#brunos bug babble
tarantula-wizard · 3 months
Ok but have you ever given a bug a droplet of water and watched them drink from it bitch?
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
I did! He's somewhere around here.
Bruno: *baby babble*
Fran: *mighty warrior cry*
*rust is summoned by his babies being extra*
Rust appears finally. He had been distracted with Rosie looking at a frog.
Rust started stomping in at first thinking the two were bugging Ann, but when he sees thistle cooing, Bruno chewing on the tall ones horns and Ann all puffed up like a proud peacocked he relaxed considerably
Rust: geez Ann, don’t let our baby eat people. We’ll get arrested again.
Not expecting that, yarrow barks out a laugh. He eagerly hands rust Bruno when the skeleton monster reaches for him.
To rusts credit, he doesn’t even blink an eye at the different looking grimms
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hazymultiverse · 5 years
Aaaay! New blog!! Can I get how the Bucci gangs stands would act around their users S/O?
Hell ye you can! I love the gangs stands,, and would gladly date them along with any of the boys.
Sticky Fingers: Sticky probably won’t seem the most affectionate with you in public, keeping up a professional face. But once you’re home? No holds barred. Every so often you’ll be the victim of a surprise kiss, or at least a hug, wall unzipping next to you so he can scoop you into his arms.
(There’s also been at least one occasion where Sticky Fingers has unzipped an article of your clothing without warning and pulled it into the zipper realm before you can catch him. Bruno denies encouraging this behavior, no matter how funny he finds it. They both get mischievous sometimes.)
Moody Blues: Moody is fairly affectionate, often going through phases of neediness. It took a good deal of coaxing for Abbacchio to agree to let his stand manifest outside of battle, and Moody is taking advantage of it, cuddling up to you and replaying soft staticky love songs that make his user scoff.
Despite not having a mouth, Moody will nuzzle up to your face and neck in smooth mock kisses, though, on occasion will morph into a replay of Abbacchio in order to kiss you properly, and as passionately as he wants.
Moody Blues tends to go through his clingier stages whenever Abba is drawing away or going through a depressive episode. While the user believes himself undeserving of the affection, the stand craves it all the more and does his best to not leave you, no matter how Leone tries to pull away.
Purple Haze: Haze gives you attention like a big dog, overexcited and a bit scary at first, but you’ll end up with a lot of slobbery kisses by the end of it. A bit rough with affection though, so you may have to teach him to calm down, but expect to always get wrapped up in a tight hug whenever he sees you.
Like Abbacchio, Fugo is reluctant to let his stand free around his lover. However, unlike Moody Blues, Purple Haze doesn’t give a shit, and will meet you, whether his user wants him to or not. The first meeting was a heart attack in the making since Haze just went barreling towards you, but as you were grabbed in a spine crushing hug, unintelligible words excitedly babbled into your neck, you quickly realized the stand held no ill intent.
Fugo often still doesn’t get why you let Haze hang all over you, or why you take such care in wiping its mouth and helping it clean itself up, but with time, he might begin to see it in a softer light.
Sex Pistols: Let’s be real. Entering a relationship with Mista also means you’ve signed up to adopt 6 kids.
Thankfully, you’ve quickly become the favorite, even over their user, and you’ve become used to the cheered chorus of your name when you walk in the room, quickly being swarmed by the Pistols, all chattering excitedly.
They’re fond of sitting with you, on your head, shoulders, hands, or anywhere else you’ll let them, and will loudly voice their complaints if forced to move.
Expect to hear every embarrassing story about Mista they can manage to tell you, it’ll honestly make you wonder if they’re actually on his side or not.
They will demand equal affection to what you give Mista, it’s not exactly possible, but you’re gonna have to resign yourself to the fact that if you give Guido a goodnight kiss, you’ll need to have six more ready before you’re allowed to leave.
Aerosmith: Aerosmith is a plane, and can’t really do much in the physical affection department.
The closest you’re gonna get is watching it do rolls and loops in the air, pulling some ‘sick moves’ as Narancia will excitedly dub anything it does. Just appreciate the flight show and that’ll be enough, Nara will be thrilled.
Golden Experience: A total enigma at first. From the very beginning, Giorno and Golden Experience have had each other, and while he’s comfortable hanging all over his user, he really doesn’t know how to feel about someone else being part of the equation. When he does warm up to you however, expect a lot of gifts. And by gifts, I mean, I hope you aren’t too attached to anything within a 5 meter radius because he’s gonna turn it into a flower to give to you. If Gold Experience is out around you and Giorno, he’s going to be touching one of you at all times, arms draped around Giornos shoulders or around your waist. If things get heated, will turn your clothes into a cloud of fireflies to help ‘set the mood’. Here’s hoping you aren’t scared of bugs.
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All-Stars -Story Mode- CHAPTER 15 Pt. 3
Part 2 - Part 4
It’s finally here guys, I had done Part 3 of Chapter 15! And it’s the first time introducing an new enemy into the picture, only something I had came up with and it is based off the one character from Kingdom Hearts series known as the Heartless.
Let me know what you guys think about but for now, sit back and enjoy reading it and I will talk to you all later.
[54 minutes later…]
They had been walking back to the same place where Radec had found them, they were amazed to see the water glows in the dark that provides them to see the path before them. “Like off from a frying pan and right into a microwave.” Scout said as he is walking right next to Spy who is smoking a cigarette.
“We were doing just fine with enemies who are still alive but now we are stuck in these caves.” Scout continued as he rolls his bat around before placing it onto his shoulder, Spy simply looked at him and said “Oh Scout please, aren’t you at least glad that we had gotten away from the walking dead?” as he finishes his smoke before dropping the cigarette to the stone-cold ground while he continued walking.
“I mean if this could be the end of us when we don’t find a way out of the Caves than being turned into zombies that love to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the living after being scratched or bitten.” he said as he looked around the room where the fight took place. P!Richtofen inspects the room for a moment along with P!Nikolai and pretty much it explains how the fight started.
“Is zhis?” he asked while he looked at Frisk who nodded, along with Cuphead and Mugman who are standing by. “This is where we heard that ghost lady’s voice, it is angelic if you ask me Doctor Richtofen.” Mugman said as he nodded with finger quotations.
“She was singing and we follow her here and when we came here but when she finished singing, she’s gone in a flash.” Mugman hurryingly explained, walking over to the spot where the scarf is left. “I thought she was long gone but her voice had echoed out “Behind you” And we saw-” he then points at Radec, “Him here and then the-”
“The rest happened in a flash.” U!Dempsey answered quickly as he looked over to him as Ink Bendy hoists him a bit, making Mael grunted on his shoulder, he looked over Bendy’s shoulder and at Ultimis Richtofen before asking “All of you said that aiming at the head of the enemy would help and all I could ask is why?”
The Nazi simply chuckled and answered “Of course, going for zhe head is zhe only vay for a man like ourselves to do. Zhey can’t feel pain as much as ve do, ve can gut zhem, shoot zhem, stab zhem und dissect zhem…” as he held his hands up to look at them with bloodlust, to which it does disgust Bruno and Engineer quite a bit as they looked at him.
“Still, I can not believe there were two of you gentlemen in the same timeline,” Shaw said to Primis Nikolai who is still in disbelief at this, “Could you at least explain why this is going on somehow?”
“I am….” P!Nikolai began in confusion, “I am more confused as you are, Stanton. Perhaps something here could explain this more clearly than we already know.”
Primis Richtofen is walking beside Erron Black and Miss Pauling as Mugman continued to explain that the bandolier had somewhat enhanced him with supernatural presence as the German carefully listens to the Mugman. Erron had sudden feeling of something or… someone was following them through the Caves, he turned around and only see a box, a cardboard box just a few feet away from the group and somewhat, it wasn’t there before when he and the others came in.
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(Drawn traditionally by Tori who goes by TikTak on Discord but also goes by @this-person-is-slowly-dying on Tumblr)
Erron had found himself looking at the box for a moment but then P!Dempsey patted him on the back as he said “”Hey, Erron, are you alright?” making the cowboy to look at him.
“I’m fine, Tank.” he reassured looking at him, “It’s just that something is out of place.” he concluded with a sigh. P!Dempsey raised an eyebrow for a moment before saying “Alright, but we better catch up with the others. We don’t want to be left behind now, do we?”
“Gotcha.” Erron replied as he nodded before turning his attention to the box again and then walking up to catch up with the others.
Frisk is shaking their head from wearing their taunts, _ _ _ _ _’s taunts in their head as they giggled.
*Doesn’t the Caves bring back memories? *What you and I did together to feed your curiosity? *Showing them what it’s like to kill or be killed in a world where no one wants the likes of us. *Call me a murderer but this world… *Why can’t we start over again, *But this time, with fresh new kills in mind? =)
Frisk had put their hands on their head and shook it hard, Bruno had turned to look at them and is a bit concerned about their well being so he asked “Frisk?” ad that made them look at him in shock.
“Are you alright?” Bruno asked softly, Frisk could only look at him with worry if they said their name then it will be a genocide route all over again like how it did to them in the Underground.
*You told Bruno that you are fine but, *You did tell him that you are feeling under the weather.
“I see.” Bruno said, he is concerned about them since… Well, the incident that had taken a child’s life but he knew he couldn’t let it happened again as much as this time around. He owes Scarlett’s father, Alistair Rhodes, a great dept for relieving him and offered him a chance of redemption. “If you are feeling more than under weather, you let me know and as well, the doctors.”
“Well said, Bruno, well said.” Medic said as he and Shaw walked by with Gordon Freeman, a man with a few words and a scientist who had gotten fighting experience from the Black Mesa Incident and the Uprising.
Then there were footsteps from somewhere in the next tunnel not far from them, making everyone be on edge immediately and took out their weapons, aiming them at the source of the sounds that whatever it’s making it.
Then to their shock, horror and curiosity that it was a rat, a humanoid rat with a gas mask and with it- with him was
“Trace!” Mugman said as he was the first one who saw her, Trace looked at him and smiled before exclaiming “Mugs! Cups! Frisk!” and then running towards them and then hugging them. “All three of you are okay!”
“You know each other?” Miss Pauiling asked, looking at the rat wearing the gas mask and seeing that he’s armed with some type of staff to which the Primis crew looked at it closely. Then realizon had just hit them like an out of control truck.
“I-It has…”
“The staff of wind!” P!Richtofen yelled out before his Nikolai could finish it, rat seemed to notice this but was surprised to see Cuphead and Mugman are here in the Caves as well. He lowered the staff a little bit as he said “Cuphead? Mugman?”
“Werner?” Cuphead said at the familiar voice as he and Mugman looked at him with relieved looks. The rat then took off the mask and revealed to be a cartoon rat with a WWI German helmet and then putting a cigar in his mouth.
“Was machst du zwei… Ich bin froh, dass ihr beide in Ordnung seid!” the rat said in German to each three Germans are surprised to know that as he lit a match and then lighting the cigar, smoking a little. “Sie können Deutsch sprechen wie wir, Ärzte? Sind Sie-” Medic was beginning to speak in their native tongue but the rat, one that Cuphead and Mugman called Werner had suddenly spoke again but this time in English “I can also speak english like most of zhe people here, but I am glad to see zhat zhe Heroes of Inkwell Isles are in fact alright.”
“You’re welcome.” P!Dempsey said as he nodded, making Werner looked over to him as he walked over to the two brothers, kneeling down to their height. “Vhat countries are you all from besides… Vhere ve are now.” he asked as he looked at the two brothers.
“We are from different countries but we are from other worlds entirely,” P!Richtofen answered a bit softly, making Werner looked over to the Doctor with the Staff of Wind still clenched in his gloved paws.
“Different vorlds?” Werner asked to Cuphead and Mugman, hoping they would know what was going on with this situation they are now in and hoping that all of this was the Devil’s doing as well.
“We are confused as you are, Werner, we would love to explain what had been going the last three days but we need a way out of the Caves after the uh… an Outbreak had burst in the gate.” Cuphead babbled out as he looked at him before looking at the group with Radec and the surviving Helghasts.
“Vell, ozher zhing zhan rabbits that are bugged-eyed und seemingly living toys but it is better zhan thoze zombies, no?” Werner answered as he looked around the area of the Caves with the yellow light of the staff.
Feathers attached to the staff as it glowed, they seemed to have changed their colors from green, blue and red to golden shades of yellow when its crystal glows better than a lantern using oil. Werner then turned to the spot where he and Trace had came out and remembered the way out of the Caves.
“I do recounted zhe time vhen ve first came to theze Caves, a canal zhat flows like a river normally and recalling the times zhere caves and tunnels in zhe mountains, ve could use zhat to our advantage.” he recalled looking at the next tunnel ahead of them. “Do you know where they are, Werner?” Miss Pauling asked.
“Recalling vhere it is zhen ja.” Werner answered as he looked at Cuphead and Mugman again, “Zhere zomezhing else at play here, und you need to stop vhatever’s happening here. Understand?” he asked, Cuphead and Mugman looked at each other and then nodded.
“There are boats for us to use?” Scarlett asked as she and everyone else followed Werner deeper into the tunnel with the light of the Staff of Wind leading the way for them.
“Ja, most of zhem are oversized everyday items zhat ve have used in kitchens, pots und pans alike but zhey vorks vell as boats und spoons vorks as vell as paddles.” Werner answered hestitaly as he walks over into the dark with the light illuminating the way, then right there was a pot that is the size of a car, lantern with one firefly that is nearly the same size of a normal rat trapped within the jar and they are awoken when Werner goes near the pot.
He rumages through the pot now a boat but then soon had hestatitely gives it to Bendy to hold it for him, while he rummaging through the pot, he points at the other boats for everyone to choose one wisely as he said “Go und choose your own boats, I don’t care if zhey are pots und pans und ozher kitchen appliances but zhose would just have to do.”
Without a moment to think about it, they all go and picking one boat to see if it could fit at least four or five people in one sitting while Werner gets out a spoon that is the size of a hockey stick and then going over to the handle of the pot that has an iron ring hooped in it.
Werner Werman then turned over to Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk, Bendy and Radec and said “Do you vant to ride in mein boat?”
Cuphead and Mugman nodded then they looked over to their new friends and an enemy on Bendy’s shoulder, Cuphead then asked “Can they come too?” as he continued to look at them and then heard Werner answered “Ja, as long as your new friends could behave.”
Frisk nodded and then looked over to Bendy with worry, “He will in his place still, Frisk, don’t worry. My ink is nothing but iron wire lassoed around him.” Bendy answered comfortingly, “He’ll just sitting back in the boat.” he continued as he throws his captive on his shoulder again, making Radec grunt again and Bendy obvious to Helghasts reaction of their leader being in pain like that.
“Jump on in, mein friends, ve have a long journey ahead of us.” Werner declared as he helped Cuphead into the pot first before ushering Mugman to help him into the boat as well.
Frisk and Bendy walked over to Werner and the boat, “Mind if I help you onto the boat, little one?” he offered, Frisk nodded and Werner bent down and then grabbed them gently and then putting them onto the pot, Bendy then places Radec, still trapped in a blob of ink and then transformed back into his cartoon self before climbing onto boat as well.
Everyone had picked their boats and then one by one by one, they set sail on the Caves river, prompting for Werner to set sail as well by pushing the boat into the water with a spoon. They are sent afloat for a moment before Werner begins to paddle the boat, both the firefly and the Staff of Wind glowing the path before them.
Bendy then turns his head towards Radec and then said “Don’t try it, Radec.”
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[Drawn traditionally by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter]
Mugman looked at Werner and noticed in the two lights of a firefly and Staff of Wind that he had a bandage on the side of his face and another wrapped around his tail. What happened to you, Werner?” Mugman asked worryingly, Werner looked confused for a moment before touching the bandage on his cheek and realizes why Mugman asked him.
“Oh, zhese?” He blurted, “it vas from zhe creatures at least two days ago. Zhese vere as I vhat first thoughts are Devilings zhat zhe Devil had sent out but zhese creatures are… Different zhan any Deviling you had encountered.”
“Different? Are you talking about those zombies but how are they here?” Cuphead questioned confusingly as he tapped the glass, making the firefly in it squirmed a little within the jar but Werner only shook his head in denial. “Nein, nein, Cuphead, zhese are not anyzhing ve had ever seen before. Unknown crea”tures zhat looked like living, broken porcelain dolls vith fur like me but empty of emotion nor remorse for zheir foes.” Werner emphasized as he lifts the spoon over Trace’s head to paddle to the different side of the pot as he had been sitting on his knees on the pot’s handle.
“Zhese creatures are… Demon-like, but different from mein und Dr. Kahl’s research on souls. Vhen ve first came here vith other residents of Inkvell Isles, und ve vere attacked by zhem.” he continued just as Primis and Chaos Crews had paddled by in their boats as they happened to overhear the conversion of Werner’s tale.
“Zhe creatures?” P!Richtofen asked as he looked at the German vermin while Nikolai paddled the boat, “Do you have zhe chance on vhat zhey looked like?” he then asked with little hesitation.
“Quite a bit of it, mein friend.” Werner simply answered as he had his eyes looked over to him, unaware that the villain is watching them from a different place of somewhat magic or power or… Maybe of them both. She is growing more and more bore to see that everyone in the world she once lived in had telling tales and stories of how they got there. What is the worse even more is that one thing that made her sick: Being and making friends with each other.
“So much for letting the zombies in after destroying the gate.” she sneered as she watched them row down the river stream, fully disappointed in this situation she had put them in. “Enough of friendship forming and talk-talk! I want more thrills and screaming!” she whined as she does a ol’ girly hand shaking.
She then looked at one memory of what she promised earlier and thought about it for a moment, “In fact… I think…” she began to say as she kept thinking for a moment longer, before looking over to one world that she had kept her eye on for quite a bit longer now.
One with a zombie virus in a form of an insect parasite; Dead Rising.
A gasp escaped from her lips before a giggle escaped from her next, clapping her white gloved hands with excitement, standing up and then turning on her heels with a stomb. “I would just bring them there for a brief separation before I drag them back here, mentally and physically broken right on their “friends” doorsteps!~” before gallowlaping over to her minions.
“And “how am I gonna do it?” you may ask?” she spat out a question as she kneeled down to her minion’s resting position while she took a piece of polygon crystal in the palm of her hand before doing an illusion that made it disappear from her hands while she coldly answered “I would do what I do best but in your ways, Hallows.” before giggling as she watched it cowered away from her.
Her eyes glowed yellow with a jack-o-lantern smile creeping on her polygon face that had cracks on it, like she had fell on it face first.
“Be a dear and get your brothers and sisters please? It’s now time for me to make my next move!~” The entity giggled as she placed her hand on her lips, the Hallow creature that Werner had mentioned earlier, it may look like a demon but different; it had yellow eyes, a jack-o-lantern mouth, thin antenties like insects had, a thin tail and its body resembles an animal but in its human stanance and had purple fur on its back and head on it’s pinkish violet skinny body.
Cracks on it that reaches to a heart-shaped hole with black nothing within, it cowered as it nodded before running off to obey it’s masteress’s orders as requested.
She then stood by the reflection pool as it ripples through the waters, bringing back the situation where our heroes and villains (mostly or what’s left of the Helghasts now I think) are on the Caves’ river flowing through by boats.
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“And they had just attacked, my friend?” Shaw questioned after Werner had explained further while Burno had paddled slowly, making sure the others can hear him closely while he nodded.
“Ja, seemed like zhey vere ordered to do so vithout thinking.” Werner concluded, while he is looking ahead of the river, “Few of us vere Devil’s former debtors vhile zhe most of us are residents of Inkvell Isles. Zhey vere like drones of some type, empty of all emotions we known in history.”
“Strange…” Scarlett mumbled quietly, she looked around the area they are in and had a bad feeling that someone had wanted them there… For what?
“What is it, Scarlett?” Diego said as he looked at her with an eyebrow, Scarlett then turned over to him and saying “If he said that they had attacked them in this cave when they first arrived then…”
Dempsey then suddenly perked up when he heard this “Then they might be-” before Werner stated “Und now I fear zhat zhey might still be here as ve speak.” as he looked at them worryingly.
“Well, we now know what they looked like so, with all of us armed and ready, we could be able-”
“Capable” P!Richtofen interrupted Diego as he looked at him, “-Capable enough to take the diablos down, Mr. Werman.”
“Zhen let us hope zhat it’s true, I razher not be dead by zheir hands.” Werner said as he paddled further into the river, not too long after, the Caves was then brought to life with sounds of creatures crawling and flickering.
“Wait…” Spy said as he halt the other boats into a stop to listen, “What is that?” he later questioned as he looked at the walls of the tunnel while he continues to listen to them. Everyone then listens in on the sounds, they don’t sound human obviously but a strange type of animal is making them.
There’s one creature but soon comes two then four then soon there were at least forty or fifty of them everywhere, making everyone on high alert as they clearly heard those noises pure as snow.
They are ready for what is going to be thrown right at them, zombies or not, they are ready and armed to take them but they were caught off guard when Mugman yelled “Over there!” and pointed at the direction of the creatures.
Hallows are crawling on the walls, the ceiling and even going out of the water to join their brethin on the tunnel walls of the Caves, all of them clinkering and snarling like a pack of canine-like creatures.
“Holy….” Both Soldier and Demoman muttered loud enough for everyone near them to be heard as they looked around them. The Hallows’ eyes are glowing yellow in the dark, “Do you think we can take them?” U!Dempsey said as he looked at his team and his Richtofen was in shock yet interested on how they are on the walls and had mouths grinning like a jack-o-lanterns.
“Friends of yours?” Bendy asked the bewildered Radec, who turned to look at Bendy with a glare before rebuking “No, they are not.” as two Hallows are crawling above the boat the Primis Crew is on, they blissfully dangle with their feet still attached to the ceiling but unnoticed to them, the pebbles from the ceiling had fallen out of the cracks and onto the water below.
That made them looked up too late as both Hallows let out a battle cry “For the Broken!” in english as they fell from the ceiling, “Watch out!” P!Nikolai cried as he pushes his Dempsey out of the way while Richtofen hurryingly gets out the Ray Gun but just as he did so; both he and Nikolai were grabbed by Hallows and then, in a brief flash of light: they disappeared along with Primis Nikolai and Richtofen as Dempsey and Takeo looked on in horror and shock.
“Richtofen!” “Nikorai!” both Dempsey and Takeo called out, everyone else was in disbelief on what just happened, one minute both Nikolai and RIchtofen are there then suddenly they are gone within seconds after the Hallows grabbed them.
But Nikolai and Richtofen aren’t going to be the only people that they will be taking, Engineer and Pyro were grabbed suddenly by the creatures after they had came up behind them and as they struggled to get free, they both disappear in a flash of light.
Ultimis Takeo took out his sword, ready to take them on but then soon he and Ultimis Dempsey were grabbed from above by Hallows and then soon been taken in the flash as well. Scarlett didn’t have time to say when she was suddenly muffled by the Hallow from the above as the rest of her crew turned around in horror.
“Scarlett-!!” Diego was beginning to say but was interrupted when one of the Hallows suddenly attacked him and forced him into the water with a force of the bull and then soon light appeared from both sides, meaning he and Scarlett were taken as well.
Bruno was ready but then soon been tackled by one of the creatures but he was surprised when he wasn’t taken right away, so he was forced to watch helplessly as Shaw was grabbed from behind right when he was preparing one of the acid bombs and dropped it when Hallow took him too.
A scream was heard and everyone turned to see Miss Pauling, Medic, Engineer, Pyro and Spy trying to get the Hallows off of them, she quickly yelled out “Guys! What’s happening-?!” but was quickly silenced when a flash of light and them being stolen away by the Hallows as Heavy cried out “Medic! Engineer! Oh nooo!!” in anger and agony.
Bruno finally had enough, he grabs the Hallow that was holding him down by the throat before throwing it at the other Hallows, knocking them all over and into the water, getting out the hammer once again as everyone began to finally attack the Hallows just as they began to attack as well.
They are going at each other, shooting, stabbing and fighting each other literally to get them off of them andover this, they heard Bruno yelling at one of them “WHO SENT YOU?! WAS IT THE ORDER?! WHO SENT YOU?!” with the same question with each hit he throws at them.
He was at the furge to kill them right then there but an unfamiliar female voice had softly called out
And that’s what it took, suddenly as the Hallows attacked, they all began to screeched in pain, holding their invisible ears like they were hearing something they should not have been hearing for years, an unwanted high-pitched noise.
They were all confused and surprised to see them suddenly changed within seconds and they are on the ground, on their boats and fallen into the water, still holding their ears in pain as they are screeching the whole time as more cracks began to form all over their bodies.
Violet colored lights began to show through the cracked bodies as they let out one final screech before exploding into dust with the whole group of survivors and mercenaries watching.
“What the fu…?” P!Dempsey finally managed to say through his shock and confusion as he looked at the dust gently falling from where the other Hallow had died, Ultimis Richtofen on the other hand, he has taken the dust by his gloved fingers and then sniffing it to determine what it was and then saying “Fasatating…! Zhey vere made by some type of crystals und polygon faber. Und yet, does not explain on how zhey vere granted life however.”
“But what about the people they had taken?” Trooper asked as he looked over from the boat they were on, Ultimis Richtofen looked at him and was going to say something when that voice came back, saying “They were taken to a different universe.”
“Wha-??” Scout stuttered as he looked around with others as they are trying to see who had said that, “Who’s there? Who said that? You uh…” he continued nervously, “You uh… Lost all of your… dogs.”
“They’re not mine.” she said. Bendy remain silent as he looked around for her voice, Knight’s voice to see her finally after what he had been through to save his friends and didn’t find where they are keeping Boris.
They then see a woman walking on…. Water, she is walking on water like it was a wet sidewalk, dressed in a cloak and a pair of what appeared to be boots and they are wrapped in bandages as she calmly walked towards the boats.
“What the sh!ting hell?” Dempsey said as he aimed his pistol at her, along with Takeo and the remaining Ultimis crew. Frisk walked over to Cuphead’s side to get a better look at her, they saw that she has a blindfold that is covering her eyes.
“Who are you?”Sniper finally asked as he is still aiming his SMG at her, along with Scout and Heavy who had done the same as him. The woman seemed to be looked down for a moment before saying “A friend or a foe.” taking out a staff as everyone watched her and then she just tapped the water below her, showing a reflection below them and making them to look at the glowing cyan water from their boats.
They saw a park and it was nearing nighttime as the sun is setting when portal opens up, coming from it were Hallows with….
U!Dempsey, U!Takeo, P!Nikolai, P!Richtofen, Scarlett, Diego, Shaw, Miss Pauling, Spy, Medic, Engineer and Pyro being dragged by their collars, knocked out as they were dragged across the ground and then been thrown onto anything nearby.
Diego landed onto Scarlett, his face buried into her neck, U!Dempsey lands a tree nearby against his back, P!Nikolai flies onto a park bench, Shaw fell onto a patch of grass, Medic and Engineer fell onto each other as they flew into a bush, Pyro and Miss Pauling are flown under the trees standing by and P!Richtofen had landed nearby towards a thorn bush which cuts his left arm and hand when they fell and landed in it.
They then see one of the Hallows crawling over to the Doctor before placing a claw onto his chest with a growl and a purr, licking its upper lip with his tongue as it looked at him but then heard someone coming and it’s pack seem to notice it as well, they all ran back to the portal and entered it just as the last minute before it closes.
They then noticed a shadow of a person wearing a hood and a jacket fast-walked over to Richtofen before reflection in the river slowly faded away and returned to just normal water with boats in it.
“Mein gott…” U!Richtofen began to say as he looked at the water with wonder, “Are you saying zhat zhey vere taken to a different plane of existence?” he asked as he looked at the woman with twisted curiosity and wonder in his eyes.
“Yes, they are.” she answered, putting her staff away as she looked at everyone as she walked around a bit. “She had planned this to have twelve people taken to the other world to hurt them as well with their mental health. Leaving the rest of us here and if you’re asking if I had caused this then no, I have nothing to do with this but I do know that she, the Broken, is behind this.”
“The Broken?” Scout chuckled as he looked at others behind him, “And what makes you, a blind president of her fan club?” he joked, earning a few giggles from several members and making the woman turned to look at him along with Primis Takeo glaring at Scout for disrespecting the woman who showed them where their teammates are.
“No, far from it, Scout” She said to winch that surprises everyone, how does she know his name but then she continued “And that’s not the only thing I came here to tell you all about. There’s someone following you all throughout the caves.”
“Who?” P!Dempsey asked as he lowered the pistol a little with an eyebrow raised, the woman looked over to him and said “Someone had entered the Caves through an exit that you are heading and even though it is stupid as it seems; he had hid himself in a box.”
Erron looked at her with confusion until eventually he put two and two together when he remembered that he had seen that box earlier. He snapped his fingers, catching Knight’s attention and said “I had seen a box earlier, I had recalled that cardboard box not being there before we got there to save the kids.”
Others looked at Erron, Dempsey said “It was there?”
“And now he’s following all of you back out of the Caves,” She answered, “If you caught him in the act, do not provoke him, he is a samurai but far more advanced than normal.”
“Advanced than normal?” P!Takeo questioned with an eyebrow raised, Erron rolled his eyes as he said “She means that this one’s a cyborg, more advanced than many normal humans on the planet.”
“Correct.” she said, “I am only here to warn you all about Broken, she has lots of tricks up her sleeve and she must be stopped before things get worse.”
“And you…?” Mugman asked as he looked at her, Knight looked at him back and said “I only am an ally you all must rely on. I will be with your friends now, I’ll be back.” and without a minute to lose, she does a flip and then drives into the water below her like an Olympian champion while everyone watched on.
“Cyborg samurai…” Erron said as he looked at the water where Knight had dived in, catching Bruno’s and Primis Dempsey’s attention as they looked at him. “If what she said is right then… We should be a lot of careful than ever.”
“As much I do not know of this “cyborg” that you called it,” Bruno began, “I am sure that he would be breakible as others and the walking dead.” as he paddles the boat once again and then concluded with “But… I do hope they will come back to us safe.”
“I hope so too.” P!Takeo said before he heard his comrade behind him, “Ain’t that swell?” P!Dempsey said as he grabbed the paddle along with Takeo.
“I would side with Erron’s terms.” Radec chirped up, making Cuphead, Mugman, Frisk, Bendy, Trace and Werner to look at him. “I would advise take caution, very much caution.” he concluded as Trace sticks her tongue at him as Werner continues to paddle along with others.
“Well, we’ve beaten you so, we could beat him a second time.” Cuphead said as he looked at him before looking at his brother, “Right?” he asked.
“Good.” Cuphead concluded, as he and Mugman looked at each other, “As long we stay together this time, find a way to get their friends back and when we find Boris, we get to find safety far away from this mental asylum.” he insisted as he looked at his friends then to Werner and then said “We will try to stop this “Broken” guy whoever you’d call it and we’ll find a way to get back home, Werner, I promise.”
Werner looked at them and then after a thought about for a moment, he smiled as he sighed “I hope you can get us all home.”
Just as they all continued on flowing through the river, someone in a cyberonic armor with a bandage over his right eye and white hair is paddling his boat from afar, he was secretly following them when he first saw them.
He had been trying to get ahold of HQ since he had unknowingly been brought by and unknown force, if they had something to do with this then he is going to get some answers as his eye glowed red a little.
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moody-blues-requiem · 6 years
TIME FOR ROMANCE! Poly bruabba and my boy Mista's reactions to their s/o, who just finished serenading them with a song they wrote and composed themself! -the 》 :( anon
Yes!!! So cute!!!
Bruno and Abbacchio both love music, especially live music. The three of you often go to concerts together, anything from large sold-out rock shows to classic Italian operas to small coffee shop gigs.
The fact that you’re a musician is one of the many reasons why they love you so much. Neither of them are particularly musically talented, but if you play a tune they’ll gladly listen, and sometimes Bruno will make up lyrics (usually just funny little rhymes) to fit.
So when you sit them down for a song you wrote just for them, they’re flattered and overwhelmed, but not entirely surprised.
They’re both silent for the whole performance, focusing on you and your music, but you can tell they’re enjoying themselves. Abbacchio’s eyes are closed softly and his head nods in time with the tune, and Bruno is smiling up at you, eyes shining, full of love and admiration.
They love it. Hugs and kisses are shared once you’re finished, and you’re showered with their praises. They both want a recorded version to have when they’re away on missions, but nothing touches their hearts like that first live performance. They can’t believe how lucky they are to have you.
Mista’s always bugging you to play songs for him. With or without background music, he especially loves to listen to you sing. It seems a little childish, so don’t tell the other gang members, but he really likes it when you sing him to sleep from time to time. Especially after hard missions.
The Pistols love your music too. It calms them down, so Mista is eternally grateful when you entertain them. You look like a Disney princess singing to songbirds, except instead of songbirds it’s little bullet gremlins.
Mista is a sucker for romance (especially cheesy romantic gestures), so a song you wrote yourself just for him is gonna win his heart completely. As if he wasn’t head-over-heels for you before (spoiler, he was).
If the song is cheesy and sappy and about love, clearly about you loving him, you might get him to cry. Happy tears, of course.
As soon as you finish you’ll be pulled into a hug from a clearly overwhelmed Mista. He’s babbling, words crashing into one another as he tries to tell you how much he loved the song and how much he loves you and just how sweet that was. Eventually he just settles for a hug and repeated “I love you, I love you.”
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tarantula-wizard · 6 months
im so happy the bugs are coming back
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tarantula-wizard · 14 days
my friend gave me a regal jumper sling :)
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tarantula-wizard · 3 months
One of the most beautiful jumping spiders I've ever seen just tried to repel from the ceiling into the onions I'm cooking.
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tarantula-wizard · 3 months
Just learned about hooded tick-spiders (Ricinulei). I love them so much. Look at these guys
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[Image ID: A closeup photograph of a hooded tick-spider. It is on some clumps of dirt and it is a dark, reddish brown. End ID.]
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They are most closely related to ticks and mites which explains why I love them so much. Also apparently they were discovered as fossils before they were discovered alive which is also very cool.
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tarantula-wizard · 6 days
Does M. chera really not have a common name? You'd think with how abundant they are in their range that they'd have one
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