#btch this photo set
rhazimpulsivelyposts · 3 months
The Aquarius~
When I was like 16 I used to play MMO RPG games and I met an Aquarius Male on one of these games. We would talk all the time for hours, we never ran out of things to talk about. Aquarius people are good at this. But what they are also good at is talking you into things you didn’t really want. This Aquarius Male talked me into being like an online girlfriend to him that I wasn’t really sure about but went along with, it didn’t last long because a different cuter boy caught my attention. Luckily it was all long distance with no sexting and honestly we stayed friends. I’m still friends with this Aquarius Male and we talk ever year or so, this story isn’t about him, but adds context.
I’ve also worked with Aquarius Males, before the one I’m going to talk about, and again super great conversation, but they aren’t too great at taking criticism or someone else thinking they have a better way of doing something. Every Aquarius Male I’ve known in a work setting always takes the long way around, and if you try to show them they are doing too much, they don’t like it and argue their way is not extra and that your way just doesn’t make sense. It breeds innovation and thoughtful debates so I enjoy them in work settings. I’m not talking about an Aquarius I have worked with in this story, but this adds context.
Onto the actual subject:
In 2020 my Sagittarius and I were broken up but still seeing each other for about 6 months or so, 2 of those months were completely no contact. It was near the end of the 6 months and that is when this takes place.
My Leo, who is very helpful at offering up meat for me to devour when I’m hunting, mentions a guy she went to school with who inquired about me. I look at his profile and he is kinda cute. Tall and skinny , I love those. Blue eyes , brown hair, freckles. But he has a kid. I don’t like kids. I love my Leo’s kid because it is her kid and she’s raising a pretty well behaved child, but I don’t want kids. I don’t wanna be a step mom to any kids. So I say thank you no thank you.
Then a few weeks later my Virgo messaged me, she is someone I’ve known since I was 9 and is in a completely different friend group and social circle from my Leo. She messages me about THE SAME GUY , inquiring about me… bro really went to two different friend groups to get my number.
“Omg FINE!” I thought to myself, “ maybe he’s a good fck and that’s all I want anyways” . But does that not show you the determination on the Aquarian .
So I go to my Virgos to meet him and … oh I have already met him … he went to my Trade School .. he already knew me! Small world? Kinda weird. He’s into cars I’m into cars, he’s into drugs (so he says at first) I’m into drugs, he’s into video games I’m into video games, he’s kinky I’m kinky. He had a kid but I don’t want kids , he’s into guns but I don’t like guns.
On the second meeting, my Virgo says we are all going swimming at his house. I take my motorcycle and I get there a little late and guess who isn’t there, my Virgo. This btch and our other friend show up 3 hours late, I know it was on purpose, so the Aquarius and I would have alone time to chat. Fine it worked, we vibe a little. He’s into Magic I kinda am into Magic enough to have a deck.
I give it a shot and we start fcking. This man’s dck is sooooo big like I can’t even take it 🤣 like sir you should be making money online with this. The sex was good. But his house was FILLED with pictures of his wife who died and his kid and going over there made me physically nauseous from the awkwardness I felt fcking him in a house laced with these photos. It kinda creeped me out. It bumped the sex down from great to good or ok.
Then I had to meet the kid, I didn’t want to, I was forced. And he talked me into it the whole way with reassurance and manipulation. He wanted us to date. He wanted me to be ok being around his child. My personality is not fit to be around children. I have basically no filter and I drink and take drugs and children shouldn’t be subjected to that. He is stifling my personality every time this child is around. The kid is adorable and well behaved , but I don’t feel like I can be myself around children because I care to much about what they are exposed to.
He told me how they go to Disney land all the time (another red flag for me , no Disney Adults ok, y’all have weird trauma I don’t want to work through with you. Same with people who LOVE Christmas. Y’all have family trauma I don’t want a part of) , I made the joke that if I can’t take acid at Disneyland I don’t want to go. It didn’t go over well, because well he has a kid to look after. I don’t want that responsibility . But he continued to try to talk me into it, talk me into being the girlfriend.
The scary part is I feel like he was sooooo close to talking me into it. I was texting my friends like “idk maybe it won’t be so bad, the kid is nice?” And all of my friends were like “where the fck did Rhaz go?! Who is this?! You have never wanted kids what is this ?!” It was manipulation, from a smart man who could articulate and argue against every point I had about not wanting a child . Aquarius are really good at this. Very logical so they have an answer for EVERYTHING. This man was going to change me, into someone I wasn’t. It was making me very uncomfortable.
My last straw though, like the nail in the coffin for this situationship :
We were eating dinner, me, him, his kid. The kid couldn’t finish the meal. He’s like 4 or 5 or something, small baby child. Small stomach. But the Aquarius wouldn’t let the kid leave the table until he cleaned his plate. Bro I was flushed with so many trauma flash backs. It’s not my kid, I had no right to speak on the matter so I didn’t. We went outside to the pool, and the kid was still at the table, we could see him through the sliding glass. This made me so sad. This gave me anxiety.
This kid walks up to the door and opens it and asks if he can go play and the Aquarius goes “no I told you to finish that, you can go play after you finish your dinner. Look we finished our dinners and that’s why we are allowed to play” . He said it so sternly . This gave me anxiety. After the kid shut the door I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“You know, kids have small stomachs, maybe that portion was too big for him?” - me
“No he always does this , he won’t finish it and wastes food and then in like an hour he wants more” - Aquarius
“Maybe because his stomach is small and his metabolism is fast, so he digests the food in about an hour and is hungry again?” - me
“I guess i never thought of that” - Aquarius
“Speaking for myself, i have a lot of issues with food. Sometimes i have to snack a little and then put it in the fridge and come back to it. Sometimes i really like a food and then I don’t like it anymore randomly. I feel like forcing him to sit and stare at food he isn’t hungry for, as a punishment for not eating that food, is going to cause an eating or anxiety disorder in your child” - me
He didn’t like that I was questioning his parenting. Or even suggesting that something he is doing was going to cause the kid to have issues later. Most parents don’t. But that interaction gave me so much ick, so much anxiety. It snapped me out of the talkitive spell he had me under.
I broke it off with him and he kept asking me why and i told him “look we just don’t vibe well. We don’t have the same life style and wants. I could go down a small list of specific reasons why but there is no point. You will just hyper focus on those reasons and want to change when realistically we are just two different types of people in this world and that’s ok.”
See fellas that’s how you communicate when you are done fcking around with someone . Men suck at this. Most either don’t communicate at all or they give people that list of shit that they will rumminate on.
I have never felt so manipulated by a partner before and I have never felt that since. He wasn’t abusive or evil, he was just very good at debating for what he wanted in life. That’s a good skill to have, but don’t use it on me. It gives me the ick. 
0 notes
supersizemeplz · 4 years
Open Up
CollegeAU!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. Inspired by the tweet below, which I may have screenshot from tik tok. Enjoy!
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Lazy. That word described your day in full. You'd had no classes and you were off from work for the next two days. Today was dedicated to self care and very much needed relaxation. Your plush blanket was snuggled tight against your neck, protecting you from the cold air of your apartment. Just how you liked it. The scent of brown sugar raised off your skin thanks to your shower half an hour before.
An older episode of The Simpson's played on your television, being the only source of light in your otherwise dark apartment. That and a pumpkin spice candle that sat isolated on the kitchen island behind you. Fuzzy winter socks hugged your feet, matching the onesie that you wore. Your big bonnet sat atop your head like a crown, hiding your butterfly locs.
Sighing happily, you turned up the volume of the TV before sitting the remote aside. And just as you'd gotten comfortable again, your phone vibrated on the coffee table before you. With a huff, you sat up and grabbed the device. Erik's picture took over the screen, consisting of him showing off his charming smile while relaxing in his bed. Wearing a neon green durag which happened to match your bonnet and a gold chain resting against his bare chest. He'd been the one to set that as his contact photo and his name which included ‘Daddy’. Much to your amusement.
"Stevens, isn't it your bedtime? You have class in the morning." You answered the call, hearing him shuffling around. His chuckle sounded through the speaker and you grinned. Almost as if you could see those dimples.
"I overslept that one time and you won't let it go, will you?" He laughed. Followed by his car door and two beeps from his doors locking. "While you questioning me.. What you doing up?"
"Nothing, watching tv. I’m not sleepy..” You looked to your screen, seeing his video request. “And why are you FaceTiming me? I am not decent enough." You laughed, refusing to answer. He tsked at that, messing with what sounded like bags. “Are those bags I hear? Where you been, sir?”
He chuckled, keys and bags jingling in the background. "Open the door and see." Was his simple rebuttal, probably accompanied with that devilish smirk of his.
"What door? Did you not hear me say I'm looking a mess? Bonnet and all." You looked to the door as if you could see through it. He chuckled again.
"I ain't ask you all that, baby girl. Now get your fine ass up and answer the door." It was your turn to tsk as you got up. Crossing your arms to hide the fact you were without a bra, you opened the door as you hung up. He greeted you with a big smile, holding up the bags of food.
"Ooo, wingss ." You sang, grabbing a bag and turning from him. He followed you in with a slight pout, locking the door behind him. Turning on the light, you threw a glance at him. Laughing at his expression. He was so dramatic.
"I come to you with food to show you I miss you, and a brotha can't get no love. A hey or a hug, nothin." He shook his head, holding off a smile. You sat the bag down, playfully rolling your eyes as you gave in.
"As much as you intimidate people, no one would believe you act like this. C'mere, my big baby.." you cooed, holding out your arms. He came to you, sitting his food on the coffee table to embrace you. His big arms squeezed you, lifting you off the ground. "Hey to you too, Erik."
He placed his face in the bend of your neck, inhaling silently. "Damn, you smell good as fuck.." He growled, feeling your nipples through the fabric of your onesie. "And no bra? You must've been waiting for me, baby?"
"Boy, get off me." You laughed, pushing his chest when he gave a synced two-hand smack to your backside. "I told you I wasn't decent. The only reason you still here is because you brought me food. And a drink." Walking to the kitchen, you felt his eyes still on you. Maybe because you also had on no panties.
"Don't do yo man like that. I thought you liked me?" He held a hand to his heart as he sat on the couch, not being able to stop his smile. Somehow you managed to mask yours.
"I mean.. you aight." You sat the bottle of ranch on the table before the both of you, sitting at his side with a shrug. He gave you a look, raising an eyebrow. Looking to him, you matched his face.
"Just aight, huh?" He glanced at your lips before meeting your eyes. "Imma remember that, baby girl. I'm only letting you slide because I don't want cold fries."
"Yeah, yeah.." you teased, taking one of his fries to eat. You were the only one able to get away with doing so. "You couldn't punish your baby. You love me too much. Ain't that right?" Grabbing his beard, you gently pulled it to bring his face closer to yours. Lips never meeting just to tease him.
He licked his lips, smiling to reveal his bottom row of gold. It glinted from the light above you both. His body leaned towards you and you caught the scent of his cologne. The cute little pushing together of his eyebrows as he focused on you made you smile. “I mean.. you aight.”
Your smile dropped and he flicked your lip playfully. His laugh boomed out as he took the hit you sent to his chest. “You play too much. Ugly self.” You fibbed, watching as he took one of your lemon pepper wings.
He dipped the flat in ranch, smirking. “You know I love yo goofy ass..” Stopping himself from taking a bite, he watched you roll your eyes. “..now stop pouting before I say forget the wings and eat something else. You’ll sholl be whining then.”
@sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelmaree @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired
@justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @princesskillmonger @theblulife @airis-paris14 @liviy00 @whoramilaje @yaachtynoboat711 @kaykay0829
@terrablaze514 @iwrite4poc @truglori @muse-of-mbaku @killmongerdispussy @jozigrrl @thedelightfulone @bugngiz @mzbritt @tinyelfperson @ashleychristina73
@softnani @tashawar @callme-slime @kalliopetales @amethyst1993 @pinkdemolition @raysunshine78 @missmohnique @toniilaney @pinktiger501 @uhlxis @thehomierobbstark @princessstevens
@killmongerthiskoochie @soufcakmistress
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justhiddlesss · 5 years
Why? (For the nth time)
Before I get off of my consciousness, I read a post on this famous social media about 2 hearts getting back together after 9 YEARS. Then I thought for a moment, what if. Haha
I dreamt for a frking nth time with you AGAIN. You sent me a photo of your new haircut, and the setting was in Angelu and I's favorite place to eat when we were reviewing for CPALE.
"Bakit ka nandyan?" I asked while still looking at your haircut.
"Wala lang. Haha. Punta akong concert mamaya sa SM Sta. Mesa." You said with full of excitement.
And I thought for a moment.. ohhh. Wait a second, Taken pa pala siya.
"Ahh ganon ba, punta rin ako maya sa PUP, may imi-meet lang."
And guess what? That's your frend, Nebrao. In my dream I was supposed to buy a book from him but instead, we went straight to your house and we both folded new laundry. I saw your mom, and wanted to greet her with a kiss but she refused. I feel sad haha. AFTERWARDS, your girl came with so much excitement because of the concert. But it all came down when she saw me.
You didn't explain at all. You just said, "Sht."
I didn't even tried to explain too. I just glazed at her. And she and her friends become quiet. The next thing I knew was your girl's friend was talking to me. She wants me to explain why am I in my ex's house. Hahaha. I don't know either.
Later that day, I was about to go home. But I think, I fell asleep beside you. Just like the good ol times.
Your girl sent me a message telling me how btch I am. I didn't respond at all, maybe she was right? Why would I agree to go out with you when you're going out with someone else.
Am I that desperate?
Maybe.. hahaha maybe..
Sht. Maybe... I'm still not over you.
Totoo nga, mahirap mag mahal ng 1 taong di pa tapos magmahal ng iba.
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Carry On
My submission for the With Love, From Wakanda fic fest. This story has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally figured out a way to end it. It’s set back when Hennessy and Erik were at MIT and is written from her POV.
Warning: Fluffy Angst? Is that a thing? Just go with it. Brief, and somewhat graphic description of a miscarriage. Also, the photos used below are not my own.
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The Kompound was all abuzz as Erik ushered Angel and the twins into the house. The birth of the prince and princess was a bittersweet moment for me. Though I was ecstatic for our new additions and I was happy for my sister wife and Erik, I couldn’t get over the slight bit of jealousy I felt towards her. While the rest of the family surrounded Angél, each one fighting over who would hold the twins first, I retired to my bedroom, not wanting to appear bitter. As I lay across my bed staring up at the ceiling, the soft pads of footsteps attracted my attention. He never could sneak up on me.
“Can I come in?”
“It’s your house, Daka.”
“Come on now, don’t be like that. I just came to check on you.”
I shrugged, turning so that I was facing away from him.
“I’ll be alright, I just needed a little time to myself. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.” He crawled into my bed, pulling me into his massive arms.
“Talk to me, Princess.”
It was an awkwardly warm day in Cambridge, Massachusetts and instead of enjoying the warm weather at the annual campus pool party, I was in my apartment throwing up my entire existence for the 3rd time today. What the hell is wrong with me?
The sickness began right after Christmas, but I hadn’t thought much of it. That is, until I missed my period. I can’t possibly be...
I gagged and heaved until my throat burned before finally settling on the floor beside the toilet. I opened the cabinet under the sink and retrieved the pink box that I had thrown under there for such an occasion. I reluctantly pulled the test out and followed the instructions printed on the box. After waiting the suggested 5 minutes, I looked down at the stick in horror.
“Pregnant,” I whispered out loud. I had just begun the first year of my graduate program and my “partner” for lack of a better term, was in and out of town with the Navy. I sold weed to make a living and he was a mercenary for the US government, neither of which screamed ideal parents for an unborn human. Nope, it had to be a fluke, a false positive. I was in the process of banging my head against the wall of the bathroom when a pair of perfectly pearly white teeth and gold canines filled my phone screen.
“Yes my love?”
“Wassup Princess, still not feeling good?” I could hear laughing and water splashing in the background, a tell-tell sign that he was at the party and wanted me to join him.
“Nah, I just threw up again.”
“Aight that’s it, we going to the hospital.”
“No! That’s really not necessary. It’s probably just a stomach virus.”
“All the more reason for me to take you to the doctor. You not getting me sick. Put some clothes on, I’ll be there in 10.”
The line disconnected before I could utter another word of protest. Though I was thankful to have someone like Erik in my life that cared for my physical well-being, I knew I wasn’t ready to have my worst fears confirmed by an official test. I slowly stood up from the floor and made my way to my bedroom. I pulled on one of his wife beaters and a pair of his basketball shorts, my go-to choice when I wanted to be comfortable. True to his word, he pulled up 10 minutes later and helped me down the stairs and into his NSX.
The lights of the hospital were bright and unnerving as we sat in the waiting room.
“Chiron? Hennessy Chiron?”
“That’s me,” I called as I followed the woman to the exam room. We went through the usual hospital semantics before she gave me a small plastic cup to pee in. Well, no turning back now.
Much to my dismay, Erik sat in the exam room the entire time, wanting to know every detail of what was said firsthand. I hated it, how protective he was over me. This was one instance I wished he treated me like his usual smash and dash hoes. He held my hand as the doctor entered the room, smiling bright.
“Congratulations, according to our tests, you’re about 8 weeks pregnant!” I groaned loudly and I just knew that Erik was having a mental breakdown until his deep voice broke the silence.
“I’m gonna be a daddy?”
“Yes sir, you’re gonna be a daddy. Mom doesn’t look too thrilled about the news, though.”
“N-No I’m fine. I’m just processing everything,” I replied with a shaky voice. He could tell I was lying, but chose to kept quiet. He knew I’d speak up when I was ready and I knew he’d be ok with whatever decision I made moving forward.
“You know you cute as fuck carrying my baby,” Erik’s deep voice called from the phone that was propped up on my nightstand. He was away on another JSOC mission, but facetimed me nightly to check on me and our unborn baby. I was only 3 ½ months, but he swore my skin was glowing and my face was getting fatter. I hated it.
“Well you better enjoy this one, because this the only one you getting from me,” I pouted, looking down at my hardening stomach. I never admitted it to Erik, but I was terrified. How could someone that didn’t have a family, raise a child? I didn’t want our baby to grow up with the same questions and fears that I had.
“Get out ya head, Princess. You’re gonna be a great mother.”
“How do you always do that?”
“You’re my best friend, Sunshine. I always know what you’re thinking, especially since you can’t control your facial expressions for shit,” he grinned, flashing that smile I loved so much.
“We miss you,” I confessed.
“I miss y’all too, but Daddy will be home next week.” I smiled at that. The apartment was too quiet without him there and I missed my nightly belly rubs.
“Get some rest, Princess. I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Yes Daddy. I love you.”
“I love you more.” He blew a kiss at the screen before disconnecting the line. I snuggled deeper into the covers, wrapped myself in one of his hoodies and dozed off, dreaming about what life would be like once the little bean was born.
Pain. A sharp, piercing pain in my lower abdomen that was so strong it woke me from my sleep. I lifted myself from the bed and made the short journey to the bathroom. I fumbled for the lightswitch and gripped the edge of the sink as the cramps became more and more intense. I was mortified when I pulled down my panties to see them soaked with blood.
“This can’t be happening,” I thought aloud. I had just recently come to terms with the fact that there was a life growing inside of me only for the universe to decide that I didn’t need it. As I sat on the toilet and my body expelled the remaining parts of my unborn child, I began to weep. I was hurt, both mentally and physically and to make matters worse, my comforter was somewhere on the other side of the world defending a country that didn’t give a damn about us. I was angry, more angry than I had been in a long time and although I knew that situations like this happen for a number of reasons, I couldn’t help but feel like this was completely my fault. Like the universe was punishing me for being so ungrateful for such a precious gift.
“Princess, I’m home.” Oh now you’re just fucking with me, Bastet. As usual, I heard him before I saw him, his combat boots pounding heavily on the hardwood floors of the apartment. His expression quickly turned to panic when he entered the bathroom and saw the blood all over the floor.
“What happened?”
“I lost it, E. I lost our baby,” I wept into the bend of his neck. He didn’t speak, but stroked my back in comfort.
“It’s ok, baby,” he finally said after a while. “It’s ok. We have the rest of our lives to try again.”
“Who said I wanted to deal with you for that long?” I asked, chuckling through my tears.
“Girl please, you know you ain’t going nowhere,” he replied with a swift kiss to my forehead. I couldn’t argue with that logic. He was a permanent fixture of my life that I couldn’t possibly imagine living without. “Why don’t I run you a hot bath and get you cleaned up? I’ll even add that milk and honey bubble bath you like so much.”
“I’d like that a lot. Thanks, Erik.”
“Aye, just because you ain’t carrying my baby no more don’t mean you gotta stop calling me Daddy. I like that shit,” he said with a wide grin.
“Of course you do.”
We had been lying together so long that I didn’t even realize that I was crying until I felt his hand brush away a tear.
“You remember what I told you back then?” he asked as he placed a kiss to the top of my head.
“You said that you’d love me forever, with or without a baby.”
“And I meant that shit. Angel and I know how you feel about the twins, baby girl. We all know it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment, but don’t ever hide your feelings from me, understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good,” he responded before licking a long stripe from my chin to my forehead.
“Nigga did you just lick me?”
“Yes I did, now bring ya fine ass downstairs and meet our kids.”
@vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @champagnesugamama @sociallyawkward18 @trevantesbrat @hoopshoney @purple-apricots @supersizemeplz
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Happy Birthday, Daka
Warnings: This is a tear-jerker, y’all. Please grab some tissues before reading.
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Sunlight shined bright into the shared bedroom of the couple’s condo. It’s occupants slept peacefully, their bodies still intertwined from the previous night’s activities. Someone just had to have some birthday sex as soon as the clock struck Midnight.
“Like we always do it this time, I go for mine I got to shine, now throw your hands up in the skyyyy..”
The sounds of Kanye West and T-Pain pulled the young woman from her slumber as her usual 9:45 am alarm went off. She rose with a stretch, a sly smile creeping across her face as she stared back at the sleeping man. Today was her best friend’s birthday and she had an entire itinerary of things planned out for his enjoyment.
“Wake up Fathead!” she yelled, jumping up and down on the bed beside him. He groaned in protest, rolling over on his stomach pulling the pillow over his head. This had become their yearly tradition. Whenever their birthdays rolled around, they made it their mission to give the birthday girl or boy the most obnoxious wake up call ever. She almost always won.
“Erik N’Jadaka Stevens-Udaku! Wake yo black ass up!” she exclaims, repeatedly hitting him over the head with her pillow.
“Shyyyyy,” he whined into the mattress. “It’s too early for all this.”
“Fine. I’ll go to iHop by myself,” she teased as she sauntered into the bathroom. He perked up at that.
“Well why didn’t you just say that, Princess? You know a nigga loves pancakes.” He rose from the bed with a few caveman-like grunts, as he shuffled into the bathroom behind her. They stood in comfortable silence as they completed their morning rituals, both of them making silly faces in the mirror as they brushed their teeth.
“Don’t take too long old man,” she called over her shoulder as she made her way to her closet to choose her outfit for the day.
“Whatever lil girl, I’m only 37.”
“Yeah, and in my eyes, that’s an old geezer,” she teased. He gave her a pointed look before closing the bathroom door in her face. He knew that this was only the beginning of her jokes and needed a few moments to mentally prepare for the laughs he knew they were about to share. While he showered, she pulled down two black and gold boxes and stuffed them in her messenger bag. She then grabbed the stack of worn letters and made sure that they were tucked neatly into the pocket on the inside of the bag. Unbeknownst to him, she had done some research and found something that would make this birthday one that he wouldn’t soon forget.
“Hurry up! My stomach is touching my back,” she complained outside of the bathroom door. Though she was the most feminine of the two, he was a diva when it came to getting dressed to go out. There was a brief moment of shuffling before he finally emerged, dressed in a white t-shirt, blue jeans that were ripped at the knee and a pair of black and white Jordan 12s.
“I could’ve sworn it was my day. Why you rushing me, shawty?”
“Because we’ve got places to be and you taking longer than a bitch heading to a dick appointment.”
“Well excuse me, your highness,” he grumbled as he slipped his Cuban link around his neck. “I see you tryna match my fly or whatever. You just gotta remind everybody know the Queen Bee is, huh?” he taunted as his eyes roamed over her curvy physique dressed in an outfit similar to his.
“Whatever nigga. Let’s go before I die of starvation,” she quipped as she made her way outside. He followed with a shake of his head and a loud barking laugh. Today was gonna be one for the books.
“Do you want your first gift now or later?” she asked as he finished his fourth short stack of pancakes.
“Now please,” he mumbled, flashing his perfect pearly whites. She smiled, reaching into the pocket of her messenger bag. She pulled out the smaller black and gold box and sat it in front of him. He wasted no time tearing open the box, revealing a set of 24-karat gold bottom grillz with a Cuban link accent.
“Yo, this shit is flames! Thank you, Princess.”
“I guess you’re welcome or whatever,” she replied with a smirk. He quickly removed his bottom caps, replacing them with the grill. He smiled and ran his tongue over the metal, eliciting a low groan from her.
“Hey, stop that. We’re in public.” He smirked, flicking his tongue a few more times before stopping completely.
“Nasty ass,” she grumbled.
“I don’t hear you complaining when ya pussy in my mouth.”
“Fuck you!” “After breakfast, ma.”
The rest of the day played out like a movie. After breakfast the pair went to the arcade and then shopping, spending copious amounts of money on one another. That was one of the traits about Erik that she loved and hated. He had been through so much in his life that he never wanted to be the center of attention. He would always find a way to do or buy something for her on his birthday. Just a token of his appreciation, he would say.
“Where we headed princess?” he asked as she drove near the outskirts of town.
“You’ll find out soon,” she replied as she gripped the steering wheel tighter. She was nervous about how he would react when they reached their destination and could only hope the she was doing the right thing. They drove for about 30 minutes before they reached St. Augustine Cemetery.
“A cemetery?” he asked in confusion. It’s now or never Shy.
“Y-Yeah,” she stuttered. “I did a little research and found somethings I figured you’d want to see. If you don’t want to, tell me now and we can go home.” He searched her face, noting the seriousness of her tone. They sat in silence before he spoke again.
“What’s that?” he asked, gesturing to the black box in her bag. She hesitated before pulling it out and sitting it in his lap. She watched as his fingers slowly traced the box before he removed the lid and peered inside.
“How did you..”
“It wasn’t easy, but I called every prison in California to see if any of them had any records of a Sylvia Stevens. I finally found one just outside of Oakland. I went by and picked up everything she had in her possession when she died.” A lone tear fell down his cheek as he pulled out various items. There were photos of him as a baby, pictures of them when he and N’Jobu would come to visit, and a necklace with a ring, similar to the one that he wore around his neck in honor of his late father. They sat in silence as he immersed himself in the memories of his late mother.
“These were there too,” she said as she pulled out the stack of envelopes. His hands trembled as he held the letters, each one addressed to him.
“S-She responded,” he said in a whisper. “I was so angry because I wrote her every chance I got, but never received a response. I thought she forgot about me, but she responded to every one.”
“Do you want to get out?”
The pair made the short journey up the hill before stopping at a large oak tree.
“She didn’t have a headstone, so I bought one,” Hennessy confessed. Erik was silent as he gazed over the sight when his mother laid. His hand shakily reached out and touched the granite headstone.
“I miss you Mama,” was all he said before he fell to his knees, tears falling down his cheeks in streams. “I hope you can see me up there. I hope I’m making you proud. I’ve been so lost without you, yet you’ve been here this whole time. I wish you were here to see your grandchildren. They’re the most precious little things ever. Your daughter-in-laws are amazing too. I swear I don’t know where I would be without them.” Hennessy walked up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Shy. This means more to me than you’ll ever know,” he said as he wiped his tears on his shirt.
“I was nervous about bringing you here. I didn’t know how you would feel having to relive that pain again.” “Thank you, Princess. Now that I know where she is, I can finally get some closure. This was the best birthday gift ever.” The two shared a passionate kiss before sitting down under the oak tree. They sat for hours as Erik told the story of how he went to Wakanda and how he came to have 9 wives to the headstone as though her mother-in-law was right there. They finally headed back to the car when night fell, not wanting to be caught in a cemetery after dark. They spent the rest of the night in her greenhouse, getting high and reading the letters that Sylvia wrote to her son while she was incarcerated.
“I love you, Princess.” “I love you too, Daka. Happy birthday.”
TAGS:  @vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @champagnesugamama @sociallyawkward18 @trevantesbrat @supersizemeplz
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blackpantherismyish · 6 years
Nights Like This
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A/N: Shoutout to the G.O.A.T herself, @whoramilaje for helping flesh this out. This idea has been in my head since this song came out because Lani is the loml. This is pre-marriage H&E. Don't worry. Also grab ya tissues cause whew chile.
Song: Nights Like This - Kehlani ft Ty Dolla $ign
Warning(s): Angst... Don't say I didn't warn you.
Italics are flashbacks
The clock on his phone read 11:46 pm on a Friday night. The wind whipping past Erik's ears softly as the flicker of his lighter and the soft hiss of his blunt filled the air around him. It had been a while since he had done this alone. He could still remembered` when he would sit outside with her, smoke a blunt and stare at the stars…
“Ugh! That tasted disgusting!” she gagged as she recovered from her coughing fit. They were smoking a hybrid mixture of two very earthy strains.
“Well nobody told you to pull like you were smoking a gahdamn chimney..” Erik choked back a laugh as he took the blunt away from her.
“Nigga whatever… I don't see how you do it. That tasted like I was smoking oregano.” Hennessy wiped her face and sat back in one of the lounge chairs they had on their balcony. It was an ungodly time of night and this man wanted to get high… Niggas.
Erik slapped his thigh as he held the blunt between his lips.
“Did you j-just say oregano?” He howled a laugh, throwing his head back.
“I did. How dare you make me smoke lawn clippings. Disrespectful ass.” Henny giggled watching Erik continue to laugh his ass off. It really wasn't that bad, she just loved making him laugh with her foolishness.
“Stop. P-please. My stomach hurts.” Tears had made their way down his face as he continued to laugh. He probably wasn't even that high, but she wasn't helping. Laughing herself, she looked up at stars. They were so bright. Little white specks littering the sky above.
“Are you going to pass it back and stop laughing?” She glanced over at him as he calmed down, his shoulders still jumping. Sitting up slightly, he handed the blunt over.
“Thought you said I was making you smoke lawn clippings…” He leaned on his arm and looked her in awe. She was one of those people that could make the simplest things the most intriguing to watch.
“Well these lawn chippings 'bout to get me high off my ass so I really don't care.” She french inhaled with ease, then blew the smoke out of her nose like a dragon.
“You damn right…” Slowly sitting back in the chair, his gaze shifted from the tiny woman to the sky, just in time for a shooting star to fly by.
“Make a wish…” Henny whispered softly, closing her eyes.
“Don't need to, It's already come true.” Erik reached over and engulfed her tiny hand in his own.
“What is it?” Her eyes remained closed as his thumb rubbed against the back of her hand.
“That I'd finally find happiness..” His voice faded away as he got lost in the stars. She could hear the smile in his voice.
A cold breeze pulled Erik out of his thoughts. He could feel something cold and wet on his face. He was… crying? Legit tears. Eye sweat. Whatever you want to call it. But why? He was tough. This big beast of a man. Why was he crying over a stupid memory?
The truth?
His heart ached. Worse than any other pain he had ever experienced. Lifting the blunt back to his lips, he blinked away other tears that had welled in his eyes. She had been the only person to affect him in such a way. When she left, she took his happiness with her.
“Eriiiik.” Her whines echoed through the hallway along with the shuffle of her feet.
“In the kitchen, Shy.” He chuckled stirring a pot of soup. Soon after the shuffling ceased, her small arms wrapped around his midsection and her head rested on his back.
“Why weren't you in bed?” She croaked, coughing briefly afterwards.
“Because I'm making you tea and soup,” he hummed, grabbing the bowl from the counter.
“R-really?” She lifted her head, putting it under his arm to look up at him. Being such a light complexion, you could tell when she was sick. Her nose turned a bright red.
“Yes Rudolph,” he teased placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “You're running a fever… Go lay back down.” Her bottom lip began to poke out.
“B-but Daaakkkaa,” she whined. She always sang his name as a means of getting her way, but he wouldn’t back down.
“Bed Shy. Now..” He pointed out of the kitchen, looking down at her. Whimpering one last time, she hugged him briefly and shuffled her way back to bed, dragging her feet extra loud for dramatic emphasis. She always became a big baby when she got sick. Not like he cared too much, she was his big baby after all.
By the time the wind pulled Erik out of his thoughts again, he only had a little bit of his blunt left. The fact that he was absentmindedly smoking his way through his memory didn't surprise him too much. That was the effect she had on him. Time stood still when they were together and apparently the same still existed in his memories. He finished his blunt before slowly dragging back into the house. He hated everything about it now because everywhere he turned, he saw her. In his bedroom he still smelled her. He could still see her tiny hand print next to his against the foggy bathroom mirror. He couldn’t even partake in his favorite drink anymore because it was her gahdamn name.
“Man fuck!” he screamed into the darkness. He placed his back against the cool metal of the refrigerator and slid down to the floor, the note she left still where he left it.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not the one you need. I have more issues than I’m ready to deal with and it’s not fair to drag you along with me. I hope one day you find that one person that loves you as deeply as you love them. -Shy”
He’s read it a million times in the last 3 months and it still didn’t make any sense. Didn’t she understand that his sun rose and set for her and that there was no woman alive that would love him the way she did and if he were being honest, he didn’t want anyone else. It was like that feeling you get when you capture a Firefly in a jar. Your own little light that shined through all the darkness that surrounded you. But the night she left, his light slowly went out.
“Alexa, play Shy’s Songs.” 12 Midnight. The time that he spent torturing himself with memories of his sunshine. Within seconds, Kehlani’s soft voice filled the space.
On some nights like this, shawty, I can't help but think of us
I've been reminiscin', sippin', missin' ya
Can you tell me what's with all this distant love?
If I called, would you pick it up?
That line stirred something in him. She always said that if he ever needed her, she’d be there regardless of the situation. He stood, grabbing his phone from the kitchen counter. With a deep sigh he clicked her contact photo.
She watched as the phone lit up. It was the first time in 3 months that she’d seen his face flash across her phone screen and it made her sick. She knew that Erik Stevens wasn’t like the men of her past the day she met him and that’s what scared her the most. Things were easier when they were “just friends”. The dealer and the stoner living in peaceful bliss. She thought it would be easier this way, leaving like a thief in the night while he slept peacefully.
Looking at the phone, Erik sighed. His thumb hovered over the end call button when he heard a click.
“Hello?” Her soft voice echoed through the phone's speaker.
Time stood still like it always did when he talked to her. This is the first time he didn't know what to do. She was the first to break the silence, firing out apologies like an auctioneer.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just afraid. I didn’t wanna fall for you and then end up breaking your heart. Please forgive me.” The last 3 words were hushed and he couldn’t make out if she were crying or not, but his heart aches for her. She’d been going through just as much hell as he had.
“Where are you Princess? I’ll meet you and we can talk about this.”
“I’m outside.”
Taglist:  @panthergoddessbast @sweetsexysavagery @blackpanthersmut @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-4evr  @hearteyes-for-killmonger @killmongersgurl @dreamingoftchalla @drsunshine97 @thehomierobbstark @texasbama @youreadthatright @hailerikmonger @wakanda-inspired @lunaerly @wawakanda-btch @ange-sensuel @magic-madness-heavensin @eriknutinthispoosy @muse-of-mbaku @sicksadgen @killmvnger @allhailnjadaka @whoramilaje @amethyst1993  @thickoreo @blackpantherimagines @kxnfuzed-blog-blog  @bidibidibombaclaat @blowmymbackout
(I is alive. School is stressful but eh. Sorry if I didn't tag you, this was a quick list that is overdue for an update.🙄 I don't know when I'mma update Soo we'll see what happens. Buh-bye now👋🏽)
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Method Man’s Wife Calls Wendy Williams A ‘Miserable B*tch’ After One-Night Stand Tea Is Spilled + Eric B Reacts To Biopic
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Tamika Smith – Method Man’s wife - had to get a few things off of her chest after Wendy Williams revealed she had a one-night stand with the Wu-Tang rapper back in the day. Read her rant inside…
Tamika Smith – Method Man’s wife – has some words for Wendy Williams.
Before the premiere of her LIFETIME biopic, Wendy Williams revealed she had a one-night stand with rapper-turned-actor Method Man back in the day. She said the bedroom magic happened back during her “coke days” when she was abusing drugs on a daily.
Apparently, Wendy & Meth linked up at a club and began smoking marijuana together. A fight broke out in the club, so they left and ended up back at Wendy’s penthouse in Jersey City. They continued to smoke, Wendy gave him a bubble bath in her jacuzzi tub and they got it in. Allegedly.
Now, Wendy spilled this tea last Friday, a day before her biopic was set to premiere. We’re not sure if Method Man’s wife watched the biopic or not, but she surely caught wind of the headlines about her husband’s one-night affair with the daytime talk show host. By the way, Wendy & Method Man’s hook up was BEFORE the Wu-Tang rapped got married to Tamika (in 2001).
In a statement posted to her Instagram Stories, Tamika said she was tired of keeping silent while “Wendy Williams launched constant verbal attacks against my husband, myself, and my family.” In the past, she ignored Wendy’s “lies, innuendos and blatant attempts to provoke” them, but she’s OVER being the “bigger person.”
Tamika talked about how she kept quiet when Wendy revealed to her listeners she had been diagnosed with cancer. At the time, Tamika only told a select few people about her diagnosis.
“When I was diagnosed with cancer years ago, Wendy shared my personal medical information with her listeners live on the sir during her radio broadcast. She didn’t care that she was violating my right to privacy, or that I hadn’t shared the news of my diagnosis with my family and friends yet. She never apologized, never expressed any regret whatsoever,” she said.
Now, we agree that she should be upset with the former radio host for sharing her personal information, but it makes you wonder – if Tamika only told a select amount of people, it’s very possible Method Man could have been the person who actually TOLD Wendy in the first place. Just sayin’…
Tamika said Wendy is OBSESSED with her family and suffers from “self-hate” and “low self-esteem.”
”Over the years those issues have made her increasingly ugly, both inside and out. And no amount of plastic surgery can fix the ugliness inside of her,” she said. “There’s no limit to how low she will go in the name of making headlines.”
Method Man’s wife said the reason she’s attacking her husband and marriage is due to the fact that Wendy’s career is on “life support” and her personal life is in shambles, so she’s clout chasing to remain relevant.
“How sad that a woman who was once revered in the entertainment industry has reduced herself to a tabloid sidenote and circus freak,” she said. “Wendy will forever be one of the most miserable b*tches on the planet.”
Tell us how you really feel.
Peep her full statement below:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily)
  Tamika wasn't the only person to react to Wendy & her biopic: 
          View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Eric B - Hip Hop Legend (@therealdjericb)
  In the biopic, Wendy shared she was involved in a whirlwind situationship with rapper Eric B. - 1/2 of the rap group Eric B. & Rakim. Their romance took quite a few turbulent turns like when Eric B ruined her credit score, stole her rental car, and allegedly got her pregnancy. In the movie, Wendy underwent an abortion after she found out she was pregnant with his baby.
The NYC rapper hopped on Instagram to react, sharing a throwback picture of himself standing next to a car with his name on the license plate.
"To hilarious I laughed to well it made for great Tv But the truth is something different Try that !!!!!!!," he wrote.
Speaking of reactions, below are some from Twitter:
  This should have been a 2 part event, this too much in one night. #WendyWilliamsMovie #WendyWilliamsWatchParty #WendyWilliams pic.twitter.com/FkshNoFkt4
— Nonna (@Nonna_Is_Me) January 31, 2021
    I’m giving Ms. Wendy Williams 4 hours of my Saturday night, I’m intrigued #WendyWilliamsMovie #WendyWilliamsWatchParty #wendyWilliamsTheMovie #lifetime #wendywilliamsdoc pic.twitter.com/9dthBWXm6K
— Black KING Zay (@therealzayalex) January 31, 2021
    They really got Flavor Flav’s stunt double playing Charlamagne #WendyWilliams #WendyWilliamsLifetime pic.twitter.com/gPwLV0zF89
— Antoinette Reneè (@queenpettyda3rd) January 31, 2021
    Me taking notes. Remind me to never make my future husband my legal guardian or power of attorney. #WendyWilliamsMovie #WendyWilliams pic.twitter.com/sk1mXRmCFe
— Bravo Latinas (@BravoLatinas) January 31, 2021
    Gurrlll, the way the music changes when they bring up kelvin.... I'm hollering#WendyWilliamsWatchParty #WendyWilliams #WendyWilliamsMovie #WendyWilliamsLifetime pic.twitter.com/K2DN331qrV
— Strange? Or Could Be Arranged! (@StrangeArranged) January 31, 2021
  Did you watch?! If so, did you learn anything new about Wendy Williams that you didn't already know? Tell us your favorite scene!
  Photos: Wendy's IG/Tamika's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2021/02/01/method-man%E2%80%99s-wife-calls-wendy-williams-a-%E2%80%98miserable-btch%E2%80%99-after-one-night-stand-revelatio
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astrofireworks · 7 years
okay so my club just got a rly sus email invite this morning to perform at some event on wall street next week and we were like 👀👀 that’s really sus there’s no introduction explaining what this event is about so we google it and it deadass is a dating mingle for ‘single rich asians aged 25 - 35 seeking marriage in upcoming 1-3 years’ and i just 
consider this: a binu version 
so eunwoo’s relatively good with money 
and by relatively good i mean this boy is a banker he handles money for a living 
and so he’s also relatively busy, given that, you know, he has to handle a lot of money for a living 
and he doesn’t really have time to date 
and his mum is concerned ! bc: “you know, son, you gotta get married at some point??”
eunwoo: :^( no i don’t but okay mum whatever you say
mum: “alright good and bring your brother too god knows the both of you can get out more,”
and so she signs them up for this speed dating thing 
and when he gets the invite in the mail he nearly chokes on his morning coffee 
because it says:
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i shit you not my entire e-board chat collectively choked
eunwoo: oh 
wow strong hint mum thanks
but he’s also promised his mum bc he’s a good kid so 
okay so 
jinjin: “hey yall i just got this rly weird invite in my inbox this morning take a look”
“hi jinjin, we are hosting an event catering to a group of high net worth individuals and celebrity influencers aged 25 - 35. will your group be available for a 5 - 10 minute routine? location will be xx wall street, from 6 - 8pm. thanks! regards, mj.”
jinjin: “???????????????? there’s literally no introduction i have no idea what this event is”
rocky: “that’s really sus, let’s not??”
rocko: “also i googled it and get this”
rocko: “it’s deadass,,”
rocko: “a marriage-oriented dating event”
rocko: “for rich asians”
bin: “rich asians”
bin: “aka sugar daddies hello??”
rocko spluttering bc wow bin that’s the first thing you think of???
bin: “jk but does this at least mean we get paid”
jinjin emailing them back and getting a reply that indeed, they will get paid 
bin: :~) well then 
and so the day of the event arrives 
eunwoo and sanha arriving in suits
you know that one photo of eunwoo yeah this one 
lordt what a look
it’s a pretty big ballroom thing, eunwoo wants to say
there’s food and a bar and a stage and,,,,, a lot of well-dressed people 
sanha wondering how much money it took to host the event 
eunwoo sighing 
eunwoo mingling and talking to people and being beautiful and bored
because yeah sure, eunwoo knows and understands the importance of networking 
but networking for business
not spouse-shopping 
and the way some of these people look???
ie, cold and calculating and like they’re trying to figure out sanha’s net worth????
he’s okay if they do it to him bc he’s fairly used to it given that he’s been to a ridiculous amount of banking events but 
his brother is not something you can buy, thanks !!!!!
eunwoo is Not Interested 
bin and rocko and jinjin backstage murmuring to each other
because everyone here looks loaded af??
rocko: “do you think if we talked to them they’d be able to buy us filming equipment so we can film proper dance covers???”
bin: “wow and u snorted @ me when i mentioned sugar daddies-”
jinjin looking in slight disbelief 
eunwoo some distance off, nudging sanha: “hey buddy we’ve been here for half an hour we can lie to mum and tell her we stayed for two hours but nobody interesting came do you wanna go and get fried chicken or”
sanha: chICKEN yEs :D 
eunwoo sighing in relief bc thank god if he catches anyone else eyeing either him or sanha up and down again he might tear someone’s neck off
he knows he’s beautiful but no thanks 
but before he can turn to look for the exit, the lights dim 
eunwoo: ???? btch now what
mj: “now, welcoming our first performers of the night!”
eunwoo & sanha: ?????
polite clapping accompanying the starting notes of gashina echoing from the stage 
sanha about to ask eunwoo if he still wants to leave for chicken but his eyes go to the three guys on stage and 
holy heck 
by the way more shameless self promotion if you haven’t seen our cover of gashina here it is :~)
if you haven’t seen this clip of bin dancing to gashina don’t watch it my heart stopped about five times 
eunwoo swears his heart stopped about five times too 
because whoever that guy is in the centre ???? 👀
is singularly the most attractive person eunwoo has ever set eyes on in his life 
holy shit
the way his shoulders move???
the way his face goes from smiling and cute when his long fingers are framing his face to dead serious and rly rly hot when he does the finger gun thing??????
beep beep time to cHOKE
sanha’s jaw dropping open bc ??????? that one guy ?? on the right??????????
with his cheek bones?????? and his glare ???????????????????
lordt sanha’s pretty sure if his heart could jump out of his chest it’d run straight to that guy in the back 
his moves ??? are so smooth ???? sanha could cry?????
eunwoo being almost mournful that the song is coming to an end bc ???? he’d like to see more of that guy thanks
sanha clutching eunwoo’s sleeve: “let’s go,”
eunwoo: :~( okay yeah 
except sanha isn’t pulling him towards the exit he’s pulling eunwoo towards the stage
eunwoo: ??????
and the next thing he knows, he’s face to face with the dancers and sanha’s pulling out his Full Beam 
sanha: HI HELLO I’M SANHA i think you look really cool when you dance!!!!
rocky: um hi 
rocky glancing at bin in a panic bc ??? what this is his first time talking to a cute guy pls send help bin !!
except bin’s staring at someone else rip 
he looks expensive, that’s for sure
i mean, everyone in the entire hall does, but this man ?? probably an angel 
“so uh,,, nice dance?”
eunwoo: wow i fked up of course it was a nice danc-
bin, blurting: “wow even ur voice is beautiful what the heckity”
bin cringing @ himself wow thanks bin !
eunwoo doing his embarrassed smile 
jinjin off to the side staring at his kids in disbelief 
binu smiling dumbly at each other and eunwoo pulling out his phone to ask for bin’s number
rocky blushing and floundering and trying to figure out a coherent response to sanha 
he didn’t expect this to happen when they accepted some sus invitation for a speed dating thing 
mj asking for jinjin’s number bc he has to sort out payment things!!
jinjin: “but you have my emai-”
mj: “buT YOUR NUMBER!!!!” 
sadly it’s smack in the middle of finals season so alas i cannot go out to meet rich asian sugar daddies 心痛 ;A;
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jaroslavlewis · 7 years
Random DCMK Things: If Gosho Boys Were a Boy Band-Saguru’s Profile
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Photo grabbed from Pinterest
As I’ve said in my previous “If Gosho Boys were a Boy Band” blogs, Hakuba would be the leader of the Gosho Boys because out of all the boys, he is the most mature, most calm and most composed. I mean, do you see how prim and proper he is? 
As a detective, if you remember the DC episode where Hakuba and Heiji did a detective showdown with other detectives, you would notice that Hakuba’s very organized with coming up with his deductions. Other than that, he is very calm unlike Heiji who’s way more aggressive than he is. Well, this gave me the impression that Hakuba’s personality just screams leader. IDK how I should further explain it.
As a leader, Hakuba would bring order to the chaos Kaito, Shinichi and Heiji, all together are. Out of all the Gosho Boy’s Hakuba seems to be the most behaved. XD
Hakuba is very particular with the managers and the staffs orders, especially during performances. He is very strict about the steps and the blocking during live performances because he doesn’t want to cause trouble to the people behind the set. Hakuba’s a big hater of ad-libs because he disrupts the pre-organized original plans. He often gets into trouble with the other members because they can be really spontaneous with their stage performances, especially Heiji and Kaito. Though the boys could make it work, Hakuba still isn’t a fan of their spur-of-the-moment ad-libs and feels that they could be a bit too much (ESPECIALLY KAITO), to the point of upstaging the other members.
With this being said, Hakuba may come across as a bossy leader, but really, he’s just doing his best and following Manager Haibara’s orders. XD Other than that, Hakuba feels the need to be more authoritative of the boys, given the fact that things could be chaotic with all of them around, together in one room. He’s just doing his duties and he’s so good at it.
As a leader, Hakuba would be like Super Junior’s Leeteuk. They kinda have the same hairstyle too, but that is not the only reason why they could be similar. For those of you who may not know, Super Junior consists of 15 members (Well, used to. Some members already left. T.T). They debuted with 13 members and if you add the two members from their subgroup, Super Junior-M they make up of fifteen. Anyway, Leeteuk, as their leader takes care of all these boys (now, men). And can you imagine just how he could do that? *slow clapping* And with Hakuba and the Gosho Boys, the situation would be just the same. I mean, yeah, they are only four boys but they are four chaotic boys (Hakuba, not so much but Kaito + Heiji +Shinichi? That’s a riot.). Just think about how Hakuba would try to take care of all these guys. I think it would be really interesting. XD
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Look at Leeteuk right here? Isn’t he cute? He’s just like staring at the toddler with ease and thinking, “Hey, kid. I take care of 14 boys. So, I could handle you just fine.”
I could imagine Hakuba being like:
“Btch pls. As if Kuroba isn’t enough to drive me insane. You had to add Kudo and Hattori too. But, okay. Yeah. I can do this.” *stretches his limbs*
Hakuba, together with Shinichi would be the one promoting the group internationally. Since Hakuba flies from Japan and England all the time. This is possible. Shinichi on the other hand, would be promoting in America ‘coz he has a lot of connections there. Anyway, Hakuba has a good grasp on the English language and as the leader, he’s mostly assigned to be the one talking a lot during interviews. So, promoting outside the country is also part of his job.
Hakuba would also be the one composing most of the Gosho Boy’s songs together with Shinichi. I’m not quite sure if Hakuba does play some instruments in the canon verse, but yeah I honestly think he does and is good at it. Plus, he is also a Sherlock Holmes fan and he might’ve took lessons in playing the violin because of that. It’s not impossible. Hakuba’s pretty financially stable too. :)
As the leader, Hakuba’s would be a little underrated. Even if he honestly is just as talented as the other boys. In most kpop groups, I feel that a lot of leaders are actually brought out of the spotlight, mostly out shined by the main visual, main vocal, main dancer etc. Usually on photo shoots, the leaders are always on the far end of the side. IDK why. But yeah, even if it is like that, Hakuba would really shine in his own way, without even trying so much because he is great at what he does.
Hakuba would be as much of a great singer as Kaito is. Like if he isn’t the leader, he could be the boy band’s main vocal. (Sorry Kaito. hahahaha). With this being said, Hakuba and Kaito have a subgroup ballad duo because their voice blend together so well.
Hakuba has the least problems with Shinichi and works well with him, especially with playing instruments and composing songs together. They think alike.
Hakuba would often clash with Heiji a lot coz both of them could be really authoritative, but when he’s tired, Heiji usually takes over especially when Kaito and Shinichi are causing a ruckus and Hakuba has basically given up on even giving a fuck with the shit KaiShin is doing. In these cases, Hakuba is really grateful towards Heiji. 
Hakuba would most likely be the member to get a lot of endorsement deals from foreign countries. IDK, Hakuba has that model feels. I mean, can we all just admire how fabulous he is?
Hakuba’s very much the most polite among the Gosho Boys. After concerts or stage performances he would never forget to give the audience  good bow and a lot of  thank yous.
With this being said, when Gosho Boy’s wins an award, Hakuba would have a speech and a long list of people to thank because he is so polite and he gives credit where credit is due.
Hakuba would be a great leader. Even if he is strict he would still have a soft side. He would be deny it a lot but he loves having the boys around and he is as much as a dork as they are.
Hakuba wouldn’t let the Gosho Boys disband ever. As a leader, he strongly holds on to his boys.
Hakuba would be really supportive of the boys in their solo careers and the boys would be the same toward him as well.
Hakuba would also be doing hosting jobs in music shows and variety shows from time to time, because why not? 
Hakuba would be featured in a lot of music videos of other artists, because he’s great in acting too.
Fangirls love Hakuba a lot even if he would seem underrated at times. 
There would be dating rumors about Aoko and Hakuba because in an interview, Hakuba would openly say that Aoko of the Gosho Girls is his ideal type and that he had a crush on her. But as soon as rumors about them surface, Hakuba would be denying them and confess that he has got over her and is dating Gosho Girl’s Akako. (LOL huhuhu I kinda ship them huhuhu)
Omg! Sorry this took so long! I planned to do this on Hakuba Saguru’s birthday  ‘coz he’s an August baby like me, but I got pre-occupied with family gatherings (because my grandfather’s birthday is also in august) and I was also looking for a job that month and other than that, I was also participating in Detective Conan Week 2017, I was also busy writing my KazuHei fics. Plus, the hype over the ShinRan Bomb. In short, I was a busy busy bee and not to mention, insanely distracted.  Anyway, I hope you guys liked this series and I hope I gave a lot of love to Hakuba, since @ladygoldstein mentioned that he is pretty underrated. T.T.
If you guys haven’t read my other “If Gosho Boys were a Boy Band” stuff I’ll put in the links below. :)
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gysahlkush · 7 years
issun-boshi replied to your post: HOOO BOY AND NOW HE WANTS THE RAW FILES AFTER THE...
yYEp he was like “afterwards can you provide me with the raw photos im a photog too and id like to edit them” and its like
ok youre penny pinching AND YOU wanna do all the work then set up a tripod and LEAVE ME ALONE
but i told him no i was like “as within the realm of my profession in the wedding industry i cannot provide the unedited photos; my visuals are curated to a standard of aesthetic loyal to my branding and that’s what brings clients to me to begin with. if you like what you see on my website then rest assured you will like the final product i provide”
tl;dr no btch
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purrrin · 5 years
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[marigold seeds (w/c are not on the photo), postcards and another set of sunflower bouquets.]
tbh, di ko alam kung saan magsisimula. it's been a long, hefty journey for me for a couple of months now because school, work and life -- all at once -- are crashing over me like tidal waves above my height. i'm not feeling like myself since 2018 unfolded because i stopped writing and reading and looking at the world as if it's gonna be my most awaited final glance at it every single day.
then there came march where most things spun around 180 degrees. i came to know new people, soaked myself in new environment, began liking/hating/doing/saying things i never did before. it's pretty evident because i'm surprised at how raw and pathetic yung way of writing ko ngayon. *maniac laughter* i promise, i'm gonna be back on track. *glowing smile*
i cry. i struggle. i worry.
yet on most days, i'm not alone. i laugh. i learn. i appreciate. i thank. i help. i apologize.
and because of these, i love. i yearn. i hope. again. and sobrang overwhelming at how these things saturate my mind i even feel them physically surfacing on my chest.
i'm humbled. i'm excited.
for a long time, i've pinned myself on micro-focusing all of my energy to myself and one or two people i find worthy of my salvation and them bringing salvation to me. that's how codependent i can become and them have become of me. (tbh idk where this is leading anymore but agghhhh hahaha!)
i love how i'm learning love. finally, i can look at the btch in the eyes and say "this time, i'm giving my all regardless of the odds". to be able to expand, to reach out, to care with no limits because i'm no longer expecting anything in return. to breathe. to make up my mind that nothing and no one is ever gonna be about me but me. and that's all that matters.
so thank you (dahil ang dami niyong andito kung sino man kayo hahaha jusko pero mas thankful pa rin ako sa nagbigay ng mga stuff na nasa photos) for showing me how love isn't something to be scared of but to be enjoyed.
thank you for making me feel that i can do anything my heart desires for. for bringing peace, security and warmth i've never felt before. you are worth keeping for a lifetime. 😉😊
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supersizemeplz · 4 years
Huh? Nuh Uh
Southern Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. Random but I was heavily inspired by this tik tok. Enjoy!
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Traffic was light, only a few cars on the otherwise dead street from what you could see. The sun had began to set and the sky held that beautiful pastel canvas of color. The soft light seemed to kiss your boyfriend's brown skin, making him glow. He was fine as hell, you couldn't lie. Erik glanced over at you, smirking when he'd caught you admiring him as he drove. His golds glinted and his dimples deepened to make your heart flutter.
"You so green. Whatchu grinning at over there?" His southern accent made you smile bigger. Not that you thought that was possible. He rested a hand on your thigh giving a light squeeze, mumbling a ‘wit yo fine ass’. You shivered with a familiar tingle at the loving contact and you were sure that it wasn’t from the A/C that was going full force.
You felt butterflies, deciding to turn away from him to hide your smile. It wouldn't dim even though you were trying. "Nothing. Just... taking in the scenery."
He replied with an amused 'Mhmm', moving his hand as he pulled up to a gas station. It was a familiar spot whenever you two decided to chill. They had some of the best slushies. The glossed paint of his car reflected in the full length window of the store as his LED headlights stared back at your both. The soft purr of the engine hushed as he placed the gear into park, turning down the radio and looking over to you. "You want something outta here, baby girl?"
You nodded, telling him the snacks you'd wanted. Your nails played in his bear as his eyes took in your glossed lips as you spoke. Taking a mental note of each word the soft seducers spoke as he opened the car door slightly. "Bet.." He leaned back over and pecked your lips twice before he grinned. The last one lingering a bit before he pulled away with a lip bite. ".. I'll be right back. Aight?"
"Ok." You spoke, in a light daze as he got out the car. Watching him walk up to the store and enjoying the little dip in his walk. “He’s too fine for his own good.” Shaking your head, you smiled to yourself.
Once he'd disappeared into the well lit establishment, you looked around his car. This had been your first time in it since you’d both always met up or he came to your place. It was some nice ass sports car, custom made from what he'd once told you. Yeah you’d seen it but this is the first time you’d gotten to sit in it. This was one of the three cars he owned. The man loved his cars.
Your hand smoothed over the deep green leather of the seat before you looked at the dash. The soft scent of him filled the car and you took in a deep breath. “Damn..” Running your fingers over the metallic Stevens emblem, you made a face of approval. And he called you boujie. Your observation of the car's details continued as you seen nothing occupied the arm rest, though his phone rested in the cup holder.
It lit up with an email notification, showing you as his screensaver in the background. Some photo you'd taken randomly that he'd said he really liked. Looking to the steering wheel, you noticed that his last name was also stitched into the leather beneath the car company’s emblem. It oddly matched your nails and you smiled at the sudden idea you hatched. "Dare I?"
Doing a glance to the store, you seen him at the slush machine. Go for it. Sliding over to the drivers seat, you relaxed into the seat. Your hands rubbed over the leather of the steering wheel, feeling the stitches of his name. Taking out your phone, you snapped a few photos of your hand against the wheel.
Placing your phone back on the passenger seat, you did a relaxed sigh. Sinking back into the seat. You might have or might have not playfully let the seat smoothly recline and then come back to its original position at the touch of a button. Just to see how it felt. "Smoothhh." You gave an impressed hum, resting your hands on the steering wheel again.
Looking around to see if anybody was looking at you, you gently turned the wheel back and forth like a playful child. You chuckled at your childlike behavior, resting back against the seat again. “Maybe I am a little green.” Peeking back over your shoulder, you looked to the backseat. Which was surprisingly spacious, just big enough for some adult activ- "Shit!"
You gave a squeal of surprise as you seen Erik coming out of the door. Hopping from his seat, you slipped over the arm rest to take your rightful seat in the passenger sides. Smoothing your hair down, you fixed your clothes and turned the radio up back to the soft hum it once had. Just as Erik made it to the car, you focused your attention on your phone.
He slipped into the car with ease, one hand holding your large slush and the other with a bag full of snacks. You took the bag from him to lighten his load and sat your phone aside. "Thanks, babyy." Grinning, you accepted the slush he handed you. After he'd taken a sip or two.
"No problem, princess." He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. His eyebrows furrowed as you rumbled through the bag. "I wasn't sitting up this straight was I? You been over here?" Dammit, caught.
You ignored the question before he called to you with an amused 'Babe'. Looking to him, you could almost see the knowing smirk on his lips. "Huh? Nuh uh..I’ve been on my phone." Taking a sip of your slush, you heard him chuckle at your obvious lie. He'd seen you from the store window minutes before and found himself chuckling from the chip aisle.
@sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelmaree @chaneajoyyy @wakanda-inspired
@justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @princesskillmonger @theblulife @airis-paris14 @liviy00 @whoramilaje @yaachtynoboat711 @kaykay0829
@terrablaze514 @iwrite4poc @truglori @muse-of-mbaku @killmongerdispussy @jozigrrl @thedelightfulone @bugngiz @mzbritt @tinyelfperson @ashleychristina73
@softnani @tashawar @callme-slime @kalliopetales @amethyst1993 @pinkdemolition @raysunshine78 @missmohnique @toniilaney @pinktiger501 @thehomierobbstark @princessstevens
@killmongerthiskoochie @soufcakmistress
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kimgdoyoung · 7 years
Lace lingerie
A/N: I decided to post this shitty fix about my ult bias Hansol king of my creative smut, muse and everyday inspiration cuz I feel there aren't many fics about him so. *S M U T* You've been living with your best friend Hansol since 2 years now, the fact of study in the same college was very convenient for the two, sharing an apartment was more cheaper the same goes to the food and other things like bills and cleaning supplies, both of you have to clean once a week, the only inconvenient maybe was if at some point one of you had a relationship, he hated (for some reason you didn't know by then) when you were alone for too long with a boy and (an unknown reason too) you hate all his past relationships, but in this right moment neither of you had a relation so it was a relaxing mood. Both of you were in the same major department, 2 weeks ago he asked you to pose for him on lingerie he even bought lace lingerie for you, it wasn't weird but it was your BF. U: So, I'm going to wear black lace? Are you a kink or something? HS: We have to talk about erotism I'm wondering what your going to expose. U: I mean yeah lace, satin sheets and candles can picture some kind of erotic but why me? -you said while changing in to the lace lingerie while Hansol set the photo equipment- HS: I don't have a gf or a female friend that I can shoot without looking like a pervert, why does it matter? I mean we're talking about you anyways. U: so you're saying I'm not erotic in any way you can think… HS: Well, I'm not saying that, ofc you're sexy at least Taeyong told me that and Yuta is head over heels for you but… U: but I'm not sexy at your eyes, isn't it? HS: WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO CONFESS Y/N!? U: have you ever thought of me in that way? HS: why am I even friends with you -he sighed- what is taking you so long?! U: You specifically told me to make up in a very strict way I'm trying my best and I'm already done btch - you said while going out of your room, you were wearing a two piece black lace lingerie, stockings, an up-do hair with some loosen hair Strings and a 50's very classy make up- so do I approached your “erotic image” HS: ye-yeah -he said letting out a gasp- now just come here -he said guiding you to the improvised photo set- U: what do you want me to do? He start guiding your poses some were from the “Must do” guide for photo shoots some other were just too much for your taste. HS: Now -he cleared his throat- take off the stockings while covering the rest of your body with the sheets. -you did as he said-but not that fast just you know slowly, and don't look at the floor, look at the lens. U: Ah, really your so delicate, just like this? -you said while doing slow motions and smirking playfully at Hansol, for a brief time your gazes met and your cheeks flush- HS: shit -he cursed low but not to low for you to not hear- I mean uhm I ran out of space in the camera so… - he said turning around- … I'm going to uhm search another memory card, uh I'm going to my room. U: Yeah, took your time. -he rushed to his room- so… -your apartment wasn't that big for him to not hear you from the living- am I doing it right? He didn't answer to you, so you asked again but again you didn't get an answer, you decided to go to his room. U: are you deaf I asked you if I'm doing it right - you arrived at his room and found him stand in the middle looking at the window- are you OK? Hansol? HS: uhm I don't have another mem card. U: I have some space in my camera if you -you were cut by a rush answer- HS: I have enough pictures just let's end this here. U: uh? I spend 3 hours in front of the mirror to have just a one hour photo session, no way, I'm lending you my camera so wait here - you turn to get the camera from your room but get stop by Hansol words- HS: Yah, please, I'm tired let's continue another day. U: Why?! Give me a real reason to not continue now. HS: I… I don't like your camera lens. U: come on Hansol I have like 4 damn lens you can wear. You're being such a princess, if you don't liked how the photos are turning jus... HS: IT IS NOT THAT DAMN IT! you… you just look way too sexy I can't handle anymore, I… You rushed to him and tiptoe to kiss him, it was just a so needy kiss just like if you've been wanting to kiss him since a long time ago, he hold you by your waist and put you closer, he wanted to do this for so long now, he started kissing you more lustfully you could feel his hardening bulge friction on your body, he bite your lower lip and ask you to let him in his tongue, his kiss was too sexy just by kissing him you was already excited, he started to lower his hands from your waist to your butt squeezing it, he pass from your mouth to your neck with soft kisses and small bites that soon transform from bites to highkeys, you have your fingers tangled on his hair some pants leaving your mouth, whispering his name, his touches felt so warm, his large hands caressing your body, you wanted more, the both of you wanted more. He led you to his bed, him sitting on his bed and you sitting on his lap, deep kisses been giving, you made circle motions to get more friction, the lace felt so good in your clit, you started to take his T-shirt off, throwing it aside, he cupped your breast with one hand and with another he started to undo his jeans, your hands travel from his chest to his boxer, you caressed his member over the cloth, he let out soft gasps. HS: Y/N, I have fantasized about you many times, you know? He undo your bra and put it away, took your nipple on his mouth and softly suck it, with one hand he compass the rhythm of your movements, with his other hand he started rubbing your clit, moving aside the lace to let you feel his skin. HS: are you this wet already? Meanwhile you managed to let his sick out of his boxers, making up and down motions on him, you could hear shaky pants coming from his mouth, you were really wet right then, you wanted more, and he wanted more too, you stop for a moment too take the lace panties off, you took his mem we and guide it to your entrance. U: I want more, I want you, now, please. You said sitting on him, you start riding him with slow moves up and down moves, he growl at the sudden feeling of him inside you, he managed to turn you to the bed, he took your legs and put them on his shoulders to make him go deeper, you moan with the new extent of him deeper, his motions were slowly at first but you and him wanted more, he started to go faster, caressing your breasts, kissing you, marking you, he just wanted you for a long time and he wanted everyone to know. You felt your climax coming anytime soon. U: fuck, Hansol, faster! His movements started to became faster and erratic, soon he find his climax and with some thrust you found it too. He collapsed on you too exhausted for him to move, you embrace him not wanting to move either. HS: Y/N, I wanted you for some time now you know? - he said after a while caressing your legs that were tangled with him- I now I was wrong for falling for my best friend but I couldn't avoid it. U: It's OK, I… kinda have a crush on you since a short time ago. HS: I love you Y/N I think and I want you to know it. U: I… I love you too. HS: You look sexy with the lingerie but you look sexier without it too - he said kissing your shoulder- U: You idiot. Maybe the only bad part of living with your best friend was that you couldn't avoid developing any kind of live feels towards him, you glad he feel the same.
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Aaand today is finally here
I invested five years of my life, over a hundred thousand words of fanfiction and hundreds of gif/photo sets for this TV show. 
I’ve gained thousands of friends to celebrate with, hundreds of bashers and trolls to laugh at, and one older and wiser self all from watching a show about a gang of vampires. 
I’ve swooned, I’ve gone to fangirling heaven, I’ve cried, I’ve wanted to btch slap one actor/actress/writer/producer or two.
What else is there to say save for a big, grinning, honest “No regrets!”
Today is a celebration of TVD and everything I have and I am because of it. And nothing that will happen in tonight’s episode will change that. 
Thanks for the ride, TVD and the Klaroline fam. Now on we go to the end, and whatever there is beyond. :)
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admiralpotato · 8 years
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Phase Transitions - Rainbow Torus Spirals (1/7)
Higher resolution versions at Ello, Imgur, Dribbble, and G+ Photos.
This animation is interesting in that shifts through the phases of the following 4 static phased animations in the set, and I think that this is super great.
I decided to start out the year with some rainbows. The images in this series draw inspiration from the solid shaded objects and the color palettes used in many of the animations created by Florian de Looij / @flrngif. Now, I'll point out that my colors were -inspired- by, and not sampled from Florian's works. I like all of my rainbow materials to be procedural, and that means that the hues are normally spaced out relatively evenly around the color wheel - at least spaced evenly in the color systems I'm used to working in. Florian's on the other hand, are not spaced evenly in HSL, but they -do- look like they may have been sampled at 45 degree increments in the Munsell Color System. The Munsell system seems to have different saturation and brightness levels for each hue around the ring, and while they look great, I'm too hung up on the absolute spatial perfection rather than the relative color perception. For my shaders, I defined my colors by doing maths on the texture coordinates on the object surface, then I took the angle relative to the center of the object, quantized it into 8 stops, and mapped it to hue, and then I bent it with an oval bias toward half of the warm and cool hues. I'd show a picture of the node network for the shader, but it's clear I have no idea wtf I was doing, so that's great.
Comparisons of the palettes can be done by dragging the images into the 3D view at RainbowSpace.
You have no idea how much of a pain in the ass it was to export these animations as GIFs that looked good, and were small enough to upload to Tumblr, and get this - to Imgur. But this is strange to me. I have to make an image smaller than 2mb for Imgur now? Yes, if I want them displayed without the flat-color-shape image quality death-sentence that is GIFv. More on that in a minute. Photoshop's "Save for web & devices" GIF export was like "Yo dawg, I see you trying to save a GIF with a solid color background there, mind if I MAKE IT A CHECKER PATTERN OF 4 COLORS THAT ARE NOT THE COLOR YOU SELECTED, AND THEN EXPLODE YOUR FILESIZE TOO? I'M ON IT!" and I was like "No, really, plz no background dither. I'll even forgive that you made a terrible mess of selecting the palette between the blues and the greens, just plz dont dither" but Photoshop was like "I'MA FIRIN' MY DITHER" and the 2mb limit was never met. For literally 8 colors and then the anti-aliasing between them - Photoshop, I'm incredibly disappointed in you. You had one job in my workflow. Export some solid color GIFs, and you let me down.
So I was like "Fck it. I'll write my own GIF batch processing scripts, with blackjack and hookers!". So I started to learn how to work with ImageMagick and GIFSicle. And I have to say, learning ImageMagick is a BTCH. Never before have I worked with a command line program where the order of arguments can mean so many completely different, unrelated, not-what-you're-looking-for results. But you know what? When I finally got it right, IT'S OUTPUT WAS F*CKING BEAUTIFUL. SUCK IT ADOBE. And then GIFSicle was there slicing 100k~300k off each image. That was awesome. Anyway, nobody else should have to suffer as much pain in figuring out ImageMagick config options as I did, so I cleaned the script up a little and decided to share it. It's probably still too focused on my own use cases, but anyone's welcome to look at it and provide suggestions.
Okay, so, normally GIFv is relatively kind to my designs. But not this time. What's so bad about it in this particular context? Chroma sub-sampling. Turns out - the animations in this series are just large chunks of solid colors moving around. So that meant that every color edge that changed through the animation(all of them) was over 50% wrong by the looping point, and I would NOT be having any of that. So I had to make sure these GIFs were smaller than the 2MB GIFv conversion point. And I swear, if the f*cking "GIFvBot" on reddit goes and autolinks to a GIFv version of these animations, I'll... just have to laugh. And downvote it's brainless ass. This series is about an artistic process and quality, not instant gratification and bandwidth savings.
I've made a resolution to post about 2 ~ 4 new designs a month. Last year, I struggled with posting even 1 design a month because I became afraid of my animations. I would compare each of my new designs to previous designs, and say "Oh crap, this new one isn't as good as the last one I put up, I can't post this" - and that kept me from posting like 15 designs. Struggling to come up with the text to post with each image held me back from posting about 5 designs, and delayed each and every one by at least 2 hours. I'm terrified to post new images because the instant I post something with a typo, it gets reblogged with that typo in it. This year, I want to change that pattern. I can't commit to something like an everyday because then my quality would suffer, but I certainly want to be able to post more animations. And I'm willing to work toward it. For now. Who knows about tomorrow. But right now? I want to overcome those challenges really bad. So I'm going to see if I can try something new. If I feel I can't execute something to the quality level I want it, I'm going to see if I can switch up the style of that design, until it is a style that I feel I can execute adequately. Let's see how far that idea gets me.
This is design number 1 of 7 in a series named "Rainbow Torus Spirals", where the color palette and solid shaded objects were inspired by the works of Florian de Looij.
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supersizemeplz · 4 years
Bearer of Gifts
Winston Duke x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. For @muse-of-mbaku and all my Winston fans. Dare I say, Smut? (That’s the warning, lol). I kind of just went with the flow for this one. Hope you enjoy. Ain’t he fine? 🤤
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The faint sounds of cars found their way to your apartment from the street below. Whether honking or softly thumping with bass. The television gave off soft mumbling aside from the droning sounds that came along with you scrolling through your social media timeline. Two soft pings sounded before the message banner slid down into view.
You up, sweetness?
The brightness of your phone lit up your face. Showing off the smile you gave at the sight of the name that accompanied the message. You could almost hear the hushed cadence of his voice saying the words to you.
He'd brought the name out of no where weeks before during a cuddling session. The deep and husky rasp of his seductive whispering soothing you as his fingers danced along your skin. Those thick digits of his pressing into your thigh gently, moving up to grope your soft backside. His soft lips brushing against your earlobe as he smiled. He mumbled the nickname into your ear, chuckling when he seen your cheeks rise from a grin.
"My sweetness.." You mumbled the words he had spoken to you, in memory. Smiling like a fool in the dark, you began your reply. The clicking of the keyboard overpowered the television for a moment.
Yeah. Watching movies, knowing damn well need to be sleep.
You can't sleep either?
The familiar sending tone told you that the message had delivered. Three dots popped up immediately, doing their dance as you awaited his answer. Then they were gone. You raised an eyebrow, giving the screen a few moments before you went back to social media. Waiting for him would only make the time drag by so.
Suddenly two pings surprised you, followed by another identical duo. Attachments? You tapped the banner, using the shortcut to the message thread. "Good googly moogly." With a quick tap, you took a closer look at the photo. The hum that left your throat was unintentional, an unconscious reaction to the sight before you.
Can you tell that I'm fighting it?
Hearting the photos was obvious like a second nature. You admired the photos for a second more, moaning softly with delight at his sex appeal. Your fingers went back to tapping the screen for your response as you crossed your ankles, squeezing your thighs lightly.
Did you just take these thirst traps for me, sir? 👀
Me? Thirst trapping? Noooo..
The sarcasm was dripping from the text, and you just knew he was smirking. Handsome devil. You laughed, opting to FaceTime him instead of texting back. The phone trilled twice before he answered, smiling that charming smile of his. He rubbed a hand over his hair.
"So that's what took you so long to text back, I see.." You grinned, holding your phone out to show your whole face. "You want to tease me."He looked at you with low eyes, taking you in with a satisfied hum.
"You know I wouldn't tease your pretty ass like that, sweetness." He spoke with amusement. His voice was deeper than usual, probably from sleep trying to win him over. "Not unless I plan on gifting you something to ease your troubles."
You caught his hinting as he licked his lips. A chill ran down your spine and you tingled at the memory of his last teasing session. With a raise of your arched brow, you shifted in the sheets to get more comfortable. "Ease my troubles, huh? You know, I really do like gifts."
He smiled at the your slight change in tone, getting up from the bed to do something. His background showed different parts of his bedroom as he moved around. "I know you do.. Maybe I can come over and give you a few tonight?" The camera was on him again once he'd propped his phone on his dresser. Exposing his bare upper body before it disappeared beneath a shirt. "..if you'd let me?"
"I think that can be arranged.." You smiled as he picked up the phone again. "You and your thirst traps owe me an apology." He barked out a laugh at that before you'd hung up. Standing from your bed, you danced your way to the bathroom to freshen up.
15 minutes.
It took him that long to make it to you. Thanks to it being midnight and the traffic being close to non-existent. An extra five minutes was dedicated to getting from his car, to your door, and following the satisfying sway of your silk covered backside as it led the way down the hall to your room.
The soft scent of the candle you'd lit half an hour ago caught his nose. He grinned as it gave a different mood to the bedroom. You stood in front of the bed, opening your robe and dropping it to reveal your pajama set. Silk like the robe and fitted to your body. "And I'm the one teasing?" He spoke up, watching you with clouded lust that only amplified once you'd opened the door.
You didn't answer, only smirking as you took a seat to watch him. Watching him undress was a favorite of yours. He had taken a liking to your watchful eye as well, taking his time to tease you further. Knowing that you were ready to pounce on him, he'd be waiting for the day that you finally did so.
He pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside onto the chair that sat at your desk. You didn't say a word as he awaited an answer as he adjusted his sweats. They sat dangerously low on his hips, giving your imagination a few scenarios to work with. His smooth skin had a shine to it, most likely from the Shea butter he'd use after every shower. Those massive arms of his flexed with his movements, along with his chest. You were damn near drooling.
He chuckled at your silence, enjoying the fact that you were admiring him. He'd done the same to you countless times. "Focus, sweetness." You looked up at him, lips parted as you tried your best to not melt beneath him. The faint scent of his cologne was doing more for you than he knew. "Can I ease your troubles?" His teasing voice lowered to a mumble.
Your lips held his attention for a moment before he caught your eyes once again. Lifting a hand to his jaw, your fingertips gently ran over his beard. Nails massaging at his chin once you heard the soft hum he exhaled. "Please.." You whispered the confirmation, making him smile.
His lips caught yours with several pecks and a hungry kiss. Both his hands pressed into the mattress on either sides of you as he focused on the taste of your soft lips. "I swear you have the sweetest lips.." He mumbled the statement, brushing his nose against your jaw as he took in your scent.
His chain hung from his neck, brushing against your chest as he peppered his loving kisses along your skin. You sucked in a breath once he'd worked his way to your breasts, working them from beneath the cool fabric that once housed them. A freed hand worked at the waistband of your shorts, inching them down until they hit the floor with a soft thump.
Like a reflex, your knees pulled closer to your stomach to open you to him. He'd grinned at the simple action once he'd placed his last love mark of the moment between your breasts. You moaned at the warm touches of him, feeling the soft touches he placed at the back of your thighs. To fuse with the slow kisses and gentle bites.
"Win.." The softness of your voice still caught his ear, making him look to you. Your upper body had propped itself onto your elbows with a want to view the care it was receiving. He groaned at your lustful eyes, feeling the effects of his own excitement stiffening in his sweats. "Shit.." Your curse slipped past your lips as a low pant once he began his experienced touches.
His fingertips were glossed in your natural lubricant, shining in the light of subtle blue LED that lined the room. An arm wrapped around your thigh loosely as a safety net when he really began his magic. Your soft moans motivated his moves, helping the flow that he chose in each passing moment. "No ma'am. Eyes on me, sweetness." He called to you, speaking in that low tone he knew you liked. Though it came easily.
You gasped at the dancing of his tongue, lifting your hips from the sheets as his lips met your center. "Oh my gahh.." Looking away from him, your eyes were shut softly but your brows were pushed together. He hummed, smacking your thigh as you ignored his recent demand.
His lips gave you rest for a moment as he chuckled, giving a gentle tug of your thighs to pull her closer. "Let me see those pretty eyes of yours.." He sweet talked you, pressing wet kisses to your thighs. "Yeah, sweetness?"
You moaned, nodding before you looked at him with eyes full of want. "Yess.." He twitched at the sexual desire in them. Soft sound of your puddle got louder the sloppier he became. It'd be a lie if he'd said his beard wasn't glistening with you.
"That's more like it, baby.." He praised, resting his mouth to tease with the subtle strokes of his fingers. You mumbled his name in a daze as he watched you began to unfold. "You sound so good saying my name. Say it louder for me.."
And his mouth joined the fun once again. You cursed out, throwing your head back and breaking eye contact. He didn't bother to try and regain eye contact because he knew it'd be useless. Your soul was being slurped from your body and he had the privilege to be the culprit doing so.
Once your hands found his hair, you couldn't choose whether to push him away or closer. So you let him decide, to which he chose to continue the sweet torture. He was, for sure, your favorite bearer of gifts.
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