ratumiasarah · 6 months
5~am : just bored dan sleepy😄
Follow saya 🥺
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hoshigray · 1 year
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ma’am are we gonna talk about that bio…. 🤕 HOW AM I A OPP ???? ARENT WE MARRIED ??? *sob sob sniffle* typical hoshi bullying karma 🙁
Oh? So you don't remember why you an opp? Okay, lemme sit down for this rq. Bout to hit you with all these receipts.
Exhibit A:
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I was over here defending you and shit during your two-day break, even said some kind words to you and wished you a well-rested return. Then this girl Zari tried to use you, MY WIFE, against me and Toji!! I obviously wasn't having that and rebounded that shit ASAP no Rocky. And what do you do???
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🙃🙃🙃 to say that I was hurt is just scratching the surface. My #1 hype man, my day UNO, the loml, my toji brainrot partner in crime, stabbing me in the back like this!!?? But wait, there's more:
Exhibit B:
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"kinda"......KINDA!!?? That means a 70% part of you DOESN'T feel sorry for me!! My jaw stayed dropped for an entire 30 mins fr 😭😭💔 And last, but not least:
Exhibit C:
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Oh? You don't see what I see?
Computer, ENHANCE!!!!
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Do I even have to say anything about this? It's as clear as day 🤨🤨 So yeah, babes, ily to the moon and beyond. But after today, I'm seeing you in a WHOLE different light. Who do I trust? Do I go on with my life and just deactivate this account? Do I find the divorce papers and send that shit right at ya face? Find out next time on: fuck around and find out.
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alexvanhok · 8 months
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Дорогой И.,
Прошло много времени. В прошлом письме я рассказывал тебе, что повёлся, и забыл написать ещё одно: что всё хорошо, все наладилось, я ошибся вновь. Это было недолго, но мы с тем парнем сблизились, и это было удивительно, ведь... Я давно уже бродячий пёс.
И вот, сейчас прошёл месяц с последней нашей с ним переписки. Как ни странно, он оказался моей первой настоящей влюблённостью, юношеской любовью, и знай, я влюблён по уши и сейчас. И если бы он не был склонен к побегу, моё признание бы не обернулось расставанием.
Я клянусь тебе, ничего не напоминает мне о нем. Он исчез, и я вычеркнул его имя из своей жизни. Я удалил все фотографии, видео, мессенджер, где я с ним общался, я всё удалил, и его контакты переименованы из "мой пассивчик" в "Саша".
Но я ещё долго буду хранить в памяти, что на его лице 17 родинок. А Ещё что он очень стеснителен, чувствителен и легко смущается. Что он безолаберный, безответственный ребенок, который заботится о людях, которые ему близки.
Но всё это не имеет значения: он пройденный этап, и я тоже. И я живу дальше. Будто ничего не случилось, совершенно обыденно куда-то езжу, рисую, готовлю, обустраиваю домашний быт, слежу за собой, и со своим расписанием стараюсь видеться с друзьями.
Ничего не изменилось. Я просто влюбился, а меня приманили пальцем и воткнули нож в сердце. Совершенно банально и обыденно.
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makiko-art-mr · 1 year
Anni fa seguivo un disegnatore su Pinterest che aveva uno stile davvero bello, purtroppo il disegno originale non son riuscita a ritrovarlo (neanche il disegnatore🥲) ma metto comunque quello fatto da me. Un abbraccio a tutti eee niente oggi vado con qualcosa di più malinconico.
Years ago I was following a designer on Pinterest who had a really cool style, unfortunately I could not find the original drawing but I still put the one made by me. A hug to everyone and today I'm posting something a little melancholy.
Author : unknown
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directdilse88 · 1 year
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Main fir nahe samajh paya #direct_dilse_88 #shayri #hindishayari #sadshayri #loveshayari #broken #broken💔 #brokenheart https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnqv97YSHkD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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30-98am · 2 years
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🔸follow @written_quotes_only for more✅🔸 🔻 🔻 ➡️ꜱᴀᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ qᴜᴏᴛᴇꜱ ➡️ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴩ quotes ➡️ʀʟᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ qᴜᴏᴛᴇꜱ 🔻 🔻ꜱʜᴀʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ yᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛᴏʀy♂️ 🔻 🔻 🔻ɪɢɴᴏʀᴇ ʜᴀꜱʜᴛᴀɢꜱ :- #quotesbucinberkelas #quotescewek #dreamcatcherforsale #quotesbermoral #brokenheartsyndrome #instik #dreambag #brokenheartqoutes #quotesandnotes #brokenheart💔🤕 . . #relationshipsayings #quotesarabic #relationshipsgoals❤️❤️❤️ #relationshipssuck #quotescewek #quotesbucinberkelas #quotesbisnis #relationshipscoach #instik #quotesbajinganberkelas https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch5Ac6TvVga/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sowjanyamurthy · 2 years
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Remember, they are not the medicine. . . . . #wordgasm #words #broken💔 #brokenheart #brokenbutbeautiful #lovefailure #lovefailurequotes #lovefailuresongs #lovelanguages https://www.instagram.com/p/ChclJS3PY0j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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handlerofwords · 2 years
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Don’t lose yourself 💔 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #brokenheartquotes💔 #sadlovequotes #brokenquotes #sadlove #brokenhearts #sadfeelings #brokenfeelings #brokenedits #heartbreakquotes #sadquotespage Handled : 39 (at BrokEn heaRt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWSMq6ruvz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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creedslove · 1 year
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: You finally allow Jack to step into his father role but he's brokenhearted to see he's not going to be more than that
(this is the eighth chapter of the HEARTLESS 💔 series)
Warnings: sexual tension, angst, hurt, fluff, mom!reader
A/N: another chapter that I have absolutely no idea how you guys will react, but I hope you all enjoy it besties ❤️
3.5k words
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"I beg you for a second chance, sugar" 
Shock ran through your whole body as you heard Jack's words. Some part of you didn't want to give him the time of the day, but another part just had to hear what he had to say, he seemed desperate for a moment, the way his sad eyes watched you, begging you for a chance to be heard, a chance to be the father of your son, and a chance to be with you again.
Your heart broke.
He needed that, he needed to have your attention for a while, even if he wasn't worthy of it, you couldn't deny him that, so you sighed heavily the moment he gripped your wrist making sure you wouldn't escape him while he confessed his words. Honestly, you expected another load of empty apologizes disguised in a sweet voice that held no truth, only for Jack to restart his batch of cruelty by insulting you whenever you didn't meet any of his absurd demands. You had already prepared yourself for another round of Jack being obnoxious and offending you as soon as you didn't give him, your emotional walls were up again, but Jack came in like a wrecking ball tumbling them down, when he confessed everything to you. 
"I-" it was all you could say. All you could whisper at him, watching as his eyes full of hope stared at you eagerly, needing an answer, he had exposed himself so you would see the truth behind his actions and it pained you to think he was pouring his feelings out because everyone knew Jack Daniels would never bring his deceased wife and unborn son into a conversation if he didn't mean it. 
You were caught by surprise, still unsure of what to do or what to say, so you only took your hand to his cheek, the same place you hit him earlier that morning, but this time your touch was gentle and at some extent offering comfort. You felt a pang in your chest at the way Jack leaned towards your touch, looking for more of it, more contact and affection from you. It hurt to see how Wyatt did exactly the same thing. Jack swallowed and you had to face those sad, beautiful, brown eyes, glistening with the tears he held back. 
"Jack… I'm sorry about everything that happened, about you getting injured, about your first family…" you told him honestly "I had no idea…" you swallowed "I'm glad Ginger saved your ass, I wouldn't like to see you dead" you smiled sadly and he took your hand, giving you a happy smile in response to your sad one and kissed your hand gently. 
"I need to think about what you asked me, is that okay?" You said and watched as he nodded, being understanding and finally seeing his way back into your heart - or at least your life with your son - was being gentle, decent and nice to you. 
You excused yourself and exited his room, heading back to yours and lying in bed - not before stopping by your son's new bedroom and feeling your heart filled with love as he slept so peacefully without a care in the world. You envied him. Wyatt was so unaware of the problems around him, he was so innocent and happy, anything really made him excited and got the giggles going and you wished you could be like that, you wished you could just close your eyes and have a peaceful night of sleep, forget about everything that worried you and rest your head against your pillow. 
Each time you closed your eyes, however, your conversation with Jack replayed in your mind over and over, making you restless and anxious, as you had an answer but you didn't know how to explain it to him. If it were just a few hours before, you would've loved to rub it in his face a negative answer, but now things had changed again. You weren't happy about it, but you knew you had to do the right thing; and as much as your plan was to wait until the morning to do so, you simply couldn't fall asleep, couldn't relax, the tension and the anxiety keeping you wary and wide awake, not able to simply appreciate the comfortable bed you were in. You tossed and turned, not finding a comfortable position, the blankets seemed to sting your skin and you groaned annoyed. 
So you simply got up, and walked back to Jack's room. 
You figured he would be as anxious and tense as you, so it wouldn't be too bad to possibly wake him up, as you hesitantly walked through the hallway and once again opened the door to Wyatt's room to find him sleeping peacefully once more, you gathered the courage you needed to in order to talk to Jack, it was about your son's future after all and Wyatt deserved the best you and his dad could afford, both financially and also emotionally. He deserved to have a family, a father and a mother, even if they weren't together like the families he often saw in his movies and cartoons, he deserved the option, to have the right to see his cowboy daddy, to go to his fancy ranch on the weekends and spends special dates with Jack, even if it meant you would have to be around, it would still be worthy because your son would be happy and his happiness and well-being were everything you wished for ever since he was born. 
You finally got to Jack's room and knocked on the door softly, looking over the walls and then down onto the floor, waiting for the man. You felt your heart race for absolutely no reason, it's not like you would find him with a woman inside, but at the same time it felt so weird, you'd slept in that room with him, it used to be your room. You'd slept, fucked, made love, exchanged promises for the future and like a thin glass, it all shattered without a warning. You heard his steps coming from inside, just as you'd guessed, he wasn't asleep at all, so it didn't take long for him to open the door to you.
But you gasped. 
Because as soon as the door was open, you could watch Jack Daniels, also known as Senior Agent Whiskey, displaying his great shape in his almost naked glory, wearing nothing but a pair of very tight black boxers. You knew Jack often slept with his boxers on or nothing at all, but you had forgotten about it? Or you thought he would throw some sweats before opening the door to you. But then you thought again and reminded yourself that it was Jack, and he wouldn't throw any sweats.
You bit your lips as you watched him, he looked incredible. He was a big, large man, his body was well-built and he always looked inviting. You couldn't help yourself to think the only thing that was missing was his black cowboy hat. That and his lasso, so you could use it to tie him down to his bed, making your cowboy so defenseless, being exposed like that. Then all you would have to do would have your thighs on each side of his waist, lowering yourself on his cock and taking his stetson and placing it on your own head, ready to make the cowboy hat rule come to life. 
"Sugar?" He asked you and gently poked your arm, drawing your attention back to him "cat got your tongue? You've been staring for quite a while, is everything okay?" He raised his eyebrow and watched as your face turned a deep shade of red. 
You didn't know where those ideas came from, that would be the last thing in your mind. You and Jack were at war, he offended you at every single opportunity he had after being nothing but horrible to you. And yet you just had a wet dream right in front of him. You wanted to scream in frustration and punch yourself, but instead, you shook your head and stared back into his eyes 
"I-I want to talk to you… I made up my mind" you said in a weak voice, still mortified at yourself for having such… thoughts on Jack "maybe you should… you know… cover yourself up a little?" 
Jack raised his eyebrow and gave you a cocky, smug smile, the kind he used whenever he flirted with you and you wanted to kill him and then yourself at the realization he noticed how you looked at him. Why was it so embarrassing to you? Why was it so difficult to remind yourself he is the man who broke your heart and threw you out of the house while pregnant with his child? You shouldn't be having inappropriate thoughts like that. 
"Why's that sugar? You used to love the view" he placed his hands on his waist and bent his knee a little, you weren't sure if he was joking or actually hitting on you, but you wouldn't risk playing that game, quite the opposite, it was either acting serious or leaving. You sighed heavily and shook your head "fine Jack, you definitely don't want to take things seriously, so we can talk in the morning" you turned around and took a step towards the door, and that was enough for the cowboy to curse under his breath and immediately look for some pants. 
"Shit, I'm so sorry sugar… I'm decent now, you can look at me" he told you in an urgent tone, he didn't want you to leave, he didn't want his questions, his pleas to be unanswered so he breathed relieved when you faced him again. 
Of course Jack only bothered to put on his pants, not a shirt, so you still had a privileged view of his body, just as beautiful and sexy as you remembered, if you closed your eyes and focused hard enough you could still feel his skin against yours, the taste of him on your lips, his smell lingering on your body hours after he had touched you for the last time. But you couldn't, you were there to talk business, serious business with him, and above all, remind yourself what a shitty person he was, no matter how handsome and attractive he happened to be. 
"I already made up my mind, Jack… about everything you asked me" you told him and walked to his armchair, waiting for him to follow and do the same, taking the spare one, facing you. His hands joined together and resting on his lap, trying to hide his anxiety as you prepared yourself to speak 
"So, as I said… I already made up my mind, and I've decided that yes, you can come back into our lives and take up your role as a father. I still don't know how to do that, I mean, isn't Wyatt too young to know you are his dad? Would he even understand?" You asked but you questioned more yourself than him at that moment "my point is… you have already waltzed into our lives, against my will of course, Jack, you know it, but you have, and the fact is that my son already loves you and I can't fight that" you rubbed your neck and then licked your lips "but not everything will be a picnic, Jack Daniels… I got two conditions: first one, you break his little heart in any way and you're out of the picture forever, even if I have to pay my ass off in lawyers to keep away from my son" Jack nodded, trying to hide his smile, he was so damn happy to know he would finally be able to officially be Wyatt's dad he barely paid attention to anything else, but he tried focusing on you, not wanting to seem disrespectful in any way "and my last condition is: once Wyatt is old enough, he will know what happened between us. It is not fair to me that he gets to love you more than me just because you are the cool parent that gives him no rules and restrictions and can fuel his imagination with your fancy ranch, and your money, he will know you ditched us, you didn't want us and you weren't there for us when we needed you, and this is not negotiable" you swallowed and got up, walking towards the door and not giving Jack enough time to argue back as you had absolutely no strength to get into another fight now. 
Jack on the other hand wasn't pleased at all, he wanted to argue over that last rule. If he was making things right then it meant his sins would be forgiven? He didn't want his son to find out what a shitty man he was, he was ashamed of it and it would gut him if his sweet little Wyatt found out the bitter truth about his daddy, but at that moment, he knew he wouldn't get anything from you. So he obliged to your conditions, but he hadn't gotten his final answer yet, not the one he had been anxiously awaiting for the whole night. He gently took you wrist, stopping you from taking another step 
"Sugar?" He asked you in his low voice, hesitantly, as part of him knew what was coming but he still needed to try, he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't. "What about a second chance for us? Have you thought of that?" 
"There's nothing to think about Jack. There is no 'us' anymore. You asked me to co-parent Wyatt and I said yes, but you and I? That's dead and gone. Besides I already have someone" and then he looked at you with the saddest brown eyes you'd ever seen, if you didn't know any better, you would basically melt away, dwelling into their depth of sadness and do everything in your power to make him happy, but not anymore. You were no longer like that. "You know what's funny, Jack? A few years ago, my biggest dream was to hear you asking me this question. All I wanted, wished and prayed for was for you to show up at my doorstep, apologize and ask me to get back together so we would have our baby and raise him as a family… funny how things change, right?" 
And you left him there. 
When Sunday came, Jack had no other option than suck it up and hold onto what he got: his son. He would be lying if it said he wasn't hurt by your response, though he knew it was very likely to happen, he still had some small, childish even, hope in his heart. Hope that maybe you forgive him, or at least tell him he could try to make things right, but instead you just straight up made sure he understood he would have no chance with you after all. And it stung. He couldn't deny it. And the fact you'd told him you had someone? That must have been bullshit. He was sure you were just bluffing, just saying that to make him feel bad after hurting you. There was no way you had a boyfriend. Or was it? No, he didn't want to believe that, it made no sense at all, of course he would have Ginger hack into your social media first thing on Monday to see if you were being honest or not, but at that moment, he couldn't worry so much about that. 
But on the other hand, he had his son, and he couldn't be happier about that part, to know you were finally okay with him being around, not needing to worry you would just walk away with Wyatt and not look back, he wanted to do everything by the book; he wanted his name on the birth certificate, he wanted to pay you a very good child support and be part of every single meaningful part of Wyatt's life. Unlike you, your son loved him, and he felt very happy, loving to spend the whole time with him, all over the place. He showed Wyatt the rest of the ranch, all his favorite animals again and even took his lasso, which the little boy loved and clapped enthusiastically, showing him the best moves and how cool it could be. Jack also paid attention to you, and how you reacted to his lasso abilities. He knew how much you enjoyed watching him with it or the whip, and he also knew damn well how his lasso brought the two of you erotic memories. Instead of getting lost in Whiskey again, you focused on your son, how good his smell and how warm he was in your arms. Your jealous side wasn't totally convinced he could love the two of you just as much, but you tried, and seeing how excited and happy he was, it already soothed your heart. 
Wyatt also spent a lot of time with Silver Pony, it was almost impossible to drag him out of the stable. He just loved that mare with all his little heart and wanted to brush her, ride her and hug her for the rest of his life. At moments like those, he could see how similar you and Wyatt were. He could look just the same as his father, but his sweetness and kindness were all you, and Jack really loved that. 
When evening came, he was already upset knowing you and Wyatt would head back home, the weekend went by so fast and it broke his heart to think he would have to spend another night alone. He didn't want that anymore, Jack wanted a family, his family, and it was just too upsetting to know you would drive back to your apartment, cuddle your boy to sleep and Jack would have to stay alone, haunted by the memories of how happy he was once.
So when the first thunder roared in the sky, it felt like the heavens had heard his prayers. Maybe, if a real bad rain started, you and Wyatt would have to spend another night, so it was very hard for him to hide the smile when the three of you were caught by the storm as you returned from the stable. By the time you reached the house, you were all soaked wet, so marching into a warm shower was the first thing you did. First Wyatt, then you, then Jack. 
You had hopes the rain would stop so you could drive home, but of course it didn't and you just knew you would have to spend an extra night. You weren't happy about it, but it was the safest option, as driving was completely off the table at that weather; you only felt upset to see Wyatt wasn't as happy as he should be, because he was scared of the loud thunders. They just made his little ears hurt and he felt startled, but the moment the power went out because of the rain, Wyatt began crying. He clung to Jack and sniffed, holding the cowboy as tight as he could "I scawed cowboy" he cried his little heart out "pwease no weave me and mama" he begged him and that shattered the man's heart. His son begging him not to be abandoned, it gutted him to think he was so scared he didn't want to be left alone. 
"It's okay, buddy… daddy ain't leaving you or mama" he assured him, rubbing his back and only realizing what he'd said after you stared at him in disbelief, you knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but you didn't expect it to be like that, the two of you held your breaths waiting for Wyatt's response, anxious to know if he would question you two, or if he would find it funny or confusing but he didn't say anything at all, he just sniffed calming down, though his grip around Jack wouldn't loosen in any way.
Until you had an idea. Rubbing his back in soothing, circle motions just like Jack did, you smiled at your son "come on baby, let's have a sleepover, you, me and the cowboy" you suggested him and in no time the three of you were in Jack's bedroom - that being the biggest one - and immediately climbing in bed. You and Jack in opposite sides and Wyatt in the middle. The room was dark and the rain falling mercilessly outside created the perfect atmosphere to sleep. You were almost dozing off yourself, as Jack hummed q lullaby to Wyatt, it was just so soothing and relaxing, you were so ready to relax, when Wyatt let out a big yawn 
"Night night mama, night night dada" he said in his sweet voice and fell asleep.
At that moment, you and Jack weren't enemies anymore, you were two parents, too choked up on your own emotions to say anything else, before another thunder crashed outside, but this time, it didn't bother Wyatt, because he was safely asleep, protected by his mommy and daddy. 
A/N: I just want to be this man's sugar and give him beautiful kids 🥺😭❤️
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💔💢😥--- Angsty Lyrical Sentence Starters
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"And how about you just take some blame?"
"You should just forget my name."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
"You give me nothing, but somehow it's always enough."
"And I'm terrified that you could leave me crying."
"Is there a word for bad miracle?"
"But, could we please pretend this won't end?"
"I wish it wasn't true."
"You clearly weren't aware that you made me miserable."
"'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty."
"I didn't cry when you left at first."
"I'd run away and hide with you."
"Everybody says they love me, but I'm still brokenhearted."
"I swear I'm not crying, the sun's just bright."
"Nothing good happens after 2am."
"I can't make it on my own."
"I'm just trying to be happy."
"Tomorrow might be good for something."
"He/She/They hasn't been sober for days."
"Was it something I did? Was it something you said?"
"It's like I'm the one you love to hate."
"No one will love you like I did."
"So, good luck finding something better."
"__, why are you calling me so late?"
"I guess we never really moved on."
"This rejection's got me so low."
"Who was I to make you wait?"
"My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone."
"I was looking for a way out, now I can't escape."
"I don't think I understand it all."
"We all got a dark side, we all try to hide."
"'Cause the truth is we're no different than the others."
"Will you never call again?"
"Will you never say you loved me?"
"I wish I could care less."
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hiswordsarekisses · 15 days
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“I love meeting people who used to be ex-drug addicts, prostitutes, gang members, strippers, etc. People who have been through a lot are normally the ones who are on fire for God, but those who haven’t been through much don’t get it.
It’s like they love Jesus, but they’re not as passionate and crazy about Him. They will label folks like us wild, zealous, untamed, immature, etc. I’ve encountered both, and I love running with the passionate people for God because when we talk about God..something takes place.
Real intimacy with God comes from being broken and Him meeting you when you were at your lowest.”
~ Shane Denise
The Lord is close to the broken-hearted ❤️‍🩹💔
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. ~ Psalms 34:18~
Therefore I tell you, because her many sins have been forgiven, she has loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little. Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭47‬
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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edomapellimozzi Incredibly hard to process the last 24 hours. What an incredible woman and extraordinary mark she’s left on the entire world. She was the rock on which modern Britain was built.
Feeling very lucky that our little ones got to spend wonderful time with her this summer. Rest In Peace Your Majesty. We will miss you so much. Brokenhearted 💔
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30-98am · 2 years
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🔸follow @written_quotes_only for more✅🔸 🔻 🔻 ➡️ꜱᴀᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ qᴜᴏᴛᴇꜱ ➡️ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴩ quotes ➡️ʀʟᴇᴛᴀʙʟᴇ qᴜᴏᴛᴇꜱ 🔻 🔻ꜱʜᴀʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ yᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴛᴏʀy♂️ 🔻 🔻 🔻ɪɢɴᴏʀᴇ ʜᴀꜱʜᴛᴀɢꜱ :- . . #dreamalittledream #brokenheartedquotes #brokenheartsoul143 #brokenhearttattoo #quotesbucinberkelas #quotescewek #dreamcatcherforsale #quotesbermoral #brokenheartsyndrome #instik #dreambag #brokenheartqoutes #quotesandnotes #brokenheart💔🤕 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChujW8bPF3U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tearmizu · 8 months
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Inktober prompt 5 :brokenhearted 💔
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I'm still brokenhearted that you don't want to continue "Did I Make You Proud?" 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
It will be awesome. Like always you write the best story.
This story has potential. 🤌🤌🤌
Aww, thank you dear. It meant a lot to me. 😘❤️
The reason why I don't want to continue the story because I have wrote many series but haven't finished it yet.
Also I'm exhausted and burned out. 😮‍💨
The last one is because the lack of response like reblog and comment. It made me lose the enthusiasm to continue. ☹️
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maximotts · 1 year
Had a wonderful kickoff to my birthday week with @belovaskitkat coming over last night so we could go out for ramen AND Korean soft serve and maybe we stayed up until 3am…
And then we had Brunch™️ with my mother this morning so basically she came and we ate a lot of fucking food, but what more could I ask for in such a chill weekend with people I love!! So anyway now I miss Ria, ugh.. brokenhearted 💔💔
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