#brynjolf x fem!reader
gloomwitchwrites · 5 months
Lavender: Part One
Brynjolf x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): second chances, past relationship, angst, kidnapping, denial of feelings, referenced harassment (non-graphic), suggestive themes
Word Count: 6.2k
Working as a lady's maid to Jarl Laila Law-Giver is supposed to provide you peace and a steady income, but your old life is quickly catching up to you. An old flame comes knocking, bringing you flowers and reminding you of the affection you've missed. Do you keep running? Or do you finally face the future you've always wanted but fear you'll lose again?
Part Two
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The dawn has not yet risen. It is near, but there is still time yet before the sun’s warm glow breaks the horizon. Sunrises in Skyrim are your favorite. It is one of the reasons why you greet the day so early.
From your apron, you withdraw two tiny bundles wrapped in simple beige cloth. It is not much, but it is good to give something to the gods whenever you visit a shrine. Even a simple prayer is a gift, but today you have more than just your voice.
Before you is a Shrine of Talos, located against Riften’s eastern wall. The shrine is slightly secluded and situated in a curved corner near Mistveil Keep and Black-Briar Manor. To your left is a small graveyard that backs up to the Hall of the Dead and the Temple of Mara. Other than an occasional guardsman that walks past, there is no one else around.
It is quiet. Peaceful. Just as it always is at this hour.
Behind the shrine is a statue of Talos himself. He towers over you, helmeted head slightly bent as if he too is in prayer. Trees with golden leaves create a half-circle around the back and sides of the shrine. At your feet, near the stone base, are little flowers springing forth from the ground.
Warmer weather is coming, and they are reaching out to seek it.
Unwrapping one bundle, you gently retrieve three gold coins. From there, you deposit the gold coins into the small silver bowl before the shrine. They clink softly in the subdued dark. The candles surrounding the shrine burn low, their stunted, melted bodies showing their use.
From the other bundle, you carefully remove a small handful of flowers, placing those in the bowl next to the gold coins. Your offerings do not amount to much, but it is all you can spare.
While working at Mistveil Keep for Jarl Laila Law-Giver has given you job security, the pay isn’t nearly as good as you originally believed it to be. Most of what you earn is used to feed, clothe, and house yourself. While Mistveil Keep provides all this, a portion of your earnings is still taken as a small fee to cover those costs. When you first accepted the job, the fee didn’t bother you because that practice is standard across all Jarl residences.
But once you received your first earnings, you realized quickly how little ended up in your hands. You always save just a few gold coins for yourself. The rest is sent away to your ailing mother and cranky aunt who are far from Riften.
Although you have little, you always make the effort to leave offerings at Talos’ shrine. The practice is not for you, but for your father and brothers. They are no longer here, but they all perished as any Nord should, with weapon in hand. That is why you come to the shrine to pray.
You pray that they are happily feasting in Sovngarde. You pray that they at least have each other.
Standing before the shrine, you bring your clasped hands against your chest, head bent just like Talos. Your lips move silently.
When the final word is whispered, you breathe deep, and drop your hands at your sides. Glancing up, you stare at Talos’ face, admiring the craftsmanship of the sculptor’s work. It is then that you notice a change in the air.
A disturbance.
A subtle shift.
It is not the direction of the wind. It is an old sense. Ancient. Prey noticing predator.
You’re being watched.
“You’re not as sneaky as you think you are,” you say, glancing over your shoulder toward the small graveyard.
Brynjolf leans against one of the gravestones.
Even with his hood up and cowl in place, you know the shape of him. You know his body language, and the casualness that comes with it. He’s so relaxed in his leather armor. You remember when he first put that armor on. He wasn’t nearly as muscular then but that was many years ago, and now it fits him like a snug glove. Amongst the public eye, Brynjolf forgoes the armor for more luxurious fare, pretending to be something he isn’t.
But he never hides who he truly is with you.
Slowly, Brynjolf pushes off from the gravestone, strolling over with a swagger that brings a bit of heat to your cheeks.
“That’s because you know my habits, lass,” he replies, a tease in his tone that always flips your stomach.
You turn toward him fully, pushing your wanton anxiousness down until your heart is Skyforged Steel. But Brynjolf keeps walking, clearly intending to leave no space between the two of you. You do not budge from your spot, and he comes to a stop just inches away. Like this, he towers over you, invading your space.
“Why have you interrupted my morning prayer?” you ask, using every ounce of willpower not to touch him.
Brynjolf chuckles softly and the sound of it is a hammer against tempered metal. This man is going to break you down. “Is that what you were doing?”
You playfully shove at him, the instinct to touch him too much for your weak control. Brynjolf snags your wrist right out of the air. Using his grip on your arm, Brynjolf tugs you against him, pinning your wrist to him. Your free hand reflexively rises, pressing against one of the leather straps across his chest.
All you can see are his eyes. They shine like emeralds even in the dark.
“You come here almost every morning,” he murmurs.
“I do,” you snap, regaining some composure. “And you also bother me almost every morning.”
“Is that right, lass?” Brynjolf’s thumb rubs over your pulse point. The pressure sends a little shiver through your body. “Do I bother you?” He adds a bit more pressure and you inhale sharply. Brynjolf leans down like he’s about to kiss you, but he doesn’t lower the cowl. “I think you’re lying.”
You are lying. Brynjolf doesn’t bother you. Never has. The two of you are forever linked by an invisible teether.
You avoid the accusation. “Why are you here?”
Just above the lip of the cowl, you notice the corners of his eyes crinkling. He’s finding this exchange incredibly amusing.
“To give you these.” He releases your hand and takes a step back. With your wrist free, you immediately tuck your hands to your sides, his touch still lingering on your skin.
Reaching behind him, Brynjolf tugs on something and then brings it out in front of him. There are stalks of lavender and bundles of different colored flowers that grow in the mountains grasped in his fist. The bouquet is slightly squished and several of the flowers are missing petals.
“You only ever give me flowers when you want something,” you blurt, immediately regretting not thanking him instead.
Brynjolf doesn’t even blink. Doesn’t seem to mind at all that you haven’t shown gratitude.
“You know what I want,” he says softly. He transfers the flowers to one hand, and then reaches up, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. It is a gentle gesture, one that pushes you toward sweet memories that seems so distant now.
You shake your head. “I can’t.”
He knows why. The two of you have been playing this game for years.
“My family,” you insist. That is always the excuse, and it’s a poor one, because there is so much more beneath the surface.
Brynjolf sighs but it’s not with annoyance. The two of you do this dance every time. It plays out in the same routine.
“I have contacts in Solitude,” says Brynjolf. “I can have them check on your mother.”
“My mother is fine,” you insist.
Brynjolf shifts slightly on his feet. “Do you even know if she’s alive? When did you last visit?”
You hold your head high. “I receive letters.”
“From your mother? Or your aunt?”
All your stubbornness evaporates. Your mouth turns down in a frown and your face falls. Brynjolf steps into your space again, his voice becoming a caress. “Let me help, lass.”
“I’m fine,” you reply. “Been doing well on my own.”
These last few years have entirely been on your shoulders. You’ve carried the family burden, and a Voice that you’ve kept silent since the deaths of your father and brothers.
“Have you?” Brynjolf’s voice is still gentle. He is not a soft man, but with you, he’s different. Always has been.
“Yes,” you answer, still not looking at him.
“How’s the palace? The Jarl?”
“The Jarl is fine.” You glance up at him and Brynjolf arches an eyebrow. “A good employer,” you insist.
“How much are you earning?”
Brynjolf grunts, his upper body retreating slightly. He doesn’t believe you, and you don’t blame him. It really isn’t enough, but you’re not going to admit that to him. Brynjolf used to be part of your life, and no matter how much he tries to fit himself back in, you know you’ll only drag him down if you do.
He holds out the flowers to you. “Take them.”
“Give them to Talos.” You nod in the direction of the shrine.
Brynjolf laughs. “They’re for you, lass.” He bends forward a bit, whispering. “And what would the Heir to the Seat of Sundered Kings do with flowers?”
“I offered him flowers.” You indicate the small bowl next to the shrine.
“So you did, lass.” Brynjolf removes a few of the lavender stalks and tosses them into the bowl. “Talos can have those, but the rest are for you.”
Brynjolf holds the bouquet out in front of him. Reaching for them, Brynjolf’s fingers brush against your own. The contact is liquid fire, flooding through your limbs.
“Thank you. They are lovely.”
Yes, they are slightly smashed and wilted, but it is the thought that counts. Brynjolf went out of his way to pick them and bring them to you even if his motivations for doing so are completely selfish ones.
You just—you can’t let him back in, even though you long for it.
Brynjolf’s fingertips lightly graze the underside of your chin. “Turn around, lass. I need to disappear.”
You giggle, giving him your back, clutching the flowers to your chest. You lean in and inhale, eyelids closing slightly in pleasure.
The wind kicks up, and the grass rustles. You exhale and glance over your shoulder.
Brynjolf is gone.
Jarls are some of the messiest people you’ve ever met.
Perhaps it’s because they have a fleet of people constantly waiting on them. They have no reason to care about what they do because an attendant will swoop in and fix it all. Someone else will always clean up the mess.
Right now, you’re staring at chaos.
There are empty bottles of wine and Black-Briar Reserve scattered everywhere. Amongst the bottles are plates, goblets, and platters. The Jarl’s private balcony is trashed, and you’ve been left to clean it all up on your own.
It’s…fine. The quiet will be nice, and the spring air is cool compared to the heat within Mistveil Keep. You’ve been helping in the kitchens all day, and this is the first time you haven’t felt like you’ve been stuffed inside an oven.
Sighing loudly, you start piling up plates and platters. Anything that still held food is long gone, likely sent back to the kitchen to be quietly distributed amongst staff to reduce waste. Sig, one of the kitchen maids, is always taking scraps to the beggars.
Once the plates and platters are removed, you begin to clear the empty bottles and goblets, washing your hands before returning to sweep. With broom in hand, you survey the private patio.
You turn. Glance up. Stifle a scream.
Between the balcony railing and wood awning crouches a man. One hand grasps the edge of the wood awning while the other holds a bouquet of flowers.
“Brynjolf,” you hiss, quickly resting the broom against the table with the intent to approach him. “What are you doing?”
Brynjolf’s hood is up but his cowl is down, showing off the rest of his handsome face.
“Bringing you a gift,” he says simply, as if that is a perfectly logical thing to do at this exact moment.
The worst part about his sudden appearance is his smile. You adore that smile. It is a teasingly soft thing with just the slightest hint of mischievousness.
“Right now?”
He shrugs, slipping to the floor, unfurling to his full height. “Couldn’t wait.”
“By the Nine, Brynjolf,” you exclaim, raising one arm in exasperation. “Sometimes you are just an insufferable—”
Your next words are snatched from your lungs. It only takes Brynjolf two large strides to intrude into your space. You have nowhere to go, and he is right there, both hands grasping your waist.
“No comment about me wanting something, lass?” he asks with a gentle croon.
That sweet sound melts your bones. “The answer is still no,” but even you don’t believe what you say.
Brynjolf murmurs your name, his head dipping.
“We can’t. We live different lives.” At this point you’re simply making excuses.
“You were almost mine once,” he says, voice a whisper.
“We were children.”
“We were young,” he corrects, lightly squeezing your waist. “But we knew what we wanted.”
You did. He did. And then you didn’t. Everything changed and the only thing you had left in the world was your mother who couldn’t even help herself. And there was no one to help you. Not even Brynjolf.
When you don’t answer, Brynjolf rests his forehead against your own. “What can you give me?”
He asks so sweetly, and the old memories are hard to ignore. They bubble up to the surface only to sink into bone and blood, flooding you with the peacefulness you once knew with him.
You’re going to regret these next words.
“You can have a kiss.”
Brynjolf’s hold on your waist tightens. He draws you in, bodies pressed close. One hand slides slowly up your side, stopping at your throat. Brynjolf’s hand is large enough to cradle the bottom half of your cheek.
Everything in you stutters for a moment, and then Brynjolf is right there, hovering as if unsure of this offering. Maybe it is the emotion on your face or his own need moving him to action, because the distance closes and you suddenly realize just how much you missed this.
Brynjolf’s kiss is all tenderness. He doesn’t smash his mouth against yours or use too much tongue. You are lost in this, opening for him, and he takes it.
His hands fall away only to slide to the backs of your thighs. He lifts, and your arms immediately drape around the back of his neck. He brings you to rest on top of the table.
You promised him one kiss, but giving him more won’t hurt. You can give those to him.
Brynjolf’s hands slide to the tops of your thighs and then downward. With an ardent quickness, Brynjolf pushes your skirts and apron up, exposing your bare thighs to the cool air. You don’t even blink because it’s him.
His kisses deepen. Lengthen. His hands are on your bare thighs, caressing. They move up, and then one hand dips between.
His touch upon your sensitive skin makes you gasp, breaking the kiss.
“Oh, lass,” he groans. “You do miss me.”
He presses in and you moan, his mouth coming down to stifle the sound. With one hand on your upper thigh, Brynjolf drags you to the very edge of the table, slotting himself between your legs.
There is a loud clatter followed by a laugh. You both freeze, slowly easing apart but Brynjolf keeps his hand between your thighs.
You wait a beat before you speak. “You need to go.”
Slowly, achingly so, Brynjolf withdraws from your body. Almost absently, he brings that glossy finger up to his mouth. His gaze remains on the door to the Jarl’s chambers as he sucks it clean.
Only then does he turn to face you.
His face is grim like he doesn’t want to leave you out here alone.
“Go,” you insist, squeezing his upper arm. “Before you’re caught.”
That gorgeous grin of his returns in full force. He steals one more kiss before retreating to the railing. He pulls up the cowl, covering his mouth, and swings one leg over the side. He glances back once before sliding off and disappearing into the dark.
Brynjolf does not come to see you the next day or the next.
You’re not sure if somethings happened, but extended absences are not uncommon for him. You know who he is and what he does, but even you aren’t sure of the specifics. That part of his life is closed off. Only those who walk with him in the Thieves Guild completely understand. There are always the rumors you hear from others, but it doesn’t change your perception of him.
But that is not what worries you. Never has. Brynjolf can take care of himself.
It is the Jarl’s son, Harrald, that concerns you. That cretin of a man has a lingering eye, staring for far too long. The man is wholly arrogant, but he’s smart. Harrald never says anything to you in front of his mother or anyone that might report him for his poor behavior.
Instead, he watches, keeping a close eye on your every step.
His stare is like the slime scraped off the sides of ships. Nasty business, and you don’t want any part in it.
But just as Harrald has a wandering eye, he has wandering hands.
It is why you’re pacing, why you are out in the middle of the night on a walk to clear your head. You stick to the outer wall on the eastern side near Talos’ shrine, walking in one direction and then the other. Pacing and thinking and worrying.
How do you approach this issue? And who can you tell? Who would believe you?
“Need some company?”
You yelp, and whirl around, only for Brynjolf to melt from the shadows.
He chuckles softly. “Didn’t mean to scare ya, lass.” He starts walking in your direction. “But—” Brynjolf freezes. Pauses.
His gaze roams over you before his legs find the will to move again. “What’s wrong?”
Do you look that bad?
You start to reach up toward your hair, but Brynjolf is grasping your hands, bringing them to chest-level, inspecting them. “You’re shaking.”
Is that what this feeling is?
“I’m fine,” you say, but it sounds of drowning.
“You’re not.” Brynjolf’s tone is firm. You’re upset and he wants to fix it.
“It’s nothing,” you whisper.
“Did someone hurt you?” You shake your head. “Say something?”
“No, Bryn.” The little pet name rolls off your tongue uninvited.
Either he doesn’t notice or he doesn’t say anything because Brynjolf continues.
“But you are not fine.” He cups your cheek. “Your face is puffy. And your eyes are red.” He gently squeezes the hand he’s holding. “Your hands are cold. Talk to me.”
You sniffle, only realizing then how stuffy you sound. “I’m probably imagining things. Making a big deal out of nothing.”
“I don’t believe that.” Brynjolf’s words are a comfort. They slide over and around you. If anyone in Riften will believe you, it’s him.
“It’s the Jarl’s son. He—” You pause when you notice the deep frown on Brynjolf’s face.
“Go on,” he prompts.
“He—he touched me. At dinner. Maybe?”
“Touched you?”
You start to draw back, regretting saying anything at all. “It was probably an accident.”
“Which son?” he growls. The anger in his voice surprises you.
Brynjolf’s frown deepens. “No. It wasn’t an accident. Not with him.”
“Bryn. What should I do?” This job is the only thing keeping you afloat. You need this.
The muscles in his jaw tenses. “Steer clear of him if you can. Make sure you’re never alone with him.” He places his hands on your shoulders. “Is there someone there you can trust? Someone who will listen?”
“I think so.”
Anuriel would listen. She might be the Jarl’s steward, but she has a good heart and looks after everyone.
Brynjolf’s hands cradle the sides of your face. “If he touches you again, say something. Understood?”
You nod.
“Good girl.” He kisses the top of your head. “I’ll walk you back.”
“In that?” you laugh, indicating his Thieves Guild armor with a nod of your head.
“From the shadows, lass,” he teases.
“Finally. Didn’t think I’d ever have a moment alone with you.”
The familiar, arrogantly slimy voice sticks to the insides of your ears. You are in the market. You are not alone. And yet Harrald is right there, standing far too close, grinning widely.
You swallow, the salvia in your throat momentarily sticking. “How can I help you?”
Harrald’s grin widens, and he leans in. You immediately lean back. He makes no indication that your retreat bothers him.
“You’ve been making eyes at me.”
I haven’t you rodent.
“I’m sorry. You’re mistaken.”
He laughs. “I’m not.”
You quickly glance around but no one is paying the two of you any mind. “Apologies, sir. But I—”
Harrald shrugs and then waves his hand dismissively. “Hard to get is fine. I’m up for a chase.”
“That’s not—”
“I’ll play.”
“My lord, that is not—”
His voice lowers and some of his smile recedes. “Pretty thing like you needs a bit of taming.”
A shadow falls over Harrald’s face. You sense a presence to your left just behind your shoulder. The fading smile on Harrald’s face evaporates. In its place is a deep frown.
“You’re interrupting,” spits Harrald, head turning in the direction of the intruder.
“She said she isn’t interested.”
Brynjolf. Thank the Nine.
Harrald stands stall, puffing out his chest. It does little for him. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yes,” says Brynjolf flatly. He steps around you, inserting himself between Harrald’s red face and your body.
“I could have you locked up for this!”
“We both have connections,” replies Brynjolf casually. He leans and lowers his voice. “Mine just go a bit deeper.”
Harrald’s reddened face loses all color. He begins to blubber, mouth opening and closing like a fish on a hook. Brynjolf takes a deliberate step forward, completely cutting off Harrald’s connection to you.
The paleness is replaced by redness again.
“You—” begins Harrald, his lip curling. He glances around, and this time there is an audience.
Harrald inhales sharply and turns on his heel, storming back toward Mistveil Keep, shoving a guardsman out of the way as he ascends the steps. Brynjolf doesn’t address you until Harrald has disappeared.
But Brynjolf does not speak. He simply inclines his head in your direction before moving back to his stall. The chatter of the market resumes, and you go about your business.
Harrald leaves you alone the rest of the day, but you remain on edge. The tension sticks around until bed, keeping you awake and alert as if Harrald will appear at any moment.
Sleep eventually comes but you hardly notice when you drift off. But your body knows routine, and you awaken at the time you usually do for morning prayer.
The ground is covered in a low mist and the grass is dew-laced. Head hurting from lack of sleep, you stumble through your routine. And when the air stirs, your alertness sharpens, the thread of excitement rushing through your limbs.
You turn, expecting to find Brynjolf.
You do not find him.
Instead, you find two men. Both are tall. One is thin and lanky with greasy yellow hair. The other is burly and balding with his face all scarred.
The burly man grins, showing missing teeth.
You don’t even see or feel the blow.
It’s just their faces. And then darkness.
“What are we supposed to do with her?”
“He said rough her up a bit. Just avoid the face. He likes that.”
You stare at the grimy stone wall. With the lack of light, you can’t tell if the stone is scorched or simply weathered. Distantly you hear dripping, and faint rattling as if something moves behind the stone. If something does, you don’t want to know.
When you breathe in, a dampness clings to the air, sticking to the insides of your lungs. It’s not exactly foul-smelling wherever you are, but it certainly isn’t pleasant. You are underground, that much you know, and there is only one place in Riften that is entirely beneath the earth.
“She awake?” comes a nasally voice. It’s the one that mentioned he wants you “roughed up.”
“I don’t know.” This is the first voice. It is low and droll.
You’re in the Ratway. You’re certain of it. But where, exactly? The place is large. It is easy to lose yourself in the maze of tunnels.
“Well find out.”
You stay perfectly still as one of the men approaches.
“She ain’t moving.”
Beside you, part of the wall crumbles outward. Slowly, you reach out, fingers finding a solid chunk. Within you, there is a Voice, but you haven’t used it in years, and the power you once wielded is a distant memory.
That is tucked away. You’re not even sure if you remember how to use it or if you might do more harm than good.
“Give her a kick.”
Grip tightening on the broken stone, you turn over and hurl it. The chunky rock nearly collides with the burly, balding man. They both start, faces awash with surprise before anger crosses their faces.
The greasy, yellow haired man’s mouth forms a snarl. He approaches quickly, fists raised. “You—”
But the blow never comes.
His head is there and then it’s not.
It is at your feet. The eyes looking upward, and the mouth shaped into an exaggerated “o.”
The one with his head still on stands there, glancing down at his friend’s unattached head. There is a beat of silence. A pause as his gaze turns to you.
Before either of you can speak or move, a thin blade bursts through the man’s neck.
His eyes go wide, hands reaching up in disbelief. His mouth opens, gasping for air he cannot inhale. The blade slides out. Disappears.
The bloody gurgling increases in volume as he falls face-first into the ground. It tapers off as you push yourself against the gently curving wall. You glance up from the black pool quickly forming beneath him.
In the shadows, something moves in the dark.
You reach for another stone, ready to throw the thing. The moving shadow emerges, and you promptly drop it.
“Brynjolf,” you breathe.
“Lass.” He reaches for you, and you throw yourself into his arms.
“Are you hurt?” he asks, hands roaming as he inspects you.
You take stalk of yourself. Nothing hurts expect a faint throb at the side of your head. “I think I’m all right.”
Brynjolf wraps his arms around you, and you melt into him, clinging so tight the buckles across his chest dig against your skin.
“Take me away from here, Bryn.”
“You can’t expect me to stay here.”
When you told Brynjolf to take you away, you meant above ground, not to Thieves Guild headquarters.
A Guild member strolls by and Brynjolf grabs your arm, pulling you further into the dark. “Mercer isn’t all that inclined in letting you go.”
The two of you stand nearly toe-to-toe in one of the alcoves surrounding the cistern. It’s not well-lit, and your voices are hushed, but this is a conversation between the two of you. No one else needs to take part.
“Why?” you hiss, already knowing.
“He thinks you’ll compromise us,” replies Brynjolf calmly, but you hear the subtle tension. Even he doesn’t entirely believe what he’s saying.
“Everyone already knows the Thieves Guild operates out of the Ratway,” you insist. “They already know you’re down here. How will I change anything?”
Brynjolf glances over your shoulder and you follow his gaze. Mercer Frey stands in the middle of the cistern with two others. One is a woman with white hair and a permanent scowl. The other is a man who keeps glancing at the scowling woman with a soft smirk.
Brynjolf sighs, his head dipping slightly. “Yes, lass. But where? They don’t know and they don’t dare come looking. Not with Maven in their way.”
You scoff. “And you trust her?”
“As long as money is involved.”
You shake your head and look away to a spot over his shoulder. Discovery of where the Thieves Guild is located isn’t the point. Mercer intends to trap you here. Either you stay down here with all of them, or potentially put your life at risk.
Brynjolf lowers his voice. “Mercer won’t harm you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” Because it’s true. Brynjolf would intercede if it came to that. The issue is with not being allowed to go.
“I’m not a prisoner,” you finish, returning your gaze to Brynjolf’s face.
“You aren’t.”
“But I can’t go.”
Brynjolf laughs softly and it’s a lovely sound. “You want to run from me that badly?” he teases.
“Be serious,” you hiss.
“I am,” his tone shifting. Brynjolf moves closer, shielding you from the cistern. “You keep running and it has gotten you nowhere.”
“Don’t,” you begin but Brynjolf isn’t having it.
He leans in, placing both hands against the stone wall behind you. You’re trapped. Pinned. Wherever you look, wherever you turn, it will only be him.
“You’re running from yourself. From your family. From me.”
“Brynjolf,” you warn, but he ignores it.
“You say you don’t want me but we both know that’s a lie.”
You huff and attempt to dip under his arm. He moves with you, keeping you in place. Shooting him a warning look does nothing.
“Listen to me, lass,” he murmurs. “You don’t shy away from my touch. You always give me soft smiles. Kind words. Kisses.” It is then that his gaze drops to your mouth. There is clear appreciation in that look, and it instantly stirs a heat in your core.
“We almost married once.” His tone softens, and then Brynjolf’s gaze returns to your eyes. “It did not happen. But I still consider you my only option.”
You fall into memory, of the times before, of when Brynjolf meant everything to you, and your family was whole. A time when you wielded a Voice so powerful it scared you, but you knew it meant you were destined for greater things.
How quickly things change.
How quickly they fall apart.
“Don’t say that,” you murmur, shaking your head.
“Why? Can I not speak freely with you?”
“Of course you can, Bryn.”
“Then that is how I feel.”
You cross your arms over your chest, retreating slightly. Years have passed and the two of you have not faced this. Is it fate that led you to Riften? You knew Brynjolf was here, but that is because of his involvement with the Thieves Guild. Maybe you should attempt to rekindle what the two of you shared—what you still share.
There is still love there. It does not fester or wither.
It is loud and bold beneath the skin. It simmers. Lingers. Waiting for the two of you to finally find each other again. Every time you see Brynjolf, it warms you all over. You feel safe, and you silently hate it when he leaves.
“If you truly do not want me, say so,” he murmurs. “Plainly and firmly. Tell me there is no chance for the two of us to be together.”
Your gaze settles at his throat. It is the only place you can look. If you look into his eyes, if you see those emerald pools, you will drown in him.
“Look me in the eyes when you reject me.”
This makes you start, gaze snapping to attention, finding those green gems you’d know anywhere. And you are lost. Completely. You stare at him, the tension increasing until it’s a knife through the heart.
You drop your gaze. Shake your head. “That isn’t fair.”
It’s not a rejection and Brynjolf’s sigh of relief is palpable. It would be unfair to say you don’t love or want him. Because you do. You’re just—
Brynjolf leans against the wall with one arm, dropping the other. Using that leverage, he creates an intimate space, faces close enough to come together but not meeting.
“Everything you need will be provided for if that is what you worry about. I promise you,” says Brynjolf. Casually, the backs of his knuckles brush against your upper arm. “Money will be sent to your mother. I’ve already been looking after her care.”
You blink, startled. “What do you mean?”
Brynjolf shrugs. “You think your measly earnings for the Jarl are enough?”
Your mouth opens and then closes, your mind trying to process this information. “How long has this been going on?”
Brynjolf remains quiet.
“Tell me,” you insist, lightly beating your fist against his chest.
“I’ve been sending money for many seasons.”
“Since when?”
“You know,” he says simply.
The whole reason you broke it off with Brynjolf all those years ago was because of your mother’s health and the death of your father and brothers. All that income disappeared, and you were the only person available to keep you and your mother afloat. Maybe if you had married Brynjolf, money wouldn’t have been an issue, but you didn’t want to drag him down with you. The threat of the streets was constant, and all your hopes for the future suddenly vanished.
And he’s been sending money all this time?
“You didn’t have to. Brynjolf—you shouldn’t—”
Brynjolf starts shaking his head. He pushes off from the wall, face stern. He glances back at the cistern and then returns his gaze to you. “Come with me.”
Brynjolf grabs your upper arm and pulls you away from the wall. A small part of you tells you to stick your heels in and resist because it’s all you know. But you allow him to guide you away into what must be some sort of training room.
“You didn’t need to send anything. I have it handled.”
Brynjolf has his back to you, hands on his hips. He sighs audibly and speaks. “I wanted to. Want to.”
He turns, one hand up to ask for silence. “We were to be married.” He drops it, that hand forming a fist at his side. “That didn’t just disappear for me.”
You can’t fault him for caring. It was you that severed the connection, who walked away from a good man that loved you beyond care for himself. Even now, he looks after what’s left of your family.
“Do you remember how happy we were?” he asks.
“All the time,” you reply, voice cracking slightly.
Brynjolf moves toward you, and without thought, you extend your hand to him. He takes it, pulling you into his arms, inhaling deeply of your scent.
“I’d choose you every time,” he says, pressing his lips to the top of your head. “I’d bring you a priestess of Mara. Bind ourselves to each other. Give you anything you ask for.”
Brynjolf pulls back enough to change his position. With one hand, he cups your cheek, and draws you in. “You’ll never have to work.” He hesitates, then closes the distance. The kiss he offers is sweet. Gentle. “Never worry.” Another kiss, this one tinged with a spark of fire. “I would provide.” This next kiss is deep, all need and passion. You open for him and Brynjolf groans into your mouth.
When the two of you break apart for air, his thumb begins caressing your cheek. “You know I speak truly.”
“What would I do here?”
“Whatever you want,” shrugs Brynjolf. “Could even teach you our ways.”
“I’m not becoming a member.”
Brynjolf’s smile is infectious. You can’t help but match it. “If you marry me, you do by default.” He lowers his voice. “And you know where we live.”
“Is this your way of forcing my hand?”
Brynjolf laughs. “If I was going to force you, lass, I’d have done it already.”
It’s true. Brynjolf has had years to make you his without your input. But he has always given you space. Given you time. And you do love him. You do long for the times the two of you shared together before you pulled away.
Perhaps it is time to accept, to know that his support is there and so deeply wanted on your part.
“You’ll fetch a priestess of Mara?” you ask softly.
“Right now,” he answers immediately. “If that is what you wish.”
You see the hope in his eyes, feel the anticipation in his muscles. All these years, and still you are so enamored with him, and he with you.
“You did ruin my job with the Jarl.”
“Me?” he laughs, pulling you tighter into his arms. The two of you stay like this, just embracing.
After a long moment, he finally speaks. “Is this a yes, lass?”
You take a deep breath and snuggle closer into him. “It’s a yes.”
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @singleteapot @tiredmetalenthusiast @childofyuggoth
@miaraei @miss-mistinguett @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath @ninman82
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missternarrator · 3 years
Entwined Paths
Fem!Reader!Dragonborn x Brynjolf (can be found on Wattpad “Entwined Paths” by my account Mrs. Narrator. LMK if you guys want to read more!)
My throat felt like sandpaper, as I broke through the barrier. I gasped for air and frantically clawed at the rock walls, "Gah!" I choked out some water, its almost as if my Armour was trying to drag me back down. "(Y/n)!" Karliah's voice bounced off the small entrances walls, she knelt down and reached for me. I pulled myself along the side and grabbed her hand, "By the eight- I didn't think I would make it." Water rose fast during our fight with Mercer Frey, hell our victory was short lived as the water began to rise above our knees. There was no way out down there and at that point we all had to escape through the roof entrance...
"Brynjolf?!" I drug myself onto the mud, turning on my back and looking to the water filled hole. Water began to splash onto my boots as it continued to rise. Karliah's hand fell atop my shoulder, "We should go-" "-No," I took off my hood and mask, letting it hang lazily to the side of my face, "BRYNJOLF!" Almost in response to my calls, his face came up and we could hear him gasp for air, only choking as water filled his mask. I reached in and grabbed the shoulder of his Nightingale Armour,  pulling hard in order to bring him to shore. He was so heavy, I assumed it was from all the water. Karliah dropped down and tried taking off his mask but stopped, "Did you-?!"  That's when I looked to his side and noticed he was holding onto something, SOMEONE. I let go of him as he dug his hand into the soil, "Trying to kill yourself?!" Brynjolf threw Mercers lifeless corpse onto the ground next to me, pushing his mask out of the way, "I couldn't just..." he caught his breath, "just... leave him there..." My heart pounded as I got to my feet, taking another look at Mercer, his eyes laid peacefully closed and part of me forgot the evil that once stared at me.
"He deserved death but not a watery grave," he looked up at us, eyes squinting from the dim light, "Mercer was a brother once, and I'll be damned if I let a dwarven ruin hold him." My eyes softened as I looked to Brynjolf, he was right. While yes the man tried to kill me and the others, he wasn't always this way. Maybe this was his way of coping, Mercer was his best friend and guild master before all of this. I sighed and held out my hand, he took it and stood up, eyes not leaving mine, "Lass.. I am sorry if you don't understand but-"
"-I request we give him to Nocturnal."
Karliahs voice interrupted him and we both looked to her, she crossed her arms, "I hate you brought him back up, we should've left his soul to drown for eternity." He did kill Gallus, her lover, after all. I found myself feeling conflicted, there was nothing more in me that wanted to kick him back into the ruins he wished to leave us in, but he also had a point. Yet there is no use burring someone in the name of their former self, "May not be a watery grave but I feel Nocturnal would give enough punishment to his body as she already has on his soul." His hand dropped from mine as I continued, "It's the least we could do Brynjolf, seeing as how you already brought him up." His bright green eyes dropped to the corpse that laid between us, water now played with his hair, "Fine." "Well," I pursed my lips, "on a brighter note..." They watched with brows raised as I dug into the large pouch on my side, "At least we got something to bring back to the guild if not Mercer~" Two large opal-like jewels laid in my hand as I took them out, "You didn't," Karliah covered her mouth almost to hold back a laugh, "oh god-" I chuckled and held both of them out, "Don't be shy now, Gallus would've wanted us to at least gawk before handing them over to Delvin." Brynjolf smiled softly and took one of them in his hands, "Eye of the Falmer..." _________________________________ "It's quite an interesting tale... really," I folded my arms as a dark elf walked next to me, "but maybe not one for right now." He nodded, "I should've known this is where the Dragonborn was holed up." I looked away from the shelves behind my desk, "Hm?" "I mean-" Elwin nervously smiled, "-people have been asking. Riverwood Trader gained business because people heard you stopped by but suddenly you vanished."
Damn... it didn't feel like long but it's actually been months since Mercers death. All this time I have been stuck in the Cairn trying to handle guild business and cleaning up his mess. It's taken my time from adventuring and the sun.
Part of me felt like the sudden realization was his fault. I kind of regretted taking over Runes training but I wanted to be hands on with the Guild. The new recruits needed to see their Guildmaster at work and know that I was involved. Mercer was distant so not only was he stealing from the vault but any new recruit they brought in with him weren't too honest with their findings. Nothing was going to pass me. My stomach felt sick, it really has been months since I have been up top hasn't it?
"Rune- ah," I rubbed the back of my neck, "Show him to his bed and chest." The man nodded from his seat and ran over, long brown hair swaying over his shoulders, "Of course m'lady." "So formal," I pat his arm and smiled. Rune smiled, "I only learned from the best." I felt redness crawl over my face as he reminded me, back when I first joined I got so nervous speaking to Mercer I accidentally called him 'sir'. It wouldn't have been so embarrassing if it wasn't in front of the entire guild, and I audibly made a squeak. Yea... my early Dragonborn days weren't so intimidating. Am I intimidating? ____ I stepped into Whiteruns tavern, The Bannered Mare, and stepped up to the bar. "What have you got for sale?" "Food for the hungry," she looked up at me from the mug, "drink for the-" her eyes widened, "(L/n)..." I raised a brow but was suddenly deafened by silence, the bards music coming to a hault and the chatter dropping. Looking to my left, I noticed Lydia... my housecarl. "My lady," she looked over to the people and back to me, "everybody has been eager of your return from the Grey Beards." ____
I actually hoped that maybe people weren't so intimidated anymore. Then maybe my visits in town would be a bit quieter. I found nothing wrong with questions but causing a scene every time? Not a fan... One thing I did miss was the adventure. Maybe I could do a job... I should speak to Delvin. "Lass," my attention was brought up from my thoughts, "looks like you could use a drink." I smiled at the green eyes that peered at me, "Brynjolf~" Red peppered his cheeks, "you already look like you've indulged." He shook his head, "It feels like a celebration is in order. The Thieves Guild is thriving and we have Nocturnal at our sides." I sat down on one of the beds and he took a spot next to me, "Celebration... Yes but maybe not in the Ragged Flagon." "Where?" he rubbed his face, it looked as if he has been 'celebrating' since early noon. I crossed my arms, "You are in no shape to go. Not today. Lets set out tomorrow morning for some celebration." "Ah, women... can't be satisfied with a simple bit of mead~" I rolled my eyes knowing he was only joking, "Off to bed with you. Or I'll make sure to share that comment with Vex." Brynjolfs eyes slightly widened, "Ah.. yes we wouldn't want that." Vex has grown quite haughty towards Delvin so both of us knew she wouldn't hesitate to take Bryns joke seriously. The womans a little uptight but she is a great theif. I got up and began to step away, "Lass?" "Yes?" turning back I noticed he has begun to follow me, "You alright?" "Of course," I continued to pass our statue to Nocturnal and went to one of the free beds. A few of the members wished me goodnight as we all began to turn in. I guess at this point, me not seeing the daylight was my fault. Since I have became Guildmaster, Maven Black-Briar has given me ownership of Mercers home. I have yet to make it mine or even really take a good look at it since I broke in last time. Months stuck in constant work but it felt like some sort of stability, I loved it at first but now that I was taking a moment to really think about it...
Laying down, I looked and noticed that my dominant hands fingers were stained in ink, this was a new low for me.  It was something Niruin said to me a month ago, "Might as well attach a bucket to your desk." Since then I have found myself being self conscious on how long I stay behind and work on damaged business ledgers, instead I will go for a walk and help others in our training room. Last thing I wanted was for the guild to think of me as a desk warmer, I wanted to be involved. I'll have to start participating in actual jobs, show these new comers who is boss. Maybe stability was the opposite of what I wanted. Turning to my side, I could see others asleep... Brynjolf was a few beds away. Nothing was predictable with that man, last thing I thought he would do was bring up Mercers corpse with us. Something in me loved that about him. Loved? I chuckled to myself, yes loved. He was my best friend in this place and was the only one who REALLY took the time to know me. Especially when he hand picked me out of the many in town square. I only had a few friends in Skyrim, they seemed to be the only ones that didn't mention my Dragonborn status any given opportunity.
My heart raced just thinking about my loved ones, none biological but all family. How was I supposed to go to sleep thinking about them? I turned to my other side, Ralof, Lydia, Madesi, Arneir, even Paarthernax. God, the old dragon that was lonely and wouldn't want to do anything but talk all day. I wasn't complaining, before the Thieves Guild took up my time, I would take the 7,000+ steps to meditate on words with him. _______________ "Dovahkiin," his hot breath, smelt like old stockings might I add, fanned over my cold face as the wind whipped around us, "which word would you like to meditate on today?" I rolled my eyes and reached up, my hand stroking alongside of his large scales. Some were chipped and cracked, cold from the climate up here... I felt bad that he wasn't comfortable leaving the mountain. "No meditating today~" he puffed out as I continued to pet the side of his face, "Just wanted to visit." ________________
I would have loved to take Paarthurnax to the small mountains outside Solitude and Markarth... My eyes drifted shut at the thought of my old friend. Maybe that would be my "adventure" tomorrow... It would be a little hard of a trip on Brynjolf though. There were plenty of potion ingredients in the Cairn, maybe I could brew some stamina potions for him. With that, even my eternal voice died out as sleep overtook me.
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smutty-skyrim · 4 years
Keeping Quiet || Brynjolf X Reader
Pairing: Brynjolf x Fem!Reader
Contains: Public Sex, Mild Dirty Talk
Your heart slams against your ribs as you tear through the empty Riften streets. The cobblestone road before you is lit by the full moons looming overhead. A sack of gold jingles at your hip with each step.
Your lungs burn and your legs ache. Pinpricks of sweat dot your forehead, chilling your skin in the cool night air.
You glance over your shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of your partner, Brynjolf. With any luck he hasn't been snagged by the authorities yet. Of course, the smooth talker could surely work his way out without a hitch. Still, too much risk for your taste. Even if that is a thief's way.
You spot the man close behind, copper hair covered by his dark hood. No guards are in sight.
A smile tugs at your lips. You might actually get away with this.
You bound over a rusted metal gate. It rattles behind you as Brynjolf makes the hurtle. Just a little further and you'll be at the back entrance to the Thieves Guild and away from prying eyes.
The dewdrop covered grass of the cemetery muffles the sound of your boots. You rush past the worn, crooked headstones and into the small mausoleum. You only notice Brynjolf's arrival behind you by the shadow looming across the floor.
You press the weathered button on the sarcophagus. With the harsh sound of stone against stone, the floor opens and gives way to a familiar staircase.
A firm hand on your lower back guides you down the steps.
"Gotta love those close calls, eh, lass?" Brynjolf's hushed voice wears a chuckle. Through the shadow of his hood you see a twinkle in his emerald eyes.
"You're saying that like I had some part in this." You reply with a whisper.
"Oh? Where else do you suggest we put that blame?"
"On the guy who slapped my ass while I was trying to pick a lock." You stifle a laugh.
"Ah, but you're the one who made that precious little sound."
"You mean the yelp that got us busted?" You smirk and pull the weathered chain hanging from the wall. With a groan the ceiling above you begins to slide shut.
"That would be the one." He gives a devilish smile - the last thing you see before the entrance is closed and the alcove is submerged in darkness. "We both know you're not the best at keeping quiet."
Your face flushes. You blindly reach out in the black to smack his arm. The back of your hand slaps off leather. "I'm quiet!"
"Aye, which is why we almost always get busted when we try to have fun in-"
"The training room is just echoey!" You reply, obstinate. "That's on the room. I'm perfectly inconspicuous."
Brynjolf leans in close. His nose brushes your temple and his breath is hot on your ear. "You sound mighty confident in yourself, lass. Care to put that to the test?"
Your breath catches in your throat. "What are you suggesting?"
"A challenge of sorts." He purrs as his hand catches yours. He places a kiss by your ear and another beneath it. "What do you say?"
"What are the stakes?"
"Simple: if you lose, we get caught." His other hand finds your face. A thumb brushes your lips. Using his fingertips as a guide, his mouth finds its way to yours. His lips gently press against yours, lingering for only a moment.
"And if I win?" You ask through uneven breaths.
"Isn't this a victory enough?" He catches your lower lip between his. His hand slips from your cheek to your waist where he pulls you flush against his body. He guides you backwards, step by step, until your back is pressed to the cold stone wall. His chest is warm against you, igniting the heat in your stomach.
He trails his lips back to your ear where he nibbles on the lobe. You choke back a giggle as feather light kisses tickle their way down your neck.
You reach your free hand out. Your fingertips find his thigh and slowly trace upwards, dipping in toward his groin as they travel.
He deftly snatches your wrist and pins both of your hands to the wall above your head. Your arms are stretched, and you find yourself feeling vulnerable in his grasp.
"Not so fast there, love. I'm the one who issued the challenge. Which means I'm the one calling the shots." He says.
You whine under your breath. You arch your back and press against him. His length is pressed hard against your stomach through his leather pants.
He shifts his hands, taking both of yours in one of his and holding them tight against the wall. His free hand begins to wander. Fingers comb through your hair and trail gently down your neck. They run along your collarbone before slipping to your breasts.
He takes one in his hand through your cuirass. He sighs, squeezing  and palming at an exploratory pace. He finds the movements that earn delighted gasps and keeps with them. Your face is flushed as he rubs your pert nipple through the leather. The sensation - though muted - sets a fire alight between your legs. The buffer of the fabric only makes you long for more.
His hand travels down along your stomach. He traces the waistband of your pants, chuckling as you squirm beneath his touch. Inquisitive fingers slip beneath and head to your clit.
He rubs small, gentle circles. The motions are slow and methodical. He listens for when your breath catches, judging his pace carefully.
He places a kiss on your lips. You part them, allowing his tongue to graze yours. You move with each other, each gesture building the heat.
You buck against his hand.
He picks up speed, pressing firmer against your sensitive clit.
A moan bubbles out, stifled by the kiss.
He pulls back. "Careful, lass. Don't want to get caught in any compromising positions."
You pout - something lost to the dark surrounding you.
He applies more pressure to your clit. The movements grow faster. His fingers become slick with your fluids. You writhe against his hand, desperate for more friction.
The tension between your hips builds. With hitching breath you spread your legs further.
Closer you climb. Pleasured sighs escape your lips.
"You make the sweetest sounds." Brynjolf whispers as he leans against you, hard cock pressed to your hip. "I wonder if they'll hear you cum for me."
You shake your head and stifle a giggle. They won't hear a thing. If someone comes up the exit they'll be met with dark and silence. You'll be composed as ever. You'll keep your ecstasy fluttering between your ribs, hidden from the others. Brynjolf won't get the better of you.
He pauses, pulling his fingers back and letting the still air around your swollen clit taunt you.
"Please," you whimper, "please, I'm so close."
"Ah, but I'm just getting started." He replies, honeyed voice low.
He releases your wrists and grabs hold of your pants. He yanks them down and they drop to your ankles.
"Bryn, what if someone-"
You're cut off by his lips crashing against yours. You hear his hands fumbling with the fastenings of his pants.
He grabs your legs and hoists them around his hips. His head rests at your entrance.
He breaks the kiss and returns the attention to your ear, kissing behind it and nibbling the cartilage. You each for him tangling one hand in his hair and bracing the other on his broad chest.
Slowly he pushes into you. It's done with ease. You're wet from the foreplay and your skin prickles with anticipation. His fingertips dig into your thighs.
He thrusts at an agonizing pace, taking his time and never quite reaching the hilt. He keeps his hips away from yours, keeping the noise to a minimum. Instead of the slapping of skin you hear the wet sounds of your cunt, and his deep, uneven breaths.
With each roll of hips hips, pleasure seeps through you. Your clit aches, desperate for more stimulation. It's jostled slightly as he thrusts, but it's not enough. His skin is so close, yet so far as he fucks you.
He steadily gains speed.
You try and listen past the slick sounds and to the noise of the cistern rising up from the hole in the floor nearby. You can't hear much, just faint murmuring. You hope nobody is coming, but you can't be sure. That fact alone sends a rush of warmth through your body.
"What would they think if they caught us?" Brynjolf's voice is hushed and ragged. "With how fast word travels in the guild...." His grip tightens. "The looks we'd get in the Flagon..."
He thrusts and his cock brushes a sensitive spot. It makes your toes curl. His name threatens to spill from your lips. You bite your cheeks to silence it.
His hips snap against yours. You squeak out a whine. Your face burns.
He repeats the motion. You push back against him. The small alcove is filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Your ear is caught by an indistinct voice nearby. You only catch a couple of words: "... out for a bit..."
Your heart stops.
Brynjolf doesn't.
The thought of getting caught with him between your legs sends a spasm through your pussy. He groans. His pace verges on erratic.
Niruin can be heard from below, closer: "Try making a request before I'm heading out the door next time, would you, Rune?"
You're running out of time. He'll be at the ladder any moment, and you'll be rushing to hide your shame. You'll be fumbling to pull your pants up and brush your hair into place, but nothing will hide your frazzled face in the moonlight.
Brynjolf's hips crash into yours.
The noise. The risk. The sensation.
You bury your face in his chest as the knot releases. Waves of pleasure wash over you. You cum around his length, fluids seeping down his shaft. His motions never slow as your legs squeeze tight around him.
A hand clamps over your mouth. His name devolves into a moan - a sound that sends him over the edge. He groans, thrusting deeper, shameless in the sound your hips name. He fills you, sticky semen pumping into you.
He lingers with his hips pressed flush to yours. There are hot puffs of air against your neck as he pants.
"Well done, lass." He says. He removes his hand from your mouth and lowers your feet to the floor. You regain your balance on wobbly legs. You are suddenly acutely aware of how your limbs are trembling.
He pulls up your pants. You feel his cum leak into your panties as he fastens the button.
You only notice Niruin's approach when the wood planks covering the hole in the floor are removed. A dim light floods the area.
The elf pokes his head up and greets you.
"Oh! (Y/N). Brynjolf. See you two made it back alright." His eyes linger on your face, then shift to your partner's.
"Careful out there tonight. Seems we might have riled up the guards a bit." Brynjolf replies with forced nonchalance.
Niruin gives a chuckle - one far too knowing for your taste - and pulls the chain on the wall. "Riled up, is it?"
You narrow your eyes, staring daggers at Brynjolf. The man replies with a smirk and a halfhearted shrug.
"I'm sure I'll be just fine." Niruin says, heading up the stairs as the pathway opens before him. "You two, have fun..."
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haziebat · 4 years
Moving Mountains | Skyrim x Fem!Reader | Information
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CONTAINS:Profanity, graphic depictions of violence, alcohol. Other tags may be added as series progresses. All tags will be on relevant chapters. 
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A U T H O R ‘ S  N O T E
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Hey! I'm Hazie, and I decided to write an interactive Skyrim reader insert as an exercise in masochism.
Moving Mountains began as a writing project that I realized would be a lot more fun as a reader governed adventure. This story is going to be a mix of original and game content, as you explore the land of Skyrim and learn the truth about your identity and past. 
I broke everything into bullet points to make it less awful on the eyes.
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H O W  I T  W O R K S
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✶ This story has general plot points and ideas, but the course your adventure takes is going to be controlled by reader votes. 
✶ At the end of every chapter I will ask a couple questions. All of them are relevant, even if they don't seem it. They will determine the paths you take, decisions you make, factions you join, romances you build, and your personality.
✶ You will have five days to answer the polls. The closing date will be marked at the bottom of the chapter. Any votes put in after that closing date will not be counted.
✶ I will be taking votes from here, Tumblr, Wattpad and AO3 because I have a crossposting problem and want to get the most in depth results I can. If you see this posted on any of those sites under this username, it's me.
✶ I'll be running a save alongside the fic, mostly to keep track of your location on the map and your progress in main quests. Most aspects of this story will be highly fictionalized and embellished.
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✶ The protagonist is going to use "she/her" pronouns, and you're probably going to get called "Lass" more times than you'd ever want to be. I need to set that expectation from the start.
✶ Your race is determined by a poll at the end of the first chapter. I am only using non-human races like mer and beast races so I don't alienate anyone by locking your appearance into a human race. I figured it would be easier to make it so nobody looks like themselves!
✶ Your skills are based on what talents you choose to practice and utilize throughout the story. If readers choose to spend time casting spells and buying tomes, then you will naturally become more proficient in magic. If you vote to be stabby, you're gonna get real good at stabbing. Feel free to train up new skills! There's always room to learn.
✶ The way you respond to certain questions will determine the way your personality is shaped. You can develop into a quippy, carefree wanderer sort, or the dark brooding mercenary. Or maybe the quippy, carefree mercenary! I'm not here to limit you.
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F R I E N D S &  R O M A N C E
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✶ The choices you make will help you build friendships and romances. Spending time with characters and making decisions they like will increase your affinity with them. 
✶ Much like in the game you can have companions/followers. In the story, these can be actual in game followers, or characters you can't usually travel with! This means if you play your cards right, you can explore Solstheim with Brynjolf or befriend Nazeem and lure him to the farthest reaches of Winterhold and, y'know, just leave him there.
✶ You can have up to three humanoid companions at a time, and three monster/beast companions including your horse. Be careful, though! They might not all get along.
✶ Any humanoid character over the age of 18 can be a viable romance option if you put in the effort. Some will be more difficult than others! Certain characters might be flirty from the start, and other characters could take several chapters to start warming up to you. It all depends on who they are and who you are.
✶ You can have a monogomous relationship if you want, but I won't stop you from having multiple love interests or a harem/reverse harem if it leads there, 
✶ If enough people are sick of someone's shit I will hold a poll to determine whether or not you should break up. 
╭━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╮
╰━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━✶━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━╯
✶ (Y/N) - Your Name
✶ (F/N) - First Name
✶ (L/N) - Last Name
NEXT CHAPTER: One - Certainties Like Death
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
Lavender: Part Two
Brynjolf x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), oral sex (female receiving), breeding undertones, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 2.6k
After accepting Brynjolf’s marriage proposal, the two of you receive some long-awaited alone time since binding yourselves together under Mara’s eye.
Part One
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // spring 2024 masterlist
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A strong breeze kicks up, rattling the side of the small cabin. A fire burns in the hearth, warm and strong, filling the space with light. The sun is all but gone. Your belly is full. And for once, you aren’t afraid. You are not stressed. There is no impending doom or subtle tension.
Tightening the wool blanket around your shoulders, you gaze into the fire, reflecting on the last few weeks. When you finally accepted Brynjolf’s proposal, he went to the Temple of Mara, and fetched a priestess like he said he would. The two of you bound yourselves together in matrimony.
Then it was done. Over. And your new life began.
The moment you sealed yourself to Brynjolf, the entire atmosphere changed within the Thieves Guild. They dropped their cold demeanors, greeting you with warm smiles and congratulations. The only member who didn’t seem to change at all was Vex, her icy exterior retaining a firm hold. At first, you believed she didn’t like you, but then you quickly realized that she’s sour with almost everyone.
You were not allowed to leave the cistern unless chaperoned, and while that bothered you at the time, you grew used to the routine. Brynjolf never waived in communicating how your mother and aunt fared in Solitude. He made sure to hand over any letters or pieces of communication, and whenever you longed to leave the cistern, Brynjolf would bring you with him to the market.
But all things end, and when Mercer Frey offered up a small retreat for you and Brynjolf to escape to for a bit, the two of you snatched it up without question. In Thieves Guild headquarters, there is nowhere private, and while you and Brynjolf tried to find a bit of quiet, it was ultimately difficult.
Every time you or Brynjolf tried to initiate anything, someone would appear as if sensing the intimacy.
Now, the two of you are alone. Truly alone.
Not simply as friends or lovers, but as husband and wife.
Brynjolf’s hushed and husky voice drifts over to you. Turning away from the fire, you find him reclined on the bed. He is entirely bare except for a fur blanket covering his groin. The light from the fire casts a warm glow across his skin. Brynjolf bends one knee and lightly taps the bed beside him.
“Come to bed,” he croons, and your legs move without question. It is instinct to do so.
Approaching the side of the bed, your drop the blanket, revealing a thin shift. The chill air instantly pebbles your nipples and Brynjolf’s gaze drops to your breasts. It is a heated look, one that instantly pulls a slickness from your core.
Slowly, you lift your leg, planting one knee on the bed. Leaning forward, you place both hands on the soft bedding, and then lift your other leg. Brynjolf’s emerald eyes flash, his chest expanding and deflating quickly, nostrils flaring. With deliberate slowness, you slide over to him, keeping your gaze glued to his face. Brynjolf watches you the entire time. There is hunger lingering in the depths of his stare.
When you come to rest against his right side, Brynjolf reaches out, cupping your cheek with one hand. He doesn’t say anything. Simply touches. Caresses. Observers. The middle of his brow creases slightly and then softens. That kissable mouth of his turns upward, and there is so much love there it momentarily zaps your autonomy from you.
You would give Brynjolf anything in this moment.
“Do you remember the first time?” he asks.
“The first time?” you reply hesitantly, not sure you understand.
Brynjolf laughs softly. “You know.”
Your cheeks heat, sudden realization dawning. “Oh. Yes.”
Dropping his hand from your cheek, Brynjolf leans back into the bedding. “I was nervous. Excited.” He chuckles. “Couldn’t stay hard.”
“Or inside me,” you add with a smirk.
Brynjolf laughs, the sound of it sweet. “Aye. What a mess I was.”
“Are you telling me you’re nervous, husband?” you tease, placing one hand on his bare chest. He is warm beneath your palm, and you cannot help yourself. You stroke slowly, savoring his heat.
“Hardly,” he replies, his own hand grasping yours. Brynjolf brings your palm up to his lips to place a gentle kiss there. “I’ll be better.”
Brynjolf’s amused grin widens as your teasing tone. One moment you’re reclining beside him and the next you’re on your back.
“Bryn!” you exclaim, but he has you pinned.
“If we married when he did,” he murmurs. “We’d have ourselves an army by now.”
You gasp and smack his chest. With how much space you have, the strike is weak, but it’s not meant to hurt.
“Don’t like the truth, lass?” he croons, head dipping slightly as if to kiss you.
“You’re terrible,” you reply, smiling.
Brynjolf grins. “You take that back.”
“Make me.”
The words leave your mouth and you cannot snatch them out of the air. You cannot shove them back down your throat.
Brynjolf’s grin grows wider, and you know in this moment that you’ve lost.
His mouth comes down on yours with a fierceness that steals all breath. It is suffocating. Intense. And so different from all the kisses you’ve ever received before, even from him. His large hands roam over the thin shift until your skin is buzzing, as if bees have made a home there. When he retreats it is agony, a staunch shattering that longs to be repaired.
“We have years to catch up on,” he murmurs against your lips, tongue darting out to tease.
“Then we best get started,” you reply, just as softly.
Brynjolf groans and comes back for more. It is sweet like an apple tart with extra sugar. Brynjolf will rot your teeth at this rate, but you’d hardly care even if he did.
His hands slip under the thin shift, bunching the fabric around your hips. The fur blanket that covers his cock is gone and his nakedness is apparent. It presses on your lower abdomen and you flex your hips up to bring him level with your entrance.
Brynjolf’s fingers dig into your thighs as his cock slides through your sex. “Not yet.”
Brynjolf releases your thighs and places both hands on the bed, pushing up to a seated position. His cock stands at attention, nearly meeting his belly button. Every muscle of his is on display, and you long to taste and lick each one.
Years. It’s been years, and your body still craves him like it did before.
“Off,” he says, and it is a command. His red hair lightly brushes over his shoulders as he shifts slightly on his knees.
Your fingers find the neckline but hesitate. It’s not because you’re scared or frightened of him, but because this makes it all the more real. The two of you are bound together under Mara’s blessing.
Brynjolf’s gaze softens. “Want my help, lass?”
Heat rises to your cheeks as you ease the neckline over one shoulder and then the other. It falls to your waist, revealing your breasts. Brynjolf is right there, reaching to help ease the shift down your legs.
When you are bare to him, Brynjolf groans. His hands return to your thighs and you part them, wanting him closer. Brynjolf briefly straightens, drawing back slightly, the tips of his fingers grazing over your inner thighs.
At first, you think he’s pulling away from you, but he only wants to admire, to gaze on your body for a bit.
“Gorgeous,” he murmurs, more to himself than to you. Those emerald eyes of his darken. “Wife,” he whispers, as if he’s testing it out.
“Wife,” you repeat back to him.
His chest heaves. “Finally.”
Brynjolf surges forward. One hand presses into the bed by your head while his other grasps your hip. Your mouths connect, and the liquid fire returns, roaring through blood and bone until you’re drowning. All these years you’ve waited and resisted, believing that loving him would only ruin him. How wrong you were. This man is enthralled. It’s clear from every touch and kiss.
Brynjolf breaks away only to return his mouth to your skin. He kisses your jaw and the curve of your neck. He moves down to your collarbone and then between your breasts. Brynjolf descends further over your stomach and stops just above your sex.
You are still spread completely, legs forced apart by his expansive shoulders, entirely open for his view. Brynjolf’s gaze is locked on your sex. He is fixated, and when he finally glances up, his pupils are blown.
“May I taste my wife?” he asks, voice rough with lust. Brynjolf slides back a bit, forcing your legs over each of his broad shoulders. His mouth hovers just above your pussy.
“You may,” you reply, voice soft, almost inaudible.
The corner of Brynjolf’s mouth quirks into a smile. His head dips, breath hot against your slickness. It draws forth a shiver, one that has him groaning against your inner thigh. Brynjolf’s lips hover there, pressing lightly on your soft skin.
“No squirming,” he says before gently biting.
It’s not painful, more of a surprise that has you seeking refuge away from his mouth.
“Oh shove it, Bryn,” you mutter.
He laughs, and then his tongue is on you.
It is not tentative. Not hesitant. It’s not like the first time when the two of you stumbled through the motions. This is completely different. Completely other. Brynjolf is sure of himself, as if he’s known your body all his life, and he knows exactly what you need.
His tongue traces, moving from entrance to clit with deliberate slowness. Your back arches, but Brynjolf’s hold is firm. His large hands firmly grasp your outer thighs, keeping you parted. When his tongue makes another pass, a gasp escapes you. It is strangled. Nearly choked.
Brynjolf repeats the motion, and this time you whimper.
“So sweet,” he purrs. “And all mine.”
His words are liquid sin, dipped in Dibella’s teachings. When Brynjolf puts his mouth on you again, he tastes and tastes and tastes until everything in you clenches. That tension coils up like a serpent under the leaves, waiting to strike. There is no escape. No chase. You are completely open and raw, unable to contain the venomous bite inside you. The serpent shows its fangs, and you are a willing victim.
Brynjolf sucks your clit into his mouth and that cracks your control, shattering it like poorly forged steel. Your fingers slide through his red locks, tugging until he growls. Your hips flex, pushing your cunt against his mouth.
Those large, strong hands of his hold tight, keeping your hips still. But Brynjolf doesn’t guide you away. Instead, he keeps you pressed against his mouth, the flat of his tongue tearing your resolve into shreds.
“Stop. Bryn. I’ll suffocate you,” you gasp, trying in vain to create distance.
“Then I’ll die happy,” he replies casually before diving in for more.
Between your legs, you watch as Brynjolf adjusts his position. He freely offers you a clear view of the tip of his tongue as it circles and teases your clit. You are unable to look away. The sight of him worshiping your body like this sends your body buzzing, and that coiled tension returns, blooming fast.
Your gaze is fixed on that one point, of how his pink tongue plays with you. Brynjolf doesn’t need to use his fingers. By the Nine, if he did, you’d likely explode, shatter like hammer against ice.
You melt like the snows in summer. You do not stifle or attempt to restrain the moans that leave your lips. They are wild. Untamed. And all for him.
Who would hear you but him?
By the time you begin to come down, Brynjolf is already bringing your thighs together, angling them back toward your chest. You don’t care. Don’t event mind. Everything inside of you is light, as if you float amongst the clouds, soaring like a hawk.
“My wife,” he says softly, drawing your gaze back to him. Your lashes flutter, and a contented smile spreads across your face. Brynjolf’s mouth and chin are shiny with your juices.
He makes no move to clean himself.
“Husband,” you reply.
With a suddenness that surprises, Brynjolf’s hand grasps the nape of your neck. He doesn’t squeeze, only holds. He tugs, drawing you upward but not entirely into a seated position. Your fingers dig at the bedding beneath you, all the muscles in your body that were once languid are now tight with strain.
In this position, Brynjolf’s cock slides through your slickness in a back-and-forth motion until all you can hear is your own pleasure.
“Brynjolf,” you gasp, reaching for him.
He murmurs your name as the head of his cock bumps against your clit. Your only response is a strangled groan, one he answers by rocking his hips back enough to hold himself at your entrance.
On an exhale, Brynjolf begins to ease in. This is not like before. Not at all. You are stuffed. Filled.
“You’re doing so well, lass.” Brynjolf retreats slightly before pushing forward again. “You can take it.” He gives you more with each roll of his hips.
“By the Nine,” you say as he bottoms out.
“Don’t go praising the gods now, lass,” chides Brynjolf. “They don’t deserve your sweet words.”
You’d laugh, maybe even tease back, but Brynjolf is hungry, and he gives you no respite.
There is no subtle softness. No slowness. Brynjolf drives forward, each thrust concentrated strength. The hold on your neck disappears, and you slump back to the bed, but that doesn’t matter. In this position, you are pinned beneath him, unable to do anything but take. But you gladly accept it, each steady stroke a delicious bite.
You never want to leave this place. Never want to leave him.
Brynjolf adjusts your legs, spreading them out and up, pushing them toward your chest. It forces your hips up a bit but it only creates a deeper angle. Leaning forward, he plants one hand above your head and the other near your shoulder.
He grunts above you, beads of sweat rolling down his neck. Reaching up, you slide your hands up his chest and then over his shoulders, keeping him close. Taking the hint, Brynjolf relaxes a bit, draping himself over you as he thrusts.
Like this, you can reach him.
Flexing the muscles in your neck and shoulders, you arch up to kiss him. You only manage to graze his jaw but it’s enough. Brynjolf tips his head downward, and then he’s meeting you, each kiss desperate.
What were once steady thrusts become needy, quick bursts that signal his end. While you cannot move your legs much, you do manage to hook your heels over the backs of his thighs. This changes something within him because Brynjolf nearly crushes you as he groans out his releases.
You cling to him, holding tight as his hips stutter, the last few thrusts of his shallow and weak. Brynjolf’s lips brush against your jaw, then your cheekbone before falling against the curve of your ear.
“Did you want that army?” he asks.
“Do you?” you reply, turning your head enough to gaze upon his face.
The soft smile you receive tells you all you need to know. “Little versions of us running around the cistern? Brandishing knives?” You roll your eyes and Brynjolf chuckles against your throat. “I’ll take whatever you offer me, lass. You know that.”
He still inside you, and so you roll your hips, finding that he’s already becoming hard again.
“Let’s start with one.”
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