moetrash · 2 months
rsv marriage candidates and whether they can drive
why? bc i'm bored... feel free to send me any other prompts if you have them!
alissa: no, but she occasionally drives her dad's truck around the orchard for chores.
anton: yes, but his car has been broken down for months now, and instead of getting it fixed, he's just been mooching rides off his siblings.
blair: nope! she just gets her mom or sean to drive her places instead~
bryle: absolutely - he's certified to drive cars, trucks, motorcycles, and armored vehicles.
corine: yep! feel free to call her if you ever need a ride, okay? :) (seriously, you can call her at like 3 am and she'll be there, no questions asked.)
daia: no, but luckily she's a master at guilting people into offering her rides - the world is her uber.
faye: got her license only recently after having hired drivers most of her life... she's the type to obliviously cut across three lanes of highway traffic to her exit with a bumper sticker that says "silly goose on board".
flor: yes, when she has to... but if anyone honks at her she *will* pull onto the shoulder to cry
ian: no - he can't pass the written test...
irene: yes, and she's also an avid collector of cute bumper stickers! this one is a strawberry with a smiley face!
jeric: well, he has his motorcycle license... why, you want a ride? ;)
jio: jio doesn't know what cars are.
june: um, no? what do you take him for, a str*ight???
kenneth: yes, but he's more interested in building motor vehicles than driving them...
kiarra: yup. she drives an old subaru outback with a zillion bumper stickers that say stuff like "support your local pollinators" and "no human being is illegal". oh, and her car's name is sally ride.
maddie: yes... but she road-rages like overworked ex-military trucker. do not ride with her unless you've made your peace with god.
paula: not only does she have her license, she's one of the best drivers you'll ever meet. (years of driving MEVs across gotoro battlefields will give you that.)
philip: yes - his dream car is the incredicar, as seen in the first movie adaptation of incrediman, "incrediman vs. the royal serpent" - but right now he drives a handicap-accessible minivan, yknow, for work...
sean: yeah, he has a truck he can use for work stuff - but don't look in the backseat. it's littered with empty gatorade bottles and fruit gummy bags.
shiro: no... but he used to...
ysabelle: nope. hashtag corine's passenger princess 4 lyfe ^^
zayne: a license? like the chauffeurs have? why would he need that??
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Mousey, I'm sure you've done the reaction of the vanilla and expanded spouses to the farmer's curse from Mr. Qi, but how about the rsv spouses? I'd be curious to see what they'd do about it ~~especially you know who *wink wink nudge nudge*~~ Also ngl I've been trying to come up with more silly ships with the vanilla and mod characters and having a blast in my mind. I've been throwing in Isaac, Jadu, Camilla, and Alesia there too for good measure because I think Isaac especially would suffer with certain characters 😂 istg it's like I'm a dog and he's my chewing toy
Hehee, I wouldn't mind hearing what other funny ships you have in mind 👀👀👀
Sorry for a long reply, it turned out WAY more than I had planned. Anyway, enjoy some headcanon, Lotus! And have a great day! 💕
RSV spouses react to the Qi fruit:
Ian had been standing still for about two minutes now, keeping his eyes on the strange blue fruit that was ripening in the Farmer's seedbed. Because he could have sworn that the fruit winked at him.... with 'glasses'! And the handyman thought he'd seen it again. But at the third minute, Ian gave up and reckoned he was just wasting time. "I really don't understand anything about farming," Ian told Farmer, kissed them, and went to work.
Daia isn't the type to be surprised by strange magical fruits, flowers and berries. The Ridge Forest alone is filled with interesting plants with unusual properties. But this 'Qi' fruit... Hmph, even she hadn't seen anything like it. Being around this smirking blue fruit makes the ninja feel a tingling sensation on her skin - a sure sign that magic is involved. Oh, she can't wait to ask her dear Farmer to give her the fruit to examine, because she's so curious about it! She wondered if it would interest her Lady too...
"Wow... I knew you are a true professional at farming, hon, but to do something like this..." Honestly, Jeric was delighted at what his partner had grown and horrified at what his partner had grown. Because on the one hand - fruit with a face and sunglasses, that's awesome! And on the other hand.... why? He certainly wouldn't have imagined something like this on his own little farm in Ridgeside Village. And it's unlikely he had the knowledge to grow something like this. "....So, what does it taste like?"
Bryle was ashamed to admit it, but the first thing he did when he stepped onto the farmhouse porch was reflexively draw his service weapon and prepare to defend himself. Because the Governor's slightly sleepy bodyguard mistook the blue-faced crops in sunglasses for invaders or even dark spirits. Having already recovered from his shock and seeing the calm Farmer watering this very crop, Bryle felt that by asking what it was, he would get more questions than answers. So he was like: "Nope, not today" and went back to the farmhouse.
When some time ago Irene had only seen the sprouts with the not yet formed blue fruit, she was even intrigued to see what kind of 'unusual fruit' Farmer had planted and what the crop would taste like. Sweet, or maybe with sour notes? Only when she got the ripe fruit on the kitchen table, the Amethyne's personal chef was no longer so enthusiastic. This... fruits looks like a head and was looking at her. Irene's afraid to even touch the 'Qi' fruit, much less taste it. Her Madame would definitely not want such an.... exotic crop for dinner.
Sean decided it would be a hilarious to wreak havoc in the local social media groups with this fruit. So, with Farmer's permission, he took a picture of the ripened 'Qi fruit', posted the picture to social media without any description, and waited. An hour and a half in and Sean and Farmer were dying of laughter reading people's reactions, all sorts of conspiracy about the harvest and even memes (lol). He was also hoping someone would leave a comment about what the fruit was, because Farmer's explanation of "blue fruit from blue seeds from a blue man" wasn't a very clear answer.
"Alissa, my dear. What is this?" Alissa can't give a clear answer to her mother when she shows her the unusual fruit. It seems to Alissa that her dear spouse Farmer themself does not know the answer to this question. The girl was utterly perplexed, and neither her own knowledge of farming, nor a single book from the library about crops, helped her to find the answer. She hoped that Farmer had not used something harmful to grow this fruit...
"What's this abomination growing in your garden? Why is there foreign magic coming from that thing?" Jio is in full earnest preparing for a defensive pose with his katana, because that 'Qi' fruit looks like it's about to pounce on him and Farmer. Elf doesn't trust this crop, whatever it is in the first place. And when asked how Farmer grew this stuff in the first place, the answer struck Jio like lightning. "You... took strange seeds from a suspicious man and thought it would be a great idea to plant them?" Yeah, It's going to be a long conversation...
Not even strength and persuasion from Farmer will be enough to keep their spouse Maddie from her determination to get into the Water Research Facility & Laboratory with this strange fruit. Because the ginger girl has to find out what it is in the first place! After all, the lab assistant was also watching the process of the Qi fruit's growth, for she was curious about what Farmer was growing. And when the already ripe fruit showed its face with sunglasses, Maddie wants to show it to Aguar to see how to even classify it. Sigh, not Aguar, if he found out there was magic involved...
"Whoa... So creepy... It's like some kind of comic book villain." Phillip kept twisting and twisting the "Qi" fruit in his hands, looking at the "face" of the crop, and even tried to take off the "glasses". It didn't work, however, because it was like they were super glued on. Oh, well. And although the physical therapist is eager to find out what this miracle fruit tastes like, he still wants to take precautions and find some information about the Qi fruit, because maybe it's poisonous???
Blair nearly died laughing when she saw the face of the ripe blue fruit. "Yoba, what a bogeyman!" And how on earth did her partner Farmer manage to grow a fruit with a face like that? Oh, she wants to take a few if Farmer agrees. To taste it? No, the young fisherwoman had thought of a more fun use for this crop.... Such an ugly fruit would definitely be a good way to prank Keahi for the last prank, hee hee hee... Just a harmless joke, Blair promises!
...Anton thought at first that he hadn't fully woken up in the morning, and that he had just imagined a blue face on the kitchen table. Except that when the architect came back from the bathroom already fresh and invigorated from a cold shower, the face had not disappeared from the kitchen table. ...Ok, and then what? How should he even react? And should he even be reacting to this? Because Farmer is not perplexed by the strange fruit in any way, they treat it like a normal apple or banana. ...Alright, then. Anton silently hopes he doesn't get "sunglasses" from this fruit in his portion of salad.
Well done, Farmer, just great! Making Flor nearly faint because they decided to put some ripe Qi fruit on the dinner table before going to bed, without warning the red-haired spouse for doing so. The poor, sleepy girl wanted to drink a glass of water at midnight, but she ended up throwing it all on the floor and screaming, mistaking the fruit for human heads. Now Farmer is ashamed now... And rightly so - they shouldn't scare Flor like that!
Kiarra's face twisted at what she saw. "Honey, you didn't use any fertiliser or seeds from Joja, right? You didn't take anything from them?" Her first guess as to the origin of this strange fruit was immediately the much disliked greedy company with the blue logo. Joja always like to spoil pump vegetables and fruits with all sorts of harmful substances of unknown origin to make them bigger, and as a consequence - to sell them for more money. Even when Farmer explained to her that it wasn't Joja, the girl still remained sceptical. Because it's... not natural. Something is wrong.
Zayne thought that it would be at least tactless and rude of him to voice his first thought out loud when Farmer presented them with the 'fruit of their labours'. Especially since he loved his spouse and knew what a wonderful farmer they are, unrivalled in the entire Republic. But... What is it? The Amethyne family heir has seen some rather unusual and sometimes even strange delicacies on his own dinner table and on the tables of other noble families. But a fruit with a face... Someone, who apparently ordered Farmer to grow the fruit just so, has... a very specific flavour.
"Ew," was Ysabelle's only reaction, and to be honest - many would have agreed with her conclusion about the blue fruit with the snickering face and sunglasses. Even Farmer didn't argue with their partner's opinion about it. Really, ew (no offence, Mr. Qi). The girl simultaneously wants to ask what this fruit is and doesn't want to know anything about it, figuring it will be further questions than answers. People in the hotel have demanded stranger foods and delicacies, so the blue face fruit isn't too much of a shock to her. But still - ew.
"Hmm, why the face?" How does Farmer know, Paula? When they took the assignment from a, ahem, familiar person, they had no idea that the 'Qi fruit' would turn out to be exactly like this - a bit creepy, with a human face (but cool glasses!). The military medic wasn't too surprised by this weird crop (she'd seen much stranger food), and if the fruit wasn't poisonous and wasn't an allergy sufferer's worst nightmare, why not give it a try. "Heh, I wonder if anyone would dare to try this food on a dare"
"No, thank you, my soul. I'm good with an apple," June politely declined as Farmer, having harvested a ripe crop from the greenhouse, brought June a whole basket of different fruits and berries from all seasons to the farmhouse. His favourite apples, strawberries, oranges, pomegranate, a blue fruit with a face- Wait, what? Did he see that right? Yeah, the pianist's eyesight was not deceiving him. Later, he'll be asking Farmer questions about the blue weird fruit. In the meantime, he just wants to enjoy the apple.
When Faye thought of fresh fruit salad, she imagined cutting up a juicy and sweet mango, a ripe, with the sour notes pineapple, a delicious banana, and fill it up it with fresh orange juice. And at the sight of the Qi fruit, the waitress honestly lost her appetite. Is it... really a fruit? Why does it look so scary? It's also smiling... Oh, yuck! Farmer, that fruit winked at her! Brrr! No weird blue fruits on the dinning table, they're scary!
Shiro jumped up sharply, almost scalding hot, when he saw a field of a hundred blue smiling heads from the porch. Everywhere he turned his head, there they were: smiling, the light bouncing off their... Glasses? What the hell is that, anyway? "People want to buy fruit like that? With a scary face?" No, he's not going to try it, and the Farmer isn't advised to either. It doesn't look good, and it probably doesn't taste good anyway- No, Farmer, making this 'Qi' fruit into a smoothie isn't a good idea either... Just don't, please.
Corine never thought people could come up with something like this with crop. Well, she'd seen square watermelons, heart-shaped pears, and even star-shaped peaches on TV. But a melon-sized blue fruit that also had a human face..... Even she didn't expect that. Really, she doesn't understand why the Farmer glued it on. "Oh, I didn't glue the glasses on, dear, they grew with the fruit!" Sorry, the glasses did what?
"No offence, dear, but I'll probably pass." Oh, Farmer didn't grow this fruit for food, but for someone personally? Whew, what a relief... Um, Kenneth didn't mean to be rude or offend Farmer in any way, but the mere thought of that Qi fruit that very much resembled a head being cut with a knife made him cringe and disgusted. The inventor doesn't understand who needs fruit grown in this way, but he's not good at farming, so Kenneth will leave the matter to his spouse.
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claudtrait · 1 year
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currently making some townies for my new gameplay and UUHHHHHH
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frenchfry99 · 7 months
Little post with my girls in @evillillad 's metal au
Had the motivation to finally finish Poison Garden refs 🎸🥀
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Also doodle of Iris and her girl-best-friend teehee :3c
Iris is very protective over her bandmates,, kinda obvious if you look at them all together. Sometimes I think oh, Annie and Bee are so tiny and then I remember they're almost average, Iris is just HUGE (T o T)-
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elaho · 7 months
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Last year, the creators of Ridgeside Village [RSV] were kind enough to reach out to me to do some commission work for their latest Mod instalment: RSV Spirit's Eve Costumes.
I'm both honoured and flattered to have worked with such wonderful people throughout the process and challenged to hone my pixel art skills even more.
Here is the list of characters and costumes I created for RSV below:
1. Anton as Han Solo [Star Wars]
2. Ariah as Amelia Earhart
3. Bryle as a football player [Zuzu City Tunnlers]
4. Faye as Ahri from League of Legends
5. Ian as Kristof from Frozen
6. Jio as Buddy the Elf [Elf]
7. Jio as Link [Breath of the Wild]
8. Kenneth as Sauron [Lord of the Rings]
9. Maddie as Kady Heron from Mean Girls [Zombie Ex-Wife]
10. Yzabelle as Odette from Barbie Swan Lake
Check out the RSV Mod for Stardew Valley on Nexus and my pixel art Commission Website.
Enjoy the Spirit's Eve Festival at Ridgeside! :)
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mothpawbs · 6 months
If you're seeking out wings of fire suggestions then Bryony and Grayling, the leafwing silking pair, if you only want one then Grayling would probably be a more interesting design given one of his in-text descriptors likens him to a pile of chinchillas.
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bryony and grayling! bryony insisting in the guide that she never cries makes me believe she's SUPER emotional, haha. bryony is based on white bryony and autumn, and grayling is based on chinchillas :)
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l1zardart1stre · 4 months
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I love this au and creator normally
(Au by @bryleeoz) (pleeeease check it out) (for me)
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starboysbrainrot · 3 days
I have never publicly said this but : Jet drowning Gaipan and Zuko burning down Kyoshi Island are
1) narrative parallels
2) are widely exaggerated by the fandom as actions taking place in a 100 years war and performed by two teenagers
because yes context does matter. and you CANNOT possibly think that these actions come even close to the atrocities of what the rough rhinos did to Jet’s village or what Ozai intended to do to the Earth Kingdom.
all I’m saying is that context, intentions and knowing what is going on in a character’s head are actually important in that case for a better understanding of their actions.
let’s take a look at Jet. he’s an orphan boy, who grew up with this very idea that every thing that went wrong in his life was caused by the FN (which is true) and that the only way for him to survive is to fight the FN (which is, again, true). therefore, the logical conclusion to years of trauma, and impregnated ideas of vengeance and wrath is to loose touch with your sense of morality and ending up doing heinous things because he’s convinced that it is the right thing to do. the ONLY thing to do. to survive and to escape the war. what people like to forget is that Jet didn’t grow up like Sokka and Katara, who even though faced a terrible tragedy after their mother’s death, and had to live in a tribe that had been weakened by the FN, also lived in a sheltered place for most of their lives, with their Gran Gran and father’s love, with a community, a family. Jet grew up in constant solitude, hunger, pain, fear, death and had to become a parent to those around him. and that’s not me trying to compare them. but you cannot seriously think that they grew up in the same conditions. growing up like that you just CANNOT turn out fine. the absence of love and protection coming from an adult actually does that to a kid. as time passes he realises that he, as an orphan boy, has to do what has to be done in order to survive. the question of morality doesn’t even crosses his mind. because fear and anger are the only thing left for him to survive. and all of this leads to him drowning Gaipan, and committing this heinous crime. which well doesn’t really happen because everyone is safe ! everyone survived ! yes the village is destroyed but that’s material loss. that doesn’t come near the loss of actual people.
now for Zuko, his core character trait in season 1 is that he’s very short sighted. he only sees his goal, and never what’s in between that. this shortsightedness comes from years of obsession fuelled by extreme (FN) propaganda, indoctrination, trauma and anxiety in regards of what awaits Zuko if he never gets to catch the Avatar. like Jet, Zuko’s anger and fear brings what’s most ugly in him : his lack of regards for any collateral damage he might provoke while trying to reach his goal. which ultimately leads to Kyoshi Island burning down. however, they are a few things that need to be said here. he never steps a foot on Kyoshi Island with the intention of burning it. that’s actually where it diverges from Jet. Zuko is extremely short sighted and his only goal is to find Aang. nothing. else. which differentiates him from his sister especially. who wanders through the earth kingdom while yes chasing Aang but also never stopping (or at least trying) to expend the FN’s power in the EK. Kyoshi island burning down comes actually from him being shitty at managing his firebending (and his crew) in season 1. it’s quite literally collateral damage and most of the damage on Kyoshi Island actually comes from Zuko’s soldiers (who we never actually see receiving orders that would indicate Zuko wanting to burn the island. he only says “I want the Avatar” before splitting up, and go rewatch the scene if you don’t believe me). we do actually see Zuko shooting a few fireballs at Aang but we see only one of them actually hitting the cabins. so it would be logical to assume that it was Zuko’s crew, while fighting the Kyoshi Warriors that did it. after the gaang left, Katara even says “he would have destroyed the whole place” meaning it wasn’t destroyed. and then Aang eventually saves the village and Zuko and his crew leave.
what I’m trying to say with this is that I cannot keep seeing people actually demonising and adultifying Jet and Zuko’s actions (especially at the very beginning where both of them are clearly villains with the narrative intent of doing heinous things) with using these two specific scenes, where, ultimately, no one got hurt (except Sokka & Aang while fighting Jet and the Kyoshi Warriors while fighting Zuko).
this post isn’t me denying what they did. at the end of the day, Gaipan got destroyed and Kyoshi Island lost a lot of infrastructure and cabins. this post is me explaining why I’m tired of the over exaggerated claims in regards of these two characters.
the problem with this fandom is that people will talk about Jet and Zuko’s actions in episode 10 and episode 4 like they would talk about Long Feng’s actions or Ozai’s actions.
like, no, two indoctrinated traumatised teenage boys in a war cannot be held accountable in the same way that two adults (who funnily actually did kill people !) are held accountable. like, textually by LAW they cannot be held accountable in the same way. because of their age, because of the circumstances, the consequences, etc etc.
and what’s even more important is that both actually do their best to make amends. even though doing this after years of indoctrination is actually hard. jet dies while doing so and Zuko nearly dies at the hand of his father for doing so. (and that’s without even talking about his actions as a Firelord)
you can dislike Jet and Zuko as characters. but the hate these two get will always look ridiculous at the end of the day. because it’s either completely exaggerated or out of context or doesn’t apply to them because they actually did change. and did try to make amends.
again, this is not me saying that they weren’t villains at the beginning of the series. this is also not me saying that these actions are excusable or even remotely okay. no, it’s me begging the fandom to just use their brain for two fucking seconds. it’s me begging the fandom to just understand what the war and it’s consequences does to people, especially children. on all sides of the war. especially war children.
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rentumblsstuff · 5 months
Max: Take. It. Off!
Kyle, wearing a matching bracelet to Brenda: I. Would. Rather. Die.
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autisticlaezel · 1 year
Gortash: I'm afraid I can't mansplain, manipulate, manwhore my way out of this one
The Dark Urge, gleefully: manslaughter it is, then
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uloelu · 3 months
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Location: Lykke Center, Windenburg
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(transcript under the cut)
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Here's the third and final part! Hope you enjoyed this episode centered around the foster moms. I'd been waiting for the best moment to introduce them to you! You'll see them here and there in the future, and I hope to give them at least one joint episode per season.
Episode 5: Mother, Mother - Part 3
Scene 4 - Leuchtterm Bar und Grille, Lykke Center, Windenburg
[Evening breaks at a restaurant in town…]
Eva Capricciosa (Maître d'): Leuchtterm, how may I help you?
Clara Bjergsen: Björn, for God’s sake, stop sulking.
Patron: ...and then I told her, my daughter does not have bad gas!
Malcolm Landgraab (thinking to himself): This place is a fucking dump. Couldn't we have gone anywhere else?
Geoffrey Landgraab: Have a good day at school, Malcolm?
[Audreyanna sits with her father and his much younger fiancée. All are on their phones; little conversation is being made.]
Lloyd Brookestone: So…a little birdie told me that someone’s living in a full house.
Brylee O’Donnell: Yeah! You’re so odd, Anna. Fostering six teenagers? Is that even legal?
Audreyanna (thinking to herself): God-fucking-damnit
Audreyanna: It’s Audreyanna, thanks. Why am I not surprised that you two stalked me again? Was moving to Germany not a big enough hint?
Lloyd: I have my ways. And hey, I’m still your old man. You could have told me! I would have loved to advise you during the process.
Audreyanna: Like you’ve had experience with the foster system.
Lloyd: Maybe not, but I’ve had experience raising a teenager. Come on, Audreyanna, six kids? Talk about a trial by fire! (pauses) Besides, you’re not the only one expanding the Brookestone family…
Audreyanna (thinking to herself): You’ve got to be kidding me.
[Brylee and Audreyanna stand up so the former can display her slightly pregnant stomach.]
Brylee: Surprise! We wanted to tell you in person. Lloyd and I are going to be parents!
Audreyanna: What the fuck?!
Lloyd: Now, I know this is a bit unexpected…
[Brylee yawns loudly.]
Audreyanna: Unexpected isn’t the word, Dad. You mean to tell me that you got her pregnant? Has her frontal lobe even finished developing? Not to mention, you found out I’m going through something as big as fostering teens for the first time…and you decided to launch your fucking baby the first time we talked about it?
Brylee: Anna, don’t tear his head—
Audreyanna: How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t call me that?
Brylee: Okay, I know that we haven’t been the best of friends, but I thought you’d be happy for me. You know, as a woman.
Audreyanna: As a woman? You’re barely out of college! Shacking up with a 73-year-old man!
Lloyd (thinking to himself): I’ll just stay out of this one.
Brylee: Oh, and you’re so high and mighty, huh? Isn’t Evelyn older than you?
Audreyanna: …what? I mean, yeah, by ten months!
Brylee: There you go. I’m an adult perfectly capable of making my own decisions. I’m not trying to be your stepmom here.
Audreyanna: No, you’re just trying to give birth to a sibling that’s fifty years younger than me!
Brylee: Then ignore their existence! You’re pretty good at that. After all, isn’t what you’ve been doing to us?
Lloyd: You’ve always been careful about hiding your life from me, Audreyanna. I don’t understand it, but fine. As long as you respect that we’re making our own life choices, too.
[The waiter arrives.]
Waiter: You guys ready to order?
Audreyanna: Please.
Geoffrey: Malcolm, it’s almost been an hour. The sun’s already set. Can you please just pick something to eat?
Malcolm: How does anyone eat this garbage food? I’ll just get a water.
[Some time later, the waiter reappears with the trio’s food.]
Waiter: Here you go. My, you guys are quiet all of a sudden.
[They dig in.]
Brylee: Gosh, this fake chicken is really delish! A fine testament to the wonders of tofu.
Audreyanna: Tofu, huh? I feel for that baby.
Brylee: If you must know, my doctor says it’s perfectly fine to—
Audreyanna: I don’t care that you’re vegan, Brylee. Just feed that kid greens or something. Anything but tofu.
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Brylee Top in Brown from Outcast ($61.60), Floaty Denim Short in Recycled Blue from Missguided (no longer sold) and Air Force 1 Sage Low Sneaker in White from Nike (no longer sold)
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Saw your post about how the singles from vanilla and expanded flirt, and here comes the obligatory ask about the guys and gals from rsv! 😜
Here you go, Lotus ☺️ thank you for the ask!
How well Ridgeside Village bachelors/ettes flirt with the Farmer:
Ridgeside Village bachelors (+unlovable):
Oh, poor Ian doesn't know what to do with his feelings. He tries to compliment them, to start a conversation, he even asks Sean for advice, but as soon as he opens his mouth in front of the Farmer, the words stick in his throat and his cheeks turn red. Sure, Ian occasionally gives Farmer wooden figurines he's made himself and always smiles genuinely at their appearance, but it's a bit difficult for him to flirt. 5/10, he's really trying, give this kind and shy fella a chance.
June's situation is quite interesting. The talented pianist will easily start a dialogue with the object of his adoration, but sometimes conversations can go so far that June forgot that he invited Farmer for a cup of coffee to ask if they were single, and ended up giving a whole lecture about the proper roasting of coffee beans. If Farmer didn't find these stories boring, but rather the opposite, June will be able to seduce Farmer with good flirt, and they'll both wait half a season for the two of them to go on a date again. 7/10.
Like a noble prince from famous fairy tales about beauties (well, technically, he is a prince), Zayne will demonstrate a real art in sophisticated flirting. The young man is very well-mannered, kind, a bit modest and always polite, so it won't be difficult for him to seduce the object of his affection. 9/10, almost perfect!
All right kids, stand back. For now Jeric is about to show that he is the master of the successful compliment! The young farmer and fancy dress enthusiast has a natural charm that few can resist. At times he may blush a little in front of Farmer and forget what he wanted to say, but for the most part he's a very good flirt. 7/10, very good.
I'm sorry Jio, but you won't win Farmer's favour with constant snapping and all sorts of rude words. And it would be justified (not really) if he and Farmer were strangers, but Farmer is almost going to give him a bouquet, and the grumpy elf sends them away. Sure, he'll shower the Farmer with compliments in Elvish and show his soft side. But before that... 0/10, no offence, Jio. Sharp-eared tsundere bitch.
Even with his injury, Shiro doesn't miss the opportunity to invite Farmer for a walk on the beach, where he shows them his heartfelt flirtation. Shiro really enjoys Farmer's company, finding them to be a very attractive and nice person, and if Farmer is okay with his advances, he will continue. 8/10, a very good flirtation on an emotional connection.
To be honest, Anton is still having a hard time pulling himself together after failed wedding, career collapse and other hardships to believe in himself again. Even though he has a lot of interest for Farmer, Anton still can't bring himself to start flirting. And should he, because he thinks no-one wants him. It's not true, but... *sigh* 2/10, there were some attempts. Anton is a romantic man, he just needs to believe in himself.
Kenneth's flirting is perhaps the most unusual. Due to his slight shyness and desire to surprise Farmer, he will send his robot to say compliments and give letters. It's quite nice... until the robot malfunctions. Then the electrician will quickly apologise and try to make conversation. Kenneth and his unusual flirting was to their liking. 6/10, quite good, the important thing is that the robot doesn't malfunction again and start a fire.
For a rather emotionally reserved person who has a difficult and responsible job, Bryle behaves quite romantically. Classic flirting and courtship are assured for the Farmer. He is quite confident in his winning ways, and if Farmer responds to his endeavours, the bodyguard will slowly reveal himself to them. 7/10, there are a couple of flaws but overall very good!
How can you not love a golden retriever? And how about a man who is as kind and good as a retriever? Who is so good that you want to cuddle him and listen to him babble endlessly about comic books? That's what I'm saying. 6/10 for Phillip, this man hasn't started flirting yet but has already achieved the flirt points and hearts of many, including Farmer (I'm judging everyone fairly, of course).
When Sean begins his mission to gain the Farmer's interest in his person, he will appear in their sight more often, each time offering to take a break, play video games, or prank with the kids. When hanging out frequently, he is more interested in getting to know the Farmer better, remembering to compliment their appearance or how cleverly they pranked someone. A playful flirtation that not only works, but earns 7.5/10 points. Great job, Sean!
RSV bachelorettes (+unlovable):
Daia flirted with Farmer even when they both barely knew each other. How does Farmer even need to figure out now if her intentions to start a relationship are serious or just another joke? Regardless of the teases with double meanings though, Daia has started acting like a humble and fragile girl around Farmer. So after all, her intentions have gotten serious. 10/10, she is good at flirting, even too good...
Flor can't flirt. Period. She's too insecure and very shy, constantly hiding her face behind a book and stuttering at the sight of someone she's partial to. I'd like to say Flor will try to compliment her, but... nope. 0/10, It's up to the Farmer themselves to make the first move.
With her beautiful voice, with which you can serenade people, Alissa could conquer anyone who came to her heart... if she wasn't so insecure and shamed by her own voice. Such potential - and not to use it, how can you do that! So she's pretty humble, so 4/10, a bit stilted, but the attempts are there.
"My name is Blair, I'm your future wife!" And the young fisherwoman knows how to properly meet people.... Ok, ok, it was a joke from her, but Blair shows herself confident enough to flirt with Farmer when she have romantic feelings for them. During the courtship, she can tease Farmer, easily making them blush. 6/10, quite good actually
Shared pastimes and fun are Paula's main trump card in winning the heart of the much-loved Farmer. The head doctor of Ridgeside Village has decided to be herself and spend more time with the object of her affection, creating truly beautiful moments for the two of them, not forgetting to hint at them her romantic feelings. She does it very professionally, by the way, as if she was trained somewhere. 7/10, you can do it, doctor!
To tell the truth, Corine's romantic interest is sometimes hard to recognize. Most likely, it is in this way, with emphasized delicacy, without pressure, she will woo the chaotic Farmer. Not to say that the girl is a master at it, but not a novice either. She is not usually the initiator of the conversation, so she may stutter a little at the sight of the reason for her crush. If Farmer starts the conversation first, the girl will be more confident. 5/10, basically okay.
Oh, Ysabelle will giggle and flirt with Farmer behind the counter at the hotel the whole time. You can tell right away that when she's flirting with them, her speech is softer, deeper and not very loud. She is quite skillful in using her entire arsenal in terms of flirting. 7.5/10 (7/10 if her Grandpa starts teasing her lightly and the girl immediately blushes and her attitude gets thrown off because Grandpa, don't make her blush in front of the Farmer!).
Does anyone remember how Irene's cheeks were the color of tomatoes at the sight of Zayne, and her own voice betrayed her and she constantly squeaked at the mention of the same future head of the Amethyne family? Well, she has an even harder time with Farmer. Irene used to be able to have friendly conversations with them, but when her amorous gaze is now fixed on Farmer, it's... yeah. 5/10, flirting is hard for her now, but trying to get their love through delicious desserts worked.
Faye very skillfully demonstrates a model of extroverted behavior. She jokes with Farmer, does not skimp on compliments and tries to establish physical contact: to touch his shoulder, take their hand. At times she can get distracted by talking a lot, but her flirting is very good. 7/10, give her a little time and she will charm them quickly.
I'd like to say that Maddie could compete with Jio for the title of "tsundere of the year", but after getting to know Farmer better and trusting them, she doesn't behave the same way anymore. Yes, occasionally, she can be rude again, pushing Farmer away, but this has become less and less frequent, and all her grumbling about Farmer being "clingy" has died down. Still, flirting is pretty hard for her. 4/10, she's still trying her best.
Flirting is not Kiarra's thing. She would probably just tell that she likes Farmer very much, not only as a friend. She's used to telling people the truth to their faces, and thinks there's no point in flirting and creating an illusion for herself. You could ask them straight out, because what if they already have a partner? 0/10, she's an honest girl, but don't even count on a show of flirting before Farmer says their feelings are mutual.
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claudtrait · 1 year
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henford on bagley residents !!!! (more info on them under the cut)
Brylee Sweeny
will bring you cookies every monday
used to work at the bar but quit to become a online teacher
Harvey Hurley
his playlist consist of the clash, the smiths, tears for fears, and tame impala. do what you will with that information.
used to walk the neighborhoods dogs but stopped for literally no reason. now he just washes cars 🤕
Leila Santiago
runs the neighborhood garden
extremely organized
Jo Thomas
nicest girl on the planet
took over harveys dog walking job
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Some of these may be background ships, others may be canon by word of god.
Bryling: No Propaganda Submitted
Rupphire: An adorable and mutually devoted couple! Though rarely seen outside their Garnet incarnation, they're an important part of the history and setting of the show. A classic Opposites Attract between elegant, reserved Sapphire and rough-and-tumble hot-blooded Ruby, they bring out a balance that benefits them greatly. In the meantime, Sapphire encourages Ruby to value herself for herself, while Ruby allows Sapphire to relax and live in the moment.
Bonus? They had the first LGBT wedding in a children's animated show!
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
First Lines!
tagged by @thana-topsy tyty
if it wasn't for these tumblr tag games I would have run out of steam looooong ago but these keep me microdosing on endorphins ha ha
tagging @nientedenada @gilgamish @moriche
Tag the first lines/first paragraph of three of your current works in progress!
I have shared mostly snippets from The Wives of Shor so I'm going to dig in my (massive) WIP-pile for this to share some different things.
Because I Could Not Stop for Death This fic deals with the immediate aftermath of the death of High King Torygg at the hands of Ulfric Stormcloak, through the eyes of Thane Bryling as she struggles to relate to her new jarl, Queen Elisif.
Like Topsy I will share a bit more than one paragraph because the opening is mostly dialogue, and I do what I want. ----------------------------------- "Arkay bless this soul and sanctify its broken vessel!"
Styrr's words were ones that Bryling had heard echo off the walls of the temple courtyard many times before.
"May the light keep it in its warm and soothing embrace!
The pine-pitch smell of the lit torch Styrr held aloft was also familiar.
"May the light cleanse this vessel and let it rest in peace!"
She had often stood shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the Solitude court; sending one of their own off to Sovngarde with honor.
"By the light's holy radiance, let the dead stay dead."
The black banners that shrouded the Imperial sigils of Castle Dour had barely time to develop creases from being stored away.
"May the spirit of Torygg, son of Istlod, join the honored dead in Shor's Hall."
The name of Bryling's liege-lord and shield-brother on Styrr's lips closed Bryling's throat and she struggled to breathe. She could not think of the...thing in the wicker casket on the pyre as Torygg. The casket was too light when she took her position as one of the pallbearers and hefted it upon her shoulder for the final walk she and Torygg would ever take through the streets of Solitude.
A strangled sob interrupted Bryling's thoughts.
Lady Elisif Jarl Elisif, Bryling corrected herself- dressed in the same black gown and veil she had worn for Istlod's funeral not even a year before- was weeping. Wedded, crowned, and widowed within a year. Bryling spared a few moments' pity for Torygg's young bride. It was just as well that Elisif was mourning so loudly - it would not do for one of Torygg's thanes to grieve more openly than his widow, even though she had known him far longer than Elisif. -----------------------------------
Ordior Arma Working title. This fic explores Hadvar of Riverwood's officer training with the Imperial Legion in Cyrodiil. Having never traveled much farther than Whiterun, he finds himself as the only Nord in his officer recruit cohort. This fic is basically my excuse to take out my Roman Empire special interest and roll around in it while also being mean to our special boy Hadvar. ----------------------------------- "Name?"
"Hadvar of Riverwood."
The walls of the Imperial fort of New Urasek rose high above Hadvar's head. For a moment, he was certain the Legionary consulting the list was going to tell him there was some mistake: that his name was not on the roster, that he had been admitted to the Legion by accident, that he had arrived at his assigned training post too late - or too early, that-
"There you are. Give me your orders and writs."
Hadvar handed over the pieces of parchment he had carried for the better part of a year: the orders from the Legion in Cyrodiil telling him where to report for training, and the letter of credit bearing the seals of Whiterun and High King Istlod pledging the funds necessary to see him from recruit to his first assignment.
"Congratulations, Hadvar of Riverwood. I have received word that our request to have one of Whiterun's Legion volunteers receive training as an officer in Cyrodiil has been accepted. My steward found no one who would speak against you, or testify that you have ever been anything but honorable and an asset to Whiterun hold. Therefore, as your jarl, I have selected you to be sent to Cyrodiil to become an officer in the Legion. Do you accept?"
Standing in the Great Hall of Dragonsreach, speaking to the jarl himself, Hadvar had only been able to nod. He had been brimming with pride and excitement, barely able to breathe.
Standing in front of an imposing fortress gate, the spire of the White-Gold tower visible over the battlements, Hadvar felt sick to his stomach. The long miles between the shore of Lake Rumare and Riverwood seemed impossibly vast. ----------------------------------- La★Blue Daedra, or A Takotsubo in the Waters of Oblivion A Sanguine/Hermaeus Mora tentacle sex fic. Yeah. That's it. That's the summary. I've got about 2K of it written, no idea when the consentacle muse will strike again, or if it will. ----------------------------------- With the clear vision provided by hindsight Miraak could see that the trouble began, as it so often did, with a visit from The Spider.
He did not react when a spindly shard of darkness separated from the gloom in a corner of the Footnote where he conducted his research. Delicate clicking, chitinous steps approached him from behind, but not until the soft, cold hand wrapped itself in his hair and forced him to lift his head did he meet Mephala's gaze.
"How diligently you work for my brother," she purred.
"My Lady Webspinner." Miraak carefully dispelled the rune he had been building. "How may I be of service?" Mephala's chelicerae lifted the corners of her mouth in pleasure, and she released his head.
"Your service belongs to my brother, I have no need of you," she said. Her primary eyes were downcast, as if examining the scroll spread out in front of him, but her secondary eyes were watching him intently.
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