#brought to you by me thinking about the picture of 💜 on the wall in that one house in 2-2
l0vebugss · 4 months
if your f/o is some kind of royalty or nobility, imagine being an artist and getting commissioned to paint a portrait of them
 what if that’s how you first meet?
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neewtmas · 8 months
A Fateful Bus Ride
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A/N: I'M BACK! wohoo! Hopefully at least some people are happy about that whoops
I finally somewhat dug myself out of this slump I've been in (writing and otherwise) and this is my reintroduction piece, if you will. It's not my greatest work (when is something ever lol) but I think it's decent and if anyone has any more requests, I'd be happy to write them. This request is from literal months ago (I'm so sorry it took so long, I hope you're still interested) and it's the only one that didn't get deleted with my whole inbox bc I had started writing it already elsewhere. anyways, enjoy <3
pairing: george karim x fem!reader
wordcount: 2.2k
request: Could you make a George Karim x fem or gn reader where they are on their way to a mission and they have to ride a bus and there aren’t enough seats so she sits on his lap and he realizes he likes her and he confesses to her when they get home and he holds her in his arms (sorry if that is very specific It just came to me and it’s so cute) 💜💕 - by @iloveyousomuchhhhhh (it's not 100% exact but I hope you like it anyways :))
taglist: @maraschinomerry @marinalor @oblivious-idiot @lockwood-lover @givemea-dam-break (if you want to be added or removed, just send me an ask)
George stood in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of tea when he heard a commotion in the basement. The door to the staircase was slightly ajar, and he heard the clattering of metal chains against the concrete floor, followed by some curses and then more clattering. After a short silence, in which he contemplated if he should go downstairs to check, he heard the stairs creak as someone stomped upstairs, chains loudly sounding against the metal of the steps. The door got pushed open, and Y/N entered the kitchen, arms full of chains. She was breathing heavily as she unceremoniously dropped them next to the kitchen table on the floor. "What idiot put them into the closet like that? Of course they would just fall out and break my goddamn toes." George cleared his throat. He knew the culprit all too well, but a look at Y/N's face told him it would be wiser to feign ignorance. So he just shrugged. "Maybe Lockwood was feeling lazy last night", he offered and took a sip of tea to hide the small smile that fought its way onto his lips. From the way she glared at him, he was sure that she knew exactly who was responsible for putting the chains away the evening prior.
She left the kitchen and pulled the door closed rather strongly, as she always did when she was irritated. If it had closed, the bang would have probably shaken the pictures on the wall in Lucy's room in the attic, but it didn't. Instead, Lockwood came in, pushing it open again. He seemed to be in a good mood and full of energy, strutting over to the kettle on the stove, lifting the top to check for the tea inside before turning around to George. His gaze fell to the pile of chains. "Why are there chains on the floor?" He didn't even wait for George to answer, instead, he kept talking as he grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured some tea in. "Just got the confirmation call, the case tonight is still on. Have you had a chance to gather some information?"
George filled him in on the findings the morning in the library had brought. It wasn't anything too special, it seemed to be a routine case. "Couldn't find any deaths related to the house or the ground it was built on. The lady on the phone talked about how the haunting started sometime after her great-aunt died. She wasn't living in the house though, so my bet is on some sort of haunted heirloom." Lockwood nodded contemplatively. "Sounds interesting enough."
An hour later, the four of them stood by the door, all packed and ready to go. Lockwood had the telephone by his ear, listening to what the person on the other side was saying. His expression turned from neutral to irritated quickly. He listened for a few more seconds, then said a curt goodbye before hanging up. "Can you believe it? Not a single cab is available in all of London. That guy must be mad!"
"What do we do now?", Lucy asked and Lockwood let out a long drawn sigh. "We take the bus. As the gentleman on the phone let me know, that is just as fine of transportation as a cab." He huffed, clearly of a different opinion. But complaining wouldn't get them to their destination any quicker, so they begrudgingly grabbed their equipment and left the house. Y/N had the straps of the duffle bag containing the chains thrown over her shoulder, and she quickly realised that carrying the heavy bag down the street would be much harder than simply carrying it a few metres to a waiting cab. She had a slight stumble in her step, the weight of the chains throwing her off balance.
"Do you need help with that?" George slowed down until she was next to him and extended his hand. "No it's fine", said Y/N through gritted teeth and attempted to keep walking. It was clearly not fine. George quickly caught up to her. "Just let me help you, Y/N." She sighed, setting down the bag and rubbing her shoulder with a grimace. "Fine. But let me at least carry your bag." George couldn't help but smile at her defiance. He remembered very well how long it took him to convince her to let him help her when she was struggling with something.
When she had started working for Lockwood & Co, she had been friendly but closed off - nothing that George hadn't experienced with Lockwood already. And after all, he himself wasn't known for being the most sociable person either. But something about her had caught his interest from the very first time she had walked through the door of 35 Portland Row. He handed her the much lighter duffle bag he had been carrying and picked up the one with the chains.
At the bus stop, they didn't have to wait too long, but that made their situation only marginally better. The bus that came to a halt in front of them was full, much fuller than one would expect at this time of day. But that's just how it was in the summer months, their work started when it was still light out, and that always meant that much more people were around. They hauled their bags and themselves into the vehicle and past the passengers already sitting inside. It was very apparent that the sight of their filled duffle bags, dark clothing and especially the rapiers that gleamed at their sides made the people around them somewhat uncomfortable. There were only three unoccupied seats left, and when Y/N, who entered the bus last, reached them, they were of course claimed by her colleagues.
It wasn't very comfortable, they had too much stuff with them and the bus was already overfull. "Do you wanna sit down?" George asked her and was already about to get up to let her have his seat, but she shook her head and motioned him to sit back down. "It's fine. I can just sit on the bags." They had stacked the bags to not take up any more space. But before Y/N could find a way to make herself comfortable on them, the bus driver started the engine back up and the bus lurched forward. She stumbled back, losing her grip on the pole she had held onto and landed on George's knees. She immediately started apologizing profusely, embarrassed by their sudden closeness. "It's fine, don't worry", George interrupted her, feeling a little overwhelmed by how flustered he felt all of a sudden.
She didn't try to get up and away from him immediately, and George surprised himself with his boldness as he pulled her closer so that she was on his lap completely. "Just stay here. If that's fine with you", he added hastily, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Maybe that was a little too forward. He half expected her to jump up and get as far away from him as possible, but instead, she sheepishly nodded and didn't move. George turned his head to look out of the window, and he could feel the stares of both Lucy and Lockwood almost burning holes in the back of his head.
It was quite a long drive to the house they would be working at tonight, and George was happy to notice that Y/N seemed to get more comfortable with every passing minute. Where she was sat straight at the beginning, she was now leaning back against his chest. And again, with a boldness he didn't know he had he wrapped his arms, which had been by his side until now, around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. For a few seconds, his heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest as he held his breath and waited for her reaction. But she just crossed her arms, placing them on top of his.
They spent the rest of the drive like this, and it was only when they reached the final stop, that George reluctantly pulled away his arms from her to let her get up. She didn't look at him, but her cheeks were pink as she grabbed her bag and dragged it off the bus. They were to only ones to get off at this stop, and so they stood alone on the sidewalk as the bus drove off. George prayed that no one would say anything about what had just happened. Luckily, neither Lucy nor Lockwood seemed to be in the mood for any teasing, though he could still feel them looking at him curiously. He chose to ignore them.
The case was just about as uneventful as he had predicted, and the source of the ghost - the great-aunt's necklace - had been found and cleared pretty quickly. Still, when they arrived back at the bus stop, it was dark. It was obvious that Lockwood still wasn't happy with this kind of travelling, but at least they didn't have to wait too long. This time, the bus was empty - no one besides agents was still outside now. The bus driver looked even more unhappy than Lockwood, and it was clear that he too would have preferred for them to have taken a cab.
But George was convinced that neither of them - neither the bus driver nor Lockwood - was quite as unhappy as he felt when he realised there was absolutely no reason for him and Y/N to repeat the seating arrangement from before. With them being the only four passengers, there were plenty of free seats available. But what somewhat lessened his disappointment, was the fact that Y/N chose the free seat next to him to sit.
Back home in Portland Row, George put on a kettle on the stove. Lockwood and Lucy had excused themselves to bed even though they came back earlier than usual from their case. Y/N on the other hand stayed with him in the kitchen while they waited for the water to boil. She was telling him about something that happened last time she had gone grocery shopping, but while he usually had no problems paying full attention to whatever she was saying, tonight it was different. He couldn't stop thinking about the bus ride. He had known before that he liked her, and that it was very different from how he liked Lockwood and Lucy - but it hadn't been clear to him just how much he liked her. And the way she had reacted to him - it gave him hope that maybe she felt something similar. He filled two cups with the water from the kettle and added the teabags. "Do you wanna sit in the library for a while?", he asked.
Y/N followed him to the library, where he sat down on the couch. She quickly contemplated if she should sit down next to him or if she should opt for the chair next to the couch. After what had happened on the bus, she was entirely unsure about how to act towards George. He smiled at her and she suddenly felt very nervous. Nonetheless, she decided to sit down on the couch, even though that meant they were now sitting very close next to each other. They were silent for a while, both sipping on their tea. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, it never was with them, but something was different than before.
Y/N finished her tea first and put the empty cup back onto the table. She was suddenly feeling very tired, but she liked the way she was sitting so close to George on the couch, and she didn't want this moment it end, even if she didn't exactly know what was between them right now. So instead, she leaned closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.
George could feel his heartbeat quicken as Y/N leaned against him, and he had to force himself to finish his tea without choking on it. He quickly leaned forward to put his cup on the table as well, but the sudden movement had Y/N sit up straight again. "No no!", he said hastily, cursing himself silently for being so awkward in this moment. "Don't go away. That was nice." He almost bit his tongue. Was that too forward? But Y/N smiled shyly, in a way she had never smiled at him before. She resumed her position, and with his heart beating out of his chest, he slowly put his arm around her shoulder. A part of him was scared that this was too much, but instead of pulling away, she just cuddled closer to him and closed her eyes. "You are right, this is nice", she said quietly smiled as George leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her forehead.
thanks for reading, feedback is appreciated :)
request something
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spotsandsocks · 16 days
Title for you:
From Here Til Never
Ok this was tricky
 I’ve been thinking and I’m going with amnesia fic. I’ve never done one of those!
Also adding a bit to the title I’ll remember you from here to never
Eddie is missing presumed dead, I think he’s away from LA when it happens, maybe visiting Texas. Buck gets the news and is obviously distraught, already looking after Chris so he just stays at Eddie’s, regretting lost opportunities etc.
Meanwhile Eddie is somewhere else, random small town type place. Don’t ask me how he actually got there. He can’t remember his own name but some things keep catching his attention it make him feel things.
We can have a lightning storm that upsets him, makes him feel like he’s lost something important
Conveniently for me there’s a church in town called St Christopher’s that he just goes and sits outside
He catches the end of an interview of a red headed reporter on a talk show talking about her book
 and loathing her on sight
On a checkup at the hospital a girl with crutches walks past and he starts crying
There’s a picture of Scottish highlands with a stag on the wall in the house he’s staying at he and he can’t stop looking at it.
He picks up a carved stag in a thrift store and has to buy it. Keeps it by his bed. Likewise he sees a st Christopher medal and buys it, puts in on straight away.
Finds out he can draw/paint but his art keeps ending up in shades of blue for some reason.
He gets taken hunting by the people who took him in and stops someone shooting a young stag when asked why he can’t explain it
He’s also strangely competent with the guns but can hardly bear to touch them.
l time goes in then one day someone comments on his obsession with stags (which has ended up with several pictures, ornaments of stags. Except they say
“That’s a lot of Buck’s ya got there.”
Sure male deer, stag or a buck.
The word makes him feel strange. A sense of loss and longing.
That night he dreams of blue eyes and blood on a face he doesn’t recognise
The night after he dreams of a boy who should be wearing glasses but isn’t. He looks for those glasses in his dream until a hand covered with blood gives him a small red pair
Then sitting in front of the church again the name and the boy without glasses become one and he knows his son’s name.
He has a son. And after that another name; Buck. Buckley. Blue eyes and a red mark over one eye. A smile and a feeling. The man from his dreams. His name is Buck. The two names are accompanied by the most desperate urge to get back to them. Chris and Buck. He wants to go home. He has a home, a family. Chris and Buck.
Some investing and discussions
 brother? No not a brother, definitely not a brother. Husband? That word makes him ache and he knows that he’s not a husband. They look but nothing.
Then another name comes back his own and after that more and more until he has a destination and he leaves to find it.
Probably finds Bobby first so not to give Buck and Chris a fright! Then reunion and we get Eddie explaining his collection of stags to Buck (brought them with him, putting them on shelf carefully Buck asks why and Eddie explains.
I wanted to be close to something that reminded me of what I’d lost, who I’d loved. I expect you know stags can be called bucks too.
Even when I didn’t know my name I knew yours, knew you, because I love you. I knew that even when I didn’t know anything else.
And what’s Buck going to do after that than hold onto the second chance he’s been given and kiss the man that came back to him
đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž that’s what I’ve got 
 hope you like the idea 💡 and thanks for the ask 💜💜💜
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mairablue · 4 months
Scm - Department of Wishes
Tauxolouve ♐- Heavenly Light
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: My first ever fluffbruary post! đŸ˜­đŸ€§ I hope you enjoy reading this! 💜💙
Prompts: camera | lush | beau
4th February, 2024
Small droplets of water dripped down the glass window. Cold morning breeze brushed against the leaves of the trees. The fire continued to burn brightly in the fireplace, keeping the surroundings warm.
Tauxolouve walked in the living room, carrying a tray. Two ceramic cups and some cookies were placed on a plate.
You look up from the book. Quickly putting a bookmark, you placed it on your lap.
"Thank you", you said as a peaceful sigh escaped from your lips, "delicious as always."
He smiled at your words and took a sip from his cup. You looked at the window and then at the wall clock, which showed 3.35 AM.
" Sweetheart." His honeyed voice brought you back from your thoughts. You couldn't help but voice your concerns, "I can barely see anything outside. Are you sure the weather is appropriate...", you paused before adding "for taking pictures?"
For a slight fraction of second there was some uneasiness in his eyes but he quickly brushed away those thoughts and replied, " If we reach there by 4 AM; i will surely be able to capture some beautiful photos."
You nodded your head in agreement.
Thick fog covered the narrow road, which made driving nearly impossible.
Tauxolouve opened the car's door. We were a bit surprised to see that nobody had yet arrived at the top of the hill. We walked forward; our fingers intertwined with each other's. Some cars were slowly climbing up.
With each passing minute, the fog was becoming denser, swallowing the mountain. The trees started disappearing to the point, where the lower part of the enormous mountain seems to be covered by a thick greenish blanket.
Looking down at the road, you saw the cars standing still, lining up one after another. Few people got out of the cars and started walking towards the top of the hill.
Tauxolouve looked at his wrist watch.
You placed your hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at you, and for a brief moment the determination in his eyes seemed to falter. His eyes losing some of the warmth in them.
Most people who arrived at the spot seemed disappointed. Some of them decided to wait.
Minutes turned into an hour.
"Such a waste of time", a girl said to her mother, " i can't believe you woke me up for this so early in the morning."
Another 15 minutes had passed. The weather showed no signs of improvement.
Now there was only one family standing there with you and Tauxolouve. Most cars were gone, aside from a few who were determined to get a glimpse of the heavenly light.
Beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead as he once again looked at the watch. Time was running out from his fingers like sand.
Was he going to lose another golden opportunity? Perhaps he should have gone elsewhere; he pondered. It was too late to think about these things.
" Mom, dad how long do we have to wait?" the boy asked his parents.
" (Name), we should leave." Tauxolouve wishpered. " I am sorry for bringing you here in this weather. "
His voice, so lifeless that it made your heart shatter. Still his bright smile did not leave his face. He was trying his best to not look disappointed.
As you two were about to walk back to the car, the boy shouted, "Mom look", pointing at the sky , "the Sun".
True to his words, the clouds were slowly making the way for the Sun. Soon rays from heaven fell on Earth. The golden light being reflected from the snowy mountain peak, making it shine like a diamond.
Tauxolouve wasted no time and quickly captured the breathtaking sight in his camera. The sight so divine that it filled your heart with bliss.
Tauxolouve hugged you tightly before picking you up in his arms and kissing you deeply. " I love you. " he wishpered. " I love you too. " you said as you placed a tender kiss on his forehead.
The heartfelt moment passed away and Tauxolouve was back to his usual self.
" Let's celebrate, my sweet lady. " the teasing tone in his honeyed voice was too hard to ignore. Taking his hand in yours, you two walk back to the car.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Mycroft x sister!reader - caring
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Could you please write a Mycroft x sister reader where she tries to be invisible to him because she thinks he hates her (maybe shen they were little he said that) but he in fact really loves her and maybe one day she is attacked and mycroft sees. He nearly kills the person trying to save her then he takes her home to care for her. But his sister doesnt want to let him help her so he has to convince her to let him and its all fluffy? Really sorry if thats too much - Anon💜
You were nearly home, you were only around the corner so you felt pretty safe. You knew this area like the back of your hand, so it wasn’t uncommon for you to wonder around late at night.
Walking around the corner, you were met with someone shoving you backwards and a quick punch to your face.
“Where’s Sherlock Holmes!?” The man screamed.
Before you could reply you were pulled behind someone and all you could see was their back.
“How dare you lay a hand on her.”
You watched as he punched the man again and again until he was unconscious on the floor before he turned around to face you.
Wiping the blood from his hand onto a handkerchief, Mycroft gave you a small frown and reached out to touch your face but you quickly slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch me.”
Walking around him, you started making your way back to your flat.
But you knew he wasn’t going to leaved he trailed behind you glaring at anyone who happened to be on the same side of the street as you.
Making your way inside, you walked over to the couch and set down, letting out a soft sigh as you brought your fingers just under your nose.
Pulling away, you looked at the blood on your fingertips.
“Let me.” Mycroft smiled.
He went into the kitchen and came back out with a damp cloth and sat on the table in front of you.
“I’ll do it.”
Taking it from him, you held it to your nose and started to clean the blood, all while Mycroft watched.
Letting out a heavy sigh, he ran a hand down his face.
“Why are you here brother?” You mumbled.
“Is it so wrong for me to come see my sister?” He asked.
You got up and walked to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid box, you stared at the nasty looking cut along your nose.
Grabbing an antiseptic wipe, you tried to clean it but every time you touched it you pulled away with a hiss of pain.
Mycroft reached out but you moved away.
“I can do it!”
“You can’t tend to your wound, let me at least clean it.”
“Mycroft I’ve got it! I’m not a stupid kid anymore!”
This made him flinch back slightly.
“I know that.”
“Well you don’t act like it.” You scoffed.
Mycroft looked at you in shock, you spoke to him with nothing but hatred in your voice.
Ever since you were kids that’s all you spoke to him with, and it confused him.
“Please? Just let me help, then I’ll go if you want.”
You scoffed and tossed everything into the sink, clearly fed up with trying to tend to your own wounds and stormed back into the living room.
Sitting on the couch, you folded your arms over your chest and stared at the picture hanging on the wall opposite you.
Mycroft noticed this and he looked at the picture as well.
“Childhood, was good.” He mused.
You turned to him.
“Yes, I looked after you and Sherlock while you both grew up. Sherlock was good at looking after himself, but you? You followed me wherever I went.” He smiled.
You stared at him, it was probably the first time you’d seen him smile thinking about the memories from the past with you.
Mycroft never messaged you, never spoke with you or met up with you.
“You said you hated me. Then you left.” You grumbled.
His face changed from happy to shocked, before it flooded with regret.
He turned to face you and he sighed softly.
“I never meant it, I was angry, but not at you. I would’ve never been angry at you, but when I came back to apologise you were gone.”
You simply just nodded your head and never said anything else on the matter.
Sitting down, Mycroft help up an antiseptic wipe and a bandaid.
“Let me at least do this for you?”
Looking at him, you sighed.
He came over and carefully wiped away the dried blood before sticking the bandaid over the cut and gave you the tiniest of smiles.
You looked away but you couldn’t help but smile back as well.
All you ever wanted was for Mycroft to notice you, you just wanted your big brother to love you.
Your whole life you thought he hated you, resented you for some unknown reason, but it turns out he didn’t.
“You can
 stay if you want
“Thank you.”
Mycroft sat next to you and asked you about your life and everything you had missed since you guys had been out of touch.
The smile on your face made him smile, it had been years since he saw that smile and he was glad to finally see it again.
You were his sister, and he hated being out of contact with you even if he wouldn’t admit it
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woofety · 7 months
I was tagged by @sirtadcooper - thank you!! 😃
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties.
(mandatory under the cut because I'm an idiot who can't keep it short to save her life 😅)
Favourite colour: this is an easy one, I'm in an established relationship and still madly in love after so many years with practically every shade of violet/purple that exists! 💜 Maybe I'm slightly more drawn to colder hues, but I'm not really that picky when it comes to this family of colours!
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(This is a picture of a portion of wall in my bedroom I have asked to be painted with this shade of violet - which is a bit darker in reality but y' know, artificial light, that corner is way too dark to photograph otherwise... the whole room has various hues of purple scattered around: curtains, decorations, blankets, pillows... here's a special appearance of my beautiful boat lamp! â›”đŸ’•)
Last song: thanks to a suggestion from Youtube, which probably hates me, because I'm still recovering from a flu and generally weak so it would be wise to avoid any kind of unneccessary emotional outburst:
Not technically a song, but still... I'm not sure if I was crying while watching this because I haven't had the chance to listen to them live yet, since they made a European tour twice but never touched my country and I couldn't travel abroad to see them, or because of... whatever it is that is going on with this performance and these artists, "epicness" to me barely covers it, I know I'm exaggerating but that's how much I love Two Steps From Hell, what can I say... In any case here I am being even more of a mess than I already am, you'd think I have had enough of using handkerchiefs these days! đŸ˜­â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
Last movie: I think it was Imagine me & you, which I finally watched after seeing a lot about it here (unpopular opinion no one asked for, I thought I would have enjoyed it more... â˜č)... It was either that or Bros (which I actually enjoyed it more than I expected instead 😁), at the moment I don't remember exactly which came last...
Currently watching: Fellow Travelers as for new shows (fuck me, seriously, what am I doing to myself 😭 - I'm crying quite a bit in this post 😅), rewatching Blackadder after having finished A bit of Fry and Laurie 😆, and sports as well, mainly tennis, padel and basketball atm!
Other stuff I watched this year: Oh my, I didn't watch an awful lot of things, but I'll surely forget something - I'm terrible remembering this kind of stuff (if only it was just these things 😅)! Let's see, in no particular order, I can recall Minx (so far this year the most pleasant surprise in terms of TV series I've watched for the first time, silly [affectionate] little show), Wednesday (it was a bit meh for me, not sure if I'll watch next season), Red, white & royal blue (likely one of my favourite movies this year ❀... yeah, it's not certainly a big deal of a movie ofc and I'm not even a rom com gal, especially for those Hallmark style movies, like this kinda is, but idk, it was cute and warm and brought good feelings and probably I watched it in the right moment for me, or one on which I just needed good vibes, what can I say), Call me by your name (even more than watching the movie reading the book was... quite an experience - I'm not saying it an entirely bad way, but I'm still so utterly confused about my feelings about this novel), What's love, The kissing booth (don't ask me about this one, the things I do to watch an actor I like 😅 - there's a whole trilogy of it but I only watched the two movies that had in the cast the actor I was interested in, really can't be bothered to do more than that, it was enough suffering I endured đŸ€Ł), Only murders in the building, The witcher, National treasure: edge of history (I don't care what anyone says, this show deserved at least another season, it was far from perfect but there has been way worse that still sticks around, and I'm speaking as a fan of the movies foremost, especially the first one, which is one of my comfort movies, as absurd and silly as it is 😊), Shadow and bone, The witcher (as for these, I'll probably keep watching an eventual next season only for some of the cast, because both were an utter disappointment and I wouldn't bother continuing otherwise), let's see, what else, oh yeah, Smiley (this was another nice show tbh, and in this case I could also train my ear a bit on the language since it's in Spanish and I'm trying to learn and improve it 😝) and two other Spanish shows (guilty again for watching mainly for an actor I wanted to see ah ehm), MerlĂŹ/MerlĂŹ: Sapere Aude and Alguien tiene que morir, and Érase una vez
 pero ya no, all pretty much forgettable... I don't know what else, probably there is something more, but I'm making it lenghty already, I should stop anyway!
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: damn, I should make a sheet about tv/movies as I do with books, it's honestly hard remembering what I watched or dropped! I can recall not going through the second episode of Warrior nun: again, another show I was curious about having seen things here on Tumblr, but I didn't feel it after the first episode, I'm not even sure exactly why - it's possible I'll try again someday, it's way too early to have an opinion after only one episode! I also didn't finish Lockwood & co., this one wasn't really for me tbh... I'm not even mentioning something I've been watching only and exclusively because it's a sort of joke I have with a friend of mine... All right, I'll say, it's High School Musical: The musical - the series 😅 Truth is, my friend likes the movies and low key also the series, whereas I hate them all, and she knows they piss me off and she has fun hearing my comments and teasing me about it... I have a bit less fun submitting myself to this "torture" but whatever! đŸ€Ł I try to watch the series when I'm particularly willing to waste my time, because the only reason I'm doing it is to have a laugh with said friend, anyway rn I'm at the last season and it's so bad, sooooooo bad (mind you, meaning it's just not for me, I'm likely too old and too millennial to watch this kind of shows anymore), I don't know how I am supposed to endure any more of it lol!! I guess at some point I'll force myself to finish it to end my suffering and hoping my friend and I will finally close this questionable chapter of our watching experience, but damn it's hard! 😝 As for shows of which I completed a season but didn't watch the next, I could say one was Abbott Elementary: pretty bummed about it because it was actually cute and was enjoying it, I finished the first season when the second didn't air yet and when it did, I had moved on and lost interest a bit and wasn't in the mood to continue my watching (happens to me a lot)... I think at some point I will resume this one, just have to find the right inspiration! 😛 (I'm rather complicated and picky about my watching/reading experience in general, ops) And I have to mention as well, even if it will surely grant me some disapproval from the person who tagged me in this game 😆, I couldn't pick up Our flag means death after the first season as well, and for now I don't think I will resume it: I didn't really feel this show, I don't know what to say... đŸ€· Should I mention that I also tried rewatching The Terror but I was like "oh hell no!" after the first episode?! 😅 In my defense I watched it at night, and the show is A LOT and nearly killed me the first time, yeah ok I'm making excuses but I have to be in a certain state of mind to watch certain things and The Terror is one of those cases - I already mentioned I'm complicated with my watching experience, yes?! 😜 Anyway it was a rewatch so it shouldn't count sssshhhh đŸ€«đŸ˜
Currently reading: more like, the books I've put on hold atm, ouch! True that this year, especially in the first half, I've read way more than I expected and definitely way more than I usually do, but that's not an excuse to make a pause - still, I'm realizing that it's been few weeks since I've picked up my readings! Anyway, what I've been reading is Mercanti avventurieri by Attilio Brilli, which collects stories about merchants and their travels and trades through the centuries; Columbus by Lawrence Bergreen, the account of Cristoforo Colombo's voyages in America - not happy enough of ending up horrified and outraged by the chronicle of Magellano's expedition (by the story and events, not the author's writing, which I actually appreciated a lot), I decided to educate myself more about another so called "pioneer" who thanks to his hubris committed terrible atrocities in the name of "progress" and "religion" and "civilization" and so on 😡 , since the little knowledge I have about Colombo comes mainly from my years at school... Despite the fact that my respect for this man is nowhere to be seen, I'm still somehow fascinated by the narration of sea voyages, which in the end are actually my main interest when reading this kind of stories; Atlante delle fortune di mare di Cyril Hofstein, an account of tales about (mis)fortunes at sea, involving incidents, lost treasures, mysterious events, discoveries, disappearances, disasters and so forth - btw, in the book there is this particular chapter:
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The disappearance of the Erebus and Terror is the title - the real story is terrifying enough even without creating a fictional horror show inspired by it jfc!
And lastly, this is definitely the less "serious" reading, The Lawrence Browne affair by Cat Sebastian, one of my first attempts at reading "proper" (meaning they're not fanfictions, not that I don't consider those "proper" literature, on the contrary many of them are written far better than some published books I've read, so yeah, I should say "published" instead) erotic novels lmao 😝 This was a whim really, I felt I wanted to read something light, "wicked" and not to be taken seriously (it also was probably some sort of "knee-jerk reaction" to many of the queer books I read this year, which were sad, depressing and/or tragic 😔)! Romance novels are not really my jam in general, but every once in a while they don't hurt, since I'm doing it just for fun! This one is actually the second book of a trilogy, more disappointing than the first book I have to say, which was more "juicy" and entertaining! 😁
Currently listening to: ah, this is a tough one to pinpoint, because lately my Spotify is on shuffle most of the time (I have a folder literally called "Miscellanea" that keeps a bit of everything, it's a glorious mess lol), and my music preferences are rather varied... Let's say that if I have to consciously choose something at the moment, there would certainly be Poets of the Fall, Gaelic Storm, The Irish Rovers, Santiano (in general celtic folk/punk songs, especially if inspired by sea and sailors stories- those are good for all seasons đŸ„°), Two Steps From Hell, J2 and "epic music" in general, and dance-pop music from '70 to '00, original or remixes, especially when I work out in the last case!
Currently working on: do crosswords count? It's my newest pursuit lol 😆 Because otherwise I'm afraid I'm not working on anything in particular at the moment (and I should start, since I had a couple of ideas for gifts for Christmas that alas, have to be handcrafted in order to be created, and if I want to have them done I am the one who must work on them, ugh can you believe it, outrageous, what has the world come to 😂)... I occasionally do a bit of calligraphy, create costume jewellery or create little macramù things, again usually trinkets but this summer I bought thicker yarns so I could have a go at something a little bigger like coin purses, wallets and little bags, and all in all it didn't go that bad:
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The problem is, at least with the purses, that with these dimensions I can't fit half the things I usually bring with me when I go out because "you never know what might happen I might need this thing", so these purses were more like first tries and will likely not be used by me very much because they are too small for my necessities! 😅 In any case, I had to put this activity on hold for a bit because I lacked some time to dedicate myself to it!
Oh, wait, does trying to repair a porcelain ornament that fell on the floor (not because of me, I want to clarify, for once that I don't accidentally bump into stuff and make a mess - which happens more often than I'd like 😅) count? Hardly but whatever, anyway it's going to be complicated to glue the pieces back, some have shattered in such tiny fragments, sigh...
Current obsession: I'm almost shocked to report that at the current moment no particular obsession has consumed my every waking hour đŸ€Ł I mean, even the flame of padel, which I've been following almost religiously all year, has dimmed a little, but it is the end of the season/year, everyone is tired and so am I apparently, rooting for couples who almost never have significant results (story of my life lol), so I guess I'm recharging the batteries for another round of hopeless cheer next year, yay! đŸ„ł For the rest, in terms of media I believe there is nothing of significance to report in terms of proper "obsession" for the time being, so yeah, that's it 😌 (the times of Black Sails or even Agents of SHIELD are far behind me, I miss being that "obsessed" tbh â˜č)
Tagging @thelifeinmyshadesofgrey , @whitestnoise , @lives-ruined-and-bloodshed, @valentinaonthemoon , @mednay , @tirairgid (ofc if you want to and haven't done it before) and whoever wants to give it a go really!
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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Source: Pintrist .
Anne promptly departed for the sitting-room across the hall; she failed to return; after waiting ten minutes Marilla laid down her knitting and marched after her with a grim expression. She found Anne standing motionless before a picture hanging on the wall between the two windows, with her eyes astar with dreams. The white and green light strained through apple trees and clustering vines outside fell over the rapt little figure with a half-unearthly radiance.
“Anne, whatever are you thinking of?” demanded Marilla sharply.
Anne came back to earth with a start.
“That,” she said, pointing to the picture—a rather vivid chromo entitled, “Christ Blessing Little Children”—”and I was just imagining I was one of them—that I was the little girl in the blue dress, standing off by herself in the corner as if she didn’t belong to anybody, like me. She looks lonely and sad, don’t you think? I guess she hadn’t any father or mother of her own. But she wanted to be blessed, too, so she just crept shyly up on the outside of the crowd, hoping nobody would notice her—except Him. I’m sure I know just how she felt. Her heart must have beat and her hands must have got cold, like mine did when I asked you if I could stay. She was afraid He mightn’t notice her. But it’s likely He did, don’t you think? I’ve been trying to imagine it all out—her edging a little nearer all the time until she was quite close to Him; and then He would look at her and put His hand on her hair and oh, such a thrill of joy as would run over her! But I wish the artist hadn’t painted Him so sorrowful looking. All His pictures are like that, if you’ve noticed. But I don’t believe He could really have looked so sad or the children would have been afraid of Him.“Anne,” said Marilla, wondering why she had not broken into this speech long before, “you shouldn’t talk that way. It’s irreverent—positively irreverent.”
Anne’s eyes marveled.
“Why, I felt just as reverent as could be. I’m sure I didn’t mean to be irreverent.”
“Well I don’t suppose you did—but it doesn’t sound right to talk so familiarly about such things. And another thing, Anne, when I send you after something you’re to bring it at once and not fall into mooning and imagining before pictures. Remember that. Take that card and come right to the kitchen. Now, sit down in the corner and learn that prayer off by heart.”
Anne set the card up against the jugful of apple blossoms she had brought in to decorate the dinner-table—Marilla had eyed that decoration askance, but had said nothing—propped her chin on her hands, and fell to studying it intently for several silent minutes.
“I like this,” she announced at length. “It’s beautiful. I’ve heard it before—I heard the superintendent of the asylum Sunday school say it over once. But I didn’t like it then. He had such a cracked voice and he prayed it so mournfully. I really felt sure he thought praying was a disagreeable duty. This isn’t poetry, but it makes me feel just the same way poetry does. ‘Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name.’ That is just like a line of music. Oh, I’m so glad you thought of making me learn this, Miss—Marilla. Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes-Anne Of Green Gables.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Pairing: Joel Miller x You
WC: 7.5K
Warnings: Established Relationship. Pregnancy. ANGST. lots of angsty vibes folks. Joel doesn't accept the pregnancy at first. Mentions of character death (Sarah). Arguments and mean things being said in the heat of the moment. Lots of making up. Smut. Oral (F receiving) Unprotected PIV. Lactation. Lots of Fluff too. Vulnerable, fragile Joel.
AN: This one was lovely, saddening and at some points, funny to write. An absolute pleasure to fulfil @supernaturalgirl20's request! Thank you for asking me to write this my darling. I certainly hope that I have captured it just like you imagined 💜
No Minors! 18+ Content!
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The night was young - like no other night in the last twenty years living on this hell hole that is called earth.
There was silly kitchen dancing, alcohol induced laughter and giggles, and intense passion between you and your lover.
Three months ago. That’s how long your memory dates back to, back to this night of fun, of love and sex filled desire with your boyfriend, Joel Miller.
You’ve been in the Jackson community for six years now, no longer needing to survive or live through the harsh reality of the Cordyceps Virus on the outside, but just living out the rest of your ‘normal’ life within the walls.
Safe and secure. That is what they promised, and so far, they have fulfilled that promise, and more.
Joel showed up three years ago and it was a love at first sight moment between you both. Tommy knew instantly that you’d be a match for his older brother and set you both up to be patrol partners.
Days turned into weeks and then weeks turned into months. Every one of those days, you’d get to know Joel - and vice versa - and your attraction grew for the man with every new detail you came to learn.
Joel loves his coffee. Bitter and strong. He loves country music, playing the guitar effortlessly and singing wonderfully. Loves to craft fine, detailed wood work in his workshop. Loves nature’s natural beauty and hiking whenever he can, whenever it is somewhat safe outside.
He loves his daughters Ellie and Sarah, and he has come to love you too. Many things you’ve come to learn about Joel as you became a part of his family. As you two have become one together.
Your love for him is like no other, and you can only hope that his is the same, because while you sit here reminiscing about the last three years with him, you hope that he can love you enough no matter what this pregnancy test comes back with.
Your eyes sting, needing to release the tears that you are holding back. Your stomach churns with dread for the outcome of being pregnant, all while you wait for those lines to appear on the stick.
It was three months ago that you think is where the unprotected deed happened between you both. It had to be on that night when you two were drunk.
Drunkenly in love and dancing around in the kitchen, giggling with him when he twirled you around on the spot and brought your back flush against his chest.
Swaying softly, Joel’s crotch grinded into you in just the right way and it started with a simple kiss of the lips. His hands were placed atop of your own, over your stomach while you tilted your head to kiss him.
A soft, chaste peck of the lips while his beard tickled your face nicely and when he placed one of those big, handsome calloused hands, that you love, across your face with his thumb to your chin and opened your mouth, he licked your tongue in a fervent kiss.
After that
 the rest of the night was chemistry.
This was undoubtedly, the longest, hardest five minutes of your life. You thought hard about Joel and how much you love him. The idea of being pregnant with his baby is both thrilling and scary.
Picturing him or her running around sharing both your features is enough to bring happy tears to your eyes, but then, your mind of course wanders into what Joel might say.
Sitting on the toilet seat, eyes trained on the test while you wait for the kitchen timer to set off, you’re in a deep trance of thought.
That pit in your stomach drops when the ringing buzzes out. A single tear finally rolls down your cheek when you stop it and turn to the test. Hands shaking as you reach out and grab it, you stare down at the results.
Two lines.
Two, very clear, very prominent, distinct red lines. A visible confirmation that you are indeed pregnant. Your heart begins to pound in your ears. Is it anxiety or excitement?
You can’t quite place what emotion you were feeling the most but whichever one it was that was fogging your mind so much, it caused you to not hear the bathroom door open.
“Darlin’?” Only the soft, raspy southern drawl of Joel’s voice could penetrate your mind and you looked up at him. His brows furrowed, skin drained in color and eyes emotionless as he looked between you and the test held in your hands.
Visibly gulping, you cleared your throat to speak but the words couldn’t fall off your tongue and it seemed as though Joel couldn’t form the words either. You both stared at each other tensely and you watched his face contort into a scowl.
That scowl you’ve seen a thousand times already. He is angry. He shook his head at you, expressing regret and turned his back then left.
Joel left you.
Shaking. Crying. Hysterical with tears. Joel left you in your bathroom in this state without so much as a word. Only the sound of your front door slamming shut is what you heard ringing throughout your home. A slam that has severed your relationship.
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*One Month Later*
“Hey-hey.. C’mon now Y/N, stop that sweety,” Maria’s voice hummed through the bedroom door, trying to soothe you as you bawl to yourself under the covers of her blankets.
She pushed the door open and entered. Perching herself to the edge of her bed, she placed a hand to your shoulder and leant down to whisper in your ear, softly “stop crying sweetheart. It’s not good for you or the baby”
Peeling your face out from the pillow, face flushed and eyes red, you muttered back, “you mean the baby he doesn’t want?”
Laying on your back, you kept your eyes trained on the ceiling but they closed and you wept when her two small hands lay gently on your small bump.
“Do you want this baby?” her question had your eyes snapping open to look at her. Fury behind your tone when you answered, “Of course I fucking do. What sort of question is that?”
She smiled at you, thankfully she understood your hormonal state, Maria smiled and brought your hand to your stomach, holding it there with you while she spoke again, “Then she or he is all you need. You have everyone here in Jackson with you, Y/N. I know it hurts, I know - shhh. Stop crying now honey.”
Comforting you as you began to hyperventilate, you muttered between pain stricken breaths, “but he’s not with me. I want Joel with me
” Maria lay down with you, nestling your head to her chest and cuddling you while you wept.
That day you found out about your pregnancy was the day you moved here in her home. Joel had come home late that evening and it erupted into an argument about how you and him were reckless. He blamed you for not noticing it sooner, as if he were insinuating that termination was even a fucking option.
Sarah was the main focus of the quarrel and the fuel behind his heat of the moment words.
Painful and angering to your ears, you understood why he was scared of this pregnancy, but it angered you at the same time. Joel has lived through the god awful experience of losing his child, an experience he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.
Something he wishes to never, ever, go through again. That you understand. However, you couldn’t wrap your head around, nor forgive him, for saying ‘this was a mistake’.
That ended the argument and you left him. Walking to Maria’s home and disturbing her in the dead of night, Tommy had left to go reprimand his brother while she stayed and comforted you, and she has been doing that everyday for the last month since then. She and Tommy took you in, fed you and have been gathering the essentials for your baby.
Your heart is utterly shattered. It falls apart more and more each time you look at the beautiful half moon baby crib, a lucky and precious item to find in this world, or the pretty different coloured baby clothes, and you yearn for Joel.
You knew that he would be upset because of what happened with Sarah, but you never anticipated that he would act this way. That he would reject you and his baby.
I didn’t really know him at all - you supposed to yourself on many lonely nights without him by your side.
How could he leave me? Me and our baby? Crying yourself to sleep every night, endlessly asking these questions, your love for Joel was withering away and hate was taking its place. Hate is a strong word and you never imagined that those thoughts would cross your mind.
Yet here you are.
Tiring yourself out through your hysteria, you fall asleep against Maria and she carefully peels herself out from your side then pulls the covers over your shoulders. She spent a moment looking at you, her heart broke for you and she was angry too.
Today, she had finally convinced you to get out of the house. Accompany her while doing her leadership duties around Jackson and get a well needed breath of fresh air. Only those closest to you know about the pregnancy, but Maria could tell by the way people gawked and whispered at you that people knew.
Still, you held your head high and ignored the looks. Maria smiled proudly at that but you crumbled when you saw Joel.
Coming back from a patrol with his brother, Joel and you looked at each other from across the street. You wanted him to run to you. Sweep you off your feet in a tight hug and apologize till the end of time - but he didn’t.
Instead, his eyes were glossed over and he dropped his head before leading his horse away into the stables. You tried to act unbothered but it was another stab to your heart and you walked back to Maria’s home, distraught and upset.
Maria looked over your sleeping form, hand perched under your cheek as you lay on your side and she was furious with her brother in law for what he was putting you through.
Leaving the room quietly, she left you to sleep through the pain and went to find Joel. To give him a peace of her mind because it seems even after a month, her husband Tommy can’t seem to talk some sense into him.
Finding the Miller brothers at Joel’s home - sitting on the porch drinking a beer - Maria stomped her way up his steps and yelled at Tommy to sit back down when he stood. Glaring at Joel, who was avoiding her gaze, her jaw ticked and she nodded, “you happy with yourself there, Joel?”
“Don’t..” Joel brought the bottle to his lips and took a sip, then lowered it to look at Maria, adding to that, “...Please. I don’t want to talk about it, Maria.”
Maria looked at Tommy, cocking her head for him to leave, so he stood and walked to the bottom of the path.
Turning her attention back to Joel, she spoke one last time before leaving too and said, “We’re your family Joel. Y/N is pregnant, laying in my bed, crying over your dumbass. You don’t want to talk? Fine. But that woman is four months pregnant with your child. So man the fuck up and at least act like you care.”
Walking away from him and joining Tommy, the steam was blowing out of her ears as she walked home. She turned to her husband and asked, “what the fuck have you been doing this last month?”
“Being a brother. Joel is
 complicated, Maria. Gonna take time to pull down those walls that he has built for the last twenty years” he replied.
“Well we ain’t got the luxury of time on our hands do we?” she barked back and Tommy wrapped his arms around her waist, whispering into a kiss on her cheek, “Hey now, we can’t be arguing about this. He’ll come around, baby. I know he will.”
“I hope so, Tommy cause’ Y/N is taking it really rough without him.”
Tommy nodded at her, expressing a reassuring smile and took her hand as they walked home together. They thought about ways they could cheer you up tonight, maybe play some board games, listen to music on the record player or just
 be a family.
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*On the porch with Joel*
Joel sat his beer down after Maria left. It was tasteless as the rest of the things in his daily life lately. Each day when he woke, everything was dull without you there.
He’s been avoiding his family the best he could for the last month, knowing that they will talk about his personal problems with you and it has pained him severely to not see your or Ellie.
He knows that Ellie has been with you everyday at Tommy’s house and he is thankful that she has been there, but he’s also ashamed of himself that his daughter has been picking up his slack.
Joel has been overwhelmed with emotions, so much so that now he is feeling rather numb. He regrets everything he said that night, wished for every second since then that he could take it back.
There was no justifying his actions. You’re a sorry excuse of a man - is what he would tell himself frequently over the course of twenty years.
Ever since his daughter was killed, he had lost himself since then, lost himself in this world of death and despair, to never return. Until Ellie came along.
She reminded him that he can be human again, that he could open up and let people in. To love someone. To love you.
‘No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for’ – Words that he has recited to his daughter when talking over their survivors' guilt.
Ellie is his reason for living. His daughter. His child. She was the push Joel needed to keep going in life and he was blessed to meet you shortly after moving into Jackson.
You became a part of his family, and the reasons to live again were growing more each day he got to know you. So, how could he ever be stupid enough to turn away the chance at having a baby with you? Another beautiful daughter, or even a charming son?
Joel isn’t good enough, that’s why.
He’s already on thin ice with Ellie because of the fireflies and he thinks it’s best that the little baby growing in your tummy is better off without him - him being a dangerous man where nothing but darkness follows him.
His baby is better off without a father that has killed innocents at one point in his lifetime. The best thing Joel can do is gather all of the baby stuff and keep Jackson safe for you and his child.
So this last month he has been taking extra patrol shifts and grabbing items along the way, passing them off to his brother to give to you instead. Each time he would scavenge something out on his shift, he would stop to look at the small items held in his large hands.
A simple tiny Babygro would render him absolutely weak in the knees, heart exploding with love and although he tells himself that he wouldn’t be good enough for his own child, Joel crafted the baby crib with his bare hands. Putting every inch of love and care into the detail and support of the half moon shaped frame.
Ensuring it was secure yet fashionable too. He went with the dark mahogany and carved out little stars. Making use of those star cut-outs, he shaved them down to thinner pieces and hung them on strings.
So, although he thinks he isn't a good enough father, Joel put a lot of fatherly love and effort into crafting the crib. Only the best woodwork for his baby girl or boy.
Yeah... Joel isn’t good enough.
Blowing out a half drunken, half mentally exhausted sigh, he stood and emptied out his beer bottle before heading inside.
There’s been too many inner battles in his mind this last half hour while sitting on his porch, reflecting on the last month without you and he needs to rest his eyes.
Taking himself to his room, he grabs one of your sweaters from the wardrobe and lays in bed with it. Bunching up the fabric under his nose and taking a deep inhale.
I miss you baby. Every damn minute, of every hour of every day. I miss you.
Something he whispers to himself within the darkness of his room. It’s a little early to sleep, being seven pm at night, Joel wakes up in the early hours of the morning the next day at around five am.
The smell of you still lingers around him in the sheets and when his eyes opened another day without you there, it was becoming too much.
He couldn’t cope without you but he can’t talk about how he feels either. So he will struggle through another day and go on like nothing is wrong.
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Stirring in your sleep, you shuffled around within Maria’s blankets and slowly pulled yourself to sit up.
Maria’s bed in her spare bedroom for guests was lovely but it was nothing compared to your own bed. It’s because Joel isn’t here, placing his hand somewhere, anywhere, on your body like he does every night.
Looking at the clock beside your bed, you can see that it is just after five am and this is another day of broken sleep, waking up early in the night without him by your side.
It was hard. Really fucking hard to pretend like everything is fine when it is in fact, not fine at all.
Taking yourself to the bathroom, you ran a wet rag across your body quickly - not wanting to turn the shower on and wake up Maria or Tommy - then got dressed.
Slipping your shoes on, then grabbing an extra set of clothes, you quietly made your way down stairs and grabbed your walkie before heading out the front door. You aren’t spending another day locked up inside this house, grieving.
You're not going to spend another sad day in Jackson for that matter. You’re going to take a ‘me and Ellie’ day. However, you want to go get her without Joel seeing you, so you radio her beforehand to see if she is awake. When she talks back, confirming that she is awake, you offer her to go to the ‘special place’.
“Fuck. Yes. Hang on, I’ll get dressed and meet you at the gate” her voice crackled back through the walkie, bringing a smile to your face and you did as she instructed.
Walking towards the gate, Dave was on guard duty today. Thank god. You explained to him that you’re heading out with Ellie.
He didn’t dare protest to a pregnant woman, a sad hormonal pregnant woman, so he handed you some guns and asked, “my head will be hung if anything goes wrong, so please don’t make me regret this and radio if you need me, girl, ok?”
You liked Dave. He was a good guy, always very sweet with you and very caring too.
Making small talk with you, he asked how you were and also asked if he could see your baby bump. His excitement brought a sad smile to your face. You wished Joel would be this excited. He slipped away on his break after you made your promise to be safe, again, and waited for Ellie to get there.
How could he know someone has sneaked out while on break?
Walking outside the walls, you walked alongside Ellie with eagerness in each step. Today was going to be fun, you were adamant about that. There’s a small woodland area about a hundred clicks outside the gate, inside that area was a river with a waterfall. A place you, Ellie and Joel would go to when you both taught her how to swim.
Being summer, the sun was already making its way out, although it wasn’t as warm as you hoped just yet, a couple more hours and the shine would be raining down on you both, bringing the heat with it.
When you reached the treeline, you and Ellie looked at each other with bright smiles, “ready?” You asked, to which she responded cheerfully, “Ohhh yes. This has been long overdue.”
After a little while of walking, you reached the waterfall and sat on the edge of a rock with Ellie. She pulled out some sandwiches from her backpack that she had graciously made before leaving her little house behind Joel’s.
Cheese and tomato with a smear of mayo, it was delicious. Eating with her, you and Ellie talked, and talked about everything other than your problems with her dad.
It was nice. Really fucking nice to just relax and feel normal again, especially with Ellie. She’s your daughter too and when she asks to see you baby bump, your excitement outgrows your sadness.
Taking off your hoodie, she gasps at the sight of your small rounded tummy. “Can I?” offering her hand out and being ever so sweet and considerate to ask beforehand, you nod to her and she feels your stomach.
Soft and firm to the touch, she rubs her small hands across your baby bump and the smile creeps up your face. “I think
 you’re having a girl” Ellie mutters, smiling back at you.
Humming to her in response, you lean back onto your hands and swing your legs off the side of the rock you both were sitting on and your eyes widen when noticing a shadow in the trees.
“Grab your gun, Ellie!” Practically throwing yourself over to your backpack, you retrieved your weapon and aimed it at the trees but the ‘shadow’ stepped out.
It was Joel.
You looked to Ellie for help with your eyes and she saw the look you were giving her. Standing up, she told you to stay put while she headed down to see him.
Mouthing the words ‘thankyou’ to her before she left you sitting on the rock, you avoided his gaze and instead turned your attention to watching the waterfall.
In the corner of your eye, you could see them debating and bickering about something - no doubt, about you - but they were keeping their voices low, so you wouldn’t hear. After a couple moments, he started making his way up to you while Ellie stayed down there.
Low grunts escaped his lips from behind you where he was climbing and then the soft scrape of his boots got closer before they stopped right beside you. Still not looking at him, Joel sighed and plonked himself down by your side, then muttered quietly, “hey, you”
‘Hey you’, really Joel?
Not answering back, you darted your head around to look at him when he tried to touch your hand and you barked out a no.
He looked hurt that you would pull back from his touch but you were too angry to feel pity for him and you told him so, “A month, Joel. A whole month and you think you can just saunter your ass up here, ‘hey you’ and get to touch me?... No.”
Blowing out a mentally exhausted exhale, your face was flushing with irritation. You want nothing more to lean over and hug him. You miss him so much and you want his arms wrapped around you. He is right there.
Why now
 Why not yesterday in the street when I needed you
 Asking him in your head, you looked away again as the tears pricked at your eyes. You’ve had enough of crying and you can’t look at his face.
“I don’t expect your forgiveness, Y/N. What I did was wrong and
 It’s hard but I will respect every and all demands that you make. Even if that is if you don’t want to see me” he tried to apologize and you still couldn’t bring yourself to look into those hazel eyes.
“If you allow me to, I would like to make this right between us. For our baby’s sake, darlin’” That was it. The words ‘our baby’ leaving his mouth had your hardened, angry façade crumbling.
He shuffles beside you, looking down to his hands while fidgeting with his watch. Sarah’s watch. Wiping away the tear that fell down your cheek, you nod to him in response and move to stand.
Joel jumps up and helps you. Standing back from him and looking in his eye, you thank him and nod, saying “Ok. For our baby’s sake
” This is just the start on the path of forgiveness.
In the position you were standing in, you could see Ellie smiling at you over his shoulder. He flashed you a smile with hopeful eyes and you acted on a still very angry impulse, shoving Joel into the water below. He landed with a loud splash and Ellie hurled over with fits of laughter.
He came up from the surface, chuckling “I deserved that.” Looking up at you, he asked with optimism in his tone, “did that help?”
You shook your head side to side then turned away to climb down from the rock. With your back turned, you let yourself smile without him seeing while Ellie kept giggling about you pushing him into the water.
With the sun higher in the sky now, the light and warmth was shining down and you asked her if she still wanted to take a dip.
When she said yes, Joel got out of the water and sat on the edge while you both pulled off your jackets, shoes and socks. She stepped closer to the edge, dipping her toes in first then turned to look at you. Holding her hand out, you took it and walked into the water. It was great.
Really cool yet the warmth on your back from the sun was lovely. The water rolled off Joel’s hair as he sat and watched you in awe. His eyes trained on your stomach.
The water made your shirt cling to your glowing skin and he could see a clear outline of your bump. You’re beautiful, Y/N. He smiled at you, even though you weren’t looking, Joel kept smiling as you walked further into the water and swam with Ellie.
You could feel Joel’s eyes on you as you splashed around, you knew he would’ve loved to join you both, just like old times when you two would teach Ellie to swim.
You wanted it to be like that, so you turned your head to look at him and beckoned him to join. Standing and kicking off his shoes, Joel pulled his shirt off and made his way inside the water.
Soon as he reached you and Ellie, you both shoved the water into his direction and swam away, giggling like little kids. When you turned your head to look at him, he wasn’t there and you yelled to Ellie, “look out. He’s tagging!”
It’s a game you three would play. Joel, you or Ellie would dive and tag someone. The water was dark so you never knew where the tagger would be. It was fun and exciting and you laughed when Ellie jerked from Joel tagging her, then she dove under and you swam away, knowing that she is coming after you.
This went on for a solid ten minutes as the three of you alternated between tagging each other. Seeing Joel get tagged again, you swam away towards the waterfall and dove under to the other side.
When you came up, you turned around to see him right behind you. His lips crashed onto yours with a deep sigh but you pulled away thinking that it was too soon.
Holding his shoulders and looking into his warm eyes for a moment, you closed your eyes and pulled him in. Life is too short and you missed his touch like crazy.
Gently holding your head in his large hands, the kiss was heated and desperate, but short lived as you pulled back again and muttered, “c’mon, let’s head back out to Ellie.”
Joel brushed his thumb across your bottom lip before placing his forehead to your own. Voice dripping with guilt, he mumbled, “I’m sorry, baby.” Pecking his cheek once, you replied back curtly, “I know you are” and then dunked under the surface.
Kicking your legs off the wall to swim back under the waterfall, you kept on swimming until you found Ellie. Tapping her on the leg before coming back up, you laughed to her, “You’re it.. I’m tired, sweety. I need a rest.”
Both of you swam to the edge and got out, while Joel re-emerged from the water. Grabbing your spare set of clothes, you and Ellie got dried and dressed in the trees before stepping back out. Then Joel walked out of the water, however he didn’t have a spare set of clothes.
Walking home together, he walked ahead - sopping wet - as you and Ellie stifled your giggles at him. She whispers, “you guys ok now?” to which you whispered back, “hm, a little. He’s gotta step up as a father first.”
Ellie smirked mischievously, “you don’t know do you?” When you furrowed your brows at her, clearly not knowing what she was talking about, she spilled, “Joel got you the baby stuff. He built the crib too.”
I should have known, you thought to yourself. The attention to detail and the beauty of the woodwork on the crib was on another level. It was Joel’s level of craftsmanship.
You looked to Ellie with another sad smile and then looked back at him. The urge to just walk up to him and pull him in for a tight hug was strong. But not as strong as the kick you felt, making you stop walking and hold onto Ellie, exclaiming “Oh, wow!”
Panicked by your gasp, she immediately called for Joel and you reassured them both as they crowded you. The smile was tearing across your face as you took Ellie’s hand and placed it on your stomach to feel the baby kicking.
Joel watched you both, also smiling, but you could see the pain and desire behind his eyes to hold you as well, so you reached your hand out for him too.
“Oh man! She’s kicking the shit out of you right now.” Ellie preened excitedly.
Looking at Joel, your heart could have leapt out from your chest at the sight of him. His eyes were wide and glossed over, mouth agape while he felt his baby moving around in your tummy.
It was a long, wonderful minute of love while you all felt the movement before she/he settled again. It was a core memory that you would not forget, the first time that your baby kicked.
“We should head back..” You suggested out loud and Ellie dropped her hand. Walking ahead of you while Joel still had his hand placed over your stomach, you could see he was hesitant to let go so you placed your hands atop of his own for a few moments longer.
Smiling at him, his voice broke as he thanked you for allowing him to join in on the experience. You told him it was ok.
Setting out today in hopes of having a good day and it did. it turned out great. Perfect actually.
When you reached the gates of Jackson, Joel told you to go ahead while he spoke with Dave and you warned him that it was not his fault, you lied on Dave’s behalf and said that you snuck out while he was on break.
Joel smiled, “um-hum. Ok I won’t get mad at him, I promise.”
“Hey, thanks for radioing me and letting me know about this.” Joel spoke first when you walked away from him. Dave smiled back, then looked at you as you walked with Ellie towards home, muttering, “My pleasure. Go get your girl back, dumbass.”
Joel chuckled, “don’t push it Dave,” then shook his hand before catching up with you two.
It’s his life mission to get you back in his arms and watch you grow with his baby. Joel loves you and he hopes that your love will let him back in. He knows it won't happen overnight, so when you said you would be staying at Maria’s house, he understood and walked you there.
Over the course of the next two weeks your stay at Maria’s house, moved to Ellie’s. You wanted to be closer to him and so did he. It progressed each day. Slowly but surely, you were letting him in and nearing the end of the second week you were the one that broke first.
Ellie was at Dina’s for the night, leaving you in her home on your lonesome. Which was fine except you couldn’t sleep. All night, you tossed and you turned in the bed.
Your sleep has been like this for the six weeks as a matter of fact and it was because you needed him. So you stopped torturing yourself - and Joel - and got out of bed in the middle of the night.
When you creeped into your house and walked upstairs to the bedroom, you saw that Joel was in his workshop, working on something. Tapping on the door, he swerved around in his seat and worried, “Darlin? What’s wrong? Everything ok? Is the baby ok?”
Leaning against the doorframe, you croaked “I can’t sleep. That’s all.”
Joel turned and placed a cover over his project then stood. Walking up to stand in front of you, he brushed a hand over his beard and asked, “You want me to make hot cocoa? Go lay in your bed, I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom.”
“Our bed
” you whispered to him. Looking up to his eyes, you smiled shyly and offered your hand out, which he took, then pulled him in for a hug.
The smell of him was intoxicating. Coffee and wood. Burying your nose into his chest, you took deep inhales while he battled with himself to wrap his arms around you. You could feel him lift his arms but drop them again and you know he is just trying to respect your wishes of taking this slow.
However, you needed him.
“Take me to our bed Joel,” leaning up on your tiptoes, you met his lips with a searing kiss. He was taken by surprise at first, standing there tense and frozen but when it resonated with him that his lady was kissing him again, he finally wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back.
“I haven’t been able to sleep without, baby” he mumbled into your mouth. Holding you while he carefully walks you back to the bedroom, you pull at the buttons on his shirt, muttering back “Me too. I’ve missed this.. Missed you.”
Opening up his shirt, you desperately ran your hand across his chest. Touching his skin that you’ve thought about everyday day and night you’ve been without him.
He pulled his shirt all the way off and leaned down into the kiss, running his hands under your shirt up your back. Feeling your skin too. You each missed the contact. You also missed the feeling of his hardening length poking into you, just like it is now.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed while kissing him still, Joel knelt to the floor and placed himself firmly between your legs, wrapping his huge strong arms around your back and pulling you in, gentle enough not to squish your tummy. He groaned, “baby
 Can I show you how much I missed you?”
When you nodded frantically, whimpering with the need of his touch, he began pulling off your shirt. Kissing his way down your neck and reaching the exposed flesh of your breasts from your bra, he placed wet kisses to your skin and unhooked it at the back.
Laying you down, Joel stops to look at your breasts. They’ve grown.. They’re bigger.
“They’re sensitive, baby, so be careful please,” you exhaled a frustrated sigh to him. Joel heard this and lightly licked around your swollen nipple, taking the bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. He moved over to your other nipple and elicited the same treatment.
But he got a surprise when he tasted milk on his tongue and instead of pulling away, Joel sucked lightly and watched your brows pull together in bliss, back arching off the bed from the ease of tension on your breast.
Releasing your hardened nipple with a pop, he licked his lips and moved down your body some more. Knuckles were turning white as he gripped the edge of the bed from hearing you keen at his touch.
Your hands darted out to his hair as he peppered lots of loving kisses around your stomach, mumbling between each kiss, “
 at this
Beautiful body
.carrying my...baby
our baby
His beard tickled you in all the right ways. It was sensual against your skin and you opened your eyes to look down at him when he stopped. You could see his eyes, over your stomach, half lidded and dark with love, he was whispering against your bump.
When he saw you watching, he laughed “Momma’s looking at me, we’ll talk about this later,” then placed one more kiss to your skin, just below your belly button.
“What are you doing down there, mister?” you asked through hearty chuckles. Joe didn’t answer, he only winked back at you before kissing his way down to your core.
Pulling off your shorts, you moan when he buries his head into the soft curls on your mound, placing one last light kiss to your skin before he looks up at you, he asks, “you sure about this darlin’? I don’t want to pressure you”
“Trust me, I want this as much as you. Please, doll
” Laying your head back into the soft blankets below you, your mouth opened with a silent groan when his warm tongue darted out onto your clit. Lifting your legs gently onto his shoulders, Joel eats your pussy like it's his first meal in years.
“Ohh,” squirming with pleasure above him as he flicks at your clit. Your orgasm, embarrassingly, races towards you quickly. It was powerful though.
You haven’t touched yourself during your break away from Joel so the pent up tensions were extremely high. Joel got the brunt of that when you came into his mouth. His growls and groans into your core told you that he didn’t mind it at all.
But then you cried out his name when he spread your folds and shoved his tongue as far as he could get it inside your pulsing hole. He knew how to make you a weeping mess. Like the back of his hand, Joel knew exactly what you needed and he made you come one more time before pulling away from you.
“Hm, I’ve missed that taste...” he mumbled. Moving up your body, you could see his chin and beard glisten with a mixture of your arousal and his spit.
Pulling him in for a kiss, you got hints of your tangy, sweet desire and his coffee from earlier. You moaned to him, “I need to feel you, Joel.”
Moving up the bed, Joel removes the rest of his clothes and joins you. Kissing your lips again, you babble into his mouth, “w-want to ride you, p-please.”
Granting your wish, Joel lay down on the bed and pulled you onto his crotch. His cock rubbed through your soaked folds wonderfully before you notched him at your entrance.
Sighing deeply into his face as he grunts a sharp breath of air, you sink yourself down onto him fully. Moaning at the phenomenally pleasurable stretch, you began to roll your hips onto him while his fingers dug into your hips.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Y/N. Jesus, darlin’” he was absolutely wrecked beneath you. Eyes darting all over your face and body, Joel couldn’t decide where to settle his gaze.
Your pretty face was expressing nothing but pure bliss. Your breasts bounced lightly with your movements while your round tummy rubbed over his stomach.
Bringing his thumb to his mouth, he sucked on it and brought it down to your clit. Mouth falling open in the shape of an ‘o’ with you from the sensation, your walls fluttered around him and he slipped out a broken moan past his lips, “Nnhgh! S-so fucking t-tight, darlin’”
Gyrating your hips onto his cock, Joel dug his feet into the bed and lifted you slightly, the action made you lean over him, breasts in his face and he took the opportunity to latch his lips around your nipple. You wailed. He hit something deep inside of you while he sucked on your nipple. It was ecstasy and you came, hard.
Clenching around him, you tossed your head back and your movements slowed. Seconds later, your eyes closed to moan again when feeling his hot seed paint your walls.
His hands grabbed handfuls of your ass as he leaned up to kiss your neck. Dropping your head to kiss his lips, you could taste your milk on his tongue and you gasped, “I’m sorry! I didn’t think
 shit. Joel. I’m so-”
Silencing your apology with another kiss, Joel grunted “Don’t apologize, I don’t care, darlin. You taste sweet.”
Rolling over gently as he could be, he hooked your thigh over his leg and grinded his hips into you slowly and passionately. Looking into your eyes and watching you fall apart beneath him.
Whimpering into his ear, “I love you,” Joel panted in return, “I love you too. So fucking much!”
Another orgasm was quickly rising and just as you neared that peak again, Joel rested his forehead against your own, shuddering with you as you came together.
The feeling of reaching your orgasm in unison with Joel was marvellous. Your walls pulsed and you could feel his cum filling you up. Laying there together for a few moments, you relished in the afterglow of your love making. Kissing each other again, and again.
“Are you ok, handsome?” You asked Joel. Laying behind you in the bathtub, his legs opened with you laying in between, he rested his chin on your neck and nodded. You ask him this because he cried in bed with you. Joel actually cried.
It may have been the heat of the moment or a huge build up of emotions over the last few weeks, but whatever the cause for his spill, you comforted him in every way you could.
It was frightening to see Joel so vulnerable, you’ve never seen him cry before. He wept into your skin, apologizing again and again for what he did to you. He promised that he would spend the rest of his life making it up to you and his baby.
It made you cry yourself and you held onto him as tight as you could, whispering your forgiveness in ear. When you both calmed down, he ran a bath and this is where you are now.
With his hands placed over your stomach, rubbing caringly across your bump, he kissed at your neck and asked, “What do you think we’re having? Little boy or girl?”
“Hmm” You hummed with delight, resting your head back onto his shoulder and turning to look into his eyes, “Maybe a boy
.We’re blessed with the gift of life, darling and I couldn’t be happier with you being our baby’s papa.”
Brushing your hair out of your face, Joel wiped your cheek with his thumb, “You’re going to be a wonderful mother, Y/N. That’s what I was whispering into your stomach earlier. I was telling our baby that his/her momma is one hell of a woman and I’m an asshole for not coming to my senses sooner.”
You gasped, jokingly, “Oh my! Not even out of the womb yet and you're cursing in front of our baby? Joel Miller
 You asshole.”
The water around you both rippled with your laughter. Then you gasped again with a kick in your stomach, “ha! I think baby Miller agrees”
Joel chuckled into your mouth. Feeling his baby kick against his hands while you both caressed your bump. If it was possible, you’d spend your whole life living in this moment. It was perfect. Everything that you could have hoped to experience in life with Joel, and it was undoubtedly, perfect in every way.
There’s no other place in this world where you would rather be, other than this moment right here with Joel. Kissing him, holding your hands across your baby bump while he whispers how much he loves you and his baby, over and over again like a mantra.
It feels like you are at peace again. Put back together and complete, everything is back to how it should be. It’s home.
You, are home.
All of My Story Content: @marydjarin @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20
All Joel Content: @marydjarin @extraneous-trip @luvmeijii @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl20 @supernaturalgirl @readsalot73 @pale-gingerale @joelsflannel @something-tofightfor @readsalot73 @dinsangelx @ponyosmilfmom
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
A Snowfall To Remember
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin×reader
Genre: non idol au; established relationship au; fluff
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Height (if anyone has fear of heights), Seokjin is an anxious little bean
Word Count: 4.3k+
Banner: made by me
Posted: 19 Dec 2021
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[Summary: Spending his birthday night with you was all Seokjin could want and think about but you have something more in store for him and that doesn't include just spending time together.]
[Author's note: So I initially planned to post this on Seokjin's birthday and I had the audacity to think that I can post it when I started writing this on 4th! Talk about overconfidence. Anyways, I finally finished writing this oneshot! I hope you'll enjoy! Feedbacks are always welcome đŸ’œđŸŒŒ]
[Author's note #2: This story have been submitted to Bangtan Oasis critique project and is open to receiving any and every critique or feedbacks.]
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"The snowfall this year is getting rather late in arriving
That was the first thought that crossed Seokjin's mind after staring outside at the kaleidoscopic crowd through the glass wall of the convenience store he worked at. While absentmindedly counting the moving figures he had forgotten the track of how long he had been staring, so to gather his unmindful and distracted self he shook his head a little and brought back himself to read the book "Learn to act like the IT boy of the century within 10 days" that had been lying in front him on the counter, ignored for an extended length of time, with its second page open like some salesman who had been given a cold shoulder to. 
He didn't really feel like reading and his eyes constantly wandered off to his phone. It was almost 11. 
"An hour more
" He mused and opened your chat to read the last message you sent to him that afternoon once again. 
"Work's gonna be late but not gonna miss being with you tonight! Love you babe!" 
He smiled and started scrolling through the pictures of you two together. His cheek resting on one hand, one hand going through his phone, neck slightly tilted, and a sheepish smile painted on his lips – anyone who knew you both could tell that he was looking at you, and whoever didn't know you would certainly know that he was, in fact, deep in love with the person he was seeing pictures of. 
He had started looking at your pictures because he was missing you but that made him miss you more so he kept the phone and started waiting for customers while, again, carelessly resting his eyes on the book in front of him, that he was certainly not reading.
Day was rather slow today and he couldn't wait to get out of that tiring store and spend the night with you. But that was going to take a few more hours given his shift was going to end at 2 am. "Could the night go anymore slower?" He asked himself with a sigh.
The loud chime from the bell on the door pulled Seokjin out of his lazy wishful thoughts – it was the store owner. 
Seokjin confusedly looked at him and braced himself. The store owner always visited the store at mornings, so him visiting this late at night was a red alarm for sure. Seokjin scrambled at his book and hid it under the counter and bowed at the store owner with the sweetest smile his sweating inner self could gather. 
"Ugh! Why are the aisles so messy!? Were you dosing off because business is slow, huh?" The store owner, Mr. Hwang, started grumbling as soon as he entered and waved dismissively at Seokjin's bow. 
"Ah! I'll clean it up right now! Please have a seat!" Seokjin rushed out from the counter to the front aisle where Mr. Hwang was standing with his hands folded behind his back and looking up and down the aisle. 
"There's no need. I don't need you anymore. You can go!" Mr. Hwang said with his eyebrows knitted together – irritation written all over his face. 
"What?" Seokjin was taken aback. Panicked and confused he looked at the store owner trying to find all the clues that could prove what he was thinking was wrong. 
After saying what he said Mr. Hwang went back again to look at the aisles with his lips curved in an upside down curve. 
Seokjin stood there like a stone cold statue trying to figure out his position. He needed this job. At least until he could achieve his dream. Till then he needed a source to sustain himself. He swiped his sweaty hands on the side of his pants and walking quickly towards the aisle where Mr. Hwang was standing now he called out mildly, "Mr. Hwang!" 
Slightly startled Mr. Hwang turned to look at his side and widening his eyes he said, "You are still here? Didn't I tell you to go?" 
Mustering a conflicted smile Seokjin asked, "You mean go back to the counter, right?" 
"No. I told you to go from the store. I'll be here for the rest of your shift. I am giving you this shift off." 
"B-but why?" Seokjin was still confused. 
Mr. Hwang rubbed his forehead with his fingers and broke out into fits of laughter. 
As if he wasn't confused enough, Seokjin was more now. 
Walking upto Seokjin, Mr. Hwang patted his shoulder and said, "I got you good, huh? Isn't it your birthday in a few minutes? Go, your girlfriend is waiting outside!" 
Seokjin looked at his face as if to know if he was joking or telling the truth. 
"What are you looking at? Go quickly! It's freezing outside! No good man keeps their lady waiting!" Mr. Hwang rushed Seokjin. 
It took him a few seconds to grasp what was happening and when he did Seokjin grinned widely and shouting, "Y-yes! Thank you," he gave a quick bow to the store owner and hastily took off the uniform, wore his coat, grabbed his bag and bolted out of the door. 
You were waiting under a tree that was a few feet away from the store and rubbing your hands to be content in the minimal warmth it produced to your freezing hands.
You looked at your phone screen to see the time – forty minutes to midnight. 
"I hope the store owner isn't giving him a hard time
" You thought and looked at the store. 
At that moment you saw the silhouette of your boyfriend dashing out the store door. You laughed at his reaction and waved at him. 
Noticing you he waved back, stood for a moment and ran back into the store. 
"Huh?" A small query escaped your lips and smiling you leaned on the tree and looked at your feet. You didn't mind waiting for him a few seconds more. 
Hearing loud footsteps you looked up only to be tackled in a tight hug by the sturdy man. He held you so tightly as if you were going to disappear if he let you go. You could feel his heartbeat racing mad against yours. 
Seokjin nuzzled against your hair and whispered, "I was missing you." 
You whispered back, "I was missing you too," and continued to bury your face in his chest. 
A few moments passed like that and as if suddenly remembering something you broke the hug and checked the time. 
"Oh shit! It's 11:30! We have to hurry!" You grabbed Seokjin's hand and pulled him towards the road where your car was parked. 
But he didn't move, instead he held your hand strongly refusing to let go or letting you lead. You looked back, confused. 
He gave you a quick pull and you ended up in his arms again. 
"You have surprised me enough, babe! Other surprises can wait! Just let me hold you for a few more minutes." He said softly while looking into your eyes. 
"Why would you say it like that!!?" Your mind screamed as you felt a familiar tickling sensation in your stomach, lower abdomen, chest, everywhere. 
"Ah.. I.. um
" You found it difficult to form a word, forget about a sentence. 
You gulped hard and stared at him trying to form a reply in your head. 
Seokjin tilted his head and flashing a smile he said, "Cat got your tongue? Should I get it instead?" 
As much as you wanted him to do that you had other plans in mind. So you placed a chaste kiss on his plush lips and replied, "For that we have to go where I wanna take you." 
You pulled his collars closer to each other in a fake attempt to tidy his not so unkempt coat and continued, "And if we are late because of you, the couch might be your accommodation on your birthday night." 
You curved your lips in a sinister smile and extended your hand to grab his. 
"I wouldn't want to risk that." He flashed another of his sweet smiles, "but before that lemme just," he brought out two hot packs from his pocket and after opening he shook them a little and held your hand to put those inside your gloves, "keep you warm!" 
You felt the warmth spread throughout your palms to your system. In that moment you understood why he rushed back into the store and when you realised that you looked at him, trying not to cry and whispered, "Why do you have to be so perfect?" 
He bent down a little to your height and placing a soft kiss on your lips he replied softly, "Because you are." 
The night was getting colder by the minute and though the road was almost empty on your way, you were not one to stay quiet. So as soon as you hit the road both of you started to chat about how your day went and occasionally sang together along with the songs that came on the radio. 
After a short fifteen minutes drive you stopped the car. Seokjin stretched his limbs and rubbed clean a small portion of the foggy window on his side. 
"Amusement park? At this hour? It must be closed." Seokjin looked at you with confusion and worry mixed in his expression. 
"Then I guess the couch is your sleeping partner tonight." You winked at him with a smile and went out after telling him to stay in the car. 
With an uneasy mind Seokjin started to wait for you only to be startled by a mild knock on his already-fogged-again window after hardly a couple minutes. He started to roll down the window slowly but almost instantly stopped and began rolling up the window glass when the someone who was knocking on the window began to pull the car's door open. 
"Open the door, you scaredy cat!" You yelled from outside. 
Seokjin flung open the door as soon as he heard your voice and yelled back, "I was scared shitless! You should have used that voice before scaring the living daylights out of me! I thought you were a serial killer for fuck's sake." 
You held his arm and said, "Alright, alright! I am sorry! I will start calling you by your name when I am within a mile radius of you! Okay? Now let's go! It'll be midnight soon!" You pulled him.
"Where? In this closed amusement park?" Seokjin refused to move an inch. 
"Yes! That's why we are here! Come on! Don't be a baby!" You exclaimed with urgency. 
"Are you taking me there to sacrifice me or something?" Seokjin asked again. 
"Yes! I am!" You pulled a reluctant Seokjin behind you and crossed the main gate. 
Guided by the man who was waiting for you inside the park with a flashlight in his hands all of you reached under the only ferris wheel of the park within a minute with Seokjin glued to your side firmly. 
The man guided you two into a cabin and went away to start the Ferris wheel. 
You sat face to face and as the Ferris wheel began moving Seokjin relaxed his grip on your hand but kept on holding it. 
You rubbed slow small circles on his hand that was holding yours with your thumb. You knew how anxious he could be sometimes and these always helped him relax, even if it's a small amount. 
When the wheel completed a circle you reached under your seat and brought out a big box. 
You unboxed it quickly and brought out the cake and placed the candles forming the number 29 on it. 
Seokjin stared at you with a faint smile on his lips and said with a chuckle, "You know we could have done this in your warm apartment instead of trembling in this cold, right?"
"Oh, shush! Special occasions need special places to be celebrated! And this cabin is warm enough! You are just being dramatic with all this 'trembling in cold'." You pretended to scold him. 
With a pout on his lips he replied, "For me every place is special if I am with you." 
"Aww look at all that extra cheese you got there today!" You exclaimed with a playful smack on his arm. 
"I have more! Wanna see?" He gave you a smirk. 
Amidst your banter you two didn't realise when you had reached the top and once your cabin once again reached the top the Ferris wheel stopped moving causing Seokjin to panic. 
Thinking they would be stuck the whole night in that freezing temperature on such a height for a stupid mechanical fault of the wheel he shouted out aiming at the bottom of the wheel where the control room was, "Hey! Get this thing moving or else you won't be able to move once I get down there!" 
As his voice dissipated halfway in the darkness of the lonely amusement park, you suppressed the incoming laughter and keeping your hand on Seokjin's shoulder you said, "Calm down Mr. Hot head. I gave him instructions earlier to do this." 
He looked at you as if he was asking you with his eyes why would you do that? 
You laughed at his expression and said, "Trust me a little bit, hm? I swear it's going to be worth it!" 
Relaxing his tensed shoulder he leaned forward and kept his forehead on your shoulder and murmured, "I know. You know me, I get tensed over nothing." 
"Hmm." You hummed agreeing in response and kissed the side of his ear. 
Checking the time again in your phone you held Seokjin's shoulders and made him sit straight and smiled, "It's time!" 
You lighted the candles and with low voice you started singing the birthday song with small claps and signalled Seokjin to blow the candles.
Never ceasing to smile Seokjin blew the candles whilst clapping for him himself and cut two small slices from the cake – one for each. 
The cabin had a well-built wide solid steel plate with thin cushion installed on it as a seat that went around inside the cabin so that people could sit facing any direction inwardly. The cabin was also supported by enduring large steel bars that were attached on the four sides of the cabin in connection with the wheel bars. This made the balance of the cabins stable, allowing the passangers to sit in one side if they wanted to without worrying about the pod to tilt on one side.
Taking the advantage of the cabin settings you scooched over to the side of the seat that faced the city and grabbing Seokjin's pinky you signalled him to scooch over to your side. Once he did you held his arm closely and pointed in front of you with your free hand. 
The fog had just began to settle on the glass that you had wiped a while ago but it didn't blur out the view completely yet. The tireless city seemed so restful from high up there, like a reflection of the stars against the black night sky.  
There was something so serene about the whole atmosphere that made Seokjin let out a small sigh. He looked at you and mumbled, "Thank you for this. It's so beautiful." 
You kept your head on his shoulder and said softly, "Told you it'll be worth it."
Agreeing to you with a soft hum he slowly rested his head on yours and intertwined his fingers with yours. 
Moments slipped by as both of you continued to watch the fog take over the glass cabin making the outside world obscure with its white veil. 
You realised for the first time in a long while you and your boyfriend were having a moment when you could just sit there and not think about the cruel world outside. You wanted to hold onto this moment so when you got completely isolated from the outside view you lifted your head from his shoulder and went over to the opposite direction to turn on a switch which lighted up the cabin with built-in small fairy lights. 
A series of giggles escaped Seokjin's mouth making you turn around and he asked you, "What else did you plan?" 
"Just a few things.." you trailed off a little with a shy smile and sat beside him. 
"I have something for you." You said softly with a smile but only you knew how your heart was beating at a fast pace. 
But then you noticed something outside that made you squeal and you flipped a switch placed under the seat which made the roof of the cabin retract like a convertible car. 
Snowflakes started to fall tenderly inside the cabin and you remarked while watching the flakes, "The first snowfall of the year
But Seokjin was more amazed by the cabin system so he couldn't hold back his amazement as he exclaimed, "Woah! When did the technology advance so much?" 
"I designed it!" You replied proudly while pointing at the logo of the architect & manufacturing company you worked at. 
"How many surprises are you hiding?" He asked and started looking through the whole cabin, "you even installed a heater in the pod! You were really thinking about this night while designing it, weren't you?" He placed his gaze on you. 
"Well, the idea came into my mind two years ago when we visited the amusement park for Christmas and I thought how beautiful it would be to look over the city with you and enjoy a little bit of snowfall
 It turned out to be better than beautiful!" You explained while pointing to the small heater, "but the heater is a temporary one only for this pod. May be in the next batch I'll think about ones with heaters installed in them." 
When you turned to look at Seokjin you caught him staring at you with the gentlest smile and a heat rushed from your neck to the cheeks. 
"Enough about my stupid project! This is your night! And I have one more thing for you." You winked at him and reaching into the inside pocket of your coat you pulled out a small box that had maroon velvet cover with a gold spotted silver ribbon tied on it and handed it to the curious man beside you. 
"Ah! Why do you have to spend so much on this stupid day?" Seokjin whined shaking his head in disapproval. 
"Because I want to!" You looked at him and mocked him by sticking your tongue out. 
"Aish! It feels like you are my fan and you have got just some moments to spend with me and you are trying to make it as much special as possible!" He joked and started to untie the knot of the ribbon with the smile intact on his lips. 
"Who knows? May be in some other universe I am!" You replied with a light shrug and brushed your fingers lightly on his hair along the line of the ear. 
"Then I am sure I love you in that universe too!" He leaned a little on your palm and moving his head a little he placed a small kiss on your palm and then went back to unwrapping the gift. 
You clenched your fist as he finished untying the ribbon. You could feel your chest tighten with every move of his fingers. You took back your hand that was resting loosely on his shoulder until now and tucked both of your hands in between your thighs and waited, holding your breath, for him to see what you got for him. 
It's been a few seconds if you counted it correctly and yet the only expression on Seokjin's face was a blank one. His smile, that was just there before, had vanished too. 
You still waited eagerly for his response as he sat there with the box in his left hand that had the couple ring inside of it that you had bought a week beforehand from the most famous wedding jewelry shop in the city and the note on his right hand that was previously inside the box under the rings – the note which said in your beautiful cursive handwriting, "Let's get married." 
You could feel your heart sink a little bit when without saying anything Seokjin put the note inside the box and closed it. The expectant smile that you have been holding till now, you felt it fading rapidly. 
He fumbled with the box for a moment as if he didn't know what to do with it and then he slowly took your hands and kept it there.
He looked into your wavering eyes and whispered, "I can't." 
You blinked and felt a string of tears moisten your cold cheeks. Your lips quivered and you mouthed, barely able to speak under all the rush of emotions inside your chest that choked your heart causing an unbearable pain, "Why?" 
Seokjin softly engulfed your hands in his big ones and kept his forehead on yours. You leaned on his and closed your eyes trying to prevent yourself from crying and said, "I know there's some stupid reason behind your answer." 
He just shook his head in a no against yours. 
Inhaling sharply you continued, "If I did something wrong then just tell me! What is it? Do you not love me anymore?" 
At your words Seokjin held your cheeks gently and made you look up and locked his eyes with yours, "There will never be a single second when I won't love you with all of me." 
"Then why?" You let out a mild scream and you let your tears fall freely. 
"Because I can't support a family right now! I don't have a proper job! My dream
 It's still so unsure and I can't burden you with me!" 
You looked at him and blinked a few times as if processing what he had just said and you crunched your eyebrows, "What?" 
Letting out a deep sigh you took your cupped face out of Seokjin's hands and wiped your tears. 
Then you cupped Seokjin's face in your hands with quite a force gaining an "ow" from him. 
"Stupid, idiot, dumb!" You felt your lost smile coming back. 
Surprised at your response Seokjin found himself dumbfounded. 
"Was this your reason? Seriously? We have been together for five whole years, love! And you come up with such a bullshit reason? Geez I thought you were going to leave me!" You pretended to scold him. 
"What!? No! I am never leaving you! I.. I am just not ready yet.." Seokjin looked away and stared into the distance. 
You laughed and leaving his face you sat close to him and while looking at your boot covered feet you said, "I know you know but still if I haven't made it clear enough you are never a burden
 You have always been my only refuge, my safe place. And it gets so hard to wake up and find the other side of the bed empty or when I speak out and you are not there to reply, only the lonely apartment.. so I have been thinking about this for some time now that what if we could stay together and make you mine forever
" You smiled and sparing a quick glance at his own smiling self you continued, "Of course we can move in together but to call you my husband
 I felt a strange chill run up my spine every time I thought about it.. so I just wanna say, not pressuring you or anything," you intertwined his pinky finger with yours, "that I can sustain for us both and I know you don't believe in all the gender stereotypical bullshits. But even after this you want to wait until you are ready, I am ready to wait for you." You rested your head on his shoulder once again, relieved that you were not losing him. 
The silence that was prevailing in the air for a brief moment got cut off by a notification on Seokjin's phone. You kept on resting your head on his shoulder while he checked his phone. 
"Hey!" He called out mildly after keeping the phone in his pocket.
"Hm?" You raised your head and looked at him. 
"Let's get married." He said with a soft smile and glint in his eyes. 
"What?" The question escaped your lips quite loudly as you looked at him with wide eyes. 
"Hey! Stop kidding! What is this about?" You asked again after not getting a reply from Seokjin. 
Seokjin grinned widely and exclaimed happily, "You remember the drama I auditioned for, right? They just emailed me. I am selected for the second male lead role!" 
"What the fuck!??? I can't believe this! Kim Seokjin! You. Are. Going. To. Make. It. Big! You were whining a while ago about your dream! Ah! This is so exciting! How can you stay so fucking calm?" You shook your hand in the air as if shaking off all your worries and cupping Seokjin's chiseled face you placed a soft kiss on his lips. 
Seokjin pouted at the short-lived kiss. You laughed – mostly because you were so happy and the rest because he was so cute. So you snaked your hand around his neck to pull him closer and locked your lips with his. He put his hands on your waist to pull you even closer, making you sit on his lap, resulting in you hugging him in the process. 
Interlocking your legs around his waist you deepened the kiss. As you felt his tongue snaking around yours you lightly held onto the hair at the back of his head and sucked on his tongue. He smiled in the kiss and tugging on your lower lip with his teeth he whispered, "So, is that a yes?" 
Freeing your lip from his grip you held his face to take a better look and then brushing the tip of your nose against his you whispered, "Yes! I can't stress it enough but it's always a yes!" 
A blink worth time passed and you touched his lips with yours and murmured, "Now stop talking and kiss me!" You closed your eyes and drowned yourself in the embrace of him and his lips, not caring about the snow petals falling relentlessly against the growing night. 
-‱The End‱-
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— © 2021 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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borathae · 4 years
Cani request a Drabble where reader is the 8th member and one of the boys (her bestie) is in love with her and snaps at her when she cuddles with another member.. ending with some smutty times đŸ„ł
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Pairing: Hoseok x f.Reader
Genre: Smut, f2l!AU, Idol!AU, 8th Member!AU
Warnings: Dom!Hoseok, sub!Reader, jealousy sex, wall sex, unprotected sex (stay safe guys), slight dom!Hoseok, dirty talk, name calling, marking, sex in Hoseok’s studio fuck yes
Worcount: 2.4k 
a/n: I know this is a little long to be still considered a drabble, but I couldn’t help myself this whole scenario was just too hot to keep it short jsjsjs.đŸ„”Â  I hope you enjoy it my dear anonie hehe ily 😏💜
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Being in a band was great. Being in a world-famousband was even better. Being in BTS however was amazing. The energy and constantsupport from your fans made you wake up smiling each and every day. Themillions of voices singing back your songs brought goosebumps to your skinevery single time. The ability to spread your message and actually be heardfilled your heart with a sense of pride. 
But the best part was definitely the friendship andconstant love you and your fellow band mates had for each other. You laughedtogether, you cried together, you ate together and even lived together for adecade now. 
Wow time really flies by when you spend it with theright people. 
However with friendship also comes hardship,especially when you are the only female member in a group full of men. Sexualtension was bound to occur, sneaky glances were exchanged whenever the restwasn’t looking, body contact was avoided when the long training nights made allof you vulnerable, you even once overheard Yoongi and Hoseok talking about thevery tight dress you had been wearing that day. There were enough nights whereyou had wished the sneaky glances one of the boys sent your way would turn intomore, but none of them ever did. Why would they, if making a move meant thepossible change of dynamics in the band.  
So as Jimin cuddled up to you like he always does,nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and snaking his arms around yourbody, you didn’t think much of it. It’s not like he doesn’t practically do thisall the time if he wants something from you or the others.
“Go out with me tonight, let’s get wasted”,he pleads, pouting. 
He has tried everything at this point. Threatening topost an embarrassing picture of you on Twitter, acting cute, even pretending toget mad at you. You still refused to come. So as his last resource he cuddledup against you, now basically sitting on your lap and whining like a littleboy. He is totally endearing you have to give him that, with his pouty lips andpuppy eyes. You nearly give in, if Hoseok hadn’t suddenly exploded in ragebeside you. 
“Give me a damn break. Can you two stop being soannoying right now” he spits so angrily the whole room falls deadsilent. 
Everyone was staring at Hoseok, unable to react. 
“What’s your problem?” Jimin retorts,already having slipped off your lap and now standing in front of Hoseok withhis arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“You are, what you are doing isunacceptable”, Hoseok growls, standing up as well. 
He is hovering over Jimin, but this doesn’t stop thesmaller man from staring Hoseok down. They are grunting at each other like twoangry bulls, clenching their jaws and readying their fists. You know they wouldnever actually punch each other, but you still can’t help but get in betweenthem, putting a hand on each of their chests. 
“Guys stop that, both of you”, youwarn. 
“He started it”, Jimin growls. 
“No, it’s you who stared it”, Hoseok throwsback. 
“Quiet!” you send both of them a warningglare. 
You turn to Hoseok. 
“You need a damn break. Come with me”, youtell him, grabbing him by his wrist and pulling him out of the room. 
You don’t stop walking until the two of you havereached his studio and had closed the doors behind you. 
“What’s your problem? You normally adore Jimins cute antics, even when they are annoying sometimes. It’s his charm, you say so yourself”, you blurt out. 
Hoseok shrugs his shoulders, pouting like a littlechild. He looks embarrassed, a big change from the rage on his face justmoments ago.
“It’s nothing, I was just fed up with, with my,uhm. My lyrics! And I let out my anger on Jimin, sorry”, he dismisses you,avoiding eye contact. 
“Your lyrics? Hoseok
”, you say his name sosoftly it makes him look at you with sparkling eyes, “you are my bestfriend I know when you are lying. So what’s really bothering you?“ 
Hoseok hesitates for a moment, pacing up and down infront of you with a finger resting on his chin. For a moment you have alreadygiven up on getting an answer out of him, until he lets out a loud sigh. 
"Stop cuddling the other guys like you are together.It’s weird”, he says with furrowed brows. 
“It’s weird?” you scoff a laugh, “theyare my friends, I like being touchy with my friends. You should understand out ofall the people, Mister-I-Am-Cuddling-With-Everyone." 
“That’s totally different”, he insists, still pouting.
“How is that different? Or are you perhaps jealous thatI haven’t cuddled you today?”
Hoseok furrows his brows, pouting just all the more.He shakes his head, avoiding eye contact.
“Aww Hobi”, you chuckle fondly, “is my best friendactually jealous?” you tease.
He scoffs, it almost sounds angry. A weird feelingrises in your stomach when seeing him like that, all tensed up and shaking justlike he did with Jimin. He can’t actually be angry right now, can he?
You are in the midst of asking if he was mad at youwhen he suddenly breaks the distance between the two of you, taking two stepsbefore he hovers over you. He is so close now that you can smell his cologne.He grabs your face with both hands, making you look at him. 
"Hobi what-?” you gasp, totally taken aback bythe whole situation. 
“I don’t want to be like the others. I don’t wantto be your best friend. I want to be more to you”, he confesses. 
The air gets stuck in your throat, your mouth fallsopen as your eyes look at him in utter shock. His pupils are blow out, hisbreathing is already heavy. A strand of his dark brown hair has fallen into hisface. His lips glisten in the warm lights of his studio. Have they always looksthat pretty? 
“I want to slam my goddamn mouth on yours andkiss you breathless until you basically beg me to stop”, he confesses. Oneof his hands is on the back of your neck now, playing with your hair. Ittickles in ways you had never felt before. Almost good, so goddamn good itmakes you shiver.
You swallow. How many seconds have passed already?
“I want to push you against that goddamn wall andfuck you senseless until our legs have given up and our bodies are out oforgasms”, he growls deeply, tightening the grip on your hair and pullingslightly, eliciting a quiet whimper from you. 
Your stomach tingles. This is affecting you in ways itshouldn’t. Your skin is burning in desire, your heart starts racing in yourchest as quick pants leave your parted lips. Your scalp aches in the best wayspossible. Has he always been that attractive before? 
“Hoseok”, you breathe. 
Your panties are soaked at this point and he hasn’teven as much as kissed you. This is embarrassing, which only makes you all themore turned on. 
“Let me do exactly that”, it sounds like aquestion. 
One you gladly answer by pulling him onto your lips.He groans, so do you, as you waste no time in kissing each other messily. Yournoses are squished on the other’s cheek, breathing is hard, your whole bodyfeels like it’s on fire. Hot, so hot. This is so hot, this is everything youhad fantasized about for years. Kissing Hoseok, feeling his hands travel overyour body. Your neck, your arms, your breasts, down your sides to yourass. 
“Oh”, you break the kiss in a gasp when Hoseokgrabs as much of your ass as his big hands can hold. 
“I’ve been masturbating to you for years Y/N. Godyou are the hottest woman I have ever met. Do you know that?” he groans, pushingyou up against the wall, just like he had promised he would. 
Your knees buckle at his confession, your legs part inanswer. You are salivating at this point. He is so goddamn sexy it’sridiculous.
“This is so hot Hoseok”, you choke out,feeling all over his sculpted chest. 
So broad, so firm, so hot. How were you able to resisthim for that long? 
“I’m glad we agree on that”, he mumblesmindlessly, already too distracted by your neck as he dives down to kissit. 
Your back arches off the wall, making your stomachbrush over his clothed erection. He hisses in response, digging his teeth intoyour pulse point. 
“Hngn fuck, okay fuck”, you chucklebreathlessly. A firework of arousal explodes in your body at his action, thepain of his teeth mixing with ultimate pleasure whenever his tongue darts outto lick it okay. 
“You think you are ready to fuck?” hewhispers into your ear.  
“Y-yeah”, you roll your hips against nothingin hope of feeling him. 
“Good because shit do I want to fuck thatpussy”, he pants. 
He steps away from you for just a moment, giving thetwo of you enough time to pull your pants and underwear down. There is no timefor your shirts to come off before the two of you are in a heated kiss again,rubbing against each other like two horny teenagers all whilst hungry moansleave the both of you. 
You didn’t even have enough time to look at his dickbefore he was pressed against you again. Is he big or small, maybe average? Doeshe lean a little to the left, to the right or doesn’t he lean at all?
“Fuck”, you groan simultaneously as heenters you, stretching you out inch by inch of his - so you had realised -girthy cock. God he feels massive inside of you, the best stretch you had everhad.
“This is better than I had imagined, god fuck”, Hoseokgroans, as he begins moving inside of you.
You can feel everything, every inch of his dick as itstretches you out, every touch of his hands as he massages your breasts, everysuck of his lips on your throat.
“You feel so good”, you moan, digging your nails intohis shoulders.
He grunts, raising his head to look at you instead.His eyes are dark, hooded, looking at you with so much desire it makes youshiver. His lips are swollen, red from kissing you everywhere, letting out thehottest moans you had ever heard. This is so hot, so sinful, so good damn addicting.
His tempo is ruthless at this point, drilling his dickinto your pussy with so much force it makes your head spin. You are holdingonto him for dear life, moaning so loudly you are sure everyone can hear you –despite the soundproof doors of his studio.
Hoseok is panting, watching you come undone on hiscock with a proud smirk on his devilishly handsome face.
“You like my cock? I know you do, just look at you”,he growls, grabbing your ass to angle you just right.
“Fuck me, christ”, you yelp at the sudden feeling ofhis dick gracing against your g-spot. You don’t even try to look at him at thispoint, squeezing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“You’re so tight all of a sudden”, Hoseok pants,closing his own eyes at the feeling of you squeezing down on him, “Fuck Y/N youfeel so g-good.”
“I-I’m close”, you confess.
The judgment in his voice makes you whimper. Noddingyour head vigorously you tighten your leg around his waist swallowing himdeeper and deeper inside your pussy.
“I knew you were a slut for my cock. Hmm baby, are youa slut for my cock?” he chuckles deeply, snapping his hips into yours like arabbit in heat.
Your leg gives up on you, nearly making you fall overif Hoseok hadn’t picked you up in his arms mid-thrust. He presses his bodycloser to yours, growling deeply.  
“Y-yeah holy shit yeah”, you sob, biting down on yourlower lip so hard you taste blood.
“Yes you are. The others can’t fuck you like that”, hegrunts before littering your neck with open-mouthed kisses, “the others can’tmake you feel like that”, he moans, pressing you up against the wall with hiswhole body weight, “the others can’t make you scream like that”, he growls,rolling his hips against you like he was born to do so, like his only purpose inlife is making you shake and tremble on his cock.
So close, the knot in your stomach is so close tobursting. Your breathing is ragged, you can hear your heart race in your ears,your pussy feels like she’s on fire.
“Jimin can’t fuck you like that”, Hoseok almost soundsangry when he says the other man’s name, sucking on your jawline roughly tomake sure he will leave marks. He wants everyone to see who made you feel likethat, who made you scream and cry like that.
That’s it. You are gone, it is over for you. Yourorgasm takes you so hard you feel like someone has punched you straight intoyour guts. You are shaking in Hoseoks arms, letting out wails so foreign to yourears that for a moment you don’t even know if they came from you or not. Youdon’t even realise when Hoseok cums, your own orgasm taking all of yourconcentration so you wouldn’t pass out on his dick.
Only when the shakes have stopped and you feel hissoft carpet between your toes, do you realise what just happened.
He is holding you, hugging you, inhaling the scent ofyour shampoo with closed eyes and a smile on his lips. Your face is nuzzledagainst his chest, your arms are having a death grip on his waist in order notto fall down. He smells so different. All of a sudden the familiar smell of hiscologne makes you blush and giggle.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok asks softly, still not lettinggo of your body in fear of seeing regret in your eyes when you look at him.
“Mhm, more than okay”, you tighten your arms around him, sighing happily, “just sore and fucking spent.”
Hoseok giggles, kissing your cheek. You can feel the smile on his lips when he does so.
“Same here”, he breathes.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Spencer x reader - miscommunication
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If you would like to write it, scenerario 12 for Spencer (criminal minds). I have a little crush on him 🙃 - @nalabelievesindeagons💜
12: Person A is B's best friend and is always hanging up in their house. So when it is Halloween and the child of B neighbors goes trick or treating. The children thinks A is their partner,which later leads to a confession
Sitting on Spencer’s couch, you smiled as you looked at him as he came out of his room, dressed up as a zombie and you laughed a little bit.
“What? Do I look bad?” He asked, worried.
Shaking your head, you gestured him over and pointed to the table.
“No, you’ve just done your face paint wrong, let me fix it.”
“Oh, thank you.” He beamed.
He sat down and handed you the Halloween makeup kit he had tired to use.
Getting up, you grabbed a cloth and a bowl to clean his face, while fixing his makeup. You guys held a light conversation for a little bit before you finally finished.
Grabbing your phone, you took a picture of him and showed him.
“Woah, that’s so much better.”
“Now you look like a zombie, next year I’ll teach you.” You beamed.
“That’s great! Hey, where’s you costume?” He asked.
You shrugged a little.
“I forgot to pick on up and it’s too late now, and I don’t think you want me to use all your toilet paper to dress myself as a mummy.” You grinned.
“Preferably not.” He laughed.
You gestured to the kitchen and you followed behind him, helping him separate the candy.
He explained that he did this every year for the kids with allergies, it was the same ones that came by every year, so he knew who needed different candy.
Taking the bowls to the front door, you leant against the wall and crossed your arms over your chest.
“How about we play some games while we wait?” Spencer asked.
You guys walked over and picked up the controllers, you played the first game that came up, and you were laughing as you kept beating Spencer.
“Bored games may be your thing, but video games are mine.” You grinned.
“Come on! You’ve gotta go easy on me!” He whined.
There was a knock on the door, and you both looked at each other before getting up to answer it.
“Trick or treat!” A few kids yelled.
You laughed and crouched down, balancing the bowl on your legs as you looked at them.
“A scary vampire, mummy and witch, how terrifying.” You whispered.
“They’re just costumes!” The girl giggled.
You laughed softly and watched as Spencer gave them some candy.
“Well it looks very real!” You beamed.
The three kids giggled to one another. You stood up and set your bowl aside.
“Spencer, why isn’t your girlfriend wearing a costume?” One of the boys asked.
“Yeah! Does she now like Halloween?“ the other asked.
Spencer blushed profusely and shook his head. You awkwardly looked away as well.
“She’s not.. we’re not..” he mumbled.
“I.. I love Halloween!” You rushed out.
The children giggled to themselves once more and whispered to one another.
“They love each other!” The girl yelled.
With that, they ran away and you guys closed the door.
You and Spencer didn’t say anything about it, but you kept looking at him. He didn’t say anything about it, and you weren’t sure if you should say something about it.
Throughout the rest of the night kids were commenting on you, saying you were pretty, asking why you weren’t in costume, and calling you his girlfriend.
At the end of the night, Spencer went to shower and you sat on the couch lost in thought.
Being called Spencer’s girlfriend brought up some feelings that you had been pushing down for a long while.
He was you friend, you didn’t want to loose that, and you couldn’t tell if he felt the same.
“Hey, are you alright?”
You snapped your head to the side to see Spencer sat next to you. He’d changed into some sweat pants and a sweater, a towel around his neck while he dried his hair.
“I was calling your name.”
“Oh sorry, lost in thought.” You smiled.
He nodded his head as he looked at you, and shuffled around so he could face you properly.
“I’m really sorry.. about the uh.. kids saying you’re my girlfriend
” he mumbled.
“It’s okay
” you whispered back.
Spencer took a deep breath looked away awkwardly.
“I.. understand it.. probably made you uncomfortable
You looked at him in shock.
“Spence look at me.” You said softly.
Spencer didn’t and you sighed.
Reaching out, you gently reached out, placing your hand on the side of his face as you turned it towards you.
“It didn’t make me uncomfortable Spence.” You spoke softly.
“It doesn’t..?” He asked gently.
You shook your head with a smile and took a deep breath, moving your hands to hold his.
“Spencer listen, I’m in love with you, okay? I didn’t want to say anything because you’re my best friend, and I didn’t want to mess that up. But hearing all those kids calling me your girlfriend, it brought the feelings back up.”
Spencer smiled a little back at you.
“To be honest, I was quietly wishing for it to be true.”
You smiled even brighter, and he leant forward, kissing you ever so gently before he pulled away.
“I love you too.” He whispered.
Laughing, you threw you arms around him a smile tackled him into a hug.
“So does this mean I can really call you my girlfriend?” He laughed.
“Yeah, it does.”
Spencer smiled and held you tightly, burying his face into your shoulder.
Who knew all that needed to happen for you two to get together was a few innocent miscommunications
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