wafflesfan · 1 year
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I'll just leave it here
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swordfaery · 6 years
The problem with being dyslexic is that I always read Boromir as Bromir. I genuinely had no idea I was reading it wrong until I listened to the audiobook, and thought that if Tolkien could name a tree with a beard ‘Tree Beard’ he could name everyone’s bro, ‘Bromir’.
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ohmyarda · 7 years
Aragorn in the films: reluctant hero who is weary of accepting the crown of his ancestors
Aragorn in the books: literally uses the palantír to give sauron the figurative middle finger because fuck you im the heir of isildur bitch remember this sword I FIXED IT
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washipink · 2 years
The Funnymen of the Ring
@mngwa showed me the first Lord of the Rings movie across two nights. I am now going to create a completely accurate summary of the first movie from memory. Once upon a time there was a short man called Bilbo Baggins. He found this ring made by Sour-on. But this ring was magic and cursed. Sour-on made like 4 other rings. And this ring was their boss. Making it the Lord of the Rings. Of course, the other 4 rings are serf rings. Anyway, Bilbo knew this guy named Gandalf (He was blue). There’s a whole other trilogy about these guys having sex, I think? It’s called “The Hobbit” even though there’s like 1 Morbillion Hobbits in this movie alone. Anyway, he takes the ring from Bilbo and leaves it to Bilbo’s son... nephew? Nephew. His nephew Frodo. Bilbo doesn’t matter anymore. Forget about Bilbo Baggins.
At Frodo’s 50th Birthday (still young), Gandalf is like “Give me the ring” and then when Frodo is like “Ok”, Gandalf goes “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON’T TEMPT ME, DUMMY.”
So then Gandalf and Frodo agree to go take the ring to someone else (Sourmon? Not to be confused with Sour-on.) Because he made them so he can say how to destroy it. Frodo’s Bestie Sam comes with, for no other reason than a camping trip with Frodo, I think. So they go to see Sourmon and he’s like “Fuck you I can’t destroy the ring. Take it to More Doors.” (Not a single door in sight by the way.)
Also somewhere along the way they find some stowaways called Mary and Poppins? They’re also Hobbits. “How will I go to More Doors?” Frodo says, When he stumbles across the elves? I think? IDK Frodo and Gandalf find Elves, Dwarves, and Bromir in rapid succession. Did I mention Bromir? He’s kind of a douchebag I think? He’s all “FRODO GIMMIE THE RING LEMMIE SEEEEEE” and Frodo’s like “No, I don’t wanna! We gotta destroy it!” And they just kinda go back and forth like this til they have a big fight and exhile Bromir from the group I think?
Also there’s Legolass and Dwarf (He’s a dwarf) and Legolass says the only words he’ll EVER say to Frodo for the whole trilogy and then joins the party because one does not simply walk into More Doors.
At some point they see Gollum (Who is also somehting called Smeegle?) and Gollum tries to steal it and then he’s gone I think. I’ll be real, I was in a barely lucid state for the majority of the film.
There’s fighting. The Ring Wraiths, who are like the Serfs for the Serf rings show up and try to take it? They escape the Ring Wraiths because the ring turns Frodo invisible but also not evil? And then Mary and Poppins get kidnapped by Orcs (Hot) and the movie ends when they get them back I think? They send them home. Bye, Mary and Poppins. I pray you got Epic Orc Dick while you were there. Anyway that’s Lord of the Rings.
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i-am-darth-feanor · 3 years
Accidentally typed Bromir instead of Boromir and now cannot stop thinking about how accurate that is.
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gaybaggins · 5 years
me @ my brother: boromir's cool, a bro! a bromir even-
and you are correct!
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mattkund · 2 years
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444names · 2 years
orc names from skyrim + greenskin names from warhammer + russian forenames
Abacheslav Abaga Abasikya Abater Abbeaxey Abdana Abdav Abeadana Abeleon Abelly Abelyatwik Abidanil Abidel Abider Abiel Abigobb Abigorky Abija Abijar Abijarakum Abnasip Abnodokka Admira Afokl Afougor Agadbatat Agadim Agafan Agafana Agafanguk Agafoug Agakstar Agaleyamul Agapid Agapikl Agappetleg Agappettla Agatjah Agavdey Agavgustja Agdak Agourob Agrubu Alahub Aleorrile Aliamir Amilaw Anadomir Aniater Anielya Animir Annaidey Antya Arbambora Ariangush Arill Arimelit Arimiron Ariscraine Arkulsikh Arkya Augena Augoril Avdailena Avdailer Avdalo Avdam Avdarak Avder Avdia Avdiy Avdonsta Avdosy Avele Avelit Avena Avenasiked Avenia Avenriyak Aventert Averia Averiatel Averit Avert Avesla Aveslav Avetom Avettler Avgus Avgutsta Avgutstol Avikir Avikt Avilermof Avitalit Avivasta Aviyand Avksa Avksalek Avksimir Avksna Avkspina Avkstin Avragafak Avrakh Avreatub Avreenik Avrel Avrell Avrobbeax Avrok Avroslah Avrossim Avroth Avrott Avses Avsessa Avsevolav Avseya Avsip Avtoly Avtomik Avtomil Avtoof Avudikh Avudmir Avundrina Avvak Avvakh Avvaleora Avvalich Avvalislad Azakh Azhda Badoslan Badushna Bagapiktom Bagory Balarz Bally Bashak Bashantya Basiknies Basip Bastily Batermoder Baxim Biewomily Blavronske Bogta Bogtabat Bolavsip Boldy Bolyar Bompit Borba Borgy Borik Borina Borinash Bosla Bossa Boyamit Braktole Bratelit Bromir Burbu Catyar Chaik Chiewom Crekatya Daill Dalena Daleoninna Danampa Dandy Danya Danyakir Darig Dmira Drell Duffsked Dufth Dulash Durat Durko Duzzle Eashele Ekarianikh Elerazy Eyermorz Faches Foksiva Fonom Fonya Gafonies Gafonom Gapikh Gatorgy Gavkspio Gazakh Gelexey Gelia Genkatia Gerasiv Geriběna Gerisa Ghaisla Ghakir Ghamaximir Ghazoris Gholub Ghorbaxeya Ghtegory Ghuborina Ghufta Gitina Gittefa Glavsephia Gnilagorz Gnitt Goglushul Goradia Goradsplik Goranger Gorbashan Gorbertyom Gordotr Gorga Gorgavdar Gorzorika Gorzoyatya Gradia Gramvrossa Grashna Grasy Grazakstan Greka Grekha Greleor Griacks Grina Grionna Grisa Grischolay Gronya Grosevol Groslav Grosy Grotr Grusha Grusharz Grustana Gulinia Gullaw Gulsip Gurkoncla Gurzah Gustan Horgy Huboradim Ilaskul Irakh Ironir Irostan Ivally Josip Katarita Katem Kirigor Kirinov Kitsta Ladtonies Lagafak Laugwar Laves Lavud Lentimgor Liana Libblaw Limel Ljuburn Lokliy Ludisla Ludomash Lustina Malenna Malkul Manislaw Maramvrel Mardufth Marik Marim Markon Marotgut Masikatum Masivakir Millaw Milomirol Minag Miran Mirislad Mitim Mofey Mogtan Monste Moonodymyr Morgut Morina Mottem Motyam Mubasha Mubossiva Mubury Murkyat Murob Nashak Nashazy Nategorakh Nidey Ninežan Nislavla Nompa Odyes Oglack Ogora Ogtale Oklislavkt Okses Olacharsne Olaruk Oslaw Paniewom Paugerina Pavkt Perak Pidartyag Pionody Polaw Polya Pyomag Radan Radian Radrin Ragapan Rambog Ratum Razba Reaxe Rogdul Ronna Ronnastina Roslak Rushak Rushna Rustarter Rustata Screka Shnagarak Shnagavrak Shnatalik Skulumurky Sladifa Slavgul Sobber Sonhid Sourog Spiky Spiotgut Spitail Spittantim Splimilar Stabdana Stana Svelia Svelina Svena Svikartya Tacks Tanty Tanyakhaid Taragafan Thagarsna Throstim Timilody Timirasha Tinaga Tinich Tinna Tinoviv Tislavdikl Udmilya Ugobblery Ugrotry Ugwara Ulsil Umury Ur-ey Uraily Urberel Urgafonovy Urogta Urolarbor Urzog Urzor Vaknike Vaknikha Valbel Vanidanina Velly Venagapik Vertaughak Vessimgob Vilina Vla-kharia Vlahk Vlavdor Vlavrel Vlitsma Volgavgul Vsivy Waria Warisa Wartem Warub Wazogol Yarosiktor Yartan Yaterkya Ye-goblaw Yefantina Yegourbuk Yekak Yekha Yeslasy Yubatz Yulugol Yurakh Yurzorgy Zahungena Zinash Zingena Zogory Zorgut
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wafflesfan · 1 year
Just imagined mimir getting a new body and brok is the one to help to teach him how to walk,write,eat etc. again Teaching him how to function with a new body after so many winters without one and i be like
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I mean its so funny and cute at the same time
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artaelyn · 3 years
random brain thoughts: faramir could be called bro-mir bc hes boromirs brother i have no idea my brain is on smthn - oblivions
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bromfirebeard · 7 years
Bromir “Brom” Firebeard
Name: Bromir "Brom" Firebeard Race: Wildhammer Dwarf Age: 98 Class: Bar Brawler (Monk) Birthplace: Twilight Highlands Residence: Ironforge Bio
Brom was always a troubled child, constantly rebelling, and causing mischief wherever he went. He was born in Twilight Highlands, but his father's work had his family moving all over the place. He spent a lot of time in Aerie Peak, where he had made some of his best friends, but his most cherished friend of all was another Wildhammer Dwarf by the name of Rae. Rae was a couple years older than Brom, and he looked up to her. She was very rebellious, and so was he. They got along great. However, one day, while Brom and his buddies were getting stoned, not one in the group older than ten years old, Rae decided to hijack one of the gryphon rider's gryphons. Of course, Brom followed suit, but Rae had already flown off well before Brom was able to finally coax one of the gryphons to listen to him. He never saw the direction that Rae flew off, and he had no idea the fate that had befallen his dearest friend. Brom was devistated, he felt partially responsible for her disappearance, so he never gave up the search for her, even after the others had given her up for dead. Brom knew in his heart, though, that she was out there. Knowing that he would need to better equip himself in search for his friend, Brom decided to train in hand to hand combat, learning how to fight from more of the rough n' tumble crowd of dwarves. His skill in hand to hand combat was soon unmatched, and when he was not searching for Rae, he was making money by brawling in pit fights. By the age of twenty, he had already been kicked out of multiple pit fighting rings for making the other competition quit. People would outright refuse to fight Brom, because his tenacity in the pit was more than any man could handle. He wasn't fighting for the glory though. Brom was fighting to better himself, all the while fighting his own inner demons that had been eating away at him since that fateful day when he was but six years old. As most dwarves do, Brom took to drinking to wash away the guilt he felt, but still, he never gave up hope. After years of searching, the guilt eating away at him more and more, Brom finally caught a break. He heard tale of a wild dwarven woman that was spotted in the forests of the Hinterlands that closely matched Rae's description. However, Rae was but a child when she disappeared, and he was worried that she may not look the same anymore, so his description might be useless. Nonetheless, Brom made haste to the Hinterlands, and began searching the forest. After just a week of scouring through the forest closest to the sea, Brom found her. She had indeed changed quite a bit, but Brom knew it was his Rae. It took some time for Brom to convince her to come back to civilization with him, as she had lived in the wild for most of her life. When he finally was able to convince her, the guilt was still very much present in Brom. He couldn't bear facing her, still feeling responsible for her getting lost for so many years. He decided to head off on his own path, now that his search was complete. Brom decided to continue doing what he knew best, fighting. His name was widely known in the pit fighting circuit, so he had to broaden his horizons. He began hiring himself out as a bodyguard, doing bits of mercenary work here and there. He knew it was far too late to follow in his father's footsteps as a shaman, and it really wasn't for him anyway. Because of his wide spread notoriety in the fighting circuits, he had no difficulty finding high paying jobs, guarding merchant caravans, and he even began taking on bounty hunting. He had acquired many skills necessary to track people down on his hunt for his childhood friend, and had made many contacts along the way. Within just ten years of doing this work, Brom had saved up enough of a nest egg to retire comfortably, a man only in his forties. Since retiring, Brom has reunited with Rae again, who had never blamed him for getting lost. She was just as rebellious as he, and there was no way he could have convinced her not to do something she had her mind set on. They became very close friends, getting back to their old, childhood shinannigans like not a day had passed. Rae, herself, was a hell of a fighter, and they would often start bar brawls together, just for the fun of it. Seeing his friend back to her old self made Brom very happy, like he had gained a new lease on life, and he decided that he would forever live life to it's fullest, refusing not to have fun wherever he went. Nowadays, Brom can normally be found in any local tavern where the booze is plentiful and the women are loose. Any time the environment is too quiet for him, he is sure to spice things up with his knack for making any situation into an entertaining one. Personality
Brom's personality is difficult to explain, but if you had to sum it up, he might be called a "charming asshole". He tends to like to be the life of a party, and when there's no entertainment, he may just try to create some of his own. He is very flirtatious, but sometimes his flirting can come across as a bit rude. He doesn't mean it this way, of course, that's just who he is. You will never see him without a bit of stumble in his walk due to excessive alcohol consumption, but don't think that him being drunk makes him an easy target. Brom has mastered the art of drunken fighting, from his years of pit fighting and getting into pub brawls, which he considers harmless fun. He will often see someone just being much larger than himself as a challenge, and may walk right up to a giant man and start a fight. He is quick to apologize, however, if he gets out of line, which he often does. One thing Brom will always do is stick up for a friend, regardless of the circumstances. If a friend gets into a fight, even if they started it, Brom will lunge in, fists flying, no questions asked.
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raenwynnnemophilist · 7 years
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Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 
The Begining.
The cement ground was cold and filled with uncomfortable cracks, and a musty skunk smell filled the crevice where four Dwarven children were lounging. A low murmur of voices and laughter filled the area as they passed around a wooden pipe overflowing with peacebloom, and a thick stream of grey smoke emanating from the buds.
When it came around to me, I gladly took a long drag, holding it in until I felt like my lungs were going to burst. I passed it on right before I doubled over in a fit of coughing that racked my ribs with a slight pain. The carefree light headedness afterwards was blissful, and much needed as the week had been long, painful, and full of terrors. Raenwynn was barely 9, and yet she felt like she had faced many horrors.
“Where is yer da, Rae?”
I slowly looked up at the overweight Dwarf child in front of me, and smirked. “Where do ye think, Thatig? Passed oot drunk on me mammy’s nice carpet. I bet ye he even left a puddle of vomit for me mammy to clean up if she even comes home tonight.” The 4 Dwarves burst out in laughter; they always made fun of their troubles to help cope with them.
“Hey Thatig, ye ever fly one the gryphons yet? I bet ye they are nae as hard to ride as oor elders say.” I took another drag of peacebloom and looked at everyone, seeing how they reacted. The other three Dwarves were looking at me blank faced and silent. “Och, come on! Did yer mammy give ye a face full o’ boot ye worm livered bairn stealin’ gobshyte? Let’s go get us a bloody gryphon!” I stood up and started walking out, towards one of the many gryphon keeps. I could hear shuffling feet behind me, and some giggles. A proud smirk appeared on my face, and a boost of confidence in my step.
The gryphon keep smelled like dried dung, and fresh hay. No ceiling or walls existed; the keeps were kept outside unless the weather was too harsh. 5 gryphons were in their proper beds, guarded by one dwarf. The plan was to have Thatig distract the guard while Bromir, Jailtain, and myself coerced 3 of the gryphons away. It was said they really liked snacks, and so we had grabbed a bucket full of them.
Thatig approached the guard, who happened to be his older brother, and said their mammy needed their help for a moment. Thatig’s brother, stupid, nether blasted dwarf as he was, went right along with it and they wandered off. Knowing there wasn’t much time, we all hurried over and began feeding the treats to three of the gryphons, one red, one brown, and one white. I looked in the eyes of mine and asked if I could have a ride. The gryphon bowed its head in acquiescence “Quickly now, up we go.”
I stepped up onto the gryphon’s bed and let it sniff me before climbing onto its high back. The gryphon gave a squawk and spread it’s magnificent white wings. I held on with all my strength, suddenly feeling like this was not a good idea after all.
The frigid air suddenly swept up and hit me in the face as we soared up into the blue sky. It was frightening yet so exhilarating, cold yet warm from the adrenaline. I let out a wild laugh, and roared loudly. The valley below was a blur of green, red, and yellow; I could see lakes move quickly by, and the dips and rises of the hills. It was so beautiful.
Something whizzed by my face, and nicked my left eyebrow causing blood to ooze into my eye. A second later the gryphon let out a pained squawk and was suddenly heading down towards that ground at an alarmingly fast pace. Fear gripped my throat and a silent scream tried to escape. Cold air refused to enter my aching lungs, and I began to see black spots fleck my vision. Was this how it ended? I wondered to myself right before we hit the ground.
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suzetteshea · 6 years
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  Eugene Atget 
“His equipment consisted of a simple 18 x 24 cm view camera, with almost none of the present-day adjustments… Atget used glass plates. They were ‘plaque au gelatine-bromire d’argent’ made by the Brothers Lumiere… The box was marked ‘extra rapides,’ but actually the emulsion must have been fairly slow… 
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Three teams. Three devices. So many #Eevee I ran out of Pokémon storage on ²/₃. Got a few compliments on my rig, though, which is nice! . 📷 photo courtesy of Bromire . 🎮 #pokémongo #communityday #myface
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bearsatan · 7 years
so with addition of boromir son of schmoromir, that makes my "moderately complex cosplays I need to make for groups at katsu" list look like: -bromir -mantle of champion rogue hawke -sexy captain hook Is that all?? cosplays nothing but robert the rest of 2017 for a mental break
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wafflesfan · 1 year
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"Its fucking cold,smart guy!"
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