#broken trio
autism-alley · 5 months
thinking abt how annabeth is the baby out of her, luke, and thalia, who always believed so fiercely in luke’s goodness, always felt so comforted by thalia’s presence—so obviously the youngest—yet out of the three, she is the only one who will ever grow old. the only one to grow past the scared little child into a fully-fledged hero. not a hunter, eternally a child, eternally wild. not a villain or anti-hero, whose last moments of heroism exist lost in those last few moments of fading breath. in a way, the baby is the trio’s only survivor. the only one who lives to become more than that—a true hero. gods, can you imagine that? little seven year old annie? cold, scared, and dirty, shaking in some back end alley armed only with a hammer? little annie—a hero standing tall. fully realized. now that’s something, isn’t it?
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justaneedle · 11 days
OG or AU, but angst due to Luke's strong brotherly vibes, where the kids who love him can't stop comparing themselves to Annabeth and Thalia, believing that compared to them they are unimportant.
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aiuzira · 11 days
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"Finally Jason picked up one of the photos that had fallen. It was a strip of pictures like you’d take in a do-it-yourself photo booth: Annabeth and the sandy-haired guy, but with another girl between them. She was maybe fifteen, with black hair—choppy like Piper’s—a black leather jacket, and silver jewelry, so she looked kind of goth; but she was caught mid-laugh, and it was clear she was with her two best friends." -The Lost Hero
knew i had to draw my own version of this the minute i read about it i love them dearly
also im so excited to finally see thalia in s2 so excited for her casting
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daisychains111 · 5 months
we don't know a lot of lore about how chb was protected before thalia became a tree, and we don't know a lot of lore about why thalia's tree protected camp
but we do know that there was a girl who only wanted her friends to he safe. Who knew she was going to die but went back to make sure luke and annabeth would have time to get to camp. a girl who clearly would do anything for her friends
so wouldn't it make sense that on what she thought was her last dying breath, all she could do was plead to a father she wasn't sure would answer, "Please just keep them safe." and then he LISTENED
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gavfleetout · 4 months
When Annabeth mentioned that Thalia made her earn her respect, it makes sense because I always got the sense that Thalia grew up in demented Hollywood where her mother was always trying to prove herself for roles and gigs, combined with her own experiences with Zeus. But then I wondered if 7 y/o Annabeth was simply misinterpreting it.
What if Thalia was reluctant to have Annabeth join because she didn’t want her to get hurt by monsters, but also because she was scared of being attached. She’d already lost one little sibling and blamed herself, and was probably scared to get close to Annabeth only to potentially fail her the way she felt she failed Jason. Hence also why she defends Annabeth and Luke with her life on the hill, she doesn’t want to lose anymore family. But when Annabeth gets to camp, she learns the way the gods operate, and assumes that Thalia was operating on the same messed up system.
Idk I just like it better than Thalia making a 7 year old prove herself. And I feel like Percy will def confront Thalia about it in s3 because he’s a king, and I’d love to hear her side of things.
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heroesofolympus-0508 · 9 months
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I am so fucking obsessed with the broken trio rn in case no one noticed. There is NOT enough content for them.
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silentstudiosyt · 8 days
Draw something on my list ❌
Draw the broken trio ✔️
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fluffykitten246 · 2 years
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🖤❄️ Broken!Aria StimBoard ❄️🖤
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whamber · 2 months
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Hardwon homecoming
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apotipoy · 4 months
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zeravmeta · 6 months
the true potential of cross guild is that no matter what, buggy can Only fail upwards. like i genuinely do think that mihawk and crocodile will come to begrudgingly respect buggy for inexplicably revitalizing their dreams and aspirations as actual pirates vs treating everything as business and never trusting anyone, but consider: Cross Guild just keeps expanding after the fact
Gecko Moriah and Perona, after their encounter with the Blackbeard Pirates, salvage what they can of their crew and join up
Doflamingo is broken out of Impel Down alongside Bon Clay in a second prison break scandal and they both decide to join up
Rayleigh, wanting protection for Amazon Lily and for Boa to gain more allies, gets in touch with Buggy after all this time to join his crew ala Jinbe joining Luffy
Neo MADS, in need of resources and manpower after their scuffle with the Big Mom Pirates, contact and eventually conglomerate into Cross Guild, meaning Caesar Clown, Judge and the Vinsmoke siblings all join as well
Vivi meeting up with them alongside Wapol after escaping Mary Geoise and joining them, at least until she can find the Straw Hats
Buggy, through no reason other than being gods favorite chewtoy, straight up having a fully decked out Yonko crew of former warlords, legends and everything in between where no one takes him truly seriously but at the very least respect his authority as Yonko to not kill him. but oh boy do they keep him guessing. the only reason it doesnt fall apart is because they're all united in dunking on this silly little clown that, for the funniest reasons ever, is luckier than the devil himself to not be killed by them
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Poseidon, after learning that Luke Thalia and Annabeth messed with his [unnamed] cyclops son while on the run from Hades' furies:
Poseidon: You had better hope that the furies catch you before I do :)
Poseidon: Just walk a little closer to that lake. Stop by that shoreline. Trip and fall into that puddle. Come a little closer :)
Poseidon: My pet krakens will have new prey to hunt and eat :)
Hermes, distraught: They were defending themselves! Please don't kill my son!
Athena, silently to herself: No, your idiot boy was clearly picking a fight with the cyclops. But I won't say that because it means siding with Poseidon, and I have plans for Annabeth. I need her alive.
Poseidon: Hermes that's irrelevant. They messed with my child, they shall become ocean food :)
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rinisdrawing · 5 months
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fav friends + family 🫶
(also, it’s my birthday today!! here’s some doodles of characters that make me very happy <3)
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britney-rosberg06 · 4 months
Luke shouldn’t regret poisoning the tree btw. He thinks it’s a good thing, to finally put Thalia out of her eternal misery. He thinks he is giving her the justice she needs. For Zeus to deny her that hero’s death, is the ultimate slight to her name to Luke. Of course, there’s the symbolism of the death of his relationship with Annabeth as well. Killing the tree severs the last remaining thread he and annabeth have to eachother. So he kills it to further his own selfish goals for what he thinks is his sisters’ would want. When really it’s what he wants
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skretri · 1 year
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corazón roto
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