talia-rumlow · 2 years
Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eleven - I´m Not Dipping My Dick In His Leftovers!
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You still think about Steve, when you close the door behind you in your apartment. You can’t quite shake the feeling that there is something special about him. Something different. You’re usually a person that figures people out quite fast. But this guy… This guy, you can’t figure him out.
You open your laptop and Google «Non Disclosure Agreement"
«A confidentiality agreement (also called a nondisclosure agreement or NDA) is a legally binding contract in which a person or business promises to treat specific information as a trade secret and promises not to disclose the secret to others without proper authorization.»
Yeah. Well, you’re not the kinda person who broadcasts that you work in the Escort business. So this won’t be hard to do. It’s not like you’re planning on going to the grocery store and be like «Hey, I’m fucking SHIELD Agents». Or, well. To be honest, they are the ones fucking you. Or, did Alexander mean something else with this contract?
You’re not working for SHIELD exactly. You just provide a service. So what is this specific information that is mentioned? And what kind of trade secrets can you possibly get to know? It’s not like you have access to their computer systems or anything. And you can’t imagine Rollins and Rumlow will ever leave you alone inside the building, other than the elevator.
You really don’t want to think about this, you’ll probably never find the answers anyway. So you spend the rest of the day, going trough your clothes and your make up. Searching on line for new stuff to buy. Deciding on what’s best to use for this high end job you just got.
The following Friday, you once again show up at the SHIELD building. This time you have a code you use on the panel by the door, and you get yourself up to the 14th floor. When you reach the door, you can hear Rollins and Rumlow inside. You don’t know why, but it’s something in their voices that intrigues you. So instead of knocking, you press your ear up against the door, and listen in.
– I don’t know Rumlow. Do you think that’s a good idea? It’s only her second time. And we’ve already scared away two of them before!
Her? Are they talking about you? You try to be as quiet as possible, and continue to listen to them.
– She is the only one who’s coming back for a second serving. She can take it. And it could be fun?
You swallow. What the hell are they planning to do to you? Should you leave?
– Fun? I thought we were the ones who was gonna have fun with her. How could this be fun for us?
What the fuck? Are they bringing in another Agent as well? How is this going to end? A SHIELD orgy isn’t exactly what you signed up for.
– Come on, Rollins! We can watch. We can hold her down. And we can have her afterwards.
– Before, Rumlow. We’ll have her before. I’m not dipping my dick in his leftovers.
You don’t understand a single thing. Are they bringing in another Agent they don’t like? Why the hell would they do that? Is it like to make fun of someone with a small dick, or someone who hasn’t done it before? Someone they know can’t make you come like they did?
– Fine! Before! We can warm her up first. Make it a bit easier for him. The mission he’s about to go on, requiers loyalty from his side. We need him back.
Aha.. That explanes a lot. A disloyal Agent, or at least an agent they believe to be disloyal. And they are going to use you, as what? Bait? Reward? Dangle you in front of his face, and threaten to take you away if he doesn’t follow orders. Can you do that? Are you prepared to let them do that to you? 70%, YN! You can do this for 70%, and a company card. 70% means you can cut off some of the sleazy clients, you really don’t like. Although these Agent guys are rough and scary at times. They are the most good looking clients you have. Yes! You can do this. You just hope that disloyal Agent is just as good looking as them.
– Do you think he’ll be able to do it?
– What do you mean, Rollins? Will he be able to fuck her?
– Yes, Rumlow! He probably haven’t had a hard on for years!
– Well if not, she can probably teach him a trick or ten. She was good, Rollins. You know that!
Wow, you were good? They actually said that to each other? You never thought about that before, if you were good or not. You usually just show up, do the stuff they want you to do, and then leave. And you always, ALWAYS fake it. But you didn’t with them. Is that why you were good? No! Most of your clients are regulars, maybe you’re always good. Or maybe they just don’t care. As long as they get a hard on, get sucked off, or a hole to put it in.
– Of course I know that, Rumlow. I just don’t get why we are going to GIVE her to HIM. What has he ever done to deserve her?
Rollins seems to have a hate towards this other Agent. And your curiosity wants to know why. Do they know you’ve arrived? Can you continue to listen in, or will they start to look for you?
– We’re not going to give her to him. We’ll be in charge the whole time. We’re not going to leave her there!
There? Where is there? There is no way in hell you’re leaving the SHIELD building with them. In fact, you’re not allowed to. The madam has strict rules about stuff like that. She wants to know where you are, when you do a job. Stories about escorts being kidnapped and killed goes around. And these rules are for your safety. If you break the rules, you can get fired. The madam is adamant about your safety on the job.
– You’re the boss Rumlow. But I’m still not thrilled!
– You will be, when you get to watch the show.
Oh, so you were right. Rumlow is the boss. That’s what you thought after last time. Although Rollins has a rougher look, Rumlow seems more like the boss type.
– And well, if you don’t want to dip your cock in his leftovers, we can always give her the reward she deserves in the shower. Wash him off her…
Jesus fucking God. They are standing in there, planning the night with you down to the teeth. Did they have a plan last time too? You’re not afraid of them anymore, like you were last time. They both turned out to be pretty nice. But this new person they’re talking about, makes you a little nervous. And you don’t know how you feel about being used like this. Like a reward, a threat…
– Shower sex is my favorite.
– Yeah? Maybe it’s hers too!
Rollins laughs a bit.
– To me it kinda looked like she enjoyed the pain we put her through last time.
– Who said we can’t inflict pain in the shower?
OK, you’ve heard enough. You already know this night will be painful. It’s not your first visit here. And it’s better if you don’t know everything. You take a deep breath, before you knock on the door.
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @randomlittleimp @here4thefanfics
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eight - How Does She Taste?
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When you’re done in the bathroom. Rumlow again walks in front of you, back to the office you were in. Rollins pulls out a chair for you, and hands you a glass of champagne. You sit down, and take the glass. You put your finger into the glass, and study your nail polish. It’s not changing color. Not that you actually thought that they would drug you, but you always do this. That’s why you use this particular nail polish. To expose the fuckers out there. In your line of work you never know. Both Rollins and Rumlow looks at you.
– Rescue Rx?
You look up at Rollins. And put the glass down. If he knows the name of the nail polish, he probably also know how to get around the detecting part. Rollins looks at your glass, and back at you. Then he lifts your glass up, and takes a sip from it.
– Don’t worry. We’re not going to drug you. We’re not assholes.
He gives the glass back to you, and you take a sip. Look from Rollins to Rumlow, and back to Rollins again.
– Well, you never know. In my line of work you can never be too careful.
You take another sip. You don’t know what to say. And you hate uncomfortable silences. Rumlow lifts his glass in the air.
– Cheers to a fun night.
Rollins laughs a little, before he also lifts his glass. Then they both look at you.
– You didn’t think it was fun?
Rumlow’s eyes on you. You look down on the bruises forming on your arm from their grip around it.
– That’s your idea of fun?
Another sip from your glass. You try to look like you don’t care, but you’re unsure if it’s working. Thinking back on everything, this was certainly a new experience for you. And.. Well, you’ll never going to admit this. But in a secure environment, you would have liked it even more.
– It kinda sounded like you liked it.
You look down. Is it safe to tell these guys that you on some level liked that they treated you like that. That you found it exhilarating to lose control. And how the fuck do you say that, without sounding like you’re fucked in the head?
– She came twice, Rumlow. No one’s done that before.
– No one’s even done it once, Rollins. Maybe we’re too rough on them.
Again they look at you. Waiting for you to answer. You lift your glass, and take a sip again.
– Glad I could be at service!
Rumlow takes the bottle of champagne, and gets up, walks behind you. You follow him with your eyes. What’s he doing now? Did you anger him? Fuck! He slowly drags your chair backwards. No roughness is showing now. You don’t understand a thing. You’re so focused on what Rumlow is doing, that you don’t realise that Rollins sits down on the floor in front of you, before he takes a gentle hold of your hips, dragging your lower body to the edge of the chair. Reaching up your dress, and removing your underwear. Then he looks up at you.
– You’re gonna get a little soaked. I would have removed the dress if I were you.
To stress his point, Rollins pushes your dress a little bit up your thighs. Rumlow leans down, and lifts the dress up over your head. You let him. Lifting your arms, pulling them through. Rumlow laughs a bit.
– So you do like it?
You don’t get to answer before Rollins lets his tongue glide over you. You gasp. Pushing your hips forward into his face, and lean your head back. Rumlow takes a gentle hold around your throat. Not as hard as before. Infact, not hard at all. You look up at him.
– You did good! You took care of us. Now let us take care of you!
Rumlows voice almost compassionate. You’re extremely confused, but at the same time, exited and curious for what they’re about to do with you. Rollins lets his tongue play with you. You buck your hips up in his face. Fuck, this feels good. You look up at Rumlow again.
– You can close your eyes. Feel, enjoy. Go ahead!
And with that you close your eyes. Rollins closes his lips over your clit, sucking on it. You moan loud. Everything feels so fucking good.
– Oh My God! Fuck!
You can’t believe yourself. This is so unlike you. You never do this with clients. Usually it’s just fuck, swallow leave. But these guys. They are something completely different. In every single way possible.
– How does she taste?
Rumlows voice again. You don’t open your eyes. You feel Rollins lifting his head, lets his fingers glide over your wet flesh as he talks to Rumlow.
– Sweet, like fucking strawberries.
You feel something cold hitting your lower stomach, and you open your eyes. Rumlow is pouring the champagne over your lower stomach and your pussy. Rollins licks is off of you, like it was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. You breathe heavily. Then Rollins closes his lips over your clit again. And at the same time he slips one finger inside you, quickly joined by another.
– Fuuuuck!
You can feel Rumlows fingers twitch around your throat. But he’s not tightening his grip.
– Work her, Rollins! Make her come!
You have to grab a hold of something. So you lift your arms, and grab Rumlow. And you hold on for bare life, as your moans grows louder and louder.
– Haha. Yes! Open your eyes. Look at me when you’re coming!
You do as you’re told. But this time, you’re not afraid. This time, you want to look into his eyes. The orgasm hits you like a train on full speed. Your whole body tenses, and Rumlow have to steady the chair, so you don’t fall backwards.
– Again! Give her another one! This is fucking beautiful!
It feels like the orgasm is never going to end. Wave after wave of pleasure rushes through your body. Your hold of Rumlow makes you lift yourself up from the chair. But Rollins pushes you down again, with his free arm, and holds you in place. You feel like you’re about to pass out. You can’t even hear your screams, but you feel them. When Rollins finally stops, you need some time to get back down. You let go of your grip of Rumlow, and your arms falls down to your sides. Then you just sit there, and let your breathing go back to normal.
– Fucking beautiful!
Rollins says, before he gives you a gentle spank, and gets up from the floor. Stands in front of you, just looking at you. You’re so outside your own body that you don’t even realise that Rumlow still has a hold of your throat, before he leans down, and places a kiss on your lips.
– Fucking spectacular!
Rumlow lets go of you, and Rollins gives you back your clothes. You put them on. Then you gulp down the rest of the champagne in your glass, and go to collect your shoes.
Rumlow and Rollins follows you out to the elevator. No goodbyes exchanged. Just a nod. When the doors close and the elevator starts to move, you look at yourself in the mirror again. Shit! Your hair! You look like you were just…. Well fucked from here till the next century. You get your hairbrush out of your purse, and fix your hair.
You have no idea what time it is, when you leave the SHIELD building, but it’s dark outside, and cold. It’s probably in the middle of the night. You curse at yourself for forgetting your jacket. You could take the short cut home. But the neighbourhood isn’t exactly safe to walk in for someone like you in the middle of the night. Fuck! Why didn’t you bring a jacket? You’re tired, and worn out, which makes the cold air penetrate you.
You decide to take the shortcut. After all, you know how to handle yourself. You walk as fast as you can. Safest to get through this neighbourhood as fast as possible. As you round a corner, you hear fast, firm footsteps behind you. Fuck! You pick up the pace. Whoever’s behind you does the same. You desperately look around to see if there is someone around that can help you. Then you see him, a couple of meters away from you.
You pick up the pace again….
@nekoannie-chan @randomlittleimp @here4thefanfics @late-to-the-party-81 @there-goes-thefighter
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Five - She´ll Fucking Listen Now!
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Rollins takes a hold of your throat. Again you find it hard to breathe. These guys knows exactly how hard to hold, for you to just have enough room to breath so you don’t pass out. You lift your arms and grab his, but there’s no use. Rumlow is in front of you in milliseconds, grabbing both of your arms, and holds them in a tight grip.
– And what the FUCK do you think you’re doing? You don’t get to call the shots around here. Fucking slut!
Rumlow’s grip of your arms hurts. Jenna wasn’t lying when she said you would have bruises. You can feel them forming already. From Rollins’ grip on your hips and your breasts before. No amount of make up will hide those. Fuck! You’re going to look like a fucking poster doll for rough BDSM.
– Does it hurt?
Rumlow lifts up your arms, in front of your face. But he doesn’t wait for an answer. Instead he tightens his grip. You whimper again.
– Spread your fucking legs!
To stress his point, he tightens his grip on your arms even more. Another whimper from your lips. Louder this time. Both Rollins and Rumlow laughs. Fuck. You thought they were rough before. But obviously there is more to come. Rollins grip around your throat tighten, to the point where you can’t breathe.
– He gave you a fucking order! Spread your legs! Fucking whore!
You try to move. But it’s impossible. The fear makes you unable to move. And you’re starting to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen. Finally Rollins removes his hand. You gasp for air.
– You know what, Rumlow. I don’t think this one will listen!
Rumlow’s lips goes up into a half smile, before he lets go of your arms, and takes a firm grip of your chin. His fingers digging into your jaw bones. It hurts so much, that tears are forming in your eyes. He doesn’t care. Why would he? He’s probably turned on, by hurtig you. Again he pushes you up against the wall.
– So, you won’t listen, huh? I’ll teach you to fucking listen!
Rumlow grabs your hair, and drags you over to to a desk. He is walking so fast, that you almost lose your balance, and you have to grab a hold of his arm, because his grip on your hair hurts so bad. But you don’t get to hold on to him for too long, before Rollins grabs your arms.
– Don’t fucking touch him, unless he tells you to.
Then they roughly put you down on your stomach on top of the desk. Secure your wrists with handcuffs to the table legs. Your toes scraping the floor. Trying to get some sort of stability. But you can’t. Again you’re trapped, you can’t move an inch, and you have no clue what they are going to do to you.
Rollins takes a hold of your hair, turning your head to the side, then he just looks at you. Those penetrating green eyes. Horny as fuck, and waiting for your reaction to what Rumlow is doing behind you. You can hear him opening something. But it’s impossible for you to see what it is. Then you feel him putting something around your ankle, then he proceeds to spread your legs apart, and then he puts something around your other ankle, something that’s holding your legs apart. Fuck, it’s a spreader bar. You’ve only ever heard of them. Never used one. Where the hell do they hide all these toys? Isn’t this an office during the day? Now your toes doesn’t even reach the floor. The last thing Rumlow does, is to secure the spreader bar to the desk. Fuck! Now you can’t move at all.
Quiet. Rollins keeps looking at you, and you know Rumlow is standing behind you, although you can’t see him. You close your eyes, focus on your breathing. Don’t show them that you’re scared. Don’t show them that.
– What did we fucking tell you about closing your eyes?!?
Rollins almost yells at you, and his free hand is pry opening one of your eyes.
– I’m sorry… I’m sorry.. I… I’ll keep them open. Just plh…
You don’t get to finish the sentence before you hear a loud smack, and you jump up. Fuck! It’s a flogger. Rumlow is using a fucking flogger on you. One time before have you experienced that. And that was just soft spanks. This…. This is something else. Now you’re actually being flogged. You start to close your eyes again. You have absolutely NO desire to look into Rollins’ eyes while you endure this. But of course, he wants what he wants. He drags your head back. And you quickly open your eyes, and look at him again.
Another hit. You jump again. Whimper. And the tears comes back. Then another one. He works fast. And you can hear him breathing behind you. This is fucking turning him on! Crazy ass motherfucker!
– You think she’ll listen now, Rollins?
Rumlows voice behind you. He doesn’t stop. The continuous sound of the flogger hitting you still sounds deafening. Rollins’ eyes looking into yours. Is he getting off by your whimpers, and the pain and fear showing in your face? What the fuck is wrong with these guys?
– Maybe a couple more. You should see the look on her face. It’s fucking fantastic. Beautiful, fucking suffering.
The last few flogs he gives you are harder. You feel like he is never going to stop. You’ve never been treated like this before, and you don’t know how to respond. The only thing you know, is that you can’t take this anymore. Between whimpers and tears, you finally manage to speak.
– P…Please.. I’ll listen. I’ll do whatever you want. Please!
Finally the flogging stops. You take a couple deep breaths. Rollins lets go of your hair, and gets up. Walks to Rumlow, who is still standing behind you. You can’t turn your head to look at them. But you can feel their eyes on you. The way you lie over the desk is hurting you. You don’t have much flesh on your bones, and the desk isn’t exactly soft to lie on.
– Fuck, Rumlow! You outdid yourself.
– Bitch wouldn’t listen. But, she’ll fucking listen now, won’t she?
You feel hands on both your butt-cheeks. They feel cold. You know it’s because you were just flogged, and although you can’t see it. You know that there are marks on there, and that they are marveling them.
– Won’t she?
Rumlow squeezes one of your butt-cheeks as he asks the question one more time. You whimper again. You can’t move, and it hurts like hell. He’s not letting go.
– Yes! Yes, I’ll listen!
He finally lets go, and then proceeds to untie you from the desk. You use the time out to breathe. Try to make the pain go away. Try to focus on not to be scared. Fuck! You’ve never felt so degraded before. For the few months you’ve been working as an escort, you’ve never actually felt like one. Your clientel is usually high end. You usually meet them in hotel rooms, share champagne. You, never felt like a working girl. And then these two makes you feel like a fucking gutter whore, with the way they’re treating you.
He fucking flogged you….
@nekoannie-chan @there-goes-thefighter @here4thefanfics @late-to-the-party-81 @mostlybuckystuff
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Brother´s Best Friend (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Four - You´ll Never Understand Him!
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He casually slides into the both opposite you. Looks at you. You look away. Why did he have to start this game?
After a while a sweet blonde young lady comes over to you. She looks at Rumlow, almost doesn’t notice you. Of course. He has that effect on people. You remember. Fuck, how you remember.
– Can I take your order?
Rumlow looks at you again. Clears his throat.
– What du you want, sweetheart?
You look up at him, but you don’t answer. Then you look away again. Rumlow turns to the waiter.
– Two burgers, with a side of fries!
The waiter writes your order down.
– Great! Good choice! Anything to drink?
– Two cokes on the rocks….
He looks at you again.
– …… With a twist!
You must look like a question mark. You don’t dare to look directly at him, so instead you follow the waiter with your eyes.
– What, that’s what you drink, isn’t it?
– What?
– Coke on the rocks, with a twist. Did I get it wrong?
No, he didn’t get it wrong. Infact he got it so right it scares you. How could he possibly remember such a small detail? Of course he didn’t. Jack must have told him. But why?
– No, you’re all good!
– Good!
You don’t say anything else. What can you say? Did he ask Jack about you, or did Jack share? It’s been 15 years. There is no way he remembers. No way! You remember though. Everything, you remember everything.
You were 18. Not even old enough to drink, not that that ever stopped you from doing so. And when Jack came back home, he brought you along. He was nice that way. Managed to get you into places, and got you drinks. That particular night, he gave you a few too many. And then….. Brock was there. 24 years old, and muscular. Just like you liked them. Like them.
Jack had already gone to bed, when you sat down in the couch next to him. Sipping that last drink. You remember how his eyes burned into your skin. How his fingers brushed over yours. Careful not to force himself on you, treading the water. Slowly. Moving closer, until he could place his arm around you. How you felt the electricity, the thrill. He was older, more experienced, and fricking good looking.
You remember how you turned your head towards him, and how his lips met yours. How he pulled you up into his lap, and how your clothes just disappeared. It was magical.
How he explored every bit of your body with his hands and his tongue. The first time someone went down on you. Just thinking about it makes you shiver. How amazing it was. How good he was. Considerate. Careful. Constantly asking if you were OK.
He was so careful entering you. Not like you expected at all. You kinda thought he was a rough guy. Not a care in the world. You can still feel his breath on you, if you concentrate enough.
But the next morning, he acted like he almost didn’t know you. And you didn’t try to talk to him. Why would you? He was 6 years older than you, and could probably sleep with whoever he wanted. You were just a fling, a pastime. And now you haven’t talked in 15 years, and he behaves like this. You’ll never understand him.
– Hey, YN! Your food is going to get cold!
His voice drags you back to reality. You look up at him. He looks older. But still good looking. Do you want him? No, YN. You’re done with him! He slept with you, and then didn’t care. You’re done with him. Done, YN. Done!
You don’t look at him, you don’t dare to. What if you blush? There is no way in hell you’re going to tell him that you remember every little detail about that night. No fucking way!
– You haven’t said anything in like 20 minutes! Something wrong?
He talks while chewing his food. Like he want’s to know right away, can’t even wait.
– Chew up, before you talk… Please..
You don’t look up now either. God. You’re about to go on a three day, if not more, roadtrip with this guy, and you can’t even look at him. You should have said no, YN! You really should have said no. What the hell were you thinking, when you agreed to this? That he would somehow magically remember, wrap his arms around you and declare his undying love for you. Jeez, how pathetic!
– YN! Are you OK?
Forget it, YN! Forget him, forget that night. Just forget it. He is 6 years older than you, and your brother’s best friend LET. IT. GO! Finally you manage to look up at him.
– What.. I’m super! You?
– Good! I…. I’m good.
– Great..
It sounds forced probably because it is. You’re totally NOT ok! Not by a longshot. You’ve GOT to learn how to deal with him, YN! You’re just gonna have to.
Rumlow gets up. You look down at your burger. You haven’t even touched it.
– Take it to go, YN! I want to get to where we’ll be sleeping tonight. Time to hit the road again.
You don’t say anything, you just follow him out to the car. This time you get into the passenger seat. Rumlow starts the car, and then sends you a smile.
– Scared I’ll clamp down the breaks again huh?
You glace at him, before you reach into the backseat, grabbing you air-pods and your book.
– My shoulder still hurts, you know.
Rumlow puts the car in gear, and you hit the road again.
– I did warn you!
– Shut up, Brock!
You turn the music on again and continue to read your book. You can feel him glancing over at you from time to time. But you focus on the book. You don’t want to meet his eyes. You don’t even want to think about him. You curse at 18 year old you. You should never have done it. Never! Fuck!
You’re so wrapped in your book, that you don’t realise that it’s dark, when Rumlow parks the car.
– I’ll check in. You just read your porn!
You look up at him. Close the book.
– Whatever…
He leaves the car. You look around. A sign that says Motel, and vacancy. Great, he brought you to a sleazy motel, in the middle of nowhere like a fucking scary movie. Or a cheap porn. God!
You exit the car, and get your stuff together. He returns with a concerned expression on his face.
– Time for bed, beautiful!
– Give it a rest, Brock. And give me my Key!
He looks down.
– Yeah.. Err.. That’s the thing.. They only have one room.
– Come on, Brock. Enough with the jokes. Key! I’m tired!
– I’m not joking, YN!
This is beyond perfect. JESUS!
– Fine.. I’ll sleep in the car!
You grab the door. Rumlow grabs your arm.
– YN! Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure we can make it work. We’ll just… Push the beds apart.
– Arrg… Perfect.
He locks the car. And then you find the room. You’re angry. And frustrated. You were NOT going to think about that, and now you’ll be fucking sleeping in the same bed.
You sit down on the couch, while Rumlow takes a hold of the bedframe.
– See, YN. We’ll just do like this..
He tries to drag the beds apart. Nothing is happening. He gives it one more try.
– No, we don’t…
He lifts up the mattress.
– Fucking screwed together.
You put your face in your hands. And scream your frustration into them. Then you look back up at Rumlow.
– I’ll sleep on the couch. Throw me a blanket.. And a pillow..
Rumlow laughs.
– There is no way I’m getting to New York and tell your brother that I brought you to a sleazy Motel, and had you sleeping on the couch. Forget it, YN!
You laugh back at him.
– But telling him you slept in the same bed as me in a sleazy motel is like totally fine?
Rumlow sits down on the bed.
– I’m not sleeping next to you. I’ll be sleeping all the way over on this side, and you’ll be sleeping all the way over on that side. I won’t even look at you.
– God, damn it!!
You throw your bag at the bedpost, before falling stomach down on the bed, hiding your face in the pillows.
@nekoannie-chan @here4thefanfics @there-goes-thefighter @late-to-the-party-81 @mostlybuckystuff
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Chapter one of my Rumlow X reader story. This story will contain graphic description of violence, sexual content, BDSM content, murder and Domination. Please read on own risk.
Chapter 1: We Don´t Treat Women Like That!
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He squizes tighter around your throat, you desperately try to tell him to stop, but because of his grip, you can't make a sound. You feel like your lungs are about to explode. You look at him, your eyes pleading him to stop, but he only smiles back at you. You can feel your eyes closing, and the energy leaving your body. *This is it, he's really going to kill me*
You are awaken by your own scream, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily. Fuck, another nightmare. That's just fucking perfect. Third time this week, and it's only Thursday. You turn around in your bed, and look at the time. 6pm, shit you fell alseep again, you should be unpacking. You sit up, and look around your bedroom. Still packed with cardboard boxes. Leaving David and Chicago was the only right choice, after what happened. But the move to New York, and this new job got you exhausted even though you haven't started working yet.
You take a shower, the warm water relaxes you, and you are finally able to shake off the nightmare. You put on some new clothes, and decide to go out for a drink, or ten. You could really use some, and you dont start work until Monday, so you are allowed one hangover Day. God knows, you need it.
The bar down the street is still quiet. It's still early. The only ones there are some regulars at the bar, and a group of badass guys all dressed in black, at one of the tables. You look at them. They all have the same shirts on. All black, exept a white logo, on the left arm. Looks like a bird of some kind. They look totally jacked, like they are mercenarys or something. What kind of place did they actually put you in. You got your apartment through work. And they promised you that it was the safest place in the City.
You order a drink, and look around once more. You never feel safe anymore. David is still sending threatening messages, saying he'll find you. And you know what'll happen if he does.
After a couple more drinks, the bar starts to fill up, with more and more people. You start to feel the panic taking over. You don't have control anymore. You go to the ladies room to compose yourself.
You splash your face with water, and look at yourself in the mirror. *Get it together YN. He would have found you by now*. You take a deep breath, before you open the door, and walk out into the hallway.
Before you can even think, someone is grabbing your neck, spins you around, and pins you to the wall. And then you look into those eyes. HIS eyes. You are so scared you can't make a sound. Tears are running from your eyes, and every fiber in you prepares for the inevetable. *God, this is it. He is going to kill me. I am going to die, outside the ladies room, in a fucking sleezy bar*. You are pretty sure you can hear the adrenaline pumping away in your vains. You are totally paralyzed. Even when he lets go of your arms, to grab your throat, you are unable to move. You close your eyes. You will never in a million years give him the satisfaction of looking into your eyes when he does this.
You expect him to grab your throat, but that doesnt happen. Instead you feel someone yanking him away from you. Then you hear a loud bang, as he hits the wall on the other side of the hall. Then another bang. You finally dare to open your eyes. And then you see one of those badass guys standing over David, punching him repeatedly.
- We don't treat women like that!
One punch for each word spoken. You are still paralyzed. You want to say something, but your whole body is in shock.
Then the guy standing over David, takes out a knife from his boot. You did not see that coming. You take one step forward. You are shaking so bad, that you have to steady yourself against the wall. So again, you just observe.
The guy puts the whole lenght of the blade against David's throat.
- God knows I want to do this. BUT, I won't, because of this beautiful lady standing behind me. But if I EVER see you put one finger on her or any other lady for that matter again. Trust me when I say, I will use it on you. Now, leave, before I change my mind!
David gets up, glance at you once, and then he leaves. You still cant make a sound. The guy comes over to you.
- Are you OK? Do you know that guy?
You take a deep breath, and look up at him. He is handsome. He is well built. You can see that, even trough his clothes. Dark hair, Brown eyes. He has a playful boyish kinda look, but at the same time, you can tell that he is older than you.
- Did he hurt you?
You shake your head..
- He.. He is my... WAS my boyfriend.
The guy looks at you.
- Boyfriend? Really? How did a beautiful girl like you, end up with a loser like him?
You look at him.. Beautiful?
- It's a long story..
- Well I've got time. If not, I can walk you home. You wouldn't believe how many of him it is out there.
You contemplate having a drink with him, and talk. But decide against it. You do however take him up on the offer of walking you home.
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Rumlow X Reader Chapter Two - Can I tell you a little secret?
You don't say much on the way back to your place. You are still a bit shaken up, and you don't know what to say to him. You don't even ask for his name.
When you reach your building, you stop.
- Well, this is my place. Thank you. You saved my life.
He looks at you, and then he looks at your building.
- You live here?
You don't quite understand the question.
- Yes. Is it something wrong with this place?
- No, nothing wrong. I just didn't know you lived here. I live right across the street. Up there.
He points up to the top floor of the building next to yours.
- Oh, so we're neighbours then? Want to come up for a drink?
As soon as the words leave you, you regret it. You don't even know this guy's name. And even though he saved you, he could be dangerous. Hell, he probably is, carying a knife around like that. Who knows what more he hides inside his clothes. The thought drives your mind to a whole other side. Now it's not weapons you think about anymore. *fuck, why did he have to be this handsome?*
- A drink sounds good. Yours or mine?
Great, he's one of those. Confident, cocky. Probably rough. But then again, that's how you like it. You think for a second..
- Mine. I think I have something to offer you.
Probably best and safest to use your place for this. You unlock the door, and lead the way up to your apartment. He follows, not showing a single sign of regret or anything actually. His face is determined. Like a predator, going after what he wants. Are you the prey?
Inside your appartment, you instantly regret choosing your place for this. Cardboard boxes everywhere. A total mess.
- God, I forgot all of this. I just moved in..
He smiles. Finally an expression on his face. You almost believed he was incapable of that. He walks over to your couch. Sits down.
- No worries. I can sit right here, and you.. You can sit there..
He points to the floor in front of him. You blink a couple of times..
- What? Why would I sit on the floor?
He tilts his head. Then he gets up, and comes over to you. Once again you are paralyzed. But this time because of exitement. This guy is intoxicating. You don't even know his name, and you are completely lost. He has some kind of hold on you, something you can't explain. He is standing dangerously close to you, your back is against the wall. Then he leans forward, and whispers to you.
- Can I tell you a little secret?
You can't form words. Your whole body is drawn to him. His breath tickles your neck, and all you want to do is grab his shirt and just... He doesn't wait for an answer. He just continues to whisper in your ear..
- I like to dominate.
You breathe in, hard. He stops for a second, but then he realises, that you're not moving away, and continues his little foreplay.
- Don't worry. I'll never do anything you don't want to. Pick a safe word.
His lips are now on your neck, and you lean your head back against the wall. You are shivering. You still can't make a sound. It's like you're hypnotized.
- Pick. A. Safe. word. I can't help you if you don't...
He let's the words linger for a second. *God, YN, just say something. Anything. Think of a fucking word* There is no use. Your brain stopped working. All you know is that you want this guy. Right now! You put your hands on his hips. But he removes them, still breathing into your neck. You can't take this anymore. You try to touch him again. But this time, he pins your arms over your head, and looks you in the eye. His eyes are hungry. It's like they look straight into your soul.
- So.. Safe word? Or don't you need one?
You open your mouth to say something. But nothing is coming out. He is still looking at you, smiling.
- I think I know what you are...
You start to get a little irritated. What is he doing. Is he going to or what. Finally your brain is working again.
- What am I then?
- Right now? You're mine!
- God, stop with the games. Are you going to or what?
His smile widens. It's like he knows exactly what you are going to do. He plays this game, like a champ.
- Well. You're a little brat, aren't you!
You give in. Fuck the safe word, fuck everything. You just want him, and you can't wait any longer.
- And you're a tease!
You have absolutely no idea what's gotten into you. What if he hurts you. You don't even have a safe word, and you haven't had sex that many times. David, was your third partner, and you just left him. And you have absolutely NO IDEA what this guy like. Exept that he told you he liked to dominate. You're only half aware of what the term means.
You look at him again. He is still smiling to you.
- Oh, my sweet little thing. You have no idea of what you gotten yourself into, with that little insult.
You should probably be afraid of him. But his eyes looks kind. And right now, you don't care. You just want him.
- Show me then. Or am I right, that you are a tease?
You manage to give him a smirk.
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Four! Contains graphic Sexual & BDSM description!
The taste of him make the spot between you legs throb. *Oh God, I need him inside me* He gets the message, composes himself, and pulls you up in a standing position. Still holding your arms above your head. Your heart is pounding out of control.
- Do you want it?
You nod. And he smiles to you.
- Tell me how much?
- I... I want you inside me....
He lets go of your arms, and takes another hold of your hair, pulling your head back.
- Say it again!
He leans in close, and kisses your neck. You moan. You can't speak. He pulls you close to him, breathing in your ear. *Please, I can't take this anymore*
- Tell me you want me...
- I.... Please!
- Please, what?
- God.. Just fuck me already!
You can feel his smile. And you know, you just fucked up. Now he'll make you wait even longer. Fuck. He yanks you around, so that your back is against him. You can feel his erection against your bottom.
- Show me your bed!
He is still holding your hair in a tight grip. You start to move, slowly towards your bedroom. You have no idea what to expect from here. But you can't stop. You have never wanted someone this much before.
When you get to your bed, he yanks you around again, and pushes you down on the bed. You look at him, as he removes his shirt. Now totally naked in front of you, you want him even more. He has it all. The abs, the arms, and his... You want it all.
He looks at you for a second, before he calmly comes over to the bed, and slowly, painfully slowly, removes your underwear. Then he leans down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth. Your back arches. His hand moves down your stomach, and before you can think about what is happening, he puts one finger inside you. You gasp.
- Already so wet...
He whispers against your skin. You reach for him, you need to touch something, something to ground you. Another digit inside. Pumping, finding that spot. He is merciless, pumping hard, you can see the muscles in his arm working. All his attention goes into this one task. You desperately try to grab whatever you can get a hold on, to grund you. The hoarse moans escaping you, makes him work you even harder.
- You... You. I'm. You're going to make me cu..
He looks at you. And as soon as your eyes meet, you get what he is doing.
- Oh, no you don't!
He says with a smirk. And with that, he yanks his fingers out. Your body aches. You were so close.
Your anger got the best of you. *Fuck, I shouldn't have said that!* He gets on top of you. Lingers over your face for a second.
- What was that?
You look away, still pissed that he stopped when you were that close. He takes a deep breath.
- Give me your hands!
You still don't look at him. And you don't move.
- Not a smart move, sweetheart!
In one swift move, he pins both your hands over your head, and put his whole body weight on you. He kisses you aggressively, biting your bottom lip.
- Who is in charge here?
Fuck him. You needed that orgasm, and he took it away. No fucking way, you are gonna let that slide. You look at him with a smirk.
- Well, me of course!
His eyes searching yours. You don't blink. *No, sir, you didn't go too far*.
- Wrong answer!
Another swift move, and you are on your hands and knees in the bed. He gently puts a hand on your back, arching it, so you are on display for him. You don't dare move. You can feel him looking at your wet flesh.
- Beautiful!
You feel his breath on you. You arch your back more, to get closer.
- Ah ah ah.. stay still. You know what happens to brats, don't you?
You breathe in hard. You can feel his smirk, behind you. *God, he's really enjoying this*.
- They get punished! So start counting. I want 5!
You close your eyes.. *5 of what? Fuck, why didn't I think this through?*
His hand hits your bottom hard. You jump. Don't dare to say a word. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He stops behind you. You can hear his breathing.
- Can't hear you! That was?
Still you can't say anything. Althoug you feel safe around this guy, you didn't expect this. And you don't know how to respond. You feel him shift in the bed behind you, and then he once again takes a hold of your hair, yanking your head back.
- I'm waiting!
- O...One!
You manage to finally get the word out. He lets go of your hair, and lets his hand slide down your spine. It makes you shiver. But then, his hand hits your bottom again, harder this time.
- Two... Please!
He pauses for a second. Waiting for your move. But you don't make one. For some reason, unknown even to you. You want to see this through. Another hit.
- Th... Three
Tears are forming in your eyes, and sweat is bathing on your forehead.
- Good girl!
Then another one. *God this hurts*
- Four....
You try to turn your head to look at him.
- NO, keep your head down! That's a good girl. Keep that position!
Then another hit, followed by a sqeeze. You breathe heavily. Unable to speak..
- And....
- F.. Fi... Five..
You fall down on the bed. Tears falling from your eyes. He lies down beside you, and kisses your forehead.
- I'm sorry for that. But, you were a good girl. Keep that up, and I won't have to do it again.
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) - Chapter Six! Contains Graphic Sexual description!
When you wake up the next day, he is still there, beside you. He is cute when he is sleeping. You lie there and just look at him for a while. Think back on the night before. How he touched you. How his skin felt against yours. His lips on your skin. How your orgasms rushed trough your body.
- What are you looking at?
You jump. His eyes are still closed. How did he know you were looking at him? You compose yourself.
- Well, you are the only one here. So, you I guess.
He opens his eyes. Leans closer to you, and places a kiss on your forehead.
- Good morning! Sleep well?
- Like a baby, but I still need Coffee..
You get up, and walk over to your wardrobe. You can feel his eyes on you, and you can't help but smile. You put on one of your big shirts. Nothing underneath. When you turn around, he is sitting up in your bed, smiling at you.
- So, do you want coffee?
He nods. Then he gets up. Not bothering to put on clothes, he just walks out of your bedroom. You follow.
- Are you not gonna get dressed?
He looks at you. You stop in your tracks. His gaze is hypnotizing.
- I didn't know you needed clothes to drink coffee. Or do you have some kind of special blend, that you need clothes to drink?
You laugh, then you start to prepare two cups of coffee..
- It's just hot, that's all..
He comes over to you, puts his arms around your waist, and kisses your neck. You let out a soft moan, and lean your head back against his shoulder.
- Well, so are you. And it worked out great without clothes last night.
He turns you around, and grabs your bottom, with both hans, lifts you up.
- Legs around my waist!
You wrap your legs around his waist, as you're told. His eyes darkens with hunger, and you can feel his erection growing between your legs. Your back hits the wall, and one of his fingers slides over your entrance. He smiles at you.
- So wet....
You lean your head back against the wall. And he places his lips on your neck, breathing heavily into your skin. The words he's using. His husky voice, mixed with those hungry eyes, and his breath on your skin. Fuck.
- You want me inside you, don't you?
- Yes, God, yes!
You don't have to ask twice. With one hard thrust, his whole length is deep inside your core. Your legs squeezed around his waist, as he mercilessly fucks you, up against the wall. The excitement of it all. You've had surprise sex before of course, but nothing like this. He really cares about YOU. He wants YOU to feel good. And you do. So fucking good.
- Fuck. You're so tight around me. So....tight....
He's breathing heavily in your ear. You know that you are close. But you try to hold back. This feels so good you want it to continue forever.
- Come for me! Do it! Come on!
The sounds escaping you.. Your body pushed up against the wall. His deep, rough thrusts inside you. The orgasm is unlike anything you've ever felt before. It's like the whole world around you dissapeares. You almost forget how to breathe. His pace is decreasing. And your breathing starts to slow down. He is still holding you up against the wall, you don't dare put your feet down on the floor. You feel you will collapse.
- Can you stand?
- I... I don't know...
You carefully untangle yourself from him. And put your feet down on the floor. You are still shaking. He holds you. You put one foot in front of the other.
- I'm fine.. My feet are still working.
- Good. Coffee time then?
You look at him. Put one hand on his stomach, you let it slide down his abs. God, how you've been aching to touch those. He looks down on your hand. Then he looks back up at you. You swallow. His eyes are penetrating. You compose yourself.
- We should get dressed.
- Yeah.. We probably should.
He goes to collect his clothes, and you slip into the bathroom. You don't care to search for clothes, so you just slip onto your t-shirt and some sweatpants. Then you go back into your living room. He's already on your couch, and hands you a cup of coffee. You sit down beside him.
- Do you always wear all black? Is it some kind of uniform?
He looks at you.
- You could call it that. I'm an agent. We could get called out anytime. So it's easier to have this in reach at any given time.
- You work for the FBI or something?
He takes a sip of his coffee.
- Or something!
You get that he doesn't want to talk about work. Or maybe he can't. So you just let it go. You sit in silence for a while before he gets up.
- I have to leave. I have some stuff I need to do at the office. But, I'll see you again?
You don't know if it's a question or a promise, so you just nod at him. You follow him to the door, and he hugs you goodbye. When he hugs you, he whispers in your ear.
- Don't forget that you're mine now!
You take a deep breath. Then he breaks the hug, and leaves. You keep looking after him, as he dissapeares down the stairs. *You're his? What have you gotten yourself into?*
You hit the shower. When you think about last night, and this morning your belly clenches. Fuck. He was so good. And the things he did. You want him to do it again, and again, and again, forever.
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