#bst au
taexual · 1 year
sleepwalking ● 5 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
summary: due to unfortunate circumstances, you ended up managing your ex-boyfriend’s band. you thought you’ve both made peace with it, but suddenly he’s very eager to prove to you that first love never dies.
genre: rockstar!jungkook / exes to lovers
warnings: explicit language, suggestive themes, mutual pining, SLOW BURN
words: 6.9k
read from the beginning ○ masterlist
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chapter 5 ► oh, and, my love, did i mistake you for a sign from god? or are you really here to cast me off?
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Your train reached Paris at almost exactly eight o’clock in the evening and the rain was pouring. The wedding reception had started at seven, but Jungkook didn’t mind being late, even though the longer he lingered with you on the streets, the more the rain ruined your outfits, and your hair, and your make-up—but not your mood.
“I prefer being late,” he said when the two of you caught a cab from Gare du Nord to the wedding venue in the 8th arrondissement. “Less small talk if you show up when everyone’s already said hello to everyone.”
“I see your point,” you said, sliding over the backseat as Jungkook climbed in after you. “But it’s still rude to be late. Especially to a wedding. Especially when you weren’t even going to come to said wedding at all.”
He gave the driver the address and turned to you, resuming the conversation, because he had a very important point to make, “my grandma used to say that as long as I’m not late to my own wedding, I’m fine.”
You snorted at this, but your expression wasn’t mocking. You remembered his grandmother with nothing but love. Thoughtfully, you replied, “she’s a wise woman.”
���She is, yeah,” he agreed. “She always wanted to go to Paris, by the way. Remind me to call her.”
“That’s nice,” you commented, turning to the window as the streets of Paris passed outside, all in a blur of streetlights, reflected in puddles of rain on the pavement. “I think I’ve always wanted to come here as well.”
This surprised him and he paused in the middle of reaching for his phone. He’d already forgotten what he was going to check on it as he looked back at you again. When he spoke, there were minor notes of offence in his voice.
“You did?” he asked. “You never told me.”
“Yeah,” you said, not meeting his eye—you were far too captivated by the rainy streets outside the car window. They were nothing magical on their own, you supposed, but there was something about them tonight in particular. “I don’t know. It’s not my dream destination, but it’s Paris. Can you say you’ve travelled if you’ve never been here?”
Jungkook thought about it. “Well… I mean—there are other cities, too. Isn’t Paris a bit overrated?”
“Maybe.” You shrugged, still glued to the window. “Probably. I’ve still wanted to see it for myself, though.”
He could tell, as he leaned forward until he was able to see the neon lights from the signs outside reflected in your eyes. The taxi ride should have taken about twenty minutes, but now Jungkook wondered if he’d manage to ask the driver to take a longer route without you finding out.
“In that case,” he said finally, “I’m glad I brought you here.”
You turned to give him a look, but were startled by his close proximity. You nearly bumped your cheek into his when you craned your neck.
Realising—from your widening eyes—that he’d entered far into your comfort zone, he scooted back in his seat. But your heart was already giving orders for explosions to go off in various parts of your body.
You cleared your throat and looked back out the window—not because of the view this time, but because it felt safer this way.
“We would have come here eventually anyway,” you said. “You’re performing at Cabaret Sauvage in less than a month.”
Disappointed by your purposefully emotionless voice and words that took all credit away from him, Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“Sure. But,” he emphasized, “with me, you didn’t have to wait a month.”
“Okay,” you settled—partially. “Thank you for turning my whole schedule upside down.”
He smirked at the sarcasm. “Oh, anytime.”
In an attempt to conceal your own smile, you returned your attention to the billboards and bright window displays outside.
“So, if not Paris,” Jungkook started again after a minute, “what is your dream destination?”
He wasn’t expecting your reaction to his question to be so severe: you seemed to lean towards the window—away from him—clench your jaw, and focus even harder on the view outside – as if you were trying to transport yourself there, instead of staying here with him.
“Amsterdam, I think,” you replied eventually, in a voice so reluctant and quiet that he wouldn’t have heard you if he wasn’t literally right next to you.
“Really?” he asked. “I’m assuming it’s not because of weed?”
Smiling somewhat, you shook your head. And then did not elaborate more.
“Anne Frank?” he tried again.
“Maybe,” you said. “But also because of simple things. Not necessarily significant in history.”
Jungkook found himself having to push as if he was trying to find out what your deepest fear was, since you resisted fully opening up. But this was something that, honestly, seemed quite superficial to him, so he was rightfully perplexed.
Still, he asked, “such as?”
You sighed, not having expected—let alone, planned—this exchange to progress that much.  
This felt like the start of a long conversation—capital C. Getting to know each other by participating in obligatory small talk that would soon lead to deep analyses of each other’s darker sides of the subconsciousness.
And the last time you and Jungkook had had a proper conversation about something that was not related to your jobs in the slightest, was months before you broke up.
So, it wasn’t that Jungkook was being invasive with his questions right now. It’s that he was personal. And he’d stopped caring about being personal with you long before your relationship ended.
“Like riding bikes in Canal District,” you answered finally—he was glad to hear it, although he did not like the way you sighed as you spoke. As if this conversation was a hassle. Fortunately for his overthinking, you continued, “I’ve wanted to do that ever since my uncle went on a business trip to Amsterdam when I was seven. He’d brought me so many postcards, I could easily imagine myself having been there with him.”
Jungkook stayed quiet. He remembered your uncle—your mother’s brother. He was a surprisingly caring man, even if he looked like he ran the mob.
And Jungkook remembered the postcards, too—you had them pinned to the bulletin board above your desk in your dorm room back in university. He wondered, briefly, why you’d never mentioned the story behind the postcards before. He’d always assumed you just liked the pretty views on them.
Sitting next to you in the taxi, he counted something under his breath.
“We’re going to have,” he started, then calculated again just in case, “three days off in Amsterdam.”
“I know,” you said, sitting up straight in your seat as the taxi took a turn past Palais Garnier. “Believe it or not, I didn’t plan it like that.”
“Let’s say I believe you,” he teased. “Should we go bike riding in Amsterdam?”
You turned away from the window to look at him, surprise evident in your lifted eyebrows. “Us, two?”
He nodded. “Us, two.”
“On your day off?”
“On my day off.”
Not hiding your skepticism, you licked your lips and told him, “Jungkook, you spend your free days getting wasted with your friends.”
Although that was a fair statement – he had to admit that much – he still tried to defend himself, “that—that’s not something I have to do every single time.”
“It’s not?” you asked. “Then why do you do it?”
“Because I usually have nothing better to do,” he replied. His honesty was amplified by his body language: eyes cast low, hands intertwined on his lap.
He hoped you wouldn’t misunderstand—he wasn’t trying to imply that he preferred his friends to you. Or to anyone else, for that matter. Truly, if you would have called, he would have abandoned everyone else in a heartbeat. But he was more comfortable keeping that to himself.
“And riding bikes sounds better than getting drunk?” you asked instead, the question laced with persistent disbelief.
“Riding bikes in Amsterdam,” he corrected, choosing to avoid the mention of you doing it together, “sounds better.”
“Okay,” you said, still not convinced. “You talk now, but let’s see if you change your mind when we’re back on the road.”
“I won’t,” he insisted with newfound confidence. Despite his assuring tone, his gaze still scanned the mat on the floor of the taxi. “I promise I’ll take you bike-riding in Amsterdam.”
Even more surprised now, you waited until he lifted his eyes to meet yours before you repeated, “you promise?”
“Yeah,” he said with a shrug—but the nonchalance was pretend. His hands were tightly pressed into each other on his lap, because otherwise he would have been reaching for you. “Cross my heart. I’ll take you bike-riding if it kills me.”
The exaggeration finally got you to laugh. “Why would it kill you?”
Your laugh had broken the spell. He felt himself relax as though something heavy had been lifted off of him, and with you laughing next to him, he was as light as the air around you. Nothing could crush him.
“You never know with bikes,” he replied, smiling, too. “I’m just saying, I’ll make it happen for you.”
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After a detour down the Champs-Elysées under the tiny compact umbrella that you’d packed (it was still so beautiful with all the lights around—even more so in the rain), you finally arrived at the wedding, which was already in full swing.
It took the newlyweds a good fifteen minutes to notice you and Jungkook, but you wouldn’t have blamed them if they didn’t approach you at all.
As soon as they did, however, you immediately tried to apologise for being late—both, tonight and in general, considering that the two of you were only added to the guest list for the wedding a few days ago. But Kihyun and Chloé cut you off, both joking that they were just glad you made it here, because they had thought you’d gotten lost in Paris.
“I sort of wish,” Jungkook replied, casting a meaningful glance your way—you pretended not to see it. “But no time to get lost when we have an important wedding to get to.”
Your friends smiled at this, accepted your congratulations, and, instead of returning to the rest of their guests, actually stayed to catch up with you—as if this wasn’t their wedding. As if you were back in university, eating ice cream on the quad benches with all of your mutual friends, and fighting off the campus pigeons.
You had to admit, seeing Kihyun and Chloé again was very nice. You’d always considered them Jungkook’s friends more than your own—all three of them had graduated from the same major, even though you had quickly become Chloé’s class-skipping partner—but they were the one pair of his friends that you’d always approved of and, eventually, befriended, too.
Seeing them newly married, however—while you could still remember that one almost tragic double-date that you’d tried to go on, where Jungkook and Kihyun nearly broke their necks, racing on Vespas—now that felt overwhelming.
“You’re right on time, by the way,” Chloé said to you while the two boys discussed Rated Riot’s upcoming tour dates, seemingly attempting to make plans to meet up again, after the pair would return from their honeymoon. “I was just about to toss the bouquet.”
“Oh, I’m not—”
“Come on,” she grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from Jungkook.
You glanced back at him for help, but he only grinned at you, like he’d done so many times before, when you’d go to parties together and he’d force you out of your comfort zone, because he knew you’d thank him for this later.
You weren’t sure if you’d be grateful for it this particular time, though, as you found yourself in a crowd of bridesmaids and very drunk guests within fifteen minutes of arriving at this wedding.
You looked around and, with a sudden start, you recalled the reason why you were here in the first place.
Bending your neck to take in the people around you, you tried to guess which person in this wedding, could have been the hypothetical ex that you still didn’t think really existed.
There was no one who could have been it.
You’ve met most of the people here before and none of them looked particularly eager to talk to Jungkook or to avoid him. Everyone was indifferent—except you, as you kept looking back at him to find him already watching you every time—and that was the final confirmation.
There really was no ex.
You had no idea why he’d brought you here.
Distracted by your thoughts, you chose to just stand in the middle of the crowd. As you tried to avoid having your feet stepped on, you brought a hand through your hair. You liked crowds at concerts. You didn’t like crowds of very determined wedding guests.
Never having caught a drumstick or a single guitar pick at any of the concerts you’d gone to in your whole life, you felt rather stupid standing there. And the significance of catching the bride’s bouquet was lost on you, too—you’d never believed in the prediction that whoever caught it would be next to walk down the aisle: your mum had told you she’d caught it three separate times, and she had barely been married once.
You heard Chloé count down backwards from three and you extended your hands above your head; more as a protective instinct than anything else—to avoid getting smacked on the head.
By some harrowing chance, almost as soon as Chloé’s countdown finished, you felt the stems of flowers against your palm and clutched at them, reflexively. You heard claps and excited cheers around you before you registered that you’d caught the bouquet.
Lowering the classic, white rose combination, tied with a neat, pale bow, you swallowed and looked around, unable to conceal your overwhelming discomfort as you listened to earnest applause around you.
This felt embarrassing more than anything else. Irrationally so, of course, but embarrassing, nonetheless: like walking into an empty restaurant and interrupting the conversation of the staff. Everyone’s eyes were suddenly on you, and there were drunken shrieks of elation somewhere in the room.
You realised as you held the flowers awkwardly—like it was a bomb meant to be defused—that this was why you preferred to work backstage.
“I’m so glad it was you!” you heard Chloé exclaim. You turned to see her clapping her hands as she made her way towards you.
A few women you’d never met hugged you as if you were going to your own wedding as soon as this one was over.
You were frozen with an uncomfortable, twitching smile on your face and only sobered up somewhat when Chloé reached you. She was laughing as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders—in her defence, she tried to fight her amusement, but you looked completely anguished, nearly grief-stricken. It was ridiculously unfitting, and, at the same time, so completely in character for you.
“I’m not entirely sure how this works,” you told her. “Are you certain I’m not supposed to toss it, too? Sort of like a relay race? I saw one of your younger cousins who looked very excited to catch the bouquet, but she had an obvious height disadvantage.”
Chloé clutched you to herself tighter in a comforting manner.
“No, love,” she said brightly. “My cousins are twelve and thirteen, they both can wait for their turn. And I’ll see you at your wedding. Hopefully sooner rather than later? It’s been too long since we’ve last chatted.”
“It has been,” you agreed, “but if we’re only meeting at weddings, then I’m afraid this might be the last time we see each other.”
Laughing again, she rubbed a soothing hand on your back and assured you, “the bouquet can mean whatever you want it to mean. I’m just glad you’re here tonight. And I’m sure Jungkook is, too.”
With another soft smile, she nudged you in his direction and walked away to join her husband. Before you could begin pondering what she’d meant by that, your eyes caught sight of Jungkook, who was still watching you—in a relentless way. Like he hadn’t looked away from you once since you left his side.
You felt almost awkward as you approached him—all of your steps leaden under his watchful eye—but as soon as you were close enough, he grinned and said, “you look like you survived an alien abduction.”
And everything was okay again. For the time being, at least.
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About an hour later, you and Jungkook had settled by a cocktail table at the back of the room.
The bride’s bouquet rested between you as you sipped champagne and took everything in: all the couples dancing around you, the kids kicking the balloons, Kihyun and Chloé being unable to stop smiling at each other as he twirled her around to the gentle melody of the wedding band playing Biffy Clyro’s “Many of Horror”.
“I still believe,” rang through the venue as the song went on, “it’s you and me ‘till the end of time.”
You nodded along to the rhythm, tapping your fingers against the table. You’d stopped resisting after your first glass of champagne and allowed the familiar melody to take you back to the days when you and Jungkook passionately screamed the lyrics of this song at each other in your dorm room.
The two of you dancing with each other was a far more violent affair than Kihyun and Chloé’s smooth swaying: your twirling involved a lot more kicking, stepping on toes, and tears of laughter as you eventually admitted your absolute incompetence when it came to dancing. Jungkook, on the other hand, seemed very skilled at it—but then, when compared to you, probably even a well-trained rabbit could have danced better.
You smiled fondly at the memory, happy that the bubbles you drank and the long trip you’d taken today made you feel just dizzy enough to look back at the old days without wishing you were there now.
You were glad to be where you were.
Jungkook, meanwhile, was on his third glass. He kept glancing at the bouquet on the table with immense discomfort as he painfully remembered Sid’s words on their first night in Prague: “Your ass is so whipped, you’re going to be singing at her wedding to some random producer.”
What if Sid was right, then what would he do? Would he get up on stage and perform a fucking love song for you and your new husband? An angsty, yearning love song with a powerful guitar riff—like the ones you liked and the ones he kept writing; the lyrics dripping with all the sentiments that would mean nothing to him, while you married someone else.
I still believe it’s you and me ‘till the end of time
He couldn’t do it. He’d never do it. He’d rather—
“Jungkook,” you said suddenly, your voice catching him off-guard.
“Hmm?” he looked at you, an almost alarmed expression on his face. The descent from deep inside of his mind and back to reality was a painful one.
“I have a question,” you said.
He finished his drink and put the empty flute down on the table. “Alright.”
“There’s no ex,” you said, deciding it was finally time to clear this up, “is there?”
After almost two hours at the wedding—where he hadn’t mentioned his ex once—both of you already knew the answer to this question. But he still graced you with a formal response, because he knew he owed you an explanation.
“No,” he said. “There’s not.”
You nodded, your expression the same as before.
He was relieved. He’d expected a drink in his face.
“So, tell me then,” you continued. “Why did you need me to come with you to this wedding?”
For the first second after you asked this, he thought he could have just admitted it. There was no condition in the bet about revealing the truth to you, after all. And it’s only a bet—it’s nothing significant.
But you were standing in front of him in your dress, the leather jacket that he’d gotten you hanging on your shoulders. You were looking at him with tired, tipsy eyes. And you were smiling—but still trying very hard not to—as you sipped your champagne.
There was a sense of future in the air.
Your future, together.
And the realisation that the bet was significant, despite his efforts to convince himself otherwise, had finally kicked in—he was afraid he wouldn’t just get a drink thrown in his face if he told you. He was afraid he’d lose this future.
“I, uh… I just didn’t want to be here by myself,” he ended up saying. This was, technically, not a lie, either. “I always go to these things alone.”
“Why go at all?” you asked then. “You were pretty definitive when you RSVP’d “no” months ago. I was the one who emailed them both of our responses.”
“Well,” he said, looking around at the waiters, passing out drinks, as he tried to buy time. “I don’t know. I feel different now that I’m in Europe. So close to Paris. I guess I changed my mind.”
As you’ve learned in the past few days, that was his excuse for everything.
“Mhmm,” you nodded, taking a sip from your glass. “Humour me about something else, would you?”
Happy that the waiter was finally close enough for him to reach, Jungkook grabbed another champagne flute from his tray and then looked at you again. “What is it?”
“Why would Sid tell me you were dating someone,” you began, “and then warn me not to let you go to this wedding?”
What a perfectly logical question. Truly, he couldn’t see how the question could have been more perfect.
It was so perfect, in fact, that you could engrave it on Sid’s tombstone after Jungkook killed him.
“You know what? I actually have no idea,” he said and then threw his head back to down the champagne in one big gulp.
He kept the liquid in his mouth for a second—prolonging the time he didn’t have to speak to you, all while you watched him suspiciously—and then swallowed, finally.
“Really,” he added in response to your questioning look. “He’s an enigma.”
You snorted. “That’s one way to describe him.”
He nodded, eager to cement the point he was making. Additionally, he suggested, “maybe he was just jealous.”
You squinted your eyes at him, trying to find the causal relationship between Sid lying to you and Sid being jealous.
You tried to guess, “jealous of—of not going to Paris with you?”
“Of me going with you,” he said.
You picked up your champagne glass again—you weren’t drunk enough to have this conversation. “What?”
He shrugged. “Maybe he has a crush on you.”
Your scoff was almost reflexive, and you were very glad that you hadn’t taken a sip before he had said this. You’ve heard plenty of unexpected things in the span of these past few days; all kinds of manipulations and weak cop-outs – but this one was, by far, the most ridiculous one.
“Maybe he has a crush on you,” you countered, clearly considering this statement to be an accusation more than a compliment.
He snickered at this. “Fair enough. Maybe he does.”
Swallowing, you put your near-empty glass down on the table and gave him a long look.
“So, he just did that to spread chaos?” you asked. “No other reason?”
Jungkook shrugged again. “Nothing else I can come up with.”
“I don’t believe you,” you said calmly and watched him freeze, startled by the bluntness of your words. First, you finished your champagne, then your sentence, “but I’m willing to drop it if this is nothing more than Sid’s game. Tell him to never speak to me again, and let’s leave this at that.”
Jungkook was relieved, and, at the same time, scared to feel relieved. He felt it necessary to say, “I’m sorry Sid did that.”
“Don’t apologise for him.”
“I’m not. The apology is from me,” he said. “I should have made sure he wouldn’t bother you, let alone lie to you—”
“I don’t care why Sid lied to me,” you cut him off. “I care why you did. Why you went along with it.”
He knew he should have seen your question coming, but he chose to pretend he could talk around this topic instead—and that’s why your words knocked all breath out of him.
It was simple: he’d played along with Sid’s lie, because he thought it’d help him convince you to come to Paris with him faster; he’d lied to you to win the bet.
But he hadn’t lied to you when he said he didn’t want to come to this wedding alone. He wanted to come here with you. The bet seemed more like an excuse now—a distraction from his anxiety that he equipped as a pretence to ask you out.
He was painfully aware of this now: he’d always wanted to ask you out again; just one more time. One last first date of your lives.
He realised this, and there was no way he could pretend otherwise, not when his mouth dried up every time he looked at you.
And yet, that seemed even more difficult to admit to you.
Inhaling, he said, “I thought Sid’s lie would get you to come with me.”
That did not feel much like an explanation.
“You could have said that Sid lied and just told me that you changed your mind about going to the wedding,” you said, waving your empty flute around. “You’re allowed to go where you want to. You’re an adult.”
“To a certain extent,” you added, “because, of course, you have your reputation to consider. Yours and the band’s, too, actually.”
“So, you would have just let me leave the tour?” he questioned, doubtful and, honestly, disappointed. Asking for your permission to do something felt childish, but it also felt like you cared. And he really needed you to care.
You remembered his threat about bringing his friends with him if you wouldn’t go, and asked, “would you have gone to Paris alone?”
He looked down. Then, he told you the full truth, “I wouldn’t have come here at all, if you hadn’t agreed to come with me.”
“But I said no,” you said, still trying to make sense of this. “I didn’t want to go. You kept pushing.”
“I really wanted us to go together. That’s why—you know.” He swallowed. “That’s why Sid’s lie seemed so convenient.”
“Why did it matter that we went together?” you asked one more time. “The real reason.”
He didn’t reply right away, because he was too tipsy for this. It was only champagne, he could have easily recited the alphabet backwards if he was asked to. But it was getting difficult to keep up with what he was telling you.
He didn’t want to lie, not anymore, so he tried to only tell you the truth and keep quiet about the things he didn’t want you to know about: like the bet. And, of course, the fact that he had, apparently, been in love with you for ages. This particular realisation had surprised him on the train earlier, and he was the one with the feelings. He couldn’t even imagine how much it would probably shock you if he told you.
You waited, at first; assuming that he needed a moment to gather the courage to explain. But a minute later, your patience ran out.
So, you tried to answer for him—offering an option that wouldn’t be satisfactory enough, but it would be comfortable for you to believe, “just because they’re our friends?”
“Yeah. Sure,” he said, but it sounded like he was just agreeing, because he could tell that this was what you wanted him to say. “We’d known Kihyun and Chloé for so long. So it’s for, um—for old times’ sake, I guess.”
You needed a minute to arrange everything in order in your mind. Everything Jungkook had said seemed convincing enough if you closed your eyes, but it still felt like a half-truth at best.
You knew there had to be a different reason why Sid didn’t want Jungkook to go to Paris—or, perhaps, why he didn’t want you to come with Jungkook.
Not to mention, Jungkook could have convinced you to come to the wedding much faster if he’d told you the truth instead of going along with the story about his “ex”. Of course, that’s assuming that he really did only want to come here to witness your friends get married like he’d said.
But you wanted to believe that what he’d told you tonight was true, because this way, you wouldn’t have to ask any more questions or overthink. And, truthfully, a part of you was afraid to ruin this—whatever this pleasant hum that had gathered around the two of you on the train to Paris was—by interrogating Jungkook further.
Not to mention, you’d outgrown Sid’s silly games and simply wanted peace.
Even though you didn’t speak, Jungkook seemed to read the thoughts in your mind as he chewed on his bottom lip and said again, “I’m sorry.”
You blinked, registering the discomfort on his face. “What for?”
“For the lying and the—well, everything,” he said with a resigned sigh.  “I realise this was a very backwards way to convince you to come here with me.”
“It was. And thank you for owning up to it,” you said. “But next time you try to do something weird, do try to leave me out of it, would you?”
He grinned at this—he couldn’t help it. “Define weird.”
You were smiling, even though you rolled your eyes in response.
“Lying,” you said then. His smile faltered. “You don’t have to tell me everything, but don’t lie to me.”
Solemn now, he nodded. He realised that this gesture alone wasn’t convincing enough and redeemed it by clearing his throat and saying very decidedly, “I promise I’ll make sure Sid doesn’t bother you again.”
“Good,” you said. “Please do.”
“Thank you for coming here with me,” he added. “Despite everything.”
You were about to retort with a dry “you’re welcome”, but decided to take a different route and make him work a little bit. It only seemed fair.
“I don’t think a simple ‘thank you’ will suffice,” you said slyly. He cocked an eyebrow, not having expected to hear the playfulness in your voice. “This was a huge favour, after all. I could have been sleeping on the tour bus right now.”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun,” he countered. “I saw the look in your eyes on the cab ride to the wedding.”
“Well, I had to adjust,” you defended. “Can’t exactly sulk the entire time, I’m not a toddler. Unlike some people.”
You turned away as you said this, smirking, while he scoffed, indignant. “Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.”
He was instinctively opening his mouth to respond, but only managed to squeeze out an incomprehensible syllable that turned into an impressed tsk.  
“Okay,” he decided then, tongue in cheek. “So, how can I repay this massive favour?”
“I’m not sure you ever will, to be honest,” you played. “But you could start by gifting the newlyweds a song.”
Jungkook glanced back at the platform in the corner of the room that was set up as a stage for the band. The musicians were taking a break and having drinks by the bar right now, so it was empty.
He looked back at you. “I don’t sing at weddings.”
“You used to,” you pointed out.
“Once. They made me wear a suit with a bowtie. A tight, neon yellow bowtie,” he reiterated. “It nearly made me suffocate. I would have died looking like I ran away from a low-budget circus. I’m not doing that again.”
Trying to keep your laughter in—you hadn’t actually been working with Rated Riot yet when they performed at this wedding, but Yoongi kept pictures, and he pulled them out every year on Jungkook’s birthday—you reached over the table to touch him.
“I’ll make this easier for you,” you said as you gently undid the first few buttons of his black dress shirt.
His breath got caught in his throat the second he felt your fingertips brush against the bare skin between his collarbones. It lasted for less than a second, but he was certain your touch had left a mark.
“There,” you said, pulling away. You seemed to have no clue of the revolution you’d started in his chest, which was a wonder. He was convinced his face had passed all the colours of the rainbow in the span of a minute. You continued, “nothing’s blocking your airways now. I’ll even do you one better—you don’t look like a clown tonight. You actually look good.”
Funnily enough, he had fewer problems breathing before you leaned closer to touch him. And before you told him he looked good.
Weakly, he asked, “I assume you have a song in mind, then?”
You nodded. “Chloé once told me she loved this one when she was younger. “As Long as You Love Me” by—”
 You were grinning as you finished, “—Backstreet Boys.”
He was shaking his head with enough vehemence for you to feel a soft wind on your face.
There wasn’t anything wrong with the song of choice—other than the fact that Jungkook doubted very much that Chloé had ever mentioned it to you; he suspected you were just setting him up—but he held a personal grudge against it ever since he impulsively performed the song at your birthday party six years ago.
You had already been so drunk at that point, you could only remember glimpses of it all. Fortunately, someone had filmed Jungkook as he was using your floor lamp as a microphone stand when he performed Nick’s part at the beginning of the song. Later on, he’d gotten so immersed that he’d pulled up a chair to perform the dance routine, too.
You still had the video saved somewhere on your cloud storage.
“Your debt will be fully repaid if you include the choreography,” you added now, knowing it wouldn’t convince him. You just needed to say it to see the tips of his ears turn red at the memory.
His lips were pursed as he watched the mischievous glint in your eye. He’d missed it, he realised, even if your teasing was at his expense.
“You don’t think I’ll do it,” he observed. You shrugged—an obvious challenge—and he looked back at the platform again.
“I’m going to need a mic stand and a chair,” he said. Your eyes visibly brightened—he hadn’t seen you this excited in years. Keeping eye contact with you as he walked backwards to the platform, he pointed a finger in your direction. “This is for you.”
You cheered—caught in the moment and in the champagne you’d had tonight—while he climbed on the platform and turned the music that had been playing from the loudspeakers off. It took everyone at this wedding by surprise. They all turned to look.
The musicians seemed largely unfazed, until he picked up the guitar that they’d left leaning against the wall by the platform. They were already about to approach, but Jungkook extended a hand with so much self-assurance that they froze right away.
He said something else—you were too far to hear—and that seemed to relax them. They returned to their drinks and Jungkook, finally, climbed onto the platform.
Admittedly, until the moment he did, you really didn’t think he would actually do it.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he spoke, his voice muffled as he tapped the microphone to make sure it was working. You looked back to see the surprised looks on Kihyun and Chloé’s faces. “It’s a very special night tonight, as we know. And I have a very special gift for my friends. Congratulations on the beginning of the rest of your lives together, guys.”
The newlyweds both cheered and Jungkook chuckled lightly. The microphone caught the sound and you felt your heart respond to it in eagerness as it pounded against your ribs.
The second he played the first chords on the guitar, the room seemed to come to life. Some people recognised the melody and rushed to the designated dancing space in front of the platform, their hands in the air—and it felt, for just a moment, like a Rated Riot concert. Others still looked confused, but very entertained by the unexpected turn of events.
“Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine,” he began to sing and it immediately turned into a battle of which one of you two could last longer without cringing, “I'm leaving my life in your hands.”
You lost the battle as soon as Jungkook began the chorus and put the guitar down so he could perform the choreography with the chair—as much as he could, anyway, because the chairs at the venue didn’t fold. Your nose was scrunched, and you couldn’t help shaking your head, half in disbelief, half in amusement.
He watched you nearly the whole time—only looking away to nod encouragingly at Kihyun and Chloé, both of whom were dancing in the middle of the room—and his voice was louder, much clearer without the instrument accompanying it.
You’d watched him tear his shirt off on stage at Rated Riot shows, and you’d never had to cover your face. But your hands were on your mouth the moment he dramatically dropped to his knees for that last “as long as you love me” in the song.
His head fell in a theatrical manner as soon as he finished the song, and the room erupted in applause. He thought he could discern your laughter amidst the noise, and he was smiling when he looked up.
It took him a minute to return to you after the performance—people asked for more as he walked past, others were patting him on the back, and some guests, who turned out to have been in attendance at the previous party, gaily informed him that he did “much better than last time”.
His breathing was still heavy when he reached you, exhilarated.
Beaming even before he heard your response, he leaned against your table and lifted an eyebrow. “Well?”
“That might be the best performance that I’d ever seen,” you said. “I’m sure it’ll haunt my dreams. Thank you for that.”
There was enough genuine awe in your voice to make him laugh.
“So, you don’t regret coming here with me, then?” he asked. His eyes were glittering when he looked at you—with excitement, adrenaline, and hope.
“No,” you said. Your soft smile had rendered him completely incapable of looking away from you. “I’m actually glad I came. And not just because I got to see you sing Backstreet Boys in front of everyone.”
Heated suddenly, he said, “that stays between us.”
Even though you’d been looking forward to telling everyone on tour about this, you decided he deserved your agreement.
“Fine,” you said. “But it’s a shame the rest of the world wasn’t able to enjoy this.”
“Hmm,” he lifted his chin. “That was for your eyes only.”
“What about the rest of the guests?” you asked. There was a certain delight in your words that he noticed and quietly basked in.
“What guests?” he replied with a grin. “I said this was for you.”
You were shaking your head, but there was humour in your eyes and on your lips, and his own smile felt like it might cause his cheeks to tear.
There was nothing he wouldn’t have done for you at that moment. He was flushed, and his head was spinning. The entirety of his chest, it seemed to him, had begun to float.
He was happy.
You were still here with him, teasing and laughing. He’d seen his old friends get married, he’d seen them dance. He was about to join his band on tour, about to perform all across Europe.
Everything was going to be perfect. He just had to get this bet over with—quietly—and then figure out a way to expand the cavity of his chest, so it could contain his heart and the thousands of obnoxious, never-ceasing fluttering wings around it.
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chapter title credits: sleep token, “the summoning”
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tashacee · 28 days
Hnnnnn doing the final proof of tomorrow's Aspects (the last one!) and i just. I'm so excited but also it's bittersweet cause this has been such a fun journey? I really hope you guys like it
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skz-rin · 2 months
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DATE - 15TH JULY 2024
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Soon after wrapping up the i-days milano performane the stray kids members headed to london to headline at the legendary BST hyde park show. filled with renewed energy and looking forward to showing their talents all the members of were extremely hyped for their performance.
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The night showcased a total of two outfits, both of which are shown above
RIN started the performance with a vivienne westwood corset covered by a chanel puffer jacket (which was ditched half way through). for accesories she layered vivienne westwood, dior and bvlgari necklaces , decorated her hands with vivienne westwood bracelet, rings from the brand as well as bvlgari and one ring and bracelt from unidentified brand. She paired it off with custom cargo pants and white and beige sneakers.
RIN came out after the costume change wearing a dior top with denim jeans which had overstitched stars on them, the look was overall plain but accessory heavy she wore black hand warmer in one had along with vivienne westwood and bvlgari rings plus an unnamed one and for the other she added a chanel arm band with unidentified bracelets and rings. On her neck she paired a denim choker with silver accents and a vivienne westwood necklace finishing the look with vivienne westwood earrings and bvlgari studs on her helix. She did mention in a later live that most of her unidentified jewellery she had bought from the local markets.
throwing her jacket into the crowd and then panicking when she realised what she did.
Letting han sing that one specific part in charmer and then informing stays it's because he is back in his true place of origin.
Getting off the stage and signing fan letters and cars and forgetting to sing her lines.
Giving a shoutout to maisie peters mid performance and speaking about how she enjoyed the performance.
The performance was well received by the general public as well as the group fans. the members could be seen giving their all in every song which although not uncommon was impressive! the outfits of the evening were also generally well liked which added to the atmosphere. Overall it was counted as a fun experience and one to be remembered for a lifetime.
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taglist🏷️ - @smh-anon @cheolsboo @felixsbrat @butterflydemons
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askfairyromano · 6 months
you HAVE to keep me updated on how francis manages to eat dear mumsy's old recipe. im sure she was a lovely woman, and who knows maybe it is good! but if it's not....please spare no detail, i am enthralled with whatever fallout happens here. youve got me invested. ah young love! does your brother even like him back??? or is this just like a guy not really getting the hint? and i can tell you with full certainty that people have a crush on you. being 'broken' has nothing to do with people thinking youre a total baddie with the prettiest eyes in the realm. youre a hottie!! and youve got a bangin sense of humor! like, youre absolutely lovely! im telling you right now with 0 doubt in my mind that there are people who are SO into you, but are just too shy to say anything or just dont know how.
(omg mun im your favorite anon??? stoopppp i love winning on a technicality. listen, i have been hooked since i stumbled onto your blog. youll have to pry me off with a crowbar if you ever want me to go away (or just say youre not interested in the convo anymore i promise i wont be upset!!). also i saw your pinup post on twitter and its STUNNING as usual. your art is gorgeous, but thats not surprising weve all known that <3 also, feel free to change up the convo as much as you want if theres more you want roma to talk about or if theres something you wanna explore artistically! ill play along with whatever you want, im just happy to see your gorgeous work!)
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justmorebtsffs · 11 months
I'm working on an apocalypse AU right now but it's super long and I don't feel like clogging my blog with all the chapters so I just made a separate blog for it.
it's literally just called bts-apocalypse-au. So if you want to read the AU just go on there. It's not finished but I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
(the pfp and background are super bland but I'll fix it later)
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shonpota · 2 years
Mokuren from team C is very tricky but I managed to design it full body
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avsiel · 1 year
The Legend
Once upon a time, in distant times, there was a peaceful and harmonious coexistence of different creatures on the planet. However, fate decided to test their strength, and people entered into a deadly battle with monsters. The war lasted for a long time, bringing with it irreplaceable losses. But thanks to the efforts of the peacekeepers, both sides were able to find a compromise and sign a peace treaty. Unfortunately, during the battle, a large number of dangerous weapons were used, which left their destructive traces on the land. The small patch of land where the battle took place was severely damaged. Ash covered the entire area, trees were burning and houses were destroyed. Living in the place had become impossible.
Human bones were scattered everywhere, covered in a layer of dust. Some time after the truce, the authorities decide to restore the land, but all their efforts are in vain. A few years later, a mysterious black oil appears on the surface, covering the land. Locals give this place a legendary status, telling of its terrifying power. One such legend reads, "Every creature that touches this substance is subjected to a terrible disease. First, a rash appears on the body, then the hair and fur turn dark. Then asthma develops and the lungs begin to fill with black fluid."
"The fate of the victim remains a mystery. It is said that those who have ever entered these lands have never returned..."
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Pirate Mokuren purposely use red gems to pissed Kokuyou off because it means "I will steal your reign." or stuff like that. Kokuyou will be too proud to do the same (∂ω∂) hehe.
We do need historical AU for Black Star
We DOOO need a historical AU so bad for bsts hold on
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Ginsei's bday 2022 - Rapport
Warnings: violence, shooting, vulgar language, minors DNI
Pairing: MC (Saki) x Ginsei
Word count: 808 (part 1)
Prompt: MC and Ginsei working as police officers.
A/N: Saki is MC’s default name in Blackstar Theater Starless. MC and Ginsei’s personalities are not like their default version.
This fanfic is my bday gift to Ginsei. Happy birthday Gin <3. I love you!!!
I’ll post the other parts throughout the week.
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You would expect that on a Friday night most workers are excited because tomorrow is a day off, but that’s not the reality for some police officers.
A few hours ago, the police station where Saki and Ginsei work got a call from the owner of a mall saying that a man robbed a store and the security guards couldn’t catch him.
They sent a few cops to the mall to investigate and interrogate some clients who were inside the store at the time the burglar entered it.
Meanwhile, the other team was pursuing the burglar. The criminal stole a civilian’s car close to the mall, and now he is trying to get out of town.
Ginsei and Saki are coordinating the pursuit, and it looks like they are close to catching the suspect.
Some officers from their team went in the opposite direction to put a spike strip in one of the marginal access streets, considering that the burglar would use that path to escape from the police.
Their plan worked out just like they imagined. The burglar drove to that road, and with no other choice, he passed through the spike strip, puncturing his car tires. Due to the condition of the vehicle, the criminal realized his only option was to run for his life before the police could catch him.
Ginsei - Perfect! Now we move to phase 2. Let’s put this motherfucker in jail!
Saki - He is probably going to the national park. Let’s make sure we’ll get him before he can hide in the woods.
The police officers are pretty confident they will capture the suspect in a matter of minutes now. They have the numbers and the right equipment to immobilize the burglar. Also, they intend to capture him alive and avoid exchanging shots to not scare civilians who live in the vicinity.
However, in a blink of an eye, the situation changed completely when the pursuing team fell into a trap.
The criminal lured the cops to a specific area close to the national park. There, his gang was waiting for the officers, who were running in an open area.
When they were getting close to the burglar, Saki noticed something moving close to one of the trees.
Saki - It’s an ambush! Someone is behind those trees. Find someplace to hide! Now!
After Saki’s warning, the rest of the team quickly scanned the area to see if there was a safe spot to protect themselves. There are only two cops who stayed behind to secure the area, the ones who put the spike strip. They are not aware the rest of the team is in danger.
As Ginsei and Saki were the ones leading the team, they were on the front line.
The pursuing team tried to run and hide as fast as they could, but they were not that close to other trees or buildings. Then, the gang left their hideout and started shooting at the cops. 
Although all police officers were wearing bulletproof vests, they could still die if they got hit in a vital area.
In seconds, the quiet area became more like a war zone due to the crossfire between the gang and the police.
One of the cops was fast enough to dodge some bullets and find a tree to hide. He quickly contacted the other police officers who had set the trap in the road.
Although the backup would probably get there in a few minutes, there was no guarantee the rest of the team would escape from that mess alive.
By the time the backup got there, the burglar they were initially chasing and the gang had already run away.
Luckily, all of their colleagues survived, but Ginsei and two other cops got shot. They were taken to the hospital in a matter of minutes.
At the hospital, Saki was talking to the doctors to know her colleagues’ condition. She didn’t get hurt in the crossfire by sheer luck.
Now, as one of the leaders, she must gather any intel she can about the whereabouts of the burglar and his gang. But, before that, the least she can do is calm down the team bringing some good news about their friends.
According to the doctors, their lives are not in danger, but they must rest for a few weeks to recover as fast as possible.
She paid a visit to each one of the injuries, but Ginsei. One officer called his family a few hours ago to let them know where he was staying. So when Saki was going to talk to him to see how he was doing, his family was already in his room taking care of him.
As there was nothing else she could do at the moment, she went to the police station to report to her superiors before going home.
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sugakookie78 · 11 months
Twitch Streamer (Instagram AU)
Pairing: Liam Lawson x Streamer!Reader
All pictures are from Instagram, Tumblr, or Pinterest
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@/Y/N.Streams Stream at 8:30 BST ft a special guest
Tagged @/liamlawson30
Liked by @/liamlawson30, @/yourbestfriend, and 20,496 others
liamlawson30 Can't wait to play F1 with you
Liked by @/Y/N.Streams
user1 The crossover I needed
yourbestfriend When can I play?
Y/N.Streams Soon, I would guess. I have something planned for the rest of the week, but next week would be good
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@/liamlawson30 Come join us for some video games... YNStreams on Twitch
Tagged @/Y/N.Streams
Liked by @/Y/N.Streams, @/yukitsunoda0511, and 39,567 others
Y/N.Streams Yeah, what he said
liamlawson30 Yeah, what she said
user1 F1 drivers with my favorite streamer again? Dream come true
yukitsunoda0511 How are you feeling now?
liamlawson30 Still way too giddy... Check my messages
user2 They do realize this is public? Right?
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@/Y/N.Streams Finally met this guy in real life. Just so you guys know, he's just as dumb
Tagged @/liamlawson30
Liked by @/liamlawson30, @/oscarpiastri, and 35,917 others
liamlawson30 Dumb?
Y/N.Streams Yeah... in a good way
liamlawson30 Is there a good way?
Y/N.Streams Of course there is
user1 This is amazing
oscarpiastri Will you be coming to a race? Lando wants me to ask.
Y/N.Streams Yeah, I will be. Send me his number and I'll text him
user2 Will Liam have a music stream soon?
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@/Y/N.Streams Race Week! Congrats on your first points, Liam!
Tagged @/liamlawson30, @/alphataurif1
Liked by @/liamlawson30, @/alphataurif1, @/yukitsunoda0511, and 31,958 others
liamlawson30 Thank you! Glad you had a good time! <3
Y/N.Streams Thank you for inviting me <3
user1 The hearts? Is there something going on?
alphataurif1 Come back anytime!
Liked by @/Y/N.Streams
yukitsunoda0511 @/liamlawson30 Answer my text
liamlawson30 Ok, one sec
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@/liamlawson30 Date time <3
Tagged @/Y/N.Streams
Liked by @/Y/N.Streams, @/yukitsunoda0511, and 41,962 others
Y/N.Streams I had a great time. Thank you so much darling <3
liamlawson30 <3
user1 AHH! WHAT?
yukitsunoda0511 Finally... I don't have to deal with him whining about you
Y/N.Streams Liam? You told Yuki about me?
liamlawson30 Of course I did
user2 This is adorable!
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pedrithink · 1 year
ੈ✩ masterlist ੈ✩
last updated: june 1st, 2024
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social media fics
opposites attract - kylian mbappé
where there is golden retriever! kylian and his black cat girlfriend.
it girl - kylian mbappé
kylian is dating the gen’s it girl and can't help but be a simp for her.
unknown - kylian mbappé
kylian dates a person outside the media and fans find out about her.
love to hate me - kylian mbappé
kylian dates messi's eldest daughter and the media always talks that messi doesn't like him, they really don’t know the truth.
liverpool fan - jude bellingham
jude bellingham got a liverpool fan girlfriend and fans go crazy.
couple goals - kylian mbappé
you and kylian being the best celebrity couple ever.
break up - kylian mbappé
the media spreads that you and kylian broke up.
the sister of my best friend - jude bellingham
request: can you do an instagram au where the reader is trent's sister and soft launches her relationship with jude?
celebrity - pedri gonzález
request: hey, love your works a lot❣️ could you maybe do a social media fic where news report that pedri is dating this very famous celebrity and everyone is like :00 how?? but also WOW!! ;;; tyyy <;33
traitor - kylian mbappé
your boyfriend cheated on you, but you know someone much better.
secret - pedri gonzález
everyone thinks you and gavi are dating, but you have eyes for someone else.
mother’s day - kylian mbappé
celebrating your first mother's day.
my home - jude bellingham
jude and his low profile girlfriend.
london boy - jude bellingham
david beckham! daughter
you and i - jude bellingham
request: maybe you could do Jude and his girlfriend through different stages of their relationship
we find love - jude bellingham
request: can i request a jude x reader smau where the reader was jude's childhood bst, but they lost contact when they were younger (maybe around 10/11) bcos the reader had to move countries? then in one of jude's recent interviews, he talks about her and how he used to support him a lot but he doesn't know where she is and his fans find her for him
friends into strangers - jude bellingham
friends into strangers.
the other woman - mason mount
you will be always the other woman to some fans, but for mason you are the only one.
lost in paradise - jude bellingham
everyone thinks that you and jude have broken up.
surprise - jude bellingham
request: hi can you do where jude's camera pictures get leaked and everyone knows who his gf is.
private - jude bellingham
jude being a fool for you and you not giving a “damn” about him. reader! trent’s best friend.
no pics - jude bellingham
fans notice that you don't post many pictures showing your face.
birthday - jude bellingham
posts for jude’s birthday through the years.
changes - mason mount
mason joined manchester united and with all this hate, fans think that you should break up with him.
hate to love me - jude bellingham
request: gf that gets hated on for being jude’s gf and he defends her
delicate - jude bellingham
the massive hate you are getting on internet and the way jude stood by you, supporting you.
dream family - pedri gonzález
request: im on my knees begging for a messi reader x pedri 🙏🏼 soc med au or oneshot i will take what i can get
photos - pablo gavi
you being the photographer of barcelona.
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foxalotlposts · 1 month
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Okay, seriously this time, who's ready for the Shiny Duo Hero Au?
The first 5 pages are releasing on the Friday 16th of August, 12pm BST
Pages 1-5 is located here!
Master post for this AU!
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mrghostrat · 3 months
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Fic Night: Chapter readings from In The Room Where You Sleep, competitive fic trivia, online party games, and hanging out with cool people! Hosted by @eviebane and I'm there too
Where: Join The Beehive Discord server and RSVP to be notified when the event starts. (Lurkers welcome! Meg and I are the only ones on cam/mic)
When: Events last roughly 2-3 hours (HANDY TIMEZONE CHART)
🇦🇺 AEST: 9am, Sunday June 30th
🇬🇧 BST: 12am, Sunday June 30th
🇺🇸 CDT: 6pm, Saturday June 29th
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talk-danmei-to-me · 18 days
♡ Danmei Fanfic Nightclub Update ♡
First off, happy Monday everyone! Four more sleeps until the danmei fanfic club opens for business (if the logistics all work out this week)
So far (please let me know if I am wrong and I will take you off) the following blogs that will be taking fanfic requests are:
If every blog could send me the following information, I can put together the main post which will serve as the menu:
(I'm using myself as an example)
Ships: Ranwan, Hualian, Beefleaf, Wangxian, (Ximang pending)
Fic Requests: Smut, AUs, Angst
Will not write: -
Timezone: BST 7pm-Midnight
I figured listing personalised timings and timezones would be easier so requesters can work out when to put requests in based on their own timezone. Also, it's just too much maths for me.
If you're happy to write any pairing in a danmei, just list the danmei itself.
Anyone who hasn't already expressed an interest, but wants to join the party, just comment expressing your interest and completing the menu entry listed above.
The only rule is you have to be 21+ because I am old and it's my idea 😜 no children allowed!
Finally, please vote here on what you want the main tag to be so we can all use the same ones and really live out the fanfic/club meme that inspired this. Most popular tag wins. I'm also not the best at titles so if anyone has a genius idea, please vote the third option and leave your suggestion in the comments (readers/those planning to request fics please vote too!) If there are a lot of alternative suggestions, I'll re-run the poll tomorrow.
Depending on how quickly we can get the logistics done, we could be opening for business on Friday 😁
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shonpota · 2 years
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MokuKoku is life.... 🥲 why do I have to ship rare pair
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hwaseonghwasworld · 8 months
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Arranged Marriage Profile
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Genre: series Mafia!au, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Social Media!au
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
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Next Chapter
Arranged Marriage M.list
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