gave off a any kind of bad vibes.
But... it wasn't like you set out for this... but you know what they say about the curious cat...
An uncharacteristically frantic Satoru is losing his mind when you don't make it home at your usual time. It really could've only been about 10 minutes past the time you were due to be home but at the moment, none of his thoughts were logical. Not when he could almost immediately intuit the danger you'd found yourself in.
... Somewhere else
You're bound by your wrists to something sturdy above your head. Your body is so weak you can't even pick your head up enough to make out what it is you're tied to. Even after jerking around with all your might, the chains retaining you hadn't so much as budged.
It was hopeless. And now your murky vision has to be betraying you. Your surroundings were moving in ways it shouldn't.
And was that... a man just now?
Your eyes swept the area around you to find nothing but the dark empty expanse staring back at you. Every ounce of your energy having mysteriously been sapped from your body. Defeated by the onset of fatigue, your head hangs between your shoulders.
Shit Satoru. I fucked up...
Yea. You did sweetheart.
A voice echoes out from somewhere nearby, but every direction you turn in is still just an endless sea of black. Panicked, your words wisp out of you shakily.
Wha-?..who are you?
I'm Mahito...
The disembodied voice calls out to answer you as he figure slowly emerges from the shroud of darkness ahead of you.
Thanks for making this easy for me.
Why the hell am I here Mahito?
Isn't it obvious? Satoru! He'll come running for you. And when he does well... he's no longer gonna be a problem for us.
Your chains rattle against the reinforcement as you struggle to turn away from the foreign hand now clutching your face in a harsh grip. The entity winks at you. His hand is hot on your face, hotter than it should be. It makes your skin crawl and you flinch away in disgust.
Don't fucking touch me.
His lip draws under his annoyingly perfect teeth, as he looks you over pleased with your choice of costume.
Hah! Quite a mouth you got on you little angel. If only I could get locked in here with you, Im sure I could make a devil outta you.
Tch. Ooh. If only. you snide teasing him with a pathetic pout before you spit right in his beautiful face.
Wait. What did he mean...locked ? As in.. inside?
Mahito swings his powder blue locks over his shoulder, breaking into a fit of maniacal laughter. He smears the wad of saliva from his face to lick it from his finger.
Fuck! Satoru's a lucky one.
You seem like you'd be so much fun.
Ah well. I'm sure you would've made a fine plaything. Its a shame I gotta leave you here now.
Too bad. So sad Mahito. Best be on your way, bitch.
Your body trembles, betraying the evil glare you aim in his direction. What he'd said before was beginning to sink in.
Locked in...
Fuck me!!
Mahito comes closer to you, making you flinch away.
I guess you're right. I'm sure he'll be here soon and I'm not trying to fight him...Even I know my limits.
He stoops in front of you, his bicolored irises flashing in delight as he reaches past your ear to play with the hem of your angel wing. Guess this is goodbye pretty one.
With that, retreats. Vanishing into the shadows leaving you stranded in the dreadfully cold loneliness. The accompanying darkness enclosing you doesn't help your nerves much either.
As if things couldn't get any weirder. A faint blue fog appears before you and seemingly moves toward you. It creeps closer and closer. Moving about unnaturally as it does so. A hand made out of bones materializes out of the cloud and then... more and more of them emerge. Entire skeletons. Swarming in around you until youre body is swallowed whole by the vapor.
Y/n. Wakeup.
Hmm? God Satoru what?
Baby. Wake up.
Your eyes flick open and you're ready to slap Satoru for waking you up before the sun when you didn't need to be.
But wait! This wasn't youre room, this wasn't even a place. You were as happy to see Satoru as you were horrified to see that you're still tethered to the chains from before.
You found quite a place to try and have a nap. Sweetheart.
You know I wasn't napping Satoru ... Now can you help!! you say yanking the chains.
Tsk tsk tsk. He admonishes with a shake of his head. I won't lie. This sucks
Yea it does. Help me outta these won't you.
What do you mean mmm?
I mean... I did try and tell you....
You scoff rolling your eyes hating exactly how right he was. He told you. Time and time again. Halloween is the worst time to be out and about as a newly awakened sorcerer.
Ugh okay. Baby you made your point. You gripe putting on your best pout and jangling your chains in his direction. C'mon. Satoru let me outta this.
I don't think I will. Not until you answer me one thing...Why were you out here alone?
Because I wanted to be. I can handle myself just fine, thank you. You say proudly even though you knew that in your current predicament,  you looked at least 2 sizes too small to for the big shit you talked.
Oh you can huh? He exclaims bearing a crooked smile down at you. But did you ever happen to stop and consider what I said about Halloween.
No. I didn't. You lie.
Immediately. You're met with a look of disbelief.
You don't huh...?
He cocks his head to the side. Leaning over you to jostle your chains.
... You comfortable like this sweetheart? He says rubbing the side of your face suggestively.
You roll your eyes. You know I'm not.
So then tell me why? You're a fucking danger magnet. It follows you wherever you go. You know and you pull this shit?.
Satoru recalls the moments he spent panicking when he couldn't get a read on your energy.   And that was exactly what they had hoped for when they dangled the chance to save you in front of him. For the second time in his life, hes d walked into a trap.
He kneels on the ground in front of you,  and arm draped across his thigh, the other caesses the side of your face. Why would you risk it y/n?
You stare back at him, too stunned by the vulnerable look in his eye to keep your attitude. Does it matter?
The hell are you asking me right now? Yeah y/n it matters to me that you put yourself in danger.
Awwww. Satoruuu. Were you worried? You sing songed out, teasing him.
His ears burned red.
Shut it. But yes. Obviously I was Sweetheart.
Fiiiine. Fine. You say giving him a small smile. But for real Satoru...You taking me outta this or not?
He glances up over your head, sizing up the length of your chains. Yeah. I will...Once I figure this out.
Oh yea. Guess it seems this place was designed to keep me from using my abilities. So we're trapped here until the people out side can figure out how to get us out.
You're kidding!
Fuck. Your voice shakes as the panicking kicks in. What in the actual fuck am I supposed to do now? You ask when you notice him looking down at you.
But wait Sweetheart. I can't lie. You look good in this position.
Tsk...Boy! Don't start. Baby you have to get me outta this.
What?....I'm allowed. I mean baby, you had me going crazy. And now well...I feel like I need to take advantage of this interesting little situation we find ourselves in. Gimme a moment to appreciate you like this.
You glare at your boyfriend. No way this angel eyed menace meant that.
No you creep. You're crazy Satoru. Cmon.
You're so annoyed with your boyfriend but there a glint in his eye as he's staring down at you in your vulnerable state. The depth of those ocean eyes could drown you a hundred times over and right now there was a storm brewing behind them. He was truly enjoying the sight of you, twisting so feebly as if you really wanted to deny this could and would happen. This situation was completely fucked. Sure. But damnit if it wasn't the stuff good girls who keep their heads stuck in smutty books would cream over.
No...You're not seriously considering....
Why not? Baby you're so fucking hard headed.
You laugh.. Yeah and...?
A hard head will make for a soft ass. Every. Fucking. Time Sweetheart.
Why did that send a sneaky little quiver right to that spot? Oh right, cause no matter how screwed you might be. It'd be worth it to let Satoru have his way with you. His mean side is his sexiest side.
Now you'd pissed him off. Sure. But Satoru figures why fight about it when you could fuck about it.
I like you like this. All that mouth on you. No where to run off to... Shit. Why didn't I think of this?
Your complexion ripens under his gaze. God. You're loving this aren't you?
You have no idea.
He lowers himself to your eye level, giving you that cocky smile of his but his piercing stare emanates something more than just frustration. Could it have been a little bit of relief you saw in his eye?
Before you could figure it out, he kisses you. Long and hard, his hands encompass your face as if he couldn't let you go. Your cheeks burn in the palm of his hands as his tongue rolls around your mouth, the strokes of his tongue resonating between your legs in repeated pangs pleasure. He breaks away, pressing his fore head against yours.
You make me crazy y/n you know that don't you?
But I thought you liked a challenge Satoru?
Fair enough. But... I don't know..
He skims a finger down the front of your blouse before he pulls his eyes back to meet yours.
... There is only so much a man can take sweetheart.
He tears the thin fabric away with ease making you yelp in response. You stomach tightens, flesh bared and prickling with goosebumps.
Shhh now. I think you like making me like this.  He quiets you, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
But Satoru I...
Any aht! Say the truth. It's just us here after all.
You're panting heavily staring at him with wide eyes.
Maybe... You hesitate, drawing your eyes to his lips, still rosy and wet from your kiss. Maybe it's fun to ruffle those perfect feathers of yours a little...
Is that right?
You shrug... Guess I can't help myself.
He slowly begins to reach his hand down to your waist, keeping his eyes fixed on yours as he does so.
The clatter of the chains reminds you where you are and for a moment, you question whether you can do this here.
I didn't mean to get snatched though. You call out in a weak attempt to make up for the stress you considered you might've put him through.
No you didn't... But here we are. Guess there's nothing else we can do except maybe this.
He tucks his fingers into the strap of your lingirie and snaps the tight band against your skin. You shiver, rattling the chains again.
Uh...Shouldn't we use our time more productively Satoru?
Yeah, I'm about to...Let me get these off you.
He tears at the suspenders keeping your wings attached and they fall the the ground. He rips open the white lacey bodice, leaving you in nothing but the tight thigh highs and gstring, and matching body harness up top
He's kneels before you, pressing his body between your legs. His palms brush softly up the sides of your thighs as he asserts himself over your body.
He glares down at you, his hand groping at the tented area of his pants.
I think it's time we make up don't you think.
You bring your foot up to his shoulder and nudge him away with a feeble kick. God, I cannot stand you.
I should be saying that to you.
Excuse me?
He leans in to press a kiss to the side of your neck.
Whatever Sat— the sudden use of his tongue in your favorite spot catches you off guard.
... What was that now sweetheart?
He asks boasting a cheeky grin as he continues to kiss his way further down your body.
His lips halt their movement right at your navel, granting you only a single moment of clarity. Your eyes open to see him giving you a dangerous look.
Now about that apology.
Your eyes opened wide. What apology? I've done nothing wrong.
No? He asks now trailing his fingers along the wet edge of your panties.
I am.
Your sure? He says looping his finger around the damp fabric and pulling it to the side.
Yes. I don-- ahhh you cried out tugging against your chains and tossing your head back.
His fingers lazily slip between your folds, effectively putting a stop to the sure tantrum you were about to throw.
He prods your clit with his thumb, biting down on his lip as he regards the pleasure overtaking your features.
I'm listening... He suggests slowly dipping his fingers inside.
Use your words baby. I'm gonna need that apology. C'mon. It's easy. Iiii— 
He croons teasingly curling his finger inside and pulsing it right against the spot he knew would have your toes curling in no time.
Your legs squeezed together around his arm making him laugh aloud while adding another finger. He begins to pulse them inside you.
Fuuuck Toru...
Yea I know. Say it baby.
Damnit. He's too good at this.
I'm sorry...fuck baby, right there. You squeel in satisfaction,  drool beginning to pool in your mouth as your core twisted tighter.
Hmmm. I'm not convinced.
Why don't you try again?
His fingers are rutting in and out of you.The warm enclosure wrings tight around them until you're spilling forth everything, mewling out how sorry you were.
He sets back onto his legs, looking down appreciatively at his little brat, trussed up and convulsing with pleasure when he gets an idea.
He lifts the hem of his shirt over his head a tosses them to the side. He reaches up somewhere over your head and you feel a yank on the chain. A sudden sound of shrieking metal fills your ears, jarring you back into your body.
Did he just???
You're dragged forward until your wrists are pinned into his chest, leaving you unable to unleash your barrage of verbal assaults at him.
You Fu-— your words are muzzled into his kiss and he groans, tightly grabbing the cusp of your ass in a grip that almost hurt. He punctuates the kiss with a sound smack to your rear.
He unlocks his lips from yours, and pushes against your shoulders, forcing a gasp out from your lips.
Satoru? You begged watching him wind the harsh metal chain around his fist. The metal grated against itself as he clinched it tight, giving the metal a yank until the steel bit down into your flesh.
You say your sorry Sweetheart...? Show me.
He was perfection. His slutty little waistline is accentuated by the way his hip jutted out to the he side. Your eyes dropped to the large print lying across his thigh and as mad as you were, your mouth watered.
He undoes his pants and lets them sag around his waist. He flips his dick out over the top and pumps himself slow.
Get it wet pretty girl... maybe I'll believe you. He says with a flick of your chain.
You bent forward, ass hiked up to his liking so he could palm your cakes like a basketball. You brought the swollen head of his dick between your lips, and moaned over him as his fingertips dug into the right spot of your skin.
Hes impressed his little angel doesn't immediately gag on his cock, hes fascinated even. You're so slutted out for him that you forget that he could've freed you at any moment.
Never mind that youre now trapped in this place with minimal hope of escaping. Your minds put all of that aside to focus on the singular object of your affection and the way he helps you along, hands free, he guides himself in and out of your mouth. Keeping a taut hold on your chain as you bobbed back and forth on your elbows. throating every inch of his cock like a glove.
Are you really sorry ?
Ahh. baby... Teeth!
He shudders feeling your garbled apologies vibrating along the tight corner in the back of  your throat where his length was now comfily housed.
Fuck y/n. You can do better than that can't you?
Lemme hear it? You sorry or not?
He's so mean about it. Fuck! it makes you wet. It makes you want to sacrifice your breath just to choke on him more.
His body tenses as all the blood rushes to the same spot. He bucks out of your mouth before he can release into the back of your throat.
You're still not making me think you mean it.
Don't you wanna show me?
I do! I meant it Satoru.
He places his fingers under your chin and presses his thumb against your puffy wet lips.
A smile pulls at his lips. He believes you. But hes greedy for more of this. He knew that eventually he could fuck the act right into your hard headed ass.
Mhmmm. Alright. Guess I gotta fuck a proper apology outta you... Don't I?
Turn over!
You're body obeys before you've even registered what's happening. He knees your legs apart, pulling back on the chain to hear the way you yiped out. Somehow he's got you hunched over on your knees, your hands held back by your new leash.
Please Satoru.
Tsk. Oh sweetheart. You know thats not what I wanna hear.
I'm sorry baby...
Your knees are burning from all the time spent on them, but it doesn't matter. Your pussy glistens with your arousal for him and the wet hole is repeatedly clenching in wait. You need him as bad as the air in your lungs, maybe more.
The honored one slaps your ass. hard. The bite brings tears to your eyes.
Ahh. I'm sorry. Satoruu. Fuck.
Manners baby.
Baby I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ohh god please. I need to feel you.
Your flesh stings with another sound slap to the other side causing a your walls to clench tight around nothing. Fuck! It aches so good that your toes curl.
He could feel the heat emanating from your body. He could even see the heavy glow of pleasure as it surrounds you. Even in this dark dank place youre golden aura shines bright in his all seeing eye.
He aligns himself and pushes a few prepatory nudges inside you. Tensing his jaw, he grumbles through clenched teeth until he's buried the full extent of himself inside you.
You welcome the stretch with a drawled out moan, thank you.
Thats my girl.... Won't save you though.
The emphasis of his words are punctuated with a sharp thrust forward.
Ssss, starting to feel like you sorry angel. Keep it up and maybe I'll let you out of this. He brags yanking back as he brought his hips back against you ass to make you sink your nails into the terrain beneath you.
He moves back and forth. again and again... Each time plunging deeper until you were squirming away. He's so deep you can taste the blisssul release creeping up on you. Its sweeter than nirvana, the feeling of him colliding somewhere inside that makes you forget what you're even sorry for.
He's bullying your cunt with a brutality you've never felt. He's beside himself, watching his cock disappearing inside you again and again. You're unable to flee from the shock as he's tugging on your new chain leash.
I want to protect you.... you need to let me!
Ok. Yes Satoru yes. You're whining, inching yourself forward for a moment of relief. There's just absolutely no way your body can take the pleasure he's forcing upon you.
Awww baby, quit your running. You wanted this didn't you? You like to ruffle these perfect feathers? Thats what you said right?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you wail, twitching pathetically as he draws back and returns with a resounding pound that all but knocks your lights out. You're blissfully cock drunk, the wetness leaking down out over the base of his cock.
It's like he's saying it over and over and over.
...love... you...
... protect.... you.
You can't move, you can't think, you can only feel him fucking his frustration right into you.
Let me... baby....Am I understood?
Yes Satoru. Yes.
Lemmie hear you! Say it again!
Satoru—- Please... Ohhh I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, you scream out letting that dick turn you into groveling mess.
Satorus entire body quivers at the sight of your ass clapping against his skin as he picks up the pace.
Are you? I cant hear you.?
Say that shit like you mean it!.... Say it!
He's being mean and he knows it. But he needs you weak. He needs you broken. He needs you to quit putting yourself in harms way because he wouldn't know what to do without you.
everything you put him through resonates with the pleasure hes giving. You're right where he wants you, so his palm slaps harshly across your ass, his continued unmerciful thrusts knocking loose every screw in your brain.
Baby I am. I swear. Im so so so so sorry!
He yanks, dragging you back against him hard. He traps your arms in a tight lock behind your back and slowly rolls his hips to etch himself deeper. Imprisoning you in his arms, he growls lowly in your ear.
I don't believe you.
He forces you back over, this time pushing your chest to the floor. You're vibrating on the brink of an insidious rapture. Skin clapping against skin. Him tuggeong on your leash to to keep that arch the way he likes it. His pace is unrelenting. Like he was dead set on making you feel how crazy you made him.
You beg and you beg feeling the sloppy trails of arousal leak down the inside of your thighs. You'll say anything, do anything, BE anything for him. He has to know that. But still, he's unrelenting.
What's left of your voice creaks out in a whine.
So so so so sorry daddyyyy ohhhhh.
The moniker spills from your lips making him jolt with pleasure, spilling all kinds of his honored elixir into your trembling mess of a cunt. You're so full of him that your entire body spasms.
Daddy huh?
He likes it. It has a ring to he didn't know he needed to hear. Your clenched so tight he cant pull out. Fresh hot tears are running down your face and you look over your shoulder too distraught with your shattering to even speak to him.
He's gasping for the breath he takes. Beyond satisfied with your apologyas he blinks away the stars in his eyes. a wicked grin stretches across his lips when he sees the tears streaming down your face...
Wait!!. he chuckles, curling a portion of the the chain around either of his hands. He snaps the links and pulls your pleasure riddled body to him.
He clutches your chin between his fingers, and grins.
You cryin'??
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@littlemochabunni @ryomens-vixen @biscuitsngravie @crescentmoontsuki @blkkizzat @thecookiebratz @residentfromnowhere @i-literally-cant-with-this @arlerts-angel
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Essencetale is the world from a rp I've been in for YEARS, you'd think the characters, story, and designs would be rock solid by now and that I would actually know how to draw them but. No. Help.
This will both be an ask blog and just where I'll post content of it once in a blue moon. Please bear wirhme as I desperately try to figure out how to draw humanoids, but most of the time I'll probably be drawing their catified versions. And whether they're drawn as their pre-arc or post-arc selves will depend
Essencetale started off as an Undertale au like four years ago, hence the name, but has long since evolved into its own thing aside from a few similarities. I don'treally want to write out the story here since It's Long and this is pretty much just for my friends to ask stuff, and they already know the gist of it, but if anyone else wants to know it I might
The characters you'll probably see the most include:
Hope, she/her, she has my name bc she started out as a self insert and is still sort of me. Honest to godI couldn't tell you what her personality is if you held a gun to my head
Nicholas, he/him, Hope's brother. He's a menace and he would kin Sans Undertale, except he'd also kin Mettaton a little. He smokes what's basically weed, he's afraid of dogs, and he's also self aware and is the most powerful character but he's chill. Most of the time. He was a space-faring alien in a previous life (previous version of the rp), and can still turn into his alien form because of that. He also really likes science
Evangeline, she/her, leader of the Crystalkin (the species that Hope and Nicholas are). Pre-arc, she's a menace and evil, post-arc, she's a menace and debatably less evil. Afraid of cats. She would violently kin Starlight Glimmer if she knew who that was. She can both read and control minds. She's committed countless war crimes but it's okay. she's a girlboss
Axel, he/it, ancient vengeful ghost, similar in personality to Evangeline but he's committed So Many More War Crimes. He's actually very Melcore, he's a murderer. He's someone's babygirl. He's YOUR babygirl. I can't get further into describing him without getting into the plot actually
Lucas, he/him, Hope and Nicholas' childhood friend, except he's actually a Really Good robot built by their dad, Noah, to protect them (not that that worked like. At all). He's one of those robots that's so good they're just A Person With Cool Robot Powers. He's a sweetheart that likes drawing and that's pretty much it
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sqwdkllr · 2 months
dude your art is so amazing..i fucking love how you do anatomy, and linework, its just so perfect and also your qsmp designs??!? so fucking cool. your deathduo especially is so so dear to me<3 and your bluebird au(/aus?) amd your bluebird art in general its just so <33333…and your qsmp entities like cucu and eye creature and especially baribel, MAN those are singlehandedly my favorite qnpc designs theyre so great like. how the eye guy just has Teeth that come out of his head wherever?? and all your little headcanons about the bears??? THEYRE SO COOL MAN. and your philza with the patches on his pants n the baby zombie scar on his leg (also whats the scar on his nose from?)(also also i love your phils hair, like the short with the little braid its so neat:DD), and pommes hijab braids, and the zippers on th back of cucu and ositos heads (i have yet to figure out what those are for but ehatever theyre cool anyway) n just like. the thought and detail that goes into them, im rambling but aa<333 theyre all amazing:) OU AND YOUR COMICS,, i love love love how you structure n format them because theyre so dynamic and interesting while still being super readable and the ART IVE SAID IT ALREADY BUT I NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE YOUR STYLE SO MUCH. its just so nice. like how you use general shapes and like i dont know how to explain it but its cool:)) your art lives in this little spot in my brain rent free…made me subconsciously kind of incorporated stuff you do into my own art process like sketching shit in blue LOL
anyway sorry for the wall of text i just needed to rant a tiny bit because youre one of my fsvorite artists n you inspire me so much ssob,,anyway have a good day mate
This ask makes my heart explode oh my goddd. I'm so happy you enjoy the stuff I put out augghh that so sweet THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE IS SO SWEET WTF. I hope you are ready for a ramble about hc/theory/design choices. Seriously its long-
I have so many head canons I like showing. Some lean towards theory territory and others I legitimately do not believe in myself BUT I like drawing it out because WHY NOT !!?? I like the whimsy of it all
THE BLUEBIRD AU is purely me having fun. Its such an angst filled au that is coated with a mask of nuclear family and hurt/comfort. In reality its like being hit with a sauce pan repeatedly. I'm more of a scientist Jaiden believer personally. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON DEATHDUO- Man I want to go back to drawing self-indulgent stuff for that. Fuck this ask is making my brain engine go insane AUGHH-
Like stuff about Osito just being a huge flirt because of their exposure to Roier from the beginning or Baribal being a pot head, yeah those sort of head cannons I'm sure people are dying to hear from me (sarcasm). Or more serious ones like the relationship, more like lack of, between Cucurucho and Baribal being one of miscommunication that snowballed into hate but never enough to kill each other. Literally the trope of "twins separated where one is raised within evil and other is forced to take them down" but it's very dark grey from both sides. YESSIR
Or other theory territory like federation not knowing that Cucurucho and Osito are not the same person because it’s a secret- BUT THAT’S VERY FANON/THEORY TERRITORY AND TOO CONVOLUTED FOR HERE-
Oh and of course more tame head cannons like sexualities and stuff. Cucurucho is aromantic to me. All of them are transgender. The entire fed staff. Fuck even the purgatory island goobers. No real concept of what gender is and sort of adopted what the islanders do or what the federation refers to them as. It's just not a thing, same with labels on sexuality. If you like someone then you just like them and that’s how it rolls !!
THE WATCHER. MAN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS GUY. Like actual constant threat and you are left scrambling trying to figure out the rules of not pushing the wrong buttons so you stay alive. I know his concept art had like him as a human at some point, but I like fungus goop watcher more. Little goober who just so happen to survive the longest, learn the most, and as a result evolve to what he is now. Eventually became strong enough to overthrow the previous leader (and consume them-) and is now king of the purgatory island in privacy. Until the new islanders were sent there ofc. So yeah, bro is very old, its why Cucurucho has no clue who this dude is when he does get to put a face to the name.
PHILZA. This guy is the kinda guy to put survival above all. So I like to imagine that not only would he be covered in scars because he tanks most of the hits and is generally a very selfless person- SOME SCARS HAVE A REASON ! The zombie scar being one of course, semi infected bc I like to think that he did not die in his hc world but rather came close to it. And his buildings is what caught the attention of the goddess of death and allowed for her to give him immortality and be her eyes in the mortal realm as her angel of death. So the poison is still in his foot, just unmoving. Stuck in time just like his body unable to age. As for the scar on his cheek? Nightmare Stalker grabbing him by the face and throwing him in the ocean the second time he tried to get up to save Tallulah. The only evidence left of that night happening. YES SHORT HAIR PHILZA AND POMME WITH A HIJAB YESSS
The zippers are supposed to show that their "head" is not actually what they look like. It’s a helmet/mask. I don't draw their real faces out of fear of making them look too "human" but rather I enjoy the implication that they COULD LOOK LIKE any other islander. Isn’t the thought that this horrible twisted shell of a being could look just as human as you so much more eerie? I dunno I was watching horror analysis videos of the unknown while building the fanon side of them- Now why their masks can emote?,,, its cartoon logic !! And it's cute I have so many thoughts on these guys can you tell? OH MY GODD THANK YOU THO. Augh this is the sweetest message ive ever read pls.im so so very glad these little guys can make you happy. That’s such an honor fr !!
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
yo if your comfortable can I request headcannons/ scenario (whatever is easier for you to write) about one piece boys (zoro law and sanji) would react to y/n using their safeword. Like how they would calm them down and aftercare. Ty💕
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after care headcanons
Featuring: Zoro, Law, and Sanji
post type: headcanons
bear note: when I saw this I was blushing hard as a tomate. like AHAHHAHAHAHEHEHEBE! I was squealing! This made my night. So I got you :) im going to link @spideyyeet they made an amazing masterpiece. About using a safe word! I love it! Go check it out! I read that shit back to back!! I still read that shit back to back
@3strapstyle helped me with this one so THANK YOU RUMMIEEE
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- first off! this man don’t know what after care is unless you tell him
-“STOP ZORO THAT FUCKING HURTS!” You’ll scream the minute he pounds you from behind
- zoro loves anal so I can imagine him being rough with his fat dick in u making u say the safe word
- once you tell him he starts to feel so bad.
-“My bad babe.” he stops now, feeling awkward
-you have to tell him what to do. He’s a slow boy (not too slow though)
-“okay so now what.”
-“do you want to be alone?.”
-“no. I want you to hold me.” you’ll pout at him and look away,
- He’ll let you cuddle on his chest, and kiss you gently,
-“did I go too rough on you.”
-“way too rough, my butt hurts” you’ll sigh
-after a few minutes of cuddling he’ll give you a proper apology “I’m sorry…I’ll try my best to not get too carried away.”
-than try to rub your ass to make it “feel better.”
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-this man is into s&m
-he wants to call u all sorts of names, spit in ur mouth, mark u up
-“purple!!” If You’ve been too overstimulated, or lost conscious. He’ll understand what you’re trying to say and will ask
-“do you want to stop or take a break?”
- regardless when u say the safe word he stops instantly
-can make you overstimulated within 45 seconds (it’s because his size he’s long and thick)
- “I’m sorry baby, does it hurt right here?” He’ll try to figure it out where it hurts and massage your sore spots
-“you did amazing baby, I’m so sorry for going too rough on you” he’s doing his job as a doctor and as your partner to praise how amazing you are, treat you well
-will immediately give you pain killers, and make you something to eat.
-draws you a bath to help with sore muscles. very sweet of him
- literally does whatever you want
-"don't worry about me not cumming. ill consider this my punishment. I like to edge myself anyway"
-spoils you and of course will give you a snack, y’all will probably just stay in y’all’s shared room, and go to sleep
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> tears were starting to flow through your eyes. all it was blurry… “blue!!” you screamed out crying, unintentionally hitting his shoulder a few times.
> Sanji immediately stoppped and hugged you.. “shhh…it’s okay..honey... im..sorry…did I go too far on you…” He’s wiping your tears.
>If You were too overstimulated to explain yourself, he’ll be holding you and continued comforting you until your breathing was back to normal.
> When you had enough energy to talk about why you stopped him, you’ll explain to him on why you just wanted to please him since he always pleases you. you thought you were going to return the favor and it’s okay.
> Yes giving both partners the same amount of pleasure is needed, but communication is most necessary, that’s what Sanji was trying to tell you.
“Darling look at me. You’re okay.. im glad you told me. if we kept going..you could’ve been jelly on toast.”
- kissing the top of your head, before taking another hit of his cigarette. you giggled a bit which indeed made you feel a bit better. rubbing your back, and tracing your stretch marks, holding your hands. Kissing you everywhere. He just is an aftercare king.
“Let me to draw you a bath, and hold you okay..a princess like you should be treated with the best care as possible.” he carried you in bridal style into the bath. he washed your hair, you body and everything.
> MANS EVEN DID YOUR HAIR ROUTINE FOR YOU!! OMFG! So you didn’t have to do it.
“You use this one right princess?”
- He was so gentle and kind with you.
> The way applied the oil in your hair, scrunched your curls,and gently brushed your hair kissing your hands.
> You instructed him step by step on what to do and he does it flawlessly. 😩❤️
> when it came to you getting hungry, he made you your food from childhood. admiring how you’d eat it.
Whether it was something small or something big to fill you up. it’d be something to help soothe you. Because sanji loves you and will do anything to please the love of his life.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
RAM MY BELOVED hello hi happy Valentines (if you celebrate) hi
I just drove home while listening to my tomarry playlist and i need to tell you, i love themb so much and this song (Carnivore by Bear Attack! If the link doesnt work) is such a themb song and omg. I need to go reread love is touching souls. I need to finish typesetting it. I need to stop procrastinating buying printing materials and just bind it into a physical book. Themb.
But also, i was thinking about this fic thats currently sitting partially done in my google docs, thats endgame tomarry but currently drarry. And basic context: Harry becomes the DADA prof after a few years of being a failure of an auror and he and Ginny just finalized their divorce (nothing was Wrong Per Se, Ginny just realised shes a lesbian), and Hermione sets him up with Draco but theyre not really Great together theyre more just meh as a couple, but then Harry accidentally time travels back to 1945 (give ir take a few years) and teaches DADA during Tom's seventh year, and they get together and Harry knits Tom a Weasley sweater and etc etc etc BUT i couldnt figure out how to get them both back to The Present Day while not breaking up Harry and Draco BUT BUT BUT i realized i can just make it hella poly and itd still be cute!
Im telling you all of this as the person who got me into tomarry plus the first person i thought of when i put this playlist on, i hope this hinged-ness finds you well i love you <3
Love the idea of introducing someone else to the Tomarry relationship because we've all seen Tom and how he feels about sharing. Like I feel like any work with Tomarry + another character is like, 40% getting Tomarry together (all the Hurdles and Problems and such with those two) and then 60% Harry slowly making Tom stop hissing at whoever else because he has to share Harry with them and that's his soulmate. Yes even if he likes them too he's just Like That. He's so very not suited to polyamory, it would be extremely entertaining reading a fic trying to make it work.
I remember reading a fic back in Ye Olden Days that was a Drarry snippet with Severus looking in from the outside wishing he could be with Harry but Knowing Deep in his Soul that he was Wrong for him. I'd link it but I'm like 90% sure it was in french and I don't want to go looking through FFnet for it right now haha. Drarry just made me think of it. Oh and there was One good Drarry fic I loved, still in french, by and author who wrote banger after banger (all in french, yeah) on FFnet that introduced baby me to Supermassive Black Hole and the fact that you don't put two condoms on. It's Nothing Else Matters by Rose Malefoy if you want to look at the page and not understand the text haha (yes Malefoy with an e that's how it's spelt in french) Oh and my first Snarry was amnesiac Harry who was with Severus and forgets it so he gets into a relationship with Draco but then remembers and leaves him I think? It's been a while. I used to be into Drarry more but it's been years since I read some, since I discovered Snarry and all.
I think we should combine our poly Tomarry AUs to inflict the maximum amount of Situations on theses guys. Like throw in Draco throw in Severus and then let them take years and a lot of therapy to disentangle that mess and make a working polycule out of it. A bit like when you plop Sims in a house with full autonomy and wait for them to do something cool like starving themselves or making out with their brother's wife, except here I hope they'd figure it out and get a good ending at some point. Anyway.
Oh and in Tomarry news if you haven't tackled Draw me after you (let us run) by Toastranger you should go for it because now after about 200k words and 44 chapters Things have been Happening 👀 (I'm not subtle, they finally kissed is what happened) extremely fun fic, highly recommend once again. That said it is a time investment because I love long works
Your song rec is actually making me realise I don't have Tomarry songs? I have Obikin songs I have plenty of Snarry songs I have Johnlock songs and Kylux songs but nothing for these two. Ah well. I mean I guess The bog in the valley by the Irish Rovers is kind of a Harrymort song because it's a part of Dark Livestream but that's not very Tomarry specific. OH WAIT NO I do!! In the Daylight Again by Duplicity is named after a line from Salt and the Sea by the Lumineers so. One (1) Tomarry song. Good fic too, I can't make myself rereading it because it hurts my feelings :(( but it's really good
Cool song you got though! I've added it to my current playlist, love finding songs through other people and associating them to random stuff like that.
Anyway love you hope you have a good evening come back whenever you want <3
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thelostmoongazer · 3 years
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i have some thoughts on the Thin Man :)
thoughts that i HAVE discussed on my twitter but for the sake of convenience i will elaborate on them (in excruciating detail i am so sorry) under the cut (SPOILERS ABOUND)
So we all know that mono spent the rest of his life in that tiny room in that single chair right? but he was still growing and aging like any person would and still retaining his basic bodily functions. but he hasn’t left that room. so he hasn’t had any access to food or water or anything to ... know... keep him alive. and yet he still grows for years. but how?
so it seems like the writhing mass of meat and eyes in the Black Tower (ive been calling it the Mass) is the center of this whole worlds problems. Whatever is being broadcasted by the Tower and is enrapturing these people and warping them and disfiguring them is most likely from this Mass (and honestly why i think that all of the children look completely normal compared to all of the adult figures because they’ve been exposed to the signal for longer, and another example of that being how FAST Six transformed when she was taken to the Black Tower because of the direct exposure to The Mass’ influence (besides the thin man but i’m getting to that). So it has the power to physically manipulate a persons appearance. So that makes me think if it can do something like that, it can keep something ALIVE if it really wants to. 
But why would it want to keep Mono alive? Because it NEEDS him. it NEEDS his power and they NEED his CONTROL over them.  Mono is the only one who seems to be able to keep The Mass at bay. In fact within the final moments of the game where The Mass started to look like it was surrounding him, there was a pulsing of static and it was suddenly gone with mono left alone in the chair.  Because of his ability to traverse through the tvs, and what we constantly see of mono when he’s trying to control the static in the tv when he’s trying to get to the hallway, he has the ability to fine tune and filter whatever overwhelming signal this creature is giving out. So, with his power, he maintains control over the signal for The Mass, and in turn, it keeps him “alive” without the need to leave the room.
But because of The Mass having to manually grow this barely alive child, Mono grows and elongated unnaturally, making mono grow into something a little farther from human, but with Mono still having control over The Mass’ influence he still looks something closer to human still. But literally the only reason that i draw his hair being long is to imply growth without maintaining anything cuz im pretty fuckin sure he doesnt really have the utilities to cut his hair lol  but then that argument could be made for facial hair to which he has fucking none (like h ow?? ?? ? ??) but i think one could make the argument that because The Mass only has limited knowledge of actual humans and only knows of what is normally broadcasted though those tvs, and since it looks like those tvs are fairly outdated, looking about 50′s to 60′s era, then what would normally be broadcasted are clean shaven men in suits so it would only know as much of what it broadcasts. as well as Mono being a literal child who likely knows nothing about human physiology other than how long it probably takes for someone to die of starvation and not knowing shit about how adults work and just rolling with it 
and it basically just turns into this:
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congrats on your new meat parent mono, you are now a build-a-bear
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roenais · 2 years
doll grian ask masterpost! i get a lot of these apparently good lord
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ofc, i didn't come up with the concept! no need to credit it to me or anything, in fact to me it isnt an au, that's just how i draw grian in general lmAO.
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amsmkkeg yeah its such a funny concept to me. i like to think that he's always somewhat aware of where they are, so many other hermits have had the experience of trying to prank him by moving a spare body only to be jumpscared when he interrupts them.
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pov you havent seen your somewhat brother-figure since he became a god. you find out he's been active on a different server for the past few years. you join the server. he's a marketable plushie. i think she'd be halfway between confused and finding it hilarious.
...though if you want a somber moment, i like to think that at some point early into boatems construction then sat down together on a quiet night and talked about it. just chilling out discussing the fallout of evo and what theyve been up to since. whether he misses his humanity. yknow.
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l.. .like a light switch? girl help i dont know what that is but i am intrigued.
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aw im glad! that makes me happy, glad he likes :)
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the desperate phrasing on this is killing me. i'll canonize it for you. he's too big for build a bear clothes but he'll make it work.
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i wouldnt think so! the only reason he can possess a doll in my headcanon is because it's inanimate. it's less possession and more like very advanced puppetry smfmekg.
that being said, he could probably abandon his body and still be able to knock things over like a petty cat. or place wither building blocks to terrify mumbo. casual menace things.
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this image is hilarious im laughing so hard. fly grian fly.
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gem: wait so he's just a plushie?? that talks and builds?? and that counts as a player???
scar: you get used to it remarkably fast!
pearl: well to be fair he was a regular player once
scar: he was what
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grian plays along for the sole purpose of jumpscaring scar into lava lets be real. he absolutely would.
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pabro-picasso · 3 years
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i finally finished this, after a good 3 weeks to a month of working on it
of course when the AC update hit i went stupid hard on it and bulldozed the island and tried to complete every little thing so i neglected everything else, especially drawing
but i was so hooked to the point where i made sticky note doodles of arthur and alfred as villagers at work and then i thought about how the other main 8 plus matthew would look and thats where we are now
theyre grouped by relative geography, and i made the heights of the different villagers consistent across all three drawings B) every piece of clothing is something you can also find in game
ok some explanations under the cut cuz im assuming not everyone wants to read this
ok lets start with the top:
yao is based off of a red-crowned crane, a crane found all over east asia, and i believe the national bird of china? idk, if i got that wrong my bad cuz i was all over the place in researching stuff. i had the hardest time trying to figure out what he should be, and i chose his villager model last. he was gonna be a regular tweety bird villager, but someone mentioned using feathers as a pony tail and the ostrich villager model was the only bird type that does that
ivan of course is a big old bear. i took some creative liberties with the scarf, but i figured that theyll give extra bits to villagers on occasion (like raymonds glasses or audies sunglasses) i struggled a bit w the shirt, but i ended up w a yodel sweater because at the time it looked the best out of all the sweater options. i think if i were to do this again id give him a different one but drawing the knit pattern took too damn long to start over w something else
kiku was also a bit of a challenge. not because picking a villager species was hard, but because of the color scheme. idk, when i think of japanese color schemes my mind automatically went to red black and white and i already had made yao, and it just was feeling too stereotypical at this point. i went with the earthen greens and browns as a reflection of a lot of the vintage japanese furniture in the game. he’s a deer because i instantly thought of the nara deer park and i thought that’d be cute. his antlers and fawn dots also reflect that.
next pic:
francis!!! i originally was going back and forth between a skunk (because of pepe le pew lol) and then a rooster, because roosters are like the animal of france right? but i couldnt get a decent design with either of them. i was scratching and racking my brains when i realized that the literal in canon joke is him being a frog 🤦‍♀️ then the design was almost too easy. i went with pastel colors because i thought of the french courts in the 1700s. while he’s the only one i went anachronistic with, i feel like it still suits him with how cute it is.
ludwig’s a german shepard. p straight forward w this one. i struggled with finding an outfit for him because while there is the bavarian lil leiderhosen suit, it just didnt seem to fit. i went with the collarless coat because it seemed very modern german fashion.
feliciano’s villager species was picked second to last, just before yao. idk, i really struggled with him too because while the entire show’s about him, not much really sticks out to me when it comes to picking stuff for him. there’s not really any classic “italian” animals other than like.... a greyhound? idk im kind of an ignorant boob about the mediterranean countries 😬but, i ended up with a duck because i pictured a matching, angry romano and it seemed hilarious. it didn’t show well, but i based his color schemes off olives. his belly is red like an olive pit. the sweater shirt also seemed very italian to me.
bottom crew (pun intended):
alfred!!!!! we had to go with the obvious classics. not much else to explain about this one. he’s a bald eagle with his flight jacket. i tried to make his design different enough from apollo’s to where it wasnt a one-for-one copy but 🤷‍♀️ not much you can do with a bald eagle
arthur’s a little english rabbit. i thought it would be cute to see him be very little and very angry. i’m not a huge fan of the color scheme i ended up with but tbh i really didnt know what to do with him that would still look good. i tried navy, but it looked awful. i feel like he needed dark, moody colors and the other two boys already had browns and i didnt want to make them all look the same.
and finally, matthew 🥰 while i did say that feli and romano would be matching ducks earlier, you know i had to make this fool a moose. he’s technically a bull character model, but hey this shit aint real i can bend the rules. i tried giving him a maple syrupy color palette, while not being as all out food based like feliciano was, but this might be a bit too subtle. either way tho, coloring him made me hungry. he has a flannel shirt because of course he does hahaha
i had a sticky note with style preferences, personality types and all that but i dont feel like digging for it, this post is long enough anyways, and also its late and i just want to get this shit out already. i’ve been stressing about finishing it for too damn long
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k0kichiimagines · 2 years
Hi there! Can I please have a scenario where it’s the first chapter in V3 during the time limit, and Kokichi’s SO (feminine pronouns if possible) tries to go through the Death Road of Despair by herself trying to figure out how to safely get everyone out without anyone getting hurt, then Kokichi finds them extremely hurt but still trying all for the sake of them? Thank you :)
i feel like writing angst so im making this painful hurt / comfort type thing
also pretend thr killing game lasts longer here, i do feel like it realistically it would take place over a few months, but especially here since its early! that or you knew oma beforehand
- mod kokichi
kokichi x reader
-> getting hurt doing the death road of despair
cws : violence,
"too many hits! back to the start you go!" the bear announced, laughing as you groaned in annoyance. at least the path back was an easy back stage route, it would mean you could rest slightly for your next run.
next run. a part of you so desperately wanted to give up, your body was bruised and hurting, you could taste blood and see it seeping through your clothes. you were fucking exhausted, but you still kept pushing, kept pushing because maybe this would help everyone.
you finally reached the start, collapsing onto the floor to gain your breath, your vision blurring slightly and arms weak and shaking. you bit your tongue (lightly, you'd already cut it hard enough to draw blood), holding back tears.
someone called your name, you could here footsteps running until someone lifted you up onto your trembling legs, leaning you against them. you looked up (or down if youre a lot taller then him, but even if you're a bit taller youd be slouching here) and blinked a few times. "... kokichi?"
"idiot! what do you think you're doing?! are you trying to be the first death or something?" your vision had cleared enough to see the worry on his face, but you winced anyways at his yelling.
"shh, my head is throbbing"
"yeah no shit considering what you've been putting yourself through."
"kokichi, please, i got really far this time! i can probably finish in one or two more ro-"
"no. dont be stupid, youre not doing it again."
"no! you've done this multiple times, you've nearly killed yourself - no."
"im not an idiot! i know its dangerous, ive done it before! im not a child, oma, i can handle this! stop treating me like a baby. "
"It's not about treating you like a baby, its about the fact that youre my girlfriend and i love you and im not going to let you get hurt!." he was holding you firmly now, clearly unwilling to let you run off. you sighed, the pain throbbing in a more noticeable way, the adrenaline leaving your system.
he noticed you grumpily comply with his tugs, leaning on him as he took you to his dorm (he likely had first aid there. why? dont question it.) he kissed your head softly. "silly, it's super sweet you want to try so hard, but you gotta take care of yourself - alright?" you nodded slowly.
he would take you back and patch you up, cleaning and bandaging your wounds as best he can. he most likely ensures to keep a closer eye on you as well, making sure you don't attempt such a dangerous feet again.
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aizawaorkuroo · 4 years
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Seek the Light
Ship: Ukai Keishin x f!reader
Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 8.4K
Summary: Back home after losing your job, you wander into a convenience store not realizing you would see a familiar face.
Warnings: Young Ukai’s a bitch, Language, Biting, Vaginal Fingering, Size Kink (I know this man has a bick dick I know he does), Overstimulation, Creampie, Unprotected Sex, Dom!Ukai
AN: first haikyuu fic haha and first time writing ukai so im still figuring it out! This one got away from me gsfda and the conflict resolved easily cause its my fic and i make the rules tgerfw
The dipping summer sun casts shadows across the buildings, while painting the clouds a pretty gold. Memories of childhood and youth flood into you, creating a fondness in your heart. Yes, Miyagi was nice. It would be nicer if you didn’t have to move back home after losing your job in Tokyo. You can tell yourself it’s temporary all you want, but it’s embarrassing. Failing is embarrassing.
You sigh, realizing you should probably head back home before it gets too dark. Despite the setting sun, the air has yet to cool off, and you find that your walk has left your throat parched. You glance around, smiling as you spot a convenience store. Nice.
You smile as the air conditioning hits your skin. You make a beeline for a bottled tea, already excited for the refreshing taste. You hum happily as your eyes tilt up to the man behind the register. His eyes are glued to an issue of something, and a cigarette dangles from his lips. Ukai Keishin.
You feel your heart stutter as you watch your best friend from high school read. His hair is long and blonde now, and it just makes sense. He’s handsome, you realize. You always thought he was cute in high school, but he’s a man now.
“No fucking way,” you breathe out, drawing the gaze of the man sitting behind the counter. His eyes widen, recognition clear as day in them.
“Y/N?” His voice is unusually quiet, and his eyes bore into yours, as if you would disappear again if he looked away. Guilt swells uncomfortably in your stomach. You hadn’t talked to him in years. You moved away, and you lost touch with your high school friends, including him. Especially him. He slowly stands to look at you, putting what he was reading down and shoving his cigarette into an ashtray.
Yes, you had been gone for awhile, and yes, the two of you hadn’t talked. But you were both here now, and a second chance has been given to you, wrapped up like a present in the form of a stunned employee at a convenience store.
“Ukai! I forgot this was your mom’s place!” you yell excitedly, rushing behind the counter to trap him in a tight hug. He huffs against you, tensing, before awkwardly wrapping his arms around you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” His words stir something hot and sticky in you, and you push away from him, sheepishly smiling.
“I lost my job and couldn’t find another one in time, and uh, here I am.” Your nose scrunches up at the thought of your tiny, Tokyo apartment that you would never return to.
“No shit, huh? Are you back with your parents?” Your shoulders sag and you nod, pursing your lips.
“Yea, but what have you been up to?” you ask, eager to learn more about your old friend.
“Y’know, working here, hanging out with Shimada and Takinoue. I’ve also been coaching Karasuno’s volleyball team. They’ll sometimes stop by.”
“Oh that’s absolutely perfect,” you laugh. “My volleyball boys never grew up, huh?” He rolls his eyes at you, crossing his arms in feigned annoyance. You hold your hands up in peace, trying to suppress the giggle that’s bubbling in your chest.
“Well, you clearly grew up,” you offer, letting your eyes trail over him. His eyes widen again, and a faint blush covers his cheeks, so soft you almost don’t notice it. “But you’re still reading the same shit.” He lightly punches your arm, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Anyways, the four of us should get dinner sometime.” You cock your head to the side, trying to gauge his reaction. He snorts and rolls his eyes at you, but there’s a small smile on his face. That's promising, you muse to yourself.
“Yea, that sounds good. And I’m sure Shimada and Takinoue will say yes. I can text you when we’re able to.” He pauses, and his eyes drop to the ground. Your stomach twists into knots as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. “Is your number still the same?” It’s an innocent question, and yet you feel like the floor has dropped from beneath you, leaving you unbalanced.
“Uh, yeah,” you murmur, feeling guilty when he nods and presses his lips into a thin line.
“It was good seeing you, Y/N. I’ll text you.” You nod, slowly backing up to the door. You give him a small wave before pushing the door open, stepping back out into the warm air. Your body moves on autopilot while your brain goes into overdrive as you ponder how you can properly mend the bridge between you two.
It’s only when you’re halfway home that you realize you forgot your tea.
When Ukai texts you, you can’t help but to cringe at the past messages that were left unanswered. Random little texts, asking about your day, how’s Tokyo, updating you on everyone back home. You had meant to answer them, but you just couldn’t. You could pinpoint the moment you stopped answering his messages, and you shudder, remembering how harsh he had sounded over the phone. Not that you had been any kinder. After that night, his texts trickled in slower and slower, until they ended completely.
You inhale sharply, closing your eyes. But you’re back now, and he’s texting you again. You blink your eyes open, rereading his message.
Hey! How does Saturday at 8 work?
Taking a shaky breath you quickly type out a response that you hope isn’t too eager.
That sounds great! Is that one place with the great hiyashi chuka place still open?
The four of you used to eat there in the summertime, feasting on cold ramen and an assortment of toppings. Takinoue used to flirt with the waitress, who remained unimpressed throughout the years. You smile fondly at the memory, excited to see everyone again. Your phone vibrates, pulling you from your thoughts.
Yea and it’s still the only hiyashi chuka place in town
You hum at his message, thinking of how long the four of you used to wait while the summer sun blazed down, and sometimes Kimi would go with you. She had a massive crush on Shimada, one that left her helpless to your and Takinoue’s teasing. Your phone buzzes again, and you look down, slightly surprised at the second message.
I’m excited to see you again.
That was promising indeed.
And yet you can’t help the way butterflies terrorize your stomach as you stand outside the old restaurant. Part of you wants to turn around and walk home; another part of you wants to throw up. You inhale sharply, steeling yourself, and you walk through the door.
It’s just like you remember, and you feel more at ease. You know this place, and these are your friends. There was no reason to worry. But still…
Your eyes flash across the room, before zeroing in on your usual table. You grin widely at Takinoue who is waving you down. Shimada sits next to him, smiling softly as you approach. Immediately, Takinoue gives you a bear hug, making you giggle.
“It’s been way too long,” he whines before letting you go. Shimada rolls his eyes, offering you a small wave. You slip into the empty seat next to Ukai, greeting him quietly. He nods, a small smirk tugging at his lips. The nerves that had been eating away at you dissipate immediately. The conversation flows easy, as if you never left. And when the hiyashi chuka is brought out, your mouth waters just like it used to.
“I’m telling you, it’s not as good anywhere else,” you bemoan. Shimada laughs at that, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“I think that’s nostalgia talking.” You stick your tongue out before shoveling noodles back into your mouth. Ukai snorts, before taking a sip of his beer. Something warm and soft builds up in your heart, spilling out into your entire body.
Happily full of noodles, you settle back against your chair, trying to ignore the way Ukai’s arm rests against the back of your chair. His touch is feather light, but the warmth seeps into you. You missed this, you missed this, you missed him.
When the four of you are standing outside, you shift on your feet, not wanting to have to say goodbye again.
“We should get drinks sometime,” you say to no one in particular. Takinoue slings an arm over your shoulder and his grin is so wide that alone almost makes you laugh.
“Ah yeah! Now you’re talking, Y/N!”
“That is something we can all do together now,” Ukai mumbles, fishing out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket.
“Then it’s settled,” you chirp happily, “We’ll meet up for drinks next weekend, if that’s okay with you guys.” Ukai’s eyebrows pinch together in thought, and he slowly nods.
“That should work.” You pull away from Takinoue, choosing to wrap an arm around Ukai’s waist, and pulling yourself flush against him.
“Perfect! It’ll be nice to get out of the house before I move into my new apartment.” Ukai rolls his eyes, but drapes his arm across your shoulders anyways. You try not to notice the way his thumb lightly strokes your arm.
The lights in the bar are dim, and you’re sipping on a lemon sour, nestled into the booth next to Ukai. Beers litter the table, as well as small dishes of food, and some shots you all have yet to drink. Takinoue’s cackle barrels through the air as you offer up another idea.
“No, I’m serious! We could all get dinner! I’m sure my parents would be happy to see you guys again.” Ukai scoffs, crossing his arms and fixing you with a pointed look.
“Please, your parents hate us,” he grumbles. A laugh bubbles through you, and you shake your head.
“They did not!” you promise, but your words sound hollow even to yourself.
Takinoue’s eyebrow quirks up in disbelief. Your lips twist into a grimace, memories of your parents looking tired whenever the boys dropped you off at home. “Okay, maybe they did, but ONLY when my grades would start slipping.” Shimada nods at your words.
“Yea, that sounds right,” he says solemnly. You pout at his calm and unsurprised tone.
“I promise they loved you guys. Just like I know your granddad loved me,” you giggle, poking at Ukai’s side. He rolls his eyes, and he downs his shot.
“Please, like that man likes anyone,” he grumbles. You stick your tongue out at him, and punch his arm lightly.
“Alright, but I got you through high school, so he has to like me” you counter, mouth twisting into a smirk. Ukai glares at you, memories of late night study sessions, and rushed homework help before class flood his mind. His shoulders sag, and he lets out a sigh.
“That’s fair I guess. Gotta piss. I’ll be back.” He pushes out of the booth, leaving you with Takinoue and Shimada. Shimada smiles softly, before fixing his gaze on you.
“Kimi was in Tokyo too, right? Have you seen her at all?” he asks. You grin, taking a sip of your drink.
“Yea, we actually got lunch the day before I moved.” You pause, eyeing him carefully before continuing. “Shimada, did you know she had the biggest crush on you in high school?” He blushes a bright crimson, choking on his drink as Takinoue cackles.
“Yea, dumbass. It was obvious.” Shimada glares at him, nursing his beer.
“Well, I clearly didn’t know. And no one thought to tell me?” You shrugged, shooting him an apologetic smile. Takinoue punches him arm affectionately, before his eyes settle on you, full of humor and mirth.
“Speaking of crushes, I was wondering how Ukai would be since you got back,” Takinoue laughs.
“What?” Despite the drinks you’ve had, you feel sober, something cold slinking down your back.
“He was head over heels for you back in the day,” Takinoue’s laughs die down, but he doesn’t seem to notice the way you freeze. Shimada, on the other hand, does, and he cocks his head to the side, monitoring your response.
You sputter, words locked in your throat. What they hopefully don’t know is that you had a massive crush on him too, and it’s only resurfaced violently since seeing him again. Even after what had happened. And yet that cold feeling heats up into something syrupy in the pit of your stomach.
“Well that’s news to me,” you say softly. “Guess I fucked it all up, huh?” Shimada and Takinoue exchange a glance, and you’re sure one of them is gonna say something, but when Ukai slips back into the booth that door shuts, locking their words on the other side.
“What’d you fuck up?” he asks, taking a swig of the beer he had left on the table.
“Ah you know, the usual. My life in Tokyo. And now I’m back with my parents. I did find a job though.” Shimada’s brows furrow, but he says nothing. Ukai hums, his thigh jostling against yours.
“Aren't you at your new place yet?” Your face twists in annoyance, and your head hits the back of the booth.
“I’m gonna have to stay with my parents for a few more days because a pipe apparently burst in my apartment. But I’m going to lose it. I can’t live with them anymore. Not at my age…” you trail off, lost in your thoughts.
“Stay with me. Until you can move in.” 
Ukai’s voice cuts through the noisy bar, and you open your mouth stupidly, no words coming out. He stares back at you, making the butterflies that had been dormant for awhile snap back to life inside of you. He scratches at the side of his face, making pathetic attempts to backtrack. “I mean you don’t have to, and I won’t be there for a bit cause of training camp-”
“No, that sounds good.” You nod at him, an easy smile spreading across your face. “Yea, that sounds good.” His eyes lock onto yours, something dark and undefinable in them. Neither of you notice the coy look Shimada and Takinoue share.
The hot water streams around you, and you shut your eyes, relishing the way it feels on your skin. You had a long day at your new job, and the approaching weekend was the only thing keeping you going. Well, that and the fact that you were currently in Ukai’s shower.
He had been kind enough to offer you a place to stay, and already your thoughts are starting to drift to darker places. You had harbored a crush on him when you were younger, but you haven’t seen him in years. And yet the way he looked at you made your stomach drop.
You turn the water off, the cold air plucking at your skin and making you shiver. You wrap a towel around yourself, and dry off quickly, trying to forget about the ache in between your legs. It doesn’t work, but you pull on a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt anyways. You could at least pretend it worked.
Ukai’s apartment was exactly what you expected. The walls were littered with posters, books lay all over the ground, and there was a volleyball by the TV. He had rubbed the back of his neck, almost embarrassed when you first got there.
“It’s, uh, not much. Probably should’ve thought about that before I offered, but make yourself at home,” he mutters.
You had reassured him it was more than enough. You were just grateful to be out of your parents' house. You pad over to his spot near the tv, kneeling next to him. He eyes you from his peripheral, not looking directly at you. Nonetheless, it makes you shiver.
“Where should I sleep?” you ask, playing with the hem of his shirt. He nods his head back to the bed, and you flush.
“I can’t take your bed,” you sputter, stomach flipping. He rolls his eyes, a sharp smirk pulling at his lips.
“I gotta leave in the middle of the fucking night for training camp, remember? Take the bed.” His tone leaves no room for any argument, and you nod shyly, before shuffling over to his bed. He refocuses on the game he was watching as you pull the covers around you.
But you can’t sleep. Not when Ukai is so close to you. You flip onto your stomach and huff. He glances at you from over his shoulder and rolls his eyes. He shifts to the side, allowing you to watch the game from your vantage point.
You recognize the Karasuno uniforms, and something syrupy and nostalgic floods your veins. This must be the new team. The two of you stay quiet, the two of you lost in your own thoughts.
It’s only when the noise from the TV stops that you’re jolted back to reality. Ukai’s hand grips the remote tightly, face screwed up unpleasantly.
“Why did you stop talking to me?”
The words ring around his apartment, crystalizing into the air, becoming frigid and uncomfortable. You squeeze your eyes shut, letting your head rest against his pillow. When you open them again, he’s turned towards you, brows pinched and mouth twisted into a grimace.
“I didn’t-” you cut yourself off, pushing yourself up to your knees. “I didn’t mean to.” You hold a hand up to him, stopping his oncoming argument. “I wanted to, and I wanted to pretend like everything was okay, but how could I?” His frown deepens, but he stays silent, memories seeping uncomfortably into the air.
“Keishin,” you hissed into the phone. “Let it go.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? How could you be so stupid?” Your stomach drops at his words, but more than anything, you’re upset.
“I am not the stupid one. I’m the one who made it out of Miyagi. I’m the one who’s going to college.” You hear him inhale sharply, and you can practically imagine the way his eyes are narrowed right now.
“Right, right, right. And you’re also the one who’s sleeping with some asshole, who is way too old for you, and he’s just gonna forget you once he’s bored! If that’s not what a stupid little girl does, you tell me what it is! I’m trying to watch out for you!” he practically yells. You feel the oncoming tears sting the back of your eyes, but there’s something red-hot pushing you forward.
“Fuck you, Ukai. I actually found someone who likes me for once, you have to ruin it. I’m not a kid. You don’t know shit about my life here, and you hate it. If you cared so much, you could’ve asked me to stay. Fuck you.” He swears angrily at you, before the line drops. You stare at your phone, waves of nausea passing over you.
A week later he sends you a text, complaining about his grandfather, and telling you about something stupid Takinoue did. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. His texts eventually slowed down, until he didn’t text you at all.
You shudder slightly at the memory, letting your eyes drop to the floor.
“You acted like nothing had happened, but I was still mad, and by the time I had calmed down, I thought you would hate me for not talking to you.” You wrap your arms around yourself, chewing on your lip. “And you were right by the way, about that guy,” you spit out. “The second someone prettier came along, he dropped me.”
When you flick your eyes up, Ukai’s jaw is tense, his brows furrowed. You dig your nails into your arm, inhaling sharply.
“Fuck, I wish I had been wrong,” he seethes. Your eyes widen, not expecting him to say that. In all honesty, you weren’t sure what you had expected him to say. “You deserve the world, Y/N. More than that piece of shit. More than Miyagi.” His words are colored with bitterness that makes your stomach curdle.
“That’s why I could never ask you to stay. You were supposed to get out of here.” Ukai’s gaze bores into you, the intensity of it giving you whiplash. Your heart melts at his words, and you can’t help but to feel regret for not trying to work things out back in the day.
“And I ended up back here anyways,” you mutter.
“Well, Miyagi has some perks,” he laughs, an easy smirk tugging at his mouth. You cock your head to the side, snorting in disbelief.
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“It’s got you now,” Ukai says lazily, while stretching his arms above his head.
Your heart swells in your chest, and you lunge towards him, wrapping your arms around him. He’s tense beneath you, but relaxes under your soft touches.
“I missed you, Kei,” you say gently. His arms drop to hold you to him, eyes closing as he basks in your attention.
“I’m sorry for what happened, and I’m sorry I tried to pretend like nothing happened. I’m pissed that you weren’t in my life, but that was my fault. And now that you’re here...don’t think you’re escaping that easy again.” You nod, and something hot stings the back of your eyes.
“I’m not,” you say gently. “I’m not gonna disappear again. I promise. You’re my best friend, Keishin. I missed you.”
“Okay. Now get some sleep.” His arms loosen around you, and you slump away from him. As you shift back into the bed, Ukai faces the TV, playing it and lowering the volume until it’s just white noise to your sleepy mind. With that, you lie down again, letting your eyes shut and the warmth of sleep overtake you.
Ukai is drawn back into the game, but your words linger in the air. You’re my best friend, Keishin. I missed you. He glances back at you, bitterness eating away at his stomach. He wants to be more than just your best friend. 
He fixes his gaze on the TV, trying to shove those thoughts somewhere deep and dark. Eventually, when he looks at the time, he scowls realizing he’s gotta head out now. Letting out a sigh, he turns to face you again.
His heart tugs at how you’re curled up in his bed so sweetly. Guilt settles in his stomach at the thought of waking you at this hour, but he had to make sure you would be okay. His hand hovers above your shoulder, and he watches the steady rise and fall of your chest. You belong here. With him. He shakes his head, banishing the thought. Ukai gently shakes you, watching as you rub your eyes and blink sluggishly at him.
“Sorry to wake you, but I’m heading out for the camp now. The keys are on the counter. Stay as long as you need to, just make sure to lock up.” You hum at his words, nestling back into his pillow and shutting your eyes.
“Okay, Keishin. Love you. Have fun,” you murmur, before drifting back to sleep. He inhales sharply, eyes boring into your sleeping face. He scoffs to himself, shaking his head. You probably wouldn’t even remember you said that when you woke up. And yet…
Ukai shifts on his knees closer to your sleeping form. He ducks down, letting his lips hover over your forehead. He gently kisses your temple, while simultaneously trying to squash the warm feelings that flow through him. He pulls away quickly, the small peck only lasting a second or two, but his lips burn now, and all he wants to do is curl around you and hold you in his arms.
The thought rushes through him like cold water, and he straightens away from you, trying to ignore the way his heart thuds. Ukai’s lips twist into a frown, and he rises, grabbing his bag and quietly walking out the door.
The next few days are quiet as you go to work. It feels weird to stay at Ukai’s by yourself, but you have to admit that a weight has been lifted since the first night. It was like you could finally move forward in your friendship, the guilt evaporating and letting you fall back into a normal crush.
The evening you’re able to move into your apartment, it’s windier than you thought it would be. You didn’t mean to steal one of his hoodies, but you know he has a few pairs of the orange one. You had seen them in his closet. You slip the orange hoodie on, clutching the fabric to you. It’s warm, enough to protect you from the unusually powerful wind. You shut your eyes and take a deep breath; it smells like him. The thought makes you shudder.
You keep the hoodie on, promising to leave it in Ukai's apartment when you make your last trip in between. But when the moment comes, you can’t bring yourself to take the garment off. When you slip into bed in an unfamiliar place that night, his hoodie brings you comfort. As your eyes shut, you promised that you would return it the next day, when he texted you for his key.
Except you didn’t. You held onto his hoodie for two weeks. By the time you return it, it has already stopped smelling like him. And now, Ukai’s blinking at you from the doorframe of his apartment, confusion pulling at his eyebrows.
His hair is wet, hanging limply against his head, his normal headband nowhere to be seen. A towel hangs around his neck, and there’s an unlit cigarette in between his lips. You blink up at him blankly, trying to resist the urge to run your fingers through his hair.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He cocks his head to the side, eyes trailing over your face curiously.
“I, um, came to drop this off.” You hold his hoodie to your chest, clutching it tightly in your hands. “But I probably should’ve told you I was coming.” His gaze is glued to the garment your holding, and the silence hangs in between you. Ukai flicks his eyes back to yours, something deep and dark brewing in them. You shift nervously under his gaze, opening your mouth as you hesitantly explain yourself.
“I borrowed it. When I was staying here. Just took me a while to drop it back off,” you mumble, feeling embarrassed.
“Keep it.” His voice is warm and steady in the air, making your spine tingle. Your hands drop from your chest, hoodie still clenched tightly.
“Oh. Okay.” Your mouth feels heavy, the words sticking to your tongue like molasses. “I guess I’ll head home. Thanks.” You start to turn away, when his hand shoots out, latching onto your wrist.
“You just got here.” His touch stings you, burning into your skin in a way that makes you crave more. You slowly, and weakly, you nod at him, letting him guide you inside his apartment.
“So you borrowed my hoodie, huh?” He smirks at you, eyes gleaming at the way you nervously sit at the edge of his futon.
“Yea, I was running out the door and it was colder than I thought, so I just grabbed it.” Your hands grip the fabric tightly, before you put the hoodie on the bed next to you. Ukai cocks his head to the side, his sharp smirk never leaving his face. “But it took me a while to return because, well…” He flops down onto the ground in front of you, resting his chin in his hand.
“Because it smelled like you,” you mumble, feeling butterflies slip into your veins. Ukai’s eyes widen for a split second, and he plucks the unlit cigarette from his mouth, throwing it to the side.
“Huh, no shit.” His words are colored in disbelief, but his gaze is unwavering, sending a small shiver down your spine. He shifts forward, pushing into your personal space until his face is right in front of yours.
“If I’m reading this wrong, you gotta let me know.” The frail dam that had been holding your emotions in place splinters, leaving your mind reeling. But one thing was sure: it was impossible to deny how you felt.
“You’re not,” you manage to sputter out. “You’re not reading it wrong.” He hums in satisfaction, eyes trailing over your face.
Ukai surges forward, and his lips are warm and rough against yours, and he steals your breath away immediately. A hand gently holds your face to his, the other wrapped around your waist, pulling you against him. Tentatively, you twist your fingers into his hair, and he groans against you. He pulls away from your lips, leaving you chasing after him. He pants against you, eyes dark and unreadable.
“Been wanting to do this for years,” he mutters, looking at you intensely.
“What took you so long?” He rolls his eyes, leaving sharp kisses down your neck.
“Too scared that I would push you away, and I did that anyways.” You pout at his words, tugging him up by his hair.
“I’m not going away again, and there’s nothing you could do to make me” you murmur, leaning forward to kiss him. His tongue prods at your lips, and you open your mouth obediently, letting him explore. Ukai’s hands are warm on your waist, squeezing the flesh that’s there. He pulls you onto his lap, shifting his legs under you so you’re flush against him.
“You good?” you ask in between kisses, scratching his scalp. His hips rock against you, and he pulls back to smirk at you.
“I’m more than good, baby.” Grinning, you meet his mouth again, letting your hips grind against him. His warm hands wander up and down your body, setting your skin on fire. They rest on your waist under your shirt, and his fingers tap at the flesh there. You hum happily, before leaning away and pulling off your shirt and tossing it behind you. Ukai freezes, eyes hungrily taking in the newly exposed skin. You flush as his hands start to trail upwards, ghosting over your skin.
You dip forward to kiss him again, and his hands reach around to fumble with your bra. You smile against his lips as he struggles, but the second it’s off, his hands are kneading your breasts.
“What are you smiling about?” he mutters against your lips, before pinching one of your nipples. You pull back and inhale sharply, biting your lip before tugging at his shirt.
“Not fair that yours is still on, Keishin,” you whine. He rolls his eyes, and pushes you off of his lap, letting you fall against the futon. Ukai strips quickly, a sharp grin on his face making you flush. He crawls forward, caging you in between his arms. His hips settle in between your thighs, and you can feel his erection through his boxers.
When he looks at you, his hair flops down. You lift your hand, running your fingers through it. He leans into your touch, grinning before bending down to kiss you. His lips are warm against you, and he doesn’t waste any time, attacking your jawline and neck with sharp, biting kisses. You card your hands through his hair, eyes fluttering shut. His kisses switch into something more intense, and you gasp, eyes fluttering open as small bites litter your neck.
“Ukai,” you moan, fingers tightening in his hair. He leaves little marks until he reaches your chest. His tongue swirls around a nipple, fingers pinching the other. The small sparks of pleasure go straight to your pussy, and your hips shift underneath Ukai, making him groan.
His mouth is hot and relentless on you, and your nipples ache from the attention. His teeth lightly bite down on your breast, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make your eyes fly open.
“Keishin!” you squeal. He chuckles before letting his tongue run over were he just bit.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, not really meaning it, and he continues his path down. When he reaches the waist of your shorts, his eyes find yours, waiting. Biting the inside of your cheek, you shift your hips up, and Ukai grips the fabric, tugging down both your shorts and your underwear. His eyes focus on your exposed pussy, making note of how it’s already wet.
“Quit staring,” you complain, embarrassment flooding your system. He smirks down at you, using his finger to trail up and down your already soaking slit.
“So pretty and wet…” he mumbles. Your hips squirm underneath him, and his finger travels to circle your sensitive clit. You whine at the jolts of pleasure, making him smirk. His finger dips down, and he pushes it in gently. He thumbs at your clit, eyes flicking in between your face and your greedy pussy. Your tug at his hair, rotating your hips in time with his gentle thrusts.
“Keishin, more please,” you whine, making him chuckle. He slips another finger in, stretching you out. Your hands leave his hair to pinch at your nipples. Ukai’s head dips down to lightly bite the inside of your thigh, making you jolt. When he pushes in a third finger, you moan loudly, throwing your head back against the pillow. Something white-hot and foreboding pokes at the edges of your mind, threatening to spill over.
“I’m gonna cum, Kei,” you warn, eyes fluttering shut. His fingers curl inside of you, thumb still relentless on your clit.
“Open your eyes, Y/N.” His voice leaves no room for any argument, and you force them to open, watching as his fingers continue to pump into you. “Cum for me, baby.” He leans down again, eyes fixed on yours, and he bites the inside of your other thigh, and the pain combines with the pleasure, catapulting you over the edge.
You writhe and thrash against him, hips bucking up against his fingers. Ukai’s laugh fills the room, and he continues to move his fingers, letting you ride out your orgasm. When he finally pulls his hand away, you whimper from the loss. He presses a kiss to your hip before flipping you over.
You hear him shuffle, and you glance over your shoulder and see him kneeling behind you, boxers finally off. Excitement and arousal pool inside of you, and you squirm as his hands massage your ass.
“You’re big,” you murmur, making him laugh. He’s thick and long enough that you know it’ll feel good. But even then, you can’t help but wonder if he’ll actually fit. You flush facing forward again, but he leans down to press kisses to your spine.
“You good to keep going?” he asks in between each peck. You nod, letting your fingers dig into the sheets by your head.
“I’ve been thinking about this for years,” he groans, making you flush. His fingers dig into your ass, massaging the flesh. You squirm underneath him, feeling yourself get wetter under his touch. Ukai runs the head of his cock up and down your slit, and you inhale sharply, overcome with the desire to see his face.
“Wait!” you cry out, throwing an arm back to grab his arm. Immediately, he pulls away from you and freezes.
“What’s wrong are you okay? Do you wanna stop?” Panic colors his voice, and you shake your head before rolling over onto you back.
“I, uh, I just wanted to see you,” you mumble, feeling shy. Ukai barks out a laugh and smirks down at you, one of his hands moving to stroke your thigh affectionately.
“Fair enough. There’s always next time.” His predatory grin makes your cunt clench, and you reach up, gesturing for him to lean down. He cocks his head to the side, hair tilting with it.
“What is it you want?” You flush, letting your gaze go past his shoulder.
“A kiss.” His eyes light up, and he leans down, letting his lips ghost against yours. You push up, meeting his lips, and he chuckles. Ukai ruts his hips against you, letting his cock slide in between your soaking folds.
“Keishin, quit teasing me,” you whine. He rolls his eyes before pushing away, resting on his knees.
“Wanna watch your little pussy try to take me,” he explains, letting the head of his cock gently push into you. Your face contorts at the breach, and you wring your hands in the sheets. He whispers sweet words, eyes glued to your flutter pussy. He slowly rocks his hips forward, watching as he sinks in another inch.
You let out a choked moan, his slow movements emphasizing his size. His eyes snap up to your face, letting his hands squeeze your waist.
“Your sweet little cunt feels so good already,” he groans. Your hands tug at the sheets as you try not to squirm. But it feels nearly impossible with how red-hot his cock feels inside of you.
You preen under Ukai’s attention, his hands massaging your flesh as your pussy tries to relax around his thick length.
“So hot and tight.” His words shake as his eyes trail down your body to watch your pussy split around him as he inches in.
“You’re too big,” you keen, tears prickling in the corners of your eyes at the intense stretch, and nonetheless, the thought adds fuel to the fire in your belly, and your pussy clenches down harder on his cock. His thumb strokes delicate circles into your hip, and he smirks down at you.
“Yea, and the thought has you squeezing around my cock, huh? That’s pretty messed up.” You flush at his words, embarrassment coursing through your veins. You turn your head to the side, wanting to escape his intense gaze. Keishin leans forward, rocking his hips and pushing his cock slowly into you until he bottoms out. You let out a pathetic whine, covering your face with your hands
“Don’t get shy now, baby,” he coos, batting at your hands, which flop above your head. “I think it’s cute how tight you are around me. I’m just too big? Is that it, baby?” You moan, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him towards you. He chuckles as you bury face into the crook of his neck. Tentatively, Ukai slowly pulls out, every ridge and vein dragging deliciously against your walls. When he pushes back in, you groan against his skin, and your hands travel up and down the smooth expanse of his back, your nails leaving red lines.
His hand snakes in-between the two of you, and a calloused finger expertly traces patterns onto your clit. You moan loudly, and your body writhes against him. Ukai pulls away from you, and a cruel grin sprawls out onto his face.
“Are you gonna cum? Already?” You nod, pathetically bucking your hips against him still. “We’ve barely started,” he taunts.
“I can’t help it,” you choke out, nerves feeling overwhelmed by sensations. He hums at your words, licking his lips as he eyes your body.
“Okay. It’s okay. Do you wanna be good for me?” he gently asks. You squirm beneath him, hands gripping his biceps, and you nod your head.
“I wanna be good for you, Keishin,” you cry out, the walls of your cunt fluttering around his thick cock. “I’ll be good for you.” His smirk slips into a softer smiler, and he leans forward, grinding his cock into you, and leaving sharp kisses against your neck.
“Then cum for me,” he murmurs against your neck, before shifting to lightly bite your shoulder. Your eyes squeeze shut, and you cant your hips against him, pussy fluttering around him. You grip his biceps tightly, orgasm overwhelming you.
“That’s it. Creaming so pretty on my dick,” Ukai whispers, watching your face contort in pleasure. He ruts into you, fingers still expertly teasing your clit, in an attempt to draw out your orgasm. Your eyes crack open, small tears leaking from your eyes.
“It’s too much, Kei,” you squeal, nails digging into his biceps as you try to squirm away from him. He tuts lightly at you, his hot tongue swiping along the delicate bite mark that’s on your shoulder.
“I thought you wanted to be good for me,” he rumbles. You nod, letting your eyes shut again. The fingers that were tortuously circling your clit slip away to pinch you’re inner thigh. “Look at me, baby.” You pry your eyes open and pant against him. His clever fingers continue their ministrations, and his hips grind deeper into you, making your brain feel foggy and warm.
“I wanna be good,” you mumble, hands leaving his biceps to tangle themselves into his hair. Ukai makes an approving sound, and he kisses your cheek.
“Cum. Again.” A pathetic cry tears itself from your throat, and you focus on the intense pleasure you’re feeling. Ukai leans down, littering your chest with little sharp bites that make you keen. Your brows pinch at the intense pleasure, hips grinding against him. You’re already close again, and you tug at his hair, urging him to kiss you again. His lips eagerly find yours, and you feel him smile against you. You’re so close to falling over that edge again. Your cunt is absolutely drenched, and the erotic squelching makes you flush.
Ukai’s tongue prods at your lips, and you obediently open your mouth, letting him in. It’s sloppy and desperate, and it’s perfect. His fingers dig into your clit, pinching it, and you are flung into the stratosphere, stars popping into your vision. You gush around his cock, and he groans against your lips.
Your thighs twitch, and your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him close to you, urging him to still. He complies, peppering your face with kisses as you come back to earth.
“So pretty,” he whispers against you. You card your fingers through his hair as you try to catch your breath.
“Oh my god, Keishin.” Your voice wavers, and you're embarrassed by how hoarse you sound.
“Want me to stop?” You shake your head desperately at his question, and your legs tighten around him.
“No. I just need a second.” He chuckles watching as your screws up. “I didn’t think I was that sensitive,” you sigh. You unlace your fingers from his hair, wiping at the sweat that’s on your neck.
Ukai smirks at you as he shifts to kneel.  His warm hands gripping your waist, keeping you flushed against him. You whine at the movement, pussy tightening around him. His eyes trail over where he enters you, admiring how you’re spread out for him.
“Or, maybe my dick’s too big for you,” he taunts, no real malice behind his words. You squeak at his words, feeling embarrassed and warm.  “Yea, that’s it,” he continues, fondly looking at your messy cunt. “You’re so sensitive cause it barely fits in your cunt,” he coos.
“Oh my god,” you murmur, lazily wrapping your legs around him. He lets out a laugh, one that resounds through the apartment, and you smile at him, something syrupy running through your head. “And I think-“
You cut yourself off, nerves overtaking you. His head cocks to the side, and his thumb strokes your waist in a reassuring manner.
“I’m balls deep in you. Don’t get shy on me now,” he says gently, his soft tone colliding with his crude words.
“You’re so vulgar, Keishin.” You roll your eyes at him, a soft smile creeping onto your face. “It could be that,” you say, not wanting to repeat his words, “but I also think I may be sensitive cause it’s you.”
Your voice is soft, and you watch as Ukai practically melts. His arms wrap around you, pulling you against his chest. You moan as your weight settles on him, increasing the pressure from his cock.
“Are you being serious right now?” His voice rumbles through you, and you bite your lip and nod. You press a palm to his cheek, relishing in the way he leans into it.
“There’s no one for me but you, Keishin.” Ukai kicks his legs out behind you, letting you get more comfortable on his lap. His arms wrap around you, holding you close to him, and he buries his face into your neck. His hips buck up into you, making you squeal.
“Gonna fuck you so good. You’re never gonna be able to think about anyone but me inside this pussy.” He punctuates his words with a thrust, and your nails dig into his back. You rock your hips against him, as he sprinkles kisses against your neck.
“Ever since,” you pant, “ ever since I got back, all I’ve thought about is you. I missed you so much.” He moans into your neck, and his sweet kisses turn into little bites, nipping at the sensitive skin there.
“Did you touch yourself? Thinking about my fat cock pushing into you?” he mutters in between nips. Your brows pinch together and you nod as your exhausted pussy flutters again.
“Yes! But all I wanted was you!” Ukais teeth clamp down on your neck, not hard enough to break skin, but it stings. You squeal as he roughly changes positions again, forcing you on your back again, legs wrapped tightly around him.
His pace is relentless, pounding into you. Your fingers claw down his back, and his hands squeeze your hips.
“It’s too much, Kei,” you cry out, eyes squeezing shut. Ukai presses a searing kiss to your lips, thumb digging into your side.
“Please, baby. Give me one more. Cum for me one more time,” he mumbles into your lips. You nod against him, blinking through the tears. “Good. Just let me fuck you like this.”
His cock drives deep in you, making you keen. Your hands travel up to his hair, tangling into it, and tugging at the strands. He feels everywhere, his presence is overwhelming, hot and heavy. His hips rut into you, lips peppering your face with small kisses. Your cunts already oversensitive can feel your orgasm approaching.
“I’m close, Kei,” you choke out, pussy gushing around his cock. You flush at the lewd noises, but he just moans nuzzling his face into your neck.
“Give it to me. Wanna feel your little pussy squeeze around me.” You hold him to your neck, hips bucking into him. Ukai’s hand snakes down in between the two of you, and his fingers rub intense circles on your clit. Your eyes squeeze shut, as the building pleasure finally reaches its peak.
“Just like that, baby. Cum around my cock.” You writhe beneath him, your hands traveling to claw down his back. Your hot cunt grips him tight, legs tightening around his waist. “Just like that,” he groans, before his teeth sink into the base of your shoulder. You moan his name loudly, loud enough that you would be embarrassed later, but for not you don’t care. All you can focus on is the white-hot pleasure that’s coursing through your system.
Ukai’s thrusts don’t stop, plowing into you and prolonging your orgasm. He pulls his hand away from your clit, and he slips his arms in between your back and the bed, holding you tightly. You whine as you feel his hips begin to lose their pace, thrusts no longer steady. Your legs squeeze around him, keeping him close to you.
“Cum inside, please I need it,” you beg. He pulls away from your neck, eyebrows creasing in concern. “I’m on the pill. It’s safe, I promise. Please Kei, I need you to fill me, please, please, please.”
“Alright, baby. I’ll give you what you want.” His head drops back to the crook of your neck, as he stutters against you, hot spurts of cum flooding your pussy. He falls against you, before rolling onto his side, keeping you tight against him. His cock is still lodged within you, and you whine at the movement. Sweet kisses litter your face and neck, and you blink blearily at him. He slowly pulls out of you, grunting at the way your pussy flutters. You grimace as his cum drips out of your abused cunt.
“Gotta get you cleaned up,” he mumbles, before standing up and disappearing to the bathroom. You flop onto your back, trying to catch your breath. When Ukai returns, he kneels in between your shaky legs, and ever so carefully, he takes care of you. There’s something unusually soft in his actions, soft enough to make your heart squeeze. He also gets you a glass of water, which you gulp down. He lights a cigarette, as he watches your eyes start to clear up.
“Keishin, you’re kind of nasty,” you mumble, stretching your arms out above your head. His laugh rumbles through the air, as he takes a drag. He eyes you greedily, as if he’s going to eat you alive.
“This was nothing. There’s so much I wanna do to you.” His voice is low, heavy with exhaustion. “But for now I just want to hold you.”
“Well that can be arranged,” you tease, lying back on the bed. Ukai chuckles, putting out his cigarette and crawling forward to wrap his arms around you. You sigh in contentment, letting your eyes shut.
“I missed you,” he mutters, and you smile against him.
“I missed you too, Keishin.” Sleep tugs at your brain, luring it to a deep rest.
“Did you mean it? What you said?” His voice is unusually quiet, delicately piercing the air. His thumb gently strokes your arm. Your eyes flutter open, and your brows pinch as you try to recall what you had said.
“About what?” you ask, trying to stifle a yawn.
“What you said? About you and me?”
You smile at him, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to his lips. When you pull away, you lean your forehead against his and you smile.
“The only person for me is you, Keishin. It’s always been you.” He hums happily before he pulls you against him.
“Good. Cause I was serious. I’m not letting you go again.” You shut your eyes and nuzzle into him, taking comfort in the way his arms wrap around you. And it’s in those arms that you embrace the most peaceful sleep you’ve had in years.✨
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whumpzone · 3 years
ok I know this might stress him out but Col and the teddy bear was so cute what if he name it 😭😭
(set a few days after this)
Linden tried not to comment on Colton's bear too much. He didn't want to make him self-conscious, or even draw attention to it. Col clearly liked it, and Linden wanted that to feel natural.
There were still times where he felt perhaps Col wanted Linden to notice it. He would hold it very deliberately when he came into the room, and god, it was still so hard to read his body language sometimes. Especially knowing Col's mind worked so differently to his own. Did he want Linden to see that he was enjoying it, that he was grateful? Did he want to make it clear that he was still "using" it, in case Linden had decided to take it away? Was he clutching it tighter, ready for it to be snatched it out of his grip?
Mostly he just pretended he hadn't seen. The bear was cute, though. He almost wanted one for himself.
One night, as Linden sat at the dinner table, and Colton kneeled beside him- refusing to sit on the table, trembling so so badly when Linden mentioned it that he immediately retracted the suggestion- he couldn't help but look down and smile.
Col was doing well with his hands, only spilling the soup a little bit, but that was what the teatowel spread around his bowl was for. He still whimpered, sometimes, horrified at making a mess, but Linden made sure to demonstrate exactly how easy it was to pick the stained teatowel up and put it in the washing machine.
That night he was delicately spooning the blended sweet potato and butternut squash into his mouth, his bear leant beside him like an attentive partner. Resting on his bent thigh, over some old scar, almost protectively. He looked far less lonely down on the floor, with his little friend beside him.
Colton's prey senses felt Linden's eyes on him in an instant and he cocked his head up, searching Linden's face in the quickest of movements. Once he didn't see any anger, or disappointment, he lowered his gaze to Linden's chest. Enough to not make eye contact- better than staring at the floor, though.
"It's nice, the way your bear keeps you company," Linden said, trying to make it conversational. Col reflexively glanced down to it, his features softening, his shoulder unwinding a few notches. "Does it- he- have a name?"
Oh my god, he immediately thought. He can't talk, you moron.
Col frowned, his eyes wandering, clearly trying to figure this cruel test out.
"Uh, I mean, you could wri- can, can you write? I can't believe I've never asked."
This only made Col frown harder. He nodded, very reluctantly, but held up his hands. Crooked and scarred. "Oh, you can't hold a pen well enough, is that it?" Another nod. "I see. I'm sorry. That's okay, Col, of course it is. It was a silly question for me to ask."
Pet looked down, hoping that was the end to Master's little humiliation game. What had he done wrong? Anything? Or did Master just want to put Pet in his place.
Reminding him that he was a defunct Pet had done just that. At least he'd passed Master's test- he wouldn't speak, he knew better.
He carried on eating. If that privilege had been removed he would know about it very soon, which gave him a strange sense of calm. The kick never came, though. The soup was never flung into his face, the bowl never smashed against him, he was never shoved to the floor, he was never forced to throw all the food back up. Master was kind.
Chu rested next to him, his nose brushing against Pet's skin on purpose. Master hadn't taken him away, yet. Pet would take all the humiliation in the world to show his thanks for that.
gonna tag cause im happy with this and its canon!
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captainseconds @grizzlie70@unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonward @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure@yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @zipadeedooda-drabbles @penny-for-your-whump @briars7 @legallylibra @whumpwillow @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread @vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate @littlespacecastle @haro-whumps @extrabitterbrain @neverthelass @downrivergirl914 @kween-pinescales @kim-poce @jedibookworm @magpiestrashpile @oracle-of-maybe @pinkraindropsfall @teasnake @lightdrinker @wh-wh-whu
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arr-jim-lad · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me about DIO and how he became your favourite? I'm curious!
you know what that's a really good question and i wish i had a clear answer but it kinda just happened lmfao. there was some process to it that i can easily narrow down though and i will gladly dive into it and try to explain it because you KNOW i'll take any chance to talk about god damned DIO lmao
im gonna try to make this as coherent as possible but please bear with me, i'm pulling an allnighter and am currently in the 24th hour of awakedness so lmao
ok first; initially kakyoin was actually my favourite for a while, and after a while i'd say i like them the same, but we all knew. we all knew i was a dirty little liar. i have 4 kakyoin figures. i have a DIO shrine. i wrote several analyses of DIO. my god damned phone background is DIO. idk who i was trying to fool lmao
the funny thing is that before i watched jojo i actually fucking hated DIO lmfao, there was a blog here that posted undertale quotes and i really enjoyed it, but then one day the blog decided to just start posting 'you expected x but it was me, dio' memes and it was extremely unfunny and annoying and i hated it and i hated him lmfao
then i watched jojo with my friend and i just thought DIO was funny in like a fucked up way, mind you i watched the dub which made him extra funny with the british accent
i "liked" him but more like as a joke. i did really enjoy just the sheer extent of how vile he was though, making a mom eat her own baby is still one of my favourite fucked up things i've ever seen a villain do. it's the way he had fun with being absolutely reprehensible that made him so much fun to watch. i love when villains are fun.
having seen him in parts 1 and 3 i still kinda liked him as a meme and eventually as like, "i hate that i like him lol"
but like, then i've seen the OVA, and DIO spoke with andrew chaikin's voice in the dub and i was just kinda uh 😳
because like andew chaikin's freaking DIO voice???? hi hello??
also just in general how DIO is in the ova... his design and animation are fucking stellar and he was just a freaking delight to watch, but his voice made him particularly comforting to me.
so yeah it was the ova. the ova is to blame for all of this.
i do feel a need to mention because this is something that would make me super uncomfortable if people misunderstood it, but as i am aro/ace, my love for DIO is not of a romantic or sexual nature at all. i'd describe it more as like.. adoration? i see him as a muse and a comfort character.
the reason i actually really started liking DIO so much and why i consider him a comfort character is because he turned out to be just.. amazingly, delightfully comfortable to draw. i enjoy drawing him so much. i've drawn him 128 times and plan to draw him many more times. i think my art has improved immensely just from how much i've drawn him, especially when it comes to more muscular bodies, which i really didn't enjoy drawing before.
he's so incredibly fun to draw because he combines this macho huge body with fashion and elegance and beauty, and drama and evil and danger and egypt and vampires. there's always something about him that's gonna inspire me to draw another piece of him. i haven't had an art block since i started drawing him (though worth noting is that my mascot Luv has also been a top notch fighter against art block; him and DIO are my main muses to always keep me drawing and experimenting and creating new approaches)
I also think DIO is a hugely interesting character, as it's apparent by how much i've written about him in the past. i think his motivation is so messed up and convoluted and interesting because yeah a fucked up vampire who's been isolated underwater for 100 years would probably not exactly be a stable and rational person lmao
to me as someone with social anxiety, the fact that his main goal is to achieve peace of mind is also really interesting. uh, spoiler for stone ocean here so im gonna cross it through so people won't accidentally catch a glimpse of it but, ok firstly i think DIO's plan was absolutely batshit and definitely not the right thing to do LMAO, but i love that he literally wants to change reality to know what's gonna happen next, because not knowing things in advance is preventing him from achieving his peace. like im not saying i relate to DIO because i really don't, but as someone who's been very familiar with anxiety, it's really interesting to see that as a villain's motivation (also might as well mention i don't think DIO has anxiety, i think it's more like frustration over lack of control with him, also he's a huge paranoic)
i want to also talk about his philosophy that i genuinely love so much, and that is the concept of gravity as he means it on that famous panel. DIO's idea of gravity is a very zen concept, it's the idea that fate will bring you where you need to be, fate will make you meet the people you need to meet, etc. as someone who struggles with anxiety, that is a really compelling idea to me, which helped me overcome stressful situations long before i got into jojo. of course i do understand that to some people the idea of a predetermined fate can be terrifying and tbh i totally get it, but for me, when it comes to anxiety-inducing situations, the idea of "gravity" has helped me be less stressed. it's a very interesting concept and i love that it's something that's so deeply ingrained in DIO's philosophy. (PS just so you know whenever i say DIO's plan was a good idea i am joking 100% of the time, i would not want to live in the world he wanted to create. however, it's funny to say DIO was thinking of us socially anxious folks so im gonna keep saying it lmao)
you know, it's also really funny that like.. DIO ended up being such a massive beloved comfort character of mine, because like up until him, i generally got attached to characters who were very Good and Wholesome lmao. tfw the two characters that served as the most important comfort characters for me in my life were DIO and......... Papyrus from Undertale LMAO
they are almost polar opposites, but what they both have in common is that they are both very confident, and i'd say that while characters who doubt themselves are generally those i personally relate to, characters who are confident are the ones i gravitate towards for "support". Papyrus has been a character who i honestly hold single-handedly responsible for helping me turn my life around and just.. had an amazing impact on my mental health. i dont want to know who i'd be today if i never got into undertale.
with DIO, i feel like part of the reason why im so joyous and loud about how much i love him and why im so open about how much fun im having enjoying his character so much is because if i were to meet this character back then, when i was in college or in high school, i would never allow myself to enjoy this. i think that to me, DIO being such a huge comfort character represents like... something? i can't quite put my finger on it, but i feel a certain kind of pride and freedom about it because i know i overcame something in these past few years, and that i am much better and happier for it in every aspect.
i am very much a person who gets deeply attached to things or characters that i associate with positive changes in my life. because i've been at such a low point once in my life, i cling to things that remind me of how far i've come.
im just like.. really happy to be here as i am and DIO somehow became a deeply ingrained part of that.
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