#bts allergy fic
vykio · 11 hours
I was tagged by both @naturecalls111 and @merceyca like 10 days ago and am only getting to this now lOL THANK YOU BOTH <3
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Across all my pseuds, Teen and up comes up the most! I write a lot of slice of life so the most like violent thing you'll find is a expletive or main characters smacking each other for shits and sometimes even giggles but more importantly juvenile war.
What are your top three fandoms?
Well. Right now, my top three is AFTG, All for the Game, and Nora Sakavic's books LOOOL
In terms of which fandoms I've written the most for? Top 3 are: EXO, BTS, Haikyuu/AFTG tied for third!
What is the top character you write about?
Oh! HUGE surprise for me - it's Andrew Minyard LOOOOOOL
What are your top three pairings?
Aristotle Mendoza/Dante Quintana
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga
What are the top three additional tags?
Alternate Universe
Slice of Life
Alternate Universe - College/Universe
...This is surprising to no one HAHAHA I love my little slice of life college AU corner too much
Does any of this surprise you?
Yes in the sense that I forget everything I ever loved once I find a new fandom. Except iwaoi - you will always be famous 2 me. Also very surprised I've published as much as I have despite my severe allergy to writing words.
No pressure tags <3: @decaflondonfog @starsandgutters @codename-adler @wyverningx :D pew pew finger hearts at u
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herblackabyss · 1 year
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[Title] 7 Dates, 7 Conflicts [Rating & Genre] [M] 18+, strangers to lovers, Collage AU [Pairing] Jeon Jungkook x Reader (Amaya Bradford) [Trigger Warnings] one little cuss word
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[A/N] I'm working on two other fics along with this one, not BTS related sorry besties but I'm super excited about them especially the Mingi one. Rengoku Mingi lives in my soul rent-free 24/7, 365. but anywhoo I hope you all enjoy. I spent tiiimmmmmeeee editing and refining because I wasn't satisfied with the flow but I guess it's okay now... it's actually stressing me lol kmt. Your feedback is always welcomed guys it helps me improve my writing so feel free to critique in a helpful way. Also I named MC because it really helps with my writing but y'all can just replace the name ig <3
[Word Count] 1802
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@btsffreader92 ♡ @tinaluvtae ♡ @natalimurghulia ♡ @grltwin ♡ @hobisstar ♡ @namjoonsthottie
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7:48 AM
If there's one aspect of school that I utterly dread, it's undoubtedly these cursed early mornings. Dragging myself out of bed at the ass crack of dawn feels like a form of punishment, a ritual concocted by the overlords of academia. I can almost picture them huddled together, plotting in the dim glow of a single desk lamp, cackling as they birthed this diabolical plan to subject students to ungodly class hours. It's as if they extracted it straight from the depths of a collective sleep-deprived nightmare. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, luck seemed to take a vacation during this particular semester. My favourite professor of all time, Mr Moody, and his highly sought-after class turned into the academic equivalent of a rare collector's item. The moment that registration portal creaked open, it was as if someone had fired the starting pistol at a track meet—the slots for Mr Moody's class were filled up faster than a Snapchat story on a roller coaster. So here I am now, faced with the one option that clung to the registration page like a stubborn sticker—an 8 am lecture..
Goddamn it.
It's the first day of the new semester, and I can already feel exhaustion seeping into my bones. Despite my reputation as an academic overachiever, I've developed a chronic allergy to early mornings. The mere thought of tearing myself away from the warm embrace of my blankets before 10 am sends an unbearable itch coursing through my body. It feels like I'm wrestling a goddamn grizzly bear every single morning just to make it to class on time.The snooze button has practically become your best friend—Ahem, sorry, not sorry, Chenle. And let's not even talk about the inner battle that rages on when I have to choose between a few extra minutes of precious sleep or a decent breakfast. Navigating through a labyrinth of corridors, I finally arrive at the lecture hall, securing a seat right in the heart of the middle row. I've always held the belief that my choice of seating speaks volumes about my stance on the upcoming semester. For me, it's all about striking that perfect balance. Front rows are out of the question—too much scrutiny from the professor's watchful gaze. But the back rows are equally unacceptable, a potential vortex of distraction among the Neanderthals. So I opt for the middle ground, a conscious decision to engage without being swallowed whole. As I settle in, I lazily rummage through my backpack, unearthing the recommended textbook for class, a fresh notebook, and that pencil pouch I scored from a Sugar Rush Riot concert during summer break. My gaze sweeps across the sea of semi-conscious faces in the room, hoping to catch sight of any familiar ones. And lo and behold, I manage to spot a few friendly faces. There's Ava, my ethics class companion from last year, Gina, my partner-in-crime for surviving Mr. Hanson's painfully dull physics lectures, Issa and Lucas, the dynamic duo who effortlessly infused Parisian flair into my French class last semester, and, unfortunately, the notorious campus Lothario, Jeon Jungkook.
He's got quite the reputation, you know? A real crowd-pleaser, widely sampled, and utterly disrespectful. Around campus, it's like every girl has her very own "Jeon Adventure" to share, each tale brimming with explicit and intricate accounts of how he managed to leave them a quivering, breathless mess. Frankly, it's rather revolting. The way they flaunt every encounter with him like it's some kind of prized badge, casually boasting about every single detail of their time spent together.
A sigh escapes my lips, and I shake my head in mild exasperation. Jungkook might be popular, but I'm not interested in becoming a chapter in his little escapades. I certainly can't afford a distraction of his magnitude and certainly have no intention of sharing a guy with the entire campus.
Lazing there, lost in thought, waiting for class to commence, my eyes are inexplicably drawn to his striking side profile. Absently, I trace the line of his sharp jaw, observing the corners of his eyes crinkling as he engages in animated conversation with his friends. A subtle twitch of his nose, almost like a telltale sign, triggers a charming smile that graces his lips. His head tips back in response to a particularly hilarious joke, and in that instant, his gaze locks onto mine. His lips curl into a languid grin as he watches me. His sudden attentiveness snaps me out of whatever trance I was in, and before I know it, my face scrunches up into a deep scowl. I dramatically roll my eyes before diverting my attention elsewhere, avoiding any further visual contact.
With impeccable timing, Chenle saunters into my peripheral vision, deftly navigating through the rows of my fellow classmates with two steaming cups of coffee and a pair of assorted bagel boxes from Avery's Baegel Shop. Always the savior, isn't he? Seriously, where would I be without him? He's practically rescued me from the brink of starvation more times than I can count. He seamlessly slides into the seat next to me, placing the delectable breakfast on the desk in front of me. The mouthwatering aroma triggers an intense craving, causing my mouth to water involuntarily.
"What's with the expression?" he playfully teases, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips, noticing the way my brows knit together.
"Nothing," I replied with an annoyed huff, a hint of a smile curling up the corners of my mouth as I popped open the lid of the tempting treasure trove before me. My eyes locked onto the ideal choice—a cinnamon and creme bagel, practically begging to be savored.
As I took a bite, the explosion of flavors enveloped my senses, prompting a contented moan to escape my lips. Chenle chuckled at my reaction, well aware of just how much I appreciated his thoughtful gesture. He's always had an uncanny knack for understanding exactly what I need, even without me uttering a single word.
"I knew that one would hit the spot," he remarked, his eyes dancing with amusement.
"You know me too well," I replied, savoring each delectable bite.
"Oh, by the way, guess who's in this class?" I casually tossed out, locking eyes with my friend and flashing a knowing grin. Chenle and Jungkook happened to share the same major, and they'd endured numerous classes together. Most of my insights about the dreadful experience of sharing a lecture with Jungkook had been filtered through Chenle's complaints. Apparently, the guy had a knack for transforming classes into needlessly complex puzzles.
"You've got to be kidding," he scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically, disbelief etched across his features. I subtly nodded in the direction of the back row, where Jungkook was comfortably settled. I took another heavenly bite of the warm bagel, savoring the exquisite blend of cinnamon and brown sugar that danced on my taste buds. "But hey, don't sweat it too much. Rumor has it that Mrs. Steel doesn't take any nonsense in her class. Maybe she'll be the one to rein him in."
Almost as if on cue, Veronica Steel strode into the lecture hall, exuding an aura of self-assuredness, her car keys swinging carelessly from her fingers. Her lack of teaching materials upon entry suggested that she might not have an elaborate agenda for today's session. Fortunately for me, this was my only class on a Monday, leaving the rest of the day blissfully free.
"Good morning, everyone," she began, introducing herself with a confidence that immediately put me at ease. Her subtle Spanish accent added a touch of warmth and familiarity to her words. "I'm your instructor, Mrs. Veronica Steel."
"I won't keep you too long, given that this is our first class. However, I do have some important information to share." Her words lingered in the air, grabbing everyone's attention. "All the assignments for this course will be completed in pairs, and I've already assigned your partners. You should have received an email this morning containing the list of assigned pairs." The room sprang to life as students scrambled to retrieve their devices and check their emails, myself included.
My laptop springs to life, and I eagerly navigate to my inbox, searching for the email from Mrs. Steel. Hoping against hope that I've been paired with Chenle, or at the very least, with Gina or Issa, anyone who won't make my life a living nightmare. My eyes scan the list, darting over each name with bated breath, and then Chenle leans over and lightly taps the "Ctrl+F" keys on my keyboard. I can't help but feel a hint of embarrassment; it's not like I've forgotten such a basic keyboard shortcut.
With deliberate care, my trembling fingers spell out my name. Dread courses through my veins, fearing the prospect of being saddled with a partner who'd expect me to carry the entire load. With each letter that materializes on the screen, the suspense heightens. And there it is, as I complete the last letter, my partnership materializes on the screen: Jungkook Jeon & Amaya Bradford.
The air seems to vanish from the room. This can't be real. Out of all the potential partners, it had to be Jungkook. And to make matters worse, this partnership is locked in for the entire semester. Veronica's voice keeps rolling, outlining the expectations for the upcoming assignments. "Each pair will evaluate their partner for every assignment," her words hang heavily, driving home the gravity of the situation and the potential impact on our grades.
The idea of spending a whole semester partnered with Jungkook feels like a mental minefield. We're polar opposites, like oil and water, each with a distinct approach to academics and life. Finding common ground for effective collaboration seems an insurmountable challenge, one that's thrust upon me, whether I like it or not.
Mrs. Steel's voice rings in my ears, emphasizing that switching partners is off the table, no negotiations allowed. The pit of dread in my stomach deepens. This is unavoidable, a collaboration sentence I'm forced to endure.
Against my will, my gaze drifts towards Jungkook. Fuck I really can't stand this guy—an infuriating, self-assured grin plastered on his face. He's relaxed, clearly the king of his realm, ignoring the brunette whispering away on his right. His eyes, however, are locked on me, as if I'm the only presence in the room that matters.
As Veronica concludes, she leaves us with a parting shot. "Thanks for showing up, and I can't wait to see the amazing work you all produce. Welcome to COMM101." And just like that, she's gone, leaving me to wrestle with the chaos in my mind.
"Fml," I whisper, my forehead making contact with the table's surface with a resounding thud.
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darl-ingfics · 2 months
Welcome! Happy to see you 😊
This side-blog had been a many-years-in-the-making sort of things for me; I've been a sickfic and hurt/comfort fan for years, yet everything I wrote was always just for my eyes only, or rarely/heavily edited when published. But the more I've begun to explore this genre, the idea of making this blog a reality became, well, a reality. And here we are.
What to Know About Me:
Born in '95
Literature nerd, avid dancer, and certified Disney adult
I've been a Kpop fan since 2018! I am currently an incredibly proud Carat, EXO-L, and Shawol. And I have a Dino photo card in the holder of my EXO light stick cause I still haven't pulled a photo card of Xiumin yet, and that Dino card is my current favorite 😂
Requests are: OPEN (just wait until the end of Sicktember 😅)
Current Requests (to be fulfilled in any order):
BTS - Jin, h/c
SVT - Dino, cold (Seungkwan caretaker)
Groups I Stan and Will Write For: Seventeen (Joshua bias), EXO (Xiumin bias), SHINee (Onew bias), BTS (Jungkook bias)
Groups in my Stan Orbit: ATEEZ (Seonghwa bias), Stray Kids (Han bias, I already know) [Writing for these groups is hard at this stage cause I'm still learning member personalities and dynamics, but we're slowly working up to it. Which does mean I have pieces in process for some of them...]
Groups I Enjoy Listening to, but Probably Won't Write For: Red Velvet (Seulgi bias), Mamamoo (Moonbyul bias), f(x) (Luna bias), Monsta X (Kihyun bias), NCT (Doyoung bias)
Groups I Casually Listen to: Girls Generation, Aespa, Blackpink, (G)I-dle, Got7
Chances are good I'll throw in some anime pieces too, cause I have A TON of those in the back logs. You will primarily see content for Haikyuu and Attack on Titan for those pieces.
What I Will Write: General illness; snz (to a degree, we’re figuring it out); hurt/comfort; very surface level emeto
What I Won’t Write: allergy snz (not it for me, folks); graphic emeto; scat; major illness or character d/eath; non-con anything; NSFW sexy times; age regression
A Reminder: All writings published on this blog in any Kpop fandom are strictly based on my perceptions of the personas presented by the idols. These are real people, and absolutely nothing on here is a true representation of these artists as individuals. These fics are manifestations of my enjoyment of these artists in a medium that I find creatively rewarding, but the maintenance of the line between fiction and fact is a necessary part of these creations.
Feel free to pop in my asks anytime! Thanks for reading!
(Follows and Likes as pretty-eyes-jaeger)
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babybearsnz · 1 year
I’m a K-pop snzfic writer from America! Requests are currently closed! Here is some information on my writing requirements:
Content I will write:
General sneeze content
Content I will NOT write:
Life threatening illness
I also reserve the right to turn away any requests I am uncomfortable with.
Styles I will write:
Platonic relationships within group
Romantic relationships within group
Idol x reader (platonic, romantic)
Groups I write for:
Stray Kids
NCT 127
NCT Dream
Monsta X
I will also write for some other groups if people want me to so don’t be afraid to ask!
Examples of settings I will write with:
Concert venue or green room
Dorms or hotel rooms
Studio or company building
Current requests:
Sneezy Hobi (BTS)
Sick Jungkook mini fic (BTS)
Sneezy Jimin mini fic (BTS)
Sneezy Taehyung (BTS)
Sick Jungkook (BTS)
Sneezy Jimin (BTS)
Sneezy Jungkook mini fic (BTS)
Sneezy Jimin (BTS)
Prompt 79, Jimin (BTS)
Prompt 71, Hobi (BTS)
Prompts 13 and 62, Jungkook (BTS)
Prompt 42, Jungkook (BTS)
Prompt 75, Taehyung (BTS)
Prompt 78, Jimin (BTS)
Prompt 51, Jungkook (BTS)
Sick Felix (Stray Kids)
Sneezy Jeonghan (Seventeen)
Prompt 69, Eunseok (RIIZE)
Sneezy Hyunjin (Stray Kids)
Sneezy Jin (BTS)
Sick Jin (BTS)
Sick Dino (Seventeen)
Stray Kids:
Stay warm
Craving a cup of tea
Hyung, you look miserable
Stuffy back rubs
Sweater paws and sneezes
That’s ridiculous
Stupid nose
Oh, Hyunjinnie
Not with that cold
Poor things
At least put the duster down
Hyung is allergic to everything
Crazy pollen count
Acting weird— er than normal
Bless you, bunny
My poor boy
Having an itchy day
Sleep well, hyung
You and Kookie gonna live?
Breakfast and gin rummy
You stole my sneeze
Hyung, I don’t feel well
The livestream
Sorry I got you sick (part 1)
Sorry I got you sick (part 2)
Remember to close the window
It’s so dusty in there
Thanks for reading!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this blog, me, my writing, etc., don’t hesitate to let me know <3
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
hey could u do a jimin allergy snz fic? specifically a dust allergy if that’s fine..idrc about the scenario :-)
Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long >.< Hope you enjoy it <3
Pairing: VMin - platonic intentions but open interpretations.
Words: 2000
Warnings: Snz content || Dust Allergy || Snot
"Wake up, Jimin-ah!" 
After several disturbances, Jimin wakes to find his best friend hovering over him. He's still adjusting to the atmosphere of the room. There's only faint light slipping through the curtains, he doesn't know if it's sun or moon. He looks at the clock on the wall. It reads 6:42 AM. He knows they don't have a schedule until noon. 
Based on the wide smile separating Taehyung's cheeks, Jimin concludes it's not an emergency. "Tae, it's too early. What do you want?" He whines, pulling a pillow around his face. 
"There's an antique shop 2 blocks away from the hotel." Taehyung answers excitedly. Much too excitedly for the hour. Jimin wonders if his soulmate even slept at all. Meanwhile, he's still recovering from jet lag. 
When Jimin doesn't answer, Taehyung tries again. "Come on! I want to get there right when it opens so we don't attract too much attention." He shakes the older vocalist. 
"What could you possibly want from an antique store?" Jimin asks, mostly because he knows that answering is the best way to get Taehyung to stop shaking him. 
Which he does. Taehyung takes his hands off his hyung and uses them to exaggerate his expressions. "We could find anything! That's the fun of it." 
Taehyung loves using his free time on tours to explore. He especially loves thrifting and visiting second hand shops. They tend to be less crowded and are a great way to learn more about the history of whatever city they are in. 
But he hates to go alone. 
"Please, Minnie! We'll be back in time for you to take another nap before schedules." He holds his pinky out, "I promise." 
Jimin can't resist a pinky promise. He pulls himself from the bed, pushing his remaining exhaustion aside. He connects his pinky to Taehyung's and seals the arrangement by pressing their thumbs together. "What time does the store open anyway?" He asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"7:30. Get dressed so we can go!" Taehyung's so excited. Jimin decides it's worth losing a few hours of sleep to see his soulmate so enthusiastic. And following a routine schedule might finally fix his jet lag. At least until they depart for the next city. 
Jimin does as he's told. He hastily dresses, forgoing his normal morning routine in the interest of time. He and Taehyung arrive at the antique shop just as it's opening. The owner looks at them suspiciously as they walk in with hats and masks, but says nothing about it when she welcomes them.
Jimin follows closely behind Taehyung as he looks. Truthfully, Jimin doesn't see the appeal. He has a more modern taste. But if nothing else, it's fun to look at. And Taehyung's in awe at everything he sees. So he's not going to complain. 
Not long into their shopping trip, Jimin's nose starts to itch. He tries scrunching it to will the itch away. Then tries wiggling it on his face. But it doesn't stop. He thinks it's just irritated from the mask and pulls the paper shield down to his chin. There's only a handful of people in the store anyway. And no one looks like they recognize him. He decides it's safe. 
But the itch doesn't stop. He's scratching at his nose, flaring his nostrils and wiping at them. It's all useless. The itch has finally built up to a full sneeze. He pitches forward and cups his face in his hands, "Het'NXTchu" The sneeze makes his nose drip and his eyes water. He sniffles thickly and notices a heavy wall in his sinuses that wasn't there a minute ago. 
It's not uncommon for Jimin to randomly sneeze. So Taehyung ignores it, continuing to look around the shop. For as small as it looks on the outside, it's actually a pretty big store. There's so much more than he expected. He's excited to take in every detail.
Jimin grows more and more uncomfortable as they press on. He's sniffling and wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve when he can. Eventually he separates from Taehyung. He doesn’t want his nose to disturb his best friend’s experience. He approaches the shop owner, but with the language barrier, he's not able to effectively convey his need for tissues. No matter how many gestures toward his nose he makes, she doesn’t seem to understand him. So he bows to her and carries on. 
Jimin stops to rest by an old table when he feels the need to sneeze again. He pitches forward with a shaky "eh'tICHu" and uses the lamp to steady him. When he goes to swipe at his nose, he notices the dust coating his fingertips from where he touched the surface. Just looking at his dusty fingers triggers another "nxt'CHU" that bends him at the waist. He has to resist the instinct to bring his hand close to his face. 
He looks around the store, swiping a few more of the items on display and notices that everything is covered in a thick layer of dust. He thought before the colors were just faded with time, but now he can see everything looks like it hasn’t been touched in years. No wonder he felt so stuffy all of a sudden. He finds the emptiest corner and hides out there for a bit. Just to collect himself. He sneezes three times in quick succession to try and relieve some pressure. But the air from each sneeze just scatters the dust coating the shelves around him.
He needs to leave the shop. It feels like he’s covered in dust. Using his sleeves is probably only sending more dust particles into his nose. It's a nightmare. He needs to go back to the hotel and take a hot shower and an allergy pill. He needs to sleep until he can’t sleep anymore and pray he feels better when he wakes up. 
His already watery eyes fill with tears when he notices the concerned stares of local patrons in his direction. He doesn’t want to cause a scene. And he hates that he can’t explain himself. He just wants to find Taehyung and leave before he completely crumbles. Thankfully, he notices Taehyung’s wavy brown hair from across the shop. He quickly makes his way over, keeping the collar of his shirt pulled around his nose. 
Taehyung is flipping through vinyl records in a bin when Jimin nudges him. The younger hadn’t even noticed he was separated from his other half. “Can we go?” the shorter man pleads. 
He only gives Jimin half of his attention, still looking through the selection. “But there’s so much good stuff here.” Taehyung whines in answer. His eyes widen when he spots an Art Pepper record. He pulls the case out and blows off the outer layer of dust to get a better look. 
Jimin reacts immediately. He pinches the fabric of his shirt against his nose and pitches forward with three messy sneezes. “eh’NXTshu, hait’ITchu, HFT’tichu” Tears fully flow from his eyes with the force of the sneezes and there’s a visible messy wet spot on his shirt where he caught them. 
The magnitude of Jimin’s sneezes finally pulls Taehyung’s attention away from the antiques. Jimin may be a frequent sneezer, but his sneezes are never that loud or messy unless… “Jimin-ah, is it the dust?” He finally realizes his mistake. Jimin nods. 
The younger man quickly puts the record back in the bin and wipes his hands on his pants. It's not going to help, he's been touching so much, his fingertips are tinted gray. But it's the only thing he can think to do before he puts his hands on Jimin. 
He rubs Jimin's back and discreetly ushers them out of the store, trying to draw as little attention as possible. Jimin's breath hitches and he stifles a few more messy sneezes into his shirt as they pass through. Taehyung is doing what he can to shield Jimin until they can get him cleaned up. Thankfully, there's a diner next to the shop with a public restroom. Taehyung guides Jimin there and locks the door behind him. 
Jimin leans against the locked door, finally lowering his shirt and trying to sniff back the snot running along his top lip. He grimaces at the feeling; he feels so gross. He tries not to open his mouth so nothing runs in. Taehyung rushes to grab some toilet paper for Jimin and holds it up to Jimin's nose. "Blow," he instructs and Jimin does. He puts his own hands over Taehyung's, pushing the paper as close to his face as he can. The older man tries as hard as he can to clear his sinuses. He fills the makeshift tissue in a matter of seconds. 
Thankfully Taehyung had come prepared and was ready with a second wad to use for additional clean up. When Jimin's face is clean, Taehyung tries to encourage Jimin to wash his face in the sink. But Jimin's too tired. He's still battling the jet lag and the force of sneezing for the last hour has done him in. He doesn't want to move an inch. Taehyung realizes it quickly, watching Jimin's eyes flutter as he leans against the door. 
He decides instead to just wash Jimin's face himself. He gets paper towels from the dispenser and dampens them in the sink. He comes back to wipe at Jimin's face, specifically around his nose. And once Jimin's face is clean, he wipes any remaining dust from the other vocalist's fingers. 
Jimin wants to hug Taehyung. Jimin wants to properly thank his dongsaeng for helping him. But he knows Taehyung's still covered in dust and he's finally stopped feeling like he needs to sneeze. So he doesn't risk it. He simply offers a warm, sniffly, smile and a sleepy "Thanks, Tae bear." 
Taehyung's on his way to the sink when Jimin praises him, "You're welcome, Chim." He washes his own hands and over his face. He runs wet fingers through his hair. He wants to do the best he can to remove any residual dust. He even goes as far as to take off his shirt and puts it back on again inside-out. Then he goes back to Jimin, stroking his puffy cheek lightly with his newly cleaned hands, "I'm sorry I forgot about your dust allergy." 
'S'okay. Can we go home now?" Jimin asks, sniffling heavily. Taehyung's gentle ministrations against his cheek make him feel closer to sleep than before.
Taehyung nods. He encourages Jimin to blow his nose one more time before he gets Jimin on his back. He piggy-backs Jimin out of the diner and starts walking back to the hotel. Jimin sniffles into his ear every few seconds. It's a gross and unpleasant sound, but better than the alternative of Jimin sneezing into his shirt. So he wordlessly lets it continue. 
"Tae, my head feels stuffy." Jimin whines. Taehyung's surprised by Jimin's small voice. He thought his hyung had fallen asleep. 
"We're almost back, hyung." The younger encourages as he treks on. He feels Jimin nod against his shoulder. Then he feels the spray of a poorly concealed sneeze against the back of his neck. Jimin doesn’t even have the energy to apologize. 
He makes a brief stop at the hotel counter to purchase allergy medicine before going back to the room. Taehyung drops Jimin on the edge of the bed. Jimin is holding onto consciousness by a thread. His head bobs up and down as he fights with gravity about the contents of his sinuses. 
Taehyung quickly administers a dose of the allergy medication and starts a shower for Jimin. But when he returns from the bathroom, Jimin is sound asleep. A raspy snore fills the otherwise silent room. The younger clicks his tongue. He makes sure to hang the do not disturb marker on the outer door knob before he takes advantage of the running shower. 
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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sope-and-shine · 4 years
You Drive Me Nuts
-> Pairings: Jeongguk x Reader -> Fluff // College!AU  -> Word Count: 2.1k -> Summary: With great powers comes great responsibility. And yes, an EpiPen is a responsibility, Jeon Jeongguk. -> Warnings: mild language // responsible use of an EpiPen for an irresponsible reason.
A/N: I have no clue what the process is through anaphylaxis once it gets to the doctors, so I tried my best. I hope you enjoy! 
You told him.
You’ve told him on more than one occasion.
You’ve reminded Jeongguk multiple times that it is in no way acceptable for him to eat a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup when he’s allergic to peanuts! He’s 20yrs old, for Christ sake, you shouldn’t have to remind him what he can and cannot eat! Any sane person would think, ‘Oh no, that’ll make my throat close up and I could die’ and turn the candy offer down.
But no.
Not this idiot.
He’s apparently a psychopath!
You were just studying in the cafe waiting for the other boys to join you before you get your food. No harm in that at all. They were always late cutting across campus, so getting some homework out of the way or a quick study session never hurt. Normal day.
Not a problem.
As soon as they all began to make their appearances, you had put away your working materials so you’d be ready to get something to eat. As soon as they all arrived, it was left to Jeongguk to watch your belongings since he was the last to arrive at the table. Nothing new, it was usually between him, Taehyung, and Namjoon to watch the table. Not only that, but he was more than happy to take a seat at the table. You figured he was tired from running across the campus and just wanted to sit. Nothing to worry about.
You should have worried.
You all left him alone for a total of maybe 15 minutes. 15 minutes to get your food so you could enjoy the rest of your day, 15 minutes so he could sit and watch your belongings, 15 minutes for him to be a regular adult, and apparently 15 minutes for him to contemplate asking the table next to yours for the Reese’s and have it open and in one hand with his EpiPen in the other by the time you got back.
“Jeon Jeongguk! You put that Reese’s cup down and wash your hands right now! Are you crazy?!” Your outburst not only catches his attention, but those around you as well. Multiple eyes are on you including his, but his eyes are staring into yours in fear, contemplation, and partial regret. 
Jimin comes up next to you with his own lunch, stopping when he sees the predicament. He sighs, “He cannot be serious.” 
It’s almost as if you can see the gears turning in Jeongguk’s head, contemplating if he should make his next move or not. You can see the longing in his eyes, and a part of you already knows what he’s about to do before he does it. He pops the treat into his mouth in one bite, and the look of pure joy and elation tells you this exact situation could - and will - happen again. He shouldn’t look as pleased as he does slamming a needle into his thigh, but his smile is all you need to see.
“Jimin, call an ambulance!” You order, rushing to your friend - soon to be dead friend - and dropping your lunch on the table next to him. A million thoughts are running through your head as you take the seat next to him, watching the stupid bunny smile appear on his face. Your first immediate reaction is to choke him, but he’s about to do that himself. So, instead, you settle for hitting the back of his head. “Are you insane?! What possessed you to do that, you psychopath?!”
“My mom never let me eat them, so I-” He coughs, beginning to feel the effects of his allergy trying to battle the epinephrine. “-I wanted to try one…”
“She didn’t let you eat them because YOU ARE ALLERGIC!” You rage. You’re almost completely dumbfounded by this man’s absolute stupidity. How he made it to college, you could never understand after this. You grab his face in your hands and squish his cheeks together to look into his mouth at the back of his throat. “Any good, sensible mother-! No. Scratch that. Any good, sensible PERSON wouldn’t let you eat one!”
He fights a smile, his face still trapped between your hands, “Worth it.”
As the other boys get back from getting their food, they all begin to close in on what happened with the youngest member of the squad. Namjoon, ever the responsible adult he is, sighs when he catches sight of the used EpiPen and the crumpled Reese’s wrapper next to it. “Jeongguk, what the fuck?”
“What did you do?!” Jin cries, setting his food on the table to take the other side of your ‘patient’. His mother’s intuition kicks in as he takes over your role of nurse, “Are you stupid or something?”
Yoongi takes a seat at the table next to the discarded trays and starts eating, completely unbothered. Shoving a french fry in his mouth, he turns to the rest of the group that is still unsure as to what they should do in the situation. “Make a note, everyone. As soon as he gets out of the hospital, I’m killing him.”
While the others begin to have a seat or discuss the current dilemma, Jeongguk turns to you with seemingly tired eyes full of mischief, “(Y/n)...I can see the light.” His voice has a slight croak to it, and every breath has a slight wheeze.
“Good. Walk into it.” Is your answer petty? Absolutely. But you can't help but glare at him for the stunt he just pulled, especially when he’s trying to hit you with puppy dog eyes. “Don’t pout at me. You deserve this.”
It only takes about 10 more minutes for the ambulance to arrive on campus to pick up the idiot next to you. Which is good, because his breathing was only getting harder and more erratic as you waited with him even after having him lay down to clear his airways a little more. He tried to be cool the entire time they were adjusting him onto the gurney, cracking jokes and flashing the occasional hand sign at Tae’s phone while he took pictures for his Snapchat, but you could tell he was feeling the consequences of his actions when they administered oxygen to him.
After a short ride to the hospital, an hour and a half of sitting in the waiting room of the ER doing homework, and half an hour waiting for Jeongguk to wake up and finish getting scolded by the doctor’s and nurses for his stupid actions, you’re finally left alone with him again on a small couch by the window of his room. His hair isn’t as nicely kept as it was this morning, his street clothes were replaced with a hospital gown at some point during his visit and placed in the bag next to his bed, and his overall appearance just looks completely exhausted. Even so, he looks a lot better than he did at lunch.  
“You know, I thought that would go a lot better.” He admits with a chuckle, breaking the silence that was left in your room. A shy smile adorns his face as he plays with the piece of equipment on his finger.
You, however, are not amused, “How did you expect it to go any better, Guk? You are severely allergic to peanuts.”
He sighs, “I meant as far as the embarrassment.”
“Oh, you mean a 20 year old man getting scolded by 40 year old doctors and nurses for eating a peanut butter cup because you were never allowed to have them? Did you think you would just magically not be allergic?” You ask, genuinely interested to hear what his excuse was. In your opinion, there was no excuse. What he did was stupid and wreckless, and you have half a mind to beat the crap out of him for the stunt he pulled. Who did he think he was to scare you like that?
“It can happen…” He shrugs. It was more than obvious that he really didn’t think much of his actions, and that annoyed you more than anything.
He doesn’t move. He just continues staring at the equipment attached to him as if you weren’t in the room. His childish ignorance was hitting your last nerve at this point. You couldn’t stop yourself from standing up and crossing to his bed.
“Look at me.” You demand. You wait for him to raise his head, giving you a clear view of the frown on his face. You ignore how he looks at you in favor of grabbing onto his face. He had to know you were serious, and he wasn’t going to back out of this. “Don’t you ever do something that could literally kill you in minutes ever again. Do you understand me? I’m not playing with you. You scared the shit out of me!”
“I won’t, I promise.” You hear him loud and clear, you watch him nod and smile in affirmation, but you can’t help but feel helpless. You could’ve stopped him if you’d moved faster, then you could’ve beaten the sense into him before he ended up in the hospital. But here he was, almost 3 hours later with an IV and a drip running into him. The anger that’s been festering all day has finally settled within you, and you feel the tears welling up before you can pull yourself back together.
This of course sets Jeongguk into panic when he sees the glistening of your eyes staring into his own. “Hey! Why are you crying?! Our friendship handbook didn’t mention crying!” He couldn’t handle himself crying, let alone another human being crying at him. In an attempt to soothe you, he places his hands over yours as they rest on his cheeks, rubbing small circles into your skin.
You look away from him, hiding your face before the tears can really start to fall, “It’s in the fine print asshole.” 
“Well, why are you crying if I’m okay?” He asks. You refuse to look at him, not wanting to look at him after all the pain he’s caused you thus far, but he wasn’t about to let you cry without knowing what’s really wrong with you. He releases your hands from his and lets them fall while he moves into a different position, getting close enough to you so he can take your face in between his hands like you’d done to him - granted, yours was a lot more harsh than his. He turns your head so he can look at you, waiting until your eyes finally meet his before he smiles, “Hey, you can tell me what’s wrong.”
You can’t help but let the tears fall with the way he looks at you, “You just looked so beaten up and pale, and your breathing just kept getting worse as we waited, and-” You choke back a sob, “-I don’t want to lose you, okay?”
“You’re not going to lose me.” He coos, stroking your cheeks softly with his thumbs. He’d never intended to hurt you this way. He honestly didn’t think that far ahead. He had an idea, he executed a plan he thought would work, and he got to taste a peanut butter cup while living to see another day. It’s only now that he really thinks about what he’s done today. Neither you or the boys have ever seen him like that before, and to someone who’s never experienced it before, it can be really scary. He sees it now that you’re in front of him crying instead of yelling at him. “I swear on my life that I will never do it again.”
‘He wouldn’t do it again?’ You think. Sure he won’t. You scoff, “Easy for you to say. One wrong move and you die before I get my hands on you.” You move to pull his hands off of your face, but he takes your hands in his instead, pulling you to sit on the bed next to him. You’re too surprised to say anything, letting out a small squeak from the sudden movement instead. The two of you just sit and stare at one another before he finally lifts his right hand from yours to hold his pinky towards you, “I promise.”
Staring at the hand with an IV poking out and a heart monitor attached to his pointer finger, you know in the very back of your mind that this will probably happen again whether he intends to or not. But you don’t think you’ve seen him this serious before. At least for now, you can take his pinky in your own and accept his promise to make both of you feel better. 
“You drive me crazy, you know?” You ask, wiping at some of your remaining tears with your free hand.
“Don’t you mean I drive you nuts?” 
130 notes · View notes
snifflyjoonie · 4 years
In which Hoseok develops allergies to something in the dorm and Yoongi is the first to realize.
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Snz-centric with Hoseok as the sickie and Yoongi as the caretaker.
Word count: 3341
a/n: I had so much fun with this request and I hope I did it justice. The only thing I changed was having sope go to a coffee shop instead of the studio, I hope you don’t mind anon! Thanks for everyone’s patience, as always! Hope you enjoy!
“hHA’TChii! HA’tchiew!”
“What was that now...like, thirteen?” Jungkook smirked as he leaned back in his chair. He ran both of his hands through his hair before resting them onto the back of his head, “Fourteen?”
“I counted fifteen.” Jimin quipped as he slouched onto the table, resting his chin against his forearms. This meeting was going nowhere.
“Leave him alone you guys.” Namjoon sighed as he stood slightly from his seat. He reached behind himself to grab a tissue box before extending it in Hoseok’s direction.
Hoseok plucked a few tissues from the box with a breathy laugh and a shake of his head as he rose from the table. “It’s okay, Namjoon.” He said, waving off the leader’s warning with a free hand and pressing the tissues to his nose with the other, “It’s kind of funny.” 
He turned himself away from the others to blow his nose, massaging the appendage with the tissues as best he could before turning back towards the group. “I don’t know why, but I can’t stop today.”
“Are you getting sick?” Jin asked warily as he shifted himself away from Hoseok. The last thing he needed was a cold right now.
Hoseok shook his head, nose still buried in a tissue, “I don’t think so.” He murmured as his eyelashes fluttered slightly.  “I felt fine this...thismorninghh— hh-hH’EESshiu!” He swiveled away from the others quickly as another itchy sneeze burst out of him. A small series of groans filled the conference room.
“Sixteen.” Jimin mumbled, burying his head deeper into his arms as Hoseok blew his nose.
“I’m sorry.” Hoseok apologized with a sheepish laugh. “We’re not really getting anywhere with this meeting, are we?” He added as he looked around the table at his unamused counterparts.
“Maybe we should try again later?” Taehyung suggested as he glanced sympathetically at Hoseok, “When hyung is feeling better?”
“I feel okay, honest.” Hoseok promised, placing one hand over his heart, “I just can’t stop sne—hh! sneezing.”
Namjoon hummed and pushed himself from his chair with a stretch, “I think Taehyung has the right idea.” He shot Hoseok an apologetic look before continuing. “Let’s just pick back up tomorrow. Sorry, Hobi.”
Hoseok frowned but didn’t argue. They had already been in the conference room for thirty minutes and had yet to really talk about anything besides how much he had been sneezing. He felt bad, but it really couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t like he was doing it on purpose, anyway.
Hums of agreement at the leader’s decision filled the conference room as each member slowly rose to their feet. Hoseok was too distracted by his own nose blowing to catch the looks of sympathy each member shot in his direction as they passed. He was so distracted in fact, that when he felt a hand rest gently against his shoulder it nearly made him jump out of his skin. 
He spun around quickly to find Yoongi standing before him. One hand was shoved deep into his front sweater pocket and the other still hovered in the air where Hoseok’s shoulder had been just a moment prior.
“Oh, hyung?” Hoseok blinked at him in surprise as Yoongi lowered his hand, placing it back into his pocket with the other, “What’s up?”
Yoongi shifted his weight from his left foot to his right. “You okay, Hoseok-ah?” He asked, looking the other up and down slowly, “For real?”
Hoseok nodded without hesitation, “I think so. Aside from…” He trailed off, feeling his nose twitch for the umpteenth time. He shook his head in annoyance as his breath caught in his throat. Yoongi watched his expression start to glaze over and looked away a little sheepishly. He shifted his weight back to his left foot. 
Hoseok’s eyes squeezed closed as he let out an involuntary gasp. He twisted himself away from Yoongi as best he could before ducking down deep into his elbow as two sneezes forced their way out of him. They tumbled over each other rapidly and left Hoseok dazed and breathless.
“...Aside from that?” Yoongi offered as Hoseok brought his wad of tissues back up to his nose.
“Pretty much.” He chuckled lightly before sighing, “I really don’t know what my problem is. I must just be getting sick after all, I guess.”
“I guess.” Yoongi echoed as he watched Hoseok massage his nose through a tissue. “Hey, do you want to go for a walk and get a coffee?” He asked suddenly. He watched as Hoseok’s nose rubbing paused and waited a beat before continuing, “I know a place nearby. Since the meeting’s been rescheduled we have a lot of free time right now, so I figured…” He trailed off, but Hoseok smiled widely.
“Actually, that sounds great!” He chirped happily, “I could probably use some fresh air, anyway.”
Yoongi smiled at Hoseok’s enthusiasm, his gums peeking out from behind his parted lips. Despite Hoseok’s obvious discomfort, it clearly wasn’t putting a damper on his mood in the slightest. He was always like that. It was one of the reasons Yoongi enjoyed his company so much.
“Alright, let’s get going.”
The late-spring sun was warm and comfortable as the two men made their way towards the coffee shop Yoongi had chosen. It wasn’t too far from their building which made the walk over pleasant and easy; It was one of the reasons Yoongi visited so regularly.
They occupied their time by chatting, Hoseok filling the air with his bubbly laughter that was so contagious it even made his stoic partner join in once or twice. 
Before long, the pair found themselves standing outside of the small shop. Yoongi motioned for Hoseok to step in first and the other quickly obliged. He pushed open the doors with a small grunt, immediately being greeted by the comforting smell of coffee and sweets. It instantly made him smile.
“Hello, welcome!”
Hoseok turned in the direction of the barista who had called out to him and gave a small wave as Yoongi shuffled inside behind him.
“Oh, Yoongi-ssi! Nice to see you. The usual?”
Yoongi gave a small nod of approval as Hoseok blinked in surprise. He looked back and forth between the older boy and the barista for a moment, his eyebrows raised.
“Do you come here that often, hyung?” He teased with a small snicker.
Yoongi shrugged a little bashfully and cleared his throat, glancing away from Hoseok, “Do you know what you want?”
Hoseok gave his shoulder a playful shove before making his way over to the counter. He looked over the menu briefly before ultimately deciding on a caramel macchiato. 
“Good choice.” Yoongi hummed as he walked over to Hoseok with his wallet in hand, “I’ve heard they’re great here.” He began to pull a few bills from his wallet before Hoseok realized what he was doing.
“Hyung, no!” He squeaked as he scrambled to pull his own wallet from his back pocket, “You don’t need to—”
“I invited you.” Yoongi cut in calmly as he handed the money to the barista, “Don’t worry about it.”
Hoseok tried to sputter out an objection but Yoongi just waved him off, instead guiding his bandmate to a nearby table while they waited for their drinks to be made.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Hoseok pouted as he fiddled with the corner of his t-shirt. “Can I at least pay you back?”
Yoongi shook his head with a small chuckle. “It’s just a coffee.” He rested his chin into his hand before continuing. “Besides, you had a rough start today.”
Hoseok jutted out his bottom lip and wrinkled his brow but didn’t argue further. The small display managed to squeeze another tiny chuckle out of Yoongi before the barista called out their order.
“Iced Americano and a Caramel Macchiato for Yoongi!”
Yoongi glanced over his shoulder at the countertop where their two cups now sat. He started to push himself from his seat but Hoseok scrambled out of his chair first.
“I’ll get it, hyung!” He insisted, already halfway to the counter before Yoongi had even fully registered that the man was now standing.
He watched silently as Hoseok scooped up their drinks, thanking the barista with a big grin on his face. 
The corner of Yoongi’s lips twitched up into a hint of a smile as he rested his chin back into his hand. Hoseok really was something. 
He watched the other begin to make his way back, drinks held carefully in each hand and his big grin never faltering. He really did admire Hoseok — the way he always managed to maintain a constant air of positive energy was something Yoongi had privately looked up to for a long time.
“Iced Americano, huh?” Hoseok teased playfully as he placed Yoongi’s drink in front of him.
“It’s my favourite.” Yoongi scoffed as he shifted in his seat. “You shouldn’t knock it before you try it.”
Hoseok scrunched his nose in distaste as he took a sip of his own sweet brew. “Hmm. No thanks. Way too bitter for me.”
Yoongi tried to hide his smile as he took a sip of his own coffee. “At least mine actually is coffee.” He joked, gesturing towards Hoseok’s tan-coloured drink, “Yours is just warm milk.”
“Yup!” Hoseok beamed, “Just the way I like it.” 
The two men continued to chat and sip their drinks, simply enjoying each other’s company. Yoongi was glad he had asked Hoseok to tag along; it was great to see the man’s mood so uplifted after their disaster of a meeting earlier. He had been worried about him, but now, not as much. He wasn’t going to mention it to Hoseok, but he hadn’t heard the other sneeze since they had left the dorms. Fresh air must have been the key, afterall.
“—hh! Hah...hh!”
Jimin glanced over at Hoseok from his spot on the couch and frowned deeply, 
“You’re still sneezing, hyung?”
Hoseok simply nodded his head in response as best he could as his breath continued to hitch erratically. He was fanning a hand in front of his face and squinting harshly at the overhead lights in an attempt to coax out his stuck sneezes. 
“Maybe you should—”
“hha’ITCHiew! ISHhhiu!”
“—should lie down, hyung.”
Hoseok groaned loudly and collapsed into a chair with an annoyed huff. At first, the whole situation had been sort of funny. It was just sneezing after all; no harm, no foul. A minor inconvenience, at best. But now it was 4pm, and his body was starting to feel the side effects. His sinuses stinged and throbbed with every intake of breath he took, his head felt clogged and hazy, and his eyes were starting to burn and water. He was officially miserable.
“Maybe you’re right.” He moaned in defeat and sniffled pathetically into a knuckle. “Maybe I can slhh...sleep it off.” He brought the palm of his hand up to his nose and rubbed circles into it aggressively, desperate to try and quell the persistent itch that resided in the very back of his sinuses.
“I think that would be a good idea, hyung. If your condition isn’t good, resting will make you feel better much quicker.” 
Hoseok hummed in agreement before pushing himself from his seat with a grunt. “Alright. Just...come get me if you need anything, okay?”
Jimin nodded up at his hyung and shot him a tight-lipped smile before Hoseok began to trudge down the hall towards his room.
“Poor guy…” Jimin whispered under his breath as he shook his head. He really did feel bad for Hoseok; in fact they all did. Being sick was never fun and whatever Hoseok had caught seemed like no exception.
“Poor guy who…?”
The sound of Yoongi’s voice from behind the couch made Jimin flinch and almost sent him tumbling to the floor.
“Yah! Hyung!” He brought a hand up to clutch at his heart and let out a long breath, “Don’t sneak up on people like that, you scared me!”
“‘M sorry.” Yoongi mumbled straight-faced as he made his way around the couch and plopped himself down at the end near Jimin’s feet. “What were you talking about?”
Jimin sighed. “Hoseok-hyung. I just feel really bad that he’s sick.” He pushed himself up onto his elbows so he could get a better look at Yoongi. “I hope none of us catch it, it seems to be pretty bad.”
“Sick, huh…” Yoongi echoed with a hum before falling silent. Hoseok had been completely fine when they had gone out for coffee, and now he wasn’t feeling well again. Something just didn’t add up. Yoongi leaned himself back into the couch with a huff and crossed his arms across his chest. 
“Everything okay, hyung?” Jimin asked after a moment as he nudged Yoongi gently with one of his feet, “You look upset.”
“No, no, just…” He trailed off with a small sniff before raising one eyebrow curiously, “Do you smell that?”
“...Uh, smell what?”
Yoongi sniffed at the air again, rising from his seat ever so slightly, “That. It’s like...cologne? Or…” He trailed off for a second before turning to Jimin, “Is it you? I smelt it earlier, but—”
“Oh!” Jimin giggled at his hyung’s inquisitive expression before pointing towards a candle Yoongi hadn’t noticed that sat perched atop an end table at the other side of the room. “Do you mean the candle? The staff brought a few in last night. I’m surprised you didn’t realize! They’ve been burning all day.”
Yoongi opened his mouth to respond before a volley of muffled sneezes followed by a long, drawn-out groan cut him off. The two men glanced pitifully in the direction of Hoseok’s room for a moment before Yoongi pushed himself from the couch and made his way over to inspect the candle. 
“What are you doing, hyung?” Jimin asked as he pushed himself fully up into a sitting position.
“I’m just looking…” Yoongi mumbled as his eyes scanned the candle. 
The candle itself was large, a 3-wick, and smelled strongly of cologne. The words “MAHOGANY TEAKWOOD” were etched across the front of the glass in English; the letters big and bold. 
“Ma...ho...ga...ny?” Yoongi whispered quietly under his breath. He took another step closer and gave a tentative sniff before flinching away, a grimace now plastered onto his face. The smell was strong, very strong, and made his nose tingle from the close proximity. He sniffed hard and brought up a knuckle to scrub viciously into the base of his nostrils.
“You alright?” Jimin asked, one eyebrow raised as he continued to watch Yoongi fervently scrub at his nose.
“Yeah, just…” He scrunched up his face slightly and wiggled his nose before sighing, “I think I know what’s up with Hoseok.”
Jimin shot Yoongi a quizzical look as the rapper hastily blew out the candle and scooped it up into his sweater-clad hands. It seemed like Jimin wanted to ask him something but Yoongi gave him no time to, and instead made a bee-line for Hoseok’s bedroom. 
Yoongi could hear the other rapper blowing his nose from behind the bedroom door before he called out to him.
“Hoseok-ah? Can I come in?”
“Yoongi?” He heard Hoseok call back, his voice thick and stuffy, “Sure you cahh—can c-come in—hH’ATtchiew!”
Yoongi hurriedly pushed the door open, ignoring Jimin who had curiously followed him down the hall, and scurried inside. 
“How are you feeling?” Yoongi asked, taking in the sight of Hoseok surrounded by crumpled tissues as he laid sprawled out on his bed.
“Not great.” Hoseok admitted with a gurgling sniff. “I tried to sleep but I can’t stop sneezing, so—wait. Why are you holding a candle?”
Yoongi glanced down at the candle cradled in his hands and then back up at Hoseok, taking a few steps closer to the other.
“Because I don’t think you’re sick.”
“You don’t think I’m…” Hoseok echoed Yoongi quietly before wrinkling his brow in confusion, “What do you mean?” 
Hoseok pushed himself into a sitting position as Yoongi sat down on the edge of the bed. He peeked over at Jimin who now stood cross-armed in his doorway, but he looked just as confused as Hoseok felt. He had no idea what Yoongi was going on about. He was very clearly sick and felt a little twinge of hurt at the prospect of Yoongi thinking he was faking.
“I’m not faking, hyung…” He murmured, a pout now stuck on his face.
“I know you’re not.” Replied Yoongi as he extended the candle towards Hoseok, “But I want you to smell this candle.”
Hoseok sniffled, slightly taken aback. He looked towards Jimin again but the other simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Just trust me.” Yoongi’s tone had become serious, and it made Hoseok gulp, “Do as hyung says.” 
Hoseok looked towards the candle with uncertainty, but nodded his head nonetheless. He bent forward and took a deep sniff before instantly recoiling back, letting out an involuntary “woah!” as the strong perfume-y scent assaulted his senses. He scrunched his nose up hard and squeezed his eyes closed as a vicious tickle shot towards his sinuses. 
Whahh Wha-What—” He tried to speak but it was no use as his breath began stuttering erratically. Quickly he shoved the candle back towards Yoongi and instantly was thrust into a rapid and itchy fit.
“hHA’Tchiew! Itchiew! Isshiew!” He gasped loudly before his head snapped back down as sneeze after sneeze tumbled out of him.
“Jimin-ah! Take this candle and go get the other ones.” Yoongi instructed as Jimin stared astounded from the doorway. “Throw them away.”
“O-okay!” He squeaked over Hoseok’s intense sneezing, quickly rushing to pluck the candle from Yoongi’s hands before scurrying away to collect the others.
Yoongi turned his attention back to Hoseok as he continued to sneeze urgently into cupped hands. He glanced around the other’s bed before spotting a tissue box Hoseok had tucked into bed with him prior. He grabbed it without hesitation and extended it towards the other.
“Here.” He nudged the box against Hoseok’s arm, “Blow your nose, it will help.”
Hoseok nodded as best he could, unable to really argue as he blindly reached for the box. He grabbed a handful of tissues as quickly as he could and pressed them to his nose, desperately trying to blow out the horribly ticklish smell of the Mahogany candle. 
He rose up from the tissues after a moment, eyes streaming and nose running and locked eyes with Yoongi, completely dumbfounded. 
“What just happened to me?” He asked, his voice shaky and breathless as he brought a hand up to rest gingerly on the tip of his still twitchy nose.
“Looks like you're allergic to Mahogany.” Responded Yoongi matter-of-factly. 
“Mahogany?” Hoseok echoed as he gave his nose a scrub. It was still itchy but nowhere near as intense as before. “Really?”
Yoongi hummed in affirmation, “I sent Jimin to get rid of all the candles and I’ll let the staff know not to buy any anymore. Hopefully you’ll start feeling better soon.”
Hoseok let out a breathy laugh and shook his head in disbelief, “Wow. I didn’t even realize. I really thought I was just getting sick.”
Yoongi shrugged a little and shifted his position on the bed. “You weren’t like this when we went to get coffee. I thought maybe you were just feeling better but it was because you weren’t around the candles anymore.”
Hoseok snapped his fingers, “That’s right! I didn’t sneeze once.” He leaned back onto his hands and let out a belly laugh, “Man. If you wouldn’t have asked me out to coffee I would probably have just kept sneezing forever.” He turned to Yoongi and flashed him a beaming smile. “Looks like I owe you a few Americanos for coming to my rescue.”
Yoongi scoffed and looked away sheepishly as Hoseok reached out to give his shoulder a playful shove.
“Only if you come with for a Macchiato.”
“It’s a dehh—deal...hA’TtChii!”
65 notes · View notes
tiny-snz · 4 years
I absolutely cannot write fanfiction to save my life 😭, but I’ve noticed a lack of bts fanfics that are even remotely related to our community plz someone write one of these 🥺 I’ll love you forever
so here’s a list of ideas I had, that maybe someone will like and decide to write about :)
(Also idk if this is the right area to be posting this, so if it’s not plz tell me)
Yoongi: allergic to cats hehe
Maybe for a photo shoot, they have to shoot with cats, but by the time he mentions it/ the group finds out, the damage is done
(I think he’s the type to conceal his weaknesses, so maybe some embarassed suga??)
Hobi: gets sick, But doesn’t actually feel that bad, Yoongi takes care of him tho, and he loves yoongi paying attention to him, so he upplays his sickness
(Maybe sneezekink! Yoongi) ??
Tae: sneezes when he laughs too hard and the other members tease him about it (idk why I got this idea... maybe he broke his nose when he was younger so now it’s sensitive idk)
Jimin: allergic to his hair dye; sympathetic sneezing (two different fics)
The smell of hair dye irritates his nose, and he always sneezes until he can wash it out. (given how much time it takes to dye hair, and how much they dye it) these allergy attacks occur pretty often
When others sneeze, it triggers a sneezing responds in jimin, so anytime someone sneezes, jimin also sneezes (hehe idek where this came from but I really wanna see it)
Namjoon: just random things that make him sneeze, like pollen, or dust, or just outta the blue
(idk I can’t rlly think of anything for Joonie)
Jungkook: Phoetic sneeze response, so often times when the cameras go off in photo shoots, he’ll sneeze; also when his roommate annoyingly opens the blinds in the morning
Jin: when he gets too cold or too hot he starts to sniffle (meaning after practices cause they are all hot and sweaty)
Taekook: I kinda stole this idea from an spn fic I read once, can’t remember the author or title of the fic :((
Jk and tae are both habitual morning sneezers, and their roommates got annoyed with it, so they’ve become roommates now as to not disturb everyone else
Or Jk and tae are both sick, and are having a sneeze competition (cause lowkey it seems like something they’d do) They tally theirs up and see who wins, but throughout it all, they are taking care of each other
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sneezyminniejo · 3 years
can u write a fic where jimin has a rly intense snz fit cause the boys sprayed perfume everywhere for fun without knowing about his allergy
Since all of my BTS requests are allergy fics, I decided to go ahead and post them as I write them. That being said I hope you enjoy
Prank Gone Wrong
The members of BTS had done a commercial shoot for a perfume/cologne brand and they were fairly excited about it. During the shoot the bottles had been filled with water so that none of the members would get overwhelmed with the scent if they had to redo the spraying scenes multiple times. The members were understanding of the reasoning and were appreciative at not having to be doused in perfume all day, but they were a bit curious at what the perfume they were advertising smelled like.
One day Namjoon convinced their manager to go to the store to purchase a bottle of each of the perfumes they were advertising. There were five bottles in total and the manager just left them on the counter of the dorm since the seven men were currently at the company building doing their individual schedules.
The members slowly returned home and were confused about the bag of perfumes sitting on the counter. “I asked manager-nim to get us the perfumes we filmed the commercials for so we could actually try them out.” Namjoon said as he took each bottle out of the bag.
The members accepted Namjoon’s answer and then went about their usual routines of showering and having dinner. Everyone had been fairly tired from a grueling day of practice, so they all decided on having a low key night. Jimin had been feeling particularly tired and decided to turn in early in order to get a good night’s rest.
At seven o’clock the following morning, all the members except for Jimin were awake. They had the day off, so they were allowed to wake up when they wanted, it was just that they were so used to waking up early that the only one still asleep was Jimin.
At one point Jungkook started to get bored watching tv and scrolling through his phone. His mind drifted over to the perfume bottles that were still sitting on the counter. “Hyungs, why don’t we test out the perfume bottles now?” Everyone just kind of shrugged, not really having any other suggestions.
Jin took the five bottles off the counter and brought them into the living room. “Honestly, I never looked super closely at these bottles, but based on the names, the scents should be interesting.” He said as he began to take the bottles out of the bag.
The group started by just quickly uncapping the perfumes and taking a quick whiff of them. Then they sprayed them a little into the air. The six awake members decided which of the five scents they liked the most and sprayed a little on themselves. Then Jin went to make breakfast. Hoseok went to wake up Jimin so that he would have time to fully wake up to eat.
“Jimin-ah, it’s time to wake up. Jin hyung is making breakfast.” Jimin groaned a little bit as he stretched before sitting up. As Jimin got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, he could feel a tickle begin to form in his nose.
He stifled a quick double into his fist before climbing into the shower. He got ready for the day and then left his room, only for another tickle to form in back of his sinuses. It wasn’t intense enough to actually cause a sneeze, but it was very annoying.
He sat down at the table rubbing his hand against his nose, in hopes of willing the itch away. However, all he succeeded in doing was strengthening the itch. “Hih-ngxtchh, hih-ngxstchh.” The double alleviated the itch a tiny bit, but Jimin could still feel it lingering somewhere in his nasal passages. “Bless you Jimin-ah” Seokjin said as he placed food on the table.
As the members ate, they discussed what their plans were for the day. They all decided that they wanted a chill day just hanging out at the dorm watching tv or playing video games. When everyone finished eating, they all moved into the living room where Jungkook began setting up the tv.
“Minnie, we opened the perfume bottles and picked which ones we like the best. Do you want to pick your favorites?” Hoseok asked. Jimin shook his head. “Not right now hyung, maybe later.” Jimin was internally cursing, now knowing why he’d been feeling a tickle all morning so far. As long as the members didn’t spray any more of the perfume in the dorm, or at least in his direct vicinity, he should be able to brush off any sneezes as his usual sneezes.
Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi were currently embroiled in an intense Mario Kart race on Rainbow. They were so focused that they hadn’t noticed Jungkook and Taehyung move to grab the perfume bottles. Meanwhile, Seokjin was so absorbed in being a backseat driver to his four dongsaengs playing the game, that he also didn’t notice the two youngest get up.
Jungkook and Taehyung had gotten bored watching their hyung go at it in Mario Kart, so they decided to pull a prank on their hyungs. They had the brilliant idea of grabbing the perfume and just spraying everything in the vicinity, their hyungs included. They each grabbed a bottle and tiptoed back to the living room.
The duo snuck up behind the couch and started to discreetly spray everything with the perfume. They wanted to see how long it would take their hyungs to notice before they sprayed them with the perfume.
It didn’t take long for Jimin’s nose to notice the change in the air. “Hih-tschh, heh-tschh, heh-stnxgtchh.” In the process of sneezing, Jimin had driven off the course and landed in last place. Namjoon handed him a tissue. “Bless you Jimin.” Jimin took the tissues and blew his nose, sneezing again in the process.
“You good, Jimin-ah. That’s a lot of sneezes, even for you.” Said Yoongi, clearly a bit concerned. Jimin shook his head. “It’s just allergies hyung. I’m fine.” Yoongi looked at him a tad skeptically, but didn’t push the subject further. Seokjin decided that it was now his turn to play, so he took Jimin’s controller. Jimin just sat back against the couch scrubbing furiously at his nose.
Meanwhile, Taehyung and Jungkook weren’t done playing with the perfume and decided to be a bit bolder and instead of spraying the couch and other nearby objects, they decided to start spraying the air. Now that the perfume was directly in the air and Jimin was directly inhaling perfume particles instead of just the scent, his poor nose didn’t stand a chance.
“Hih-stchhh, heh-stchh, hekstchh, hestsctchh, huptstchh, hih-hih–stiew, hih-stschh-stxchh, hih-ngxtschh, HESTIEW!” Namjoon paused the game and everyone turned to look at Jimin. Seokjin handed the younger more tissues and went to place a hand on his forehead. Jimin swatted Jin’s hand away. “Hyung, I'm fi-ine. It’s ju-just a-a-alergies-tschh” Seokjin and the others frowned at this.
“If you’re so certain it’s allergies, do you know what’s setting you off?” Hoseok asked. Jimin blew his nose and then answered. “It’s the perfume manager-nim bought. I’m allergic to most perfumes. However I thought my reaction wouldn’t be so bad since I wasn’t in the room when it sprayed.” Jimin grabbed a couple more tissues before sneezing a couple more times.
“Sorry hyung.” Everyone looked up to see a guilty looking Taehyung and Jungkook, who were each holding a perfume bottle. “We thought it would be fun to see how long it would take hyungs to notice us spraying the perfume around,”
“In that case, hyungs are going to take Jimin out of the dorm for a while, while you two air out the dorm and clean everything you sprayed.” Jungkook and Taehyung accepted their punishment while the other five left for a couple hours. They texted Namjoon when they finished cleaning that it was safe for Jimin to return. Not only had Taehyung and Jungkook cleaned the dorm, but they also made dinner for the group as further apology.
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userjungkook97 · 2 years
as usual, i’m a bit late, but let’s do it: tag game ✨. thank you @userjiminie @jeonggukshi and @literalsunhobi for tagging me in this 💗
Favorite time of the year: winter! love wearing hoodies and having a blanket on top of me 90% of the time. also my cat cuddles me a lot in the winter. and the other seasons usually make my allergies go nuts, so yeah, winter.
Comfort food: pizza or anything my grandma cooks that she knows i like.
Do you collect something: i dont know if you can call collecting but i love having physical copies of cds and dvds i like/from artists that i like. good for BTS because now they take all my money. also: i love having cups from concerts or something that’s meaningful to me, so there’s that too.
Favourite drink: caipirinha or piña colada.
Favorite song: how can one choose?? impossible. but i’ll say one that always resonate with me: liability by lorde.
Current favorite song: not today has been on my mind for a week straight
Favorite fic: this is too hard hahah. but i really really love stories above concret by annie_vi and gossamer in the light by islandbreeze. i suck at reading fics because i don’t want to have anything else to stop me from focusing on it, so i haven’t read a lot, but these two, i always go back to them hehe. (also send me fic recs, all pairings, i don’t mind hehe)
i’m not gonna tag anyone because it’s been a coupel of days, but this was fun
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gingwrites · 3 years
Untitled Vampire AU (ot7) - Part 6
Series Masterlist | BTS Masterlist
Summary: Min Yoongi gets turned into a vampire and abandoned by his sire, but is adopted by the Kim coven.
I decided to turn my one shot about maknae yoongi teething as a vampire into a full fic. Title subject to change. I just really have no idea what to name it right now.
Pairing: Established ot6, future ot7
The next few days passed in the same fashion, Yoongi sleeping most of the day away, and during the few times he was awake, he was eating. It was still a battle to get Yoongi to slow down while drinking, giving himself a tummy ache most of the time, though never as bad as that first one. The others were content to take turns watching over him.
“Why’s he sleeping so much?” Well, mostly content. “I just want to play with the baby and get to know him!” Jungkook whined.
“He’s a baby, Kookie,” Seokjin sighed. The three maknaes had been getting a little restless lately, spending more and more time watching over Yoongi, waiting for the moment he would next wake up.
“So? Do you not remember anything about when you changed?” Seokjin replied. “You know very well that vampire changes don’t happen instantaneously. His body is changing and it’s taking a toll on him. He needs all the rest he can get.”
“Oh,” Jungkook pouted. He wanted to spend time with the baby, but he definitely wanted him to be healthy.
Seokjin patted the seat next to him on the couch, indicating for the younger boy to join him, which he happily did, launching himself into his hyung’s side. Seokjin let out a grunt when Jungkook landed on him, but a smile still spread over his face at the younger’s antics.
“I know you really want to spend some quality time with the baby, but right now, the best thing for him is to sleep and eat. You have all the time in the world to get to know him. Have a little patience,” Seokjin soothed, pulling Jungkook further under his arm.
“Okay, hyung,” the younger boy still pouted, but this time his lip wasn’t sticking out quite as much since he was getting cuddled.
After about a week of Yoongi being with the Kim coven, Yoongi started staying awake for longer periods of time and being more aware when he was, causing the maknaes to be constantly surrounding their new baby, always wanting to be the one to hold his attention.
“So now that I think I’ve finally had a chance to process everything, I have a few questions,” Yoongi asked one night when they were all gathered in the living room after Yoongi’s feeding. 
“Ask away,” Seokjin nodded, happy to see that Yoongi seemed to be accepting the fact that he was a vampire now. Maybe all he had needed was a chance to process it internally and let his body take some much needed rest.
“Okay, so I know we don’t sparkle in the sun from personal experience,” Yoongi started, glancing over at Jimin when the older vampire let out a small growl at the mention of the state he had been in when found. “But, does the sun actually kill us, or is it just really, really painful?”
“Well, you’re a baby, so the sun is more harmful to you than it is to someone older, like me,” Seokjin replied. “You’ll eventually build up a sort of tolerance to it, but that will take a while. If you were to stay out in the sun for a long period of time now, it could kill you, but it would be a super slow and painful death.”
“So you’re not going anywhere near a window or outside anytime soon,” Namjoon commanded. The others all nodded their heads in agreement. Yoongi wasn’t about to argue with them. He never wanted to feel that pain again.
“But like I said, as you get older, you’ll build a tolerance to it,” Seokjin continued. “It won’t kill you once that happens, but you can still get burned, though not anywhere near as bad and it would take a longer period of time in the sun.”
“Okay,” Yoongi nodded, taking in the new information. “Next question: I thought I was supposed to have fangs?”
Seokjin chuckled, but before he could respond, Jungkook spoke up.
“You mean like these?” Jungkook had a massive grin on his face when Yoongi looked over. Two little glints caught his eye, and Yoongi leaned over before he could stop himself. Without even thinking about it, he brought his hand up to Jungkook’s mouth and gently touched the tip of one of the shiny teeth that he’d never seen before.
“Ow!” Yoongi quickly pulled his hand back, sticking his finger in his mouth to help soothe the pain.
“You hurt the baby!” Taehyung yelled, leaning over to slap Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I’m okay!” Yoongi quickly reassured, not wanting the others to blame Jungkook or see Jungkook sad that Yoongi had hurt himself because he was dumb enough to touch a vampire fang.
“Back to your question,” Seokjin spoke up, ceasing the small slapping fight Jungkook and Taehyung had gotten into, “You will get fangs, but it’s not an overnight process. Think like an actual human baby. Their teeth come in slowly and they go through a teething process. The rest of your body has gone, and will continue to go, through changes for about the next six months or so. It’s one of the reasons why you’ve been sleeping so much lately. Your body needs a chance to recover from all the changes.”
“Okay. Can we see our reflection?” Yoongi asked next.
“Yes,” Seokjin stated simply.
“We actually used to not be able to,” Namjoon followed up. “Nowadays, mirrors are made of different materials than they used to be, but vampiric myths obviously haven’t caught up.”
Everyone but Seokjin (and Yoongi) burst into laughter, Jin’s entire face turning red.
“What? What’d I say?” Yoongi questioned, confused as to why that had been funny.
“You can blame that entire myth on Seokjin!” Jimin was able to get out through his laughter.
“Jin was allergic to garlic when he was human,” Hoseok started.
“And it somehow carried over when he was turned,” Namjoon continued when Hoseok couldn’t because he was laughing so hard. Yoongi snuck a glance over a Seokjin who was still as red as a tomato.
“Our Jinnie here is old enough to have been around when people still believed vampires and other ‘mythological’ creatures were real,” Namjoon continued the story. “The village he was living in decided he was a vampire and had captured him. They were holding him in a barn while they were attempting to set up a pyre to burn him at the stake. It was a very dramatic time if you can imagine.
“But, it was harvest season and the owner of the barn had just harvested all his crops. Jin was tied up next to a basket full of, you guessed it, garlic. His allergy is so bad that even smelling it can sometimes cause him to break out in hives and his throat to close up. Which is exactly what happened. The humans quickly figured out what the garlic was doing, but they wrongly assumed that it would kill him and that it applied to all vampires.
“Luckily, Seokjin was able to escape before any lasting damage was done, but the myth stuck and was quickly passed around from village to village,” Namjoon finished the story, much to the amusement of the others.
“I hate you all,” Seokjin mumbled, arms crossed over his chest.
“Love you, too, hyung!” Taehyung sing-songed.
Yoongi couldn’t help the small smile on his face. It was a little funny if he was being honest. And raised the question of how old Seokjin actually was, but he guessed that was a question for another time.
“Do you have any more questions?” Seokjin asked, trying to get the others to move on and leave him in peace (which he knew was never going to happen, but he loved them all the same).
Yoongi thought for a moment, thinking of all the vampire movies he’d seen in his lifetime, which surprisingly wasn’t a lot. He had never really been much of a supernatural fan, which he found ironic now.
“Super speed? Super healing? Super strength?”
“Yes, yes, and yes, though there are limitations,” Namjoon was the one that answered this time. “We’re definitely not as fast or as strong as the movies make us out to be, but we definitely have an advantage over humans. But you’ll need to learn to control both once you’ve finally finished your transformation.”
“As for healing,” Seokjin took over, “There are limitations for that as well. You have to be well fed for you to have accelerated healing, which is why your burns were so bad when Jimin found you. You hadn’t fed, so your burns couldn’t heal.”
“So what can kill me?” Yoongi asked nervously, not really sure he wanted to know the answer to that question.
“Most things that would kill a human won’t kill you,” Namjoon replied. “Besides the sun when you’re still a baby, a stake through the heart, fire, silver bullet, and decapitation. Those are pretty much the only things that humans have continued to get right over the years. You can’t get sick, and even if you’re injured, no matter how bad the injury, as long as you can feed, you’ll heal just fine.”
Yoongi nodded, taking in all the new information. He felt like his brain was going to explode. There was so much to learn, but at least he had forever (literally) to learn it all. And people who would teach him and actually seemed to like teaching him.
“Just one more question for now,” Yoongi said after another moment of processing, feeling himself starting to get tired again. “Is there anything else that’s super important to know about vampires? I mean, can we fly? Do we have special powers? Can I read minds?”
The others laughed, causing a smile to spread across Yoongi’s face at his silly suggestions.
“No, no flying or mind reading,” Hoseok laughed.
“Ooo! But some vampires do have special powers!” Jungkook bounced in his seat.
“Like Jin hyung!” Taehyung all but yelled.
Yoongi quickly turned to the older vampire, not expecting this turn of events. Seokjin’s eyes flashed purple, but he blinked and they were back to their normal brown, making Yoongi wonder if he’d just been seeing things.
“So you have special powers?” Yoongi asked, curious as to why this hadn’t been brought up before.
“Yes, I have special powers,” Seokjin spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. “Not all vampires have powers. It’s very rare and is different from person to person.”
The room was quiet while Yoongi processed his words.
“Oh! What if Yoongi has powers?” Jungkook yelled, causing the fledgling to jump.
“He doesn’t,” Namjoon quickly spoke up, crushing any hope that Yoongi might have already had about potentially having special powers. “You know they show up once a fledgling is turned. None of us saw anything, so no powers, unfortunately. Like Seokjin said, they’re very rare.”
Yoongi had turned to look at Namjoon while he spoke, but Yoongi saw Seokjin flinch  ever so slightly out of the corner of his eye at Namjoon’s words, but by the time he’d glanced over, Yoongi didn’t see anything amiss. That’s the second time his eyes seemed to be playing tricks on him. Maybe he was more tired than he felt.
“Alright, that’s enough questions for now. We can answer any more questions you have tomorrow,” Seokjin spoke up, taking command of the room. “Time for you to get back to sleep, baby. You’re barely sitting up on your own as it is.” 
Before Yoongi could process it, he was laid across the couch, head in Hoseok’s lap, blanket tucked around his body, Hoseok’s hands running through his hair. Yoongi’s eyes slipped shut before anyone could even tell him ‘goodnight.’
As Seokjin washed Yoongi’s bloody thermos in the sink later that night, he kept thinking about their conversation. He still hadn’t told the others about what he had seen. If he’d even seen anything at all. He wasn’t trying to hide anything from them, but he didn’t want to cause a mess if it was all for nothing. It was just nothing, right? It had to have been a trick of the light. Afterall, no magic had manifested itself since then.
Seokjin shook his head, trying to clear the intrusive thoughts. It was nothing. It had been nothing. There was no way that Yoongi had powers, had those powers. Maybe if he kept repeating it, it’d be true. 
Finally an update! I finally had inspiration for what I wanted to happen in this chapter this afternoon, so I've been working on this update since then! I hope you all like it! Let me know what you think! If you have any fluffy ideas/requests, let me know here, on ao3, or twitter/curious cat (@/yoongismandu)! I want to have a bit more 'normal life' and Yoongi adjusting to being a vampire before I get into the plot that I actually have planned for this fic.
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babybearsnz · 11 months
Plot key: A=allergy, C=cold, G=general/random sneezing, N=no preference, meaning the request said I could write whatever I wanted about the person (my choice of either A, C, or G)
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qjhughes · 4 years
here’s my very specific dni post - dni if: you’re a l*rrie/k*ylor, you’re a y*nkees fan, you’re so far up harry’s ass that you can’t take two seconds to step back and say that he did something wrong, you choose to sleep with socks on, you hate cats, you’re a horse girl, you write everything in cursive, you think shawn mendes kissing camila’s f*ot is cute, you’re still streaming love story instead of love story (taylor’s version), you project the fact that you “always hated one direction”/”i never liked them”, you like fics/gifs/art instead of reblogging them, you don’t wear masks during the pandemic, you’re rude to fast food workers and/or retail workers (just customer service in general, really), you don’t leave barking noises in the tags of hot pictures, you prefer beef ramen noodles over chicken ramen noodles, you’re racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., you don’t like hozier, you don’t like lorde, your entire personality is hating certain celebrities, you make fun of others for the things that they like, you’re a republican, you think that getting paid enough to live is wrong if you don’t have a college degree, you’re a stuffed animal hater, you drink bang energy and like it more than monster, you can fall asleep without any noise and/or any medicine, you’re bts fan and scream it from the rooftops, you love eggs, you hate pancakes, you’re trilingual (or more), you have a peanut allergy, you’re lactose intolerant, you’re an aquarius, you are/were a private school kid, you’re favorite one direction album isn’t four or made in the am, reputation isn’t in your top 5 taylor swift albums, you don’t think that long hair harry is superior, you skip treat people with kindness when you listen to fine line, you don’t drink water, you hate the taste of water, you don’t have any sideblogs, you’ve changed your url less than five times since you got tumblr, you have asthma, you were team edward or team jacob (the correct answer is carlisle, obviously), you were team gale even after peeta used basically all of the interview time that he had to praise katniss and tell the world that he was in love with her so that people would try their best to keep her alive (he literally made her who everyone wanted smh), you hate machine gun kelly just because of the rap battle with eminem that was most likely definitely a pr stunt, you have what seems like hundreds of playlists but absolutely zero liked songs on spotify, you use apple music, you preorder the new iphone every time that it comes out, you called people broke because they didn’t want to spend over a hundred dollars on wireless headphones when their wired ones work just fine, you find pete davidson attractive in any way, you think that timothee chalamet (is that how you spell it? i always call him toothbrush chamomile so idk) is attractive even though he looks like a drowned rat that got electrocuted as well, you hate country music, you despise the green bay packers, you’re the kind of person that’s like “i have a secret” and then won’t tell anyone just so people will be interested, you tell on people at school for having a dab pen right after you begged to hit it, you listened to panic! at the disco one (1) time in middle school and told everyone that you were edgy and depressed, your favorite holiday is easter, you have a good relationship with your entire family, or if you’ve never cut your hair yourself
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Aki's Masterlist
All my works, organized and collected for convenience. Each work has a more detailed list of warnings and descriptions to keep this list clear and concise.
I will do my best to keep this updated as I post new works. Please let me know if there are any errors with the links.
If you're interested in expanding this list, I recommend you start here.
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Sick Namjoon Fics
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Food Poisoning (nausea/emeto/fever)
There Goes My Nap
Caretaker Seokjin ft Nausea/Emeto
Courtesy Call
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever
Caretaker Jimin ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Just a Small Fever
Caretaker Main Seokjin and rest of BTS ft Appendicitis
Running On E
Caretakers Yoongi and Jungkook ft Exhaustion/Fainting
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Seokjin ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
It Was Supposed to be Korean
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
The Show Must Go On
Caretaker OT7 ft Flu (fever/emeto)
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Sick Seokjin Fics
Cravings (MPREG AU)
Caretaker Yoongi ft Morning Sickness (Nausea/Emeto)
Ill Confession
Caretaker Namjoon ft Fever
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever/Emeto
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Jungkook ft Emeto/Fever
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Namjoon ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Yoongi Fics
5-Star Boyfriends: Part 1 || TBC (COLLEGE BOYFRIENDS AU)
Caretaker Hoseok ft Flu
Just Jimin
Caretaker Jimin ft Emeto
Love Jack
Caretaker Hoseok(kinda) ft Fever/Cough/Sore Throat
Time Management
Caretaker Hoseok ft Hiccups/Overindulgence
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Sick Hoseok Fics
We're Just Roommates: Part One || Part Two || TBC (NON-IDOL AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Emeto/Fever
Tummy Ache
Caretaker OT7 ft Aggressive Stomach Ache
Mealtime with SUGA
Caretaker Yoongi ft Bloating/Stomach Ache
Safe Zone
Caretaker Yoongi ft Enteritis (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Jimin Fics
No Promises (COFFEE SHOP AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Flu (Fever/Mentions of Emeto)
Movie Night Fever
Caretaker Taehyung ft Fever
It's Gonna Be You(Ngi)
Caretaker Hyung Line ft Fever/Emeto
More than Hunger
Caretaker Taehyung and Yoongi ft Emeto/Fever
A Trip to the Antique Store
Caretaker Taehyung ft Snz content/Allergy
Pan De Bono
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
Nothing Bad Can Happen
Caretaker Namjoon ft. Gluten Intolerance
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Sick Taehyung Fics
Caretakers Jimin and Yoongi ft Fever
Snow Day
Caretaker Yoongi ft Fever
Sharing is Caring
No caretaker (technically) ft Cold (snz/congestion)
All Alone
Caretaker Namjoon ft Cold (snz/sore throat/headache) and Fever
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Sick Jungkook Fics
Appa's Sick Day: Part 1 || Part 2 || TBC (MARRIED WITH KIDS AU)
Caretaker Taehyung ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Runaway (ORPHAN JUNGKOOK AU) June 27 || February 2
Caretaker Seokjin ft exhausion (P1) and Fever (P2)
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Namjoon and Yoongi ft Injury
Overdid It
Caretaker Jimin ft Overindulgence/Emeto
Sharing is Caring
Caretaker Taehyung ft Cold (snz/congestion)
I Don't Get Carsick
Caretaker Namjoon ft Motion Sickness
Hyungs Can Help: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers OT7 ft Cold (snz/congestion/fever)
More Than the Drinks
Caretakers OT7 ft Intoxication/Stomach Ulcer
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
(Sick JK only in part 2) Caretaker Seokjin ft emeto/fever
A Recipe for Disaster
Caretaker Namjoon ft Food Poisoning
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snifflyjoonie · 4 years
Allergic!Hobi fic was SO good !!! Could I request an allergic!joon fic, maybe he’s dealing with allergies while they’re in the car/traveling so he can’t really get away from it, so he just tries to keep quiet? Maybe caretaker!jin would be adorable, but up to you
jumping the gun a bit but here’s the next request I’ll be working on! I’m finally going to be tackling my bias and I am READY.....
(ps thanks for the sweet comments about americano/macchiato! ...can y’all tell I’ve had this request in my ask box for a little while 💀 sorry anon!)
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sneezyminniejo · 3 years
hey! can i request a taehyung snz fic where he has a really sensitive nose and even the smallest things can set him off into a desperate rapid fit? one day the members bought some strongly scented candles without knowing that his nose was sensitive and they set him off into a massive fit, the members are his caretakers! i’d really appreciate it :)
Here it is, hope you enjoy
Bothersome Candles and Caretaking
The members of BTS have been together for years. Even though they’ve lived together for almost a decade, there were still some things they didn’t know about each other. One such thing is that Taehyung has a very sensitive nose.
Sure , the other members know that he’s one of the sneezier members in the group, but they didn’t know that strong scents or a simple brush of a feather could throw him into a fairly intense fit.
It just never came up with the other members. Jungkook made it very clear when he moved in that he hates strong scents and made it even more clear the one time Yoongi came back to the dorm smelling like a bonfire after hanging out with some friends. The maknae pretty much refused to be in the same room as the older until he showered, so the others agreed to avoid any strong scents to please their maknae and to keep peace in the dorm. Taehyung actually hadn’t been present for that incident because he was with some school mates working on a class project.
However, that was early on in trainee days. It was a wonder that there hadn’t even been a small incident to set Taehyung off, but there's a first time for everything.
The seven members of BTS were enjoying a day off after their manager took the keys to their studios to make sure they didn’t work. Taehyung decided to venture to the Han river to take some pictures, while the others decided to do some shopping. It was the middle of the week, so there weren’t many people around, allowing Taehyung to fully take in the surrounding nature.
Taehyung decided to turn around and head back to the dorm when his camera ran out of battery. He hummed happily to himself, excited to show the pictures to everyone else after he loaded them onto his computer.
When Taehyung first entered the dorm, he didn’t really notice anything. However, as soon as he closed the door, his nose was overcome with an intense prickle. He did his best to hold it back, but ultimately failed, as he doubled over with a very loud double.
“HEH-ISHH, HIH-STIESSH” Taehyung sniffled a bit confusedly as he tried to figure out where those sneezes came from.
Everyone else was seated in the living room watching tv when Taehyung had unintentionally made his presence known. “Bless you Tae.” Namjoon said as soon as he fully entered the room. “Tha-thanks, hyu- Hih-itschh hyung” Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook and tried to ignore the still present iitch in his sinuses, still not really knowing why he was suddenly so sneezy.
The other members looked at the second youngest with mild concern on their faces, but Taehyung ignored it. Before one of the others could speak, Taehyungg asked, “So how was your shopping trip?” Taehyung sniffled again before leaning over and grabbing some tissues from the box on the coffee table and blowing his nose.
Jimin was the one to answer Taehyung’s question first. “It went really well actually. Hyungs bought new clothes and found some new headphones and some other things. I bought a lego set to bui-” “Hih-tschhhh” Taehyung motioned for Jimin to continue as he blew his nose again.
“Anyway I found a lego set to build and Jungkookie found a couple of scented candles that he doesn’t find repulsive, so we bought him a couple of those.”
Taehyung’s felt the itch in his sinuses increase as Jimin and Jungkook told him all about the candle they had found. He was glad that Jungkook had found candles that didn’t bother his sensitive sense of smell, but unfortunately for Taehyung, he was extremely sensitive to the concentrated scents in the candle regardless of the scent.
His sensitivity was so bad that the candles didn’t necessarily even need to be lit, that is if there were enough of them. Jungkook then excitedly pulled the five he had purchased out of the shopping bag that was lying at his feet and gestured to the far corner of the room where one of the candles sat lit with a tine flame flickering ever so slightly.
Taehyung really didn’t want to disappoint Jungkook, so he decided to try to will his body to cooperate into not becoming a sneezy sniffly mess for as long as possible and not concern everybody too much. Unfortunately for Taehyung, his nose was not going to do what his brain wanted, and he wound up pitching forward in another double. This time the tickle had excalted so quickly that he hadn’t had time to cover.
Before he could lift his head up, Taehyung felt someone press tissues to his face. “Blow” He recognized Yoongi’s voice and immediately complied, although he took the tissues from his hyung first. He didn’t really want to blow his nose into his hyung’s hand if he could avoid it.
As soon as he lifted his head up, he was met with five pairs of concerned eyes and a hand on his forehead. “Tae-ah” Yoongi said softly, “Are you feeling okay? You don’t feel like you have a fever, but you are incredibly sneezy today even for you.”
Taehyung really didn’t feel like telling the truth about why he was so sneezy, so he just muttered something about how he must have caught a cold. The others nodded, but some of his hyungs looked like they didn’t fully believe him.
By the time Seokjin got up to make lunch, Taehyung's condition hadn't improved any. In fact, it might have deteriorated a bit. Jungkook however, was still really excited about his new scented candles.
He was so excited that, almost as if he were four, he shoved one of the unlit candles in Taehyung's face so he could smell it. Jungkook was so fast that Taehyung didn't have any time to decline or protest. The next thing Taehyung knows is he's taking in a whiff of concentrated artificial cherry blossoms. Taehyung, not wanting to sneeze all over his only dongsaeng, quickly pushed him hard to get him out of the way.
Jungkook was pushed off the couch and he landed hard on his buttocks. Namjoon was going to lecture Taehyung about his behavior, but what occurred next stunned everyone.
"Heh-ugh, ischh, heh-stishhh, heh-istiew, heh-istchhh, HIH-TIEW, HIH-NXTSHH, HEH-STISHHH, HEH-ISTIEW, HUH-UGHIEW!!” Taehyung’s ears and cheeks turned bright red as he held his hand over his dripping nose. Hoseok plucked several tissues from the box and handed them to Taehyung. Hoseok gave the younger a look as he cleaned himself up.
“Taehyung,” Hoseok was using his no nonsense voice when he was backing up Namjoon with various decisions. “Based on that display I don’t think you’re really sick, are you?” Taehyung shook his head as he sneezed another two times into the pile of tissues in his hand. He grabbed some more tissues and blew his nose rather productively, then started speaking.
“Hobi-hyung is right, I’m not sick. It’s the c-ca-candles itschhh.” Right after Taehyung said that, Jimin got up and blew out the lit candle that was on the opposite end of the room, while Jungkook immediately gathered up the candles in front of him and moved them to his room. Seokjin returned to the living room balancing a tray with seven bowls of soup and saw the guilty expressions on five of his dongsaengs. “What happened? He asked as he handed out the bowls.
“Taehyung here apparently neglected to tell us that he’s allergic to scented candles.” Yoongi said with slight annoyance laced in his voice. Seokjin just stared blankly for a moment. “How did we not know this? We’ve lived together for like a decade.” Taehyung sighed and sniffled before answering.
“It’s not so much an allergy as it is that my nose is extremely sensitive to scents and other things.” Taehyung paused to sneeze a quick double into his fist. “I have the same reaction to strong perfumes and laundry detergent. I’d also have a similar reaction if you tried to tickle my nose with a feather.” Jungkook returned a couple moments later, still looking extremely guilty.
“That still doesn’t explain why we never knew this Tae.” Taehyung grinned a little at the statement. “Well Jungkookie generally hates strong scents. Since we had collectively decided to only use scents that don’t bother him, it never came up, because the scents that didn’t bother him also didn’t bother me. At least not until now.”
Jungkook still looked a bit guilty and apologized to his hyung, who just assured him that he did nothing wrong as he didn’t know. The seven members ate in relative silence aside from the occasional sniffling or sneezing from Taehyung. Once they were all done eating, Taehyung stood up and moved to start collecting the dishes as it was his turn to clean them.
Namjoon placed his hand on the younger and gently pushed him back down. “Tae-ah, you are going to go straight to the couch and relax for the night.” Taehyung began to protest but was quickly interrupted by Yoongi.
“Tae, you may not be sick, but all of the sneezing you’ve done today must have exhausted you. I know that it’s your turn to do the dishes, but let hyungs take care of you so you can recover more easily.” Taehyung sighed and went to the living room, not having enough energy to fight Yoongi on this.
A little while after getting comfy on the couch, Hoseok came in with two mugs of hot cocoa and handed one to Taehyung. “Jungkook is setting up the humidifier in your room and Jimin is putting more pillows on your bed so you can sleep in more of an incline.” Taehyung hummed in acknowledgement before sipping at his beverage. “Namjoon is also pushing your vocal lessons and recording to the end of the week, so your voice can recover from all the scream sneezes you’ve been doing today.”
Taehyung couldn’t help but chuckle at the new bit of information. He settled further into his spot on the couch and waited for the others to arrive before starting a movie. Taehyung took a couple of pictures of the mugs of hot cocoa and the movie, then posted them to twitter with the caption ‘Movie night with hyungs and Jungkookie’. He then settled into whoever sat beside him and eventually drifted off with the movie playing in the background.
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