#brighton arc
sebadztian · 5 months
Sebastian has gone from this sarcastic demon who'd make fun and mock Ciel at every turn.
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To this devoted butler who truly believes that his young master is the one true earl.
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The lie has truly become the truth...
Speaking of... Let's talk a bit about Seb's design, shall we?
His hair is getting shorter. Guess he finally got that haircut that he was talking about in the beginning of the manga, eh? And his face is rounder, which makes him look even younger.
Wonder how a demon who hasn't changed for centuries (how did Ciel even know that??) could look so different...
Yana did mention that she can't settle on Sebastian's look. But once again, I'm amazed at how much her artstyle has developed over the years as she discovered how she wants everyone to look (who knows, Bard & Mey might look different than the last time we saw them when we see them again after this Brighton arc).
I'm so excited for the Brighton arc and - to borrow Earl Phantomhive's words - for their return match.
Brighton is going to be epic!
(Okay, I'm biased, but hey...)
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
Ch 212: That Butler, Going South
Please respect the spoons (time and energy) and money I invested into this post. Do not use my content without credit.
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16 pages including the cover.
Basically, the chapter covers Sebastian and Ciel traveling by train to Brighton, discussing the servants’ missions as Ciel enjoys breakfast in the dining car.
(Remember that all the missions are happening simultaneously more or less, so Ciel doesn’t know how successful or not they all were.)
It’s actually quite brilliant of Yana and her team to time things like this. This chapter is a great way for fans who may have lapsed during the servant arcs to catch up again, or even for new fans lured in by the anime to get a taste of the manga.
It’s also interesting to see a how a some of the scenes mirror panels/moments from previous arcs.
For example, the shot of Sebastian and Ciel on the train together is akin to the end of the circus arc. (And admire how much her art has improved!)
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Later, we get a (shocking, to me, anyway) shot of Sebastian sitting at the table with Ciel as equals, reminiscent of when they ironed out the details of the contract.
The chapter begins with the two of them on the train in their first class compartment, en route to Brighton from Reading.
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Sebastian, ever the conscientious butler, notices the time and mentions breakfast, but Ciel is cautious: they’re fugitives, after all. Sebastian points out that most people wouldn’t expect a criminal to be casually taking a meal in the dining car. Seeing his point (and since Ciel is driven by his stomach lol), they go to have breakfast together.
They then discuss the servants’ missions and what they expect. For example, Ciel brings up the point that Lau can only be trusted so far, and he is the one who first brought their attention to the whole mess back in the Campania arc with Karstein Hospital. And he is a mafia boss.
But, both of them acknowledge that Bard is the smartest and most capable of the four servants (Bard, Mey, Finny, Snake), and that he managed to make it to the UK all the way from America alone. Plus, he’s trustworthy. Ciel points out that’s precisely why he paired them up. (Seeing them compliment my man 😭😭… Take that, Bard haters!)
They also discuss the mission Ran Mao and Mey are undergoing and ofc Snake and Finny. (I’m sorry but I’m tired and I don’t care as much about the other servants as Bard so I’m… not going into detail on their pages. Maybe tomorrow if I have time and spoons I’ll make an add-on to this going over those pages.)
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This panel is one of my fave moments in the chapter… it translates more or less like this:
Mey: For our lord
Bard: With pride
Snake: With my life on the line
Finny: I do the assigned work and see it through to the end
Despite initially being wary of leaving their compartment, when Sebastian suggests they leave the dining car, Ciel wants to stay and stretch his legs. It’s only a few hours to Brighton by train.
Looks like next week we’ll start the arc in earnest and maybe learn how they plan to infiltrate the hotel.
Please respect the spoons (time and energy) and money I invested into this post. Do not use my content without credit.
Note: The last panel is actually Ciel speaking, so apologies for that error in translation.
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bezierballad · 4 months
"My lord, I'm trying to sneak around but the thunderous clap of my behind keeps alerting the bizarre dolls."
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coelestiuminfernum · 1 year
rewrite my understanding of faith - sebaciel fanfiction
28k words | WIP | Rated E
Ciel and Sebastian’s imagined trip to Brighton wherein they disguise themselves as newlyweds. Fake relationship plot with resolved sexual tension and cross-dressing.
“The room is silent. Ciel focuses on the glow of the candle as Sebastian slips the main dress off his shoulders and lets it drop unceremoniously onto the ground. He feels a slight chill in the room as he digs his fingers underneath the petticoat and grazes past the dip in his hips.
Ciel fights the urge to gasp. The devil was fucking with him.
The cotton petticoat meets the floor, along with the crumpled up dress. Despite the fact that Sebastian has bathed and undressed him every day for nearly four years now, Ciel feels strangely vulnerable to be standing here in nothing but ladies undergarments. It feels surreal—just the two of them, in this honeymoon suite. He curses himself for letting his head go there, wishing, wanting almost for it to be real.”
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fortheloveofapples · 3 months
tbh i was expecting the Brighton arc to be The Grand Budapest Hotel AU
Sebastian is basically Monsieur Gustave already
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triffany-lottablog · 3 months
Brightheart I love you and the insane merch they make of you. Cloudtail.
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redcurrantorchard · 1 year
since I'm all caught up with the manga now, I decided to rewatch all of the kuro anime (i never went past the last episodes of the filler season 2) and WOW... god, is Ciel's little green gay outfit fucking ugly.
and also that other brown one?)??? who the FUCK thought that shade would look good? mudskipper lookin ass
besides that I'm having lots of fun, all of it is very camp and nostalgic 💞💕
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elmaestrostan · 9 months
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When Unai got fined £8K by the FA in 2019 for kicking a bottle and it accidentally hitting a Brighton fan 😅
“I said to them apologies because I kick the bottle after a disappointing action for us in the last minutes. It wasn’t hard, but it touched one supporter for them. I said to them I’m sorry.”
“I hope not [to be banned] but I have to respect the decision because it is a circumstance of my action, but not another intention from me with the supporter. I say to them my apology.”
“There is not another communication. I repeat today my apologies for my individual action but I kick the bottle because it is near me, but not because it is my intention.”
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sebadztian · 5 months
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The way he's smiling at him and holding his hand tho... 😍🥺
The Butler and his Young Master are back!!
They're spoiling us!! Sebaciel nation, are you ready??
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
just saw the new kuro chapter…. sebaciel shippers are gonna lose their minds
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exspiritment · 2 years
@d1c4af @natophonetic @jupiter3
Spirit decides to pregame with Vanya, leaving the two men who've never met before to arrive separately and solo. The girls get to the restaurant early and tipsy - dolled up and, quite frankly, beautiful. Vanya catches a few pairs of eyes.
Vanya helps Spirit order a wine bottle for the table - or, at least, the people at the table drinking. If she's upset about seeing Deco again, she's being a remarkable sport. Still, Spirit feels compelled to fill the air with idle and anxious chatter.
"Deco's a total nerd, and your guy does, like, actual normal human work. Real work. Together, they could do any job ever and make us all the money in the world. Isn't that exciting?"
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thatgirlonstage · 10 months
Okay I’m too tired to keep listening to Dark Heir but I’ve got a whole bus ride home so I’m going to spin Black Butler thoughts at you all.
(Idk how coherent this is, I’m sorry if it’s rambly my brain is SO dead but it wants to Talk so)
I’m thinking about… the gradual build of Sebastian’s fear that he could actually lose Ciel, as we go:
The asthma attack in Circus Arc: not ultimately serious, but a danger to Ciel’s wellbeing Sebastian had not been aware of and cannot easily fix
The fight on the Campania, where Sebastian is very seriously injured himself, to the point where he’s in danger of losing Ciel to Undertaker because he can’t physically stop him from being taken,
Which leads into THIS fucking moment in school arc:
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which is entirely fueled by Sebastian’s fear that Undertaker will snatch Ciel out from under him, AGAIN, because he did it before
AND THEN GREEN WITCH ARC HAPPENS, where Sebastian gets within literal minutes of losing Ciel to the gas, and WOULD HAVE if Sieglinde hadn’t been there or hadn’t been willing to help them
And still in Green Witch Arc, even AFTER Ciel has physically survived, Sebastian nearly loses him anyway because he backslides so dramatically into a PTSD episode that it nearly voids their contract
All of which is why by the time you get to the Blue Cult Arc, Sebastian is so genuinely afraid he might not be able to protect Ciel that the scent of blood from a single needle prick makes him do. This.
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And now, with bizarre dolls getting ever more advanced and better at hiding from Sebastian’s senses and the whole police force mobilized against them, I’m very ready for Sebastian in Brighton to be doing everything short of wrapping Ciel in 19th century bubble wrap. I’ll frankly be shocked if he lets Ciel out of his sight for more than five minutes.
But the thing is. The thing is. Narratively, there isn’t much further you can ratchet up the stakes for Sebastian (at least until you get to the moment of truth with the contract and eating his soul, which is a different conversation). Ciel being put in danger or hurt again isn’t going to do all that much to alter their relationship at this point. Sebastian is already about as whipped as the poor guy can get.
What would be a change, is Ciel nearly losing Sebastian.
There’s been—for obvious reasons—much less risk and fear on that front. There has been some build for it:
Red Butler Arc, encountering reapers, Ciel sees Sebastian fight an enemy who can actually hold their own against him for the first time (and while I don’t think this is confirmed, I suspect Grell’s chainsaw eating his shoulder is the first time Ciel sees him get injured for real (as opposed to allowing himself to get shot and playing dead just for the sake of being a dramatic bitch))
Curry Arc, Agni successfully fights Sebastian to a tie (which is why I’m VERY interested to see if Soma turns back up in the Brighton arc as well, feat. angry Kali powers)
[The murder arc is a fake out, because Ciel knows he’s fine the whole time]
On the Campania, Ciel sees him get very badly injured. This is the one and only time Ciel has real cause to fear for Sebastian’s safety, as such.
And since then, while Sebastian isn’t quite untouchable, he hasn’t really suffered any serious injury or physical danger to himself. There have been defeats or fights that didn’t end perfectly for him—such as the school arc fight—but Sebastian hasn’t been existentially threatened. Ciel, I think, still has pretty high confidence that worst case scenario, Sebastian can always just pick him up and make a run for it (indeed, part of the reason things got so bad on the Campania was because they were trapped on a boat). And even if Sebastian couldn’t save him, Ciel—to the extent it’s even occurred to him—doesn’t have a lot of reason to think he couldn’t save himself.
This is now the second time Ciel has lost everything—his title, his name, his home, his safety, his dignity and respect. The first time was worse, obviously, but he’s got to be feeling the similarities.
The first time, Sebastian pulled him out of his despair by offering him the power to escape.
Now, the second time, he at least still has Sebastian by his side. A Sebastian who is going to be laser-focused on protecting Ciel from all possible threats.
But what happens if Ciel thinks he might lose Sebastian too?
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nualaofthefaerie · 6 months
Sandman s2, confirmed news!
I see a lot of speculation on the topic, so as someone who has closely followed and confirmed information, I am comprising this thread of confirmed Season 2 leaks that I will update regularly.
This is inspired by @orionsangel86 rant, and I have no real following here for people to listen to me, but I hope this will allow the fandom to discover me as a Sandman creator.
All information has been thoroughly confirmed, and some of it was found by me. I will try to keep the chronological order:
1. Ruairi O'Connor is our Orpheus
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Well...I don't have to explain, the man's face is on there, plus Melissanthi Mahut follows him on Instagram
2. Esme Creed Miles is our Delirium
Back in August, we suspected Esme Creed Miles had joined the cast of the Sandman as our Delirium when Lourdes Faberes posted this picture with this caption:
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Soon after the entire cast followed Esme and since then have interacted and been in the same place multiple times including last week when Donna and Mason were filming:
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3. Barry Soloane is our Destruction
His wife spoiled it, and he has it on top of his acting credits. He is followed by all of the Endless and Neil on Instagram, and they interact regularly.
4. Midsummer Night's dream is filmed/being filmed
As you can see from this leaked call sheet from the same day, the scenes included elves and fairies + the caravan + the people who asked what was filmed on their walk basically confirms Midsummer Night's Dream
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5. Wanda and Ruby's characters are being merged and are being played by Indya Moore
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We have no further information on the changing of storylines.
+ a lot of minor roles have been confirmed as well but those are of no vitality.
6. Names of six of the supposed 12 episodes have leaked
(In no particular order)
"Season of Mists"
"Brief Lives"
"Family Blood"
"The Song of Orpheus"
"The Ruler of Hell"
"More Devils Than Vast Hell Can Hold"
Source is WhatsOnNetflix (reliable source)
!!The next ones are speculations since we cannot confirm them but it is quite likely as timelines fit:
1. Ferdinand Kingsley has filmed the Season of Mists dream sequence
The only clue we have of that, is that he maintained a hairstyle similar to Hob's with a longer beard for a while and has recently chopped it all off.
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2. Filming of "Season of Mists" in Brighton Pavillion on the 20th of February
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According to eyewitnesses, the production was humongous, the extras and actors were dressed in gothic/mythical/monster/horror attire, which excludes the location from being Destiny's garden or have anything to do with the Family dinner, leaving Season of Mists as the most plausible conclusion
3. On-site location filming on Castle Arce in the week of March 15th
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The Castle Arce area has lots of mazey parts, dare I say Destiny's garden, but that is pure speculation. (I just found these so I have not had the time to decipher them properly).
3. Destiny will be POC
I sincerely hope that to be true. The only semi-clue we have that suggests this might be true is the picture from Lourdes (above with Esme) and the fact that Adrian Lester is in the picture, but he is not part of the cast or seen in leaks anywhere. We hope for news soon.
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That's it, folks.
Those are all leaks compiled in a comprehensive list to avoid further speculation. I will be updating the list accordingly and if anyone has questions, feel free to send them my way, I feel confident in all the ones that we have confirmed to be true.
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wonderer399 · 1 month
How would each BB character react if they find out that Sebaxciel is cannon in 1890's era ? ( After the Brighton arc )
*please comment below*
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grelleswife · 5 months
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Gripping this promotional illustration for the 2020 Black Label Funtom Hotel pop-up store with both hands as I delude myself into thinking it’s foreshadowing for my wife’s return in the Brighton arc:
Grelle at the hotel, Grelle at the hotel, GRELLE AT THE HOTEL—
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the-sleepy-silurian · 5 months
Brighton Hotel Mission Start??!?!
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The blue revenge arc literally started in 2019....
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