calmnivore-new · 10 months
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fanart for foreigner by cj cherryh
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Here I made some Transparent png of the foreigner book covers if any one needs them. probably part 1 of something 1/?
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sylvanauctor · 1 year
I love the Foreigner books, but they're based on some very unrealistic premises. For example, the idea that humans don't experience man'chi.
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autevi · 11 months
I love Ilisidi so much
Eavesdropping on Bren, sending him useful information in response before Bren could go ask her opinion, and then telling him to go the fuck to bed
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readandneedle · 1 year
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My special skill at small child birthday parties is making custom coloring pages.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: When the Redanian government decides to revive the ancient legal tradition of Correctional Marriage, Eskel is forced to take on his strangest Witcher contract yet: he must marry and "rehabilitate" a convicted smuggler who also happens to be a bard, a Viscount, and the longtime companion of Eskel’s best friend, Geralt of Rivia. Jaskier expected to waste away in a dark prison cell under the streets of his beloved Oxenfurt. Instead, he is given a simple but impossible choice: agree to marry a strange Witcher, or hang for his crimes. Jaskier soon finds himself handfasted to Eskel, a man he barely knows and cannot afford to trust. Bound together by fate, marriage, and a powerful spell known as the Ringbound Curse, Eskel and Jaskier’s destinies were linked long before their first meeting. Now they must learn how to work together, break the deadly curse, and find Geralt of Rivia before it’s too late.
Author: @flightsfancy22
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Ilisidi just goes to places where no one wants her to go and is like "behold, it is I, an old woman" and everyone there is like "woooo yeah it's an old woman! We love the old woman!" and if they don't then she poisons them.
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karalynlovescake · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to some other writers if you like. Let’s spread the self-love 💜 (i personally hate these sorts of chain-letter things, so no pressure, but i do like to know which of their works a given author particularly loves, so consider this an opportunity to celebrate your work!)
Man, my instinct was "but I haven't written enough to have five favorites" and then i looked at my works page and I was like. Huh. Ok, actually that's wrong somehow.
The Next Level - Sandman/Good Omens crossover.
Originated entirely from that post where Neil said that Aziraphale and Crowley like to hold hands. Wrote it during a work training conference instead of paying full attention. As you do.
Put that Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me - Sandman,
My gen Gault and Jed buddy adventure story that took me a while to write but I got there in the end. Unfortunately for me, the readers don't go for gen-fic, so it has a third the reads of my other stuff. QQ
Wash these Sins On Down the River - Dreamling AU, written to go with @teejaystumbles art.
Vampire Hob, mysterious supernatural entity Dream. Gosh this was fun to write have take over my entire brain for like two months.
The Vampire, Formerly of Surrey - for The Angel of the Crows by Katherine Addison.
I just really wanted more Crow and Doyle, and also there's only eight works in that fandom and I got to deal with my personal feelings about both vampires and chronic illness.
Lowdown and Dirty - for the Foreigner series by CJ Cherryh
Still really proud of this one, even though it's from 2017, before I took my five year fanfic writing hiatus. This was just me going "wouldn't it be fun if Ilisidi Filed Intent on Bren for sneaky political reasons? he would be so hurt and annoyed and inconvenienced."
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geoderocks · 8 months
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I made some sketches for C.J. Cherryh’s amazing Foreigner series. (I’m no great artist, obviously, but had a lot of fun doing these).
In the first book Cherryh describes atevi faces as ‘not by any remote kinship human, but sternly handsome in planes and angles’. So here is my attempt with the Banichi portrait - and of course Bren in one of his long coats (subtle lace included). I haven’t dared to have a go at Jago, Ilisidi or Cajeiri yet, but maybe will put my subpar drawing skills to the test sometime ✏️
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not-a-space-alien · 5 months
Hi , I have a question.
So do you have any ideas for ship fiction situations based around bren × his ashid , Bren x tabini and/or bren x ilisidi.
You see I was planing on making a fiction for you but I do not have a lot of ideas.
The only idea is this very nsft wet dream or just romantic dreams fiction of bren having dreams around tabini , tano , algini , jago , and banichi separately.
Any better ideas then the one I got?
I think those are great ideas! :D
Personally, I love scenes with Bren x Jago, since there's a line in one of the books about it being awkward due to their size difference 😳 I also uhh love the idea of Bren x his entire ashaid just in a big pile because they can 😳😳 👉👈
if you're writing it specifically for ME (that's great ♥) Let's just say I uhhhh don't mind nsft 👀 not in the slightest
I don't have any good ideas though, unfortunately xD
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gravything · 6 months
“We should get away from this area,” Keimi said. “And will. Is the dowager able to ride?”
“Able to ride?” That small stir in the aisle of the bus at their backs was not another of their security, it was Ilisidi herself who forged her way to the door, above the steps, with every intent of descending. “Able to ride?” Ilisidi said indignantly. “Bury me, the day I am unable to ride. Have you mecheiti?”
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hell yes it’s time for some dangerous giant herd animal nonsense in my socio-political science fiction
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
ds, you have to read Spellboundby by FlightsFancy, ilisidi if you like jeskel, it's massive and so good! Just like eskel!
Thanks for the rec!
For those interested, here is the link.
I am a huge sucker for Jaskier x Eskel. I have written quite a bit of it as you guys know, and I miss it!
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fuck it i am putting my notes on archive of our own.
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sylvanauctor · 11 months
chrisjen avasarala and ilisidi-aiji should hang out. nothing bad at all could result from this.
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autevi · 11 months
on Man'chi in foreigner
Warning! Spoilers for Foreigner (book 1) and Defender (book 5).
Tabini places extremely valuable players (or pivotal moments) in extremely risky situations, expecting those who feel man’chi to him to fulfill their duty to the best of their abilities. It's the same thing when there’s a dangerous situation brewing and Bren says “I have every confidence in you, nadiin” to his staff.
When you feel man'chi, “not only do I trust your loyalty but I trust your understanding and your skills and that despite all the risks and dangers you will be able to rise above it and achieve what is necessary” just goes unsaid.
When Tabini or Ilisidi don't give him what he feels is crucial information, or take actions without informing or warning him, he interprets that as them not trusting him but it actually means they trust him more!
They trust him to operate independently of instruction (and in some cases trust him to know better than they do!), they trust him to intuit the needs of his aijin and carry out what is necessary.
This is why Tabini sends Bren to Malguri in Foreigner and essentially invites/challenges Ilisidi to test Bren, knowing or trusting that Bren will not break or do the wrong thing.
This is why in Defender Tabini sends Ilisidi and Cajeiri up to go on the ship to go on the mission Reunion, knowing how valuable they both are to him and the whole aishiditat, but trusting in Bren's man’chi to him and Ilisidi, and trusting that the man’chi of the ship captains and crew to each other, all will ensure a felicitous outcome. As long as there is the treaty, Tabini can trust that all parties adhering to the treaty will maintain their common interests.
Man’chi is basically a biological assurance of stability and trust that allows atevi to operate under high levels of risk, stress, and uncertainty. As long as man'chi is clear, they know more or less what the involved parties can or will do, and this allows them to take action easily. It comes back to this so often in the series - man'chi allows you to predict fairly well how someone will act under pressure.
Man'chi is not a choice for atevi, it's biological. If they fail at something, it's either because they lack the ability/skill to accomplish the intended goal, or there is a conflict of man'chi. So if an atevi folds under pressure, they lose their value to their lord because they are not reliable - either in terms of skill or man'chi.
And this is why, in the first trilogy, Bren’s staff is initially so perplexed by his constant need for information, because they see it as him lacking confidence in them - their skills and man’chi.
As Bren says to Yolanda in Defender: "Don’t back down from Tabini’s baiting you. If he thinks you'll fold rather than argue with him, you’ll be out of his confidence in a heartbeat.” To me, this is a way riskier cultural mixup than “friend” that Bren keeps harping on about.
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shadow-words · 9 months
Book Review: Defiance by C.J. Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher
Book Review: Defiance by CJ Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher --This book takes a worryingly retrospective turn in regards to Ilisidi. @[email protected] @[email protected]
Defiance is a book with a lot of moving pieces, and continues the “Ilisidi and Bren on a Train Trip Chasing Down the Shadow Guild and Making Alliances,” storyline begun in Resurgence. This book takes a worryingly retrospective turn when it becomes apparent that Ilisidi is not well and appears to be operating under the assumption that she has a limited amount of time to finally establish her…
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