#brucetasha fanfic
Can you do something Brucetasha please???????
whoop whoop lets get to it children gather around its story time
so basically, its cannon that the two can’t have kids, natasha’s infertile and well banners… banner
but i get the feeling that after everything settles down, they would get a serious want for a child
of course natasha would be afraid of raising it wrong
and Bruce is a bit afraid that he would accidentally kill the poor little fella
but eventually, they come to terms with those fears and decide ‘lets adopt’
and they do
they get a little girl from the Graham Windham home
when they first bring her home, it takes a bit of getting used to
“Bruce where is she!”
“I don’t know I thought she was with you!”
turns out she was napping in her cot
Natasha gets so afraid when she hears her crying in the night
she bolts to her cot and is full on prepared to kill anyone near her child
but it turns out she just wanted a hug, so Nat lulls her to sleep with a russian lullaby she knows
and bruce walks past the room and sees Natasha so relaxed and so focused on this little person in her arms and he can’t help but smile
like a full on ‘i fucking love this woman’ smile
when she comes back to bed bruce just snuggles into her and asks her about the lullaby
and nat just sort of shrugs it off because she can’t even remember when she learnt it
it was just something she always knew
and so whenever someone gets upset in the house, be it her daughter or husband, she’ll sing the lullaby
at one point, bruce runs outside so that he doesn’t transform into hulk in front of the kid, but she’s about 4 at the time so she want to follow daddy and see whats wrong
and instead of being afraid of the big green monster in her lawn, she holds his finger and starts singing the lullaby that nat taught her
and hulk just looks at her so afraid, because even as the ‘other guy’ bruce would never forgive himself if he hurt her
he tries to distance himself but she won’t have any of it
and she clings onto his finger and climbs into his hand
she starts talking to him and of course they understand each other, they both have the dialect of a 4 year old
and so she comes to love the other side of her father
and because of the experience, Bruce stops fearing the hulk and rather embraces that part of him, seeing it as an undeveloped creature that doesn’t know his own strength and can’t really communicate and just wants to talk to someone
she helped Natasha get over her nightmares in a way, caus when she was 10, she walked into her room because she had a bad dream, and saw nat squirming in her sleep
and she sort of just lays by her and doesn’t touch her
because she’s seen how violently nat can react if someone wakes her up
and so she lays there and softly sings the lullaby to her mummy 
because external input, like a sound from the real world really can help wrench someone out of a nightmare
Natasha’s face gently goes slack as the nightmare leaves her and her daughter snuggles into her side
and when bruce gets in the room he expects to see nat having a nightmare and having to wake her up
instead he sees his daughter cuddled up to her mother with a finger pressed to her lips telling him to be quiet so nat can have a good nights sleep for once
all in all, the kid is a blessing and they’re constantly asking themselves what they did to deserve this lil nugget of sunshine that constantly lets them see the good in everything
send me a headcannon!
sophie xx
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Pure (Thor x Virgin!Reader)
I don’t know what possessed me to write this other than the Mjolnir scene in AoU or a fanfic I read once with a similar idea. Because I don’t remember who wrote it with my goldfish-like memory, it’s essentially just Mjolnir has a glitch where virgins can also lift it due to being pure instead of worthy. I’m kinda using that as the prompt for this, but I do remember that in that story it’s Bruce x Reader, so this is already a little different. But still, credits to whoever came up with this concept originally! I’ve been dying to write it since I read it. This will probably read as closer to a female reader than gender-neutral because that is just my writing style. It’s hard for me to write gender-neutral content when I’m essentially writing this as a self-insert and then writing my name and personality out of it. If the reader is also a little more introverted than you typically are, that’s also on me, my bad, friends. Also, slight brucetasha. Why? Because I said so.
Word Count: 2127
Tony was throwing yet another party, and since it was for a successful mission, all the Avengers had to be there. Including you. It wasn’t that you didn’t like parties, you did, you just preferred them when Tony didn’t have an open bar and you weren’t being hit on by someone drunk every other minute. It was better now, since everyone that wasn’t an Avenger or Agent of SHIELD had already left.
And trust me when I tell you that the guys were all drunk, even Steve and Bucky, since Thor had brought some of his Asgardian mead. Bruce didn’t drink because lowered inhibitions and Hulk didn’t exactly mix, so he would fend off drunk suitors for you. Tony had held his liquor pretty well since Rhodey was here tonight and nobody wanted a repeat of Iron Man 2.
“It’s a trick, it’s gotta be.” Clint argued with Thor again.
“I’m afraid not, Brother Barton. Whomever can lift Mjolnir rules Asgard.” Thor responded. Clint stood up and stumbled toward the table. “Please, do help yourself though.” Barton wrapped his hand around the handle and pulled with all his strength.
“I’m telling you, this is a trick. It’s bullshit.” Clint defended himself.
Tony got up and tried, then he got Rhodey to help him. And they argued, as usual. Bruce even pretended to Hulk out to impress Nat, who just chuckled and shook her head.
“Captain Rogers, would you like to try?” Thor asked. Steve finished his beer before standing up, he tugged on the handle slightly, and you swore you saw Mjolnir move. As soon as you glanced from Mjolnir to Thor and back to Mjolnir, it was no longer hovering about the table. Steve raised his hands in defeat and sat back down. Thor originally looked very worried, but that quickly faded away once Steve couldn’t lift it any higher.
“Not me either.” Bucky immediately sent a glare in Steve’s direction, and you know you would hear yelling next door later. You’ve learned though, if you just bang your fist on the wall hard enough, they both apologize immediately.
“See, it’s gotta be a trick if even Cap can’t lift it!” Tony protested. “Whomever yields Thor’s fingerprint can lift the hammer.”
“Well, Lady Natasha? Y/S/N? [Your Superhero Name] Would either of you like to try?”
Nat shook her head. “Oh no, I think we’re content to watch you guys make idiots of yourselves.”
“And please, Thor, call me Y/N.” You added on, the first thing you had said in probably hours. You were content to watch everyone else make a fool of themselves, you didn’t want to join them.
“Aw, Y/N, please?” Bucky asked. “It’d be funny if you could since even the righteous Captain America couldn’t.”
“What the hell, you jerk?” Steve protested.
“LANGUAGE!” Everyone said in sync. Steve shook his head, grumbling about how he wished they had never found him in the ice.
“Stevie.” You said his name and he looked at you. “As much as I am way less willing to make a fool of myself as you guys are..I’ll try to lift it if you stop moping. You were saved after 70 long years, and you never would’ve gotten Bucky out of HYDRA if you hadn’t. So don’t go wishing things like that, because you know Tony’s smart enough to build a time machine and make sure you’re never found.”
Steve nodded and looked back at the floor, “Sorry, Y/N.”
You stood up and walked over to where Mjolnir was sitting. “I am not drunk enough to be trying this.” You muttered under your breath before reaching out, grabbing the handle, and pulling with all your might. You immediately fell on your ass, as you were able to lift Mjolnir like it weighed nothing. Like it was merely a normal hammer. “What the fuck?” You said, dropping Mjolnir.
“Steve, they said a bad language word!” Maria pointed out. Steve sighed and shook his head again.
“H-how?” Bucky asked, looking at Thor.
“Um, let’s see. Oh, what was that old story Father told me that I wasn’t listening to?”
“Not only the worthy, but the most pure can lift Mjolnir.” Loki said from his seat in the corner.
“So because Y/N could lift it, it means they’re either worthy or a virgin?” Tony asked.
“And since nobody else is worthy, and I even have to show my worth sometimes, Y/N is definitely not worthy.” Thor explained.
“Please tell me I’m gonna be too drunk to remember this tomorrow.” You mumbled, getting up to leave.
“I thought you weren’t drunk enough?” Nat asked.
“Well, now I’m too drunk. Good night.” You stumbled off towards your room. “And virginity is a social construct anyways!” You called behind you.
“Literally only virgins say that, kiddo!” Tony called back. You slammed your door behind you, and slid down it, tears dripping down your face.
“Oh, darling.” You looked up to see Loki in your room.
“What are you doing here?” You sniffled softly. It wasn’t that you were scared of Loki, quite the opposite, the two of you were good friends and bonded quite fast. Right after the Battle of New York, Loki revealed that he was under the influence of the Mind Stone, and Thanos was controlling him through it. Once you were recruited to be an Avenger, you ran into him quite often, although you didn’t fall for his tall, dark, and mysterious act. Instead, you fell for his golden-retriever of a brother. You never could quite get used to Loki popping in and out of your room as he pleased though.
“My oaf of a brother doesn’t always realize how these Midgardian things go. I’m sorry that your secret is out.”
“Oh, it’s not your fault, Loki. Someone would’ve found out eventually.” He helped you stand, get out of your fancy clothes and into your pajamas, and do your nighttime routine.
Once Loki had gotten you situated in bed, under the covers, he made you take pain pills and stayed with you until you fell asleep. Afterwards, he left a glass of water on your nightstand and left, locking the door behind him. He ran into Steve and Bucky in the hallway outside your room. “Are they alright?” Steve asked.
“Well, I’m certainly hoping that everyone’s too drunk to remember this, otherwise they may never leave their room again.” Loki replied, wincing softly at the thought of Stark bringing it up over breakfast tomorrow.
“Their best kept secret about their personal life.” Bucky said.
“Oh, there are others, Sergeant, don’t worry about that. But this is something that they find very shameful, with their teleportation powers, they were forced to kill a lot of people in a short period of time, but they understand that it was a kill or be killed situation. So they’ve never been ashamed about that part of their past. But I will let Y/N explain themselves on their own time, so please don’t ask them any questions.”
“Of course not.” Steve started.
“We understand not wanting to talk about the past.” Bucky continued.
“Letting someone come to you is almost always the best way to get information.” Steve finished.
“Norns, it’s like the Weasley Twins with the two of you.” Loki chuckled.
“Who are they?” Bucky asked.
“Ask Y/N if they’ll let you borrow Harry Potter. If you enjoyed the Hobbit, Sergeant, you’ll quite like this.” Loki said. “Now, I’m going to be turning in for the night, I would advise that you two do the same if you’d like to sleep off any of Thor’s wretched mead.”
The next morning, you stumbled into the kitchen to grab your morning coffee, especially since it would help with your pounding headache.
“Oh, little one, I had hoped the pain pills last night would help.” Loki said, placing your favourite mug next to you.
“I already took more.” You mumbled, resting your head on your arms on the table.
“Good morning!” Thor bellowed, walking in. You groaned softly and covered your ears.
“Thor!” Loki chastized. “Just because we don’t get hungover, doesn’t mean that the mortals don’t.” You sat up and hissed at the amount of light entering your eyes, before sipping at your coffee.
“Just the way I like it, Loki.”
“I know, little one. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck.” You muttered into your mug.
“Well, there is no need to feel like that, Y/N! You can lift Mjolnir!” Thor exclaimed.
You groaned again at Thor’s words before tossing a pillow in Loki’s direction, not to hit him, but so he would hit Thor. “Don’t remind me.”
“Why not? It is a joyous day!”
“Thor, Midgardian customs work differently. Since Y/N isn’t worthy, you announced that they are still a virgin. Which for Midgardians, is something that many people are made fun of for.” Loki explained.
“Oh yeah! That’s right! Y/N’s a virgin!” Tony exclaimed, walking in.
“Shouldn’t he be hungover with how much he had to drink last night?” You asked softly.
“Yes, and I was. But Pepper fixed me up, and I’m perfect now, little virgin.”
“Fuck off, Tony.” You teleported back to your room and locked the door. You put your coffee mug on the nightstand before rolling over and essentially turning yourself into a blanket burrito.
“Oh, darling. I know. Stark is an asshole.” Loki said, laying down next to you.
“I’m quitting and moving back home.” You grumbled, curling into his chest.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but I can’t let you do that.” Thor said, sitting on your other side. “I am truly sorry about Brother Stark, and that I was unaware of your.. status?”
You chuckled. “Well, Thor, that’s not exactly what it’s called, but thank you for your apology.”
“May I ask how someone as lovely as you is still a virgin?” Thor asked softly.
“It’s not some sob story or anything, I was just more focused on my studies than fucking someone. I never had the chance, and there wasn’t anyone that was actually interested in me like that. I dated a few people, but I was so focused on school, and getting my degree, that I actually had to work for it, unlike Stark. And then when my powers developed, HYDRA got a hold on me to do some experimenting, and I was sent on missions all the time until you guys came to save me. I really just never had the chance.” You explained.
“What about the people that come to Stark’s parties?” Thor asked.
“Well, now that I’m older, I don’t really wanna lose it to just anyone. Plus most of them just want to fuck one of us here so they can say they’ve fucked an Avenger.”
“Now you want to make sure it’s someone you love.” You nodded in agreement, nestling further into Loki’s chest. “Well, what about me?”
“What about me?”
“I-you wanna sleep with me?”
“I do.”
“I told you so, little one.” Loki said, kissing the top of your head.
“You did tell me, Lo.” You said softly.
“Wait, are you two..?” Thor asked.
“No, Thor, we’re not. Loki and I are simply best friends.”
“We get into mischief together.” Loki smirked.
“Would you- would you please pass me my coffee?” You asked softly, unrolling yourself from your blanket burrito enough to free your arms.
Thor passed you your coffee mug and softly kissed your lips. “I’d love to be your boyfriend, Y/N.” You blushed into your coffee mug as you took another sip, with Loki frantically screaming in your head that his otp was coming true.
You choked on your coffee while laughing at him, “Loki, really?”
“What did he say?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You said, shaking your head. “I’d love for you to be my boyfriend, Thor.”
He took the mug from your hands, placed it back on your nightstand, and kissed you passionately. Loki picked this moment to take his leave, smirking.
It was about 4 hours later when you went to the kitchen for a refill on your coffee, although Thor had certainly helped your hangover with a few tricks he knew.
“Hey, there they are!” Bucky exclaimed. “How are you feeling, kiddo?”
“Better.” You said, nodding. “Thor took care of me.”
“Hell yeah, he did!” Tony shouted.
“Kiddo,” Steve said softly, “You know the walls aren’t soundproofed, right?”
“The walls aren’t- oh fuck, Thor.”
“Yes, you did say that a lot.” Nat said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders “But I’m proud of you.”
“Are those hickies?” Clint asked.
You looked down where the collar of your Thor’s shirt dipped. “Damn it, Thor!”
He started laughing from your bedroom.
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gammacousin · 3 years
I miss your Brucetasha fanfics,you can make a fic that takes place after AU where Natasha meets Hulk near an island near Fiiji and there after helping him to transform, Bruce is reluctant to trust Nat again, but after they spend time together they reconnect and share moments, tell and discover even more things about each other, such as Bruce reflecting what he saw in Wanda's vision regarding his abusive past and his toxic family.
Hey! Oh my gosh thank you so much for this prompt.
I’m going to preface heavily HEAVILY; this is NOT MY STORY!
However! Everything you explained can literally be found in this amazing piece of work that I just can’t compete with. Can be read here: it’s by AlyssssaB
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galactic-magick · 5 years
Disclaimers: I do NOT write smut, sorry, but pretty much anything else is fine.
I CAN write F/M, F/F, M/M, Platonic, Asexual, and Demisexual fics!
I will write:
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I can write X Readers for almost anyone in the Avengers. Basically just not Thanos 😂
I’m best at writing for Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Steve Rogers, Stephen Strange, and Quentin Beck, but again, I can literally write for almost anyone.
I can also write for these ships:
Shuri/Peter(either romantic or platonic)
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I can also write for Into the Spiderverse!
I will write X Readers for all the main spiderlings except for Spider-Ham(cuz tbh idk how that would work?) I don’t count RIP!Peter either, not because I have anything against him, there’s just not a lot of him in the movie so I don’t feel like I have enough substance to base writing off of?
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I can write X Readers for Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, Aquaman, Mera, Shazam!/Billy Batson, and Freddy.
I can also write for these ships:
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I’ll write X Readers for pretty much anyone in any season of the show. If you’re not sure if I’ll write someone, just ask! 😁
I also will write these ships:
I’m probably forgetting some because there are SO many ships so feel free to suggest any that aren’t already listed!
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I can write X Reader fics for basically anyone in all the trilogies and spinoffs, and possibly the shows(I’ve seen most of Clone Wars but none of Rebels yet).
I can also write for these ships:
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Quick disclaimer: I’ve only seen the seasons on Netflix, so keep that in mind when making requests!
I can write X Readers for any of the Miraculers as well as the other classmates.
I can write for these ships:
Love Square (LadyNoir, Adrienette, Ladrien, MariChat)
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I can write X Reader fics for characters in Frozen, Tangled, Rise of the Guardians, Brave, and How to Train Your Dragon!
I can also write for these ships:
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I can write X Readers for Steve, Robin, Jonathan, Nancy, Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Will, Lucas, and Max. Keep in mind tho that the kids will be written as the ages they are in the show unless it’s an AU or something.
I also write these ships:
I used to have a fan account on Insta for Ninjago and I wrote fic and made edits, and I’m definitely open to continuing!
Disclaimer: I’m a bit behind though, I’ve only seen the first 6 seasons. (Up through the genie arc I believe?)
I wrote a 30+ part Lloyd x Reader that was really popular on my old account, so let me know if you’d like me to post it here and/or on AO3!
My ask box is always open. You can request both anonymously and not. I encourage you to be as specific as you’d like, the more specific you are, the easier it is for me to write! 😁
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avenging-fics · 8 years
Breathe ~ An Avenger’s Story  (9/15)
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AU Summary: Y/N’s powers had a reaction to the Hulk which resulted in Dr. Banner’s resurfacing. 
Notes: brucetasha is real on this fic. just a heads up ok. if you don’t ship it, well then. i dont know what to tell you, bud. this crap works in my fic so yeah. im a huge shipper for buckynat but im sucking it up for this series. ok cool
Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
Y/N called out as she ran up to the top of the tower where Steve, Tony and Natasha were. All three pairs of eyes looked at her and they knew that something was wrong. Tony dropped the iron man arm he was working on and the smiles in Steve and Nat’s faces disappeared.
“We found him.”
“What?” Tony asked as Natasha froze in place.
Y/N nodded. “We found Banner.”
Then, as fast as she can, Natasha shot up and almost sprinted towards the quinjet outside. With everyone else following behind her, Steve told Y/N to follow her and keep her company while he and Tony get suited up for a mission and find Barton. Banner was their friend and a valuable team member. There was no way the Avengers wouldn’t go to get him.
Inside the quinjet, Natasha was awfully quiet but Y/N knows just how much thoughts running through her mind on their way to god knows where.
“Commander Hill, we’re in the quinjet on the way.” Y/N said as she called to report.
“Dr. Banner is located near the eastern piers. Coordinates are being sent to your jet.” she responded back, urgency in her voice as well. Everyone is on high alert today.
“Copy that.”
“Agent Y/L/N, one more thing.” Hill said. “He’s on code green.”
Natasha locked eyes on Y/N and her pupils dilated.
The Hulk is out.
“Agent Romanoff, still remember the lullaby?” Tony’s voice suddenly shot up in their comms unit as Y/N saw him fly beside the quinjet while another one flies behind Natasha and Y/N. It was probably Clint and Steve.
Y/N heard the Black Widow whispered under her breathe.
“Couldn’t forget it.”
Then when they were closing in on the destination, an explosion were seen from below the ground. He’s wrecking havoc. They have to be quick.
Natasha landed the jet in a wide parking lot near the commotion and ran outside so fast. Y/N followed her and felt a strong sense that something was coming towards them and the people fleeing from the scene.
“Nat, watch out!” she shouted as a mangled car came flying towards them. Y/N concentrated all her magnetic powers to stop the car and drop it somewhere there’s no civilians. But then as the car was in midair a huge green fist punched through it, breaking it in half revealing an angry giant face, raging and roaring.
Y/N gasped as she turned around and saw all those people behind her, cowering in fear. They’ll be killed if they don’t get in a safe place, and soon. She looked at the person beside her and was shocked at how frozen Natasha was. But there was no fear in her eyes.
This hulk was Bruce.
Then Tony came flying from above them and landed beside Agent Romanoff, and opened his mask.
“Bruce.” he breathed, keeping his gaze at the hulk in front of him, relieved to his his friend for a long time. The giant roared once more and that’s when Natasha finally moved. She stepped closer to him and slowly held out her hand.
“Hey, big guy.” she said, almost making her voice crack. “Sun’s getting real low.”
Y/N couldn’t look away. She was entranced by the whole scene with the Hulk and Natasha. But when she felt someone tapped her shoulders, Y/N turned around to see Captain America with his costume and shield.
“Steve, those people–”
“Are all safe now. I led them away from this block to the next. Don’t worry.” he said, then he looked at the rest of his team with Agent Romanoff and Hulk at the center. His team was with him again.
They watched as Natasha smiled with unshed tears in her eyes while the strong green giant stepped away and transformed into a half naked man with black curly hair and a scruffy beard. Dr. Bruce Banner was back.
“Is this better than the last one?”
“Well, subject number 247 has stable vitals, no complications on health even with a more concentrated amount of grav—-”
“I don’t care about it’s health.” he raised his voice. “Is this one better than her?”
The assistant shuddered and stepped back a bit, wide-eyed at the man beside him. He gulped before speaking, afraid of another outburst from the lead scientist on this facility. “Subject number 247 exceeds all of our expectations unlike the lost subject number 109, sir. She’s better in every way.”
He grinned, so maliciously and turned around, walking back to his office. He chuckled darkly and took out an old photo from his coat.
“Tessa, we did it.”
The ride back to the tower was no doubt one of the most awkward the whole team has been. Even with Thor not present, the ambiance was electrifying and a single wrong move can cause riot. It was so since Dr. Banner boarded the plane with Stark, Y/N and Agent Romanoff as Captain Rogers and Barton used the other jet.
It was silent and Tony, having taken off his helmet, had a great idea to whistle as his friend sitting across from him shook his head and stared at the ground. Bruce was given a shirt and a pair of pants when he transformed back. he didn’t really say anything else. The doctor just accepted the clothes and willingly turned himself in, ashamed for the damage he had done back in Sweden. Stark took care of it, of course. But still Banner felt responsible even if the hulk wasn’t his fault.
Y/N also noticed how pale Natasha’s knuckles were on the controls. She was gripping too hard. One would think that after the lullaby they’d be running into each other’s arms but Natasha was expressionless when Bruce took a glance at her. She’s willing herself to not make anyone see her true emotions.
When they landed back at the tower, Steve and Clint were already there waiting with Thor who just arrived as soon as he heard the news about Banner. Tony stepped out of the jet and immediately deactivated his suit. Natasha went out quick with Y/N following behind her, leaving Dr. Banner the last one to get out the jet.
He walked cautiously with Stark as he was given a room to change into something else and have a shower. No one else said anything else after that. They just all went into the conference room and waited until Bruce was ready to explain everything.
“Anybody want a drink?” Tony asked as walked towards the bar, taking out a bottle.
“I’ll have one.” Clint said when no one else did or at least moved from their places. Thor was sitting on the couch with the hammer by his side while Steve sat across from him. Natasha was near the glass windows staring into nothing and Y/N was standing near the doors, keeping watch over everyone.
These are the Avengers. They were a team. And now that the missing member resurfaced again, everyone was curious as to why.
Why did Banner come back and why did he left? Although the latter was mostly the question Natasha need answered.
Soon, the doors opened and Dr. Banner entered wearing his own clothes and a forced smile towards his teammates.
“Hey.” he said.
Tony stepped forward with a glass in hand. “We’re all ears, Banner. Lay it on me.”
Bruce cleared his throat and walked inside their circle. “I was going back in forth in Norway and Sweden, actually. I used your stealth tech to hide myself away from…..well, everyone.”
Natasha flinched and turned around to look at him. Bruce saw this and had an apologetic look in his face. He felt so terrible about her.
“You left because you wanted to hide?” she said, her voice filled with pain and disbelief. It was horrible seeing Black Widow like this. “You left the team, Bruce. You left us.”
“I..I’m sorry, Natasha. Truly, I just…”
Clint stepped forward and grabbed hold of his bestfriend’s arm. “Nat, calm down.”
She shrugged him off anyway and focused her eyes on Bruce. “We could’ve fixed everything. We could’ve worked things out. Yet you left because of some stupid fear.”
“It’s not stupid! I could have hurt you!” Bruce raised his voice, which made everyone in the room tense and stood up ready for whatever. He looked around him and sighed. His only friends still see him as a threat. As a time bomb, ready to explode.
Bruce shook his head and slumped. “Honestly, I didn’t want to come back.”
“Then why did you?!” Natasha yelled.
Everyone followed where Banner was pointing at.
It was Y/N.
“What?” Steve asked.
“I—The other guy sensed something. I don’t know how to explain it. It was like a strong presence pulling me to her.”
Y/N gasped. “Like magnets?”
Is this true? The hulk had a reaction to her power that caused him to transform. What is the explanation for this? And why now? Y/N had her powers before so why did it trigger something?
That’s when Tony stepped out of the room muttering. “We need to run some tests.”
Agent Romanoff was rarely bothered by anything. And if she was, she had a great talent for hiding it. She was an agent. It was a job qualification, after all.
But when her heart is bursting with so much emotion, she craves the feel of a gun firing in her hand towards someone deserving of it.
But she can’t do any of that right now because the door to her private room at the tower just opened.
“Natasha, please, listen to me.” Bruce said, with his hands in front of him, anxious and steady.
She clenched her jaw. “What are you doing here?”
“Please let’s just talk. I really want to make things okay.”
“Okay? Bruce, we were never okay. We were broken from the start. And if I remember correctly, we never did have a beginning.” she seethed, fury taking over her brain. “You ended us before we could even start.”
Bruce sighed and nod slowly. “I know. I’m sorry. I hurt you.”
“You left me.”
“And you didn’t want to come back.”
“I was a liability.”
“You were an Avenger.”
Then in a swift motion, Bruce stepped forward and grabbed Natasha’s waist, claiming her lips before she could even react.
He pushed all of his love into her and it was more than enough to tame the rage in her. Natasha softened and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with as much love as he did. He accepted everything from her and they were lost in each other. They were finally together and this is what they’ve always wanted.
When they pulled away, Bruce was staring into her eyes as if he just found a cure to all evil. And she was so filled with love that she never knew she was capable of. It was overwhelming and beautiful at the same time.
“What are you doing to me?” she whispered.
Bruce smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. “I’m running with it. With you.”
Comments? Critiques? Concerns? Send them in! :D
Tag list: (dm me if you wanna be tagged whenever I update)
@animexchocolate , @seninjakitey , @barnesandnoble13 , @goldwanderer , @anotherotter​ , @lefandomimagines​ , @merrahonthawall​ , @independentgirl
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mariusslonelysoul · 6 years
My opinion on multi-fandom ships
Cause i've seen some people do this and honestly I have nothing better to do
Tablet Guardians: Idek when I started shipping them, but idk they're so cute 10/10
Jedtavious: I mean, they're so married and pure 12/10
Percabeth: they were my first -literary- OTP! 12/10
Solangelo: kinda hated at the beggining, not gonna lie, but I love them so much now 13/10
Frazel: cinnamon rolls 10/10
Jasper: cute but not a fan 7/10
Caleo: why not 8/10
Pernico: sorry but no 2/10
Perachel: nO 0/10
Johnlock: OTP definitely 20/10
Mystrade: why not 6/10
Captain Swan: okay, I'm still on season 6, but they are just so good to each other 10/10
Jily: they're the definition of pure 15/10
Wolfstar: not a hardcore shipper, but I understand the appeal 8/10
Ronks/Remadora: yES 20/10 Also, they are NOT dead :)
Hinny: highschool sweethearts, and I don't understand why some people hate it? 10/10
Romione: tbh? Not my favourite 7/10
Fremione: now THIS is more my cup of tea 15/10
Dramione: in the cannon? Nope. In an AU? Maybe 9/10 (in an au)
Hadric: I mean, they would be so cute together, and also I wrote a fanfic so 9/10
Drarry: cannonicaly it'd be pretty toxic but in an AU they're not that bad 5/5
Deamus: they are cannon, but as we know Harry isn't exactly observant 12/10
Snily: bitch -10/10
Perciver: once again, why not 8/10
Harmione: please, no 0/10
Huna and Linny: either way, really cute, love Luna 8/10
Quirrelmort: in AVPM, obviously 10/10
Scorbus: didn't ship them while reading, but once again the fandom made me do it 9/10
Pepperony: tbh hate the name, but they are just so nice together 10/10
IronStrange: idk why but I can see them together 9/10
Stony: nOPE -4/10
Stucky: they are soulmates AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND 12/10
Steggy: Peggy is a queen and I did ship them at first, but now not really 5/10
Brucetasha: I like them, okay? Don't judge me 9/10
TaserTricks: I love Darcy, I love Loki, and I love TaserTricks 10/10
Spideychelle: we haven't seen them together yet, but I guess I see them happening 9/10
Thorki: not an incest fan 0/10
Thruce: nah 2/10
Chidi and Eleanor: their relationship is so nice and pure and good I just 12/10
Peraltiago: they deserve and love each other so much I literally wanna cry 12/10
Victuuri: (I forgot about them when I first wrote this, sorry guys) What can I say about them? Their love is so pure yet hilarious? And they are actually cannon!?!? 20/10
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universalfanfic · 7 years
I'm curious to see you do MCU for the shipping meme? I think I can guess some of your answers and I want to see if I'm right :)
lowkey otp: Clintasha. I know they’re not a thing anymore, but… I like them.
highkey notp: Stucky, sorry not sorry. I really can’t stand it. 
[softly] don’t notp: Brucetasha? However you spell it. We all collectively ignore it anyway.
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: Not exactly *highkey*, but I am capable of shipping LokixJane. Like… a REFORMING Loki, ok?? Idk… I’ve just read a couple good fanfics. I’m sorry. 
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: PEPPERONY, hands down 5ever. 
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