#brujah antitribu
redratt · 1 year
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beatrix sketches from tonight (featuring sophia in the top pic and lavinia in the bottom)
cathari pack priests are fucking terrifying, huh. also my reference for the first picture was literally a blurry-ish photo of me and someone else roughhousing lmfao. i turned a tackle into a nightmare.
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vtm-nightcity · 2 years
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Always Hungry
- Synn (Dedicated to NY by Night's S2:E3)
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kozmic-dazai · 2 years
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Prototype of my next character. Need a few more things to make her properly pop though. Still at my baby steps. Updates will come soon.
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benevolentslut · 4 months
i just got struck by the idea for a vtm sao crossover au and im-
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marrowcrunch · 1 month
What are your top 3 favorite vtm clans (or bloodlines)?
Bonus: which clan do you think you'd fit in with? :3c
Oh boy, this is going to be long lol
Favorite: Tzimisce 
Gosh, what a surprise :O
But yeah. I mean, firstly, the cool factor is undeniable. It's always such a joy designing Tzimisce characters because even toeing the strictest borderlines of canon they're allowed to get real weird with it in a way that most other clans aren't. I don't mean this as hate at all so I hope it doesn't come across like that, all clans are beautiful <3 but if you're playing Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere etc to some degree you'll always just be playing as Some Guy. With a Tzim it’s like…Do you want some sick-ass bone blades on your arms? No problem! Another pair of arms to put more bone blades on? Sounds good! Do you want to be bioluminescent like a squid? Great! Go crazy! 
Second: Full disclosure, I am the “My fursona is my TWOO SELF” flavor of furry. And the idea of having near total freedom of form— to be able to give myself a tail, claws, fangs, horns, [long censor beep], whatever I want, to abandon my human shape, fills me with Yearning. 
In the complete opposite direction, I also find personal meaning in the clan as someone who suffers from chronic pain. Shamelessly copy-pasting a reply to another post: 
The flavoring of Vicissitude as a creeping infection, as the actual body of the Eldest spread from generation to generation, able to rise up and consume its bearers at any moment, resonates with me very deeply as someone whose pain is caused by congenital tissue defects and which will inevitably get worse over time.
The idea that…there’s something horrible lurking inside your body. It can’t be cured. It can’t be removed. It is part of the very fabric of your being. And it is going to eat you alive, it is going to eat and eat until there’s nothing left. That no matter how you struggle, eventually it’s going to win. But you struggle anyways, because what the hell else is there to do?
The clan also has its revenant families, who are all collectively my most Specialist Little Guy in the world. I am a huge sucker for ye old trope of Special Family Bloodline Technique, and they scratch that itch for me in a really fun and interesting way. 
Second favorite: Giovanni. I actually don't have any deep reasons for this one, I just think that “fucked up necromancer vampire crime family” is such a fun concept lol. I like organized crime stories. It's also another one for the “bloodline technique” category— in v20, they even have their own associated revenant family, the Rossellinis! 
Third favorite: Salubri. The vibe I get is that they’re deeply underappreciated because people feel like their designation in both fluff and crunch as “the nice ones” means that they’re boring and clash with Masquerade’s overall tone. But I STRONGLY disagree— I think that's exactly what gives them so much potential for the sort of personal, existential horror that is supposed to be at the heart of Masquerade. I actually want to write a much longer post sometime that really gets into why, but part of it is this— being a magical pacifist unicorn prancing in a sunny flower field isn't “horrifying,” but being a magical pacifist unicorn in a dark forest where the only other animals are wolves that want to eat your face sure is. I also think the contrast between mainline (healer) Salubri and Salubri antitribu is a really rich thematic vein— again, I want to write more on this later. 
Bloodline lightning round:
Ahrimanes: Cat-themed woman power. I like the concept of Gangrel in tune with the spiritual elements of nature. Spirits in World of Darkness are fun because they can be anything. 
Ventrue antitribu: Knights in modern settings are cool.
However, if the question was “Which clan are you most like?” instead of “What's your favorite”, the answer is far and away Toreador. I love making art, and while I mostly just write now because my body has kind of fallen apart, I used to dabble in a bunch of different mediums and loved them all. That and I already do the “oh that flower/painting/ random pattern of light on the wall is really pretty *zones out and stares at it*” thing in real life lol so that would just be business as usual. If I couldn't be a Meat Criminal this is actually the clan I'd choose to be embraced into. 
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk :)
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ryttu3k · 9 months
Theoretically, what clans do you think the other bg3 companions would be?
I have definitely Thought About This! The setting I had in mind was during the Anarch Revolt, with the main squad being a new pack.
Thoughts behind Lasombra Astarion - still keeps his self-image issues regarding reflections, which sets him aside from his companions. That implication that Cazador set the Gur on him is pretty similar to the Lasombra tradition of deliberately grooming your future childe for the Embrace, and honestly, a combination of blood bonds and heavy use of Dominate fits Cazador's modus operandi as well. The ritual is either Abyss mysticism or, yeah, straight-out infernalism, like the whole Azaneali/Angellis Ater stuff. In this, it's not a tadpole that frees Astarion from his control, it's the Vaulderie.
For his fate afterwards, I'm not sure. I feel Ascending would parallel him diablerising Cazador and maybe his siblings, as in it may be a step too far. An Ascended/diablerist Astarion would probably stay with the Revolt as it became the Sabbat, one who doesn't might go Autarkis.
For the others, I'm not 100% locked in on these, but I'm thinking:
Shadowheart: Lasombra as well, focusing much more on Abyss Mysticism (whereas Cazador dabbled but largely stuck to the Lasombra social structure stuff). Keen user of Obtenebration. Has had a lot of her memories erased or altered via Dominate. Kinfolk. At first is extremely vehemently against joining the Camarilla and supports the nascent Sabbat, but leaving the Sharrans may work as her going Autarkis, working out her own route?
Lae'zel: I'm actually thinking Ventrue? Very strict social structure, all these complexes about power and weakness. If she ends up staying with the Revolt and joining the Sabbat, the whole Dark Knight thing the Ventrue antitribu have fits pretty well! OTOH, Orpheus kind of fits as a stand-in for a methuselah, so that would cause... issues. She might be Ventrue antitribu only in the sense that she's not Camarilla, and still has her personal loyalty to Orpheus.
Gale: Tragically, I think he's Tremere, and probably quite a low generation (maybe instead of Mystra, he's bound to his sire, Meerlinda?). Born Mage who was identified and groomed by the Tremere specifically for the Embrace. Leaving Mystra = defecting from the Pyramid and joining the Revolt, although he still feels deeply conflicted about it. He may end up joining the Camarilla but could be swayed otherwise, which I suspect he might do based on love of his friends and being convinced he doesn't need the power the Camarilla could offer him.
Wyll and Karlach: Brujah, but more specifically, Brujah from the same 'family', with Zariel being Mizora's and Karlach's sire, and Mizora being Wyll's sire. Wyll fits the idealistic Wanting To Fix Things Brujah mindset, and Karlach… enjoys punching things. I don't see either fitting with the Sabbat. Zariel and Mizora are both into infernalism and got their childer into it as well, although Karlach resents it and Wyll feels deeply conflicted. Another option is that they just have regular-ass sires, but Mizora and Zariel are Baali who convince them to go apostate - Karlach under a lot of duress, Wyll with good intentions (power to help people!) but recognising later that, oops, that may have caused issues.
Halsin: Two fun options! One, he's a Gangrel (who follows the Path of the Eightfold Wheel, natch). Also Autarkis, although I feel he'd want to keep having a Purpose and would probably end up with a group of other Autarkis and try to… keep an eye on them. Another interesting option, though, is that as well as Garou, there are also bear Fera! Will elaborate below.
Jaheira: Gangrel, straight-out. Would go Autarkis after the Revolt.
Minsc: Having met him yet, but I get a Brujah-with-out-of-clan-Animalism vibe. Maybe learned from Jaheira? Autarkis as well.
So for Halsin, there are werebears! They're called Gurahl.
"The werebears are Gaia's healers, tied to the Earth with a stronger bond than any other Fera. Many Garou believe the Gurahl are extinct, killed during the War of Rage when they would not give up the secret of restoring life to the dead. In truth, they entered a long sleep using a trick taught to them by the Mokolé, and have awoken in the modern world.
Slow to anger, Gurahl tend to be healers and protectors rather than warriors. Rare since the War of Rage, they were targeted for refusing to teach the Garou the secret of resurrecting the dead."
So, either Halsin is a Gurahl who ends up accidentally adopting a pack of Cainites, or he's a Gurahl kinfolk who's Embraced as a Gangrel. When he returns home, he's a bit, "Sooooo… hi. Vampire now," and they don't end up killing him because, what the hell, he's family and also still Halsin. "Yes, this is my son. Yes, he's a vampire. It's complicated."
Slight alternative - Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc are all much older (older ancilla/ancilla with a werebear pal), with Jaheira and Minsc already being close, and maybe Halsin and Jaheira knowing each other beforehand. When they meet this newer, younger pack (the Origin characters), they go, "Okay, these kids are going to need guidance" and jump in to babysit mentor them. In that case, they may not consider themselves truly part of the Anarch Revolt, but be avowed Autarkis. Age-wise for the Origin characters, Astarion is ancilla but the whole two hundred years of slavery means he's still pretty inexperienced in the world, and the others are all neonates. Hell, Lae'zel, Wyll, and Karlach may even still be considered fledglings, or like, just released.
So tl;dr, Anarch pack who largely go Autarkis after the Revolt, with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel torn between Autarkis and the Sabbat, and Gale being torn between Autarkis and the Camarilla. I want to say they all stay Autarkis, with the bonds they've developed? Still have some Anarch traits like a vinculum, but otherwise are avoiding both the violence of the Sabbat and the hierarchy of the Camarilla, a lot of which is why they joined the Revolt in the first place.
Thanks for the ask, this was so fun :D
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sapphim · 3 months
Finally made it to a desktop!
Here's the links to those playlists. They're largely a mix of goth/post-punk bands and horror film scores. There are almost certainly songs on there that aren't meant to be in some of the playlists and were accidentally added when I tried to add them to a different playlist and slipped. Ignore those, lol
These are also still WIPs and are centered around the different grops as they were written like seven years ago; I'm not confidently up to date on the more recent editions and Bloodline alliances and groupings.
Enjoy, and please let me know if some of the links don't work! You're also okay sharing this/my spotify account since it's all public1
Antitribu Baali Banu Haqim Brujah True Brujah Camarilla Cappadocian Gangrel Giovanni Kiasyd Lamia Lasombra Lhiannan Malkavian Ministry/Setites Nagaraja Nosferatu Ravnos Sabbat Salubri Samedi Thin Bloods Toreador Tremere Tzimisze Ventrue
holy fuck
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chiss-ticism · 9 months
I think if I were to break Percy down to his basics, he'd best be described as such:
(Art beautifully crafted by @/belthegore!)
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Internally, Percival is an, admittedly violent, hopelessly idealistic Cainite who happens to be shackled irrevocably to the horrors of nights past.
He yearns desperately for the approval of his peers (especially those of his younger brothers, sisters, and siblings in Caine), wouldn't hesitate to put himself in harms way for them, and has exactly zero compunctions about killing in the name of the Dark Father. While not exactly squeamish about the wanton violence the Tzimisce, Toreador Antitribu, and any number of other Cainites perpetuate -I'm looking at you Brujah Antitribu-, he doesn't quite get it either. Murder most foul is a common enough event for him, but only when the shedding of that blood is called for.
While not overly vocal about his criticisms of the self-perpetuating rot within the sect, his job description not exactly calling for the analyzation of his personal political beliefs outside of personal conversations held over candlelight- simply that his charges are well taken care of, his staunchly held beliefs weren't exactly something he'd be shy about sharing.
Dominique Touraine, someone who had more than a healthy influence on his personal ideology had this to say at a Sabbat rally in France:
“Breaking the Blood Bond is viciously hard work. Sundering the emotional, social and supernatural ties between neonate and mentor requires extraordinary temptation. So we dangle before young Kindred the purest bait yet discovered: absolute freedom. We peddle the opportunity to act free from restraint, and that lure draws young vampires to the Sabbat like flies to honey. We tell them freedom means complete recklessness and utter irresponsibility. This has great appeal after the oppressive weight of years of domination by siblings, mentors, elders and Antediluvians in the Camarilla. So the young see the Sabbat as a chance to lead explosively violent lives with no one else to check their basest impulses. But the crucial phrase is no one else.’ We all have to answer to our own inner voices about which desires to act upon. To me, freedom does not mean utter irresponsibility, but complete responsibility. It’s a chance to explore self-control and self-identity far from the stifling restrictions of the Camarilla courts. Eternity is a long time to spend not knowing who one is and what one stands for. Most Sabbat members who have tasted the freedom that comes with inner guidelines and living by a personal code of ethics have found it infinitely more satisfying than slavish devotion to the whim of the moment. Our whims are not our will, and caprices are greater tyrants than the lords of the Camarilla. Only by living a vision greater than ourselves are we truly free. " (Whose Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition. P. 68)
Where they differ in ideology is in the Camarilla's right to exist - Percy, through experience and through propaganda, has been radicalized too far for that to ever coherently ring true in his heart or in his mind - but where they connect is in the expression of personal freedoms. To his eye, gorging oneself in excess (be it in violence or in the partaking of blood) with little regard as to how that effects the rest of your allies is exactly the reason The Sword of Caine faces as many problems as it does on a night-to-night basis, even before the advent of the Second Inquisition. If they could just see past their short-sighted ambitions and take responsibility for their actions and the consequences therein, actually dealing with the threats at hand would be that much more feasible. They sully the good name of the Dark Father with their indolence, yet they'll be mourned all the same...
Externally, however, is another thing entirely: He's stilted. Mildly off-putting to Kine and younger Cainites who don't know any better (which, admittedly, does hurt his feelings. he doesn't hold it against them, though, as they'll learn in time). He doesn't blink often enough. His smile, those made earnestly, is almost a mockery of anything you'd want to call human - far more likely to send a chill down your spine as he seemingly eyes you with the intent to maim (sort of like how primates don't smile jovially, but with the intent of Biting You). His face is chronically deadpan.
His unbeating heart is a large one and, odds are, he has your best wishes in mind (lest you be Camarilla, Ministry, Baali, a Hunter... so on so forth). You just have to get to know him a bit before you can recognize the signs of his undead affection :) please just don't ask him to die for you. He actually might.
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bizkits-n-korn · 3 months
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🎨- @/crownedinmarigolds
💣 This is an in character Vampire: The Masquerade/World of Darkness Blog💣 💥My Personal Blog - Call me Chiss👋 Any pronouns work 💥 💣Black Hand but, for all intents and purposes, she's masquerading as an Anarch :)💣 💥Another Wonderful Piece of Art 💥 👇Character Info 👇 [+ rules @ the bottom]
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[Image Source: The Red Sign, p. 4] [Revised Era Sourcebook] [Artist: Vince Locke, his website]
The time has come, My Children, For me to bid the night goodbye. But know that I do not leave you. Await the time when I join you again After you have learned the wages Of your vanity, sin and pride. And mark well the heralds of my return For I do not leave the affairs of my house To be tended by the Children of Seth. - A fragment of the Book of Nod discovered by Beckett in the underground cities of Anatolia. [The Words of Caine After the Deluge, Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 209]
A "Brief" Introduction Judith "Moody Judy" Margolis || Mina Graham [Alias]
Scholar of the Convention of Thorns, Anarch. Black Hand.
A vampire of a mere 99 years of age, Margo is an undead scholar wholly dedicated to toppling undead tyrants when and where possible. An extended game of whack-a-mole, if you will. In tandem with insights gleaned from personal research into the not-so-distant past, she uses her resources from her beloved Death Cult, her personal history with the Anarch Movement, and preconceived notions about her clan [+ lineage] to infiltrate contingents of the Movement and inflame tensions enough for them to take action against [and, with the Sabbat's old structure having completely collapsed - leaving the Hand with a mighty need for cold bodies, the bulk of the damage from] their shared enemies.  Outside of that, she serves the Black Hand as a Remover; heavy hitters that are called in to target high ranking members of enemy factions with extreme prejudice.
Personal History
Initially embraced as an Anarch, Margo defected to the Sabbat out of necessity seeing as no one wanted to associate with her and catch flack from a halfway successful attempt on the life of her local Ventrue Primogen [and the very public diablerie of their Brujah counterpart]. The Sword of Caine was a lifeline to her... Having been a self-proclaimed Scholar of the Convention of Thorns, citing a need to use the past as a baseline for future praxis lest they fall into the same pitfalls ad infinitum, she was already, albeit quietly, sympathetic towards their plight given the two sect's shared origins. General Anarch infighting/and the accompanying displays of incompetence didn't exactly encourage her to stay anyhow. After that it was a simple case of speed-running straight into further radicalization after having received an invitation from the Black Hand.
Fun [mostly relevant] Facts
Brujah [Antitribu], 11th Generation [Originally 12th]
Sabbat Rank: Ductus || Black Hand Rank: Remover
She's a descendant of Tyler's, the Brujah responsible for diablerizing Hardestadt the Elder [The Ventrue. The Cainite that spearheaded the Camarilla's creation] [I have a bunch of info saved on Tyler if anyone wants to know more. please don't hesitate to ask 😌]
Tyler herself doubts that her actions led to effective praxis, but her childer and clanmates compare her to everyone from Robin Hood to Malcolm X, to Che Guevara, to Gavrilo Princip. [V5 Corebook, p. 397]
Born and died in Jacksonville, Florida. Her Black Hand training was in Mexico City.
She loves big jeans. [pinterest link]
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Black Hand Membership (∙∙) [V20] 🤫
Mask (∙∙) [V5] Your Mask can pass a background check with the national police: FBI, Scotland Yard, or the equivalent. If you had a military or intelligence record in life, it has been classified.
Scholar of Enemies [Camarilla] [V20] [2 Point Merit] You have taken the time to learn about and specialize in one particular enemy of your Sect. You are aware of at least some or the group’s customs, strategies, abilities, and long-term goals, and can put that knowledge to good use… [mechanics follow]
Scholar of Others [Anarchs] [V20] [2 Point Merit] This Merit functions identically to Scholar of Enemies, except that it applies to a group that is not necessarily inimical to your Sect.
Linguistics [Spanish] (•) [V5]
Dark Secret [Black Hand] [V5] (1 Point)
Folkloric Bane [Silver] [V5] (1 Point)
Prey Exclusion [Activists] [V5] (1 Point)
Obvious Predator [Brujah Specific Flaw] [V20] (2 Points) Your innate Brujah rage always percolates below the surface no matter how hard you try to project an image of calm. Mortals find you intrinsically menacing, and instinctively fear you for the violence you promise to unleash.
Thorns Historian (∙) [LS: CONVENTION OF THORNS] [V5 Corebook, p. 387]
The Convention of Thorns was a complex, moving beast of diplomacy. Hundreds of small meetings took place between representatives of this clan or that, forging pacts that lasted years, decades, or centuries in some cases. You possess an encyclopedic knowledge of the convention’s minor meetings, and you can call on this knowledge to apply legal pressures on the participants or their descendants, where pacts may still be in force but not practiced or revoked without consent of all parties. Once per story, you can ask the Storyteller for a piece of known information regarding the convention.
Champion of the Cause (∙∙) [LS: Descendant of Tyler] [V5 Corebook, p. 397]
When vampires want a leader for a rebellion, large or small scale, they come to you for advice or leadership. They might even listen to your words, and providing your advice is not completely ridiculous, might even defer to your authority. You add two dots to your Status with them during such rebellions, but you might find the numerous contacts gained before a rebellion more valuable and certainly less dangerous.
Rules n' Such
Minors, away with you. 🫵(blocked where spotted) [have a good day, though!👋]
Note: I'm 21.
Judy is a bit more vulgar/crass/rude than I usually am. I generally try to avoid anything ~too~ pointed, but if anything ever crosses a line, please do not hesitate to lmk!!
To most Cainites she's outwardly portraying herself as an Anarch, though I don't mind in the slightest if any Sabbat members would know her as such.
If you ever have any questions ever/would like a source on a piece of lore I refer to/in general - I'm always happy to help!
Still new-ish to Tumblr RP, please have mercy on me; Caine bless.
Please don't be weird/overly rude OOC about her being Sabbat. IC is fine for the most part
RESOURCES [should you be interested in learning more about the Sabbat. They're much more interesting than just 'evil murderhobos', I promise :)]
The Book of Nod [it's a fun read. I'm not biased. Promise.]
The Ericyes Fragments [An alternative collection of apocryphal Noddist texts, originally held by the Cappadocians at Mt. Ericyes. It offers a less immediately sympathetic perception of Caine and the actions he/his childer/his grandchilder took, as well as things we don't see in the mainline Book of Nod such as the immediate aftermath of the Deluge or a description of Enoch's embrace]
Guide to the Sabbat [Revised Sourcebook] (a personal favorite of mine)
Caine's Chosen: The Black Hand [Sabbat Subfaction] [Revised Sourcebook]
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[Image] (pinterest link)
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molochka-koshka · 24 days
*by outlaw I mean like wild west times specifically
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redratt · 1 year
Beatrix & Whisper
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Pack priest who dresses like either a goth hooligan or a white dad on vacation / her first childe who got turned in like 78 or some shit
I need to draw her other two childer-- the one who was the ball in a game of sabbat football, and the one who was a hunter.
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vtm-nightcity · 2 years
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A scourge of Thin-bloods have arrived in Night City...and I hear the Camarilla are none too happy about it and neither are we (the Sabbat).
The Camarilla have called a Blood Hunt for TBs breaking the Masquerade.
We couldn't care less about Cam traditions, but there are rumors the 3rd Inquisition may be en route from the East...
The clanless (and clueless) Caitiff have no idea the danger they've put us all in...so we will gladly join the Hunt to eradicate them.
The old days of unfettered Diablerie are back once again...
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ponderousorb · 7 months
VtM: Black Monastery Character Icons (WIP)
I made these using BG3's character creator, hence half the people having inexplicable elf ears (a lot of the custom faces have pointed ears) Marianna (Reluctantly, Giovanni)
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Master Frazier (Ventrue)
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Lady Vladislava (Tzimisce)
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Haakon Mortensen (Gangrel)
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Lady Meridie de Chancy (Brujah)
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Lord Alexandre (Lasombra) - Normal and Obtenebration
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Lady Melisande (Toreador antitribu)
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Brother Mendel (Tremere Antitribu)
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Lady Veradis (Banu Haqim)
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Lord Theron (Malkavian)
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(I need to do a version with heterochromia) Intisar (Setite/ v5 Clan Ministry)
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Mateusz Gryzbowsky (Nosferatu Antitribu)
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Julian Sanders (Brujah)
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kentuckycaverats · 10 months
main clans hater poll here
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beanphomet · 1 year
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My tabletop charas (minus my mage because I haven’t played her yet)
More about them under read more.
Camila: Lasombra antitribu from atlanta. Left the sabbat after literally so much shit happened and she got offered a place with the camarilla in london. Master of insane dice rolls and a broken character sheet.
Frankie: Kiasyd, technically independant, from deen haag. Currently on the run from their sire and hiding away with their corterie. Used to be a journalist and a changeling. Has like 1 strenght dice, once tortured a man.
Charlie: Toreador anarch (and also my first character) american who lived in glasgow for a while. Decided to become an anarch after being menaced by a cammy brujah elder long enough to flee the country and switch sects. Wants to be a magician so fucking bad.
Ethan: Wraith who got is face crushed by a collapsed shelf in a warehouse. No alignment yet. Has a sock puppet called doctor Richard and first character to get laid.
Salomina: Sabbat Nossie from atlanta, pyromaniac and pyrophiliac. Helped Camilas old pack get out of atlanta. Has a malkavian gf and befriended a rat. Clan over sect (has a cammy sire and ‘sibling’)
Mara: Cammy dominate malk. Is a nurse in a kindred psychiatric hospital and looks a bit like a manequin. Fought a werewolf with the girlies once and really wants her own domain.
Henry: Imbued Martyr from Mariposa. Died after falling into a cave full of nosferatu because i thought it was funny. Was just a little guy
Miranda: Imbued Avenger from Mariposa. Henrys ex wife. Decapitated a vampire once and causes her team mates horrible heart ache and personal traumas. Still tries her best.
Erik: He/Him lesbian who is wanted by the goverment for treason because he tried to expose illegal weapon trades. It didn’t work out. Thinks the solution to meeting the paranormal is to simply say No. Met a demon once and didn’t like it.
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anarchswild · 1 month
Current Chronicle Masterpost
Portland by Night - Reid Thomel (Brujah)
Toronto by Night - Apollo (Malkavian)
Upcoming: Dark Secrets in Indianapolis - Amber Brunswick (Tremere antitribu)
[ Chronicle List ]              [ Character List ] All Chronicles are played in V20 unless otherwise noted.
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