#btw lettuce plants don’t like the heat we have rn so there’s not many leafy greens haha
housecow · 4 months
I find it strange how you'd like to get so fat that you depend on someone but at the same time you're saying that you wanna do gardening. It's like there is a confrontation between your kink and your regular life...
in fantasy (or with a lot of consideration between me and my feeder) i’d become dependent. realistically, i’ve always dreamt of having my own garden and i think i could keep up with it at over 350lbs tbh
why can’t i have both…… scooter accessible garden pls. with raised beds i won’t have to bend over too much 🥺
bonus. bacon and tomato sandwich w home grown red snapper variety tomatoes, one of the only beefsteak-like varieties that grow in TX 🥳 DELICIOUS w mayo and some black pepper.
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