brigitaantoni · 6 years
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Title: Magical waters Curated by: Ludmila Belova 
May 2018
Technical details: digital print (70x50cm), glass bottles, tarot cards, crystal, rosemary leaf, ceramic sculpture, rubber band, laurel leaf, chair and table
Venue:  Alexander Gallery 
Water, as a natural element, can be a transformative force in our life. It is an element that is not limited to rivers, lakes and oceans; it is the source of life and affects the existence of flora and fauna, the future of mankind and the planet. Therefore, it is a place of infinite reflection. Knowing the force of water and its transformative power, people have always used it for healing purposes. The interesting thing is that in alternative medicine, apart from being used for a skin treatment, it was used to treat traumatic psychological conditions and even to heal the electromagnetic field of our body. In Balkans and beyond exists so-called incantations which are generally made by older women for such cases. Using natural materials such as coal or plumb, with water and a prayer, they make a medicine that is used periodically and serves to treat a condition or illness from which a person suffers. Widely around the world there are also known so-called magic waters that are made for various psychological conditions or as a kind of protection of human aura. Although none of this has been scientifically proven, people continue to believe and they achieved a placebo effect, so for them this way of using water helps. The truth may be that our conviction and belief that something like this heals helps. This could also be explained by the work of a famous Japanese researcher of alternative medicine and photographer Masaru Emoto who claimed that human consciousness influences the molecular structure of water. Emoto’s assumption has developed over the years, and his early work explored the belief that water can react to positive thoughts and words, and contaminated water can be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization. He managed to show it through the pictures of icy waters that turned into beautiful forms of crystals using the words Thank You and I love you. 
My goal was to transform this theme into a fairy tale story through the form of artistic installation, connecting it with the esoteric way of making water through magic. I do this by making my personal magic recipe with waters, used for various healing purposes. The waters are exposed in various glass containers and placed on a shelf, and above them is a textual explanation of the name of the water and what treatment it serves. As part of this installation, a workplace is also set up - a table and chair along with tools, crystals and various materials that were used during water making. Above the workplace there’s a digital drawing in which, in an abstract way, it is shown a bad energy field and its breakdown when in contact with the alchemical symbol of water. 
Through this exhibition I would like to bring to the observer some hope that perhaps it is possible to treat ourselves through creative and magical methods that we devise by ourselves. 
Photos by: Mireille Besnard
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