#broccoli is back
Any luck with Broccoli yet?
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[🍋]"Nothing yet..." Lemon sighs, still sitting in the same spot he was when he first sat down.
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"Somebody told me I should slap him to try to wake him up, but- That just seems like more harm than good."
There was a short movement from the other, along with a pained noise.
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Broccoli is up!
"....Ughhhh- Where-" Broccoli pauses, looking around- Taking a moment to realize where they are.
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"....How long was I out-?"
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[🍋] ".....2? 3- Maybe 4-" Lemon has lost count at this point.
"3 what? Minutes? Hours?"
[🍋] "DAYS-"
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fucktheroyals · 4 months
Okay Teru is so fucking gay. And I know Dimple’s a good friend for saying that shirt looks like shit because no one else wants to hurt his feelings but I hope Mob understands Teru’s FUCKING GAY and he wholeheartedly means it when he says nice things to Mob. He’s not saying it to be nice, he MEANS IT.
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somesecretpie · 4 months
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
i love how whenever one of my reigen posts breaches containment theres always a bunch of tags and comments like “is this true???” and “LOL WTF IS MOB PSYCHO EVEN ABOUT”. like. theres literally an arc where on of mobs friends starts a cult worshipping a gigantic piece of broccoli, brainwashes the entire town, gets talked down by the power of friendship (and mob’s ugly monkey shirt), then gets eaten by the broccoli which has gained sentience and become evil. reigen getting cancelled is the least weird thing in the show.
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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“Have you ever heard about the Legend of Valentine? Any couple which kisses under The Broccoli Doll will have a long, lasting love.” Until We Meet Again (2019) - Episode 11. Between Us (2022) - Official Trailer.
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jimmysea · 2 years
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Boun Noppanut as WIN & Prem Warut as TEAM
BETWEEN US THE SERIES (2022) coming this November 6th
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lovemesomerafael · 8 months
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The Adventures of Captain and Mr. America
Part 507
You can read all the parts of The Adventures of Captain and Mr. America on AO3. And if it makes you fear for my mental stability, rest assured, that ship has long since sailed.
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hearty-an0n · 3 days
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how vegetables taste when there isnt a hater in your ear telling you they suck
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scribefindegil · 2 years
It’s sooooooooo interesting to me that Dimple’s old pre-Mogami gang were doing the standard evil spirit ‘control by means of fear’ thing but then he pivots with LOL and the Divine Tree to ‘control by means of happiness’. Sure, he gives the rationale that it would cause less trouble to have a peaceful religion with minimal bloodshed, but that’s clearly not the whole story.
It’s a big deal thematically as the mirror to Mogami’s world, as a way of showing that a mask (literally!) of complacent happiness isn’t any better or more real than a mask of unrelenting cruelty. It’s a big deal thematically as a mirror to Mob, with the LOL plot introducing his repression and explosions but also how genuine he is--he couldn’t laugh even if he wanted to, but also he doesn’t want to! Because this isn’t based on real happiness! It’s fake!
And in a way, Dimple is just as out of touch with his emotions as Mob is. He calls what he’s manufacturing happiness, but it isn’t really. It’s adoration (with no real connection). It’s complacency (with no ambition except perpetuating itself). Dimple can’t create happiness because he doesn’t know what happiness is. In the manga Mogami says, “Have you ever met an evil spirit that seemed happy? I expect not.” In the Divine Tree, Dimple thinks, “I’m going to lose my reason for existing!” when he first realizes that being friends with Mob makes him truly happy. He doesn’t believe that happiness is an option for a spirit like him, but he’s still drawn to the concept, orbiting around this broken facsimile of it that he’s created like a moth around a flame. He wants it so badly, so he makes a version that isn’t real and pretends that’s what happiness is, like a lonely kid playing with dolls because they don’t have any friends.
Also, I can’t help but think about how Dimple used to have other spirits that he hung out with until Mogami killed them. He was the boss, but they weren’t mind-controlled. It was probably the closest thing he’d had to friendship since he became a spirit. But then they all died. And after 40 years alone, when Dimple came up with a plan to gain power, he chose to pursue something that gave him the illusion of being loved.
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ambrosykim · 20 days
i never realised how poor i was until i got a job lol
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dash-o-frost · 1 year
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Mmm, I luv my men feral and covered in scars
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littleplantfreak · 19 days
I know Ume would be a big fan of snapchat filters and you end up gasping for air from how hard you laugh when either of you switch the filter to the other’s face. Your camera roll is bursting with blurry shots and Ume doing that stupid fuck boy lip bite pose to make you laugh
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lifeblogstory · 5 months
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Chicken On Noodle With Sweet Sauce
Coming back to the store where I often visit during university😋. Because this bakery has many delicious food. Small and tasty. Often eat chicken wings on instant noodle, with sweet sauce🍝. Also, have Hong Kong style milk tea🧋. The sauce is salty and little sweet. Makes the chicken very appetizing🍗. Noodles become delicious as well. Miss the moment of eating this during student year🥲. From “Kissena Cafe”
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somesecretpie · 14 days
Another question! Were olive and juniper ever an actual thing? It's heavily implied that they were in a relationship of some sort but idk
Juniper was Olive’s mother/caregiver. The reason Olive doesn’t call her mom is because the plantfolk do not typically parent their young, so that word isn’t really in their lexicon. Saplings are treated more like wild animals than children and just sort of run around and try to stay alive until they become big enough to command respect.
Juniper ran a nursery, and what she did was considered…very weird. She was regarded as a bit of a cult leader. Olive was among the first plants raised by her and helped run the nursery alongside her when they got old enough.
Anyways, I’ll get into this stuff in due time.
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i've got no fucking clue what i was supposed to learn in math today, but i did learn that i can draw alastor half decently from memory
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masquenoire · 5 months
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Roman's not much of a gamer but if he were, this would be a pretty accurate representation of what he'd be into.
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