#dane fallout
chappelroans · 5 months
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XELIA MENDES-JONES as Dane in Fallout (2024)
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factorydefaultlu · 5 months
Friends to Lovers ; A Pining Ritual
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gif credit: @squiremaximus
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itsdjover · 5 months
Ok but like, Maximus 100% probably thinks that Lucy got taken by her dad. He got knocked out by Lucy's dad, who stole power armor (potential excuse for him to track them down?) and then woke up to Lucy and her dad being gone, and he never saw Cooper enter the room. He's gonna try to save her and I just know that Dane's gonna go with him.
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lying-on-floors · 5 months
I love how so much of the Fallout show fandom/enjoyers want season 2 to be a road trip with the three main characters, Dane, Thaddeus, Norm and Dogmeat/CX404.
I need a fanfic of this asap.
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ruscha · 3 months
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FALLOUT 01.08 — "The Beginning"
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nothing wrong with them just they are a cutie patootie and i have fallout brainrot
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beantothenighe · 5 months
I'm going to need Norm to show up at the end of episode 1 in season 2 outside of the Vault with a little backpack, his pit boy and an army of hacked roboc robots ready to join the team to kick his dad's ass cause he deserves to get a hit in.
Lucy asked how and why he's here. Jump cut to Norm in the Vault 31 considering his options, telling Bud "Yeah, No. Ima go find my sister, and clean this mess up." And he just straight up hacks his way out. He found her by tracking her pit boy signal.
Ghoul asks about the Mr. Handys, Norm shrugs. He's not a fighter and he knew he wouldn't make it out in the wastes alone so he found an old map of the old world and located a Robco factory and got himself some muscle. He's named all of them.
The Brotherhood gang of Maximus, Thaddeus, and Dane join too cause I need this found family road trip.
Norm shows Maximus and Thaddeus how to play the games on the pit boy and Lucy starts a new books club with Ghoul and Dane when they find a library. Everyone is determined to prove Dogmeat loves them more than anyone else by giving him bribes.
Cooper gets attached to these two stupid Vault kids and three moronic Brotherhood brats and one stinky dog. It isn't the one he was looking for, but it's a family he's found none the less.
Then they get to New Vegas and take turns beating the shit out of Hank destroy Vault Tec, then go home to 33 and clean house before settling down. Give the Brotherhood gang clean water and all the oysters they can eat.
The End.
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writebythecside · 23 days
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Now That's What I Call Fallout Textposts Volume 29
Previous Next
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vermillionbedfellow · 5 months
listen man the ghoul is hot
at this point he's not a 'hear me out', that is a sexy sunburned noseless cannibalistic cowboy with 200 years of alimony and child support to pay and goddamn i would swipe right
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sombrashe · 5 months
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:3 happiness yay
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telumendils · 5 months
diversity win! the militaristic cult that raised you uses your nonbinary friend's correct pronouns. :)
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 5 months
Lucy and Maximus 100/10 love them kiss them just them
Dane and Maximus 10000/10 fuck yes. I love them so much. Friends through bullying. Risking your standing in the Brotherhood because one is about to be killed. Admitting fears to each other just kiss kiss kiss I love them
Lucy and The Ghoul 1000/10 I love a I can fix him I can make her worse sunshine turned gritty trope^2 is fucking amazing. Lucy can become what Cooper became but he's definitely gonna keep it sane for her just beautiful
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tawnyevergreen · 5 months
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I want more Dane
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ixoxi13 · 2 months
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Slowly but surely getting better at digital art... 😵
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factorydefaultlu · 5 months
Here me out.
Modern College AU for Fallout 2024
Cooper is a retired actor turned professor (I imagine he teaches acting and script writing classes) he swore to himself up and down that he would never get involved with one of his students but Lucy is slowly whittling that rule of his down, one day at a time.
Lucy is there to get a degree in education and minoring in political science. She took Cooper's class because her and her dad are huge fans and totally not because she wants to just be able to sit and stare at a pretty face for an hour a few times a week
Max is doing general studies. He's not quite sure what he wants to do, he's bounced from diesel mechanics and engineering to librarian sciences and botany. He accidentally enters the wrong class one day (Cooper's class) and sees Lucy and then decides he has to switch classes immediately. He wants to get to know Lucy better and they hit it off right away. He isn't super into the course subject, but it's decently easy and he gets to hang out with Lucy so he doesn't mind it.
Dane is in the same boat as Max. They don't know what they want to do, but they feel less alone because of Max. They notice that Max changed one of his classes and follows him one day, now Dane is attending the class twice a week along with Max and Lucy. They share a dorm with Max.
Norm would honestly drop out if it wasn't for the pressure his father is putting on him. He's in his first year of college and is already over it. He decided on computer science and although he's good at it, he's also bored with it. Thinks it's funny how Lucy is taking Cooper Howard's class and can see her teacher crush a mile away.
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dawllick · 5 months
Things I would like to see in Season 2 under the cut
- Lucy and Cooper discussing their past marriages sjdbjdbdnd
“My wife was willing to drop bombs to preserve our family.”
“I married, fucked, and killed my husband and said marriage lasted…less than 2 hours.”
“Sweetie what the fuck I thought you were nice”
- Lucy telling Cooper the ghoul she shot was her mom and what she found out from Moldaver
- Max doesn’t have to lie to have a good time
- more Max and Dane, idc if romantic or platonic they just have better chemistry than max and Lucy I’m sorrryyyyy
- Cooper teaches Lucy to swear
- Lucy finding out who the Ghoul is
- Let Dane meet the Ghoul. I have no reason for this other than I think it could be interesting and a little funny
- let Stephanie do a violence. She’s earned it.
- let Reg and Woody reunite they should not have been separated
- the dog gets a new toy 💕
- Chet becomes a house husband
- Norm is okay and fine and not in a paralyzing and horrific trauma situation
- vault 4 riot post finding out Moldaver was killed
- vault 4 still hasn’t sharpened that sword lmao
- vault 4 overseer has twice as many moldy cups of whatever on his desk now
- more monsters esp with Lucy and Coop like walking in a small group to wherever her dad fucked off to, but for horror and FIGHTS
- Coop saves Lucy bc uh oh he cares
- Lucy having a whole “you did a nice thing!!! We are friends!!!” And coop threatening to cut off another finger
- more Lucy and coop parallels they really went off on that shit
- Max just becomes the Steve Harrington of this show, just gets beat up all the fucking time RIP
- also I wanna see Lucy’s dad suffer for so many reasonsssss :)
- wardrobe stay away from coop his outfit is perfect please do not change it unless you get something cooler
- maybe have a vault that was built faulty and didn’t hold up and so it became inhabited by whatever so horror vault for someone
- when Max and Lucy reunite no one is mad just happy the other is alive
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