#broken toy
play-my-game · 11 months
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crashurcar · 11 days
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moondust-moth · 1 year
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waking up horny and needy is the best~
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sincerelyella · 2 years
Hello friend, it is I, @promptnonny
I have come bearing a gift for you 💗
Character A: “You’re mad.”
Character B: “No, I’m not mad. I’m happy, thrilled. I love looking like an idiot.”
Character A: “That explains your shoes.”
Have fun ❤️
Please tag me in what you come up with for this prompt 😘
Broken Toy
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Characters belong to Pixelberry; Ella Brooks belongs to me. Please note that my stories are not to be stolen and or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome and much appreciated.
Summary: An AU based on the show New Girl (my favorite can you tell??) Just a collection of one-shots and shenanigans that allude to the show. This will NOT be canon, that means this won’t be in Cordonia and Liam isn’t a King. If you have watched the show before, you know they are in Los Angeles, California.
The Loft masterlist
A/N: This is legit so dumb lol just pure shenanigans and I apologize in advance.
A/N2: I know I pop up every now and then, I’m so sorry for that. Aaaand I also know my taglist is OLD. So please please PLEASE let me know if you want off. I promise, my shit isn’t all that important and I won’t be offended. Love y’all!
Thank you @promptnonny for sending me this, I absolutely loved the prompt!
Also participating in @choicesflashfics with two prompts in bold.
Love you @ao719 thanks for reading this and encouraging me to post this craziness that may or may not make sense LOL
Warnings: Adult language; sexual innuendos; Loft shenanigans
Words: 979
Leo sighed as he took another long swig of his beer. The loft was empty and quiet that Friday night, save for the television playing some rerun of the news from earlier. He had a rough day at work, traffic was horrendous coming home, and trying to get used to the painful and swollen manhood in his pants was proving to be a difficult task. 
The cell phone that lay on the coffee table in front of him suddenly rang, and a picture of Ella popped up on the screen. Leo’s brow raised in question as he picked up the phone and swiped to answer. 
“Leo!” Ella’s frantic tone caused Leo to sit up on the couch, then immediately grimace and grab his crotch in pain. 
“What? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I need you to come and get me! You gave my number to the wrong guy!”
“Wrong guy?” Leo’s brain was half-buzzed and he had no idea what she was talking about. “You just don’t seem like yourself tonight, El, are you good?”
Ella let out an exasperated sigh. “I told you I liked Chad! And you gave my number to Beaver instead! And it turns out, that’s his government name! Not a nickname!”
The lightbulb finally flashed. “Oh! Chad? He’s boring as fuck! Beaver is so hilarious! What did he do?”
He heard Ella lower her voice, and there was a slight echo as if she was hiding in a bathroom. “He just told me a 10-minute joke about a squirrel with the punchline ‘eat these nuts.'"
Leo let out a loud rumble of laughter. “You’re gonna end up having sex missionary with a lot of eye contact.”
“Come pick me up now!” Ella hissed. “This is your fault!”
The next day 
Leo sat at the kitchen island, a large bag of ice over his crotch as he thumbed through a new issue of Better Homes & Gardens while sipping his coffee. Ella slammed a drawer shut and it made Leo jump. “What is wrong with you?”
“I can’t believe you did that to me, Leo,” Ella snarled as she stirred her coffee and creamer. “What did I ever do to you?”
“Firstly,” Leo stuck a finger in the air. “I did nothing to you. If anything, I was trying to help a friend. Second,” he stuck another finger up. “You set me up with that model and now my whole penis is broken! You had this coming.”
Ella raised a brow. “Aw, so sad that your toy is broken. That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
“No, what’s melodramatic is me not being able to get something going with myself! It’s like a taffy pull on a hot summer’s day!”
“Ewwww!” Ella screamed as she covered her ears. 
Drake and Maxwell walked into the kitchen, Drake with his normal scowl, Max with his cheerful smile. 
“Good morning everyone!”
“What did Rys do now?” Drake asked upon seeing Ella with her hands over her ears.
Ella let out a frustrated sigh. “I can’t even repeat it, I can still see the visual in my retinas!” She stomped off to her room in a huff.
“She left her coffee,” Max quipped. “Let me bring it to her before she short circuits.” He grabbed the mug and high-tailed after her.
Drake took the first sip of his black coffee and sighed happily. “Hey, how long are you gonna ice that thing?”
Leo shook his head sadly. “Eight weeks. Any excitement is excruciating pain.”
Drake nodded in response; then his mouth curled into a mischievous smirk. “Boobies.”
He hid his growing smile behind his mug as he took another sip of coffee, then repeated himself a little louder than before. “Boobies.”
Leo sat up in his seat, a broad smile on his face. “Oh I love boobies … ow!”
Drake couldn’t contain his grin as he continued. “Girls with clean hair.”
Leo’s smile had faded and his face contorted into a grimace as he groaned in pain. “This is the least funny game we’ve ever played.”
“Models eating sliders.”
“What the fuck, Walker? Stop!” 
“Bernadette Peters on a high beam.”
Leo pressed his forehead against the kitchen island as he squirmed and continued to grab himself to lessen the pain.
“Freshly baked bread,” Drake gleefully continued his word torment.
“Why do you hate me?” Leo yelled.
Drake cackled. “Leo, this is just your hypochondria.” 
“No, when I sat on the mute button and thought I’d gone deaf, that was my hypochondria!” He slowly slid off of the bar stool and hobbled to his room. “I need a fucking cast on this!”
“You’re mad.”
“No, I’m not mad,” Leo hollered from his room. “I’m happy, thrilled. I love when you make me look like an idiot.”
Drake wandered to the open door and smirked at his friend laying face down on his bed. “That explains your shoes,” he snorted. “I kid, I kid. But really, they’re ridiculous.”
Leo’s head flung up and glared; he had his fluffy dinosaur house shoes on. “It’s cold and comfortable!”
“It’s 68 degrees, Rys!”
“What are you wearing? Like I’m the one wearing stupid shit!” Leo gestured to Drake’s pants. “Are those your girlfriend’s pajama bottoms?”
Drake awkwardly looked down at himself, forgetting he threw it on and pulled his shirt down over his crotch. “It’s uh … football pants for breast cancer awareness.”
“It’s pink with 'juicy' written on your ass, you freaking weirdo.”
Throwing back the last of his coffee, Drake grimaced and released an exasperated breath. “I like how it hugs my junk okay?”
A door opened down the hall and a female voice echoed down the hallway. “Drake, where are my pants?”
Drake’s eyes widened and he turned and ran back to his bedroom. Leo let out a hoot of laughter, then grunted and grabbed his crotch in pain. “Busted!”
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brokentoyboxpngs · 1 year
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admiralgiggles · 2 years
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I don’t like sand ….
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receiving-tomb · 4 months
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funnytooncaps · 11 months
Baby Looney Tunes review - s1ep1a (Taz in Toyland)
Intro stuffs
Hello and welcome to my review. Just to let you know, this review is not intended for kids as it may include adult language and adult or dark discussion at times.
Now before we get to the main review, I have to explain something about the structure of what this show considers an episode. Each episode consists of 2 individual stories with a song in the middle. Despite each story having its own title, both of these stories are considered episode 1. This is why I have labelled this as episode 1a as this is a review of specifically the first story in this episode. The second story I will call 1b. It just makes this easier to understand. With that said let's begin.
First we are gonna cover the PLOT of the episode and I will go on tangents along the way. Then later, I will elaborate on some other things.
This episode starts with the baby looney's each playing with their own toys in a different area of the room. The cringe starts early as we are only half a minute in and already Tweety is shown laughing at their own reflection in a hand mirror like its the best thing ever with cheesy sound effects every time they move their head up to the mirror. Better get used to those sound effects coz they NEVER STOP!
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After talking to a friend, apparently this is meant to be a joke about what canaries do which is the species of bird he is supposed to be. Yes apparently they are a he. For years I thought they were a she but oh well. -v-' Am I the only one who thought this? Anyways, that's besides the point.
What I want to mention here is wtf is the point in having a joke about the species of bird they are here? This is a pretty specific joke at the best of times let alone a show I presume is targeted to toddlers but we will speak more about the target audience later as that is its own tangent. The cat jokes for Selvester make more sense coz the first animals kids learn about is cats and dogs so they might get those but this joke is only going to make sense to someone who owns a pet bird. This is an odd choice for the FIRST joke in this show but oh well I guess we moving on.
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(this screenshot is from part 2 but it shows all the characters at the same time to prove my point)
Another weird thing you might notice here is for some reason they decided that all the baby main characters would have diapers EXCEPT Tweety and Taz and I have no fucking idea why. This just confuses me coz it proves they COULD have made them all have no pants or all have diapers but instead they went with this for reasons. You'd think it might be because Tweety is the least humanoid character and they didn't want to show humanoid characters with no pants but then why no diaper at all and why not one on Taz? Do they just shit on the floor and get a pass? When you watch the intro to the show they have different characters without diapers as well and the promotional art is all over the place. Someone explain this to me please! Anyways, I am getting too hung up on general stuff here, let's move onto the actual episode shall we?
So we see all the kids playing and eventually we get to Taz who is shown playing with a toy car. He then drives it across the floor as one would expect to do with a toy car and it crashes into a large piece of furniture and breaks. This has got to be the flimsiest toy car ever. Who gives a toddler, let alone one like Taz, a toy that easy to break?
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Then Taz cries like the baby he is and Granny comes in to see what's wrong. He shows her the broken off wheel of the car and she turns to see the crushed car shell as well. Taz is apparently non verbal in this show which is better than him being voiced tbf but leaves some questions I will discuss later. But instead of Granny conceding she needs to go to a better toy store she instead chastises the literal toddler for breaking all his toys. Somehow this is Taz's fault. And here we see where this episode moral is going.
Good luck teaching literal TODDLERS to be more careful with their toys! They are young enough they shouldn't even be given toys with small parts to break anyway coz they will eat them! We are off to a fucking great start when the entire premise of the very first episode makes no fucking sense and has shown terrible parenting from the parental figure in the show. Also she keeps leaving the room and leaving a room full of toddlers with toys alone is also a terrible parenting idea although at least that makes sense coz nothing would happen if they were accompanied all the time.
So Granny says she needs to give Taz a toy that is not so easy to break. Wow fucking genius idea Granny. Maybe you should have thought of that 10 toys ago! No seriously look at the pile of broken toys he just has inexplicably lying in the corner here.
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So she says she has just the thing and hands Taz a new toy. She makes Taz promise to be careful with the toy before leaving him alone again. Great idea Granny coz that worked so well the other 10 times didn't it? If you have had one of these toys before you can probably see where this is going coz it is recognizable as a specific type of toy.
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So poor Taz tries really hard through the rest of the episode to keep this toy safe. He even barricades himself inside a block castle with a keep out sign. Forgetting the fact it then later mentions they don't know their letters so how the fuck did he know what the sign was for but anyways.
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Then Tweety is seen playing with Selvester a game of pretend with Selvester as the baby and Tweety as the parent but they are already babies so wtf even is this? There is a joke here about baby food tasting terrible here which again makes no sense coz THEY ARE BABIES!
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So Tweety forces Selvester to eat it and Selvester ends up chasing Tweety. Then Tweety is an asshole and sneaks into the castle fort despite the sign when he knows he is being chased by Selvester and so Selvester crashes into the castle and destroys it. Taz is worried about the toy but it is fine.
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Then Bugs and Daffy encourage (more like demand) Taz play crash with their toy cars with his new toy inside the back of the dump truck toy Bugs has. They are literally goading him to break his new toy. When Taz says no which is fair enough they keep pressuring him so he feels forced to take action to escape the problem. Taz sees a bookshelf and decides to climb up it to escape them.
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Then we have a King Kong reference coz of course. A pop culture reference so old that probably not even the parents watching the show with their kids would get it. So Taz leaves his toy up there and then climbs down again. Then Tweety crashes into Taz which bumps the bookshelf behind him and the toy falls on the ground. The toy falls into pieces.
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Poor Taz tried so hard only to fail at something which wasn't even his fault in the end and was too young to be expected to deal with in the first place. He cries and Granny comes in. Granny then laughs at the toddler for being not smart enough to tell the toy isn't actually broken but its a toy which is designed to fall apart when the button at the bottom is pressed and come back together when you let go. Did any of you have one of these as a kid? I did so I know exactly what this is. They can still break it btw. I did lol. They easily get stuck in weird positions after a while and get tangled. But on another note wtf Granny?! You know Taz gets upset when toys break so you decided to give him a toy which pretends to break just to make him cry and then laugh at him later? wtf.
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Yep so in summary of the plot, Taz keeps breaking his toys by playing too rough apparently so Granny gives him a toy which is designed to break and doesn't tell him but instead makes him promise to be careful and not break it. Then through no fault of his own the toy falls apart and Granny just laughs at him. The end. wtf are we supposed to learn from that?
This show, like a lot of shows for young kids, focuses on moral problems and little life lessons which a kid might find useful so now we are going to talk about the moral of this story.
I guess the moral is supposed to be "be careful with your toys or they will break" but as I have already mentioned, the kids who would supposedly watch this show would be too young for this lesson. You really expect a kid who is young enough to need warnings of not to eat small parts on toys to be careful with their toys? No of course not.
And this outlines a big problem with this show which you might have noticed by now. Time to have a talk about the target audience of this show. I have to ask a burning question. WTF IS the target audience here?! They are babies so you would think the audience would be something similar since they often have main characters a similar age to the target audience to make them relatable to the audience. However, these "babies" don't act like babies or even toddlers at all. They instead fill all the 10 year old tropes instead. So the show is for kids of that age?
Well, if it is it fails miserably coz it is so bare bones and basically the equivalent of shaking keys at a child and that isn't enough for a kid that old. There is no way they would care about the tiny issues of the day to day lives of these babies or the moral lessons they are teaching here as they are long past those at this point and yet the lesson here is too much to expect very young kids to get anything out of either. This leaves the shows main moral completely useless. This wouldn't be too much of an issue if the show was at least harmless so it would be a worthy distraction for a young child but…
Unfortunately, the episode ends up teaching BAD lessons on top of this. Examples such as, teaching kids its ok to climb large pieces of furniture. I don't think I need to tell you why that is dangerous to teach young kids. Then there is the way Taz's supposed "friends" try to force him to do something he doesn't want to and don't respect his boundaries and wishes in any way in this episode. Maybe a little much to learn for young kids but it certainly doesn't help showing this bad behavior from these characters we are supposed to support. Let alone the actions of Granny who is supposed to the role model here, teasing the poor child for no reason and punishing him for something which isn't his fault.
This means that letting your young child watch this show would actually be MORE dangerous than not watching it. I don't think you could get any worse in a kids show than that.
One more thing of note to discuss about the target audience is how weird it is having a "baby" looney tunes show in the first place. Looney Tunes is a very old franchise so any kids or even the adults of kids this young will probably be too young to even know who any of these characters are which brings to question what even is the point in using these characters. If anything it is just confusing. Although this isn't much of an issue in this show as the origins of the characters doesn't have much relevance to anything in the show in the first place other than a few quick references here and there for no reason. It shows just how much of a cash grab this show is that you could literally replace these characters with anyone else and it wouldn't matter one bit.
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Animation, Sound Design and Voice Acting etc
Now to talk about the animation, voice acting and other such junk. There isn't much to say here. The voice acting is decent for a show like this and not annoying thank goodness. I think that is to be expected tho since Warner Bros have plenty of money and resources to pull for this. I do especially like Grannies voice personally, she sounds so calm and wise like a Granny should (despite how she acts in this episode).
The animation however is as lazy as you can get. It's pretty obvious they churned this out quick with no regard to make it move nicely. However, due to it being for young kids and having slapstick style humour often considering it is using looney tunes characters; this doesn't affect the show too much tbh. There can be many animation errors tho and continuity errors considering the lack of effort tho and kids don't deserve something this lazy just because they can get away with it. There are plenty of other better animated shows for the same age range so it doesn't have much of an excuse.
The backgrounds are in a watercolour painting style which actually looks pretty nice but unfortunately this makes the plain flat coloured cartoon characters stand out even more in a jaring and garish way like they don't belong. It looks like a cheap drawing like a clip art slapped on a nice piece of artwork.
And the sound design, HO BOY the sound design! There is constant silly sound effects and it gets annoying very quick. It's understandable to some extent tho since this is again a looney tunes cartoon with slapstick humour and that is the style of that. This is also supposedly for young kids so this kinda thing will keep them engaged but yet again, just coz it is the basic way to get a kids attention doesn't mean they couldn't do better. This is the most basic ticking of the box you can get for a cartoon like this.
The music is actually not too bad. it's a shame it is hard to hear over all the silly sound effects because it goes up and down in a classic music style similar to the old looney tunes cartoons so it is fitting. It seems to be the only thing they did right here. Lord knows if anyone can get it right it should be looney tunes.
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So in conclusion. What did we learn today kids? Climbing large furniture is apparently fine and dandy. Your friends are assholes and wont accept your wishes or boundaries when you want them to and Granny is also a troll. We learned nothing of value today. Fantastic. Add that to actually potentially teaching dangerous and bad habits to young kids and just the laziest animation possible and you have one of the worst kids shows I have ever seen.
Some people might think I am being too harsh and this is harmless but I have no tolerance for shows which teach bad morals to young kids. Make of it what you will.
I give this show a score of 2/10 It is not the worst I have seen but considering the young audience it isn't far from it.
Although this episode covers a lot of the show in general, you can't judge a show by just 1 episode. Especially what is technically the pilot episode of the series. So I am going to review more of this show later. However, of course, I have already covered overall things like animation and voice acting which wont change much from episode to episode so I won't mention those things again unless something changes or is relevant to that episode for some reason. With that said, I hope you enjoyed this review. Have a good day people and remember to stay hydrated and have a break from time to time :3 <3
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dailyenglishvoca · 1 year
Today's song is Broken Toy by Timelocked Tunes featuring the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku
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daily-coloring · 1 year
"The way you used to hold me
Always felt so divine
And nobody told me that after the lonely
I'd have a love all mine
But summer turned to winter
It never could last
But once would amuse you
Would now make me lose you
We just happened far too fast
And I know that it's over for good
You told me the world would never enjoy
But you words are untrue
Look at me and how you lie
I'm tossed aside like a broken toy
I knew that I'd fallen hard for you
When you spun me close
What can I do?
I'm tossed aside like a broken toy
The coils in the motor
They're hidden from sight
But under the surface, the heart has a purpose
That brings it all to life
It needs a little nurture
Or else it'll die
Too long in the shadows will only bring sorrows
The story of you and I
And I know that it's over for good
You told me the world would never enjoy
But you words are untrue
I know you you lie
I'm tossed aside like a broken toy
I knew that I'd fallen hard for you
When you spun me close
What can I do?
I'm tossed aside like a broken toy
I'll always wait for you
You'll pick me up again
And I'll be on the mend
Though I might turn to dust
I'll never turn to stone
My heart is yours to own
You told me the world would never enjoy
But you words are untrue
Look at me and how you lie
I'm tossed aside like a broken toy
I knew that I'd fallen hard for you
When you spun me close
What can I do?
I'm tossed aside like a broken
Like a broken toy"
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fonmythenmetz · 3 months
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The most powerful force user to ever live (smol)
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ginsdarkness · 2 months
How is it that all sexual encounters make me think about someone else!!! I feel absolutely ruined.
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elviejopotter · 2 years
Sadly, the dremmel I need to make the reparations is a bit more expensive that I planned for my monthly budget. So here I have the Gundam RX-00 in Unicorn Mode. Next month will come with the arm fixed and the NTD-mode activated
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ohlookitsanartist · 2 years
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Pencimber Day 30: Broken Toy (Anagram)
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happychica · 2 years
Puzzle Pieces, Chapters 8 & 9
Javi belongs to the magnificent @bardofheartdive - thank you for letting Scott fall head over heels for him <3
Prompt number: 8 - Cooperation Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda - AU Rating: G Warnings/Tags: none
Excerpt:    “Come on, kid, work with me.”
Prompt number: 10 - Injury Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda - AU Rating: G Warnings/Tags: none
Excerpt: “Can you fix it?” Tomás asked.
“No!” Mia shrieked, clutching her doll to her chest once more.  “She’s broken!  You broke her!”
“Well, let me see,” Scott said, holding out the hand no longer attached to his jaw by stress.  When Mia just glared at him, Scott found a smile.  “Please, Mia?  Maybe Daddy can fix it.”
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usertoxicyaoi · 13 days
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"After everything I've done to you, and you don't say a word?"
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