let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
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First time holding hands
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darkened-storm · 1 year
Art trade with @let-it-ripperoni / @veenavalart
The comedy of errors that is Steph’s day to day life leads to an adorable Brookma meet cute
“That’s disgusting,” Brooklyn exclaimed, glaring at the offending dessert in his hands. It was Thursday, and while the rest of the Bladebreakers were at their extra curricula’s, Steph was once again avoiding Grandpa’s afternoon kendo class.
She didn’t remember asking Brooklyn to join her, more like she’s bumped into him while he was gawking at the squirrels outside the classroom and she’d blurted out something about how all people like ice cream.
If she’d known about his poor taste in ice cream flavours, she might have picked a yakisoba stand instead.
“Really, Brooklyn,” she said, snatching her ice cream cup out of his hands. “What’s wrong with mint choc chip?”
“It tastes like something you should brush your teeth with,” Brooklyn answered, still looking perturbed. “Although Matt might appreciate the freshness.”
This time, it was Steph’s turn to glower at him. For someone who spent most of his time staring at the wildlife, she’d begun to discover that Brooklyn could be almost as annoyingly observant as Tala.
Speaking of Tala, Steph thought, feeling a sudden wave of alarm as she spotted a tall red head in the distance, followed closely by a mop of navy hair.
Crap, what are they doing here? she wondered.
Tala had been excuse from attending after school activities on account of his persistent brain scrambling - but Kai on the other hand, was supposed to be meeting with the student council. There was no point cursing the student council members for being lax though, she realised - she needed to find a way to not be seen doing … well, doing exactly what she was doing right now. But she couldn’t exactly bail on Brooklyn either - she was supposed to be looking out for him!
See Steph, Hilary’s know it all voice echoed inside her head. This is what happens when you try and keep every body happy.
“Tyson’s right, she is a know it all,” Steph muttered under her breath.
“Did you say something?” Brooklyn asked. Thankfully, he’d otherwise been too busy staring at the birds in the tree above them to notice the Blitzkrieg Boys arrival.
She spotted a flash of platinum blonde hair in her peripheral vision and suddenly an idea occurred to her.
She sprang from her chair. “Hey Ilma!”
The girl stopped in her tracks, her hair catching in the breeze. Stunning as ever, she was wearing her drama club blazer over a frilly pink dress and strappy heels that should make Becky green with envy.
Steph made a mental note never to allow the two blondes to ever go shopping together as she vaulted over the chair towards her friend.
“Oh - hey Steph,” the girl looked slightly perturbed at Steph’s enthusiasm, and yet she hardly protested as Steph seized her by the arm and dragged her back to their table.
“Ilma. Brooklyn,” she said, jabbing her thumb towards him. “Brooklyn;
Ilma likes wearing odd socks to keep things fresh and interesting.” She turned back to Ilma and added: “Brooklyn has a weird thing about birds. Based on these two facts, I think you two should get to know each other better.”
Without waiting for an answer, she gently shoved Ilma into the third chair at their table, ignoring the comically confused look on both their faces.
“Whatever you do, Ilma,” Steph said, snatching up her school bag. “Don’t order the mint ice cream, it makes Brooky look like he wants to puke.”
Brooklyn pulled another face, not quite akin to his nauseous face, but not far off it either.
“Wait - you’re leaving?” Ilma exclaimed, trying and failing to grab the corner of Steph’s sleeve as she darted out of reach.
“Yep, sorry - I forgot I promised to help Grandpa teach his Kendo class,” she lied tactlessly as she scooped up her bag. “Have fun you two.”
For a moment, both Brooklyn and Ilma stared after her, until Brooklyn asked:
“What’s this about socks?”
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illusionhq · 8 years
What type of physical stats are you looking for on our pages?
I’ll post this so everyone can see it !!
Both Jess and I have examples on our pages which you can check out here and here respectively !! We’re mainly looking for things that are different from your face claim. For example, Calliope has a tongue piercing and Selena Gomez does not. If your character has different colored hair, that kind of thing. That’s what we were mainly looking for within muses stat pages. Other than that, you can do whatever you would like !! Physically, you can talk about their height, weight, build, tattoos/piercings, things of that nature !! 
(also sorry this got so long, it took a life of its own haha)
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fuckme-ezra-blog · 8 years
Ezra made his was to the pool, taking his time. After all, none of this was a race. It was easy to spot the woman when he got there, the tall male making his way over and taking a seat beside her. “Even better in person.” He states, winking at her.
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
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More Brookma, beach party edition.
EDIT: Someone pointed out how off the water looked so I decided to fix it (albeit lazily)
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
I would love to see Brooklyn and Ilma with their favourite beverage(s) 👀
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Brooklyn is a tea drinker. He likes stuff like loose leaf, or flowering teas.
Meanwhile Ilma...
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She injects coffee into her veins
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
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Had to do this meme as soon as I saw it
Ilma is here like "Omg I've never even J-walked in my life, how did this happen?" Brooklyn's face tells us "And I'd do it again"
How'd they get arrested? Brooklyn "wandered" into the panda enclosure at the zoo and petted the pandas. Ilma got involved to get him out before anyone noticed them. Didn't go so well, obviously.
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
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Oh no not more self-indulgent ship art. I can’t believe I was able to finish two pieces on the same day, I’m on a roll. I love them so much!
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
Ilma's past
Ilma came from a wealthy, political family, and was the firstborn, making her an heiress. Her dad is a politician and CEO of a company. Her mother was a wealthy heiress to the company Ilma's dad now owns, and the marriage was arranged for political purposes. Throughout Ilma's life everything has been about keeping images, and showing the world you're the perfect family.
Behind closed doors, this wasn't the case. Far from it, in fact. Ilma's dad was emotionally abusive and extremely narcissistic. He wanted nothing, but perfection from her. This moulded Ilma into being extremely people pleasing, and to always know how to show what people wanted to see. She innocently convinced herself if she tried her best she would gain her parent's love and affection. She would constantly wish on the moon at night for this, and confided in it her deepest, darkest, secrets, something she'd continue to do all her life (A reoccurring motif that I will go into further in another post, possibly).
One of her few passions as a child was Beyblading. She met her bit-beast, Enki at the age of 10. Unfortunately, her father deemed this activity to be "unbecoming of an heiress" and demanded she throw away such ridiculous toy. Ilma pretended to comply, but instead hid her beyblade away from prying eyes. Enki would be kept in storage for the next several years, nearly forgotten.
Somewhere down the line, Ilma found out by accidentally eavesdropping that his father was unfaithful, and had several mistresses. She couldn't believe it at first, so she looked into it more and found out it was all true. She rushed to her mother about it, and told her about her findings. Her mother, Sabina just sighed in defeat and said she already knew. In fact, she revealed the reason behind their marriage wasn't for love, but all for political gain. Ilma would have to get used to this as this too was her future. This obviously, struck Ilma as wrong and she began her rebellious phase. This period of time was riddled with constant lectures about her behaviour, and skipping lessons. She didn't want her life to be decided by those around her, she wanted her freedom.
Ilma naively decided to take things into her own hands, believing that if she showed her dad the errors of his ways, he would change. She gathered evidence and found out her dad's corruption, and illegal doings. She had the idea in her head that if she could tell him his faults, and offer better solutions he'd have a change of heart.
Boy, was she wrong. Her father grimaced and expressed his deep disappointment in her. This was the most displeased he's ever been of her, as far as she can remember. His father claimed this was the last straw, and that he's done with her. He didn't think he'd raise such a soft, and weak-willed heir, and decided she wasn't fit to run the company, or be part of the family. He disowned Ilma, and removed her from the family registry.
This didn't phase Ilma, but what did, and consequently traumatized her the most was her mother's reaction. Completely stone-faced and nonchalant. How could her mother not stand up to her? How could she stand by an unfaithful, and evil man? Everything was wrong. Everything about his family was dirty, and she'd lost hope of ever having a decent relationship with them.
Despite the disownment Ilma was offered a hefty sum of monthly allowance as hush money for the information she knew. If word got out, her family's reputation would plummet. They also let her have a maid. This would seem generous, except the maid, Katrina was meant to be a spy for her father to keep tabs on her to ensure that she's behaving, and not spilling the family secrets.
Katrina however, remains loyal to Ilma and reveals this plan to her. She's the only person that's ever cared for Ilma, and was the mother she never had, but deserved. Katrina gives false reports on what Ilma is doing so that she may keep her freedom and live her life to the fullest.
In hindsight, being disowned was the best thing that happened to Ilma. Because of this she develops a new image of herself, a brand new her. A perfect her. She becomes outgoing and social, and popular among her classmates. Ilma also finds out that she's a very good actress, and develops a passion for acting. She's encouraged by her friends to join the theatre club, and the school play despite her severe stage fright (this incident is what brings her to meet Brooklyn, but that's a story for another day), and takes up beyblading again.
This in a way is all a mask to run away, and distance herself from her past. Despite all of the positive changes Ilma made, she isn't completely grounded in reality (this is also partly due to her bit-beast's, Enki's abilities). She's still detached from others, and doesn't develop any particularly close bonds. The bonds she has with people are very shallow, despite the people in her life wanting to get close to her. You could say she's just floating, and drifting through life. Because of Enki's abilities influencing her, she has a dreamlike quality to those that encounter her. She's almost like a fairy, enigmatic and mystical. She doesn't feel real because she never lets anyone get close to see her human side, and flaws. She hasn't truly faced her past as of yet.
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let-it-ripperoni · 1 year
Hi <3 For the ask game, how about number 8, 17, 18 and 22 for Ilma and Brooklyn? :3
Thank you for the ask! This was very interesting to think about for sure!
8. Do they have any favourite activities to do together?
Well the most obvious one is they enjoy Beyblading together, especially if they're on the same team, but they don't mind battling each other either! Brooklyn always wins though, and Ilma's form of winning is counting how many minutes she can hold out before being defeated.
Since Brooklyn loves the outdoors that's where they spend time together the most. Ilma usually brings a packed lunch for both of them, and a book to spend time with while he does his thing. Brooklyn particularly enjoys laying his head on Ilma's lap while she strokes his hair and sings to him. Though sometimes it's the other way around.
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
They do a spa night, and take a bubble bath together.
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
Usually Ilma is the one that plans this as she likes to look for events that they could go to together. This includes going to museums, plays, karaoke, festivals, or hanging with their friends. When they're of legal drinking age I imagine Ilma wanting to go wine tasting. Ilma tries her best to broaden Brooklyn's horizons by showing him there's more to the world than lying in the grass outside, or beyblading.
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
On Brooklyn's end he'd be really apologetic once he sees how much it's affecting Ilma, and would try to do something to cheer her up like putting flowers on her head and reassuring her that he'll do better next time. On Ilma's end, she gives Brooklyn a peace offering like cookies she baked, or buys something he'd like as a way to apologize.
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illusionhq · 8 years
When will you be setting up the roommates?
Roommates will be set up tomorrow once we have all the accounts sent in !!
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illusionhq · 8 years
Activity Check
The following accounts have 24 hours to become active or they will be reopened:
@okayvilde (Sasha Pieterse) @nala-tyler (Shay Mitchell) @natexanderson (Zac Efron) @naomixxxclarke (Emmy Rossum) @ok-kyan (Zayn Malik) @baby-esme (Ashley Moore)
The following people are on hiatus:
@brookmas & @beaucar HIATUS ENDS TODAY @hvrleys HIATUS ENDS TODAY
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