#briths army
paulinedorchester · 10 months
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Hanukkah, 1944: Civil religion in New York City, London, and Nottingham
Above, from The New York Times, December 18th, 1944.
Lt. s.g. Bazell (1901-1963), a Reform rabbi, was born in Russia and was brought to the United States as an infant. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati, and received his ordination in 1923 (they were ordained really young in those days) from Hebrew Union College. Prior to induction in 1943 he served Temple Brith Sholom in Louisville, Kentucky. I've been unable to trace his post-war career; he seems to have been still in the Navy in late 1945. His son Haskell Bazell, a lawyer, was our neighbor in Berkeley, California, when I was an infant, and remained a good friend after we moved to Chicago. We lost touch at some point.
When I first moved to New York City in 1996 I lived just a few minutes' walk from Congregation Rodeph Shalom, and visited while "synagogue shopping." Even at a higher resolution, this photograph would hardly begin to do justice to the beauty of that sanctuary, and the music was excellent at the time. I found the overall atmosphere a bit chilly, however, and kept looking.
Meanwhile, in London, both the West London Chronicle on December 8th (above) and the Middlesex Independent and West London Star on December 9th carried notices for what was no doubt an interesting service...
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...but I haven't been able to find any coverage of the event itself.
That wasn't the case in Nottingham, where the Nottingham Journal both announced a local service on December 9th...
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...and reported on it (and what followed) on December 11th:
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Captain Sidney K. Mossman, an Orthodox rabbi, was born in Canada in 1913 and came to the United States in 1930. In 1936 he graduated from DePaul University, here in Chicago, with a Bachelor of Laws degree (a credential that no longer exists); just two years later he received ordination from Hebrew Theological College, then in Chicago and how in Skokie. Prior to joining up in 1943 he served Congregation Knesseth Israel in Hammond, Indiana. He was still in the Army in late 1945; once again, I've been unable to trace his post-war movements.
(All images except the first are ©The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.)
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anothanobody · 2 years
it's so funny that bullrider and CS em are the kinkiest and are always down to breeding kink (of course all em have breeding kink and is kinky, but these two are the nastiest), yet they're the ones who only got along with family planning and doesn't have an army of children in their early 20's and 30's
They enjoy their fucking and want to enjoy it for a long time. lol
Nannykasa is all purposeful. Like no shit Eren was not careful he cummed deep in her everytime he could. He’s a doctor and knows brith control can fail. he probably makes her forget to take her pills sometimes.
Older-Younger is baby trapping. So technically it is planned just by one side tho but also Mikasa wanted kids so she was on it too.
Yandere we still don’t know, it could baby trapping or genuinely be an accident that she gets pregnant.
Risks. I won’t say anything about this.
c50 was completely unplanned. Hanji’s shot was supposed to be effective but fuck me if it was. They were not planning a family at all with the war going on.
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paulinawoodpecker · 7 months
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Tad and Rini meets Jessie wakins
Reena and tad walk up into a tech lab
Tad: so why am I here?
Reena: my best friend Jessie wakins is an inventor.
Reena: and she’s a magician.
Tad: wait she can do magic?
Reena:She can invent any weapon and item you needed
Tad: really?
Reena: I know. Probably her parents are inventors too.
Tad: but where is miss inventor?
Jessie: who said miss inventor!
Tad: ah!
Tad: *hummingbird arms* I’m sorry! We are not trespassers!
Jessie: I am not a miss, i am a god of inventory.
Jessie wakins appears to the screen
Jessie: *gasps and notices the two*
Jessie: oh my goodness! Hello!
Reena: Jessie! Hey!
Jessie: *hugs Reena* rini! I miss you! Where have you been?
Reena: stuff.
Reena: oh! Anyway this is tad stones.
Jessie: nice to meet you. I’m Jessie wakins. I’m Reena’s inventor and planner.
Jessie: OH MY GOD!
Reena: what is it? Is he going to throw up?
Jessie: worse! How come you never tell me that he has the glutes?!
Jessie: sorry if I got too dramatic.*chuckles* seriously man you have got to go to the gym more often. *pats his stomach*
Jessie: why are you guys here?
Reena: two things.
Reena: one. We came to warn you about Tiffany mordon.
Jessie: ugh! I hate her guts! Why does it have to bee the mean girl?
Reena: *snickers* good one Jessie.
Reena: two. You said something about my neighbor.
Jessie: indeed I do. Tad, remember when you stomach last caused the noise?
Tad: I think It was last night.
Jessie: yes! I think I know why.
Jessie have any of you heard about the antidote?
Tad: woah! How did you know about that?
Jessie: I’m friends with miss victoria moon. She and I know about the antidote.
Reena: how do you know all about this?
Jessie: I’ve been learning about it in the legend book Victoria gave me. It’s very poisonous especially for people whom have to have upset stomachs.
Jessie: I found a chip from the legendary rainbow crystal. It says that the rainbow crystal is found in the crystal cave in Mexico. But to form it, it has to form eight crystals. Pride, honesty, justice, intelligence, beauty, vision, thoughtful and warmth. Others are unknown to know. But I think that the only person who has the antidote has to do a ceremony to get rid of it. And until the poisonous antidote came to your stomach and started the pain.
Tad: wait. How did you?
Reena: what does this have to do with the antidote and the rainbow crystal?
Jessie shows them the chip of the rainbow crystal glowing and shining.
Tad: *gasps*
Reena: told you she was a magician.
Jessie: you see? That baby started to shine. Two days ago y’all.
Tad: when I swallowed the antidote.
Jessie: hang on. One chip ain’t gonna handle one person.
Reena: but how will we get to the crystal cave on time?
Jessie: you two and a gang with an army to go to Mexico, go to the temple, then the crystals temple, and then a dam which will lead you to a river then to a jungle and a canyon to stay the night, and then you head over to the city, and then to Naica chichichua Mexico and to a rainbow road to a rainbow forest and that’s where you’ll find the crystal cave. in order to the ceremony, and for people who have the antidote in their stomachs, they have to find the rainbow crystal ball, it’s clearly the same thing as the rainbow crystal. Form all the crystals together and boom! Then they have to find a way themselves to remove it inside their gut. Most of them swallow the ball and then they faint and die, then got reunited and you have the crystal ball inside your gut that makes you look pregnant, even if that person is a male. Then head to hospital as fast as possible and do the stomach pumping first to remove the leftovers of the antidote and they give brith to the rainbow crystal ball which it’ll be pale and boom! You’re finally cured.
Reena: but will you help us?
Jessie: girl. The ladies and I will also help you. I can make inventions so I can send them to my portal dimensionalizer to you. And you’ll need this.
Jessie gives tad a microchip and a card for her contact.
Tad: what’s this?
Jessie: this is where you and I will chat.
Jessie: this is going to be easy. All you have to do is go to your mission and remove the antidote like the one you have in your stomach right now
tad: woah woah woah! how did you know about that?
jessie: trust me. I know i have great senses. and so will you…
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We are often told that they taught us nothing at Eton. That may be so, but I think they taught it very well.
- Field Marshal Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer, addressing an Old Etonians’ dinner in 1916.
One of the original generals of the Western Front during World War One unfairly tagged with the ‘lions led by donkeys’ label.
Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer (1857-1932) was born in 1857 in Torquay.  Educated at Eton, he entered the army in 1876 with a commission as a sub-lieutenant in the 65th Foot regiment.
With his squat figure, ruddy countenance and white moustache, Plumer cut an apparently comical figure which belied the reality that he was one of the most effective and successful of First World War generals.
Popular among his own men (if not with Field Maeshal Haig, who disliked Plumer and considered removing him on several occasions), Plumer was a meticulous planner, cautious and impossible to fluster.  Given command of Second Army in May 1915, Plumer served in Ypres for two years, culminating with the launch of the Messines Ridge offensive on 7 June 1917.
The Messines attack was planned with great care and, unusually, achieved all its objectives quickly and at a fraction of the usual cost.  The attack was a great success.  It was begun with the explosion of 19 of 21 mines at dawn on 7 June that was said to form the loudest man-made sound up to that time; Lloyd-George is reported to have heard the explosions in Downing Street.
Following the Messines success, Plumer was appointed to salvage the disastrously unsuccessful Passchendaele campaign overseen by Gough. Despite difficult circumstances Plumer managed to salvage the operation; in spite of his reputation as a cautious, sparing commander his operations at Passchendaele were more than usually expensive in terms of casualties.
After returning from the Italian Front in November 1917 (where he was sent to restore order to the front line following the Italian disaster at Caporetto), he and Second Army conducted the defence against the great German push of spring 1918.
Plumer was promoted Field Marshal following the armistice in 1919 and received a peerage.  He commanded the Army of Occupation on the Rhine until April 1919.  He was subsequently appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Malta until May 1924.  He also served as High Commissioner in Palestine; became President of the MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club, at Lords), and became an active member of the House of Lords.  Plumer unveiled the new Menin Gate in Ypres in 1927.
Herbert Plumer died on 16 July 1932 and is buried at Westminster Abbey.
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nordleuchten · 3 years
The encoded letters of La Fayette and Washington
War is and was a business that is won with informations and secrets as well as with soldiers. In order to keep their correspondences private, the Marquis de La Fayette and George Washington employed a system of codes. Here is an example of one of their coded letters – it is the second page of a rather long letter.
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This letter was written by La Fayette to Washington on March 30, 1782. Washington noted the right words above the numbers. Here is the full transcript of the letter, the coded words are written in bold letters:
Antony March the 30th 1782 My dear General
The sailing of the Alliance Has Been So Unexpected that Mr Franklin and Myself Have not Been Able to Send the dispatches we intended to forward By that Opportunity. There is now a French cutter that is pretty Suddenly Sent of to America—I expected to write By a frigat Which is to Sail in a Short time, But Cannot let this Opportunity slip a way, Before I have the pleasure to Remember me to you, and let you Hear of my Wellfare. The taking of Mahon Has taken place Sooner than was generally expected. Genl Murray and Genl Draper are about quarrelling, as generally Happens after a Misfortune Betwen British Commanders. The Siege of Gibraltar is going on—the Capture of St Kitts Has Been the Better felt in England As upon a letter from Sir Samuel Hood the Sanguine part of the Nation Had Conceived Hopes to preserve this island. Many provinces in Holland are About Aknowledging American Independance. There is a great Confusion Among the Parliamentary Part of the British Nation. Some are of opinion this is a finesse of Lord North, who wishes to throw upon Parliament the Blame of Having given up their Colonies—it Has Been long said He would Retire—But e Has Hitherto kept His place, and the Opposition Members do Not Well Agree together. However we Have just got intelligence that a change of ministers was going to take place. I Have wrote to Mr Lewingston Robert R. Livingston about negociations of peace, about F. money and about Spain and Have Requestd He would Communicate My letter to Your Excellency. We must not Hope for Spanish money nor Notwithstanding their Compliments for Dutch money. As to the ideas you gave me in writing, I Have Represented them in the Strongest light imaginable. I Had with King of France a long Conversation About it. I Had Many with French ministers. They Have plans about West Indies—they also are Stopped By Spain and without Spanish ships—I am affraid Brith Fleet there will Somewhat exceed French Ships, or at least be upon a parr—Dutch ships are not to Be Retaned—to get Sph ships in America is the great affair. Without it maritime superiority is very difficult, the More So, as they are not Stranger to Some ideas About Great Britain which However Appears to me far from Being Settled. Tho’ Nothing is fixed upon the Afore Mentionned points, I am inclined to Believe in Chs Town more than in N. York. For my part I much prefer the former—but am affraid Spain will offer obstacles, they alwais are for W. Indies. Had I only to manage French Ministers it would be a much easier work. I think we may Hope for operating in Septembr. Many people are of opinion the ennemy Mean to evacuate Newyork and Charlestown—for my part I am not So Sanguine, and think it would Be a great Mistake for us to Calculate upon this Supposition either in France or in America. Under the present Circumstances, My dear General, those of foreseen negociations, or at least possible, and the Unfixed Situation of those I Have just now Mentioned I think it Consistent with your instructions, and perhaps useful to America that I Should Remain some time in Europe, that I May Avail Myself of Circumstances and Opportunities. I Hope, My dear General, you will approuve of My Conduct. May I flatter Myself that an expectation of Being Useful, Having Some what detained My departure, I will Nevertheless Be Considered as a Candidate for the Command of the Light Infantry—a Command Which is the utmost of My Ambition, which will not displease that Corps—and as on the Moment I Cease to be Useful, the Moment a determination is taken, I hope Sailing for America, I flatter Myself the Infantry will not be drawn out Before I can present Myself Among the Candidates. There will Be a decision Before May and one Fh ships May Carry it immediately for W. Indies and an other do same for America—I will Have no time lost. In the present Situation of Affairs, we must, I think, prepare Vigourously, and I Hope to fulfill your Wishes, at least so far as Respects Chs Town. I so perfectly know the Sentiments of Congress, and those of the Nation that I am sure not only their desicions upon political points, But also the expression of them will add a new lustre to the idea they Have given of their liberality and Noble Spirit. I am sure, my dear General, that every thing Considered, you will find I am much in the Right to waït a few weeks, and See what turn affairs are taking. To Serve our Noble Cause is the Utmost of My Ambition, and I will embrace every Measure that May Be productive of that end. I will also add, my dear General, that every thing I write in this letter Being the Result of the Confidence that Has Been placed in Me, I must write for you Alone, and this is as Confidential as the most secret parts of our Correspondance. Since I left America, I Had one letter from you By the Hermione. I am very Happy to Hear that a Spirit of Oeconomy and Arrangement is diffused through out every departement, and for Many Reasons I Hope we May Have a Numerous Army for the operations of the Campaign. I Have Been for a few days at this Country Seat with Marquis de Castries who during the Holy days Comes to take some Respite of Ministerial Cares. We are United by an intimate friendship, and am Happy to find that Since He is at the Head of the Navy we Have had a Serie of Successes. Had it not Been for the storm that Mr de Guichen met with on his leaving Brest, we should not, independant of the Spaniards, Have lost an instant of Maritime Superiority in the West Indias. Now, My dear General, I will speack to you of My private Concerns. Independant of My Situation at Court, and Among My Societies, the Marks of affection I every day Receive from the people at large, Render me as Happy as I can possibly Be—Such influence as I May Have will Be truly precious to me whenever it Can do some little good to our Adorable Cause. I am perfectly Satisfied with the dispositions of this governement. Both Nations will for ever Be attached to each other—and I see Both are so much the object of British envy and treachery that it will Ciment Among them an eternal Amity and Alliance. Mde de Lafayette Requests I will present to you Her most Affectionate and Respectfull Compliments and Also to Mrs Washington whom she most fervently prays to make after the war a Voyage to France, and spend some time in our family where we would be so very happy to Receive you. Be pleased, my dear General, to Remember me most Affectionately to the family, and to present my Best Respects to Mrs Washington. My Compliments wait upon George—I Had a letter from Him and wish I Had Received one from my friend Tilmangh—Be so kind my dear General, to pay my most affectionate Compliments to Genl Green Genl Knox, and all my friends in the Army. I am so hurried this time, that I Cannot write to them. When Tilmangh writes to McHenry and Hamilton I beg He will Remember me to them. Adieu, my dear General, most Respectfully and affectionately, I have the Honor to be, Your tender and for ever your Best friend Lafayette
Vicount de Noailles, Count de Charlus, Duke de Lauzun and all the officers of your Army request their best respects to be presented to Your Excellency. The officers are about returning to join their respective Corps.
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
March 3, 2021
TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada is calling out the University of Toronto for using the image of a notorious Palestinian terrorist to promote an upcoming event.
Tomorrow afternoon, the University’s Institute of Islamic Studies, Department of History, and Centre for the Study of the United States will co-host: “Liberated Students in a Colonised Campus: Reflections on the Palestinian Experience at the University of Toronto.” It is being advertised as the first in a series of similar events co-hosted by those departments.
To advertise the event, the University is using a custom image, showing a person holding a sign that reads, “HEARING PALESTINE,” surrounded by a number of figures. One of them is clearly Ghassan Kanafani, a leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist entity in Canada. Kanafani forged connections between the PFLP and other far-left terrorist groups, including the Japanese Red Army, thereby facilitating the 1972 Lod Airport Massacre in which the two groups murdered 26 civilians, including a Canadian Jewish woman.
In 2019, following a petition campaign by B’nai Brith, a church in downtown Toronto cancelled an event due to take place on its premises which would have honoured Kanafani.
���The university of Toronto has an antisemitism problem,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “It is morally grotesque that the University is advertising an event using the sympathetic portrayal of a terrorist whose group has been responsible for so many murders, airplane hijackings and suicide bombings targeting innocent civilians.
“We call on the university to cancel the event, issue a public apology, and launch an investigation into how this happened in the first place.”
Ironically, U of T announced in December the launch of a working group to combat antisemitism on campus.
Meanwhile, B’nai Brith is also calling on U of T to implement the recent ruling of its Complaint and Resolution Council for Student Societies (CRCSS), which found that the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union (UTGSU) had engaged in discrimination against Israelis based on nationality, in violation of its own Anti-Discrimination Policy. That campaign remains ongoing.
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missn11 · 4 years
I tried sending this question on Anon earlier (only my desktop has Tumblr and I was zoning out away from thinking of this), but what if Ming Xiao was a Cainite and Nines and LaCroix were Kuei-jin? What Clan/Dharmas would they be, and how would they feel about it, and how would it affect their storylines? Like maybe Nines rose and was taken in by the Chinatown Wu, and LaCroix has been living somewhere in China since the Napoleonic Wars? Thanks!
@badass-at-cuddling oh wow this is a big question to go into but I’ll try my best! XD
Well, I think it would be best to make changes to LaCroix’s and Nines’ backstory since as far I know Kuei-jin are made from people of Eastern or Southern Asian descent.
Now I think we can keep Nines being an American, in this case a Chinese American (he could be even be part latino as well), and it would makes he could’ve received the second breath after dying during a strike or perhaps he got caught in a cross fire, regardless, he would’ve died young and before his time. (Noooo ;_;)
Considering Nines’ clan in vtmb being a Brujah, his connection to humanity through his politcal beliefs, I feel the Dharma of the Dance of the Thrashing Dragon is likeily the one that fits him best since tbh, not only would that give him the chance to continue to fight for others but also give him a second chance to really live life to the fullest. (Honestly I was thinking of the Way of the Resplendent Crane for him as well but I think that’s too restricted for Nines’ character to be honest but I wonder what you guys might think)
I do think Nines would be quickly taken in by LA Chinatown Kuei-jin but I do think he would butt heads with the elders a lot but also perhaps more being willing to listen to them as well, provided they didn’t treat him badly that is. Although, he could end up becoming the leader of a movement within the Chinatown court that don’t want to be messed around by their elders. But while I think Nines would try to broker some peace treaty with the Anarchs in LA he could end up butting heads with some of the more rowdy Anarchs. And Nines wouldn’t feel happy with the mainland Kuei-jin taking over and saying “Hey we gotta kick or enlighten those awful Cainites to stop the Sixth Age!” but he would also be fed up with the Anarchs just leaving their shit everywhere and whoops the freaking Camarilla and the Sabbat are rolling into town as well!
So I would say that Nines is in a bind in what to do! 0_0
As for LaCroix, oh man this is a tricky one, because I’m trying to figure out if there was enough of a French Chinese presence in France at the time of Napoleon or not.
If there was and they allowed Chinese men to join the army then, I think that LaCroix could have been a French ex noble’s illegitimate son with a Chinese woman and even though there was a draft, I think he would want to prove himself to his father and country that he is worth something. (Ohhh don’t make me sad again ;_;) But he instead dies on the battle field and receiving the second breath and finding out that all of the beliefs his Chinese heritage actually are partly true and he would be super confused and likey eat some people before coming to on his own or being found by his fellow Kuei-jin and after some time he sent around europe to scope things for the Kuei-jin (not for conquering purposes per say but to see if there is any way to help the Kuei-jin in the mainlands).
However, if not then I can see him being a son of a trader in Hong Kong (obvs he isn’t going to be called LaCroix here in this case) and soon following in his father’s footsteps, perhaps even getting involved in the opium trade, (I’m going to be honest here and say that I don’t know as much about China during the 1800s at this point so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know :D) However, he would’ve died young and maybe to move his brith and death forward to from liekly 1794-1815 to 1815-1839 so he could have been involved in the first Opium War and died in the conflict. Upon receiving the second breath and being found and taken to the Hong Kong court.
Now picking LaCroix’s Dharma in either origin story was difficult for me to be honest, but I’m thinking for the first origin LaCroix might have been attracted to the Howl of the Devil-Tiger Dharma, since I can see him wanting to be a powerful demon (Yomi ain’t a nice place bro) and that could go for his second orgin too.
Buttt the other Dharmas he might also go for are the Way of the Resplendent Crane or the Dance of the Thrashing Dragon Dharma, Resplendent Crane cause he might feel guilty for not following tradition and sinning a lot when he was alive and Thrashing Dragon so he could really live his unlife to the fullest!
Now LaCroix regardless would either be sent to LA to asist the Kuei-jin in conquering the city or he would already be in LA and butting heads with Nines no matter his Dharma! XD But LaCroix would have ambitions of becoming an  Ancestor (It’s going to take a bit though) but first he’s going to do his bit to help the effort to stop the Sixth Age (it’s going to get in the way of his goal darn it!) and of course that means screwing over the Kindred through manipulative means!
Ming Xiao is a tricky one for me as I wanna say she could be a Ventrue due commanding air and her ability to be a Leader of a community, I can totally see her rock Domination and Presence easily and with Fortiude, she’s one tough lady that’s hard to kill! However, she could be a Tzimisce, maybe a Tzimisce who isn’t too into changing her image so much but is into having a kick ass war form! (either way, she’ll have some high level Vicissitude baby!!!)
Okay as for Ming Xiao’s Kindred origins, I’m thinking that while the Kuei-jin are the main undead creatures of Eastern Asia there is a tiny population of Kindred scattered around as well. and one of those Kindred (Ventrue/Tzimisce) found an interest in Ming Xiao, in my headcanon a unhappy and necglected wife to a minster of the imperial palace during the Tang Dynasty. A beautiful, intelligent, charismatic and manipulative who would do anything to get what she wanted (since her husband wasn’t going to, lol!) she quickly drew the eye of her sire and they wanted to show a fun time and have her as their companion (dominating or meatcrimes) and embraced her after ghouling her husband.
And after Ming Xiao enjoys herself and gaining herself some power in a little domain for around 400 years (I guess she got bored with her sire and ate them or something) or so, she’ll go into torpor after the Kuei-jin come a knocking to tell her to knock it off. so after like a 1000 years or so (phew that’s a long nap) Ming Xiao wakes up and sees that China had really changed, but oh boy those Kuei-jin are sure to be annoying when she tries to build a domain here again!
Rude, why won’t they let her to do meat crimes or any dominating  anyway, instead she’ll be sharing her wisdom to those who need to hear it duh. Regardless, Ming Xiao then searches for a great place to crash without these annoying Kuei-jin trying to kill her! 
So Ming Xiao’s arrival in LA is going to spook some of the Kindred cause she basically nearly at Methuselah level, but they don’t know it’s her cause she’s not advertising how old she really is. However she is real annoyed that the Kuei-jin are here as well, and well the Camarilla are too european, the Sabbat are just no and the Anarchs really need her help! So Ming Xiao starts subtly recruiting herself some pawns likemind Kindred to help her cause to get the Anarchs’ shit together.
So here you have it, Nines and LaCroix are still butting heads but are way more on the same and Ming Xiao manipulativing the Anarchs for her goals, it’s quite a difference but yet has some shades of the original plot of VTMB!
Phew this was a long post, I hope this answers your question @badass-at-cuddling I’m sorry it took so long to answer! thank you again for the ask it was really fun to think about! :D
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jadelynlace · 3 years
Color asks 💕
Red, Green, Coral, Mauve, Fulvous
red: describe your favorite shirt.
besides the sweatshirt I get to wear in the colder months with the ambulance dept. logo on it, it's my black tank top that ties by my waist. the neckline is perfect to stack necklaces with, and shows off my tattoos. which, are my best feature.
green: do you have a favorite flower?
yes, lilies of the valley; the brith flower for the month of may and it's tattooed on me not once, but twice.
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct.
fucking dinosaurs, for obvious reasons. but, if I had to pick one, it would be the apatosaurus. look at those long boys. an army of velociraptors would be swell.
mauve: an unpopular opinion.
I wash my hair everyday (don't gasp). I don't believe the "don't wash your hair everyday or it'll fall out" hype because I have a pixie cut, I have to wash it everyday or it gets oily. and my hair is naturally curly, so it gets unruly. and I have OCD. take your fucking pick.
fulvous: another name you think would suit you.
I was tempted to answer this like a jack ass, and say "jack ass" because that's pretty much a name that suits me well. besides the nicknames I've had growing up (Soldier, and Bell), I don't think there is another name that suits me well. I really like the name Athena, though. ugh, so bad ass. oh, fuck, there's a new ofc name.
color asks!
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Oh! I get that one! Actually! Did you know that ancient spartan’s, well at least the men were trained to be warriors from brith and were widely believed to have had the strongest armies? Oh they’re whole society is so fascinating! Like how, girls also got to go to school unlike many, many other places and were given more freedom than in the rest of Greece. And boys were actually encouraged to steal-
((Look, as an editor I might think of myself as the laundry room ghost at devil may cry, but even I, a ghost can only listen to him for so long... Oh my god I’m covering his mouth and he’s still going. Welp, for the betterment of the world I think I’ll just keep him quiet for a while. Nod like your still listening so he doesn’t get cranky.))
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Promises II
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Summary: Ivar and the reader had a strong bond, but once she is to wed another and becomes a queen, everything changes. After years without seeing each other, Ivar swears to keep the promise he made in Kattegat years ago.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1871
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     When you were going to speak again, body's pushed their ways into your hall, Taavi stood, drawing his axe in hand, causing all the others to draw their weapons in preparation for a fight. You smiled when you saw the blonde haired man in front, "Hvitserk," you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his shoulder.
    "Y/N," He said with a sigh.
    You looked to see he was the only Ragnar son there, "were is Ubbe, Sigurd, Ivar?"
      He rolled his eyes, almost annoyed to hear their names, "Ivar will be here soon," you lowered himself to your ear, "Ubbe went to Kattegat for Lagatha."
    You tilted your head, "and Sigurd?"
      "Sigurd lays in Valhalla, drinking with the gods."
      You stood in shock until Taavi spoke, "Y/N, what should we do with them?" He asked.
     "Right," you turned to face the 10 plus strangers in front of you, "give the army a well cooked meal, and make sure they have a place to stay."
     Hvitserk smiled, "thank you Y/N".
    "What are friends for?" You asked, you took your seat at your throne as more people filled the room, women and men drinking their filled cups.
      It wasn't till the room filled with laughter and talks before you felt eyes on you. You could see Ivar from the corner of your eye, watching as you made your way around the room, greeting all the new comers. Once you finally made it to his table, he shooed all the people away from him, "it would have been nice for you to say hello when Hvitserk did," you said with a sly smile creeping across your mouth.
       "There were matters that needed tending to."
      You sat down next to him, trying to ignore his comment, "I've heard stories about you."
       "What stories?" He asked curiously.
       You looked into your cup, the red liquid swirled around in it so perfectly, "that the young boy bound to his arms walks as a free man now."
       Your eyes matched with his and he smiled, it was strange to see happiness on him, he balanced himself on his feet and stood, not grabbing the crutches that leaned against the chair he sat on. Slowly, he walked to you, "what do you think of those stories."
       It gave everything in you not to smile at him, he accomplished his goal, rule an army and place fear into the hands of others, "Ivar, I wish to talk to you," you looked around the large hall, "alone, if you can." As you walked back to your room, you could hear him following you. Once you made it back there, you looked into the burning fire, it's colors dancing before you, but once you heard his steps come back, you turned, "it is good to see you Ivar."
      He cocked his head, "was it never?" You rolled your eyes and poured two glasses of liquor.        "Here," you said, notching for him to pick it up, he did, but you noticed he was to timid to drink it, "do you think I poisoned it?" You asked with a laugh. "Here," you said, taking the cup and drinking a small part of it, "there, satisfied?"
       "Why do you want to see me?"
       "Ivar, I've missed you," your smile was faint, "it seems as though Kattegat has fallen? I want to help."
      He sat down next to you in a chair by the fire, "hm, bu-"
     His words were interrupted by Tad rushing into your room, a slave trying to catch him, "Mommy! Where's daddy!" He asked.
      You looked down at him as he hugged your legs, then to the girl, "I'm sorry Ma'am, he woke up and cried for you and King Utrid, I tried getting him, I really did."
      You lifted your hand, "it is fine, please go."
       "Who is this?" You turned to see Ivars brows raised, he already knew the answer.
      You sighed, "Ivar, this is Tad," tad just looked at him with timid eyes, "you may say hello."
       He took a few steps forward, "Ivar?" He asked.
      Ivars eyes lit up upon hearing his name leave the young child's lips, "the boneless." He answered.
      "My mom told me of you."
      Ivars eyes lifted to yours, "oh ya? what did she tell you?"  
         You took a deep breathe as your son continued, "she said you are a warrior," but once Ivar picked him up into his lap, your heart broke. This was it, you would watch him die right in front of your eyes.      "What more?"
      "That my daddy knew yours, they fought in many raids together."
     "Ivar, he should go back to bed," you tried grabbing for him, but he pushed him away.
     "Y/N, I can do it. Wouldn't he want a warrior to tell him a good story?"
     "Ya!!" Tad yelled.
     You could feel water fill your eyes, "Ivar," you whispered, shaking your head.
     "Let's go," He said blankly. Tad took his hand and began to lead him to his room, "I'm sure his mother will wish to come."
      You closed your eyes, praying the gods spared your sons poor life. Once Tad laid down in his bed, Ivar sat next to him, telling him stories Floki once told you both as children. How the Gods, like Loki, liked playing trickes, sometimes, they will test people until they break themselves.
      But once you saw Tad's eyes close, you knew it was time. Ivar began to twiddle his knife between his fingers, watching it spin and twist every which way. You walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Ivar, please do not do this."
      "It is strange," he looked into your eyes, "some people are not scared by threats." He looked back to his hand, "you must take action to inflict that fear."
     "Ivar," you whispered. His knife found its way to Tad's tiny neck, it was pressing on his skin. "By the all the gods Ivar please!" You looked back and fourth from the child to him, tears forming in your eyes.
    "Give me one good reason I should not kill him y/n?" He pointed the knife at you, "you broke your promise. You did not listen to me, you betray me and I must put that past myself." You had tears streaming down your face, all you could do was shake your head. "No?"
     He returned the silver strip to his neck, "Ivar! You cannot kill him."
    "Why not?" He asked.
     You choked on your words, "because," tears wet your cheeks, "he's-he's not mine." His eyes loosened from anger, to confusion, "please," you whispered.
      The day your husband left for battle, was the day the gods gave you your most wonderful gift. The slave your husband enjoyed his time with was only days before giving her first child, the child of Utrid. "How are you?" You asked her with a pleasant smile.
      "Queen y/n, why are you doing this?" Other slaves past by her, giving pillows for her to make her comfortable.
     "What?" You asked with a laugh, adjusting the furs to cover her more.
     "Being so nice to me? I carry your husbands child."
     The other slaves looked up confused, everyone knew she was a found women of the King, but not that he impregnated her. "Go," you say with a mellow tone to the other women, once they left, you resumed. "This child," you said, guiding your hand to her stomach, "that you bare, is the heir to this land. He will provide us with more heirs and so on. My husband wants a child, and he will be granted one, it may not be mine, but I will adopt that child as my own."
      "Thank you," She said with her cool smile.
      She was pretty, which annoyed you. Your husband picked her so it would do just that. He thought if he could annoy you just enough, you would let him in you. You saw the small axe sitting next to the bed and lifted it, titling the handle in the air, turning it to shine in the light. Then you brought it to her neck, "but child, if you ever say the child you bare is King Utrid's again, I will barry this axe in your back," her face paralyzed with fear, "do you understand?" She nodded her head, "Good," you walked towards the door, "I do wish for you to know. I will adopt this child, he will be called mine and I will take him as my own. If you ever do bare claim to him, you will be mocked. This is my husbands child, so he is my own as well," you smiled once more and closed the wooden door. It felt good to torment her with fear like she tormented you with annoyance.        After hours of you sitting in boredom, a slave girl appeared at your throne, "Ma'am, there is a problem."
      You sat up, "what is it?" You asked, with a room full of people eating and enjoying their night.
     "The child," her tone was quiet.
     "The child? Is he dead," she shook her head, "take me to him," as you followed her, you thought the worst, but when you heard the cries of a baby, you smiled. "I don't understand, the child is fine, I hear him."
      "It is not the child," she pushed the door open to show the poor slave who looked white.
       "What is wrong with her?" You tried to sit down next to her and feel her cheek, but the other slave yanked your arm back.
     "She has died in birth."
    You looked past her to the screaming child, "give me him," you told the girl holding him. She placed him in your arms as you rocked him back and fourth. "Your beautiful," you whispered.
    "Ma'am, what should we do with him?" You slipped out of the trans that child put you in.
    "Who knows of his brith?" You asked.
    "You, us and the other girl who went to get some greasy water."
     You bit your lip, "this child will be adopted by me. If anyone is to ask you, I birthed him myself, we didn't know I was pregnant and I gave birth to him."
    The second girl looked confused, "but the king-"
    "The king knows this child is his! He knows where it came from!" You took a deep breathe, "if you tell one soul this child is not mine, by all the gods, I will have your heads." That child made you happy, he was so pure, without any problems yet in his small life. 
     "What?" Ivar asked, almost in disbelief.
    You shook you head as tears fell down you cheek more, "He is not mine. You must believe me please!" After he stared you down for a few more moments, he moved away. You couldn't help but stand with shock, he leaned on his crutch and walked forward, away from the bed. You ran to Tad and curled up next to him, kisses his forehead and brushing his mess of hair back. "My baby," you whispered between kisses, "I love you so much."
     You felt his head shift and turn, "Mommy?" His tired voice asked.
      Your eyes met his as you kissed him more, "Mommy is here," you whispered.
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Novel Draft...So Far
Introduction Dear reader, unfortunately we humans, have a tendency to forget. I know, we think we’re good at recalling the stories of those who lived before us. The cold hard truth is that we are not. Many honest heroes have become nothing but dust in the expanse of our memories. My job is to commemorate the fable of one specific unacknowledged  martyr. A man, who truly understood the meaning of freedom in a time when the meaning was so easily misunderstood. An unlikely hero of an unlikely cause with an unlikely backstory. A truly under appreciated man who we have lost at the hands of the enemy. He once stood proudly as the son of a successful merchant and the trusted aide of our nation’s first leader. Now he has been confined  to nothing more than pieces of paper in our  forever neglectful  collective knowledge. But from those little bits of knowledge over his very existence. We can tell various aspects of who he was. For example we can tell that he was a passionate abolitionist, and a former aide-de-camp to none other than, General George Washington himself. However perhaps the most important and crucial pice of information we still contain about him, something we consider essential to ones character. We have his name, John Laurens, born and raised on a plantation just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. A slave trader’s eldest son. I did not write this book merely to tell you what this man accomplished. I have written this book to paint the portrait of his life. John Laurens was far more than just a name on a letter. John Laurens was far more than just Henry Laurens’ eldest. John Laurens was an abolitionist, a patriot and above all else a hero. He somehow managed to befriend a man who had little liking towards others. He managed to take a stand for what he believed in against his father. But most importantly he gave his life for a cause he so strongly believed in. It was his duty to die for it and  it  is my duty to honor it. I am done with the useless hatred flung at his death. Historians minimize it to nothing more than a meaningless skirmish in the Carolina low country. What they are forgetting is why he was in the skirmish in the first place. Who he was leading. The army he led them in, and the state he died in. John Laurens did not die for nothing, John Laurens did not die to be forgotten. He died for the hope of the death of slavery and the birth of true freedom. It has become rather clear to me that since most refuse to I must be the one tasked with this meaningful responsibility. I will not allow anyone to forget his name. By the end of this book his name will be etched in your brain never to be forgotten again. John Laurens will become more than just a meaningless name. John Laurens will become your hero as he is mine. His name will no longer only be seen when accompanying another’s. This man has left me with more questions than answers. Why was he so obsessed with dying in battle? What got him into the abolishment of slavery in the first place? What drew him to Hamilton?  Why did he attract Hamilton so fervently? Who was he? This man has managed to stir up aspiration deep inside of e that I never knew I had. Never have I felt more determined to write something than now. Never have I felt more disgraced, than now. How could I have let him slip under my nose? When did I become so clueless? I must fight for the honor of his legacy, as he did for the brith of our nation. The very fact that I live happy and free from the reign of a king is because of him and so many others like him. John Laurens’ story has made me so aware of how much I take for granted. John Laurens taught me the story of not just a soldier but of a man truly fighting for his ambitions. John Laurens was more than just a patriot. He was more than just an abolitionist. John Laurens is my hero. Chapter I       Mepkin Plantation, South Carolina, 1764 A slight breeze tickled my skin as it swept across the land. It rustled the leaves in ancient oaks and blew the grass surrounding me in all sorts of directions. The overwhelming sound of cicadas flooded my mind. I giggled as a new sound joined the chorus of nature, t’was a bird . By the sound of the tune I could make out that it was a  beautiful bluebird, with feathers as blue as the Ashlee River, that ran by our home. I had taught myself the different sounds of the birds on my free time, when I was not studying. I often loved to imagine what it would be like to be a bird to be able to fly away whenever trouble arose. To have such a beautiful voice that no one ignores. The birds at Mepkin, our plantation, were the most beautiful of all. They had gorgeous feathers and songs, oh how I loved them. Alas I loved all of it, the beauty of nature, the peace and simplicity of it all. I longed greatly for time to freeze  and capture this moment of serenity. “Ah, Jack That’s where you wandered off to!” My attention was drawn away as my mother was overcome with laughter. She seemed a bit bewildered at the sight of me, laying in the grass. Although she didn’t seem too surprised by the sight. Of course I, John her eldest child, would be found laying here in the grass with no particular purpose other than to enjoy myself. “Sorry mama, tis just so gorgeous out today! Don't you think?” I carefully chose my words to explain the situation to my dear mother. In truth, I had run off from my studies and escaped to the outdoors. If I didn’t elaborate then I wouldn’t be lying. “Indeed…” She looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. “But so are those books, Jack. Make haste indoors, my dear boy. Then after Mr.Brown leaves you may play out here.” 
 “Yes, mother.” I bowed my head with a smile as I stood up, to dash into the big wooden house that I called home.  My tutor William Brown, was sitting in the library just where I’d left him patiently waiting with the books  for me to continue. At this point, Mr.Brown was used to my little adventures. When I had run outside the fifth time he began to realize a bit of time outside helped me focus later on. “You know John, you’re getting too old for these escapes, pretty soon you will have to stay in here with me for the entire day. And not long after that you’ll find yourself in a fine college.” Mr.Brown had a habit of maintaining a neutral expression, so you could never truly tell whether he was or not. His lips remained a straight line and his dark brown eyes tore through me. This was my life, constantly being forced into a future I did not wish to pursue. My father Henry  Laurens, was one of the most wealthy men in all the colonies.  Although he owned many plantations the one we lived at was called Mepkin, just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. Mepkin was beautiful in the Spring when everything was blooming. Particularly now in April, the fresh magnolia blossoms brought with them an amazing scent that gave me a sense of hope. If  it were up to me I would stay outside all day inhaling nature, exhaling stress. When my father realized I was inseparable from nature, he decided that he would gift me with a fine sketch book at  my next birthday assuming I completed my studies. When life got dull and my studies bored me, I would imagine the many possibilities of things I would sketch. I would sketch nature. The various birds I heard daily, the trees that surrounding me, perhaps even some of the fish in the nearby Ashlee. But most importantly, I would sketch the magnolia trees. Their beautiful flowers would be the focus of my art, white petals like silk upon a fine gown. The scent filled the stuffy Carolina air like sweet perfume. Sweet Carolinian perfume that only the finest ladies of Charleston would wear. My mother says when my mind gets stuck on something it never lets go. Like when I would “accidentally” get molasses on my fingers and couldn’t wash it off. That was always the way my mind was when it came to nature. When I was outdoors I never could seem to leave. My mind  could be one  place but my body, another. Whenever  it would be that I did leave Mepkin , I would always be able to take this part of it with me. The beauty on our plantations grounds brought reality to its brink. If only the world could stay this perfect. “I understand sir.” I nodded and sat down at the table, resisting the temptation to stare at the window. “Good. I believe we had just been going over ancient Greece. Specifically the tale of Achilles. Tell me, who was Achilles?” Mr.Brown raised an eyebrow, somewhat challenging me to real our previous studies. I could accept the challenge. 
 “Achilles was a Greek mythological hero, featured in  Homer’s Iliad.  He is described as the hero of the Trojan war and a man of good morals. He was part man, part god, a demigod. He had a friend…Patroclus-“ “And  he matters not! What I mean, child, is that his story is unimportant to that of Achilles. You must understand that not everyone’s story matters. But yours, young Laurens, will matter. It must for your father’s sake. Am I clear?” “Yes teacher,” I nodded, I understood it al perfectly well. It was all clear as glass to me. The purpose is for me to form a legacy, a story that matters. For I surely cannot be forgotten. My father is one of the most wealthy men of the colonies. Not only that, but he is also a veteran of the French and Indian War. How am I to live up to the name he has left me to fulfill? Although I love my father much, he has made my ability to be who I wish unfathomable.   Three long hours later, my mother stood at the door to the study. Young HenryJr., her arms at her hip. Henry had been born last year and what a that marvel to my parents t’was he. Now, not only did they have one son, but two. I had been the fourth child of my dear parents, but I was the first to live. Until the age of five when it was clear that I indeed would live on without constant concern, of course there was always smallpox, but that matters not, I was informed that I must live. I am the surviver and I must succeed at all aspects life. For I am my father’s son, I am John Laurens.
“Mother, must I have to stay home on the ‘morrow, can’t I join father when he goes into Charles Town?” “Dear boy, your father needs you to stay here to ensure that we stay safe and  so that your father can give the proper attention to the building of our new home.
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antisemitism-us · 7 years
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. – B’nai Brith Canada is demanding that Peel Regional Police open an investigation into a July 22 protest in Mississauga, Ont., wherein participants incited violence and promoted hatred against the Jewish community.
Videos recorded at a rally in the municipality just west of Toronto show protesters chanting in Arabic: "Remember Khaybar, oh you Jews, the Army of Muhammad will return!" Khaybar refers to a famous battle in 628 CE in which Muhammad's Muslim army defeated and then slaughtered Jewish tribes in the Arabian Peninsula.
Other recordings of the protest feature young children shouting that "Israel and Hitler are the same," along with attendees chanting in Arabic: "With our souls, with our blood, we shall redeem al-Aqsa!," in reference to the Jerusalem mosque that has been at the centre of tensions over the past two weeks, since terrorists murdered two Israeli police officers at the site.
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You wonder what I am doing? Well, so do I, in truth. Days seem to dawn, suns to shine, evenings to follow, and then I sleep. What I have done, what I am doing, what I am going to do, puzzle and bewilder me. Have you ever been a leaf and fallen from your tree in autumn and been really puzzled about it? That’s the feeling.
- T. E. Lawrence (T.E. Lawrence to artist Eric Kennington, May 1935)
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HITLER'S FOOT SOLDIERS: Latvia's Nazis are the pride of the country, says defence minister
By David Pugliese
The Latvian government has upped the ante in its efforts to rewrite the history of the Second World War in that eastern European nation.
It may come as a surprise to the 500 Canadian Armed Forces members who are training Latvian troops but that country’s politicians have embraced as heroes those who supported and collaborated with the Third Reich.
Each March, despite condemnation from countries around the world including Canada, a parade is held in Riga to honour the members of the Latvian SS divisions which fought for the Nazis in the Second World War. Some in the parade this year – one of the largest in recent times – wore swastikas and other Nazi insignias.
But it was in September when the Latvian government further solidified its official support for Hitler’s loyal foot soldiers. “Latvian legionnaires are the pride of the Latvian people and of the state,” said the country’s Minister of Defence Artis Pabriks. “We will honor the memory of the fallen legionnaires, and we will not allow anyone to discredit their memory.” 
“It is our duty to honour these Latvian patriots from the depths of our soul,” he added.
Pabriks’ comments drew immediate condemnation from Jewish groups.
So who are these patriots that the Latvians so eagerly embrace?
They were a combination of Nazi collaborators, killers of Jewish women and children, and conscripts. Adolf Hitler ordered the creation of the Latvian SS divisions in 1943, with the initial core of the force made up of members of Latvian police and militia units such as the Arajs Kommando, which participated in the murder of at least 26,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Large numbers of Latvians were also conscripted to join the new SS units. 
The members of the Latvian Legion swore allegiance to Hitler and while Latvian government officials claim their first loyalty was to Latvia,  these soldiers were among the most loyal Nazis who made their last stand in Berlin against the Russian army as they defended SS leader Heinrich Himmler’s headquarters.
Among the Legion’s officers was Viktors Arajs, the anti-Semite who liked to refer himself as “Arajs, the Latvian Jew-killer.”
Arajs once regaled guests at a dinner party in Riga with his views on the best method to kill Jewish babies, according to the book, The Holocaust in Latvia. Arajs told his dinner party participants he would throw the children into the air and then shoot them. That way he avoided any ricochets that might happen if he murdered the babies on the ground.
Arajs was found guilty by a German court for his role in the murder of 13,000 Jews. He died in prison.
On the lower end of the scale in the Latvian SS Legion ranks were individuals like Juris Sumskis. He joined the Arajs Kommando in April 1942 and took part in a number of Nazi-led executions of Jews and other innocents. Sumskis remembers taking part in the murder of several hundred mentally ill patients, personally carrying one of the victims over to the execution area because she couldn’t walk. From that first execution, Sumskis graduated to burning down villages and guarding Jews who were to be murdered. Later Sumskis transferred to the 15th Waffen SS Latvian Legion where he hunted down partisans – fellow Latvians – who were fighting against Hitler’s regime.
The Latvian government and its supporters have tried to counter Jewish groups and others who have condemned the Latvian SS and Latvians who took part in the Holocaust. One of their main claims is that the history and articles written about the Latvian SS is “fake news” or Russian “disinformation.”
The Latvian Embassy in Canada has made such claims about articles in the Hill Times, Halifax Chronicle Herald, National Post and the Ottawa Citizen newspapers. Karlis Eihenbaums, Latvia’s Ambassador to Canada, has been at the forefront of using the “fake news” claim despite the wealth of information from Holocaust researchers.
In addition, the right-wing Macdonald Laurier Institute in Ottawa published a report by activist Marcus Kolga claiming articles outlining Latvians participation in the Holocaust and support for Hitler’s regime “essentially parroted the Kremlin’s tailored narratives.” The Macdonald-Laurier Institute has received funding from the Latvian Ministry of Defence. In addition, the Embassy of Latvia in Canada has also provided sponsorship for the institute.
The Latvians have also found support among some Canadian Army officers and members of the Department of National Defence who claim there is a need for “context” to explain the “complicated histories” of countries such as Latvia who eagerly welcomed Germans due to the brutality of the Soviets.
The idea that “context” can explain executing woman and children or throwing Jewish babies up in the air to shoot them so as to avoid getting hit by a ricochet is both disgusting and immoral. There is no “complicated” history that can justify murder. And does the brutality of the Soviets towards the Latvian people justify the killing of as many as 60,000 Jews who had nothing to do with that?
Or as Monica Lowenberg, a British woman who had many family members murdered by Latvian Nazi collaborators pointed out, honouring the Latvian Legion is akin to honouring those complicit in the killing of British, Canadian and U.S. troops during the Second World War. “When Latvian SS killed Soviet soldiers, they allowed Nazis on the western front to kill British and American soldiers in turn and thus made it possible for Auschwitz and other concentration camps to continue their heinous crimes against humanity,” wrote Lowenberg, who protested the parade in Riga honouring the Legion in 2012.
Various Jewish groups have started fighting against what they are calling Holocaust distortion and Nazi glorification. B’nai Brith Canada raised concerns about the SS parade and other events in Latvia. In the summer of 2018 B’nai Brith Canada’s chief executive officer Michael Mostyn called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to use his trip to Latvia that year to push back against that country’s glorification of Nazi collaborators as well as attempts to deny the nation’s role in the Holocaust. “We must challenge all those who distort the historical record on governments, military units or organizations that fought with, supported or sympathized with the Nazis during World War II,” Mostyn wrote to Trudeau. “This includes government leaders who acquiesce in, or fail to condemn, a process of Nazi glorification that amounts to Holocaust distortion.”
Dr. Efraim Zuroff , the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s East European affairs branch, cut to the heart of the matter by pointing out the obvious fact the Latvian government and some in the Canadian Forces don’t want to accept about Latvian defence minister’s comments. “Given the fact that the Legion fought for a victory of the Third Reich, the most genocidal regime in history, and that among those serving in it were active participants in the mass murder of Latvian Jewry, as well as of German and Austrian Jews deported by the Nazis to Riga, such comments are incomprehensible, let alone deeply offensive, coming from a senior minister of a country with full membership in the European Union and NATO,” Zuroff noted in a protest letter to the Latvian government Oct. 7.
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hello this  zoe     blog user of     demonchildrobin which was orgnely      yumikurilover utunite  i  change it     and  the blog     machixging i have asbgers  and   leaering disbtiyls this rp blog for my world gromverrt ocs    there  2 of them            one is nadia she is    nami brith mother she look like    nami but older becuse she like ine 40s or  50s but still  very pretty she   her shrot  there nami   going  littel past her  shoulder  she woman  jsut whant porcther her child  and care for  very much  and  pocthering in scert   beucse i as    siad my  nami  is unrusne  theroy       and ilike to paly that in my  rps        i well play in my rps utiled sate  other wise    it  worng it worng if right i right and     since she whanted porcther her daghter form the  world gormvert she work for  she even alilie her shelf with the relovlertly army      in   scert to pocrt  her      i guss she kinda like her daghter but more mauruter  then there emma lavadere    age   33 pre time skipk 35    post  time skup  she long    drank  brown hari to her lower back   hazele  eyes    she sweet kidna careing woman who whant what best for the world she aradi if she leave the world gormavet thing would  get sucpesd  and worst     she the woman save  nacey 
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cjfelber-blog · 8 years
     In 1996, there was a successful cloning, which created Dolly the Sheep. There was cloning that had happened before, a frog had been cloned, but Dolly was a mammal, which scientists thought were more complex to clone. The process of cloning Dolly was not that easy. Many people think that cloning is easy to do but just because you know how to do it does not mean that you can actually create a clone. Out of 400 samples only one was able to create Dolly. Dolly then died about six years later. Many people believed that due to Dolly be cloned from a six year old sheep meant that Dolly could only live that long. That was incorrect though as Dolly had died of lung disease, which scientists proved through an autopsy. Dolly is now stuffed and on display in a museum where people can see her on a rotational display. The cloning of Dolly the Sheep opened up a door more cloning. Scientist have already started to clone stem cells in hopes of it helping us cure diseases.
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    Currently in South Korea they are cloning common animals. For example if a dog owner wanted to get their pet cloned then they have to pay about $100 000 to get if cloned. There is a tea working on cloning a mammoth. Since mammoths are extinct this would be quite an extraordinary thing to happen. An Asian elephant would give brith the the mammoth since they are related. They have a frozen mammoth in which they are getting the DNA from the body cells. Once they have the DNA, the nucleus from the Asian elephant will be stripped of its DNA and the mammoths will be put it. This is how clones are created. It is now a possibility to revive extinct animals but we must be able to have the proper genetic information to make it possible.
     There is a big debate over cloning. Some people think that cloning is wrong as it goes against their ethical beliefs. They think that we are playing as God and that humans should not be playing with animals and try to be the creator. Apart from that cloning could help us greatly. We could clone organs which would help with people who are in need of organs. We could also stop diseases by using stem cells. We can also revive extinct animals and repopulate animals that are gong extinct. Also when Dolly was cloned their was public upheaval. As their were people that though it was wrong, there were so many people who jumped to conclusions and were ignorant about actually knowing that was going on. they immediately thought about cloning humans, even though we are not cloning humans. And thought about the worst thing that could happen with out knowing what actually happens. The U.S. had stopped research into stem cells and had said that they would not clone humans when no one was really attempting too. The government actually hindered research. Also a lot of people thought that someone who was evil could clone themselves and then it would be even worse but that does not make complete sense. If a human were to be cloned they would only look the same and have the same DNA, environmental factors and other things affect the clone. These factors would be different from the original. Therefore even if you are the same your thoughts and personalities are different. They would not be the same person, so no one could clone themselves and make a mini army of themselves. This also means that you can not revive dead people as they would look as that dead person but would not be the same. I think that cloning is something that could really help us move forward but we do have to be mindful of people’s beliefs and to try and respect them. I do wonder when we will be able to clone organs? Also will we clone a human? How would the public react to this? And finally, is cloning going to regulated by the government so that no one takes it too far?
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