#bronco wives
bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
All-American Girl - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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summary: Bradley's every part the doting dad to your daughter Tatum, but after talking to some of the other wives on base in your mom's group, you're worried he may be hiding his true feelings about fatherhood.
A/N: not me procrastinating and adding to my country music series instead of literally anything else on my list. here's sickeningly sweet bradley as a girl dad fluff based off All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood.
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x wife!reader
content/warnings: sickeningly sweet fluff, Bradley as a girl dad, mentions of sexism.
word count: 1.4k
Now he's wrapped around her finger, she's the center of his whole world And his heart belongs to that sweet little beautiful, wonderful, perfect all-American girl
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Bradley groaned as he jogged up the front steps, his boots heavy against the brick as he walked up the veranda to the front door. An American flag flapped in the breeze, the pole nestled in the stand attached to the pillar on the front of the house, the mid-afternoon sun striking the front yard, basking over the dozens of plants and greenery that were planted there. Bradley kicked his boots off the moment he crossed the entryway, stacking them neatly by the door. He started unzipping his flight suit, his tanned skin slicked with sweat from the training exercises he’d completed earlier that day. He thought about the list of things he wanted to do before he settled in for the night with you - a shower was the first priority at this point. 
Peeling the olive green suit off his skin, he discarded it in the laundry hamper in the bathroom. His white t-shirt and boxers followed suit, along with the thick, military issued socks. He’d plan on washing those tonight after dinner. He padded along the hallway to the bathroom, his balls of his feet sticking to the cherry wood flooring. The cool water flowing from the shower head was a refreshing comfort compared to how warm he was earlier, he contemplated asking for a transfer to somewhere colder after today - the hot Pacific coast sun was brutal, and despite having lived in California for a few years now, Bradley hadn’t adjusted. Not that Virginia Beach had been much cooler - at least, not in the summer, but it wasn’t as consistently warm as it was on the west coast. 
As Bradley stepped out of the shower, he wrapped a plush, lavender coloured towel around his waist. Shaking his caramel coloured curls dry, he approached the vanity, reaching for the pomade - the same brand he’d been using to tame his hair since he was 14. His mom had taught him that trick - using a styling pomade to keep his curls intact, but less wild than they would be left to their own devices. Part of him wondered if he just never changed brands because it was the one she’d suggested for him, one of the last happy memories of his mother that he had clung to for the last 26 years. 
“Bradley? I’m home!” you called out from the bottom of the stairs, having seen Bradley’s vintage Ford Bronco parked in the driveway. 
“Upstairs, honey!” He yelled back, his deep voice echoing throughout the empty house. 
He quickly pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a fresh, white t-shirt, grabbing his favourite floral print button-down on his way down the stairs. He beamed at you, leaning in to give you a loving peck on the cheek. He knelt down in front of the car seat you’d placed on the floor, smiling softly at his infant daughter as she stretched and yawned, waking up from the nap she’d taken on the car ride home. 
“Good mornin’ sunshine! How’s my girl?”
Bradley held his index finger out to baby Tatum, smiling as she gripped it tightly in her hand. He began unbuckling her harness with his free hand as he spoke to her.
“Did you have a fun day with Mama? What did you do, princess? You and your mama go shopping for some new clothes, baby girl?” 
Tatum let out a happy sigh as Bradley scooped her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. He leaned his head down to kiss her forehead, his hand moving up and down her back in soft, slow, gentle strokes as he cuddled his baby. He took a seat on the couch, leaning back slightly so Tatum could recline on his chest. He smiled up at you, waiting patiently for you to start showing off the different outfits you’d purchased for Tatum. He’d always sworn that he’d never be the type of father who’d dismiss things he wasn’t interested in - whether it was baby clothes, or ballet, baby and me classes or going for walks around the neighborhood with her - he’d always try his best to be into it. It’s how his mom described his father - always interested in anything to do with Bradley when he was little. 
You delicately sifted through the array of dresses and outfits, each garment infused with your hopes and dreams for little Tatum. With tender affection, you recounted where and when you had acquired each piece, your voice tinged with a blend of excitement and maternal pride. Tatum slumbered peacefully, her soft breaths creating a gentle rhythm against Bradley's shoulder, while you poured your heart into sharing your plans for her future attire.
As the last dress found its place, you sank onto the couch beside Bradley, seeking solace in his comforting presence. Nestling into his side, you felt the warmth of his embrace envelop you, his arm offering both physical and emotional support.
“Are you happy?” you murmured softly, a trace of uncertainty lacing your words as you chewed anxiously at your bottom lip. 
A flicker of confusion danced across Bradley's features before he met your gaze with unwavering reassurance.
“Of course I’m happy, why would you ask that?”
“It’s silly,” you sighed, a moment of vulnerability surfacing before you continued, meeting Bradley’s brown-eyed gaze as you spoke, “It’s just that…you know how I took Tatum to that mommy and me group?”
"Mhmm, every Wednesday," Bradley affirmed, his attention fully focused on you.
“Right! That one. Well…one of the moms was saying how she was so thankful her baby was a boy, because her husband wanted a boy really badly and she didn’t want him to be upset if he didn’t get what he wanted…”
Bradley's brow furrowed with concern as he gently kissed Tatum's forehead, a protective gesture that spoke volumes.
“Babe, he sounds like a dick,” Bradley interjected, shaking his head as he gently kissed Tatum’s forehead again. 
“I’m not finished yet!” You said as you held your hand up. “So anyways, she said that, and a lot of the other moms started talking and saying how their husbands were disappointed when they had girls or relieved when they had sons, and then they said how lucky I was that you were happy with a girl. The one of them said her husband pretended to be, but then he was totally different and genuinely happy when they had a boy next.” 
“And you think I’m doing that?” Bradley queried as he tilted his head to the side, looking at you. 
“Well, no, but…would you tell me if you’d wanted a son instead?”
The corner of Bradley's mouth lifted in a soft smile, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. "No," he replied emphatically, shaking his head. “Because I’ve never wanted a son instead of Tatum. Not once.”
“You haven’t?” You said as relief washed over you, Bradley's words washing away any lingering doubts.
“Not for a second. I’ve wanted Tatum from the minute you told me you were pregnant - I never really gave a shit whether she was a boy or a girl. She’s mine and that’s all I care about. It just happened to turn out that she’s the second Bradshaw girl around here to steal my heart, after her mama.”
“Mhmm, you know that song, the one where she says about how her daddy was praying for a boy, but got a girl instead and she was wrapped around his finger? Then she grows up and  asks her husband one day what he wants, and he says he just wants a sweet, beautiful All-American girl like his wife?”
“Yeah, I know it,” You laugh softly as Bradley begins to hum the tune of the song, singing it softly as he looks down at Tatum.
“That’s exactly how I felt when you told me you were having a girl. I just wanted a beautiful little baby who looked just like you, and that’s exactly what I got. Now I have two beautiful girls who love me more than anything, and I would move mountains for the pair of you. We could have twelve girls for all I care - I’d love every single one of them just as much as I love you.”
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unhappycylinder · 8 months
Gonna Be Trouble (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem!Reader) Pt. 11
WC: 1.6 k
no warnings
the reunion finally happens
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The carrier was finally docked, hoards of sailors fled the vessel as wives, husbands, parents, and children flocked to the water’s edge to get their first glimpse of their loved ones in over 3 months. The aviators often weren’t the first ones off, so you and a now heavily pregnant Gabby waited patiently in Rooster’s bronco.
“Look I love my husband but I’d sooner die than stand out in the cold waiting for thousands of men who may or may not be my husband to get off a damn boat” Gabby groaned, running her hands over her baby bump. 
“I haven’t seen any flight suits walk off yet,” you peered through a pair of binoculars Rooster kept in the glove compartment, “once we see them we can head over”
“Ugh,” she exclaimed, “Fine, but I’m gonna complain the whole walk down, I hope you know”
“Oh Gabby…I know” you chuckled.
Coming down on long weekends was routine at this point. Gabby insisted on paying for your flights, you always refused, yet somehow a plane ticket always appeared in your phone wallet a couple days prior to each holiday weekend. This one was special though. Jake’s arrival coincided with MLK day, and you had come down as soon as possible to ensure you were there to welcome him home.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t petrified at the idea of seeing him again. Yes you were back together, and yes you had been talking on the phone every chance he had, but things still didn’t feel normal. His behavior still hurt and worried you, and even though he promised to never hurt you again, you couldn’t help but wonder if he would keep up the pattern when he got home. After all, college wasn’t over for another four months, and in the history of your relationship with Jake, long breaks in seeing each other hadn’t exactly been the healthiest in the past.
Gabby reclined against the headrest of the driver’s seat, “just wake me up when they’re here”
Chuckling, you agreed, and continued to peer through the binoculars as sailors and their luggage came down the carrier ramp.
After what felt like years, you finally spotted the green flight suits that you were oh so familiar with, and through the binoculars you could make out the faint details of mustaches on the faces of many of the aviators. 
“Gabby I see Rooster,” you squealed, moving a hand from the binoculars to wack her thigh.
“Hm?” She hummed, still asleep.
“Your husband is here bitch,” you said flatly, making her laugh.
“Ughhhh okay lets go get the idiots.” She said as she slid out the door of the bronco. You stored the binoculars before doing the same.
“This marks the end of our peace,” Gabby joked as you both walked from the parking lot to the greeting area, “and the end of my spending rampage”
“That’s the worst part huh,” you laughed
“You know it…let’s just hope he forgets to check his credit account when he gets home,” she inhaled, shaking her head.
As you made your way to the crowd of people greeting their family members, the anxiety about seeing Jake for the first time swelled. Gabby grabbed your hand, sensing your feelings, to let you know that she was there to support you. Taking a deep breath, you and Gabby scanned the incoming sailors for your men. Rooster was quick to spot you, you standing several inches taller than your friend, and a bright smile broke out on his face as he picked up speed to get to you two. 
“I see Rooster,” you said to Gabby, her face lighting up at the mention of his name
Seconds later Rooster broke through the crowd, his hair slicked back and his mustache freshly trimmed. He stopped a couple feet from Gabby, eyes scanning up and down her form, taking an extra second at her belly when he saw just how far along she was. Tears welled in his eyes as they met hers, which were now brimming with tears as well.
“Don’t just stand there pendejo,” her words quivered, “get over here”
Rooster rushed to embrace her, his bags dropping to the ground as his strong arms held his wife close, his calloused hands pulling her towards him from her lower back. You smiled at the couple as they embraced…despite how much they teased each other and complained, they loved each other more than words could ever describe, and they were gonna be great parents. 
Rooster came down to capture Gabby’s lips in a passionate kiss, which they remained in for an impressively long time without coming up for air. His hands ran all over her back, taking in every inch of his wife while pushing the appropriate boundaries of what he could touch in public.
Grinning at the happy couple who still had yet to let go of each other, you failed to notice the group of five other flight-suit-clad aviators who had appeared behind you. The sound of a man clearing his throat broke you from your trance. Turning around, you were greeted by Jake….and his new mustache.
Fuck he looked hot.
Tears sprang from your eyes instantly, your feet taking off running towards him before you could even command them to do so. You launched yourself into his arms, his hands scooping you up by your ass as your legs locked around his waist and your face nuzzled into his neck.
“Oh y/n,” he hummed into your hair, sending a shiver down your spine, “I’ve missed you darlin’” 
He rocked from side to side, his hands gripping your ass tighter the longer you held on. You couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing no matter how hard you protested. Finally lifting your head from the crook of his neck, you grasped the sides of his face with your hands.
“You have a mustache,” was all you could croak out. Jake laughed, his smile curling the ends of the facial hair, making you die a little inside.
“Yeah, doll, I do,” his accent sounded sweeter than you remembered, “you like it?”
“Fuck Jake,” you kissed him briefly, pulling away before he could deepen the kiss, “I love it”
“Come here,” he grumbled, pulling you down by the base of your neck to meet his lips, your mouths working together as you made out with him. Cheers erupted from the other aviators, who had, unbeknownst to you, been watching the whole ordeal unfold. 
“I missed you so much,” you cried to him as he set you down, enveloping you in his strong arms once your feet were on the ground.
“I know baby, I know. I missed you like crazy,” he kissed the top of your head, “I’m so sorry Y/n…for everything” he whispered into your ear.
You sighed, pulling away to look him in the eyes. He meant it, you could see that, “its okay. We’re okay, right?”
“You tell me, gorgeous, do you forgive me?”
“Yeah, Jake, I do.” You played with his mustache, making him smile.
“Alright y’all are making me sick,” Phoenix cut in, snaking an arm around you and pulling you away from Jake into a hug, “I missed you, girl”
“Missed you too Tash,” you hugged her, rubbing her back gently as she whispered how annoying Jake had been while you were broken up.
“Please never break up with him again, I already can’t stand his attitude, but its so much worse when he doesn’t have you” she smacked your shoulder, walking over to Gabby to give her a hug.
“Payback,” you said, turning your attention to the other aviators who were now talking to Jake.
“Y/L/n,” he said, pulling you into a quick hug before stepping aside so you could give Bob and Fanboy a quick hug as well. 
“Phoenix tells me my sweet Hangman here was extra annoying for you guys this trip,” you joked, smacking Jake on the chest as he welcomed you back into his embrace.
“Oh my god Y/n,” Rooster groaned, walking over to the group with Gabby under his arm, “you can’t ever give him the silent treatment again. Dear god-”
“We’d be at 20,000 feet and all you’d hear would be ‘do you guys think she’s really done with me’” Fanboy said in a high pitched voice, teasing Jake, making the other aviators laugh.
“Or he’d just sit there,” Payback interjected, already laughing, “in the mess hall, just stabbing his food over and over like he was in some drama movie”
“Bagman was in the dumps,” Bob quipped, making the group laugh harder.
You looked up to Jake, who was laughing along with them, his smile laced with hints of remorse and regret. You shook him a little in your embrace, drawing his attention to you.
“Don’t worry guys, I’m never letting him out of my sights ever again,” you said while looking directly at Jake, he smiled a thankful smile
“We’re all holding you to that, babe,” Phoenix said, slapping you on the back, “now who’s coming to the hard deck tonight?”
“All of us,” Gabby chimed in, “Rooster’s gonna be drinking for two,” she rubbed her baby bump.
The aviators cheered for Rooster and congratulated Gabby as you all walked back to the parking lot. Jake’s arm stayed tight around your shoulder, never letting you drift more than an inch from his side.
Taglist: @dempy @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mightiestheroes @taytaylala12 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230
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westeroswisdom · 1 year
Matt Smith spoke with the Los Angeles Times about Daemon Targaryen. He's particularly insightful on the way Daemon and brother Viserys relate to each other.
“There’s a lot going on with his brother that he’s coming to terms with,” says Smith, who noted that scenes with Considine really helped him define the character. “Viserys ostensibly brought him up, and for Daemon it’s either try to piss him off or impress him.” So it’s more Freudian than just plain pervy when Daemon corrupts, and almost seduces, underage Rhaenyra? Or is he truly in love with her, as it often seems? After all, Daemon even marries Rhaenyra years later (when she’s played by Emma D’Arcy); typically, he murders at least one of his other wives in the interim. “Well, in the land of the Targaryens, it’s more commonplace to be with your immediate family,” Smith explains with a slightly nervous laugh. “I think he’s quite a solitary creature, really. But he’s also quite a political one. There’s a sense that his brother and Rhaenyra particularly, are the two people he would go to war for. It’s like he’s got this very weird sense of loyalty. To him, sometimes he’s doing the right thing even when he’s really doing the wrong thing.”
Matt had to get lessons on how to be a proper Targaryen.
Much more than locating the man inside the monster went into creating Daemon. It takes the better part of each morning to get the Targaryen clan’s identifying silvery-blond, chest-length wigs on just so. There were lessons in horsemanship and broadsword handling. Smith also learned multiple dialects of Valyrian, the Latin-like language Westeros nobles use among themselves, which he often employed to bring out Daemon’s more thoughtful dimensions. And of course, there was dragon riding. Daemon has his own flying fire-breather: Caraxes the Blood Wyrm. “They built this huge plinth that you have to get up on, then they move you around by remote control,” Smith says of the dragon rig. “Last year, they did it on a volume stage, which is like a reality stage [it surrounds actors with immersive sky visuals as opposed to blank bluescreens]. It’s quite high in the air and it’s like a bucking bronco, essentially. You’re sitting on what looks like a massive motorcycle, a low-slung Harley-Davidson.”
Like many GoT and HotD characters, Daemon is complex. A word Matt Smith often associates with Daemon is chaos.
“Daemon sort of thrives on chaos. There’s an element of him that’s walking on a tightrope made of glass, and he loves that he could fall off at any time. He operates on his own sort of strange and often violent plane. But to him, the violence is not gratuitous. He’s not doing it clumsily, he’s doing it with purpose and precision. Now, whether that’s right or wrong is for other people to debate.”
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senditcolton · 7 months
Warmer in the Winter
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Bantering, judging each other but in a way that’s like, “what you’re doing right now is really stupid but you’re adorable and I can’t help but love you.”
part of my Valentine's Day prompts requested by @smileysvech | word count: 1k | warnings: none! bonus instagram edit!!
Every relationship went through its fair share of ‘firsts.’ First date, first time meeting friends, first ‘I love you’, first holiday with family, first trip, etc. But it seemed that dating a professional athlete came with its own set of firsts.
One of which you were experiencing right now: first family skate.
The NHL Winter Classic had finally made it to Colorado and your boyfriend Mikko invited you to the game. That invite wasn’t new; you had come to Ball Arena multiple times to support him and cheer him on from the box seats with the other wives and girlfriends. But when he told you that he was bringing you to the family skate the day before, you freaked out a little.
This was big – this was Mikko publicly claiming you as his. You knew there would be media and it was likely that you would be posted on the Colorado Avalanche socials sooner rather than later. It felt like a big step in your relationship. Your nerves of the media attention were only combined with your nerves of skating in front of everyone.
You would be the first to admit that you weren’t the strongest skater. Sure, you could stand, you could coast. But matching the speed and ease of your professional hockey boyfriend? That wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. And Mikko knew it. In fact, he relentlessly teased you about it.
You were thankful for the teasing though. It was never malicious and, in all honesty, it just made you want to prove yourself. That was usually the goal whenever you stepped onto the ice with Mikko. But today, the goal was simply not to make a fool of yourself.
That goal was on loop in your mind as your step out onto the ice, the snow falling gently around you, Mikko’s hand firmly in yours. He smiles at you and you force yourself to smile back, loving the sight of his blond hair peeking out from underneath the Colorado Avalanche beanie. Mikko pulls you along as he skates backwards, helping you balance.
“You don’t look like Bambi anymore,” he chirps as you move your feet, your gaze focused on the ice.
“Gee, thanks babe,” you mutter, your hand tightening in his.
Mikko guides you around the rink a little longer, gliding you through turns and you start to relax. Your eyes lift from the ice to look around Mile High Stadium. The bronco is emblazoned, the snow not covering it just yet. You couldn’t wait to see that it covered tomorrow – not with snow but with Avalanche fans cheering on their team. Those hopes swirl through your mind, distracting you momentarily, so much so that you don’t feel Mikko’s hand slipping away from yours until it’s almost gone. You immediately tighten your grip, turning your gaze back to him to see a mischievous smirk on his face.
“If you let go of my hand, I’ll kill you,” you say, fixing him with a stern look. Mikko’s only response is another grin as he continues to wiggle his hand free.
“You would need to skate on your own in order to catch me,” he chirps right back, finally releasing himself from your grasp and pushing backwards a few paces.
Your face hardens in a playful scowl as you move your feet, trying to propel yourself forward, all while attempting to stay upright. Mikko just continues to skate backward a few feet ahead of you, that smug smirk still on his face as he takes in your determined flailing as you try to keep up with him.
But Mikko – no matter how skilled and confident of a skater he was – was no defenseman. He pushes himself backward once again to keep the distance between you, but he stumbles over his own two feet. He practically flips in the air, falling on his back with a heavy groan.
The initial worry subsides when you hear him laugh, the noise bringing forth your own cackle. You skate up to his form splayed on the nice, glancing down with a smirk on your face oh so similar to the one he was wearing a few minutes ago.
“Need any help there, babe?” you ask, the words dripping with amusement.
His steel blue eyes look up at you, a slightly embarrassed smile on his lips made more evident by the pink in his cheeks. Mikko lays there for a minute, contemplating your offer before he pouts, holding his hand up to you in defeat.
As soon as your hand is clasped in his, you feel his hold tighten in yours. Your eyes widen as you subtly shake your head, realizing his plan a moment too late. The pout on his face quickly morphs into a wicked grin and before you can react, he is pulling you forward. Your center of balance fails you, your body tipping as you fall, landing on top of Mikko with a shriek.
“Mikko,” you squeal, playfully smacking him on the chest. “What was that for?”
“Couldn’t let everyone think you were a better skater than me,” he laughs, his hands falling to your hips as your body straddles his.
“I think your secret is safe,” you reply, looking down at him with a grin. Mikko just smiles up at you, his hand lifting to brush the snow from your cheeks.
Gravity was to blame for a lot of things and if you needed to, you could blame gravity on the way your body lowers itself until your face hovers over his. A moment passes before you move those final centimeters, pressing your lips into his. Mikko returns the kiss with a fervor, pulling you impossibly closer. The chill from the ice starts to seep through the fabric covering your knees but you don’t care that much because the desire pouring from Mikko warms you from the inside.
“Hey, get a room you two. There are children here,” you hear Nate chirp, his voice breaking through the bubble and breaking the two of you apart. You playfully scowl in his direction, a glare that he only responds to with a laugh.
You carefully remove yourself from on top of Mikko, pulling yourself onto your feet with the help of the solid boards next to you. Mikko peels himself off the ice, dusting the snow off his clothes before taking your arm in his. You let him guide you back towards the center of the ice as the snow continues to fall.
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boxedwinedean · 2 years
tagged by @gustingirl to list the 6 albums ive been listening to lately! (tysm for the tag!)
1. Puberty 2 - Mitski
2. Who Really Cares - TV Girl
3. Eureka - Mother Mother
4. Bronco - Orville Peck
5. The Anthology - The Ink Spots
6. The Fool in Her Wedding Gown - The Crane Wives
tagging @clarasamelia @superhell @saviingferris @knarliesluvr @totalcommieslut @meowkiwikat <3
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souldagger · 2 years
3, 21, 49 :3
3. daytona sand - orville peck
21. allies or enemies - the crane wives
49. bronco - orville peck
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au10 · 3 years
So I watched all the westerns by Eastwood. Below you’ll find my list of what I’d say are his best to not necessarily worst just not great. Keep in mind that this list is just my opinion and yours very well may differ and hey that’s great. Also keep in mind there will be spoilers but to be fair the majority of these movies are older than me. I would also like to point out that I didn’t view Rawhide as I really didn’t seem like something I’d like. The list is as best as I can tell are all of his westerns. Some are kind of iffy as I don’t consider them a western. 
1.”Unforgiven” 1992
 My original pick was going to be “For a Few dollars more”. I re-watched Unforgiven again and have decided that Unforgiven is his best western. Made in 1992. It features Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman and Richard Harris. There might even be more stars but those are the ones that stood out to me. The plot basically goes like this. William Munny a ruthless killer back in the day settles down with a woman who changes his life. He gave up his killer ways. The wife is already dead when the movie starts and Munny stays on the good path for lack of better phrasing. I don’t want to spoil to much more but needless to say a large bounty put on some ruffians leads to some nice action. 
I love the soundtrack to this movie. Well at least one song in particular and that’s Claudia’s theme. You can YouTube if you wish. I think it’s really great. 
A couple of quotes that I enjoyed. 
“ I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned”
.”It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have.“
2. “For a few dollars more” 1965
 This is the sequel to a “Fistful of dollars”. It’s part of the famous dollar trilogy movies. Made in 1965 Eastwood portrays the man with no name. I really like  Lee Van Cleef as Col. Douglas Mortimer. It’s a revenge type of western. Both Cleef and Eastwood characters are pretty much bounty hunters. Cleef has an entirely different motive for his actions though. They seem to have great chemistry together too. I also like the dialogue between them as well. Clint Eastwood's character calls Lee Van Cleef's character "old man", while Van Cleef's character calls Eastwood "boy". Once more I love the music plays when the pocket watch is opened up. 
3.” A fist full of dollars.” 1964  
The beginning if you will of the the man with no name trilogy or dollars trilogy which ever you prefer. The dollars trilogy is what you call a spaghetti western. “ Spaghetti westerns were not rated highly due to their low budgets, over the top violence and inferior art work. But, these Spaghetti Westerns changed that perception forever. Director Sergio Leone gave one after another hit and this trilogy made Clint Eastwood a mega star. “ Some people don’t like them or they find them to corny. Each to their own. I loved the movies. My father pointed out to me one of the things that bugged him was the constant camera cuts to the other characters in the film. It especially focuses on their eyes. I never noticed it until he pointed it out. I do love the scene where he confronts the bullies/bad guys. On his way to them. He passes by the undertaker and tells him to get three coffins ready. After the shootout he passes back by the undertaker and tells him my mistake 4 coffins.
4. “The Good, The bad and the Ugly.” 1966 
The last of the dollars trilogy. A lot of people will say that this is the best of the three movies. Like the previous  film it also stars Lee Van Cleef. This time though he is one of the villain’s. It’s a good movie. I enjoyed  Eli Wallach as Tuco. Once more you have the music on point with  The Ecstasy of Gold. I heard that song years earlier when Metallica would use it. My last thought on this trilogy is I do love how Eastwood is always smoking those little cigars. I have read though he actually hated them.
“ You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig. “
5. “Two Mules for Sister Sara” 1970
This one is a film I really liked. It doesn’t seem to be as serious as the previous I’ve listed above. It actually has quite a few comedic moments in it. I think one of the best parts of the movie is after Hogan (Eastwood) saves Sara from impending doom. She gets dressed and comes back out in her nun gear. Once Hogan realizes she is a known his expression is great then he exclaims “Jesus Christ”. I noticed this movie had blood in it. A lot of the earlier ones don’t. One guy gets his arm cut off and one takes a machete to the face. It’s a good movie and I enjoyed it. I should note the soundtrack or at least one song they play over at times in the film is a play on the title. It sounds like a mule actually braying. Pretty nifty. 
6. “Pale Rider” 1985
Another good movie. Eastwood is just known as the preacher in this movie. He helps out a prospect town from becoming a mining town. When the prospectors will not give up their land. A marshal and his deputies are sent in to get prospectors out. It’s hinted at that the marshal may know the preacher form the way he reacts after told his description. This is definitely one of my favorites though. It does get a little weird with the preacher having intercourse with a guy’s girlfriend. The action is great though. It should be noted that it’s been told that Eastwood’s charter is a ghost in this film. Richard Kiel is in this movie as well. He is a well established actor. Most likely known for playing Jaws in Moonraker. 
7. Outlaw Josey wales 1976
A lot of people like this movie. It’s Eastwoods only PG rated western. It’s once more a revenge type western. Josey’s family is murdered by the Union army and he joins a confederate group to get his revenge. I think one of the best parts in the movie is when Josey shoots the rope holding a ferry going across the river. Some of the Union soldiers horses fall into the river preventing them from reaching Wales. This movie is said to be George Strait’s favorite. I did find it funny that the old man in charge of the ferry was playing to both sides. If you were a Confederate he would sing “Dixie” if you were a Union solider he would sing “Battle hymn of the republic” Ever the opportunist I suppose. 
"Well Mr. Carpetbagger, we got something in this territory called a Missoura boat ride!"
"Well are ya' gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"
8.”High plains drifter” 1973
This movie could be almost a part of the man with no name trilogy. It’s just not as good. I liked the midget character named Mordecai . He is one of the best in the movie and funny. This is one of the movies where it’s possible that the stranger (Eastwood’s character) could be a ghost. Some people say he is the sheriff’s brother. Eastwood has said that himself. Then again some people say he is the ghost of the sheriff himself. It’s up to the viewer and how you choose to interpret it. This movie also marks the first movie Eastwood directed that was a western.
“You're going to look pretty silly with that knife sticking out of your ass.“
9. “Hang’em High” 1968
This was Eastwoods first major role in America. The Dollars trilogy had yet to come out over here in America. Jed  (Eastwoods character) is wrongfully hanged by a posse. He naturally seeks revenge after being rescued. He becomes a Marshal and winds up bringing some of the posse to justice. It also stars Pat Hingle. I really only know him from Tim Burton’s Batman. He played Commissioner Gordon. 
10. “Joe Kidd” 1972
To be honest with you this movie really doesn’t do anything for me at all. It’s not a bad movie but it’s not one that really captivates me either. It stars Robert Duvall as a rich/wealthy landowner trying to push Mexicans off of their land. He hires Eastwood’s character named Joe Kidd. It does have some decent moments. A pretty cool scene shows Kidd taking out a gunman upon a rock. The final fight is also pretty neat where Kidd drives a train through the bar.
Honorable Mentions: 
1.”Bronco Billy” 1980
This movie was on the list and I viewed it. I liked it. Eastwood plays a carnival showman. It’s your typical story of guy and girl don’t get along. Then as the movie progresses they start to get along and wind up with one another. It’s not a western but it has the theme. It does have  Scatman Crothers in it as Doc. Throw in a crooked lawyer and a crooked husband and this is the movie you have. 
2. “Paint your wagon” 1969 
This set during the gold rush. It is a musical though and you can get the soundtrack on itunes. I heard about this movie from The Simpsons years ago. It doesn’t have a western feel to me. Eastwood plays Pardner. It’s a cool little musical. It’s an interesting movie though. A Mormon has two wives and he sells one. Well Pardner and his partner Ben rum son played by Lee Marvin buys her. Elizabeth the wife that was purchased basically has two husbands. It’s really a good movie. My favorite song being “Wand’rin Star”
3. “The Beguiled” 1971
They had this movie on the list and there again I witched it. It’s certainly not a western. It’s okay. Eastwood kind of plays a bad guy in it but only to survive. Set in the Civil War era. He is an injured Union solider rescued by a little girl. She takes him to an all girls school. It should be noted that this is the only movie in which a character portrayed by Eastwood dies. 
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Translations (like wives) are seldom strictly faithful if they are in the least attractive.
- Roy Campbell, poet (1901-1957)
Roy Campbell was a South African poet and satirist and to this day remains criminally under appreciated. He was considered by T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas and Edith Sitwell to have been one of the best poets of the period between the First and Second World Wars. Campbell's vocal attacks upon both Stalinism and Freudianism, and support for Francisco Franco's Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War, has caused him to be labeled a Fascist and left out of modern poetry anthologies.
Roy Campbell, was born in Durban, South Africa, and moved to England soon after he graduated from high school. An accomplished horseman and fisherman, he also became fluent in Zulu. He left the Union of South Africa in December 1918 for Oxford University, where he arrived early in 1919. However, he failed the entrance examination. Reporting this to his father, he took a philosophical stance, telling him that "university lectures interfere very much with my work", which was writing poetry.
Campbell left Oxford for London in 1920. Holidays spent in wandering through France and along the Mediterranean coast alternated with periods in Bohemian London. In 1922 he married without parental consent and forfeited, for a time, the generous parental allowance. His wife was Mary Margaret Garman, eldest of the Garman sisters, was part of the famous literary Bloomsbury group that incuded Virginia Woolf. Mary would go on to have a scandalous lesbian love affair with Vita Sackville-West. Both she and Roy had two daughters, Teresa (Tess) and Anna.
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In England, Roy befriended poets such as Wyndham Lewis, who based a character in his novel The Apes of God on Campbell. Campbell’s first book, The Flaming Terrapin (1924), brought him immediate acclaim; as T.S. Eliot does in The Waste Land, to which Campbell’s book is sometimes compared, Campbell rebels against postwar cynicism and apathy. And like Eliot, Campbell eventually converted to Catholicism.
Elizabethan dramatists such as Marlowe, Chapman, and Dekker inspired Campbell’s poetry, and his work fit uneasily into the socially conscious turn affected by many English poets in the 1930s. His second book, The Wayzgoose (1928), satirized South African intellectuals, and his third, The Georgiad (1931), attacked the mores and pretentions of Bloomsbury, whose members Campbell called “intellectuals without intellect.” He also wrote more lyrical collections, including Adamastor (1930), Flowering Reeds (1933), and Talking Bronco (1946).
Campbell led an adventurous life; after The Flaming Terrapin was published, he traveled back to South Africa to edit the literary magazine Voorslag with William Plomer and Laurens van der Post. Campbell soon returned to Europe. In the 1930s, Mary and Roy Campbell moved to the south of France among Augustus John, Aldous Huxley, Sybille Bedford and Nancy Cunard.
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They soon grew tired and moved to Spain. They had initially arrived in Barcelona in the autumn of 1933, having lived for several years in Provence. Their arrival coincided with the anarchist strikes that had followed the Right-wing victory in the recent elections. “For the Catalonians, as with the Irish, politics is a national industry,” Campbell wrote to a friend. In spite of the turbulence of the times, the Campbells fell in love with Spain and Spanish culture. Mary’s enduring love for the figure of St Teresa of Avila had fired her imagination for Spain since her youth, and she had evidently passed this imaginative fire infectiously to her husband, as is evidenced by the poetry about Spain that he wrote after his arrival in the country. 
Campbell wrote: “From the very beginning my wife and I understood the real issues in Spain. There could be no compromise… between the east and the west, between credulity and faith, between irresponsible innovation… and tradition, between the emotions (disguised as reason) and the intelligence.”
Tired of the brief interlude of urban life, the Campbells moved to the village of Altea, near Alicante, in May 1934. It was here that the whole family was received into the Catholic Church.
Fr Gregorio, the village priest, was delighted that a whole family of “English” was being won over to the Church. Two years later, the priest would be murdered by militiamen sent from Valencia. By this time, as we have seen, the Campbells had moved to Toledo, which Campbell eulogised in one of his poems as a “sacred city of the mind”.
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Fighting in the Spanish Civil War and World War II and serving in East and North Africa and the East gave him the inspiration to write his more haunting poetry. Campbell published two autobiographies during his lifetime: Broken Record (1934) and Light on a Dark Horse (1951). He also translated work by Spanish, Portuguese, and French writers, including St. John of the Cross, Baudelaire, and Lorca, and novels by de Quevedo, among others.
In April 1957, Roy and his wife Mary set off in their tiny Fiat 600 from their home in Portugal, destined for the Holy Week celebrations in Seville. En route they stopped off for several days in Toledo, “this heavenly place which means more than all the world to me”, as Campbell described it in a postcard sent to a friend. Throughout the week of processions in Seville, Mary noticed that her husband was unusually quiet and particularly serious in his devotions.
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On April 23 they set off back to Portugal, crossing the border in the early afternoon. A front tyre burst, and the car swerved out of control and hit a tree. Mary survived - she would die in 1979 - but Roy died at the scene of the crash. Thus ended, at the age of 55, the life of one of the finest and most controversial poets of the 20th century, a poet who counted George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, T S Eliot, Evelyn Waugh, J R R Tolkien and C S Lewis among his friends.
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As regards his friendship with Tolkien, it is one of Campbell’s intriguing claims to fame that he was part of the inspiration for the character of Aragorn, who was played by Viggo Mortenson in the movie version of The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien first encountered Campbell as a mysterious stranger in a pub in Oxford in 1944 who was listening intently to the conversation of C S Lewis. As Campbell peered intently at Lewis from under a wide-brimmed hat, he reminded Tolkien of Aragorn, the mysterious stranger who eavesdropped on the conversation of the hobbits in the Prancing Pony, the pub in the story in which the hobbits first meet Aragorn. Since Tolkien was in the midst of writing The Lord of the Rings at the time, and was deeply impressed by the adventurous life that Campbell had lived in Spain and elsewhere, it seems likely that Campbell helped to shape Aragorn’s character in Tolkien’s imagination.    
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my-obsessions-fic · 5 years
Sunrise over the snow-capped mountains was something you would never tire of no matter how many times you saw it. The land that the ranch sat on went as far as the eye could see and then some. You marveled at the beauty and history of the land that you had to privilege to live on. 
The Yellowstone Dutton Ranch was the biggest in the United States and Lee was the successor to the kingdom as it were. Your father-in-law had been grooming Lee to take over since he was born. It meant long, hard hours so you took every chance to be together that you could. Even if it was a cold morning, over a cup of coffee he wouldn’t have time to finish. 
From the corner of your eye, you caught your husband, Lee, watching you instead. “We came out to admire the scenery,” you said taking a sip of your hot tea. Who would have thought the cocky cowboy you met fifteen years ago would be your husband and father of your children.
“I’m doing just that,” he remarked. Lee bent down to give you a kiss. He caught your eyes wandering to the horses. “How much do you miss it?”
“Depends on the day,” you answered with a shrug. Barrel racing had been your forte when you were younger winning multiple buckles. The prize money alone paid a good chunk of veterinary school. It was how you met Lee. He rode the broncos. 
“Well, you’ll be back in the saddle soon.” 
Your third child had been born just over six weeks ago via C-section and you were still healing. Besides three girls all under the age of four was more than enough to keep you busy.
“How about I take you for a ride tonight?” you said suggestively.
Lee growled and pulled you close. He kissed you hard as his hand rested on your bottom.
“Hey,” came a deep voice from behind you. “You guys keep that up and we’ll run out of rooms in the house.” The gravelly voice belonged to the infamous John Dutton, your father in law. Even though his face remained serious you could see the hint of a smile pulling at his lips. He may have a hard exterior but his granddaughters broke through pretty quickly. 
“Time to roll out,” Rip called from the other side of the gate.
“Gotta go, babe,” Lee said. “I’ll see ya tonight.”
“Be safe.”
“Always am,” he called back over his shoulder. He caught up quickly with John. They mounted their horses and joined the others.
As predicted, it was late when Lee came home. You could hear both men talking downstairs in hushed tones. While you couldn’t make out what they were discussing, you knew it was serious. A few minutes later Lee made his way to the bedroom after checking on the girls.
“Why are you still up?” Lee asked before leaning over and kissing your lips. 
Marking the page in your book you set it on the nightstand. “Just finished nursing Katie. Anyway, you know I can’t sleep until you’re home safe,” you responded. 
Lee held out his arms then patted himself down. “All intact.” He sauntered to the bed crawling over to you. “I seem to remember someone wanting a ride?”
“I love you but you smell like cattle and taste like whiskey,” you commented when he got close enough to kiss you.
“Off to the shower, I go.” Lee turned walking to the large restroom. He shed his shirt then turned to you. “You could join me,” he said, nodding toward the shower.
“Mornin’,” John said as you entered the dining room. He reached his arms out for Everly who you were holding on your hip, Anne was skipping along behind you. She jumped into his lap. Katie had just gotten back to sleep after being up most of the night.
You groaned when you lowered yourself onto the padded dining chair. “Good morning.” The girls started eating off John’s plate as they did most mornings. Grabbing a plate you filled it with bacon, eggs, and toast. 
“Not the healthiest breakfast,” Beth commented with a bloody Mary in hand. Beth Dutton was your hard a nails sister-in-law and best friend. While your lives were very different from one another, you still found common ground: family.
“Yeah. That’s the breakfast of champions,” you quipped pointing a fork at her drink. 
She smirked. “Well if my brother didn’t keep you knocked up or you didn’t have a baby hanging from your boob you could join me.”
“Tell me, Beth. Whose wife are you hiding from this time?” you asked. 
“Try wives,” she quipped.
Both of you laughed. John shook his head at your banter. You had missed her so much. Other than your daughters there weren’t any other women on the ranch. Casey, the youngest of Lee siblings, his wife Monica and their son lived close but John and Casey didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. 
“When did you blow into town?” you asked. “Late last night, early this morning. It depends on your perspective,” she answered with a shrug. She took a measured sip of her bloody Mary. 
“I need to get to work,” John announced. Anne hopped from his lap and he passed Everly to you.
“You can take a day off, Daddy,” Beth suggested.
Even knowing your words would fall on deaf ears you put in your two cents. “Besides it’s Saturday. I’m sure Lee and Rip have it under control-” 
“Ladies, weekends mean nothing to horses or cattle. I have never missed a day of work on this ranch and I don’t plan to now,” John said. He kissed all of you on the head. “Jamie will be here later today. Got some issues with cattle to sort out,” he said. He gingerly put a hand to his side with a  grimace as he walked out the door.
Not many people knew about his recent surgery to remove a tumor in his colon. You, Lee and Beth, were the only ones to have been granted that knowledge. 
“Most stubborn man I have ever met in my life and your brother is the second,” you said with a sigh.
“I’m going to need something stronger than this if Jamie will be here,” Beth mumbled as she pushed herself up from the dining table. You watched as her silk robe flapped behind as she left the room.
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bone-removal · 5 years
top 5 john mulaney quotes
•im a little fat girl
•bill clinton never forgets a bitch
•The nineteen-nineties? Mad About You, Pesto Sauce, O.J. Simpson breaks his forty five year "no killing streak." O.J. Simpson kills those two people so hard they stop making the Ford Bronco. Can you imagine doing something so fucked up there's no more Toyota Camry?
•You have your law practice, and me, I have all these fucking markers.
•Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! All three of my wives died in the same way on the same staircase. Each death learning from and improving upon the death before it. And a fun fact for this evening’s performance, I am on competing medications.
some of these are from oh hello but i would like to say that these are the ones that are very funny right now and 5 is not enough
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
SAY WHAT?! LeBron James BLASTED By NFL Player's Wife For Allegedly Cheating With Instagram Model
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LeBron James is being accused of cheating on his wife, Savannah James, with an Instagram model. The person blasting him for allegedly cheating happens to a former friend of the IG model and she’s also the wife of Denver Broncos tight end Nick Vannett. Oop. More inside…
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LeBron James supposedly cheating on his high school sweetheart/wife Savannah James?
Well, according to former Miss Idaho Erza Haliti, who's married to Denver Broncos tight end Nick Vannett, he is. She claims King James has been creeping behind Savannah's back with an Instagram model named Sofia Jamora:
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Apparently, Sofia and Erza used to be friends, but they seemingly had a falling out because Erza is spilling some scolding hot tea. Erza hopped on her IG Stories, posting a picture of LeBron James on the basketball court with the caption:
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"Am I the only one that's not a fan of LeBron? I guess I've never been a fan of guys that cheat on their wives especially with @sofiajamora."
Yes, chick even tagged her former friend in the post so she know it’s real. Sofia is no stranger to hitting up Lakers games at the Staples Center:
          View this post on Instagram
                  huge basketball fan
A post shared by fia (@sofiajamora) on Feb 26, 2019 at 12:00pm PST
  No word from Sofia, who will be celebrating her 23rd birthday soon, about the rumors:
          View this post on Instagram
                  taurus szn
A post shared by fia (@sofiajamora) on Apr 28, 2020 at 12:21pm PDT
            View this post on Instagram
                  anyone looking for a quara-bae?
A post shared by fia (@sofiajamora) on Apr 10, 2020 at 1:01pm PDT
  And the Lakers baller certainly hasn't said anything about the rumors.
This isn't the first time LeBron has been accused of getting closer than close to an IG model.
          View this post on Instagram
                    A post shared by Rachel Bush (@rachelbush) on Apr 11, 2016 at 8:47pm PDT
  In 2016, Miami Instagram model Rachel Bush told the world Lebron DM'd her by sharing what he sent. In 2017, he allegedly slid into IG model Heidi Hoback's account. Hmph.
Do we believe it?!
  Photos: s_bukley/Debby Wong/Shutterstock.com/Sofia’s IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/05/04/say-what-lebron-james-blasted-by-nfl-players-wife-for-allegedly-cheating-with-instagram-m
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Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 16
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, suggestive
Episode Summary: This episode takes place in February 2014 and is Chris making good on his bet for the Super Bowl between the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
This episode can also be read on AO3.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological.  It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future.  However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Episode 15
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Episode 16: Super Bowl XLVIII
February 2, 2014
The sun was already up and making its presence known around the edges of the curtains, when Ellie woke up. Not ready to get out of bed, she rolled over with the thought of trying to fall back asleep, but the idea left her when she saw that Chris was still in bed with her. He was lying on his back and had kicked away most of the covers during the night, leaving just the sheet covering the lower half of his body.
Ellie bit down on her lower lip as she fought the temptation to reach out and touch him. Looking back at the clock on her nightstand, she saw that it was already 9:30 and she knew they had a full day ahead of them, not to mention the fact that they'd been up late the night before. It was only the knowledge that her cousin would be there in an hour to pick her up for brunch and she still had to take a shower that forced Ellie from her bed and into the bathroom.
Last night, prior to them retiring to her bedroom for the night, she and Chris had worked with Scott to clean the big house for the Super Bowl party they were throwing. Not wanting a repeat of the football kick off party, Ellie had created a to do list on the way home from the bed and breakfast last weekend. Getting all of the cleaning done on Saturday, had been the first time on said list.
Unbeknownst to her, however, Chris had his own list and getting her out of the house was on the top of it. It hadn't been until last night that he had let her know that he had other plans for how Super Bowl Sunday would go. He'd lured her from the big house for a date night of pizza, beer and a movie in the guesthouse.
It wasn't until after the movie had ended that he had informed her that while he was putting the finishing touches on the party, she would be having brunch with her cousin. She'd hammered him with questions, after that, but he had refused to give her any more information. Not even after she'd given him a mind-blowing blow job. In the end, he had distracted her from the plans for Super Bowl Sunday by giving her a couple fantastic orgasms that had left her legs feeling like jelly and her body beautifully sore.
Even now, as she washed in the shower, she came across tender bits of flesh where he'd dug his fingers into her a little too hard while in the throes of passion. She didn't mind though, especially not after she'd played doctor when they'd gotten home last Sunday and had tended to all the scratches she'd left on his back from their various rounds of lovemaking.
Last night had been the first time they'd slept together since they'd left the bed and breakfast. Between work, hanging with Scott and everything else, there just hadn't been time for more than a few minutes here or other together and neither of them had wanted to rush anything so they'd waited.
Shutting the water off, Ellie squeezed as much water out of her hair as she could with her hands then reached out and grabbed her towel. She dried off and then used the towel to get more water out of her hair. Since she didn't have time to dry it completely, she opted for a side braid that made it easier to deal with.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, a few minutes later, Chris was gone, but he'd left a note sitting on the end of her bed.
Morning. We'll talk when you get up to the big house.
She quickly got dressed, opting for a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, knowing she'd change into her Seahawks shirt later. When she got to the kitchen in the big house, she found Scott and Chris eating donuts. Shaking her head, she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and opened it.
"Don't judge us," Scott said his mouth full of jelly donut. "We need the sugar to get everything done this morning."
"I know and I appreciate your hard work," Ellie said with a smile. "I'll make sure we don't take too long at brunch."
"Don't hurry yourselves," Chris replied. "I already told your cousin that you can't be back here until after one o'clock."
Ellie froze with the water bottle almost to her lips. Lowering it, she looked at Chris and said, "But it's my party."
"Yes, it's your party, but I'm the host," Chris argued. "You're the guest of honor. Which means, all you do is show up."
"But the food -"
"It's being catered."
"The decorations -"
"Scott showed me where you've been stashing your Seahawks decorations and we have plenty of help to put it up and it's not just Scott and myself doing the decorating."
"So what am I supposed to do after brunch?" Ellie asked him as the buzzer for the front gate went off.
"I'll go let Phoenix in," Scott offered as he got up and all but ran from the room.
"Knowing who you'll be with, maybe manicure and pedicure? Or shopping?" Chris suggested. "You have your credit card, you can use that."
"What will your accountant think of that?" Ellie asked. "It's not exactly a household expense."
"It's making good on a bet," Chris replied with a shrug. "And I trust you not to go too crazy."
"I still don't like this," Ellie told him as they heard Scott greet someone. "Why can't I -"
"Hi Izzy," Chris said, looking at something over Ellie's shoulder.
"Don't try and dis -" Ellie started, but spun around when she heard her sister say, "Hey Chris."
Upon seeing her sister, Ellie squealed and ran over to her. She wrapped her arms around Izzy and asked, "What are you doing here?"
"I'll explain in the car," Izzy replied. "Come on, we're going to be late."
Speechless, Ellie took her purse that Chris held out to her and followed Izzy out to the car where Phoenix was waiting for them.
"Surprise!" Phoenix sang when they got in and closed the doors.
It was over brunch that Ellie learned that Izzy's boss had given her the day after the Super Bowl off after discovering that she was from the Northwest and had grown up a Seattle Seahawks fan. With football as popular as it was in Texas, her boss had made the offer in case she'd wanted to go home to watch the game with her family and friends. She'd taken him up on the offer, obviously, and had come to LA to be with Ellie upon discovering, from Scott, what Chris was planning.
Despite both her sister and cousin seemingly in on Chris's plan, Ellie couldn't get either of them to tell her what he else he had up his sleeves. Thankfully, they'd both kept her distracted after brunch; first, dragging her to a walk-in nail salon to get manicures and pedicures and then dragging her to an outlet mall to shop. They even managed to talk her into buying a couple nice dresses and new undies to wear under them.
By the time they got back to the house, it was nearly two o'clock and Izzy offered to take Ellie's stuff to the guest house as they got out of the car. Ellie accepted the offer and followed her sister in the house, freezing in the doorway when she saw that Chris had found more Seahawks and Super Bowl decorations than she had. He and Scott had hung decorations in the entry hall with arrows pointing towards the kitchen.
Following the signs, Ellie went into the kitchen and found the wives of Chris's former roommates hard at work on the food for the party. She vaguely recalled that one of the women owned a catering company, but couldn't remember which one it was. She greeted the women with a hello and got a chorus of greetings in returned.
"He's downstairs," Kady told her.
"Thanks," Ellie replied. She went down the basement stairs and smiled when she reached the bottom. Chris had gotten a little carried away with the decorations, covering nearly every open space on the walls with something Seattle Seahawks or their colors, but she loved it. He'd even gotten Daisy a pink Seahawks jersey and put her in it for the reveal. (Later, upon looking closer, she would spot a few hidden Patriots items in the room.)
"What do you think?" Chris asked, appearing at her side.
"I love it," Ellie replied, turning to look at him. "Thank you, Chris."
"You're welcome," he said, pulling her into a hug. Taking advantage of the fact that they were alone for a few seconds, he dipped his head and pressed his lips against hers.
Ellie leaned her body into his and fisted his shirt with her hands, losing herself in the kiss until they were rudely interrupted by their siblings.
"And welcome to my life," Scott said in an exaggerated stage whisper to Izzy.
"Shut up, they're cute," Izzy replied, winking at Ellie, who was blushing as she and Chris parted.
"Just wait, it gets old quickly," Scott told her as he pretended to gag.
Chris rolled his eyes and pointed to the stairs. "Go find something to do other than harassing us," he told his brother.
Scott saluted Chris with his middle finger and then raced up the stairs.
"The others will be here soon," Chris told Ellie. He nodded his head towards the stairs and added, "I'm going to go make sure Scott is helping and not sampling."
"I heard that," Scott yelled from upstairs, his words muffled in a way that suggested his mouth was full.
Chris rolled his eyes and went upstairs.
"You go get ready," Izzy told her sister as they heard the brothers picking on each other. "I'll go supervise."
It took Ellie less than twenty minutes to change into her favorite Seahawks shirt, pull her hair into a messy bun and cleanup after Daisy in the backyard. By the time she returned to the big house, Chris's friends had arrived as had Phoenix's husband, Kurt, and their one-year-old son, Isaiah.
Most of the guests had chosen to wear something in a Seahawks color, a nod to Ellie winning the bet that she and Chris had made on the first day of the season. Even Scott had changed into a bright green polo shirt.
Then Ellie spotted Chris, who was talking to one of his friends. He had changed, too, from a black shirt into a navy blue Patriots shirt. She made her way towards him and his friend saw her before Chris did. The friend muttered something to Chris before winking at Ellie and moving away.
"Nice shirt," she told Chris, sarcastically.
"It's got a 12 on it," Chris said with a shoulder shrug.
"Not the right kind of 12," Ellie replied, crossing her arms. "And definitely not the right team."
"There was nothing in our bet that required me to wear a Seahawks shirt," Chris reminded her with a big grin.
Ellie narrowed her eyes at him and let out of a huff. "We'll add it next time," she told him. "You'll look really good in Action Green."
Turning on her heel, she made her way over to baby Isaiah, who launched himself into her arms as soon as she was close enough.
With so many people, it didn't take them long to get the food downstairs and setup on the folding tables that Chris had rented for the day. Coolers were brought in from outside with ice cold beer and soda in them.
They all visited during the pre-show, quieting in respect as the national anthem was sung, and had mostly found their seats by the time the coin toss ceremony began. They all chuckled as the special guest, Joe Namath, flipped the coin early and the head referee snatched the coin out of the air so he could finish explaining the rules. A minute later, the real toss happened and Ellie pumped her first when the Seahawks won it.
As the Denver Broncos lined up for their first play, following the kick off, Ellie found herself practically shoved into Chris's lap as Scott wedged himself in between her and Izzy on the couch. She was in the process of righting herself when the ball was snapped. Almost immediately, the commentators announced it was a bad snap and the pro-Seahawks crowd roared. She got her eyes on the screen just in time to see a Denver player pounce on the ball in the end zone, giving the Seahawks a 2-point safety.
"And that's how you start the Super Bowl!" Ellie exclaimed as she shared high fives with those around her. She had to nudge Chris to get him to high five her, but he did so, happy to see her happy. Turning to Scott, she punched him in the shoulder and said, "I almost missed that because of you."
"And almost took out my family jewels," Chris added from over her shoulder.
"Sorry?" Scott offered, unapologetically, his eyes focused on the Doritos commercial that was playing.
When the game came back, they watched as the Broncos kicked the ball to the Seahawks. The Broncos defensive line managed to keep the Seahawks from scoring a touchdown on the drive that followed, but gave up a field goal making the score 5 to 0.
As the first quarter continued, Denver's offense stalemated against the Seahawks and their defense gave up a second field goal, making the score 8 to 0. With another chance to score, the Broncos offense came onto the field, but gave up an interception with less than a minute left in the quarter.
The second quarter started with the Seahawks getting a touchdown and extra point off the drive that had started with the interception the quarter before. Then they picked off another pass from Peyton Manning and scored a second touchdown and extra point, making the score 22 to 0.
"How ya doing?" Chris asked Ellie as the game went to yet another commercial. "Feeling light headed yet?"
"I feel amazing," she replied, dramatically resting her head on his shoulder. "My team is kicking ass."
When the game started up again, Denver nearly coughed up at ball on the kick off, but the officials ruled that the player was down, ending the play before he lost control of the ball. (Not that Ellie agreed with the call as she cursed under her breath.) Ultimately, the Broncos were unable to score on their last drive of the first half and the Seahawks took over and killed the final minutes on the clock.
While waiting for the halftime show to start, everyone got more food or took a turn in one of the bathrooms. As Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers performed, they all sang along and danced, some in their seats and others where they weren't blocking anyone's view of the TV.
The third quarter started off with a bang, literally, as the Seahawks' Percy Harvin caught the ball on the kick off from the Broncos and ran it 87 yards to score another touchdown. (A play that had Ellie leaping off the couch and nearly knocking over Chris's beer in the process.) A successful extra point attempt made the score 29 to 0, Seahawks.
A failed drive for each team followed that touchdown, but Seattle got the ball back off a fumble. They scored a touchdown and extra point, several plays later, making the score 36 to 0. Denver managed to score their own touchdown, a few minutes later, and got a two-point conversion, making the score 36 to 8.
"How ya doin, champ?" Chris asked with a grin as the third quarter ended. He'd seen Ellie get excited about football, but she was ecstatic and riding an emotional high with the way the game was unfolding. Even he had to admit that the Seahawks were playing amazing, but only to himself.
"They're going to do this," Ellie said, stating the obvious. "They're going to win this mother-"
"ELLIE!" Her cousin cut her off before she could finish the rest of the word.
"Oops," Ellie said with a giggle. Leaning closer to Chris, she whispered, "They're going to win this motherfucking game."
"Yes they are," Chris agreed with a laugh.
And so they did. Denver attempted an onside kick, but Seattle recovered the ball. They scored on that drive, making the game 43 to 8. What followed were several unsuccessful drives by both teams, a fumble recovery for the Seahawks and then the final whistle.
"WE WON!" Ellie shouted as the players and coaches celebrated their Super Bowl victory on the TV. She threw herself into Chris's arms, as he stood up, and kissed him, not caring that everyone could see them. Not that he seemed to care as he kissed her back.
"Again with the kissing?" Scott asked sarcastically. He was happy that Chris had found someone like Ellie, but he couldn't help but tease his brother a bit and he knew Ellie would just roll her eyes.
Ellie was still floating on cloud nine as they all worked together to put away leftovers, making sure that everyone took something home with them to munch on later. She got lots of 'congrats' hugs as everyone began to leave, including Izzy, who was catching a flight home that night.
"Have fun tonight," her sister whispered as they hugged goodbye. "Enjoy him, I mean, yourself."
"You're awful," Ellie said with a laugh as she poked her sister in the side. "But I will."
Eventually, it was just her, Chris and Scott left in the house. She and Chris were in the kitchen doing the last of the dishes when Scott came in with a bag.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow," he announced. "I'm house sitting for a friend tonight. Thought I'd take Daisy with to keep me company?"
"Uh, sure," Ellie replied, glancing at her dog who was still rocking her Seahawks jersey. "If you're sure it's ok with your friend."
"It is," Scott assured her. "We'll be back in the morning." He grabbed Daisy's leash and opened his mouth to ask if she wanted to go on a drive, but shut it when the dog bounded towards him at the sound of her leash jangling. "I guess that's a yes from Daisy, too." He clipped the leash onto Daisy's collar.
"What about food?" Ellie asked. "And -"
"Already packed her stuff," Scott assured her. "See ya." He led Daisy out the door to the garage and Chris closed it behind them.
"Did you have something to do with that?" Ellie asked him as he turned back towards her.
"With my brother leaving? Yes. With him taking Daisy? No," Chris replied as he took the towel from Ellie's hands and tossed it onto the counter. "Let's let these air dry and go upstairs."
"What's upstairs?" she asked coyly as he pressed her back against the counter. She was reminded suddenly of a similar position she and Chris had found themselves in at the beginning of the season. At that time, he'd been picking a piece of fuzz out of her hair. This time, she knew, he was plotting how to get her out of her clothes and into his bed.
"Your private Super Bowl celebration awaits upstairs," Chris told her, his voice low and rough.
"Tell me more about this celebration," Ellie encouraged as she looked up at him.
"Well, there will be kissing, lots of kissing," Chris teased. "And a shower, but the actual shower kind, not the champagne kind -"
"Well that's disappointing," Ellie interrupted. "I've always wanted to be sprayed with champagne." Chris quirked an eyebrow at her words. "What? Haven't you?"
"I've had it done," he replied. "It's not as cool as it looks when you get it in your eyes. Or if someone takes a cork to the balls." Ellie snickered. "Ask Chucky about it next time you see him, we got a bit wild at Brock's bachelor party."
"Oh, I will," Ellie promised, making a mental note to ask. She loved hearing the stories that Chris and his friends shared, especially after they'd all had a drink or two and had loosened up a bit. They constantly tried to one up each other with their stories, which led to a lot of revelations.
"Now back to our private celebration," Chris said, taking back control of the situation. "I'm sorry to say your Seahawks shirt will not be allowed." Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "It's a clothing free party."
"I've never been to a clothing free party," Ellie confessed. She made to reach for the hem of her shirt, to get the party started, but paused and looked at the door. "Are you sure Scott is gone?"
"Let's move the party upstairs, just in case," Chris suggested. "You head up, I'll lock up the house."
Ellie nodded and headed upstairs to Chris's room. She considered taking her clothes off before he got there, but decided to wait and see what he had in mind.
When he arrived a couple minutes later, he was carrying a small cooler and a picnic basket.
"What's that for?" Ellie asked with a laugh.
"It's only 8:30 and I don't plan on us leaving this room until morning," he said as he set the cooler and picnic basket on the floor by his reading chair. "I've got everything we need to keep us going tonight. Food, water and gatorade."
"Well if I'm going to be stuck with you for at least the next twelve hours, at least you brought brownies," Ellie teased, after sneaking a peek into the basket to see what he'd brought up.
"Stuck, ha," Chris replied, wrapping his arms around her waist. "You can't wait to get with all of this." He gyrated his hips in a lewd fashion against her. "Shall we get this party started then?"
"I was waiting for you, party boy," Ellie told him in silky smooth voice. She placed her hand over his heart and then slid it down his torso to the hem of his shirt. "Why don't you go first?"
"No, no," he said, shaking his head. "My mom always taught me that gentlemen let ladies go first and I'm a gentleman."
Ellie rolled her eyes, but took a step back and pulled her Seahawks shirt off, tossing it onto the floor. "Your turn."
Chris grinned and pulled his shirt over his head before adding it to the pile. He pointed at Ellie's jeans and then made an 'out of here' gesture with his right hand before he crossed his arms over his chest.
Having taken her shoes and socks off earlier, Ellie smiled as she popped the button on her jeans and drew the zipper down. She added an extra sway to her hips as she shimmed her jeans down her body. She was bent to remove her jeans when she heard the unmistakable sound of jeans falling down. Looking up, she saw that Chris was standing with his jeans pooled at his feet and wearing a pair of bright green boxer briefs.
"So, do I look as good in Action Green as you thought I would?" he asked, his hands on his hips.
Finally free of her jeans, Ellie kicked them aside and nodded her head. It was true it wasn't exactly Action Green, but it was close and she knew he'd worn them just for this moment.
"Think I'll get some action?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Did the Seahawks just win the Super Bowl?" Ellie answered in the form of another question with an obvious answer of yes. "Maybe a bath first?"
"A bath?" Chris asked, his hands falling from his hips. "Why would we take a bath?"
"Because it's romantic?"
"A shower is faster. Not to mention part of the party plan."
Ellie rolled her eyes as she sighed. "I just washed my hair this morning, Chris. If we take a shower, I have to wear a shower cap."
"So?" he asked.
The 'so' was that her heavy duty shower cap was not attractive at all. She went into the bathroom and opened the drawer that Chris had designated for his mom and sisters bath stuff. He had given her permission, months ago, to use his soaking tub when he was gone and she had, several times. Because of that, she had put her own bath things in the drawer, including the 1970s patterned, heavy duty shower cap that she wore to keep her hair dry. It was one of the many she'd tried, over the years, that could hold all of her hair up without leaving angry red marks on her forehead.
"What in the hell is that?" Chris asked as she turned around with the hideous thing in her hands.
"My shower cap," Ellie replied with a small frown. She took a second to put it on and then looked up at him, expecting to find him looking at her with disgust, but there was a funny look on his face. "What?"
"Take off your bra and panties," he told her in a husky voice.
She eyed him as she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, rolling her shoulders forward so the straps would fall down. She pulled the fabric away from her body and dropped it onto the bathroom rug. Then she slipped her hands under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, kicking them away. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her shoulders back and then looked up to meet Chris's eyes.
Chris sucked in an audible breath of air as he took in the voluptuous curves of her body bared before him: her full breasts, the softness of her narrow waist that flared out at her hips and her amazing ass that he could see if he looked into the mirror behind her. Two steps was all it took for him to reach her and he pulled her against him before planting a passionate kiss on her lips.
Rising to her tiptoes, Ellie weaved her hand into Chris's hair as she kissed him back, her embarrassment over her shower cap forgotten completely. Breathless, a moment later, she pulled away and lowered herself so she was standing flat footed again. "I thought we were going to take a shower first," she whispered.
"We are," Chris said, a little confused himself. It took every ounce of his willpower to step away from her and turn towards the shower. Even more to actually walk to the shower and turn it on. He was so focused on achieving the shower objective that he started to get into the shower, but was stopped when Ellie grabbed his arm.
"You're still wearing your boxers," she said with an amused giggle.
Blinking, Chris looked down and saw that, sure enough, he was still wearing his underwear. He smacked Ellie's bum lightly as she stepped into the shower still giggling over his moment. After shucking his boxer briefs, Chris joined her and enjoyed the squeal that escaped her mouth when he pressed her against the still cool tile wall. Then he made it up to her.
Once in the shower and then again in his bed.
Episode 16.5
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As long as you can run fast and throw far, then who cares about morals! - A story of domestic violence in the NFL
The NFL has once again come under fire about its handling of players who are charged with domestic violence. This has been a hot button issue in recent years, due to the Ray Rice case in 2014, however it seems that players still haven’t got the message that this is not acceptable behaviour. Recently, Kansas chief running back, Kareem Hunt has had domestic violence charges against him and once again the NFL hasn’t stepped in, until they have been forced and ashamed by video evidence. 
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However, we have to look back, before the NFL, to collegiate sport, in light of the Brock Turner case we can see how male athletes are held in a different class to their peers. Turner’s status allowed him to receive an obscenely low sentence for sexual assault and in turn pardons his actions. This blatant abuse of power in male dominated sports has also been researched in a paper on ‘Sexual Coercion Practices among Undergraduate Male Recreational Athletes, Intercollegiate Athletes, and Non-Athletes’. One of the authors, Sarah Desmarais, stated; “We found that 54.3 percent of intercollegiate and recreational athletes and 37.9 percent of non-athletes had engaged in sexual coercive behaviours – almost all of which met the legal definition of rape.” These alarming statistics show that the male sporting community is not being condemned for their treatment of women and this is following them into highly televised professional careers. We then have to worry what kind of impression this gives the next generation of sports men and women that look up to them.
The NFL changed the personal code of conduct after the Rice case, increasing the ban from two to six games when charged with domestic violence among other offences, however these rules don’t come into account for new drafts who have had a history of domestic abuse or violence against women. In 2017, Raider first round pick, Gareon Conley, met with police over allegations of sexual assault and Cowboys new cornerback Jourdan Lewis was on trial after domestic abuse charges towards his girlfriend, subsequently he has been acquitted. However, the NFL has not put into place a firm code of conduct that instructs its players and perspective players on how they should be seen to treat women. This is obviously what some of them need.
The increase of a match ban from two to six, was something that the NFL did implement after the Ray Rice scandal, NFL Commissioner Rodger Goodell, stated players would get “suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors, as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant”, he continued to say a second offence would result in a life time ban. However, is all of this really enough? We can presume not, as players are still not getting the message that their gender and celebrity status does not mean they should be allowed to inflict violence on to others. We could also suggest that the NFL only had to release this statement due to the high volume of media attention on the Rice incident and the video that went viral showing him dragging his unconscious girlfriend from an elevator.
Even though Rice was a turning point in how the NFL responded to domestic violence, we also have to look previous to this, in a database provided by USA Today, it showed from 2000 to 2014, 85 of the 713 arrests of NFL players was down to domestic violence. Some examples of this are; in 2013, A. J. Jefferson, a cornerback for the Minnesota Vikings, was charged with domestic assault by strangulation, he was released by the Vikings and given a six-match ban, how Commissioner Goodell revoke the ban and Jefferson was able to play at Cleveland Browns for the rest of the season. Also, an even earlier account of domestic violence in 2000 by Rod Smith, a wide receiver for Denver Broncos, in which he pleaded guilty to verbal harassment and even under went domestic violence treatment, the NFL didn’t even ban Smith. Instead they imposed a $25,000 conditional fine, which he wouldn’t have to pay if he completed his probation. What is probably more shocking to us now, is the fact the NFL have actually changed their policies at all, considering what they have let players get away with in the past.
So, what was so different about Ray Rice that they had to change their code of conduct so much? Well as previously mentioned it was most likely the video. The first video released by TMZ showed Rice dragging his fiancée unconscious body out of an elevator in a hotel, he was arrested and charged. The sickening images met with mass media involvement, stating that Rice should be banned. However, the NFL decided to give him a two-match ban, this caused a mass controversy, but then a second video was released, again by TMZ. This time it showed the moment Rice knocked his now wife out, in the lift. The NFL then had no choice but to suspend the ex-Ravens running back indefinitely. The commissioner went on to admit they had handled the incident wrong this time, but also stated “the same mistakes can never be repeated”. But that is exactly what has happened.
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Kareem Hunt is the most recent scandal to rock the NFL, and it seems eerily similar to Rice, once again a video has emerged by TMZ of Hunt attacking a woman in a Cleveland hotel. Once the NFL found out about the incident, they did launch an investigation into the attack, somehow this didn’t involve actually interviewing Hunt? However, he was released from the Chiefs when the video showing the attack was aired. The chiefs also stated “several members of our management team spoke directly to him. Kareem was not truthful in those discussions. The video released today confirms that fact.” We could say this is reasonable as they have finally released Hunt from his contract, showing that the team do not agree with his actions. But looking at the statement again we see no mention of the attack of a woman being the main reason for release, instead they say he has been untruthful, suggesting if maybe he had told them from the start things may be different? No doubt they were dubious to let him go considering the season he had for them last year. I mean what does it matter if he has violently attacked a woman, considering how many touchdowns he scored for them last year. I can see how that must have been an incredibly tough choice. But luckily enough they eventually made the correct one.
Where does this actually leave us? After 2014 we thought domestic violence was under control in the NFL, but this doesn’t seem to be the case, and where can we go from here? Well, I would suggest an even harsher crack down on players and staff. Each individual team need to do their part to educate the players on how they should be treating women. Investigations into domestic abuse should be of higher importance and done in greater detail, nothing should be left for a website or magazine to reveal. The NFL needs to show the importance of treating both genders equally because they are setting an example for younger generations to come and the NFL’s image is only going to get worse if this is what they are allowing their players to do to their fiancées, wives and other women they come across.
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docrotten · 2 years
KRULL (1983) – Episode 215 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“I am Ergo, the magnificent. Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose, and wide of vision. And I do not travel with peasants and beggars. Goodbye!” No brag, just fact. Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they check out the epic quest depicted in Krull (1983).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 215 – Krull (1983)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.
  Director: Peter Yates
Writer: Stanford Sherman
Special makeup designer: Nick Maley, Bob Keen
Visual effects: 
Steven Archer (animator);
Terry Reed (supervising modelmaker) 
Derek Meddings (visual effects supervisor)
Selected Cast:
Ken Marshall as Colwyn
Lysette Anthony as Lyssa
Trevor Martin as the voice of the Beast
Freddie Jones as Ynyr
David Battley as Ergo the Magnificent
Bernard Bresslaw as Rell the Cyclops (credited as Cyclops)
Alun Armstrong as Torquil, a man who favors an ax and is leader of the group of bandits that includes 
Liam Neeson as Kegan, an axe-wielding polygamist
Robbie Coltrane as Rhun (voice dubbed over by Michael Elphick), who fights with a spear
Dicken Ashworth as Bardolph, who favors daggers
Todd Carty as Oswyn, who uses a bō staff; 
Bronco McLoughlin as Nennog, who throws a net; 
Gerard Naprous as the archer Quain 
Andy Bradford as whip-wielder Darro
Bill Weston as whip-wielder Menno.
John Welsh as The Emerald Seer.
Graham McGrath as Titch, the Seer’s young apprentice.
Francesca Annis as The Widow of the Web
Tony Church as King Turold, father of Colwyn
Bernard Archard as King Eirig, father of Lyssa 
Clare McIntyre as Merith, one of Kegan’s many wives.
Belinda Mayne as Vella, Merith’s assistant
Crystal has always been a fan of fantasy and has loved Krull since her childhood so it’s not surprising that this is her pick. In fact, she always wanted to be Lyssa. She also loves the handsome and oh-so-precious lead and the costumes, and when she first saw the film, she was afraid of the Widow of the Web.
Steven Archer’s stop motion animation of the crystal spider is Bill’s favorite part of Krull. Well, that and the cyclops. He’s disappointed in the way the Beast is shot, especially after learning of all that went into its design. And, of course, you’ve got to love the glaive, a very stupid yet very cool weapon.
Chad is a big fan of sword and sorcery, and distinctive weapons so Krull is one of his favorites. He is particularly impressed with the cyclops, the beast, and some of the sets with their feel of German expressionism. He does, however, view it as being incohesive with a lot of the story that doesn’t make sense. Jeff describes Krull as a beautiful movie with its sets, locations, production design, and costumes, He also gives a special nod to Freddie Jones for the added gravitas he gives the film.
If you are hungering for some glaive-work or an 80s, sword and sorcery, quest movie with horrific elements (did we forget to mention the changelings?), Krull is just the ticket. At the time of this writing, Krull is available for streaming from HBOmax and various PPV options. As far as physical media, Krull is currently available as a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Blu-ray.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Chad, will be Cannibal Apocalypse (1983), directed by Antonio Margheriti and starring John Saxon! Or is it Cannibals in the Streets? Or Apocalypse domani? Or Invasion of the Fleshhunters? Or Cannibal Massacre? Or… well, you get the picture.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!
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totallyrhettro · 6 years
Territorial, chapter 11
Word Count: 2508 Rating: This chapter: PG. Overall story rating: explicit Warnings: Memories of Dubious Consent Summary: After finally realizing their shared love for one another, all internetainers Rhett and Link had to do was live happily ever after. Unfortunately, as it turns out, that’s a lot harder to do in a world of werewolves. Notes: Takes place 1 year after Animalistic began. Still no wives; Rhett and Link are in an established relationship. This is a sequel to that fic. You don’t have to read that first, but it is highly recommended.
Also available on a03
First Chapter Previous Chapter
Rhett couldn’t be sure exactly where Link had gone. He hoped the man had just gone home, to their house in Burbank, but he wasn’t holding his breath. The two hour drive back to L.A. seemed like an eternity and Rhett spent all of it kicking himself over what he had done. There was no sign of Link’s car as Rhett and Theo pulled into the driveway. The lights were all out and the sight made Rhett’s heart plummet.
“I’m sure he’s okay,” Theo assured him. Instead of answering, Rhett pulled out his phone and started to dial Link’s number for the umpteenth time. He hung up even before the first ring. He’d already left so many messages. What more could he say? How else could he apologize? What could he possibly say that would make everything better? He didn’t know. Finally, he decided to text Link instead, his trembling fingers taking forever to type out a few short words.
Where are you? He sat in Theo’s truck, leg shaking from nerves, as he waited anxiously for a reply. When it came, it only brought small comfort with it.
Safe. I just want to be alone for awhile. Rhett bit his lip, looking up into the night sky slightly begging that everything would work out. He needed Link to be okay. He needed him to be fine, and more than anything, he needed him to forgive.
“What can I do?” Theo asked, softly. He felt a little lost, unsure how to help his friend with this problem. This wasn’t something he knew how to solve. Unlike the land of werewolves, love wasn’t a world he was particularly familiar with. Rhett shook his head as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
“Nothing,” he sighed. “I have to handle this on my own.” As he climbed out of the bronco, he gave Theo one last look. ‘I’ll be fine,’ it said. ‘It’s not your fault.’
“Call me when you hear from him.” After Rhett watched Theo drive off and out of sight, he went inside. Stumbling to the couch, he tried to to calm his nerves. He was exhausted, but he knew he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.
Meanwhile, Link was just stepping into the farmhouse the two of them had finally finished renovating a few weeks back. The home away from home was modestly decorated now, with dark woods and warm fabrics. A brown, leather couch sat in front of the grey stone brick fireplace, the centerpiece of the main floor living room. Link took off his glasses, gently placed them on the coffee table, then flopped down on top of the couch, physically and emotionally drained. He was still mad at Rhett, but his fatigue was making it hard to feel anything right now. Deep down he knew he would probably forgive his best friend for what had happened this night. Tomorrow they would talk and things would be alright. Yet when he thought back to the events of the evening, he couldn’t get the look of Rhett’s face, enraged in the firelight, out of his mind.
It haunted his dreams that night.
~ ~ ~
The next morning Link rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and turned to look for Rhett, who normally slept on his right. When the man he loved wasn’t there, Link had to take a moment to recall why he was alone. He wasn’t even in a bed but was the couch he’d laid down on last night. Sitting up and putting on his glasses he looked around. It was still early and the morning sun was shining gently through the curtains. If his boyfriend would have been beside him, Link might have been inclined to feel content. As it was, he felt alone and empty.
Then he remembered last night.
Taking out his phone from his pocket, he saw the notice of at least a dozen missed calls. He’d also received more than twice that many text messages and all of them were from Rhett. Link hadn’t meant to spend the night here. He just wanted to rest awhile, but sleep came far too easily and before he knew it, it had taken him away. Unlocking the phone, he skimmed through the texts. Despite the lingering resentment from last night, he couldn’t help but feel guilty at worrying his best friend and love so badly. Quickly he called him back.
“Link!” Rhett’s voice was groggy, but alert, and filled with a range of emotions. Mainly he was relieved to hear from Link, and Link could hear it clearly. “Where are you? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Link assured him. “I’m at the farm house. I- I fell asleep, I’m sorry…”
“No, I’m sorry, Link. I love you. I shouldn’t have freaked out last night. Please…. Please come home, Link. I… I don’t know what I’d do without you.” While Link was glad to hear Rhett apologize and beg him to come home, he wasn’t quite ready to forgive. He wasn’t quite ready to go home and talk about what had happened. It would leave to a much deeper conversation that could change their whole relationship. He just wasn’t ready. Not yet.
“I think I’ll stay here a bit longer, I… I’m fine I just need some more time.” There was a silent pause while Rhett took this in. He couldn’t leave it be, not until he was certain Link forgave him. Not until he was certain Link still loved him.
‘Can… Can I come up there? See you?” Link considered the idea before sighing quietly.
“Sure. Just you though.” He didn’t really feel like seeing Theo, or anyone else really. Still, he did want to see Rhett. He couldn’t deny how much he missed him, or how much he loved him. Maybe after the hours it took Rhett to drive up he would be ready to talk. Maybe here it would be easier.
“Good, I’ll see you soon, then. I love you.” Those last words, added softly, were more than a statement. They were a request. Rhett needed to hear Link say it back, and he knew it.
“I love you, too.” Of course he did. He always did. He always would. Link could almost see the relief on Rhett’s face, and he smiled sadly to himself. It had been a long time since he felt like his love for Rhett was more of a burden than a blessing.
~ ~ ~
Link tried to keep his mind busy while he waited for Rhett to arrive by dusting around the house. He found there was nothing like a bit of cleaning to relax a stressed mind. It gave him a sense of control and he didn’t feel much in control of his life these days.
He had lost track of time, clearing the cobwebs near the ceiling and the dust bunnies under the furniture. He didn’t notice the car pulling up the driveway and almost jumped when he heard a loud knocking on the front door. Wondering why Rhett didn’t just come in, Link figured he either forgot his key or, more likely, he wanted to have Link let him in to show him it was his choice, not Rhett’s.
Opening the door, he fully expected to see a six foot seven man with tall, dirty blond hair and a beard standing before him, hunched slightly over and lips pouting as they always did when Rhett was apologizing. His heart fell when he saw the face of Damian Lowell instead. The shorter man ignored Link’s fallen expression and smiled up at him.
“Hey, Link,” he greeted. His voice was kind but condescending, the same voice people use when talking to someone whose relative just died. “How’re you doing?”
“Fine, uh, what are you doing here?”
“Came to check up on you. Wanted to make sure you were alright, after last night.” Link glanced behind Damian, wondering if Rhett was driving up the road. He had to be arriving soon. When he saw no sign of his boyfriend, Kink tried not to look too disappointed.
“How did you know I’d be here?” he asked, curious and slightly concerned. Damian shrugged nonchalantly.
“Just hoped. It’s the only place I knew of that you might have been. Do you want me to leave?” Link sighed and stepped back. He didn’t want to be rude and Damian had been nothing but nice to him.
“Nah, come in. I wanted to apologize to you and your family for what happened.” He led Damian into the living room and the two them sat across from one another; Link on the couch and Damian on the nearby chair.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for, man. It wasn’t you that punched Seth out of nowhere. I know you had nothing to do with that.” Damian looked around, checking the place out, and his nostrils flexed slightly. “Has Rhett said why he did that?”
“We haven’t really talked,” Link admitted. “I… I’ve never seen him freak out like that before. Last time he’s ever hit anyone was third grade.”
“There’ve been a few times I’ve wanted to hit Seth,” Damian joked. “Don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never seen someone sucker punch him. Man.” He sat back in the chair, shaking his head. “I know turning into a werewolf can bring out a man’s darker side but… dang.”
“What have you seen?” Link sat forward, his elbows on his knees, and folded his fingers together. They were shaking a bit more than usual. “I mean, I guess that’s where rogue werewolves come from, isn’t it? They turn and the wolf makes them… it… Like, they can’t control it.”
“People who don’t have a pack, who aren’t educated…” Damian shrugged as if it was all obvious. “They tend to let the wolf control them. It’s not entirely their fault, but it makes them dangerous. Even the most gentle person can do horrible things when the beast takes over. I’ve seen it too many times, believe me.”
“Rhett’s been a werewolf for over a year now. He’s never lost control like that, I mean…”
It was pitch black in Rhett’s house, and the only sound was Link’s heart pounding in his chest. A dark shadow flitted on the edge of his vision, large and foreboding. Before he could turn to look, he felt a heavy force slam him, front first, into a nearby wall. He made a loud noise as all the wind was knocked out of his lungs. Trying to step back, he felt something large and very strong holding him in place. He tried to wiggle free but couldn’t move an inch. That’s when he felt something fuzzy brush up against the back of his ear.
“I love how you smell,” Rhett whispered. He inhaled deeply, his beard tickling Link’s skin and the shorter man couldn’t help but start to tremble. As Link tried to turn around, Rhett grabbed both of his wrists and held them firmly above his head. He used his hips and chest to hold the brunet against the cold wall.
Remembering back, a shiver ran down the length of Link’s spine. He had never been so terrified of Rhett before, and never so much since. It was the scariest moment of his life, and it was all because his best friend was losing control. Control of the animal inside, the wolf that was still relatively young. Somehow he’d managed to keep himself from hurting Link, but it had been tough for both of them, and Link didn’t like to think about what could have happened.
“He’s usually in more control than that,” Link mumbled. Damian nodded understandingly.
“I’m sure he is, but it only takes one moment of weakness, one moment for the beast to take control.”
“Have you ever lost control?”
“When I was young,” Damian confessed with an amused grin. “Never did anything violent but, one night I jumped in the back of a stranger’s truck, completely naked.”
“Uh, why?”
“Friend dared me. The car was driving down the road at the time.” He chuckled, remembering. Link wasn’t really in the mood to laugh. “Look,” Damian said, losing the grin and sitting up straighter. “If you’re really worried Rhett will hurt you, why don’t you stay with us for awhile?”
“He would never hurt me.” Link looked down, his voice was quieter than he intended, his tone scared and uncertain. “Rhett would never hurt me.” He wanted to believe his words, but there was still a flicker of doubt in the back of his mind. It wasn’t that he was afraid of Rhett actually injuring him; they were equally matched these days in strength and stamina. Being both werewolves meant it was hard to lay either of them out. It was more that he didn’t like the idea of the man he knew and loved becoming someone else. Someone he didn’t understand. Never in the decades of their friendship would he have believed that gentle giant would have been capable of hurting anyone.
But that was before.
“Didn’t you say he killed the mutt who made you?” Damian asked, gently. Link looked up at him and he looked back, kind but inquiring.
“Yeah but... that was to protect me. That mutt was-”
“Many dark things have been done to protect others, Link. He may have had the best intentions, but once you let the beast out, its very hard to put it back in its cage. Very hard.” Link didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to believe it. Getting to his feet, he paced the room, his hand to his mouth, running facts over in his mind.
“He’s careful,” he affirmed, mostly speaking to himself. “Even during his moons he’s in control.”
“Like he was last night?” Damian’s words made Link stop in his tracks. “Link, I know he’s your friend and you care about him…”
‘You have no idea.’
“But Rhett’s what we call a natural born alpha. His wolf instinctively wants to be in charge. He probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it. When someone threatens his dominance, he lashes out. Last night I’m sure he saw Seth as a threat, for whatever reason, and felt he needed to assert his dominance over him. Rhett must have thought Seth was trying to take you away and he needed to take you back. Take back what was his.”
‘I am his…’ Link thought, but he frowned as well. He didn’t like this ‘alpha Rhett’, this dominant figure. Link always saw them as equals. If Rhett thought, even subconsciously, that Link was going to be the beta male, he had another thing coming.
While he was lost in his thoughts, he almost didn’t hear a car pulling up in the driveway, or the footsteps walking across the porch. He didn’t realize anything until the front door was unlocked from the outside, and a tall figure stepped inside. Settling his jaw, Link took a deep breath. He was ready to talk now and he had a lot to say.
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