#bts eprocto
bangtanbraps · 1 year
Panda Express (JINMIN sickfic)
//TW!! *Pro-ship (JinMin) *18+ sexual themes *Bloating *Male masturbation *Eprocto *Desperation *MILD scat If you think anything else should be listed as a warning, please let me know! Enjoy.
The pair had been driving for hours, alternating the driver every few hours when one needed a break. It was a long drive down to the set location for their new television show ‘In The Soop’, but, luckily, Jimin loved long drives with his best friend Jin – they often had lots of fun gossiping and singing along to music. They had to be recorded the entire way there through a small GoPro suctioned to the windshield, but the staff had become used to editing out hours of banter between the two singers that would be too inappropriate for ARMY to hear.
Jimin looked at the car’s digital display. 12:53. Upon seeing the numbers, a sonorous grumble erupted from the younger’s stomach. Jin stifled a chuckle.
“Hungry much?” He quipped. Jimin laughed.
“Yeah. Starving. Are there any service stations nearby?”
“There should be. Could you check your phone?”
He opened the maps app and searched for service stations in the area.
“Ah, yeah. There’s one five minutes away. Do you think the others’ll be hungry? Should I radio them?”
“Uhm. They might be. But why don’t we go in there on our own?” Jin took his dongsaeng’s hand into his own and interlocked their fingers. “If we go with the others, the camera crew will be forced to stop too, and we’ll be recorded the whole time. How about we have a private meal together, just us?”
Jimin couldn’t help but blush and bite his lip at his hyung’s touch. It was almost embarrassing to him that something as simple as holding hands with his boyfriend could melt him instantly.
“Sure. We can.”
Jin parked the car while Jimin stood in line for Panda Express. The older man soon joined him, nonchalantly taking Jimin’s hand in his own once again. He let out a huff of air.
“It’s nice to just be us for once. You know. Without the cameras and all.”
“Yeah… I like holding your hand Jinnie….” Jimin looked down to hide his embarrassed little smile. Jin placed a finger under Jimin’s chin and lifted his head to look him in the eyes.
“And I like holding your hand, Minnie.” Jin winked, oozing charisma as always. Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, though he was unable to curb his grin.
After ordering a banquet’s worth of food – and eating and chatting for about an hour – the pair were ready to hit the road again. Jin made sure to send Jimin to the bathroom before they set off; he was almost certain that this was the last service station for a long while.
“Don't smile on me; light on me~ Neoege dagaseol su eopseunikka~ Naegen bulleojul ireumi eopseoooooooooooo!”
“You know that I can't~ Show you me, give you me~ Chorahan moseub boyeojul sun eopseo~ Tto gamyeoneul sseugo neol mannareo gaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
Both of them erupted into laughter as they toyed around, impersonating the other members of the group – namely Namjoon and his infamous shower ‘singing’. Jin took the following line, with it being his own and all.
“Oeroumui jeongwone pin~ Neoreul dal- agh….” He cut mid-line.
Jimin chuckled. “Voice crack~?” Jin shook his head.
“Mmmm… no… just a stomach cramp that took me by surprise.”
Jimin’s smirk was reduced to a concerned frown.
“Are you alright, Jinnie? Are you gonna throw up? Do we need to pull over?”
“No. I’m fine. Just a silly pain.” He sighed exaggeratedly, “I’m getting older! Oh! Woe is me, Jimin!”
The act seemed to relieve some of Jimin’s worry. He laughed.
“Oh, stop it; you’re not old. You are dramatic, though.”
“Me?! Dramatic?! You must have me confused with someone else~. I have been called many things in my lifetime, but dramatic is not one- ugh-!” Jin faltered again, one hand leaving the wheel to rest on his stomach.
“I’m- Fine. Just another random cramp.”
“Jin… we can pull over-”
“No.” The hyung interrupted, “We’re already an hour behind the rest of the crew. We can’t afford to stop now.”
Jin’s stomach let out a growl, not much unlike Jimin’s from a few hours earlier… only this growl was different—slightly more ‘gurgling’ in nature and most definitely NOT from an empty stomach. Jin mumbled something under his breath that sounded like a mixture between a groan and an expletive.
“Are you sure you don’t want to pull over, hyung-”
“Does it look like there’s anywhere to pull over?!” Seokjin snapped. Immediately, he followed with an “I’m sorry, Minnie. I didn’t mean to shout. I’m just-… My stomach hurts a little.”
“I can tell…” Jimin placed a hand on Jin’s thigh, rubbing it reassuringly. “I’ll look to see if there’s a service station nearby. And I'll take the wheel as soon as we can pull over. You’ve been driving too long.”
Jin sighed, defeated. “I don’t think there are any service stations for a while. I checked at the last one. I suppose I was so busy making sure you used the bathroom that I didn’t remember to go myself.”
“Language. … In fact. Turn the camera off. I don’t even want the staff seeing me like this.”
“I’m sure they’d edit it out-”
“I’m sure they would, Jimin, but I don’t even want them to go through it. We can turn it back on once my stomach ache has passed.”
Jimin nodded and reached for the GoPro, yanking it off the windshield and fiddling with it to find the power button. The little box bleeped, and the red recording light went dark.
“Done. It’s off. Feel better?”
“I’m certainly more relaxed. Fuck-. Minnie, I know this is odd, but could you please unbutton my jeans? I think my stomach needs a little more room to breathe.”
Jimin’s heart skipped a few beats until he recalled how to breathe. His face flushed pink, and his gaze slipped to the bulge of his boyfriend’s bloated belly. He gulped, hopefully inaudibly. Jin noticed the younger’s sudden change in demeanour and guffawed in reaction.
“Oh, Minnie, come on, it’s not like that~. Unless you- Uh-. Want it to be.”
Park Jimin could not believe his luck. They had been dating for nearly two years – of course, he had told Jin about his… ‘unique’ interests. Jin had been refreshingly supportive, unlike past partners who had looked down on him or laughed. That being said, Jin did state that it wasn’t something he would be interested in exploring for the foreseeable future, given the foul nature of the kink.
Because of this, Jimin left that door closed and never brought it up again. Jin had thrown a few jabs his way concerning it, but other than that, it had been left untouched. Until now. This is the first time Seokjin had ever expressed any non-joking opinion surrounding engaging in… it.
“We don’t have to.” Jimin hurried, “It’s fine. You’re uncomfortable and sick. I’ll- uh- I’ll undo your jeans for you, though.”
Jimin fumbled his fingers around Jin’s zipper, hissing a ‘sorry’ as he clumsily grazed his crotch. As soon as the zipper was undone, Jin’s bloated stomach spilt out with a relieved sigh. Jimin wished his zipper was undone. His pants were getting a little tight. Of course, Jin wasn’t fat by any means – but a buffet of service station food was enough to make anyone a little larger, idols included.
“Hhh… thank you, Minnie. And uhm-. Sorry. If this is-. Uhm. Awkward for- for you.”
Jimin’s stomach lurched. “No. It’s fine. Really. You’re just sick. It’s not like that. I’m not perverted or anything.”
Jin chuckled, slightly more relaxed at his lover’s words, “Oh, you’re not? Are you sure you’re Park Jimin?”
Jimin didn’t respond, opting to pick at his fingers instead.
Time stood still. It was as if the clock never changed and the sun never moved. The only way Jimin could measure the passage of time was by the intensity of the thunder that, ever more frequently, rolled inside Seokjin’s stomach: accompanied by a worsening grimace.
There had been no service stations or lay-bys, and time was taking its toll on the man’s insides. Time also took a toll on Jimin; his crotch was engulfed in the familiar heat of lust. Jin’s mind had become cloudy with desperation. He felt as though he was going to burst, and his temper was flaring. He cursed, smacking a hand on the steering wheel.
“Ugh! Why have over an hour of fucking motorway with absolutely fucking NOTHING! What if someone got into a fucking ACCIDENT? Someone could fucking DIE! This is RIDICULOUS!”
“I know, right?” Jimin echoed, attempting to ease Seokjin’s frustrations, “This is crazy.”
“If I could just piss, the pressure would go down. That’s ALL I’m FUCKING asking for! Just to FUCKING piss, and MAYBE I could make it to the set.”
Jimin rocked his feet anxiously; he didn’t like it when Jin got mad. He wasn’t violent or scary, but, having a short temper himself, he was all too acquainted with the fire that rises in one’s chest and how uncomfortable that burn can feel. A hollow jangle clacked against Jimin’s shoe. He looked down at the empty water bottles in the foot well. He swore he could hear a ‘ding!’ as his brain connected the dots and formed an idea.
“Uh. Jin. If you really think pissing would help, there are some empty bottles down here.”
Jin groaned.
“You know, normally I’d call you revolting – but, desperate times and all. Pass one over here.”
Jimin gulped once again as he kicked up one of the plastic bottles, unscrewing the cap for Jin before handing it to him.
Jin struggled to free himself from his boxers while holding the bottle and the car steady. He cursed and snarled as he grappled at his jeans, eventually dropping the bottle into his own foot well.
“I can help if you want. It’s gotta be hard to do fifty things at once while- uh. You have to go.”
“Fuck. Yes. Please. God, Minnie, please.”
The begging nearly tipped Jimin over the edge. He clenched his thighs to contain his ‘excitement’.
Jimin reached down, picked up another bottle, and set it between his legs as he reached over to unclothe his boyfriend’s manhood. Seokjin coughed awkwardly, willing himself to remain flaccid while Jimin touched him to avoid another issue.
Jimin took the bottle, uncapped it, took the lip and put it against Jin’s tip: ensuring he had aligned the hole with the opening and created a tight seal between the two.
“Oh-” His voice cracked. He coughed and gulped. “Sorry. Er- Okay. You should be good to go now, Jin.”
Jin did not have to be told twice. A stream of golden fluid gushed into the bottle as an exasperated sigh seeped from the host’s lips.
“Ffffffffffuck…” Seokjin exhaled. “Thank you- Oh, God-….”
Jimin’s hand grew warm as the fluid rose in the bottle. It rose dangerously high, in fact. And it was rising fast.
“Uh- Jin- I- Never mind. Just- Could you try to slow down a little?”
“Minnie, I’m mid-flow. I can’t fucking slow down.” Jin glanced at his boyfriend, then quickly returned his eyes to the road, turning pink in the cheeks.
Jimin kicked up another of the empty water bottles at his feet and swapped hands at the ochroid bottle. He brought it close to switch them when ready. His free hand picked up the empty bottle and uncapped it one-handedly.
“What are you doing?” Jin blurted.
“It’s gonna overflow. I’ll swap them.”
“You’d better not fucking spill any, or I swear to GOD.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I won’t. Trust me; I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry. Jihyun and I used to piss in bottles on road trips all the time. I’m practically a pro. Relax.”
Jin huffed, trying to remain calm and control his stream to allow Jimin some leeway for mistakes. It didn’t exactly work, but Jimin managed to swap the bottles without much help anyway.
“There. You’re good.”
Jin’s abdomen constricted as he pushed freely once again, his outflow picking up pace with another relieved sigh. Jimin twitched. If he weren’t careful, he’d have an ‘outflow’ himself.
Once the older was finished, Jimin capped both the bottles and set them down in the back seat so as not to kick them accidentally and create a mess.
“Fuck. Yes. Better. Miles better. It still hurts, but. Definitely better. Th-thank you.” Seokjin’s cheeks were a deep shade of rose now. Jimin didn’t want to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was.
“No problem, baby. Don’t worry. You focus on the road. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for somewhere to stop.”
Jin’s stomach bellowed in discontent, earning a similarly dejected hum from its owner. The rumbling continued one after the other, continuously. To make matters worse, they hit traffic – since they were lagging behind their entourage, they had hit rush hour.
“Fucking wonderful.” Jin retorted, sitting back in his chair and pawing at his ever more-so bloated stomach.
Jimin tried to focus on other things, but ignoring the glaring reality of Jin’s predicament was hard. Amazingly, Jin laughed.
“Oh my God, Minnie. I have to shit so fucking bad.”
This earned more laughter from both of them. The situation was quite incredulous, after all.
“I mean, we have more cups.” Jimin suggested sarcastically, “You could always shit in one of these.”
“Ha! I’ve used enough containers as toilets today for the rest of my life. I’m not sure I want to add to that number.”
It was nice to see his hyung perking up a little; Jimin knew he must be in a lot of pain.
“Well, just try your best to relax. If you need to- uh- let anything out-… You know I won’t judge.”
“What are you suggesting?” Jin reclined his seat slightly, sighing, “That I shit myself?”
Jimin scoffed, “No! I meant- like- Excess gas?” He immediately reddened. Jin noticed and smirked.
“Yeah, I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you, you little pervert~.”
Jimin’s pants tightened again; he had certainly not been expecting that. Jin noticed this as well.
“I dunno… I’m a little scared to push….” He chuckled.
A deep grumbling noise rolled out into the driver’s seat, Jin sighing in unison with the noise – attempting to hide his smirk at Jimin’s visible arousal.
“That felt good. Sorry. I know it’s gross.”
Jimin shook his head, “Jin. You know that stuff doesn’t bother me. For… obvious reasons.” Jin cocked an eyebrow at him, his smirk revealing itself.
“Oh, yeah. Right~.”
Jin groaned, rubbing his stomach. “It looks like we’re gonna be stuck in traffic for a while… You couldn’t rub my stomach for me, could you, Minnie? It reeeeally hurts….”
Gulping, Jimin nodded and reached over to help his lover. He pressed his hand gently to Jin’s abdomen and slowly began to rub clockwise, applying slight pressure at the air pockets he could feel under the surface. It gurgled in response to the touch, Jin whining along and running a hand through Jimin’s hair in thanks.
Another bubbling rip sounded from underneath Seokjin, a sigh of relief quickly following. Jimin had to close his eyes and remind himself to stay calm despite what was happening. Bubble after bubble were released from Jin’s stomach, with Jimin’s rubbing only encouraging raunchier, deeper farts. Jin moaned with each release in an attempt to egg Jimin on; he’d noticed the growing bulge in Jimin’s jeans, and his mind was racing with indecent thoughts.
The traffic started to move again, at first shunting, then moving slowly and steadily. It was seemingly too little too late, however, as Jin’s stomach ache had worsened tenfold. At this point, he was whimpering at every touch and gasping at every fart, unsure whether it would be just air escaping him. The trouble was, he couldn’t control it. Now that he’d started releasing the gas, he’d surrendered to it involuntarily. The pain was too harsh to bear without expelling excess wind, and Jimin’s skilful hands pushed in all the right places to coax it out of his puffy gut. It had started as a teasing strategy, but, at this point, the older singer couldn’t contain his lewd noises.
“Asgh- Minnie… ouch…” Jin ripped another bassy fart into the car and rolled down the windows. “I’m sorry, this fucking sucks… I have to shit so bad you have no fucking idea. I- I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to hold it until we get to the set. Are there really no service stations nearby?”
Jimin checked his phone for what was probably the tenth time, “No… I don’t think so, Jinnie….”
“Fuck… well… could you search ‘public restroom’ and see if there’s anywhere we could turn off? A café or something. A McDonalds. Anything?”
“Uh, there’s a small village at the next exit. My stupid fucking phone won’t connect; I can’t see any bathrooms. But I can see some shops. There should be bathrooms there, right?”
Jin swerved recklessly and took the car off at the next exit. His driving was becoming more erratic the longer this went on; Jimin was starting to fear for his life. Telling him to stay calm would do no good; if anything, it would make things worse. The best he could do was sit and comfort him.
“Keep an eye out for anywhere that could have a bathroom, yeah? Ugh, oh my God…” He sat directly on his ass to apply pressure and avoid releasing anything solid. Not that it would be solid – it was way past that point. Despite this, another muffled blurt rippled from under his ass.
“I can’t see anything. Fuck. Uhm. It’s late. Everywhere’s fucking closed.”
“Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on…” Jin muttered under his breath. He was getting visibly desperate now, bouncing his free leg despairingly. “Aghhhh my fucking God, my fucking God, my fucking GOD.”
Jimin picked up his jacket from the back seat and placed it on his lap, quietly unzipping his jeans and slipping his hand over his boxers, caressing himself. Jin leaned slightly forward and pushed out a short fart. It sounded dangerous. Each blast sounded riskier than the last, and Jin was painfully aware of that fact.
“Okay, we can do this. We can do this. Come on Jin, just pay attention.”
“Just a little further Jin.” Jimin reassured, “We’ll find something, just hang on okay?”
“Mmmhmmm!” Jin groaned in a mixture of agreement and pain. He farted again. “Oh my god- Shit shit shitshitshit!”
A car pulled out from a side road, despite being behind a give-way line. Jin slammed on the breaks and the horn simultaneously, leaning his head out the window to shout a deep “FUCKING GIVE WAY, ASSHOLE! THAT MEANS STOP! FUCKING GOD!”
The driver of the other car visibly whitened at the rage, sheepishly waving his hand in apology and allowing Jin to pass.
“For FUCK’S SAKE!” Jin shot a short, sharp fart into his jeans, grunting. “Agh- Fuck! I am NOT going to shit in my FUCKING company car. This is NOT happening. FUCK!”
Jimin kept an eye out for any open businesses as he pleasured himself under the privacy of his jacket. Steadying his breathing was becoming increasingly difficult the closer he edged himself to climax. Jin’s breathing was uneven too, but most certainly not in pleasure.
“Fuck, hurry UP. LIGHT. PLEASE. TURN GREEN. … THANK YOU! This is an ACTUAL joke.” He let out an exasperated sigh, “Okay. Okay. Come on. Go. I CAN’T shit myself in the car. A FEW more minutes. You can do this. Come ON. Have you seen anything, Minnie?”
Jimin jumped a little, startled. He coughed, “nO. No. I haven’t. Sorry. I’m looking, I promise.”
“I know, I know, I know. Fuck fuck FUCK. It’s okay. Phew. We can do this. Just keep trying?”
“I will.” Jimin gasped breathily, “Yeah…”
Jin glanced over at Jimin and immediately realised what he was doing.
“Minnie! Seriously?!”
Jimin retracted his hand from his pants immediately. But, once again, Jin laughed. “Oh, my God! You really DO like this stuff, huh? I didn’t think it was THIS bad!”
“S- Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Jin turned the car round the corner to double back and check the street again, “I’m glad you’re getting something good out of this, even if I’m fucking dying. It’s nice to see you… uh…” He coughed, “Turned on. By me.”
They both flushed at the same time. The moment was interrupted by another deep fart. It sounded wet.
“Shit. Fuck. NO. Not now. NO.”
“Did you-…?” Jimin started,
“NO! It was JUST GAS! Come ON, why are there NO FUCKING TOILETS?!” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously, sighing to calm himself. “I can do this. I can do this. I can. I can, I can, I can.” Another alerting wet fart. Jin yelped. “NO! No, no, no, no! I can DO this!” His stomach screamed in pain, and another deep, wet fart ensued. Jimin moaned, immediately covering his mouth and widening his eyes.
“Shit. Sorry.”
Jin chuckled nervously, “It’s fine. You keep. Uhm. Doing what you’re do-” Another close fart. “SHIT. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s. Uhm. Just a little.”
Jimin’s face flushed a deep shade of scarlet and his cock twitched in his hand. Jin wasn’t going to make it. There were no bathrooms. Jimin knew this because he had purposefully led him to an area where there weren’t any.
“I… I have a spare pair of jeans if you-…”
Grumble. Groan. Splatter.
Jin hit the breaks. Luckily the road was entirely empty.
He raised himself up slightly, leaning on the wheel, in a somewhat ditch attempt to not get it on the seat, Jimin reckoned. He slammed a hand on his ass, willing it to stop.
But it was already coming, no pushing necessary. Jin screeched as the hot liquid spattered into his pants and seeped through his jeans, creating a growing dark patch. Still half-standing, Jin swerved the car off the road – once again – and shoved his door open, throwing himself into the bushes by the silent sidewalk. Well, once his pants were off, the sidewalk was everything but silent.
A cacophony of squirts, farts and yelps rung in the area as Jin unloaded what was left in his bowels into a bush.
A white flash hit Jimin’s retinas and he finished in his hand, crying out in pleasure as his boyfriend cried out in pain.
Jin was reduced to tears as the searing liquid burned his hole upon exit. It was never ending. His favourite jeans would have to be thrown out, he had shit himself in front of his boyfriend, they were late on set and he was going to get an earful about it… and Jimin was orgasming. Surprisingly, this made him feel better. A lot better actually.
As another lurch punched his stomach, Jin caught Jimin’s eye. He purposefully rolled his eyes back and moaned as the liquid hit the floor, streaming out of him.
“Agh~! Oh, Minnie~! It hurts sooooo bad~… I have to shit so bad~…” Jin moaned, earning a moan from Jimin in return.
Jin slammed his hand onto the lamp post beside him, feigning gripping to it for support. Jimin was now turned to face him, stroking his cock openly, his eyes clouded with lust and his mouth agape.
With one look, they both knew that this would be the night they would lose their innocence to each other.
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lovelylittledovesstuff · 10 months
wish i could have an rp partner that does adv lit and likes farting 🥺🥺🥺 ocs or bts, and preferably male farting only.
18+ only
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heave-hyung · 5 years
A List of VLive (and a few additional) Occurences
(If any of the links don’t work, just send me an ask/dm me which ones aren’t working and I’ll look into it, but they should all be fine!) 
In Jungook’s 161129 VLive around the 27 minute mark, he interrupts himself by burping like three times and then apologizes before carrying on (“I keep burping, sorry.”)
In RM’s - MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA Behind around the 32 minute mark, Namjoon burps (you could actually hear that shit if you listen closely, and if your volume is high enough you can ever so vaguely hear Jungkook in the above one listed for him, too), “Sorry, it’s the soft drink.” 
In Taehyung’s 170623 BTS LIVE: 김태형과 함께하는 고민상단고  around the 16 minute mark, Tae makes the most ridiculous faces as he tries (and fails) to burp, announcing “I drank a lot of cola.” 
Jin’s 180905 Live has him burping and talking about how water upsets his stomach and how it drives him crazy, ends that section of his rant with “anyway, now for a question that’s not about my digestive system…” (I’d put direct time marks but it’s a shorter live anyway and it’s sorta sprinkled about if I remember correctly)
Umm, if you would really like individual time marks for it I can post them, but the entirety of the 180907 (haha it was posted on my birthdayyyy~) BTS Live: 오랜만이죠?! has multiple events sprinkled through them...at one point Hobi comes in to steal chicken, burp, and leave, and that’s it (I think it’s this one)...Jimin only mentions it once, he burps and gets all embarrassed at one point and Jin comforts him by talking about his own bad stomach on his last live (mentioned above), but beyond what’s mentioned he sorta looks like he’s trying not to burp for the second half of it if I’m being honest, but that might just be me. Jin also mentions that spicy food gives him “side effects in the toilet the next morning.” This is all around a fun one to watch. Jimin and Jin are an interesting pair, hahaha. 
In Hoseok and Yoongi’s 170622 BTS Live : 화개장터 솝 꿀피부를 부탁해 at the 18 minute mark Hoseok reveals that he gets a stomach ache when he doesn’t eat and literally two seconds (okay, a minute) later Yoongi hums an agreement and then interrupts himself by burping. And then Hoseok finds it absolutely fucking hilarious and comments that it’s only natural while Yoongi makes it metaphorical and poetic. In Namjoon’s 170625 BTS Live : RM, he gives himself a little speech on not burping (with weird counterproductive movements; isn’t patting your chest meant to help you burp, Namjoon? Jeez) around the 13 minute mark, then he says “I shouldn’t drink coke” before drinking more coke. His 148 IQ at its finest. 
I feel like I’m forgetting something, but these are all of the ones that come to mind...oh, and there’s that clip from that one VLive that comes up if you google “Jungkook farting” where people have been debating on if a noise that happened was his ass or the chair his ass was on. 
I’ll also drop a few other non-vlive related things I’ve stumbled across: In this video, Hoseok and Taehyung both laugh over Taehyung having a bad stomach ache (and, based on context, the runs) at about the 17 minute mark. And in one of Tae’s old logs he talks about being stuck in the bathroom for three hours with a horrible stomach ache after eating too much food truck junk. The last thing I have on the topic of diarrhea is Yoongi discussing his appendicitis, which you’ll find a source for just by googling “Yoongi’s appendicitis” lololol, he essentially just says “while promoting in Japan, I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. I thought I just had diarrhea, but nothing came out” before giving vague details on the hospital trip and the flight from Japan to Korea with a burst appendix. 
And here’s a link to with Jungkook either hugging his stomach or handling back pain (I’ve heard both, I don’t think anyone knows exactly what was going on here.)
And, for those of you who like emeto, I’d highly suggest going through all of the endplates in Rookie King because there are quite a few moments with gagging type of reactions and stuff (they eat gross shit, so. One time, I think it’s in episode two, whichever one where he had his face painted like Jigsaw, Yoongi gagged in the middle of talking and lurched off cam for a sec before laughing it off. And then we obviously can’t forget about Jungkook hugging his stomach after eating that hot sorbet.)
If anyone has anything to add on, feel free! Of course, beyond all of these, there’s also the clips/screenshots from BV season 4 that are going around, the ones from that one Run BTS episode where Yoongi (and Jimin, I think) were complaining of nausea, screenshots from the behind-the-scenes thing where Yoongi talks about airsickness and Jimin talks about carsickness, and then there’s Jungkook’s vomiting scene in the BS&T Japanese MV that I’m sure everyone already knows about.
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vantaestummy · 5 years
hi friends so, i’ll still write requests for free but if you want to see a very specific prompt and you want it RIGHT THEN AND THERE, i could do commissions??? let me know if you’re interested!!!
Tumblr media
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pudgecuddles · 3 years
Plans so far for the boys’ last stage, super morbidly obese body shapes in my interactive story/3D models:
Joon: Beer gut, like, enters the room before him, prego beer gut with a saggy underbelly and some juicy tits. Plumbers asscrack.
Jin: Big milky badonkadonks, shot glass nipples, squishy double belly and hips that don’t lie.
Yoongi: Like a big oval. Massive hanging belly apron with a hall crowding ass, and tiny saggy breasts. Perfect shape for doing nothing but sitting on his ass and producing music.
Hobi: Rolls. Like, fucking Michelin Man but hella out of shape. Pretty even fat distribution. Super sweaty.
Minnie: Bottom heavy. Like, beanbags for ass cheeks. Big lower belly roll. Gets stuck in doorways.
Tae: A mix of Hobi and Yoongi. Lots of saggy belly fat with a jello butt. The only one that starts out with a weight gain fetish ;)
JK: Blob. An overachiever in everything, including blowing himself up like a water balloon. Fat everywhere, no body part is safe.
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bangtanbraps · 2 years
It's been a while
So XD. I said I'd start writing some eprocto-centric BTS fanfics. This obviously has yet to happen. I've been swamped moving to a new city for university, and then I got busy studying at university. To be honest, I almost completely forgot about this page. But not anymore. A few days ago, I was searching for one of my favourite fanfics from here - one concerning Hoseok being a farting camboy and Yoongi also being a camboy and watching his stream... but I couldn't find it. The account had been completely changed to an anime-themed page, and the fanfic was gone. This was my breaking point, haha! So tonight, I'm entirely free; I'm gonna spend a few hours working on some fanfics to post here. I hope some people find them and like them!
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mikrokoskooks · 2 years
Requests: What I will and won't write
I decided I'm gonna start writing here. So here's some things I will and won't write.
What I will write💞 :
Stomach aches
Most stomach based illnesses - like bugs, food poisoning and intolerances-
Appendicitis - I love appendicitis fics so, so much so hell yeah I'll right about it-
Car sickness
What I won't write💔 :
Character death
Male pregnancies
Major illness such as cancer
Au's where they are like hybrid -I dont know what it's called-
Snz content -sorry I'm not really into it-
Who I'll right about: BTS
♥︎♥︎♥︎Feel free to leave some requests!♥︎♥︎♥︎
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degenerate--chan · 2 years
I know I may not have many D////C fans following me -- but I do have a question. 
Would you prefer I keep my ‘vague-this-can-be-any-verse’ style of writing? Or would you rather I make it clear which verse of a character I’m writing for. 
If I were writing for Ri////ddler for Got////hamverse (TV show), I would use more appearance-aligning words like his brown hair and glasses and thin frame; rather than a vague “human man goes [fart noise]”
Or am I overthinking this? :P  
[Also, feel free to leave any ideas or questions you have about any verse and eprocto stuff. I write for mainly BT////ASverse, the newest movie -- 20////22verse, Got////hamverse, and 6////6verse.] 
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softbangtum · 3 years
Tumblr media
• I’m an adult
• Fic and personal blog
• writing about BTS
• no kink for me but everyone is welcome here 💜
✅ writing
• chub, weight gain
• body positivity
• belly rubs
• stomach ache
• fluff
• angst
• eructo / eprocto
❌ writing
• heavy smut
• forced wg
⛔️ DNI ⛔️
• transphob
• homophob etc.
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heave-hyung · 5 years
Can we talk about chaotic Jin and his TMIs?
So you guys remember that live where Jimin got all embarrassed about burping and Jin was like ‘it’s fine I do it all the time’ and they left it at that? That’s what that Vlive is known for around here? *Jin walks out of camera shot to “get some coke.”* “I’m not an alcoholic.”  (Later on: “As I am a little bit drunk...” (JM: “You’re drunk with a glass of coke?”)
Jin: “I don’t eat spicy food.” JM: “Why?” Jin: “Because I have some side effects in the toilet next morning.” (actually, he used a word that means ‘explode’ in Korean, so there’s that) *Both die laughing*
Earlier on, he said “I didn’t feel well this morning, so I was a little worried about the concert” (in the same Vlive, which I’ve discovered is a goldmine.) Jin: “I burped like 200 times on my live. I was just drinking water, but I had a bad stomach.” (Love that in that same Vlive he was just like “now, for a question that’s not about my digestive system”)
I don’t know if he just has a bad stomach, like worse than we thought, or if he’s just secretly the most shameless in the group...maybe he just finds it enjoyable to discuss these things, I won’t be surprised if he gives us a play-by-play of a case of shitting himself or details about spaghetti in his nose after vomiting. 
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vantaestummy · 5 years
Eprocto maknae line headcanons ? 😁
A/N: YETH! sorry this took so long 🖤
jungkook can fart a WHOLE LOT. and they’re loud too. he don’t give no fucks. but he’s not the most gassy person. his stomach can handle lots of things honestly. his gas varies depending on what he eats and how much.
jimin is super gassy but when it’s him, think “silent but deadly.” like seriously, the others are always like “JIMIN!!!!!!” and he just giggles cus he can’t help it! he’s a little shy about it but it’s better out than in all honesty.
taehyung is the most gassy of the whole group, maybe even grassier than namjoon tbh. his farts are loud asf and he doesn’t care. he’ll walk into any room of the dorms and let it rip. he doesn’t do it on purpose per say, but. u know how it is 💀
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bangtanjellies · 5 years
hello! i’ve been reading lots of works in this community and everyone seems to sweet to each other that it made me want to join in on the fun:) if this doesn’t flop i’ll make an introductory post later haha
i want to keep this post short and simple, so if anyone has any requests, hit me with them:)
what i won’t write:
-smut, but i’ll write borderline nsfw content if requested
-force feeding/stuffing
-graphic scat
-gender bending
what i will write:
-non sexual ageplay
-depending on the ask, member x reader
if you’re unsure about a request, just submit it and i’ll let you know. ask away and don’t be shy!
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comfortatz · 3 years
hi, i’m venice! i’m here to write sickfics for my favorite groups, mainly stray kids and ateez!
about me:
- ‘00 liner
- he/him
- bisexual
groups i like + bias:
- stray kids (jisung)
- ateez (hongjoong and yeosang)
- bts (jungkook)
- txt (yeonjun)
- loona (gowon)
- twice (jihyo)
- itzy (ryunjin)
i will write for:
- stray kids and ateez!
i may write for:
- bts, txt, and twice, i’m just not as confident with them :>
guidelines for what i will and will not write:
i will write:
- emeto/general stomach sickness
- fever/whump
- mainly au fics! :>
- ship fics between the members (if that makes sense lol. basically romantic relationships between the members) but only if it is set in an au
- up to pg 13 kind of stuff
i will NOT write:
- scat/eprocto
- explicit smut
- reader x member
- r@pe, p3dophilia, etc. or anything that fetishizes those
- if i just don’t feel comfortable with something i won’t write it!
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bangtanbraps · 1 year
New fic incoming!
Hi everyone! I know I don't post very often at all, but I'm currently working on another JinMin fic! So I hope you enjoy it when it's ready. :)
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poor-baby-bangtan · 3 years
✨everything you need to know is under the read more✨
hello! my name is blake and my pronouns are they/them
i’m 18, but people of any age are welcome on my page ! i’m an emetophobe, so i’m trying my best with this type of content!
please be careful and avoid your triggers. this blog writes about: emeto, anxiety, illness, nightmares, etc. please avoid my account if you are triggered by these things. 
my schedule is unreliable so i may not be the fastest to respond, but feel free to pm me! keep in mind that this is not a kink blog! if you are struggling and need to reach out to someone, please don’t hesitate to message me!
my bias is yoongi and i’m a proud bts stan. i write for bts exclusively, no other groups or fandoms will be written and posted on this account.
my ao3 account name is blakeBird (pseud glossuga) 
My main is @blakebird16 , feel free to check it out!
i will write:
-other sickfic-related content
-chronic illness or chronic pain
-LIGHT mental health content
-platonic/gen themes
-other subjects up for discussion. send me an ask or a pm
i will not write:
-heavy/triggering mental health subjects
-s*icide or character death
-nsfw or kinks
-shipping/anything romantic
-age regression/ageplay
please send me requests ! please please please send me requests or asks; there is no guarantee i will write it but they inspire me to write more and put out more content. asks are always open so feel free to send me anything!
pm me for anything, i’d love to chat!
stay safe babe <3
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yooniestummy · 4 years
{ ☁️🖇 } ♡゙ hello loves~! i’m new to tumblr, so here’s what my blog is about!
Tumblr media
❥ I write kpop sickfics and fluff!
❥ my ult groups ৎ୭ ➸ bts skz nct + more
what i will write:
❥ emeto; any kind! (personally these are my absolute favorite sickfics!)
❥ general sickness (colds, flus, etc.)
❥ i’m not quite good with scat and eprocto in detail but I will write it how i feel comfortable doing so!
❥ little space!
❥ ship content!
❥ injury (only if it’s pretty light!)
❥ if i missed anything don’t be afraid to ask! i will tell you what i will write and what i won’t! just please be respectful about my answers!
what i won’t write:
❥ messing
❥ water sports
❥ m!preg
❥ smut
❥ stuffing (overeating-by-accident illness is alright, but forceful eating makes me uncomfortable!)
❥ triggering content such as r*pe, ab*se, e*ting d*sorders, s*lf h*rm, su*cide, etc. (some of this is triggering to me, please keep this in mind!) if i get angsty and write about depression or anxiety/panic attacks, i will be sure to put a warning!
about me:
❥ my name is aliza~
❥ i’m 18
❥ my pronouns are she/her
❥ i’m pansexual
❥ i’ve been into kpop since 2018
❥ bts is special to me, so they are my top group and my fav to write about!
❥ #taegikoo biased! (but yoongi is my main baby 🥺☺️)
❥ i’m a soft stan!
❥ i’m from the usa
❥ i love to draw, read, and especially write!
❥ for me, sickfics and everything in-between is not a kink! if it is for you, i don’t judge at all! just please refrain from sending me anything sexual!
❥ i’m very shy 🥺 but i’m always excited to talk to new people!
oh, and one more thing~! >>> 🐰࿔˳ please send me requests! i love bringing peoples prompts to life! if you do request, please make it at least a little specific!
🍭₊ ࿔˳⊹♡˚ for now that’s everything there is to know! please support me and my blog, and don’t be shy to request, ask, or talk to me! i’m very friendly! if you made it this far, thank for reading and I hope you have a beautiful day~! 🎀☁️
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