#brucetasha headcannon
Can you do something Brucetasha please???????
whoop whoop lets get to it children gather around its story time
so basically, its cannon that the two can’t have kids, natasha’s infertile and well banners… banner
but i get the feeling that after everything settles down, they would get a serious want for a child
of course natasha would be afraid of raising it wrong
and Bruce is a bit afraid that he would accidentally kill the poor little fella
but eventually, they come to terms with those fears and decide ‘lets adopt’
and they do
they get a little girl from the Graham Windham home
when they first bring her home, it takes a bit of getting used to
“Bruce where is she!”
“I don’t know I thought she was with you!”
turns out she was napping in her cot
Natasha gets so afraid when she hears her crying in the night
she bolts to her cot and is full on prepared to kill anyone near her child
but it turns out she just wanted a hug, so Nat lulls her to sleep with a russian lullaby she knows
and bruce walks past the room and sees Natasha so relaxed and so focused on this little person in her arms and he can’t help but smile
like a full on ‘i fucking love this woman’ smile
when she comes back to bed bruce just snuggles into her and asks her about the lullaby
and nat just sort of shrugs it off because she can’t even remember when she learnt it
it was just something she always knew
and so whenever someone gets upset in the house, be it her daughter or husband, she’ll sing the lullaby
at one point, bruce runs outside so that he doesn’t transform into hulk in front of the kid, but she’s about 4 at the time so she want to follow daddy and see whats wrong
and instead of being afraid of the big green monster in her lawn, she holds his finger and starts singing the lullaby that nat taught her
and hulk just looks at her so afraid, because even as the ‘other guy’ bruce would never forgive himself if he hurt her
he tries to distance himself but she won’t have any of it
and she clings onto his finger and climbs into his hand
she starts talking to him and of course they understand each other, they both have the dialect of a 4 year old
and so she comes to love the other side of her father
and because of the experience, Bruce stops fearing the hulk and rather embraces that part of him, seeing it as an undeveloped creature that doesn’t know his own strength and can’t really communicate and just wants to talk to someone
she helped Natasha get over her nightmares in a way, caus when she was 10, she walked into her room because she had a bad dream, and saw nat squirming in her sleep
and she sort of just lays by her and doesn’t touch her
because she’s seen how violently nat can react if someone wakes her up
and so she lays there and softly sings the lullaby to her mummy 
because external input, like a sound from the real world really can help wrench someone out of a nightmare
Natasha’s face gently goes slack as the nightmare leaves her and her daughter snuggles into her side
and when bruce gets in the room he expects to see nat having a nightmare and having to wake her up
instead he sees his daughter cuddled up to her mother with a finger pressed to her lips telling him to be quiet so nat can have a good nights sleep for once
all in all, the kid is a blessing and they’re constantly asking themselves what they did to deserve this lil nugget of sunshine that constantly lets them see the good in everything
send me a headcannon!
sophie xx
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I’ve currently got one more headcannon for brucetasha (don’t worry i did see it love <3) and I’ll have it done for tomorrow (well today, but later caus its 1am atm)
feel free to send in more headcannons, they’ll just be done later today instead of immediately, but they will get done <3
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