#bro they are straight up not having a good time right now
devonpink · 2 days
Goodbye Boyfriend, Hello Roommate!
Dylan couldn't have been more excited when he clocked out. His boyfriend, Issac, had been sending him nudes throughout his entire shift, leaving him with a stiffy all day. He couldn't wait to hurry home and pound Issasc's tight twink hole until it was a sloppy, cummy mess.
As Dylan hopped into his car and hastily turned it on, Issac sent another nude—making Dylan's mouth drop in awe with how hot it was. Isaac was in their bathtub, his erect cock protruding out of the water, leaking delicious pre. The text underneath said, "Bought a new body oil. Get home quick 💋."
Dylan rushed home as fast as he could. The closer he got, the harder he got. When he finally pulled up to their apartment complex, his underwear was ruined with pre. He started undressing as he headed up to their apartment, desperate to cut right to the good stuff.
As Dylan unlocked and opened the front door, he could hear the tub running and the faint smell of presumably the body oil Issac bought. The scent was oddly familiar: floral and feminine, yet at the same time rugged and masculine. As he approached the slightly cracked open bathroom door, his heart skipped a beat, finally realizing the scent. It was a conversion product! Isaac must not have known! Dylan quickly swung the door open, hoping there was still time, but it was unfortunately far too late.
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There Isaac was, well, the new Isaac. Isaac's smooth, fem body had become a hairy, masculine one. And judging by all the cum on the bathroom floor, Isaac was undoubtedly 100% straight now.
Conversion products turn you on to an uncomfortable degree, giving you no choice but to beat off in hellish lust. Your nuts fill up with your gayness as you transform into masculine perfection. By the time you're shooting off, your old self is nothing but forgotten history. They're swift and permanent, perfect for any gay boy in desperate need of manly conformity.
As Dylan looked in horror at the remains of Isaac's homosexuality on the floor, Isaac, now with a much more masculine, deeper-toned voice, cockily responded with, "I'm taking a bath here, bro! Wait till I'm done to use the bathroom, bro!"
"Sorry, uh, man?" Dylan awkwardly croaked out, closing the bathroom door, heartbroken yet guilty turned on even more. Sure, the old gay Issac was gone forever, but the new straight Issac was here to stay, and he was unarguably the hotter version. Dylan gave his throbbing cock a tug, knowing full well the grieving period was going to be very short.
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Twins Part 3
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Kylian Mbappe Part 3 If you haven't read the other two parts, click here and you can read the other parts. PART 1 | PART 2 Word Count: "So I was thinking…" Kylian walked in the room and announced. "Ooh don't do that, might hurt your brain" you giggled. "Thanks for that, but I was actually thinking we need to tell my parents. I know Mum is going to be desperate to know about the babies and Ethan deserves to know of course" he smiled.
"Oh okay, yeah that sounds cool. We have a scan photo that we can show and anyway we also need to discuss something else?" you told him. "What is that then?" he asked. "Well that you are leaving Paris, we are leaving Paris?" you hesitated as you and Kylian had barely mentioned the whole situation just yet as it was still a subject you had barely spoken about it. "I know we are, that doesn't mean anything changes between us?" he questioned as he looked down at you. "It does change, we move and I move with you. I am having twins Ky. It isn't normal, it is a crazy situation for us both and I know you have your heart set on Madrid, But what happens with the babies, it is scary for us and the babies. I know it has happened at the craziest time in your life, you getting up and leaving your home" you told Kylian, scared for his reaction. "I am sorry, I totally understand. If you want to stay here in Paris then we can sort that out" he told you as you simply shook your head. "I am not staying here on my own, whilst I am heavily pregnant. I will always move with you. I am just saying that it is going to be a huge change and we need to discuss this together, not just you and your agents right now. WE need to talk about it with them, maybe we need to let them know." you stood up from the sofa. "Are you sure? you are ready to talk about this with others?" he grabbed your hand as you gently put it out. "Yes Kylian. We have to talk about it, we are expecting two babies." you told him as he grabbed you tightly. "Okay, I get it. Let's go and we can explain what is happening" you smiled in agreement as you headed to grab your shoes. "We can tell your mum and brother first" you smiled as you jumped into the car as you anxiously played with your fingers as you were feeling slightly apprehensive as you told people you were expecting. "Oh hello darling" Kylian's mother embraced him in a big cuddle as she moved onto you. "Hello" you smiled as she squeezed you tightly as you walked into the living room where Ethan was sitting. "Hey bro" he smiled as he cuddled you, whilst his mum came in with drinks. "Thank you" you smiled as Kylian handed you a glass of water. "How are you doing?" they asked. "We have something to show you" you told them as you turned to them as you handed them the pregnancy scan. "Oh my goodness, you are having a baby?" She squealed as she looked at the scan. "Wait, why does it say baby A and B?" she gasped as she realised as Ethan examined the scan. "Oh my gosh?? Twins" they both shouted as they looked straight at you. "Yes two of them" you nervously laughed. "Oh I am just so happy for you both, I can imagine that it was a complete shock to the system when you saw that on the scan" she muttered as she leaned across to give you a cuddle. "Yes it was scary, especially when we are moving to a new city. But I am excited for a new chapter" you smiled as Ethan hugged you both. "I can't wait, I am just so happy for you because you'll make perfect parents. I also get to be a Nana. But please don't call me Grandma" she laughs. "Course not" you smiled.
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fanficshiddles · 14 hours
Eternally Mine, Chapter 12
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When all the vampires were cleaned up, everyone congregated in the living room. Hannibal arrived too after nipping home to clean up first.
Chris had Louise tucked under his arm on the sofa, Jessica and Spencer were next to them. Loki sat on the smaller sofa with Claire on his lap, so Toshi and Severus could sit next to them. David, Hannibal and Matt took dining table chairs through to sit on.
Bat was on Toshi’s lap, she knew instantly that she was a cat mum so was of course naturally attracted to her the most. Toshi was beside herself when she met Bat, after hearing so much about her.
‘She’s even better than I imagined.’ Toshi said with the biggest smile.
Severus always smiled seeing her so happy, he had his arm draped around her shoulder and was giving Bat a stroke every now and then.
‘So, we figure that they definitely must have gotten inside the school during the fire alarm, or surely one of us would have smelled them.’ Jessica said.
‘I would think so. Who set off the alarm though?’ Matt asked.
‘It must’ve been someone already inside. Would there be any student that’s a relative or friend of a hunter?’ Claire asked.
‘There’s no relation to any student at all, I always thoroughly check through every student’s background when they start.’ Chris hummed.
‘And there wasn’t anyone strange there, or again, Chris certainly would’ve smelled them, right?’ David chimed in.
‘There was a stranger there.’ Hannibal commented. ‘And there still is.’ He then narrowed his eyes at Toshi.
Toshi had been looking at Bat, though was listening of course. Her eyes snapped up and she frowned. ‘What? Are you saying I did this?’ She hissed at him.
‘I’m saying, you’re the only one we don’t truly know. You’re a hunter, what if you’re playing both teams?’ Hannibal growled.
‘How dare you even insinuate that Toshi would do such a thing.’ Severus snarled and stood abruptly, he made a move towards Hannibal but David jumped up between them.
Hannibal smirked a little and shrugged. ‘I’m just saying. You might know her, but we don’t. She’s a hunter, could still be in talks with them. She’s the only suspect we have right now.’
Severus and Toshi were about to respond but Chris jumped up this time. ‘Enough, Hannibal.’ He barked at him. ‘Toshi is not against us. She has put her life on the line for us vampires numerous times, helping to save the school and everyone in it, when she doesn’t even have to. If anything, Toshi is the only one we can really trust without question.’
Hannibal glared at Chris but backed down. Severus reluctantly sat down again. Toshi knew that if Bat hadn’t been on her lap, she would’ve had a knife at Hannibal’s throat by now.
Chris knew that too, so he was glad that Bat was effectively keeping her pinned to the sofa so there wasn’t a blood shed in Loki’s living room.
‘Are you saying the rest of us are suspicious, then?’ Hannibal asked when Chris sat back down.
‘No. It wouldn’t make sense for vampires to go against their own kind. Though there was obviously someone inside the school that set off the alarm. I doubt we will ever know for sure, but I am going to get cameras installed in the school for the start of next term.’ Chris said firmly.
‘Good idea. At least then we will have footage and can keep a closer eye on everything.’ Loki hummed.
‘There will be cameras going in every room, so no more getting your kicks in class, lil' bro.’ Chris teased with a smirk.
Loki’s eyes widened and Claire’s cheeks turned a bit pink.
‘Or quickies in the cleaning supplies cupboard.’ Chris said as he looked over at Jessica and Spencer, who blushed and looked sheepish.
Matt nearly choked on his drink.
‘What is with you dirty, dirty teachers?’ Toshi laughed.
‘I bet you’d do the same if you worked at the school, you can’t possibly tell me that given the chance you and Severus wouldn’t be getting it on somewhere.’ Loki narrowed his eyes at them with a grin.
Toshi looked at Severus, who kept a straight face but shrugged. ‘I won’t lie... So I’m not going to say anything.’ He drawled.
Toshi giggled and looked back down at Bat, who was still purring happily.
‘I guess that means we need to send letters home to all students though, about the recordings?’ David asked.
‘It does.’ Chris nodded.
‘Sounds like a whole lot of paper work.’ Claire sighed.
‘I’ll sort it. I just need everyone safe.’ Chris said determinedly.
He felt Louise shuffle next to him as she tried to get in closer to him than she already was, he gave her side a squeeze. She was quiet, she was rather shy being around them all in this sort of setting. Though she felt safe, she knew she was.
Toshi then spoke up. ‘Severus and I were talking, perhaps you two should teach Claire and Louise a little self-defence? Just in-case?’ She said as she looked at Chris and Loki.
The guys both looked surprised, eyes widening.
‘Really? Do you think we need it?’ Claire asked, feeling a little more excited at the thought than she probably should, and Loki sensed that.
‘No, we can protect you both.’ Loki said, trying to dismiss the idea.
‘I know you are both capable of that, we all will look out for them of course. It just might help.’ Toshi continued.
Chris narrowed his eyes at Toshi. He wasn’t overly keen on the idea either like Loki, though he knew where Toshi was coming from.
‘It might not be a totally bad idea…’ Chris sighed.
‘You really think we might be in danger like that?’ Louise asked nervously.
‘Well… I’d hope not. Though I guess being around us, it does bring a little danger, yes.’ Chris said softly, not wanting to outright say that the hunters had essentially threatened her, but he didn’t want to completely lie to her either.
‘I understand if this is all too much for you.’ He said quietly.
‘No, it’s ok. This is nothing compared to… before.’ She smiled at him.
Chris squeezed her side again and reached over with his other hand to brush his thumb down her cheek.
Toshi noticed the interaction between the two, how soft Chris was for her. She was shocked though at what Chris then asked of her.
‘Would you teach Claire and Louise some moves?’ He asked Toshi.
Toshi’s eyebrows shot up, so did Loki’s.
Chris nodded. ‘Loki and I know how to fight, but only in a vampire way. Plus, we just go in hard. You’re a woman, you’d be better with knowing what they’d be capable of. Plus, you're a human too. We don't need to worry about taking hits in the way that you do, you are more agile than us.’
‘Seriously?’ Loki asked Chris, shocked.
‘Completely serious.’ He nodded.
‘Well, if you want me to, I’d be happy to do so.’ Toshi said and she looked at Claire and Louise.
Louise nodded eagerly. ‘I’m keen.’
Claire looked at Loki, who shrugged. So she nodded eagerly as well. ‘I’m down for it.’
‘You’re far too excited at the thought of learning to fight.’ Loki growled and poked Claire in her side, making her giggle.
‘It’ll be fun! So bad-ass.’
Loki face-palmed at that. Though he knew if Chris trusted Toshi with Louise, then he knew that he could trust her with Claire, too.
‘Can I join? Just for the fun?’ Jessica asked with a grin.
‘Sure, why not.’ Toshi nodded.
‘Well, I’d say we really can trust Toshi. If Chris is letting her teach his girl, plus he hasn’t killed her for calling him a hound dog.’ David teased.
‘Oh yes, about that.’ Chris snarled and glared at Toshi.
Toshi burst out laughing. ‘I can’t believe you actually reacted instantly to that, too.’
‘I did not!’ Chris said quickly.
‘You so did.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Yep, I heard it too. Your head whipped round so fast I’m surprised you didn’t get whiplash.’ Spencer laughed.
Chris just huffed and grumbled.
Louise giggled at his side, so he turned and buried his face into her hair. Even if her scent drove him insane with lust and hunger, he found her scent also calmed him at the same time.
‘Well, I guess there’s not much more to discuss right now… Everyone, try and enjoy the holidays. Let’s see what happens over the next few weeks.’ Loki sighed.
Everyone mumbled in agreement. Of course they were all a little on edge and would be for a while, but they’d managed to take the hunters all out, so they knew they would handle it like they always did.
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kieranhawke · 2 months
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How I’m feeling about that fallout show rn
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slaygentford · 1 year
Sorry but when Louis finally comes back to New Orleans after everything and Lestat is half insane and barely alive and wracked with grief and one of the vampires caring for him brings him a BABY TO EAT and the baby is CRYING and Louis PICKS IT UP AND ROCKS IT and for a moment it’s just the two of them, lestat watching Louis rock this stranger’s baby before the fire. in a horrible, horrible, horrible heartbreaking awful pastiche of the family they once WERE and will never BE AGAIN. DID YOU. EAT. THE BABY. LOUIS.
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moeblob · 3 months
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Karen: LMAO every guy I meet reminds me of my big brothers that's so funny except if Paul is already my brother and you're also a brother that's a bit awkward, huh Hot bartender: THATS MOVING REALLY FAST AND I LIKE YOU AS A PERSON BUT - Karen: having my brothers date would be SO WEIRD Hot bartender: Well on the bright side I literally cannot speak more than five words to him so we aren't dating because he's so cute
(Everyone else: that is somehow the most depressing bright side we never want to hear)
#my characters#oops i fell in love#I just think its really funny how i view so many of the cast as either the only child or#somehow still the only child but with twin cousins that he grew up with somewhat like siblings but is older than them#and then THESE TWO LOSERS (beloveds) are definitely younger siblings#there is no way Karen developed her personality without the help of older brothers#there is also a very funny and agonizing thing where she is super single cause she can't view a guy as more than a brother#she meets an asshole and is like wow just getting huge brother vibes from him wtf#and meets the nicest man possible and is like HOW IS HE ALSO LIKE A BROTHER I WILL NEVER LOVE ROMANTICALLY#and she has all of the guy friends and its very clear if they were interested she has long since friendzoned them#but its fine because they all are also convinced that shes exactly what it would be like to have a brother#so its fine its all good no one really agonizes over not romancing her and she just as a found family in everyone#hi my name is salmon and you may recall my feheroes experience where i want to give a certain male all of the siblings#the sibling adopter extraordinaire ? yeah thats basically karen now that i think about it#you know one time at work at my first job there was a girl who had a crush on a guy and we all worked the same shift a lot#and one day she was whining because he was so friendly to me and he looks at the girl straight faced and says#ITS BROS BEFORE HOES aint that right and im like uh huh sure thats exactly right#and later i told him i really wanted to know where she went wrong because i had a crush on him in school until he opened his mouth#and hes like yeah sucks to wanna date me you made the right choice#and i just ..... will never forget that weird guy#he saw me in a hoodie once and goes NO WAY I HAVE THE SAME ONE and then makes sure he brings it in next time we work together to prove it#he was like an annoying younger brother to me and i thought it was very funny that apparently i too am a sibling to him#i might be adopted and i might be biased but i think everyone could use an adopted sibling that they dont live with#thats a special bond ok im just sayin#also sorry its so late tonight i had some uhhhhhh problems haha
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themetalvirus · 2 years
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I've been having so much anxiety about drawing (why...) so maybe I'll just get a foldable table and draw on my bed. Perhaps making myself more comfortable with it is what I need...?
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animebw · 2 years
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So you know that thing with beel and belphie that they sometimes feel what the other is doing? Pain, sleepiness, and what not...
the poor guy feels like he’s getting the stuffing knocked out of him but nothing’s HAPPENING, he is literally just vibing, WHAT IS GOING ON
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ladydisofdurin · 2 years
just had to sit with my dog as he was put down
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thesokovianaccords · 2 years
LIVIAAAAAAAAA, congrats on finishing your dissertation, and the possible flat!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
LEAHHHH thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 it was a rough road but we survived it and that's what matters. the grade is literally out of my hands (and we are hoping and praying that the key to a flat is soon in them lol)
sidenote - the london housing market is actually insane. how does anyone live here????
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procrastinateland · 2 years
ever felt so removed from your own art you physically can not do art anymore
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oh besties the mental health is low today
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caffeina-felina · 2 years
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riotbeankai · 8 months
Having to isolate away from human touch for an entire week is pure torture. I already knew that I NEED physical touch and seek it out a LOT, especially when I'm distressed, but being unable to have a hug or a kiss or hold a hand or snuggle at all for an entire calendar week has had such a dramatic and measurable effect on my mood and mental state that I never imagined possible. I'm physically in pain from how badly I need a hug right now
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