@briidunviing || cont from x
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   “All must die, eventually... even Gods die. The only question is when. There is no shame in outliving the rest of your kind. If you are willing to see what comes next.” 
     She remembered a time when she, too, thought of them as Gods. Dragons, these eternal creatures. Like a perfect ring, they seemed to know no beginning and no end. Now, she knew better. Maybe even the deadra and aedra died, eventually. Maybe in the end, when Alduin rose and devoured this entire rotten world, they, too, would die.             (she would give anything to watch the world-eater devour her master). 
     “But you are right... it’s both a blessing and a curse to be the last one standing... and to know that with you, the last echo of your people will die.”
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burmecianblackmage · 6 years
Four Temperaments Test - Brii Dunviing ( FFXIV )
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Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
Tagged by: @briidunviing here: [x] Tagging: @atieflingwarlock @deriision @riotxblade @thepricewasright @burmecias-protector 
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“Let me reach that for you.”
Small/Tall Starters || Accepting!
    “Thank you!” the girl chirped as she climbed down from the chair she had been precariously perched upon in an attempt to reach the book she so desperate sought. It sat, of course, upon the highest shelf, far out of her reach. “It’s the one with the blue cover,” she added helpfully as the much taller woman reached to pluck it from the shelf without any trouble at all.
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dragonsongsummoner · 6 years
@briidunviing continued from here
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“We are indeed quite resilient creatures.” She agreed. 
Lifthrasir’s gaze grew soft, her eyes gentle. “Though, young Brii, if you do not mind me asking, why do you seem so surprised at the kindness I have shown you?”
While she was curious about this, she also knew that it might be a bit much to ask. Given the other’s hesitant behavior. 
“If you do not wish to say, do not worry.” Lifthrasir clarified with a small wave of her hand.” “It was not my intention to pry, I am merely curious, as you yourself seem quite kind in your own right.”
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orphanhccd-m · 6 years
🍲 [ because boy does Brii love kids, also she's bad at cooking since she never has to cook for herself, but hey, at least she tried ]
Viera blinked as she looked at the bowl of what she hoped was soup that was placed before her, hand tightening around the spoon as she forced a smile on her face. She looked up at Brii with conflicted eyes, before looking down at the strange, green-colored soup and dipping her spoon in.
She scrunched her eyes shut and raised the spoonful to her lips, and gently blew on it to cool it off before taking a sip. Her eyes flew open in surprise at the strong, but oddly delicious flavors of the soup.
“Wow, this is really good! Thank you so much, Brii!” She praised, grinning up at Brii before digging into the soup, messily shoveling spoonful after spoonful into her mouth. 
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notavampirehere · 6 years
/leans in for kissus
@briidunviing | inbox kisses (2/3)
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“Are you feeling better?”
To Vincent, a moment of tranquility with Brii was never a wasted moment. She seemed calmer than when he first brought her to the now-unused Healen Lodge, to shelter her from the hideous slums of Edge, where the rotting pizza used to loom over the denizens.
But he could never be too sure. The scars on Brii’s mind could never be truly erased - only painted over from time to time. And he would do everything in his power to keep her safe.
With his arms tightly wrapped around Brii, Vincent leaned in to press a soft kiss against her forehead to assure her -- she was safe with him. He loved Brii to the end, would crawl through the darkest caverns of his heart to help her and keep her safe and sound.
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friendshipstates · 7 years
Friend to Dragons (briidunviing)
His time atop the throat of the world has left the outworlder with something to think about. The Dragons of Skyrim had been fearsome beasts, destroying everything in their path. Only through divine action were they stopped. But after spending some time with the elder dragon, Paarthurnaax, he has made his journey across Skyrim.
He has returned to find his first draconic friend, to tell her what has happened.
Emerging near the Word Wall, he looks around. She’s not here? Perhaps she’s out stretching her wings. Well, no matter. He can wait for her return. It’s cold up here, but not as cold as on the Throat of the World. So he unpacks some items from his bag and makes a small fire. Perhaps the sight of the flames will catch her eye.
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questir-a · 7 years
@briidunviing for url meme :3c
@briidunviing | send me your url and i’ll tell you… (accepting!)
My Opinion on;
Character in general: GOSH. BRII IS AN AWKWARD BUT TOTAL SWEETHEART AND I LOVED READING ABOUT HER DEVELOPMENT!!!How they play them: I think the way you write Brii is lovely! She’s had to deal with a lot of trauma in her life (I wANT TO PROTECT HER,,) and grapple a lot with her own inner demons. And yet she still manages to be this soft, gentle soul after everything she’s been through and I look forward to her growth. On the other hand, I get the sense that her soft and gentle side is not all there is to her and that she’s also capable of violence if she’s backed into a corner. So there’s a lot to her character and I love reading about her!!The Mun: I’ll admit, I was extremely shy in the beginning and I was very unsure how to approach you until you sent that meme in and we began plotting. I think you’re a sweetheart and I hope everything works out for you irl! ; u ;
Do I:
RP with them: Yes! We have one thread going!Want to RP with them:  H E C K   Y E A H!!!! (provided that you aren’t overwhelmed by irl stuff because your health comes first!)
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Overall, a very lovely OC that I wish I interacted with sooner!! Mun is also a very good bean and a+!!!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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vaedar · 7 years
Where did you get the inspiration for vaedar? I LOVE HIM
[ AYYYYYYYY thank youuuuu
And I’ve wanted to do an OC like him for a long while now yes, someone related to ancient civilizations, be it mythical or not. I once started playing with the idea of a YiTish character, had a face claim and everything and a story set out but I was pretty afraid and really, felt like it needed more work. Then thought of an OC from the mythical Atlantis, I did a good amount of research and had a url saved and all but I got distracted and so that died out, I concentrated on Rhaegar and the other characters I was rping back then but I continued to read up more and more and I started getting a more solid idea with the more I read and researched, and after I put aside my fears for doing an OC, I decided to give it a try. 
I’ve always been fascinated by the valyrian civilization yes, probably main reason why I love the Targs so much but Rhaegar alone didn’t give me that chance to explore more in depth the old valyria and pretty much Vaedar was born out of that want. He was inspired by my love for ancient civilization and history and pretty much shaped by the circumstances that I built based on what is canonly known of valyria, and the other references that I used ( mainly myths of Atlantis and the ancient romans, and a few tiny bits of other histories ). Vaedar is pretty much a result out of them, not the other way around. Like he happened because I wanted to explore/create/expand/etc. the valyrian civilization. 
His personality is a result of those things too, his pride for example, I root it from the valyrians’ origins and their connection to dragons, which is something that has always identified them and is unique to them, it’s their pride. So it translates on Vaedar’s own pride for who he is, where he comes from, and how he thinks himself superior sometimes to others ( as valyrians were said to be in the ‘greatest civilization of the known world’ and how they conquered other great civilizations ). I try to have Vaedar be a representation sort of, of that valyrian civilization that we don’t canonly know much about ( if that makes any sense ). 
So yeah before I keep on saying things that half probably won’t make much sense, to make it short, the inspiration really came from the valyrian civilization and other mythical and real ancient civilizations. ]
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stalwartknight · 7 years
Good King Moggle Mog XII - Would your muse prefer to go into battle by themselves, or would they do better to rally around their friends and allies?
Good King Moggle Mog XII - Would your muse prefer to go into battle by themselves, or would they do better to rally around their friends and allies?
Percival tends to rush into the fray by himself when he was younger. Quick to throw blows and take them. He was a bit of an asshole during that time before he matured.
When he finally DOES mature. He takes all his allies to heart and keeps them safe with his training and his divine magicks. An Intervention to veil their assault. A Divine Veil to shield all his allies. And his Passage of Arms to give everyone safety as he blocks every attack. Cover to take the blows for an ally. His training as a Paladin made him a stalwart ally.
So he rally behind his allies to make them all work better with him at the bullhead.
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theolder · 7 years
King Thordan - Does your character have a strong sense of how things should be, and are they willing to go to whatever end in order to make their vision a reality? Describe their vision for the world.
Eikonic Asks :: @briidunviing
Absolutely, though he isn’t entirely unyielding.
The Oronir are told that they are direst descendants of their God, Father Azim. In their creation lore, they came from Azim’s avatar, fashioned when he missed his beloved so much that he sought to live among her children and protect them, thus creating the Oronir. They serve Azim, while all other Xaela worship Nhaama, typically. 
He believes these stories wholeheartedly and therefore believes that he, as Most Radiant, is destined to hold leadership, and that, as a child of Azim, that he has a Nhaama waiting for him somewhere out there.
He’s willing to do whatever it takes to hold his position as Khagun, and whatever it takes to find his Nhaama, even as he gets increasingly discouraged. 
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づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ┻━┻ Campaign make a person happy: send this for the 10 tumblrs that you most admire, if you receive it 3 times or more consider yourself loved! ❤ ❤ ❤
Thank you! And very flattered that you like my blog you’re very sweet and awesome I really appreciate it! I don’t deserve ya’ll.
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canidcurios-blog · 7 years
@briidunviing liked for a starter
The Demon looked up from his stock list, vaguely startled by the young woman who had just rushed into his shop. He looked her up and down as she stood in the doorway, considering her for a moment before waving a clawed finger in her direction.
“Don’t knock anything over. These artefacts are all rather rare.” He warned lowly, moving behind the counter and setting his list down. “That aside, welcome, feel free to browse. Do close the door behind you though. It lets in a draft otherwise.” He commented idly, perching a pair of glasses on his snout and peering at her through them.
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questir-a · 7 years
miscommunication ;
starter for @briidunviing!
Slowly, but surely, he’s begun to settle into Eorzea. But just when he thinks he has a handle on Ul’dahn culture, that entire mess involving that voidsent had to happen. He shakes his head in sheer disbelief. Of all the things to happen to him... it had to be a crystal deity asking him to bring light to the region or whatever. The au ra isn’t even from Eorzea. This is asking too much from a simple man like Masaki.
The crystal pulses softly within the confines of his jacket as he reaches up to adjust his mask. Anyway, it seems that dealing with the voidsent and helping out the Immortal Flames somehow ended up with him in Limsa Lominsa. Being in that city again puts him on edge as he strides through the streets as if he belongs there. 
He catches sight of a woman with horns and he freezes up, stops completely in his tracks. Masaki has to rub his eyes to make sure his vision isn’t playing tricks on him. Her dress is strange but well-made, but her dark horns are the focus of his attention. Without hesitation, he weaves his way through the crowd to walk up to her and taps her shoulder to gain her attention.
He points to his mask and splays a hand over his chest—a hasty greeting, but he figures it’s enough of an introduction if this woman is from the Steppe like he assumes she is. 
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goldenhaircd-moved · 7 years
@briidunviing || cont.
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  “I stand for the flames that cleanse this world from those who would tear it apart in war. This is not the time for pacifism.” Though she often insisted on the importance of kindness, mercy and harmony, the Dragonborn herself was a bright fire that heralded bloody wars fought with fire raining down upon her enemies. She was, by nature, not a creature that stood for peace, but conquest and an absolute reign.
     “ I cannot possibly stand for peace while those who wish for war are still in power. ” 
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burmecianblackmage · 7 years
An Advent of Cordialities - Day 18
@briidunviing -   👪 Day 18:  Homemade Cookies
Truth be told, Sceada had been quite worried that his friend would not want to see him anymore for quite a while. After what had happened yesterday, when he had given her one of the more special, more intimate gifts he had prepared, he wouldn’t have blamed her if she did not want to be anywhere near him for the next few days, weeks, maybe even months.
But Brii had been, to his surprise, rather accomodating instead, even asking him to visit her again - and bring another of his advent gifts.
Sceada was rather glad that today’s gift was quite innocent compared to the last one, to say the least. Today, he wasn’t trying to wash her back or anything else that would involve touching her, in all likelihood, at least today, he would be able to respect her privacy...
Be that all as it may, what was yesterday was yesterday, and it was instead today that mattered, and the things one did with it. And so he had come to meet up with the Au Ra, a small satchel in his hands as he approached her. She was sitting at a small table, still clad in the exact same garments as the day prior - just like she had told him. The dress was part of her... No matter how weird that was. Or how intriguing and special...
Admittedly he would like to learn more about that, but asking such questions today, after what had been yesterday would be ill advised.
“Good afternoon Brii... Are you well today? I hope you managed to relax a bit...”
Taking a seat opposite her, Sceada waited with placing the satchel on the table, instead seeming a bit uncertain what to say. He did not want to bring the last day up so soon, and thus squirms to find a suitable topic - but eventually, he seems to at least find some words it seems.
“Uhm... I... I got you a little gift today... It’s something I made myself. I apologize if they aren’t all that good, I’m not exactly used to making these, so...  well...”
Finally he brings the little satchel up, placing it on the table between them. It was made of red fabric, closed by a small white ribbon. The satchel was bulging somewhat, clear sign that it was sufficiently filled. It stood on the table for a moment, with Sceada’s eyes locked on it as he ponders whether they would be good enough for her - but eventually, he looks up again, sliding the bag over to her.
“I... I hope you’ll like them... I made them just for today...”
What the bag contained? A small variety of home-made cookies, with different flavors and in some cases, small signs of having been burnt slightly. But it’s the thought that counts, right...?
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