#bro u can't do that
wetslug · 2 years
when the surgery report says 'carcinoma' or 'cancer' but u scour all prior consults/biopsies/imaging and everything else says benign
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craacked-splatters · 9 months
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Someone told me I draw like a storybook. Now I'm very tempted to do one
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zuzu-draws · 9 months
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4-armed Sukuna Appreciation post!! These were my favourite OG Sukuna panels from the latest chapter.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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pronouns are ha/hoo
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000marie198 · 4 months
Nine getting jealous that some of the other tailses are growing taller than him (poor boy didn't realize that welding a bunch of robot spider legs to his spine might stunt his growth)
Remember how in the show he always kept using them to gain height on others so he'd be taller and more intimidating? Yeah...
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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doodle page from a couple months ago of Nico having way too many immortal friends
also yes i did just use Nyx’s Hades design. it’s a good design.
#pjo#riordanverse#nico di angelo#let's see if i can't not crosstag while explaining this woo#okay so top l > r: my hc about Nico in Tartarus for the longest time (and tbh still is)#was that the like Singular Break he got down there was taking a nap in the Palace of Night#and that N and Achlys just think he's Neat. they didnt really help him but they didnt hurt him either#more of just let him crash on the sofa#i refuse anything about pjo's version of N. reject your canon and substitute my own#anyways then his parents then Hest#< feels weird shortening her name but yknow. struggling not to crosstag here#then Cupid (i dont think i have to worry about crosstagging there) cause i like the hc that Nico is one of his fav mortals#and they both DO chill out with each other eventually. or are at least chill sometimes#cause it's Nico literally grappling with the literal physical manifestation of the concept of romantic love#so once he sorts that out theyre chill. if nico has a bad romance day he shows up like ''bitch lets get u some ice cream''#then Demet Arte and. well he's labeled.#i think the dynamic of Nico doing yardwork for Demet funny. that's his. Grandma. Aunt. Grandaunt. Dont think about it too hard#then Arte just thinks of him as her roaming emo little brother (cause of Bianca) - hes an honorary brother of the Hunt#all the Hunters just accept ''that's our little bro he has very mixed feelings about us though''#and then. handshake same aesthetic. i like the hcs that Nico was an Eye for him for awhile before Walt ergo the fashion sense#my art
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babsaros · 9 months
this is my favorite author's note/comment from Worm so far it's the first time i've seen Wildbow use an emote at all and i love the placement here
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trabandovidas · 2 months
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satyrradio · 10 days
controversial take but closed species mfs are some of the most annoying ppl out there
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raayllum · 9 months
I will say one of the funniest things ever is that I was figuring Callum to be less devotional than canon has actually made him in arc 2, purely because I always figured that if Rayla kept pulling her self sacrificial bullshit (see numerous instances in s4) Callum would eventually be like "I can't do/love you like this anymore" and leave out of self preservation, and then 4x09's "I know" came along and said no, he would never actually leave her over this, and that's fucking insane to me but I love that for him
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craacked-splatters · 2 months
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These r the last silly scribbles for @pezhead 's Displacement au!!!
Thank you Pez for creating this fic it's very cool & delicious👍
Bonus Dee vers below
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Dee finally got a vacation🥹 even if it only lasted a few hours
I couldn't get tumblr to stop crunching the quality but it still looks good I think
I've got 2 more works to go but those r gonna have more effort put into them & it will take a while😔
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bleeding-hart · 3 months
some sketches
based on @theicarusconstellation's writing
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I keep thinking of details I left out and stuff I need to fix but if I let myself do that I'm going to go insane so we're leaving it at this
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Also some Sirius because they're a fucking king and we love them (I very strongly hc them as genderqueer and using any pronouns, but specifically he/they/she/it)
The dress was a bit of a failure but hey it looks like fabric at least I think maybe
#fanart#marauders era#fanart of fanfiction#Sirius#A form of jegulus#Not sure if reg being an animagus is widely accepted Canon but I fucking accept it it's mine now and i will die on this hill#I DO however know that Sirius is generally accepted to have tattoos but unfortunately I'm shit at coming up with tat designs#I don't think there's a generally accepted list of what tattoos they have but if there is I would love to hear it#If not ig I'll just make something up#She probably has like. At least one wolf and dog one somewhere#Then definitely canis major#Idk how sappy they are but I want them to be one of those people who gets their friend group to draw hearts or stars and gets those tattooe#Also skeleton designs v much. I want them to have a cat skeleton on their hip in that curling position#Like the floaty cat#Maybe with a moon or star in the center#No real reason I just think he'd look fuckin awesome with it#He also probably has a really cool stylized semicolon on his wrist#I can't give him a koi/sun one cause that's mine and it doesn't fit then anyways#But definitely the top piece is the full moon symbolizing Remus#The bottom idk about but like maybe a squished up dog? Not like disproportionate I'm sure I could figure something out#Honestly they probably also have tats for each of their friends#I'm thinking a stylized deer under a full moon with the rat on it's head#or just prongs and moony w/ little bro between them#Brainstorming idk#If u read all that congrats I don't know why or what you got from it#Welcome to the live stream of my consciousness (you're missing not strong enough fucking BLARING in the background of all my thoughts)
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roxasbooth · 1 month
Me: "hehe angsty comic go BRRRR >:P!"
Also me: "Clockwork with long white hair Clockwork with long white hair Clockwork with long white hair Clockwork with lon—"
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bylertruther · 1 year
the usage of tentacles in stranger things is so graphic lol like 🤨 i know what u are, bro(s)......
#making them undulate and pump things and fucking . breed inside of ppl or whatever the fuck like hello for the love of god hello#and making it so that it IS henry. it's all Him. it's Always been him. a Man made monster. imposing his horde on innocent ppl#some of which were kids. and he calls himself a predator. like. HELLO?!#he's so yuckydisgusting and the fucking. jesus. the hellraiser inspo...... the primal fear inspo...#i go insane every time i think abt it all abt HIM he's so slimy....... (said while cackling evilly bc i can't wait for s5) 🔥😈🔥#literally so fucking dark like. HELLO?! [#thts why i scratch my head any time someone Still calls st a superficial flashy vapid show bc . literally what are u talking abt bro do u#not remember wht they did to my sweet boy william in seasons one and two................... the vine... the slugs.... the possession....#do u not think tht has like. ramifications. are u new to horror ......... do u not Think abt the things u watch and consume do u not Listen#he wore that boy like a glove and will REMEMBERS he still FEELS it in his body he felt it EVERYWHERE he tried to make it STOP he said GO#AWAY it had FOLLOWED him not just after he came back but before then too and it KEEPS coming back i jus. to be a gay boy in#the eighties and have tht all done to you by a man. will who clings to his childhood and the time from 'before' it all went to shit#will who hides and doesn't tell ppl how he feels will who is coming into his own finally in the same season tht they wage the final war#against the great evil like. stranger things the show that you are will byers the character tht you are i lov u both sm .#henry who had his autonomy taken away from his and so he takes it away from others henry who perpetuates the cycle of abuse i jus. AHHHHHH#this show................ PHEW#csa tw#rape tw
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homeless202 · 11 months
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"i don't want to get involved with people like them" in EY's minds translated to "he doesn't want to get involved with people like me", which explains his reaction:
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similar thing even happend beforehand:
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"this stuff, (that you do,) is embarrassing now"
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
A Successful Hunt
Kanene’s notes: I just wanted to write some more of Shigeo and Ritsu being silly kids dfghjjhgfd. I am in a hurry rn so maybe some parts will be confusing, hope it’s still an enjoyable story tho. Thanks for your attention! I will be proofreading and posting it on AO3 later ^.^
Warnings: There is raspberries, nibbles and lots of mentions of ants and spiders in the beginning. Switch!Ritsu and Switch!Shigeo. Both Shigeo and Ritsu are small kids here. Around 1.000 words.
The door opens slowly, with a silent, almost inaudible screech.
The spider looks at the distracted prey. It’s an ant. Hardworking, organized, careful. Usually too much difficult to catch with a lowered guard, but today it is way too unaware of anything beyond the leaves on its clutch to realize the slow creep of the predator in its direction.
That is good, the spider internally celebrates. It has been watching the ant for days now (or maybe a few minutes, time doesn’t matter when you’re a spider) just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
And the perfect moment arrived.
This will be a successful hunt. The spider can feel it, no sound following its steps as it gets closer and closer to its target. Today it will be able to have a big feast. A good meal. A fulfilling banquet.
Just a few meters and then the hunt will succeed.
The spider hides itself next to a crafty piece of wood, crouching, articulations bended and lightly wiggling its butt to prepare for one and only jump that will close the last half meter of distance between the arachnid and the arthropod and bring a sweet victory to the older one.
One of the hunter’s legs hit a rock on the crafty wood by mistake, bringing it to the ground with a sharp, loud clattering that echoes in the entire universe.
The ant’s head immediately turns to look at him.
The cover has been blown! It needed to be now! The spider jumps, landing on the soft cushion with a quiet ‘oof’ barely letting itself recover before quickly scrambling to pin the other to the comfy ground when it tries to run away with a characteristic high pitched squeak.
“Nonono! Not again! That is not fair, nii-san I was studying. Don’t!!”
The spider mouth opens, merciless, inescapable, inevitable. A perfect mirror of the cycle of life. Just one more move for a successful hunt. His head comes down, touching the vulnerable skin and-
Loud laughter fills the entire room. Ritsu tries to push his head away, legs kicking madly and body shaking with the force of his surprised laughter as his older brother refused to leave his stomach alone, smaller - but still equally deadly - raspberries following the first one, spreading across his sides and almost edging the spots right below his lowest ribs.
For a second all his brain could do was only blue screen, embarrassing high and uncontrolled giggles spilling non stop from his lips as his limbs trashed around without any purpose or coordination to protect himself from the surprise tickly attack that abruptly interrupted his homework.
He didn’t even do anything this time!
A curious nibble hit his rib.
“NO!” The shorter and younger Kageyama (his mom said that if Ritsu kept drinking milk and eating all his vegetables he would grow taller than Shigeo. His dad promised he would help him to style his hair with gel to give him a few more inches if her plan didn’t work) didn’t know that the tickles could get even tickler, however sudden snorts and crackles began to happily chase his laughter, more and more nibbles coming to attack all across his ribs, more enthusiastic and energetic, as if powered by the reactions they got. “Niihihihihisan you cahahahahan’t! PleheheheasEEK!”
Shigeo hummed proudly at his accomplishment, not realizing how such simple action lead to a sea of electric ticklish shocks to run across his sibling’s torso, but stopping the nibbles and raspberries anyway when the babbles of his brother became too incoherent and his hands tried once again to push his head away, a few fingers tugging at his hair painfully before he carefully untangled then.
(It was fine. Ritsu was his little brother. A little kid. And little kids don't know how to control their strength well. He could never get angry at his bro because of that.)
He smiled at Ritsu, proud for being a successful hunter and content with the mirth shining on his eyes and the big smile that was reflected right back at him.
Before, of course, his brother tried to hide it with a half-protesting pout that barely hid the way the cornerss of his mouth were still turned upwards.
“Nii-san! I was doing my homework, you can’t just interrupt me like that. Now I will have to start it all over again.”
Shigeo’s eyes widened, his smile disappearing and gaze focusing in all the notebooks that had been thrown around the futon with the ruckus, only now realizing what was happening when he was too caught on playing pretend to notice.
“I am sorry, Ritsu.” His shoulders came to his ears, ashamed. Ristu felt his own scolding pout lose its form. “I just came here becau-”
His shout cut the older words, eyes becoming wide again, reactions too slow to stop Ritsu’s hands when they shot to grab his ankle, pulling at it so abruptly that it broke Shigeo’s balance, making him fall on the bed with another quiet ‘oof’. A half squeak and half surprised gasp being fished from his throat when fingers began running clumsily on his sole.
“R-Ritsu!” huffs and puffs began breaking free from his mouth, snickers, chuckles and snorts that made him hug his shoulders with how much they were bouncing with a joyful energy falling like a stream and dancing in the air. “Ehehehe!”
“I got you.” The younger one only felt the mischief expand in his chest when he began scratching the arch of the feet, letting his fingers concentrate there for a few seconds before getting bored and chasing the jumpy, giggly ‘eeep’s that appeared every time he slipped to scribble his fingers under his toes. “You need to pay more attention, nii-san! Or everyone will be tickling you all the time and you won’t even notice before it’s too late.” He huffed.
“B-but I like it!” Shigeo answered, amidst giggles, cheeks puffed and red spreading across his face as his laughter grew louder.
“Hm...” Ritsu thought a bit, changing to attack his knees when too many hiccups began taking over the air. Yelps jumped at every squeeze that was delivered to the new targeted tickle spot. “Then I will stop them if they tickle you too much!”
His voice was determined.
“Ohohohokay.” Shigeo felt his smile get bigger, looking at his little brother for a second before coming to a decision. He nodded. “Aahahand then I can t-tickle them too!”
Suddenly sitting, he hugged Ritsu, almost making them both fall on the bed when the younger yelped at the sudden movement and wobbly tried to squirm away, more laughter already painting his protests even before hands started drumming on his armpits.
“No more revenge! No more revehehehehe!” But still, he tried to control himself to not trash too much and hurt Shigeo.
In the end, he and his brother were very much alike.
More high pitched squeals. Both Ritsu’s uncontrollable loud laughter and Shigeo’s remanent huffed giggles filled the entire room in a playful, silly manner.
But Ritsu had a secret move. One that would guarantee his victory and buy himself time before he could make the perfect plan to get Shigeo back.
He resorted to the highest one in the hierarchy.
Shigeo gasped, a mix of surprise and betrayal, tickling coming to a stop as both of them tried to not fall back in a mess of titters, waiting for the answering shout of their monarch.
The shout was a mix of fondness and exasperation that only mothers could make. They got up, legs wobbly and left over snickers yet following their every move.
Shigeo squeaked when a finger poked his side, turning around just in time to see Ritsu smiling at him before running away through the door, a “Coming, mom!” being left behind.
Shigeo blinked twice before realizing what was happening and quickly - and still clumsily - following his brother, trying to be careful to not hit the walls with the sharp turns and squeaky floorboards.
The spider and the ant raced to the kitchen.
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