#bsd chap 110
kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
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no one talk to me. I am feeling unwell.
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tvisnoton · 1 year
Guys haha Aya is fine don’t be silly
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ecordix · 1 year
/bsd chap 110 spoilers !
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
In case you haven't read it yet, though I would somewhat assume you have seeing as you're reading spoilers, Aya just JUMPED OFF the FUCKING BUILDING!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
So, her plan is obviously going to work. They wouldn't have done this much buildup if it didn't. Aya's weight will be enough to pull the sword out of Bram and that will help to fix everything somehow. The main question now is whether our little champion of justice is going to survive her great act of bravery. Cause I want to say that she will, but Asagiri doesn't exactly have a good track record when it comes to child mortality rates.
And also, like, on a happier note, Akutagawa is doing the neck bite thing to Atsushi! Which is like, barely a happy note seeing as it does mean that Atsushi has been defeated and is about to be turned into a vampire, but, sexy vampire neck bite haha God help me-
So I guess we're gonna have to wait another fucking month to see how this turns out! Yay! (<- drenched in so much sarcasm it's practically dripping)
I am scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarred~! HahAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- (<- screaming)(so much screaming)
See ya'll next month I guess!
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viciicella · 1 year
3 artist 1 color palette thing with my friends
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The color palette
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esper-octopus · 1 year
something i made bc of bsd chap. 110
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(the big words read "what the fuck" and the small words behind it read "i'm fine")
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taaho · 1 year
ep 11 of bsd (this is like a summary of what is happening n theories in the fd)
the fd is literally going insane rn, we dont know what will happen next in the anime, since the anime has caught up to chap 109, or already animated the 2ND NEWEST CHAPTER THAT CAME OUT A MONTH AGO. this is like when both anime n manga fans r in the same boat
chap 110 isnt enough for a 25mins ep, so how the hell are they going to animate it? not to mention the chap came out in like a week ago or sth.
soooooo, we have some theories n predictions (that i saw)
bones is going to make up a new ending that doesnt make any fucking sense. we saw this with many franchises, it literally gets a name as "bones ending". (obv us fd do not like this, it is butchering the original scource, n seeing ur fav manga gets sth like that isnt fun)
bones got early access to the unreleased chapters. (i think this prediction does make a lot of sense, especially with the newest ep, as i said before, they animated a chapter that came out a month ago, so they prob got supervised from asagiri, that also can explain why are there changes in the anime)
stormbringer gets animated (i dont think this will be true, stormbringer is a lot longer than other LN, so 1 ep cannot fully animated it)
beach ep (my fav)
i also want to point out a theory ab dazai's life:
so, yall know ep 11 is called " twilight goodbye" right?
there is a poem by irl nakahara chuuya named "the twilight of this spring day", n a novel (?) called "goodbye" by irl osamu dazai, which is unfortunately unfinished due to his death. the "twilight" could also be the ada, bcs it is referred as one a few times.
you see where is this going right?
some people even say the reason why bones missed dazai's last words is bcs they want us to know he is dead.
sooo, if u have a bsd friend, pls be nice to them, they are at the verge of tearing up every waking moment. their mental stability isnt looking good rn
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zealina · 1 year
i did NOT wait for this chapter only to see aya JUMP OFF GHE FUCKING BUILDING and then get a snippet of atsushi looking like some sacrifice by the way vamp aku was holding him. NO WAY. I WAITED FOR TODAY AND ASAGIRI PUNISHES US INSTEAD. NOT COOL.
what was this chapter. srsly. i am dying here LIKE DAZAI U GOOD BRO
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About your discussion Let's just hope that Chuuya doesn't do something infinitely stupid like he did for the book. I'd like to add that Kunikida is probably alive, because Suehiro survived too, and I bet that Kunikida is prisoner somewhere. Also don't forget about the Souseki Natsume card, during Cannibalism, he was the key that has unlocked the situation, and I'd like to see him more on this Arc tbh, also CoMe oN the agency is a mess right now, he can't be sleeping somewhere as cat.
That just clicked to me that Kunikida actually survived and perhaps is a captive of Hunt dogs rn since Suehiro survived as well. Also the amount of hints they have been dropping that Kunikida being the next Agency President I doubt they will do anything but kill him. I am highkey hoping that Natsume sensei would see the chaos and do smth. But i doubt that would happen anytime before PM + ADA fights Agatha like I am 110% sure that after Fyodor arc, the Agatha arc will be introduced and shits will go down, this is just the tip of the dick we felt, more is to come lmfao. So it’s possible that Natsume sensei is introduced sooner of later before Chap 100 or smth but i again doubt that would be the case because i am gonna assume his ability is just more than turning himself into a cat but something even more powerful. So if Natsume sensei’s card is activated rn the entire situation would be solved in an instant. And BSD has a good record of Slow Burn, Angst and Dark stuff so I would not get my hopes high that Natsume sensei would just come and save the entire sitution like that. Also an off topic but Natsume sensei is always showed when there is something about to go down real bad. In dark era, before Odasaku dies, he is shown multiple time in this cat form, in S2 when shits go down with Steinbeck and Lovecraft he is shown to be lost or smth from Haruko (is that her name? Fukuzawa’s secretary?) and then he is shown again after Dazai gets shot and was recovering in the hospital in cannibalism arc and the virus with Pushkin happens + the entire Yokohama chaos. Then in the current arc he was shown in chap 50 to stop the FukuMori fight and then the agency gets attacked by the hunt dogs. So if he is showed up again, it can be that more things will go down. He is somewhat used as a warning i guess?  
Things are a mess now. We just had DA and then shits goes down hill in the current timeline sdjhgiögiy Lets just hope that everything turns out just fine and nobody dies..?!! 
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