lovelypink2005 · 1 year
The Rejects™✨
Just finished up the Melvin comic from @themelvorganization and I absolutely ENJOYED IT! Finished it within one day and I just love the Rejects group so much so I make a small doodle of them on Whiteboard :]
P.s. they're probably watching a movie on their TV
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And then I also got some extra doodles!
The last one got a lot of notes from my friend who loves Melvinborg so and too much
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 years
The Rejects™ but they're teenagers and Brovin is driving (and going at racing speeds oh no)
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Also, icons, because I thought it'd be fun :)
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Hey I drew Melvin again! What a shocker- (/s)
Decided to make the icons both for fun and because I've seen someone usin my art as a pfp (/pos, it makes me so happy omg /gen) so I thought I'd do this :) Also you don't need to credit me in your bio, desc, or whatever if you use them!!! Just don't claim them as your own ^^ I'd like to know if you're usin it though, it makes me super happy when people use my art for stuff!!
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smoltamaraw · 3 years
Training with Wakan Senpai!
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I forgot the Ideas I had last week… which I was supposed to be working on now. So here’s something just to post so I don’t look like I’m dead lol 😆 Another Eidos looks like a good game but they don’t have it on IOS which sucks
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movie--posters · 2 years
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Turbulence and armed conflict marked eleventh-century politics in France, as powerful lords strove to increase the lands they controlled directly and to enforce peace among other landholders in the territories they claimed to rule. Fundamental to any lord’s effective power were inherited lands and the loyalty of fighting men, many of whom were themselves lords of land and men. Inheritances were frequently contested, in which case claimants often took up arms to assert their rights. Fighting men who controlled sizable estates could entrench their power by building a castle from which they could act almost independently, especially if their lands lay at the peripheries of territories dominated by more powerful lords. 
…Adela was born into this volatile world sometime in late 1067-68 after her father, duke William “the Bastard” of Normandy, had successfully asserted his claim to the throne of England. The key source for Adela’s birthdate, a letter in verse written by Godfrey of Reims, a high-ranking churchman with personal ties to the courts of both the Anglo-Normans and the Thibaudians, went so far as to claim that the Fates had arranged for William to conquer England so that Adela would be born to a crowned king instead of to a mere count. Though Godfrey’s conceit is flattering hyperbole, his information about Adda’s birth is confirmed by Ivo of Chartres, who asserted that Adda’s royal blood from both lines marked her as noble in the eyes of the world. Her royal status was proclaimed by the very name she bore: that of her maternal grandmother, the daughter of the Capetian king Robert II. 
Adela was thus distinguished from her older siblings by the fully royal blood flowing in her veins. Above and beyond her rank as a king’s daughter, it was this indelible mark she would transmit to any children. With three older brothers and one younger, Adela was not likely to be an heiress to her father’s honors, but her royal blood would be an asset prized by any suitor of lower rank hoping to increase both his own status and prestige and that of his children. Not surprisingly the earliest surviving reference to Adela is Godfrey’s poem, written about the time of her betrothal to Stephen-Henry, arranged around 1080. Although the two sources for Adela’s betrothal and marriage describe different aspects of these events, both present the match as a political act of alliance between the Anglo-Normans and the Thibaudians.
Two geo-political factors shaped this alliance and many of Adela’s later actions. The first was the configuration of the counties and other properties controlled by the Thibaudians. The second was the strategic importance for both the Anglo-Normans and the Thibaudians of the county of Maine, which lay just to the west of Blois-Chartres and between Normandy and the counties controlled by the powerful counts of Anjou. At the time of Adela’s marriage, her father-in-law, Thibaut III, controlled the totality of the Thibaudian domains. These included most of the family’s oldest lands, the counties of Blois, Chateaudun, and Chartres (lying largely to the west of the royal domain), counties Thibaut had inherited from his father in 1037. 
Thibaut also inherited his father’s counties centered on Brovins, Chateau-Thierry, and Reims, in addition to castles and rights in northeastern Berry, northern Burgundy, and Lorraine. All those lands and rights lay largely to the south or east of the royal domain and included an important core of the future county of Champagne. After the premature death of his younger brother Stephen in 1045-48, Thibaut also assumed responsibility for his brother’s share of their father’s lands: Champenois castles and counties around Meaux, Epernay, Chalons-surMarne, and Troyes (Genealogical Tabici). Uniquely among the most powerful counts in France, the Thibaudians faced the king as their immediate neighbor on several fronts. In 1044, despite support from his brother Stephen, Thibaut lost the family’s original patrimonial honor, the county of Tours, to the count of Anjou.
Regaining Tours remained an important objective of the Thibaudians for well over a century, though one they had to pursue in the context of changing geo-political circumstances. New responsibilities and new threats motivated Thibaut’s own matrimonial politics and led to Thibaudian cooperation with the rising power in the northwest, William of Normandy. This cooperation emerged in the interaction of the two families and their respective allies in Maine, a region that could shield the core patrimonial domains of both families against the expansionist ambitions of the counts of Anjou. Immediately after the loss of Tours, Thibaut III moved to increase the odds that the counts of Maine would be loyal relatives: his widowed sister Bertha married the young count while Thibaut married the count’s eldest sister. Adela’s future husband, Stephen-Henry, was born by 1049, around the time Thibaut’s brother Stephen died, leaving Thibaut alone responsible for preserving the full extent of the Thibaudian domains.
Because powerful neighbors contested his position in the east, Thibaut repudiated his first wife in order to contract a marriage that would strengthen his position in that region. In the early 1050s, while Thibaut was campaigning against his eastern rivals, the premature death of the count of Maine left his sister a widow with young children once again. The count of Anjou, actively battling against William in Normandy, allied himself to the king of France and moved to seize Le Mans. With Thibaut still engaged primarily in the east, the Thibaudians looked to William for support in the west. Thibaut’s sister, Bertha, took refuge at the Norman court and arranged the engagements of her children to two of William’s. The deaths of Bertha’s children prevented the celebration of the marriages, but the betrothal terms gave William a claim to Maine. 
In 1063 he successfully asserted it against a claimant backed by the count ofAnjou; the Thibaudians, in turn, made no move to assert the claim of the now adolescent Stephen-Henry to the county. Thibaut associated Stephen-Henry in comital rule so that he could continue campaigning in the east while assuring closer oversight of affairs in the west. In 1068-69, Stephen-Henry, supported by men from Maine and the Icing of France, wrested recognition of the Thibaudians’ right to Tours from the new count of Anjou. William, meanwhile, conquered England. His host included Thibaut’s nephew as well as several castellans with ties to the Thibaudians. Despite the new rank, enhanced status, and increased wealth acquired by William in 1066, events of the 1070s strained the limits of his power. In 1073 he had to reassert control over Maine against claims brought by Stephen-Henry’s mother, who had journeyed from Italy with her second husband and their adolescent son to assert them. 
In 1076 the combined forces of the count of Anjou and the king of France defeated William in Brittany and the count pursued his advantage with a campaign against Norman allies in Maine. The next year, William’s own son, supported by the count of Anjou and the king, tried to assert independent rule in Maine and Normandy. After another major defeat, William began, in January 1079, to seek a negotiated settlement to these hostilities. Those negotiations continued into the years Adela’s marriage was arranged. Two of the negotiators, Geoffrey of Chaumont-sur-Loire and Thibaut Ill’s brother-in-law, the knight-turned-monk Simon of Crepy, had close contacts with both families at this time. William’s willingness to marry Adela to Stephen-Henry thus appears linked to his concerns to stabilize his position after the hostilities of the 1070s. The count of Anjou, a major threat to William’s power in Normandy and Maine, was also the target of Thibaudian attempts to regain Tours; for both families Maine was a critical buffer against the Angevins. 
The marriage of William’s youngest daughter to Thibaut’s eldest son reinforced decades of cooperation against the count of Anjou. While Thibaut was not expected to renounce all ties to the king of France, he could provide William support for his claims in Maine. And, in light of William’s recent defeats, the Thibaudians may well have bargained successfully for William’s one daughter, whose fully royal blood would enhance their prestige in relation to other powerful lords with whom they competed for the loyalty of leading castellans, especially in their far-flung border zones. Those border lords who looked to both the Anglo-Normans and Thibaudians for protection and patronage, would, with their lords in alliance, have less cause to be drawn to the count of Anjou or the king of France. 
As the higher-ranking and more powerful of the two families, the Anglo-Normans do not appear to have given Adela a landed dowry; she was, however, undoubtedly endowed with a healthy wedding gift of cash and other movable goods from the prodigious store of Anglo-Norman wealth. From the Thibaudians, Adela received a landed dower that included an immense tract of forest in the critical frontier zone with Maine. The precise dates of Adela’s engagement and wedding are not known, but her formal betrothal, probably in 1081-82, at Bretcuil on the Norman border, signaled the reconciliation of William the Conqueror and the lord of Breteuil, who had supported William’s rebellious son.  Adela’s marriage was celebrated in Chartres cathedral, most likely sometime between January 1083 and her mother’s death in November of that year, shortly after her fifteenth birthday.”
- Kimberly A. LoPrete, “Adela of Blois: Familial Alliances and Female Lordship.” in Aristocratic Women in Medieval France
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how-to-fandom-102 · 3 years
Look me in the face and try to tell me Reki doesn’t find creative ways to call people bro and I’ll look right back at you and tell you that you’re wrong, brovine.
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foulserpent · 7 years
is pre killed food bad for snakes as far as mental enrichment goes? my vegan friend and i got into an argument because she said that it should always be pre killed and i thought the only reason to feed them pre killed was if the snake was too docile and the mouse ended up biting or scratching the snake. she says its more humane for the prey animal which is ?? you dont go to africa and stop lions from hunting, or bears from hunting, you know? that's nature. animals kill each other.
no its actually not, it IS all around better to give pre-killed food. 
even if the snake is voracious and not at all docile, theyre weird animals and theres always a chance that one stressor or another will make your snake not want to eat (or not even defend itself if the mouse starts to chew on that snake). as well as the inherent chance of the snake being hurt or bitten when it strikes.
theres some debate about the value of enrichment with live food, but it IS dangerous for the snake, and there are other ways of providing enrichment. outside of some outlier situations (ex. where a snake refuses to eat frozen/thawed or other prekilled food), pre-killed really is best. 
and this is out of concern for your pet, not just some overly romantic misunderstanding of how nature works. when you keep an animal as a pet, you are taking it out of the context of nature. even if the risk of being hurt by your prey is inherent in the wild, this ISNT the wild so its your responsibility to keep the animal you choose to own safe.
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gaywoodwraith · 7 years
Electric or ice. Perhaps both at once
it’s because of all the ‘80s synth isn’t it
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forthedingoes · 7 years
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The poor moos dealing with cyclone Debbie
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gramfurs · 5 years
Brovine / 牛弟
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Gyudai / Brovine ¦3 made puns in both language. lol
https://gramfurs.tumblr.com/ :: https://twitter.com/GramFurs
Taurus Mask, Wakan Tanka © Housamo
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whenthemusics-over · 6 years
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Lucas Van Valckenborch (1594)
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Marten Van Valckenborch (ca.1600)
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Tobias Verhaecht (ca.1600)
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Abel Grimmer (1600)
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Flemish School (17th Century)
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Alexander Brovin (ca.1970)
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Boris Dragojevic (2008)
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Anna Fine Foer
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Marian Gergiovsky
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Jean Thomassen
Some Towers of Babel
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drc00l4tt4 · 3 years
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babelziggurat · 6 years
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Alexander Brovin (Russian, born 1958).  Bibliothèque Infernale on FB  
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visar55707 · 4 years
Nuk te du, dhe e imja je….
Asgje, nuk ka ma mire
Dreq, ska ma zi
Zot, ska ma te madh
Aj, ari, djegs, perposh, allahu ekber, eja me mu dhe gjeje vete
Ska ma te madh
Dreqi e marte
loja  gezimit 
dhe fjala e vetebetimit
era e mori dhe fjala e la
tash jemi te eper dhe dreqi e dha
Allahu ekber ski nevoj te heshtneshtjesh
Djalli e mori dhe fjala e dha hovin
Ska te marr ashtu si ishim, leja e dha betimin 
njeriu e mori brovin
sikur atehere
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realtahimikamaxtli · 7 years
20 Questions!
I was tagged by @dusktint wow thanks friend for being the first person ever to tag me in one of these :^)
1. Gender: has a penis and is okay with that
2. Nickname(s): corbin, borbin, brovin, borban, corvin, balaxy bog, literally anything else my friends screw my name up into in discord :((
3. Height: 5’6, 5’7 on a good day
4. Orientation: the pretty girl in my class
5. Nationality: 100% puro Mexicano guey 🇲🇽
6. Favorite Fruit: pomegranates, oranges, raspberries, plums yum yum
7. Favorite Season: winter because all the bugs are dead >:((
8. Favorite Flower: lol I dunno roses I guess but I like plants that aren’t flowers more
9. Favorite scent: coconut, the girl in my class’ perfume, dirt, dust, old things, the grit in between bathroom tiles, cooking food, lol literally anything man
10. Favorite Color: foggy cloudy grey
11. Favorite Animal: hammerhead shark, raccoons, octopi, jellyfish
12. Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate 🍫, tea 🍵, coffee ☕️, in that order
13. Average hours of sleep: solid 7 or 8, occasional 6
14. Cat or dog person: i love my dog but porque no los dos
15. Favorite Fictional Character: the man with no name
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: been 2 the past few weeks but it’s been getting chilly so maybe 3 now :<
17. Dream Trip: i just want to go to wherever and then just wander around for days
18. Blog created: umm close to end of 2016 I believe? Not 100% on that but it’s around there
19. Number of followers: hovering somewhere over 100
20. Random Fact: I want to ask the pretty girl in my class out but I don’t have the guts :((
I’ll tag: @iamthewitchintown @misfireezreal @lendears @meltedjujubees-blog @penguintejas and since that’s all the people I really feel like I won’t annoy if I tag whoever else wants to do it can say I tagged you :3
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wlwstimming · 7 years
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tagged by @chloeniccole to post 9 selfies from this year but tumblr won't let me so it's 6! tagging @lesbianstarbutterfly @soapscumbutt @9enj1 @tiqerboy @darkfanger @hydropump @mheetu @cametha @plvntboy @vaporweird @brovine
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