#brody missed you ;u;
galaxywarp · 3 months
I’m in absolutely no position to have a dog myself and wouldn’t be for a long long time but I admit I’ve been really missing the energy of a dog lately. Like I really hope someone close to me gets a dog. Maybe my sister. She’s got a big yard. And then I can come over and play with it and stuff.
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throwing-in-the-towel · 2 months
I don’t wanna speculate too hard because frankly it’s no one’s business but I think Brody might be out just cause he’s exhausted-on Melody’s live she said he was in Alaska or something and honestly he did a show the night he got back (I think at least-I don’t keep up w/this much ) and also if he did a show yesterday after CD signings and a show on Wednesday that not a lot of time to recover from jet lag. So I honestly just think he’s tired. Props to him for listening to his body tho.
Brent apparently put his dog down today-I feel awful for him. Hope he’s doing well at least. (You don’t have to post this if you don’t want-I dunno if it crosses any boundaries and I’m SO sorry if it does-honestly just speculation, though it’s not something I wish to really delve into due to it being nobody’s business but the actors. But a lot of people get upset when Brody isn’t there and if he doesn’t have a record with missing evening performances I just figured it could be a reason.
I was at the show tonight-Trevor did SO incredible and Dan gave me SHIVERS-but people were uber upset Brody wasn’t there and it was kinda sad to see them be upset as if it’s Trevis fault. Grown woman next to me was on the brink of tears over it I believe-while I was a tad disappointed I was BLOWN AWAY by Trevi. He seriously did incredible. Again, no need to post this if it isn’t in your comfort zone and if it isn’t I’m so sorry for violating any boundaries-just figured I’d add in for people who may have been upset with the outcome.
yeah, i expect brent to continue being out for the week since he has been thus far. feel for his family right now <3
and as for brody, i often post about how he takes off to take care of himself, so it’s not a surprise to me when he’s absent. i absolutely adore trevor as pony so i always love to see him!
interesting u mention a lady almost crying…i recently posted a story about how a grown woman was crying over jason being absent in may. people need to control themselves and reactions like that in public. i’ve also talked about how trevor himself has told me he feels bad when he’s on for brody b/c he knows the audience is upset. breaks my heart!!! glad to hear you enjoyed dan as well, he’s phenomenal as darrel!
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capcavan · 4 months
can i ask about how many ways can a raven break (if thats one of the thing u can ask was a bit confused)
its one we really hope to turn into a fic we have a friend who is very excited for it (and is also our sensitivity reader) riko joins foxes and as part of his therapy with abby he keeps a journal where he writes long thought spirals any time he is anxious so that then he can consider whatever or not he wants to show it to Abby or not, the journal is here to help him keep his thoughts a bit more organized. At some point Riko notices new notes in the journal notes in German (his notes are always in Japanese) as well as doodles and drawings. this agitates him. he is aware that andrew is the only person reading his journal which he passively allows but after the notes started appearing he started hiding the journal. this leads to andrew growing suspicious, when few days later riko catches him going through journal he had hidden they get in a fightt (riko punches him all of sudden something that somehow never happened before). one thing leads to another and over course of following therapy with new therapist as bee was not qualified enough to diagnose him Riko is diagnosed with dissociative personality disorder (all parts of system refer to themselves as Riko but they do have nicknames they use as well) There is "Fox" (you can think about him as all my cute fox riko headcannosn and arts very energetic and full of life very fannon kind of riko)- Riko after joining the foxes, he is much more open in showing his emotions he is actually based on the rp "quarterhouse/roadkill" he dates renee aaron and kevin , genuinely loves life and is very unhappy when he finds out details of his condition - he feels extremally possessive of the body and time he has which leads to frustration towards other alters and fear that their actions might fuck up his already complicated life "Raven" (much closer to canon riko or even fandom riko - evil brody mad bad) - Raven was the first fronter and keeps most of memories from nest, this is why fox himself did not remember much form before joining foxes, raven hates fronting now, he misses nest he hates fox tower hates the foxes , his pride is still not healed, he does snot feel safe or accepted around them, he is nyctophile and still gets triggered into fronting any time its perfectly dark (when foxes figure that out there is some teasing happening about it which he despises) as well as when it rains. Raven loves kevin and feels posessive over jean and does not see reason why renee and aaron should be part of that. is the one who broke jean "captain" possibly riko's first split - captain is on the court and takes care of all things exy, he will become good friends with neil who will be the only reason captain starts fronting outside of games- just to chat about exy. captain is also not convinced about need for relationship with renee and aaron as he sees both to be mediocre players and he is straight (all of this plays a lot into aarons relationship insecurities and makes fox miserable and resentful of his alters). captain is very frustrated to find out he is not a captain any more and is pretty damn hurt over not being a captain anymore it is bit of crisis for him considering the title was core of his personality as far as he rememberer. later on riko get title of co captain <3 is very confused as to why jean can not play "King" - trauma holder, specifically physical abuse , hates fronting because feels phantom pains constantly "Princes" - a split made to help King cope with the psychological part of the abuse, princess is regressed little girl who just wants to be loved and cared for, jean is her knight and she can NOT find out who hurt him , it would break her
there is also danny who is split from one of riko's most constant abusers he does not front just provides bad vibes and keeps them on edge psyhologically fun stuff i love about it: Kevin absolutely can not deal with the fact that he is not the favourite person of all rikos fox woudl prefer not to choose but renee was his girlfriend before kevin became his boyfriend again raven sees kevin as his everything so this checks out captain also likes kevin but he end sup pretty taken by neils approach to the game over time princess loves jean and renee and idk she doe snot give a fuck about exy so can kevin shut up about it? (jean is delighted) king does not like anyone i don't think kevin should want to be dannys fave luckily nobody other than riko knows about danny anyway there's actually .. a lot of lore for this technically the ship is riko/renee/aaron/jean/kevin the same way like in quarterhouse but fox unlike raven feels embarrassment and shame for pact actions and doe snot feel even allowed to look at the man
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stardust-sunset · 19 days
I’m sorry you are getting sent Brody hate! But comparing absences to Jordan who misses shows because he’s a literal father and has been open about his health issues is NOT ok. Also I believe Renni has missed more shows than Brody but nobody says anything because he isn’t the lead. And Renni has missed shows for a valid reason and is now getting surgery. Brody has valid reasons like every Broadway actor! He’s literally done most shows in the last month besides like 5 which is A LOT for Pony. Also wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on vocal rest!
i mean like…i’m not brody so i’m not rly offended by it? tone is hard over text and i probably sound like i’m trying to be a smartass, i’m not-i’m not offended or anything or even suggesting you HAVE to like him. i’m just saying it’s exhausting to deal with? i get i’m the main person people go to about drama and whatever(not even the right word) because ill admit, i feed into it. and i’m trying to get better at not feeding into it because i know it’s only giving a reaction-it’s just…hard? because i’m very opinionated and u stand by my beliefs and i hate to throw in the towel (ha) but yeah. again, i know that i’m the person people go to to stir up controversy (i’m glad i am because i’d hate for any other BG fans to get sent some of the shit i do-again, it’s not like i’m offended? it’s just like…why harass people over content you don’t like? if you don’t like the actor or the media then don’t interact with the fans. that’s like me going to to a bunch of taylor swift fans and saying i hate her music and purposefully trying to stir up trouble.
comparing actors from completely separate shows is unfair too. especially if one is in hadestown and one is in outsiders. those are two very very very VERY different plays. and i doubt the reason jordan isn’t absent as much is because he wants to “salvage his reputation’ because we never (and never need to) know what’s going on in an actors life. there could’ve been plenty of other reasons JF was absent so much. (edit but i reread the ask and i didn’t know he’s a father and had health issues….its stupid to compare the two.) but i’m not familiar with him so i’m not gonna speak on him.
brody’s absences are literally no one’s business. yes, i get it’s disappointing that he’s not there. but there are two amazingly talented understudies who cover him and if the musical thought brody could do all eight days they wouldn’t give him an understudy.
it’s just tiring. i don’t mind answering questions but like…you know i’m a fan of his, a fan of the musical. so sending outsiders/brody hate to me just seems stupid. just don’t interact with me. it’s not that hard.
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totalfknloser · 4 months
heyyyyyy 👋👋 I heard you wanted to talk about deathgasm and zakk & brodie... how would they enjoy a gf/love interest who is low-key much scarier than them but still bubbly, charismatic and into metal too?
OH MY GOD THANK YOU. i also forgot which symbol brodie uses LMAO so as usual pentacle? is that it? is Zakk and Brodie is some sort of music note. i haven’t written about my favs for so looooong i miss it
♫.*. 𖤐 ♫.*.
♫ Brodie would genuinely be happy to find someone even a little bit similar to him. i’m absolutely sure Brodie had a very hard time finding anyone like him before Zakk.
𖤐 do you guys think Zakk would be one of those alt boys to try and one up his girl/lover? cause i feel like that MIGHT be fitting? MAYBE? a little bit? idk i also have the feeling he would be a little jealous and shocked at how his lover/you somehow got to be more scary and intimidating than him.
♫ you and Brodie would fr just bond so hard over it. unlike how i feel Zakk would be by just a little, Brodie would absolutely love and appreciate the fact you’re even “more alt” than him. as much as i think Brodie would be very into metal, i don’t think he’d be into the level that Zakk would be at, so i believe if you just so happen to be more into metal then he would soooo be happy to get more reccomendations and stuff!
𖤐 i feel like it’s either you’re less into metal or you’re at the same level of metal with Zakk. i just feel like he’s totally diehard, even with my multiple metal records and cds and other merch, i feel like he could one up me by a long one.
♫ you and Brodie would be listening to metal stuff on whatever plays music. considering deathgasm seems to take place in the 2000s, i bet y’all would listen on an ipod a lot. you know like sharing headphones and stuff. if you’re the kind of person to fall asleep to metal, i think you’d both be hanging out on Brodie’s bed while listening to metal blasting in your ears, you’d both fall asleep together.
𖤐 Zakk would have like everything to play music on. he would have stuff to play cassette tapes, cds, records, digital shit, etc. you both could just listen to music on anything together!!
♫ you’d show Brodie so much new stuff and i am sure he would be super happy!! we don’t see Brodie being like ecstatic in the movie but i feel like if he was he would get kinda giddy and giggly and stuff if u showed him new bands!!!!!
𖤐 i feel like it would be hard to find new bands while you’re dating Zakk. like he would know EVERYTHING everything!!
♫.*. 𖤐 ♫.*.
okay i hope that’s good 😭 i haven’t written in a bit so i think i might be a little rusty
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Solar Family Episode #2 (by @avaveevo)
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It starts at the beginning of Mark’s basketball game.
Yumyulack: Go Mark! Woo-hoo!
Mark laughs and waves at his boyfriend.
Yumyulack: *sighs lovingly* I love that boy…
Lili: It’s obvious.
At the basketball game, Yumyulack cheers for Mark.
Yumyulack: Woo-hoo! Go Mark! I love ya!
But then, Mark accidentally misses a shot.
Teenager: Hey! That’s the 10th time today! Hey! Get that Moby Dick off the field before he takes off my license plate.
Yumyulack: Hey hey hey hey! Easy man! That’s my boyfriend! Now apologize!
Teenager: Okay. I’m sorry your boyfriend is clumsy blue brain knocks drink out of Yumyulack’s hand jackass!
Yumyulack: Hey! Oh that’s it!
Yumyulack punches the teenager, which shock the crowd.
Mark Melner: Way to go babe!
Brayden: Hey you hit my sister!
Yumyulack: You you mean he’s your brother!
Brody: Hey give her some air!
Yumyulack: You mean give him some air!
Ally: Call an ambulance! She’s in a concussion!
Yumyulack: You mean she’s going into a….
Yumyulack gasp in horror.
Yumyulack: Oops.
Korvo groans in embarrassment and realizes Yumyulack needs help. Later at home, Korvo walks back n forth while being concern over Yumyulack’s behavior.
Korvo: *to himself* Yumyulack has never been like this before. I hope Terry comes home soon.
The next morning, Korvo gets the newspaper and gasps.
Korvo: Oh no! Terry! *runs back inside*
Jesse: What’s going on?
Yumyulack takes the newspaper and reads it.
Yumyulack: Oh fuck! Terry’s in deep shit!
The News Article says, “Local Employee Alien at Rake Company Reported Kidnapped Last Night”
Korvo: We gotta find him!
Korvo starts breathing in and out.
Yumyulack: Hey. It’s gonna be okay. Terry is one of the bravest people we know!
Jesse: Yeah! I’m sure we’ll find him!
Meanwhile with Terry…
Terry: Ugh… where am I?
???: Hello, Terry.
Terry: Huh?! Who say that?! Show yourself, you crazy fuck!
The figure steps into the light to reveal…Stephen from the Wall?!
Terry: What the fuck? Who are you?!
Stephen: The name’s Stephen.
Terry: Whuh? Dude, what the fuck is your deal?! Why did you kidnap me!
Stephen: Because I want revenge on your son!
Terry: What? What do you mean by…. oh.
A flashback plays of Yumyulack shrinking Stephen while Korvo and Terry hide behind a tree.
Korvo: *sighs* Oh boy… I think he may have gone too far…
Terry: I know, right.
The flashback ends.
Terry: Look, I’m sorry. I’m sure he didn’t-
Stephen: Silence!
Terry gasps.
Stephen: Your son ruined my life! He deserve it!
Terry: No wait! Look, don’t hurt him. None of this is his fault!
Stephen: Yes he did! He shrunk me! U had the perfect life, then I had the perfect popsicle barn and I had Molly. Your son’s fucking wall started a war that killed her!
Terry: Oh god. I am so sorry. I-
Stephen punch’s Terry in the face, who cries out in pain.
Terry: Fuck!
Stephen: Well, who fucking cares?! You’re mine now! *laughs like a crazy psycho*
Meanwhile, the family and Debbie are looking for Terry.
Korvo: Terry! Terry! Terry-bear! Where are you?!
Yumyulack: Terry! Where are you?! Come on, buddy!
Lili: Terry? Where are you?!
Debbie suddenly trips on something.
Debbie: Oh dear. I must’ve hit a bar or something. Let me pick that up.
Debbie picks up a crowbar with Shlorpian blood on it.
Debbie: Oh my goodness! Solars, come look!
Korvo: What? *sees the crowbar and gasps with tears in his eyes* No…
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Someone did took Terry! We gotta hurry or worse!
Lili: But where can we find him?!
Korvo thinks before gasping in realization.
Korvo: I know where he might be! Come on!
Meanwhile with Terry and Stephen… Terry has bruises all over his body.
Terry: Ugh! *tries to stand up by cries as he falls in pain*
Stephen: Get up!
Terry tries to but he can’t because of the pain as he breaks down in tears of pain. Stephen growls and picks Terry up by the neck.
Stephen: Stupid weakling! How hard can it be for you to get up!!
Terry: Fuck…you. *spits blood in Stephen’s face*
Stephen: *gets disgusted* Disgusting whore!
Terry chuckles.
Terry: That’s what you get bitch…
Stephen throws Terry to the ground.
Terry: *cries out in agony as tears fall from his face*
Stephen: Stop crying! I doubt it hurt that much.
Terry continues weeping in pain over his wounds. Then suddenly…
Korvo: *offscreen* TERRY!
Terry gasps when he sees his family.
Terry: K-Korvy? Kids? Debbie?
Stephen growls when he notices Yumyulack.
Yumyulack: *gasp upon seeing Stephen; quietly* Oh no… what have I done? I created a psycho!
Stephen: Heh. It doesn’t matter. *picks up Terry by the neck* Your father is going to die anyway!
Korvo growls in fury and leaps down there while landing on his feet.
Korvo: Get away from him. Now.
Stephen: Make me!
Korvo punches Stephen in the face and picks up an unconscious Terry.
Korvo: Now kids!
Jesse shoots Stephen in the head.
Stephen: GAH
Korvo watches as Stephen falls to the ground. Stephen then groans as he hit his head to the ground and hit his head.
Lili: Damn. That was fucking scary!
Korvo cries as he looks down at Terry.
Korvo: *tearfully* Oh Terry, what had that sick man done to you?!
The family takes Terry home and Korvo lays Terry down on the couch.
Korvo: Don’t worry Terry, we’re gonna make sure you get better.
Terry groans as he opens his eyes.
Terry: K-Korvo?
Korvo: *gasps* Terry-bear!
Korvo showers Terry in kisses in tears of joy gently as the kids smile and hug Terry. The scene then cuts to Terry in his bedroom bandage while eating his dinner in bed.
Korvo: Feeling better?
Terry: Yeah. Thank you for coming to rescue me Korvy.
Korvo kisses Terry on the forehead softly.
Korvo: Anytime my sweet Terrybear…
Korvo and Terry then kiss on the lips.
Korvo: I’m just so happy my hubby is home safe and sound. I promise, if anyone tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there to protect you. Because you’re my Terry and I love you.
Terry smiles tearfully.
Terry: Oh Korvy! *kiss him on the lips*
Korvo pins Terry to the bed.
Korvo: Shall I take your pain away by having lovely sex with you my love.
Terry: Yes please.
The two husbands then sex away while moaning lovingly while Lili covers her ears as she groans walks away.
Lili: Why?!
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wulfhalls · 9 months
bestie you should watch the artful doger. i got a new ship for you to obsessed over.
ongod we have another devastating category 5 thomas brodie sangster hot??????? event on our hands here huh. this is so good anon thank u I only watched ep one and the potential of me being soooooooo annoying about mister the good doctor gone rogue and miss writing self insert fanfic about herself and robert liston and soo serious about it is. well. very high
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andromeddog · 10 months
the way your draw uniforms tickly my brain very nicely, they always look amazing! do you have a specific source for reference pictures or have you drawn them so often now you don't need them that much anymore? xoxox- struggling artist who can't find good refs
hehehehe anon i love talking about uniforms so this ask is a real treat… this may get long so it’s going under a cut
first of all thank u for noticing i do really try to make the uniforms as accurate as possible. i spend a long time trying to figure out what specific coat/gun/boot/helmet/whatever people are wearing and what its purpose is…. thats really just googling around and clicking on links until i find something. luckily for band of brothers/ww2 related stuff theres a lot of interest and you can often find ppl on forums from like 2003 discussing the minutiae of gear that will point you in the right direction. ww1 related stuff is a bit harder to come by but i bought a full illustrated book to help with that lol
as for straight up references- pinterest is one of my main resources!! there are lots of pics of the boys from bob if that’s what you are specifically looking for (some boards i like are here and here.) these can be hit or miss sometimes if you’re looking for ref of a very specific thing, because they don’t always capture the angle of that bag or clear shot of a belt that you need.
if that’s the case then i just… rewatch the show lol. i have it downloaded on my phone through the amazon prime app so if im drawing a scene or looking for very specific reference i will literally go frame by frame to get what i need. i cannot tell you how many times ive watched this series just looking for reference. so many. too many??? for this secret santa piece im doing i have watched the same 10 second scene so many times that i can see it when i close my eyes. the bad thing about that is you cannot take screenshots (fuck you amazon prime) and also, it’s rly easy to get sucked into the show and spend an hour just watching it bc it’s a damn good show. i think ive watched the breaking point like 20 times by now bc of this. this is insane idk if you want to do this but if you are looking for straight up accuracy then it’s not a bad option
also, and this is not specific to uniforms, if you draw something enough the pieces will start to stick in your head… this happened to me with 1917 and ww1 british kits lol. i drew them so much they just stuck. knowing what layers are under a jacket, where a belt sits and what’s attached to it, the specific shape of a helmet (fuck you stahlhelms fuck you m1s AND FUCK YOU BRODIE HELMETS) and shit like that just comes with drawing them a lot. and also watching how they fit and move on an actual person is why rewatching the show is good. researching stuff also helps but i know ppl don’t always want to spend hours doing that shit if you’re just looking for a basic reference. but i’m rly into uniforms so that is fun for me!!
i’m realizing this is a lot but…… i like uniforms! thats part of why i like military history shit. its fun to think about how all the gear interacts and moves with a person! how different each country’s uniforms are and how they carry everything they need on their backs and how they change over the years! i just think its neat!
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
Elisview Manor P2
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Media IRL
Characters Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Spooky
I did my best to make myself at home here I made up the fire, settled my things and ran myself a nice hot bath, the water steaming sweetly. I pealed the many layers of my dress away adding them to a small wicket laundry basket but leaving my ribbon as always, I went over and climbed into my bath having to hiss from the heat as I first climbed in but soon settled into the nice heat relaxing against the side for a while. Once I had relaxed all the knots out of my back I took my bar of soap and scrubbed the dirt and death off my body, I kept hearing that strange creaking and shuffling behind the walls but I did my best not to let it bother me as I finished up my bath. I climbed out wrapping my towel around me tightly heading out to sit by the fire and putting a brush through my hair before tying it up tightly to prevent it from knotting up into a mess while I slept. Once I was dry I slipped on my cotton nightie and closed up all my curtains, locked my door and headed to my bed I left a candle on the small table as I climbed into the large double bed built into the wall, the walls around and above me had a sweet wallpaper with thorned vines swirling around it, I got myself under the soft covers and blew out the candle plunging my room almost into utter darkness if not for the small light coming in from under my door and the flames flicking in the fireplace, I tried to settle myself to sleep but found the vast darkness frightening so I pulled the doors of my box bed closed and locked them from within giving me some peace that I was surely safe in my little box. I plumped my pillow and got comfortable happily drifting off to sleep to the sounds of wind whistling and my fire cracking. 
I woke to the sound of knocking on my room door, I opened the shutters of my bed and climbed out heading over to the door and opening it up to see Miss Marybell. 
“Good morning” 
“Morning, The master of the house is leaving on business he requests to see you before he leaves.”
“I will get ready and come down as soon as I can, Miss” I nodded closing my door,
I got dressed for the day into my stockings boots, bloomers, dress and gloves tying my ribbon as always before I hurried down to the front gravel where a coach sat well loaded and I spotted Miss Marybell as well as the boy I met yesterday who immediately glared at me
“Ah there you are Miss Y/l/n” The master of the house smiled “Now I don’t know when I’ll be back, but you two take care of the house and look after each other” he said “I’m sure you two will find common ground over the coming cold days” He explained 
“Yes sir” I nodded 
“We can Hope” The boy glared
“Thomas. Be nice” He warned
“Yes Father” Thomas sighed 
“Good, I’ll see you both when I return” he said before he finished his arrangements and climbed into the coach before it started off pulling away from the house. Miss Marybell headed inside to return to work leaving thomas and I stood together.
“Perhaps we should-” I began 
“Go drown in the river” he snapped 
“Oh goodness” I gasped “Please sir, whatever have I done to offend you so?” 
“I want you out. As soon as possible. Whatever you up to you can forget it. I’m lord of the manor while my fathers gone” He said “You are to stay in your room, I find you out of it I’ll throw you in the elis river myself” He said heading inside 
“Yes sir” I nodded headed inside and up to my room got one of my books and sat in the window seat to look out across the river listening to the wind whistle and the fire crack away doing my best to stay off the cabin fever already setting in. 
I did my best to do as thomas had asked of me, but as lovely as my room was I found myself utterly mindless being stuck up in her all day every day, my only break when Marybell would bring me my breakfast and dinner her having long since dropped me off a pot and small rack so I could brew my own tea on the fireplace. I had been up here for days, But I snuck out of my room and did my best to sneak through the house doing my best to stay away from his part of the house, trying my best to explore without getting in any trouble. I stopped at the kitchens, and the library, and popped into several offices and unused rooms, and various windows looking out the gardens and river, I stopped for a moment as I saw a tall portrait of a well-aged woman standing in a long white dress in the middle of a group of ten young children the painting old but well cared for, and in the back corner I saw her.
“Mother.” I whispered, “Did you find yourself so sleepless here?”
“What did I tell you!” His voice echoed through the halls I didn’t even turn to look I simply bolted as fast as I could down the stairs and corridors with him chasing after me “Get back here you little witch!” I ran as fast as I could trying to get back to my room where I could shut and lock the door “Come here!” He yelled catching up to me, I turned seeing him so close behind me and he went to grab my neck but he grabbed the end of my ribbon pulling on it as he grabbed it immediately I screamed tumbling to the floor in a panic holding my neck tightly he stopped as he heard me scream looming over me his face softening as he seemed confused and alarmed at what exactly he’d done. “What?” He asked, “What did I do?” 
I couldn’t bring myself to answer the seconds of silence between us seemed like hours until he moved closer kneeling beside me and offering my ribbon in his hand 
“I’m sorry- I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” he said “Here, Take it” 
I took the ribbon and quickly retied it around my neck with a bow and fixed myself slightly “You didn’t. I’m sorry I-”
“It’s alright,” he reassured offering his hand and I took it as he helped us both to stand “What are you doing out of your room?”
“I became feverish sir”
“No, cabin fever sir. My room is very beautiful but it is only one room” 
“I’m sorry. It has been a long time since a lady walked the halls of Elisview.” He said “I do not mean to be cruel. But I assure you, you are far safer in your room.” 
“Safer? From what may I ask?”
“If I told you, you wouldn't be safe any longer” 
“I see. Forgive me, for not listening to your rules.”
“Come. I’ll walk you back” he said 
“Thank you” I nodded 
He squeezed my hand still in his own and we walked the dark somber corridors together 
“If I may ask how long has it been since a woman has walked the Elisview halls?”
“Discounting Marybell. You are the first since my mother died”
“Forgive me I shouldn’t-”
“It’s fine. You lost your own recently? My father told me”
“The dirt is still fresh upon her as it were.”
“I lost my own when I was thirteen. I warn you, The pain never truly leaves you.” 
“I can’t imagine it would.”
“You lost your father too?”
“Many years ago.”
“I’m sorry-”
“It’s alright, we all must lose and gain” I answered 
“I don’t see much of my father. He’s away most of the time, and even when he is here he doesn’t have much desire to see me.”
“Whyever not?”
“... it brings back memories for him. Terrible memories.” 
“Of your mother?”
“He’s always said I remind him of her, he doesn’t want to be reminded of his loss,” he said I didn’t speak I didn’t want to tear open the wounds he clearly still carried “Here. get yourself in for the night,” he said as we reached my room 
“Of course, Thank you for walking me back”
“Don’t leave again. Not without someone with you. Especially not at night.” He warned 
“Yes sir” I nodded sheepishly 
“But… I’ll come up in the morning take you down to breakfast. Stop you feeling so feverish” 
“Ohh thank you”
“It’s fine” he snapped “Get to bed.” He demanded heading off into the house and disappearing into the darkness not long after, I did as he asked going into my room and locking the door, I took off my dress and changed into my nightie, I threw an extra couple of logs on the fire, closed up the curtains and headed to bed climbing in and shutting the doors on myself crawling under the covers and doing my best to sleep and not worry over his words, and his concern, often stroking my ribbon out of fear he may have seen below it. 
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miidnighters · 6 months
alias / name : brodie
birthday : 6 august
zodiac sign : leo
height : 164 cm which i think is just under 5'4 ?
hobbies : writing, reading, embroidery, ttrpg
favourite colour : pastels - particulalry yellow
favourite book : the night circus by erin morgenstern, but shout out to Anne of Green Gables (which held the moniker until I read TNC) bc I'm sure have read that more times than I am years old
last film / show : dash cams australia lmao - but in terms of actual produced stuff, I rewatched Knives Out with my dad recently
recent reads : i just read the raven boys for the first time which was great, and I'm partway thru the mysterious affair at styles as well
inspiration : magical realism, slice of life, comfort, romance etc
story behind url : so, from memory (bc this is a very old URL), it initially came from the scott westerfeld midnighters trilogy, bc I love those books, and I was combining a couple of characters who previously had solo blogs onto the one multi, and who all were night-predisposed so. it made sense in my head
fun fact about me : ok so when i was thirteen my mum gifted my sister and I and a friend each tickets to go to the first twilight convention in Australia (I need u to understand how long ago this was) and like, I have so many stories about interacting w celebrities there but that actually introduced my mum to the event organisers and from there we spent the next 10ish years (until 2016) following conventions around Australia (both big general ones and smaller, niche single fandom ones - easily 8-10 a year) and I have met so many guests from various movies/shows who came out to attend these events etc.
(We did this bc she had a fandom-inspired jewellery/badge/little bit of everything business so like. we worked at all of these events but still a cool thing to miss school for)
tagged by: lovely @wildskissed and i was almost not gonna do it but your fact inspired me to share my fact lmao tagging: no one I just wanted to Share &lt;3 but tag me if YOU do this !!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Prowler Is Given Term," Border Cities Star. June 22, 1933. Page 3. ---- Man Caught in Cellar Of Church Sent To Penitentiary --- Draws Two Years ---- Plea for Leniency Spurned By Court as Record Is Offered ---- Charles H. Crownshields, 31, native of Belleville, whose police record dates back to 1916 and covers a wide range of jails - city, state, federal, American and Canadian - was sentenced this morning to a term of two years in the penitentiary at Portsmouth for breaking into the Immaculate Conception Church here. The sentence was meted out by Magistrate Brodie in city police court.
BEGS FOR LENIENCY Crownshields, who insisted he had only forced his way into the church basement for a night's lodging, that course being recommended by a fellow-traveler on the highway as a comfortable place, put up a strong plea for leniency in view of his promise to a girl to go straight. The promise was given, he explained, during a five-year stretch in Portsmouth. He had been sent away on that occasion for shopbreaking in the Town of Essex and for carrying dangerous weapons.
While appreciating the possibility that a man, some time in life, despite a long criminal career, may suddenly decide to reform, Magistrate Brodie was doubtful of the outcome if he sent the defendant to the Guelph prison farm. He suggested Crownshields, despite good intentions, would yield to an impulse and break custody again. His record, dug up from Supt. Wilkinson's files, showed he had broken away from an industrial farm many years ago and later from the town jail in Elkhart, Indiana.
HAS LONG RECORD Crownshield's record, international and varied in scope, revealed convictions for driving away automobiles, burglary, holdup, shopbreaking, breach of the American immigration laws. carrying guns, and breach of promise to marry a girl in Lockport, New York.
When arrested, Crownshields was wearing black gloves and carried a flashlight and a jackknife which was missing from a certain dwelling which had been entered just after the defendant's arrival in Windsor from the west.
ASKS PROBATION Crownshields asked for five or 10 years' probation "on his personal honor" but Magistrate Brodie said he couldn't do much for him in view of his remarkable record for getting into trouble.
Crownshields served terms in the U. S. prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, and in the Ohio State penitentiary. And, according to Detective-Inspector Renaud, he had anticipated at least seven years on the latest count.
[AL: Crownshields was 32, single, 'sallow' and known also by the aliases Charles Luftman, Henry Davink, and Henry Miller. He was born in Picton, Ontario, of German immigrant ancestors, but lived at times in Detroit and Windsor. His record was indeed long, including a stint in Leavenworth prison, Elmira reformatory, Mansfield prison farm, and a previous term as #674 at Kingston Penitentiary. He was convict #3104 this time around at Kingston Penitentiary. Crownshields worked in the Coal and Wood gang, shoveling coal off of delivery ships, weighing it, hauling it to storage, and distributing it to the boiler plant. Tough, sweaty, dirty work, though it afforded some freedom outside the walls. In July 1933, he signed a petition with the other inmates in his work crew:
“…We are working under conditions worse than any other gang….we are working in stifling heat and suffocating dust…[this] work is no play, we would gladly prefer a change of work to continuing under the present conditions...You [meaning the warden] have said that we are not entitled to fresh air and exercise. We do not know because we have no rules and regulation…all men working inside are entitled to it…we are working inside a building inside!” “We believe that our request for consideration in just…”
This apparently worked and they were granted more exercise and recreation in line with what the other inmates had won after the riot in 1932. He was released March 1935.]
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throwing-in-the-towel · 3 months
Have you ever stage doored? I’m going soon and I want to stage door but i’m really nervous because I’m not great in crowds and it’s kind of intimidating-what is the cast like? And do you have any tips for stage dooring? Like who to expect and not expect? Thanks for any help!
i stage door all the time, it’s arguably my favorite part about going to the show! i’ve met every cast member at the SD except brody. i have a SD tag i added to this post where i talk more about it!!
they’re all incredibly sweet and appreciative of the fans. they love have little convos and seriously listen to anything you have to say!!! they’re the best :) i’d recommend leaving during bows if u wanna make sure u get a spot at the front of the barricades!
pretty much everyone comes out. brody very rarely SDs, so i wouldn’t expect him at all. sky can also be hit or miss, but has come out the last 2 times i’ve gone, josh boone was well. jason is always a 50/50, he usually always comes out on tuesdays, but is a big maybe on two-show days, he’s not a guarantee. 
everyone else usually always comes out! emma, brent, and daryl always do, so if you’re looking for one of them, you’ll be in luck!
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I am so excited to share with you that Declan and Brody, Books One & Two in the Callaghan Mafia Series from Author Savannah Rylan are available now for $𝟬.𝟬𝟬 and .𝟵𝟵𝗰!  *𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆!*
Grab your copies today!
➪ ($0.00): https://books2read.com/u/bxQdK6
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𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙄𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙚. 𝙎𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙜𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨, 𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙙𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚.
𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙣:  𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙄’𝙢 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚.
𝘔𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘈𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘣 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺, 𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴. 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘩𝘰𝘸, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮. 𝘚𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳…
𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙮: 𝙎𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙛-𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙨.
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘍𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘵𝘦, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘌𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴.  𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘴…
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steelycunt · 3 years
i dont write fic for the love of it i do it because its the easiest way to slowly but surely propagate all my correct music opinions. sometimes im not even subtle abt it guys come on it's been beach boys propaganda from the word go don't act so surprised
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the-magicians-blue · 2 years
hey. ill give u some candy if u make more micah yujin content pspsps
👀 I would like twix please and thank you. Speaking of sweet things…
The biggest surprise Micah got when he started dating you was how sweet you actually are and how much you’re into him. He knew you liked him, but it’s not until you become a little more open and honest with him that he feels you love for him is as deep as his love for you. Of course the feisty side of you is still there and he still finds your back and forth banter exciting and sexy but BOI does he love your sweeter side. You were so gentle with him sometimes he felt one day he’d just melt and turn into a puddle of Micah. He’d like to think you’d still love him though.
You always make a point to set time aside to spend with him, even if its just a movie and cuddles before bed or a long video call on nights when he can’t be with you physically. He swears he was sent to heaven when he noticed your planner had ‘Micah Time <3’ on literally every day. Like how can someone be that cute??? He doesn’t get it??? Of course he never tells you that he saw your planner but every now when you call him or join him on the couch he’ll casually ask:
“Oh? Is it Micah time Angel? Good. I missed ya~”
To this day you aren’t sure if its a coincidence or if he knows.
On days where you’re both free to spend more time together sometimes you take him off guard with having something planned for you to do together. His favorite is when you find a desert recipe to try and make. He loves sweets and cooking. Adding you to the mix makes them a million times better for him. You two made a cake together once for his birthday and it became his favorite birthday gift to date.
Of course you being sweet doesn’t bar him from teasing you. The one thing he will never let you live down was when he caught you simping over him while gaming on call with your friend. You thought he was in the kitchen and you were in the clear to talk about him. Little did you know the sneaky man had decided to record your call onto his computer while you were distracted by the game and your friend when he overheard the mention of his name when he walked by the door. He listened in from a different room and was both floored and over the moon about how you described him to your friends. He’ll never admit it but he cried hearing what you had to say about him.
“He’s just so… amazingly perfect? Like yeah I wanna beat his ass half the time but like in a romantic way? It’s weird I deadass hated this man a few months ago and now I get depressed if I don’t hear from him at least once a day. This man has me in a choke hold and it concerns me that I’m becoming more an more ok with it. Like brodie I am DOWN BAD for this man. He could literally try to seduce me in that dumb weenie costume he has and I’d still think he’s cute. It’s weird… I don’t ever think I’ve been into someone this much before, especially in such a short time. It’s scary, but in a good way I guess…”
Later that night he showed up in his weenie costume with a smirk as started flirting with you, giving you the corniest jokes he’s got. When you laugh and tell him to leave and take the costume off he raises an eyebrow and goes:
“Oh? Why should I? If I’m remembering correctly didn’t you say you’d still think I’m cute weenie suit or not? I thought you were down bad for me~ Don’t try and deny it angel, I’ve got it all recorded.”
To this day he thanks the universe that he thought to have his camera ready because the look on your face was priceless for him. He even keeps as his home screen (not lock screen he would never allow anyone else to see such a cute reaction) or sends it to you randomly whenever you think you have the upper hand in one of your banters. However he never sends the actual recording to you. Thats his and his alone to hear. Whenever he has to be away from your home for a long period of time or he wants your attention while your working he’ll listen to to remind himself that you love him just as much as he does and even if you’re both busy eventually Micah Time will come around and he’ll have you to himself. Can’t have Micah Time without his angel right?
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hqrbinger · 3 years
all the way.
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summary; your boyfriend is leaving for a while, why not give him something special of yours to keep him company while he's away? pairings; xiao, kaedehara kazuha, scaramouche, and thoma x reader (no pronouns used) warnings; fluff, no beta, my N key is broken as fuck im so sorry i dont know how to fix it if there are any missing N's i am gonna smite my keyboard, xiao's is the longest as per usual notes; AHHHH ANOTHER IDEA BY MY WONDERFUL SHIMA/NEMOPHILA ANON <333 alas the ask was a bit long to include in the post but THE STORY ABT THE DOLL U HAVE HAD FOREVER WAS SO SWEET- i also have had a stuffed husky (his name is brody, everyone say hi to brody) who i've had for my entire life and i love him more than life itself. anyway i hope u like this, im also sorry i didn't include diluc but i dont write for him anymore <//3 i hope all the other boys i write for will be okay aaaaa dw i am a hopeless romantic too LMAO
song; all the way- frank sinatra (my 50's obsession isn't going away)
hcs utc :>
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⇢ so since xiao is bound to liyue, it's you who is leaving
⇢ when he hears that you're taking a several-month long excursion to inazuma, he is.... not really sure how to feel
⇢ he's not happy, but he doesn't want you to feel like you can't do what makes you happy
⇢ i feel like since you are in a pretty established relationship, he might have a bit of separation anxiety
⇢ he really cares about you and he's quite protective, he feels rather safe when you are still in liyue (and even mond since its still quite close) since he can always keep a watchful eye on you while you travel
⇢ but all the way in inazuma? especially with the state of the country?
⇢ yeah he's gonna be a worried mess (as if he's gonna show it though)
⇢ probably will act like nothing's bothering him while you pack your things, but you can definitely tell something's wrong
⇢ so just before you leave, you pull out a small, raggedy stuffed cat
⇢ he's a bit perplexed, to say the least, but when you hand it to him he can see your discomfort
⇢ the idea of important material possessions is foreign to him, but he understands how special the cat is and takes it from you gingerly as if it would disintegrate if he touched it
⇢ he would never admit it, but having the stuffed cat gave him so much comfort while you were gone
⇢ whenever he felt slightly worried or the anxiety over your safety was too much to bear, he would hug the cat tightly, your scent calmig him down
⇢ you can tell he needed it because it smells heavily of him when you return <3
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⇢ kazuha is almost always out at sea, this we all know
⇢ but occasionally, he does dock in liyue with the crew of the alchor and this is when he is able to see you <33
⇢ while he doesn't stay for long, he's not gone for all that long either
⇢ but when there's a particularly long journey beidou decides to embark on, missing eachother so much it hurts isn't an uncommon occurrence
⇢ so, on these excursions, you offer him your small stuffed crane that you have had since childhood
⇢ like xiao, he doesn't have many physical things he holds to, but he knows the importance of carrying something extremely special
⇢ he will likely treat it with the most care possible, trying his best not to touch it too much or get seawater on it, making sure he returns it in the same condition you gave it to him
⇢ just looking at it when he's in his small quarters makes him feel a lot less lonely on the open seas
⇢ some nights are worse than others, though, and its then when his hands long to hold yours that he will hold the crane close
⇢ it's not nearly as helpful as the real thing would be, but the small piece of your presence was just enough
⇢ he will feel guilty if he gets any tears on it though
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⇢ as a harbinger, scaramouche has long, long trips he goes on
⇢ they can take so long that usually he ends up just taking you with him, but if the situation arises that's too dangerous, he will keep you somewhere safe that's out of harms way
⇢ these trips are few and far between, since he can usually make arrangements for you, so when they do occur it's a bit hard to get used to
⇢ the first time he has to leave you behind, neither of you were happy about it
⇢ before he left with his agents, you pulled him aside and handed him a small bag with a kitsune stuffed animal inside
⇢ (this earned you a rare smile ahhh)
⇢ you know that he doesn't like showing his affection for you in public to maintain his image, so you putting it in a bag stood out to him specifically
⇢ he really appreciates all the small details you pay attention to, it makes him feel like you truly care about him
⇢ he will probably keep it in the bag for the most part to keep it from getting stained while he works, but it will almost always be on his person
⇢ while it doesn't exactly stand in for your waiting arms in his quarters after a long day, having a part of you with him even while he's on the job gives him some extra strength
⇢ will take it out when he's alone though, he can't help it <3
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⇢ so we don't know much about what he really does, but he does have a lot of connections around inazuma
⇢ this probably leads to a lot of business trips for him in order to maintain all of the relationships he has with... pretty much everyone
⇢ i would assume he is pretty lovey-dovey in a relationship, so any amount of time apart from you will probably kill him
⇢ so when you hand him the small stuffed shiba inu that he won for you at a festival, he nearly cries
⇢ you're a little hesitant to part with it since now you won't have anything to remember him by, but it's your turn to tear up when he gently hangs his necklace around your neck
⇢ he will absolutely take the shiba with him everywhere. and i mean it
⇢ meetings, traveling, sleeping, eating
⇢ if this was a modern au you would be receiving photos of it around different places with texts like "mr. shiba went to the grand narukami shrine today! (〃` 3′〃)" or "look who got to see serpent's head!!"
⇢ it's safe to say that it gets a bit dirty but you don't mind
⇢ it just means that thoma really needed the comfort
⇢ from then on the shiba was his mandatory travel buddy and he always took it with him <33
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