okamirayne · 7 months
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Itachi’s Legacy
HHU still a’vibing ❤️‍🩹😵‍💫☕️
Ah, Naruto 💔
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artoutoftheblue · 5 months
Throwing a little idea out into the void. What if theres a variant of BTB where Lord Eclipse kidnaps literally anyone who comes into their dimension and turns them into servants or guards
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Wait wait random thought but what if Traveler ended up in the BTBverse during dimensional hopping for Moon and Monty, and ending up being kept there by Lord Eclipse as a servant?
Ooo that could be interesting! Arguably a better fate then his current one but that also depends on if he’s brainwashed or not and what lord eclipse would use him for. He’d probably be desperate enough to do it without brainwashing just because he has the chance to talk to others and maybe get some affection
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churchydragon · 5 months
Is the rest of the CSS guys plan to just. Send drones in the BTBverse to get information? That would probably only work once lmao. And if they did manage to get some context of what's going on in there, how'd they react to it?
Red came up with the idea since they didn't want Shattered Bloodmoon to try following them and Lilac into the dimension, but still wanted to know what was going on.
if they do manage to see anything, they'd be terrified, especially if they managed to get a glimpse of Ray, Harvest, Phase and Blaze. they all look so tired, and hopeless. they have to do something, but there's only two of them, and they don't wanna drag Shattered, Rec Solar, and Solstice, and HS Sun and Moon into this. and Sucho needs to take care of Flare, he's already lost one parent. they might try asking the other animatronics, but they don't know as much about other dimensions and Star stuff as they daycare crew does.
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Assorted asks, a lotta them
I was busy being quarantined with an extrovert. Contents: ender dragon stuff, villagers in superflat worlds and bad situations, resource packs and shaders, an oak garden, zombie villagers
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@gardenergulfie asked: Do you have any headcanons for the Ender Dragon in your universe?
(this was the one ask that prompted the ender stuff lore I posted) here's a few, actual level of canon in the btbverse varies:
- Does not require sustenance or having Regular Reptile Behaviors. Or innards. She does burst into light and experience orbs after all. Very much an unfinished creature.
- The present of you in the End made her and the rest of the center End island spawn, they aren't always there. If you just don't go to the end then there's no ender dragon
- Response to being called Jane, usually in the form of charging you
- Widely regarded as a milf in some circles
@baltoslav asked: the thing about endermen ending thw world. that happens to the other dimensions also i suppose, yeah-? Then the ender dragon, who doesnt die in the void, if she's not killed, does she just fly around the endless void until a new island for her is formed or does she get exhausted at a point and die too?
Yea the nether gets enderman'd too.
She only spawns in the moment you enter the End the first time (not that anyone knows that), but if you fsr loads the End, then leave it like that until that dimension falls apart completely, then she'll just die with it, like a supernova. The last light in an empty world
@nitropixelz asked: Also, how would the pre inf-dev(Old worlds on bedrock edition)/Superflat/Amplified worlds work? I assume amplified would work as normal (ish), and superflats might not be popular to the villiagers, but whats your take on these things
Not a lotta takes but villagers on superflat worlds are often slime mimics (I'm treating this as villagers move in from other worlds. It's fucked up that you can just doom a people by spawning them into a world of nothing when this isn't a game) and they collect experience orbs to make into things, so their life is less harsh than players. If you're nice or can afford it they'll give you obsidian and a flint and steel - it's much easier to survive Minecraft Hell than their overworld tbh.
wait, what does that make the nether?
The Nether as a dimension is just there and doesn't have Extra Lore like the End. For now (0u0)
are texture packs, like, perception filters? that alter how you see things? like goggles or a patch you put on your body or smth
They're used like lenses and you get them as a flexible, slightly sticky sheet like cellophane, which you have to trace and cut to size yourself and fit into your eyewear of choice (this is so stacking multiple resourcepacks doesn't look ridiculous when I draw it)
@thecartonizer asked: how do villagers deal with the more unsavoury types of players in minecraft worlds both singleplayer and multiplayer?
Sic their golems on you and blacklist you across the entire villager network. The first thing to do when you want to get away with oppressing some villagers is to move your operation out into Free Space, world folders are really sparse out there it takes forever for news to spread.
If it's the player-on-player kind of unsavory they don't give a fuck lmao. Excluding personal relationships, of course.
We know that maturation makes a world look more like ours, more natural and less blocky. Does this effect transfer to newly placed blocks in a matured world? Or do they stick out like a sore thumb
They stick out. They're uncommon, but labs that collect and develop samples from worlds exist, and the "core world" where they keep these samples look like botanical gardens crossed with animal shows crossed with museums. I'm talking like 50 oak trees in a grid carefully labelled and while most of them look like Regular Minecraft Oak you'll find one that has neon green leaves. Or funny apples. Or trees so new you can still see the 16 pixels of color across one side of their trunks.
Can canonization ever effect villagers? Cause I remembered the doctor from the diamond minecart's videos and how he actually was an important character. Is there any kind of overlap or no?
Related anon ask: What does Dr. Trayorus look like?
Canon don't effect them in the sense that they don't change for your story, but they'll acknowledge it as true if it is canon. They're pretty used to random info turning into facts, what's with the universe and its updates. In the case of that specific villager he won't get any of the special power, but he'll get the false memory and retroactive history, if he wants to. It's like roleplaying to him, essentially.
I had to look this up: Dr Trayaurus was a recurring character in DanTDM’s videos, and as I haven’t seen him I don’t know.
How do zombified villagers feel when they get cured, and what’s the entire process like for them?
I think the zombie part is completely lost to them and getting splashed with a weakness potion is like waking up after a physically taxing day and all your limbs are sore, followed by several hot flashes as the golden apple works the necrosis out of your system. A garbage of a time for everyone involved
Is there a difference between Bedrock (Pocket Edition) or Java edition minecraft in your worldbuilding?
Nah that’s a wasp nest I don’t want to hit also I have zero experience with Bedrock so I don’t think I can write that
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okamirayne · 1 year
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okamirayne · 1 year
😭 Old OC feels…I use this song for so many OCs but in this BtB case, it’s most definitely Naoki’s song to Genma. 💔
Sound on 🔊
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artoutoftheblue · 6 months
Also some backgrounds for the characters inside Lord Eclipses castle for the BTBverse blog. I'll work on more for other characters later, plus I've still gotta work on the balcony background too
First image is the wall of one of the standard rooms, second one is of the hallways
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artoutoftheblue · 2 years
Read before interacting with me
16 || They/Them || Ace & Pangender || American (Central Daylight Time) || Autism/Asperger's Syndrome, Suspected BPD, ADHD, Anxiety, Executive Dysfunction, Anger Issues (which I do my best to keep at a down low) and Depression
Current Follower Count: 836
Current Inbox Count: 94
Birthday: April 10th
DNI: Radfems, Terfs, Anti-LGBT, Ableists, Racists, Proshippers, and Celestialcest shippers. Interact with me and I'll block you, it's as simple as that.
Will block anyone who supports/rbs art of/or ships Solarmoon and will not hesitate to do so, even if you're a close friend, sorry but that's just how it goes. Just dont be gross.
I dont give a flying fuck what the reason is, if you dont have my permission and you dont credit me, dont fucking repost it.
My restriction on fanart post
List of all my awesome moots that you should go follow right now
If you use my art as an avatar, banner, etc, CREDIT ME. PLEASE.
Eclipse, Bloody, and Solar my bbgs
Current Hyperfixafion: The Sun and Moon Show
Current Interests: Five Nights at Freddys, The Sun and Moon Show, Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire, The Amazing Digital Circus, Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, My Little Pony, Hazbin Hotel
Current Fursonas: Main - Sunshine (Fennec Fox), Secondary - Jupiter (Aardwolf)
Please ask me before you DM me. If I say I dont want to, then dont get upset. The only times I want to be DMed is for commissions or if I'm good friends with you
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•Cat posts: #blues cats
•Talkin about aus, crossovers, or just stuff in general: #blue talks
•Art from Mutuals: #moots art
CW: This blog may talk about things that may be uncomfortable for some people (topics such as abuse, neglect, torture, and others), if these make you uncomfortable then I highly suggest looking elsewhere
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Here's everything you need from me:
•Playlist of all the songs I like (that arent fnaf related)
•Comm Sheet
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•Old unfinished fic with old lore: Haunted Stars
•Character Heights List
•My YouTube Channel: •//Sunny D\\•
•BTBverse Storyline askblog
•LSverse askblog
•CtOSverse askblog
•OSverse askblog
•HSverse askblog
•My age is in my bio, you probably just gotta click on it
My AUs:
1. Haunted Stars AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
2. Overseas AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
3. Breaking the Bounds AU (My SAMS AU) (Updated Post) (Current Statuses of the characters): Art tag, Rambling tag
4. Roleplay AU (Has yet to be named)
5. Shapeshifter AU (I'll bring it back eventually)
6. Warrior Cats x SBS AU (Statuses of woodclan) (Statuses of other clans): Art tag, Rambling tag
7. Lord Solar AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
8. Confined to one Spot AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
9. Mask of Innocence AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
10. Lord Crimson AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
11. The Cost of Doubling Down AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
12. Wings of Fire x SBS AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
13. Swap!BTB AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
14. Game of Thrones x SBS AU (still in the works)
15. Stranger Things x SBS AU (Still in the works)
16. Always Evil AU (still in the works): Art tag, Rambling tag
17. Celestial Fairies AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
18. Junkyard AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
19. Minds of Static AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
20. Stockholm CtOS AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
21: Werefoxes AU: Rambling tag
22: Evil Solar AU: Art tag, Rambling tag
23: WC x SBS offshoot (technically a crossover but whatever) (info post) (info post on previous cats): Art tag, Rambling tag
24: TSAMS Demon AU (info post): Art + Rambling tag
Crossovers I post about sometimes:
-General Crossover Tag
1. Breaking the Bounds AU x Celestial Siblings Show: Tag
2. Breaking the Bounds AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
3. Breaking the Bounds AU x Crystalverse AU: Tag
4. Lord Solar AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
5. Overseas AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
6. Overseas AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
7. WC x SBS AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
8. Hunger Games Time Loop Crossover (death post): Tag
9. Hunger Games Game Night Crossover
10. Confined to One Spot AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
11. Mask of Innocence AU x Celestial Siblings Show AU: Tag
12. Lord Crimson AU x Trapped Forever AU: Tag
13. RightHand Supernova AU: Tag
14. Breaking the Bounds AU x Red Blue and Black AU: Tag
15. Celestial Siblings Show AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
16. Supernova AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
17. Red Blue and Black AU x Haunted Stars AU: Tag
(If you wanna crossover with any of my aus then @ me with some scenarios! I love doing crossovers with anyone!)
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Yet another crossover picture but this time it's with the TFverse and BTBverse! I just felt like drawing these two so idrk how to caption this lol, but it was fun to draw
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TF Lunar belongs to @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
I can see Solar getting curious about what drinking coffee feels like because he sees Blaze do it a lot. The thing is is that the BTBverse can actually have reactions to caffeine, so that would be the first and last time that Solar would drink coffee
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Curious, how do you think the BTB characters would interact with my Solar and Lunar? (Like around ask blog time where Solar is still being abused by Lunar) Would they instantly have a bias against my Solar like they do with your Solar? Would they instantly assume Lunar is the good one on the basis of her just being Lunar? Would they notice things like my Solar constantly looking slightly scared whenever my Lunar is around?
Sorry for rambling and asking lots of questions just having thoughts
They all would immediately believe that Solar is like their Eclipse, and instantly take Lunars side simply because shes a Lunar. However, over time, Sun and Lunar would eventually see that she is actually really just an asshole for no reason. It would take the others a much longer time to realize that as well.
Meanwhile BTBverse Solar would be the only one on your Solars side before the others realize the situation hes in
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Okay I'm setting up the districts now, the only person from the BTBverse that wont be there will be Eclipse, because hes more than likely the reason that they're all having to do this. Also put CSS Monty and Solar Flare in it too cuz I couldnt think of any more aus. I'll probably rb this when I'm done w/ this one
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Finally all of the SAMS mers are finished. MerLunars design is based off a whale shark. He likes to live in and around kelp forests. His purple eye is a lazy eye, he cant move it or see out of it, he can see out of his blue eye tho. I decided to make his scars and tounge blue instead of purple, and I think I like it more than the purple. I'll probably make the BTBverse Lunars the same color too
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
I should be getting back to the story soon. Until then, heres KC Moon in the BTBverse. Just so you know, in Moons head, hes 12 ft tall, so finally someone else is taller than Eclipse
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
I think it would be funny as shit if CSS ended up meeting HS after a good ending in the BTB crossover because then an interaction like this is more likely to happen since the BTBverse and the HSverse designs are exactly the same
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Blaze belongs to @churchydragon
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