accursedkaleeshi · 1 year
how you draw so cool
what do you draw with
3. Hello! I love u
2. I am drawing on a hand-me-down iPad Pro with a first gen apple pen (w rubber nib bc the paper like screen protector wore down the pen). And I shelled out the $10 for Procreate app. I love it.
do not be discouraged if you can’t get a tablet! Up until wife #6 I was drawing in sketchbook, inking with liner pens, taking a pic of the drawing with my PHONE, & coloring on my pc with pirated photoshop & an 8 year old $40 Wacom tablet
3. I practice drawing things I think are cool. Bonus baby picture. Given to Fyerri by his grandparents to reassure him he won’t look goofy forever. & embarrass his mom
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Alīka Muum’estu
AKA, Alexa play Surface Pressure from Encanto
Sorry, this turned out way longer than I thought it would. (1750 words, just about)
Twarxii and Grievous’ first child was born in the late winter of 34 BBY. Dubbed Alīka by Grievous, she was an adorable little bundle of sunshine in an otherwise cold and miserable month. Her yellow scales were so bright, it hurt to look at her. Her personality seemed to reflect that sunniness, a sweet and inquisitive girl always hanging off the skirts of one mother or another. As soon as she could walk (which was early for a baby Kaleesh, aka a nightmare baby) she was always going somewhere. Life became a perpetual game of “make sure Alīka doesn’t wander out the door”.
Alīka grew up fast and she grew up big. Twarxii’s family has a propensity for making bigass children. Alīka’s uncle was none other than Bentilais san Sk’ar. You know, the lavender gargoyle the size of a mountain. Similarly, Alīka inherited those big girl genes from Twarxii. When all was said and done, Alīka was 10 feet tall and built like a goddamn space marine. As she grew, her daffodil-yellow scales dimmed and grew olive patterning, and she ended up less Cape Cobra and more particularly yellow Nile Crocodile.
When Alīka was 10, everything started going to hell in a handbasket. Sala’ma died at the fangs of a jungle cat. A year later, Grievous exploded and Uncle Sk’ar came out of the wreckage different. The moms were dwindling. Uncertainty and danger were creeping into the family like a pack of erkush. So Alīka did the only thing her eleven-year-old brain knew: she stepped up.
Dad just fucking Died. The Moms aren’t taking it well. Things are going to get worse. So she took her boundless energy and focused it on the family. If you needed help, Alīka was there ready to fix things. By the time a Mom heard about something, it had already gone through the filter of Alīka. Which meant it was something Alīka couldn't handle. Which was not great for her.
While her siblings became mechanical geniuses, proficient warriors, endlessly creative artists, and guerrilla saboteurs, Alīka became a jack of all trades. Master of none. She had a reputation for being smart, capable, strong, Alīka. Her need to help backfired spectacularly, and the worst part is she didn't even realize it. Ask Alīka for help. Go get Alīka. Where's Alīka, she can fix it.
Alīka became a study in the boiled frog principle. She was always going, helping, fixing, mending cracks, staunching the flow, being a shoulder to cry on. There weren't enough hours in the day for her. It was wake up, fix things, maybe eat something? Then crash for a few hours before it was dawn and the aseels needed feeding. Unlike with Ígira, there was no intervention when her mental health tanked. Things just got worse for her. Alīka was working her way into an early grave. Then, things changed.
In 14 BBY, when Alīka was 20, Bryaru announced that she was leaving Kalee to go fight those bastards who put Dad into a robot and made him fight wizards and vat-grown slaves. She'd be taking anyone who wanted to go. On the spur of the moment, Alīka said she'd go. This was met with a bit of confusion from the rest of the family. Alīka was many things, but an antifascist rebel wasn't one of them. And in truth, she wasn't really into it. She didn't harbor any feelings of vengeance for her father's pile of organs, nor did she have any strong ideals about freedom (beyond the standard Kaleesh "fuck you, you don't tell me what to do"). It was just... an escape. She felt like she was shackled to a slowly sinking ship, and here was Direct Action Mom offering her the key.
So Alīka became a rebel. It was strange, but Alīka was nothing if not adaptable. For the first few months, she got hilariously motion-sick every time she had to fly. But that passed, and she gradually got used to flying. In fact, she wasn't just an alright pilot, she was a damn good one. Something about streaking through the void or upper atmosphere in a razor-sharp wedge of a ship gave her a feeling of lightness her family never did. Maybe it was the zero-gravity.
Alīka left the Thrummer network after four years of serving with Direct Action Mom with her own tiny cell of rebels. They were pilots, all of them. They were known as the Talons of Lightning, a name borne from their habit of flying so fast and so erratically, their booster engines looked like bolts of lightning.
They were invaluable in the early days of the Rebellion. Their bright blue and yellow T-65 X-wing starfighters were often a joyous sight for downtrodden rebels and a continued annoyance for Imperial officers. The Talons of Lightning gradually filled out their ranks, operating as a mobile squadron of the best pilots of the Rebellion, helping out cells in need. Alīka would eventually become romantically involved with one of her fellow pilots, a female Twi'lek named Koyi'van.
Despite their success at disrupting Imperial efforts, the Talons of Lightning were not without their failures. They couldn't stay in one place for long, always on the move, lest the Empire catch up. The longest they ever stayed in one place was a year on a backwater, uninhabited swampy planet so far out of the way, it didn't even have a name. Alīka almost wanted to stay forever. But the Rebellion needed them, needed her. And it always came down to the fact that she was needed.
There were deaths. Deaths on missions, deaths outside of missions. Deaths from Imperials, from TIE fighter ion cannons, from thermal detonators, from dioxsis gas. From blaster bolts and vibroblades and whistling birds and even a lightsaber. More than once Alīka had to drag herself away from the deaths she left behind, unless she wanted to join them. The worst thing she ever heard, she was half a rim away and only heard about it six months after the fact. The Empire had snuffed out every single life on Oben in minutes, including her mother. Alīka nearly tore her astromech in half.
The Talons of Lightning moved to Kalee. Some were happy to be back, while others had never been. Alīka, for her credit, did her best to introduce the family to her crew. The remaining mothers were glad to see her, and many a tearful hug was exchanged. Her siblings gave her the classic sibling "sup" nod. Ígira tuned up her X-wing when she wasn't looking, took apart her astromech, and put him back together before she noticed. More important, Fyerri was there. The two siblings sized each other up. They both had new scars.
"So, I heard about Oben."
"Fuck, Alīka, that's the first thing you say to me?"
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"Sis, you changed."
"Kill that son of a bitch Sk'ar and put his skull right over the fucking hearth."
"That's what I wanted to hear."
The Talons of Lightning spent a few weeks on Kalee, showing off for the locals and eating a lot more than they were worth. Alīka introduced the family to Kovi'van, which got a lot of "Oooh, Alīka has a girlfrieeeeend". Alīka slipped into her old role as Alīka. Koyi'van had a moment of Damn bitch, you live like this? (worrying). When Fyerri struck out with the Storm Sirens, the Talons of Lightning went with them. The two groups spent a year together, butting heads sometimes, but always a devastating group as a whole. Eventually, Alīka gave Fyerri an oversized pat on the back with the orders to tell her when he found Sk'ar. Fyerri being Fyerri, he did not, and went and got himself killed by the violet menace.
Alīka really did tear her astromech in half after that one. She cried herself to sleep that night. It was her worst nightmare come true, time after time. She could have helped, but she didn't, and people died. Her family died. Despite the fact that Fyerri expressly did not tell her, despite the fact that nobody could have predicted the violence of Grand Admiral Thrawn, despite the fact that she was 10 years old and absolutely no match for a piinyur.
The Talons of Lightning followed their leader. And when Alīka decided that she'd finally land a blow that the Empire couldn't ignore, they agreed. For too long, they'd danced on the edge of the Empire, hindering but doing no lasting damage. So they set a new target in their sights: an Imperial weapons facility on Irkuum that was developing a hypermatter reactor. The same principle would be later used to construct the turbolaser on the Death Star.
The Talons of Lightning went in hard and fast, like always. The Imperial research facility was lightly manned by heavily defended. TIE fighters were scrambled to meet them. Shield generators went up but too late, they were already inside the perimeter. It was roughly 40 rebels versus a base's worth of TIE fighters, plus ground-based blaster turrets. The rebels were outmanned, outgunned, and trapped by the shield generator. It was quickly becoming a bloodbath.
And in the chaos, few noticed the bright yellow lizard woman covered in explosives heading straight for the reactor. Those that did were silenced with extreme prejudice. When they got to the reactor, it was simple enough to rig the entire thing to blow. Alīka and Koyi'van exchanged a kiss before the doors blew inward. Alīka dived in front of Kovi'van. A platoon of stormtroopers streamed inward, blasters at the ready. The room was deafening with the sound of blasters firing. When the smoke cleared, Alīka was more burn than flesh, but she was still breathing. Kovi'van had taken a shot to the thigh. The steady hiss of the blasters cooling hushed to silence and the blasters came up again. With a howl of primal rage, Alīka cleared 30 feet in a second. Her left eye was missing. She had most of one hand and none of the other. You could see clear through her thigh. And she still gave the Imps a run for their money. Blaster bolts were passing through her like they were tickles from butterflies. A portion of her skull went flying. Her jaw was hanging by one side. Her chest was a smoking ruin.
She stumbled.
She fell.
She reached for Koyi'van. Everything went white as the reactor blew.
"Damn, kid, that was fucked up."
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37-battle-droids · 2 years
@accursedkaleeshi I Made Kaleesh Child
Born near the middle of 33BBY, Jerenru jas Viiatur is Jyada's third child. Lots of info under the cut lol
As such, Jerenru was a bit difficult to keep track of during the first years but since she didn't fall off the roof and die she grew up to be very curious and observant. Didn't particularly ask many questions, but she'd always be looking at something, or trying to go investigate it. When she was young, she didn't tend to fare well with competitive and kinda crazy nature of other young pups and so would usually play alone, with cool looking rocks and objects or with any of the pets around the house.
She has deep reddish brown skin, gold eyes and dark navy blue hair that she keeps trimmed short. Blind in her left eye, her ingdorè has a strap made from the hide of a piinyur that covers her blind eye, and the beast's smaller teeth on smaller strips of hide below it.
Ever since she knew what her hands were, she'd be off climbing something, whether it be the kitchen counter or the shelves on the wall or whatever else looked in any way climbable to baby. This also occasionally included parents.
Getting older, she continued to love climbing, and once old enough to not be constantly supervised she could often be found perched somewhere up on top of the compound doing kid things or just chillin up there. Once the kids her age were no longer awful feral creatures, she opened up socially a lot more, loved joining into whatever other kids were doing and was very kind. She didn't take it well if anyone touched her collection of cool rocks and other likewise keepsakes though.
Upon getting old enough to have access to weapons, she was always very excited about making the world a better place and Bryaru was very much an enabler. Twarxii and the other hunt mothers taught her how to use a javelin, of which she'd carry two on her back for hunts n stuff.
As a teen, probably around fourteen, she would go along with things other teens would do and as such could be found messing around with technology the kids weren't supposed to have. At one point they got ahold of a blaster while unsupervised and she was in the wrong place at the wrong time when one of them overloaded the power bank, injuring her badly with shrapnel and plasma, taking out her vision in her left eye. This was pretty devastating for someone who primarily used javelins.
She had a wonderful laugh, bright smile and was always there for the people she cared for. Very kind person, although at times could spend more energy than she had trying to help people that were difficult to help. Loved her family a lot, and losing family members hit her hard every time.
She switched to a similar handheld spear, and continued training with that. She could still climb, and grew into quite a good hunter, and thus the ingdorè she had as an adult was from a piinyur she hunted in the jungle.
I shall write more on this later my brain peaced out teehee
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accursedkaleeshi · 1 year
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I was procrastinating on two pieces so hard I drew something else. Here is Ayaan! Daddy's little droidsmith, the chatterbox herself.
650 words about getting her ingdore under the cut!
At the start of the clone wars Nute Gunray (salty that Grievous stole his flagship) & San Hill (just a sociopath) convinced Dooku to let them send a small attachment of droids to "capture" Bryaru. Dooku had just killed her father to put his own guy in his gracious Separatist senate spot & Dooku was aware that a particular few of Grievous' wives were befittingly temperamental. So he was like "you idiots can try but don't let that shit come back to me"
So like a handful of B1s & a couple B2 battle droids are deployed in the general area they knew GG's house was. They lost a couple droids to the jungle but showed up the compound. The last time droids were there it was to escort the wives to Hill’s cruiser so they could behold their 87% dead husband. The poor stupid B1 in charge barely got out a jovial “Hello-!” before Mertenzi put a harpoon through it.
The flimsy B1s didn’t stand a chance. The B2s were harder to take down, however. Seeing their mothers puzzling how to proceed with minimal rocket damage to their family & property, Ìgira had just the plan.
Ìgira (12 years old) & Ayaan (7 years old) escaped hearth lockdown to run to dad’s workshop. Neither of them were very impressed. Why would they send droids to dad’s house? Their dad had been troubleshooting these same droids for Ayaan’s entire life. That was stupid. Two grown corporate lifeforms were about to lose their expensive battle bots to two wild space jungle kids.
Ìgira dug through his father’s old datapad. The Bank had always sent Grievous home with a prototype B2 super battle droid for “security”. Grievous did not like this & did not want the thing on his planet. So, naturally, he had a list of commands it would take to render it inert & leave it in his ship.
Ìgira found these commands & gave them to Ayaan, whereupon they booked it back to the front of the compound. One B2 had its wrist rockets trained on the nearby asiil pen, assessing chicken threat levels. The other was repeating its primary objective to the mothers hunkered in the foyer. Mertenzi shrieked when she saw two of her children standing out it the open. Ìgira gave her thumbs up. It was not comforting.
He seemed very sure of this plan. Not only was Ayaan the chattiest of all his siblings, she knew how to read out technical jargon. And she was very loud. It would be easy. As long as these droids still accepted vocal command prompts. It hadn’t occurred to either of them that said feature might have been dropped for security concerns.
“Unit!” Ayaan had barked in a very Grievous-like manner, “State primary objective!” There was a very tense couple of seconds while the mothers that did not understand Basic were baffled as to why their small child was yelling at these droids. The B2 at the door stopped its diatribe, did an about left & restarted its directive from the top. This included its designation. Ayaan was able to use its designation to issue a standby command, which was a long string of numbers & letters. That was when she learned, around the same time as clones around the galaxy, that a B2 super battle droid was only as good as its commander.
While Ayaan bossed the other droid into standby, Mertenzi had reloaded & demolished the first with her harpoon gun. Ìgira & Ayaan managed to convince moms to let them shut down & dismantle the second one after Ayaan asked it a hundred questions, as children do. Ayaan’s ingdoré is made from this droid. It took her quite a while to grow into. She still tried to wear it around sometimes. It made a very satisfying gong sound when she ran into doorjambs.
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accursedkaleeshi · 1 year
His Family & Technology
Since Grievous was basically the kaleeshi Prometheus, making technology more accessible to his people (via theft & ingenuity), it would make sense that his compound, his personal family home, would have the best network connections on the planet.
This gave his children the honor of being the first generation of kaleesh to grow up around the wonders of tech. It was no surprise that some of his older children, in their natural inclination to copy their father, became avid scrap gremlins as he would call them. The older prodigious kids that had learned directly from dad would teach their younger siblings.
Things Grievous taught his children, purposefully &/or offhand, included welding, droid smithing, circuitry, & basic programming. All of that came in handy when he would explain how to hotwire ships or work around networks. His clan practically came prepackaged with all the skills needed to start trouble.
Before he exploded Grievous had been working on a way to mask his home network's location spurred on by a sense of impending doom. Ayaan & Igira spent several grief-stricken months holed up in their father's workshop & finishing his work. They were able to spoof their network's coordinates to a random directional buoy that just floated alone out in space along the Muunilist's trade route, since the Muunilist system was relatively nearby.
They didn't fully realize at the time how safe that kept them. Outside of a 5 click radius their network was, for all intents & purposes, some random coordinate buoy. Anyone that might come looking for their family would have to send people out looking the old fashioned way. The old fashioned way being much perilous on Kalee. This helped them become a hub of communications for anti-imperial activity in the quadrant.
Most of the children were preoccupied with the unlimited wonders of the Holonet (& that shitty Separatist version of the Holonet that the Bank tried to get everyone to use). They could learn anything! Many of the children took it upon themselves to learn Galactic Basic, since that was the language most content was in. Ayaan & Igira would stream & post videos to a very niche audience made mostly of other kaleesh. Some of the kids were very taken with sims (what Star Wars calls videogames, derived from simulations. Did I make that up?). Renj-are was the planet's foremost meme lord. Please imagine Renj-are trying to explain to Mertenzi what a meme is.
Many were enthralled by galactic art & music, cultures & machines, people & adventures presented to them from the fraying projections of various jailbroken data devices. But some were also scared. Historically, kaleesh were traditional & would literally fight to remain so for many years to come.
Like us millennials, unrestricted access to the internet did come with its drawbacks. Torrents of the galaxy's worst headlines, acts of violence on unfathomable scales, & unregulated spaces. Uniquely, & horribly, for the family it was very easy to access news about the Clone Wars as it was happening. If they were keeping up with it, as many felt compelled to do, they would often hear reports on or sometimes even see their late father burning his way across the civilized galaxy.
The entire family had an unspoken agreement: do not speak to the more sensitive mothers about it & ESPECIALLY don't tell Mertenzi. Mertenzi, of course, knew. She was not stupid. But the concept was so incredibly painful that she had to pretend it was not happening. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to go on &, dammit, she had things to do. The older children would get mixed answers on how to feel from the mothers that were keeping this secret (Bryaru, Jyada, & Weyla). That was when the pedestals their parents were on began to weather. Mom did not have the answers. They were just as hurt & confused. Even if Jyada would brag about their "giant undead metal husband" in jest, she was still quite somber about it.
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
I would love affirmations and life advice from the wives/grievous
Mertenzi says:
Run your ship & take no shit
Taa'yn says:
You are loved
Jyada says:
Serve nothing but cunt
Twarxii says:
Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies
Bryaru says:
What are you, a cop?
Weyla says:
Use what you're given to protect what you have
Blys'aan says:
Your happiness is worth it
Salaen says:
You belong
Kevanru says:
Be true to yourself & the rest will follow
Lyx'al says:
Things will be okay
Grievous says:
Seize responsibility, do all you can
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
For those of you that don’t remember when I drew an asiil (big chicken) sitting on a random Grievous baby & dubbed him guy-fieri-lasagna baby here is the link. Boy gets lore today for day 3 of TB’s Kaleesh Week! Tusks.
        TL:DR: That’s Fyerri. He was Bryaru’s first born. The first but not the last of Grievous’ newborn infants that he took one look at & said “My child! Looks like [food] :)”. When he was a child he tripped & ate absolute shit, fucking up his rapidly growing tusk matrix (like a nail bed). He was very upset but dad made him feel better. Goofy looking kid grew up to be still slightly goofy looking adult with a whack tusk.
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Fyerri was Bryaru’s first born! He joined his siblings around 33 BBY. When he was itty bitty, he just looked like that. The family asiil (big dino chickens) liked to steal him because, with his little orange pinfeathers, he was obviously just a chick.
        As a child, around five or six, he was in the green house doing chores with a similarly aged group of sibling when they heard fahyr was home. Naturally they all ran out the door to go see him. As is wont to happen when you get a gaggle of long limbed children together, one fell & took out a couple others. Fyerri, unfortunately, face planted on a slight incline.
        Grievous was not unused to being greeted with such fanfare. When Fyerri peeled himself off the ground he started making a high pitched noise in the back of his throat. You know, that kind of noise kids make when they get hurt & are about to lose it. Grievous stepped over the kids, motioning to them to stay there for him.
        He stepped up to the wives that had come out of the greenhouse & said, “Fyerri ate dirt, but hurt himself. Do not laugh, we have to be supportive.”
        “Why would I laugh?” Lyx’al had said, looking mildly concerned. Jyada already had her mouth pressed shut with Grievous looking directly at her. Listen. Kids falling down is just universally funny.
        Fyerri was at first mortified to have biffed it in front of dad but then began to realize he was actually hurt. His siblings helped him up & brushed dirt off of his little outfit. He tried not to cry but one of his sisters repeating “oh no” did not make him feel better.
        By the time Grievous stepped back & picked him up, Fyerri’s big orange eyes were swimming. When Grievous sat him on a table in the greenhouse he was heaving. Dad came in front of him & to get a look. The boy had taken his full weight on the left side of his face & abruptly bent his tusk in its mooring. Because he was just a kid growing very fast, it was much more flexible than an adult’s tusks but that also meant any damage done was likely to stick around.
        “You bent your tusk pretty good, Fyerri,” Grievous had said. While he moved the little tusk as far as he could in a reasonable direction to set the little audience of siblings reassured Fyerri that fahyr can fix anything. Grievous picked him up, holding Fyerri in his arms as a mother came up & put a cold press up to his little face.
Fyerri, now crying big round tears, sobbed between hiccups, “Now I’m never gonna have big tusks like yours fahyr!” His mothers shushed him reassuringly while he forlornly wrapped his little fingers around his father’s tusks.
“Oh? No, Fyerr, every other Kaleesh has tusks like mine. Boring, no? No one will have tusks like yours now, it seems,” Grievous said to him. Fyerri was not convinced of this at first & took awhile to warm up to the idea of being different. But he did eventually love it. Even when his father started another beloved family nickname by calling him “Comms”. His left tusk grew towards his mouth which reminded Grievous of microphone headsets.
Despite his awkward pin feathers & crooked tusk he did grow up to look pretty good. His confidence & his glorious mane of fluffy gold feathers did a lot for that. The title he uses primarily was Antiiskol, which meant Spine of Fire. It refers to his colors & his spirit. Being Bryaru’s first child, he was her excitable little co-conspirator. Direct action son. Helps out his mom’s rebel group & runs his own on-world. He encourages the harassment of stormtroopers & the Empire largely cut their losses with Kalee. Thus is the story of guy-fieri-lasagna baby.
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
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Adult Fyerri’s totally badass ingdorè.
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
Fyerri’s Last Stand
TL:DR: Here is how the rest of Fyerri’s life turned out. Stormtroopers learn the fear of god when the trees start talking. Bentilias san Sk’ar guest stars as blazing hubris.
·     11 years old when dad exploded
·     14 years old when Clone Wars ended
·     18 when Weyla disappeared
·     19 when Bryaru left planet to form her intel group (Thrummer network)
o  Worked with mom for a couple years. Got homesick
o  There was more imperial activity on Kalee than when he’d left
·     22 years old formed his own rebel cell. The name translated to Storm Sirens.
o  Initially they monitored stormtrooper activity & warned communities, hence like sirens for the storm(troopers)
o  Eventually, inconveniencing them was not working well enough & the Imperial leadership was getting cocky about it.
o  The Storm Sirens switched to straight bodying troopers at any opportunity.
o  Fyerri had come to embody the nickname his father had given him, being the main hub of many communication networks on-world. He picked this up with his mother’s dealings then, upon returning home, got Ìgira & Ayaan to teach him about comms.
o  Fyerri also had a reputation as a trooper killer. He used mainly at least one blurrg-1120 won from an imperial officer, but was pretty handy with improvised weapons. He wore decorated pieces of their armor & scavenged tech. His ingdoré was the skull of the ground commander that was part of a platoon deployed to establish a presence in Mertenzi’s home ports to the Jenuwaa Sea. He also wears Commander Stibbens’ high-viz shoulder pauldron & usually has his helmet on his person. They only know his name was Stibbens because it was written in his helmet.
·     By the time Fyerri was 28 the Imperial activity waned & had almost no presence on the planet thanks in large part to the Storm Sirens & their influence. Not that it took much sway to convince kaleesh to protect what was theirs.
o  Fyerri had been watching a straggling imperial holdout in the west’s rocky southern tip. He grew suspicious of the Empire leaving their secret-whatever-the-fuck operation without local intervention.
o  Not long after they received word that the kaleeshi colony on nearby planet Oben had been snuffed from orbit by an Imperial Star Destroyer. That was the colony settled by Bentilias san Sk’ar’s brigade shortly after he had miraculously returned from the dead. Not unlike Grievous had. From the same wreckage.
o  For months the Sheelal family had to believe all kaleesh on Oben had died. This included hunt mother Twarxii, sister & bataar to Sk’ar. Until Bryaru received reports that Sk’ar was alive & a newly minted imperial general.
·     Bryaru would come to regret telling Fyerri what had become of Sk’ar. She was just so mad. She had always shared her outrage to those around her & her first born son had always hung on every word.
o  But Fyerri had his father’s anger. He made himself sick with indignation. He obsessed over Sk’ar. He put the family in danger by feverishly searching imperial chatter without proper comm blocks. They had a bit of an intervention for him after there was a firefight at the stables & Kevanru had to crunch a man to death with his own speeder.
·     Fyerri agreed he was out of line. His solution was to strike out on his own with the most dedicated of the Storm Sirens. While Bryaru was usually the first to start a riot, she had learned a lot about what leading people meant. This time, instead of the burning glory of justice, she was met with a cold pit in her stomach. It was too dangerous. Sk’ar was a new toy, too close to the Empire’s watch. Fyerri’s small band would just be a footnote in the guard logs.
o  He could not be swayed. He wanted to make sure Sk’ar knew what he was forsaking & he was willing to tell him with his dying breath.
o  He & Jerenru were close, having been born in the same year. He gave her his helmet & told her to look after Stibbens.
o  He told Ìgira & Ayaan to watch out for everyone.
o  He told his mother it was his highest honor not to be the son of Grievous, but the son of Bryaru. Then he left.
·     Fyerri & his men spent over a year maneuvering through the outer territories where the Empire was unleashing General Sk’ar upon unsuspecting populations. It was 3 BBY & he was 30 years old when the Storm Sirens finally got the jump on Sk’ar’s fleet.
o  They sped to the next planet on his list. It took too long to convince the planet’s ambassador to believe the news of impending invasion. The people would remember their warning as altruistic but Fyerri knew that Sk’ar would make contact with the leadership first, whether to negotiate a change of guard or to make a bloody example of them.
o  So there the Storm Sirens were, on a completely foreign planet fighting alongside its foreign people against an unreasonable amount of firepower. Fyerri was good enough to scramble their ground frequencies, having held out until he was sure Sk’ar was on the surface. It was not hard to tell. Even from a klick away Bentilias san Sk’ar was an imposing tower of sheer muscle, standing nearly 10 feet tall like an obelisk of rage among his new, shiny white brigade of little men.
·     Fyerri sent one last call out to the enemy comms, demanding Sk’ar. General Sk’ar was a bit confused as to why there were kaleesh here. For him? There was barely a kamen of them with the mewling locals. What did they think they were going to achieve?
·     “General Bentilias san Sk’ar-“ Fyerri began in native kaleesh, calling out Sk’ar’s entire formal title as it had been before giving his own, “I am Fyerri Spine-of-Fire, Commander of Storm Sirens, Soldier Scorcher, & Son of Grievous. I come here to make sure you know: Though you are the Empire’s biggest dog, this path will still see you die on a leash. Just like my father before you.”
o  That was all he said before killing imperial ground comms. Sk’ar did not like that. Sheelal’s spoiled little boy wanted to play with the warriors he will die like a warrior.
o  The Storm Sirens fought ferociously even as the outcome became clear. Sk’ar’s stormtroopers had no idea what was going on. The one’s that put a couple pieces together were definitely intimidated to be fighting other kaleesh. But as with the Separatist army before them, the Empire had numbers.
·     Fyerri had taken several bolts by the time Sk’ar had steamrolled his way to the front line. Fyerri took one charged shot with his blurgg-1120 that knocked Sk’ar’s helmet askew atop his fearsome ingdoré. Sk’ar bellowed a roar & snatched the younger man up by the neck, dashing Fyerri’s mask to the ground & stepping on it.
o  “Your empty-souled family sent the crooked-tusked runt to put me in my place?” Sk’ar had rumbled in Basic, with a painfully fake sympathetic tone. Fyerri gazed unblinking into the behemoth’s blazing red eyes. Eyes he had shared with Twarxii’ma.
o  “My ancestors will accept me without shame, Uncle Benny, can you say the same?”
·     Those were Fyerri’s last words. Sk’ar snapped his neck with no effort & threw his body into the only two remaining Storm Sirens.
o  “Deliver that child home dishonored. Tell his family he failed,” Sk’ar shouted.
·     Sk’ar went on to fatally punch the ambassador & takeover his assigned planet with no further problems. He never spoke of the incident, even with prodding from higher up officers. It may well have never happened as far as the Empire was concerned.
·     The Sheelal family put their boy in their temple. His friends told them everything. They assured him he did not fail.
·     Bryaru was pissed.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
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The last headcanon Kalee bird, I swear.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
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Bryaru appreciation. Grievous was very supportive of Direct Action Wife
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
Btw Dilf Grievous has 10 earrings, 1 for each wife, made from the sclerotic bones (eye orbit bone) of a kunbal jungle bird. Like a humming bird.
Little cousins of the animal Bryaru's hunt mask is made of, a jumbo thrummer. Bryaru's rogue rebel group was named after it.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
tfw everyone you love gets bombed from orbit and your old boss's snippy wife blames you for your own sister's death
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"He joined the EMPIRE. ENTHUSIASTICALLY. Excuse me, you giant dumb fucking mountain of death, where exactly in your personal justice system does it excuse EXTRAPLANETARY BOMBARDMENT as
Shit dude Bryaru is going to write a very heated blog post about this & be impossible to be around for days, thanks lol
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
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Bryaru, 5th Wife
[Her Bio]
Small for northern Kaleesh but contains disproportionate amount of rage against the machine.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
Bryaru and Sk'ar getting in a shouting match would be hilarious I think
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She would try to fight him. Sk'ar would be reminded that Grievous liked his women spicy lol.
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accursedkaleeshi · 3 years
Bryaru’s Bio
TL:DR: Bryaru was the general’s 5th wife. Bryaru was the smallest wife but was incredibly feisty & reckoned she was big enough to take down governments. One of many daughters of the Highest Chieftain of Kaleela, the capital city of the planet, Bryaru was the runty black sheep of the lot. She chauffeured Grievous around when he showed up. Highest Chieftain was like “You have to have free pick of my daughters” & Grievous was like “This one.” Bc he really liked her. Chieftain was like “for real dude?”. Bryaru was like “YES suck it dad, fuck the bureaucracy!” Bryaru eventually left Kalee with a large band of Kaleesh to join the rebel alliance & fuck up the Empire at any given opportunity. Got targeted & smoked by burgeoning First Order assault in 13 ABY at age 70.
Bryaru was one of many daughters of the Highest Chieftain of Kaleela, who was like the president of the entire slightly more modernized Kaleela area. Her mother was hella northern & the Chieftan was of northern descent, thusly she was also hella northern. She got the short end of the genetic stick & was very small. In a huge influential family where each child feels like they must fight for attention she developed a rebellious complex. She was always very vocal about having questions & grew up largely jaded of the trappings of any form of bureaucracy, concluding that it was bullshit that got in the way of direct action. That alone made her a black sheep of the family. Her more patient mothers urged the Chieftan to keep her occupied. Bryaru was given an administrative role in her father’s enclave so he could keep her in check. She hated that.
Grievous had come for an audience at the Highest Chieftan’s request bc he was about to lose his mind about the fucking Republic tariffs. Bryaru was appointed to show Grievous around because her father falsely assumed she was behaving & thought if he gave her a large responsibility it would be a show of good faith. She was only behaving herself in front of her father & anyone that would snitch on her. Obviously, once she concluded Grievous was not a snitch they got along very well, both filled with righteous fury. They spent half the day touring the city & being publicly inflammatory about the whole Republic-being-fuckwads situation.
Once the meeting was winding down, during which it was concluded they couldn’t do shit about this oncoming economic disaster, the Highest Chieftain of course offered Grievous free pick of one of his daughters. To this Grievous replied, “I want this one.” Chieftain was very concerned by this being that he had many daughters that were beautiful, skilled, & obedient. Bryaru…wasn’t top of the list in any of those factors. She had what Kaleesh would consider an old-world beauty, that primal northern look but in a much smaller package than it usually came in. Her face was short for a modern woman, her eyes were large & her colors were relatively plain. But obviously big Chieftain did not get the memo that Grievous was not into obedient women. He was like, “You said I get to pick, no take-backs” & Bryaru was hype as fuck about it. She would be able to get out from under her family’s influence & be her own person. Bonus she got to marry a literal demigod known for starting shit & finishing it & he do be pretty hot tho.
Bryaru was the last wife he took in the 36 BBY year. Grievous married her & Twarxii when he got back from his otherwise depressing trip to Kaleela. Bryaru added some zest to the hearth mother roster. She was often at odds with Mertenzi who tried to keep Grievous focused on family when he was home. Bryaru was that woke family member that was always listening to the news & getting pissed about it. She knew Grievous would get mad about things with her. Voted most likely to start a riot at the drop of a hat. She & Jyada always fiercely enabled each other. Despite her inflammatory personality she was well-loved. Her sense of justice was contagious & her righteousness touched every child they had. Bryaru had 3 children of her own & outlived Grievous.
She was very tuned into the Clone Wars. Her father was in a branch of the Separatist senate & expressly barred her from being involved in the bureaucracy bc she was “too close”. What she thought that really meant was that the senate would be uncomfortable with an actual wife of General fucking Grievous in the room & also she was a loudmouth. But what it really meant was Dooku putting a stop to that, having made sure Grievous was seen as monstrous as possible he didn’t need anyone thinking he used to be a person. The Count did a lot to keep the Kaleesh on the backburner. Bryaru kept those that wanted the news abreast of what their undead metal husband was doing. She was the one that broke the news of the end of the war to the rest of the family.
Bryaru & her confidants (meaning some of their older children, a few wives, & a number of local radical groups) were very suspect about the end of the Clone Wars & the start of an Empire. She eventually left the family with a band of Kaleesh, that included some of their older children & her youngest, to fuck up the Empire at any given opportunity. She joined with the Rebel alliance as a low-key splinter group that often went undercover. Because stereotypes. Other places in the galaxy knew Kaleesh if at all as mercenaries, bounty hunters, & generally big mean bastards, Grievous aside. Anyway she was targeted & assassinated by secret First Order upstarts in 13 ABY at age 70. This was only the last in a large number of assassination attempts on her from the start of the Clone Wars & onward because she's a goddamn rebel upstart.
Also Bryaru: “I’d like to make an announcement: Bentilais san Sk’ar is a bitch-ass motherfucker & he got my wife killed. That’s right he killed my wife-“
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