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Tim Sort Algorithm . . . . Explore this essential Data structure and Algorithm! It covers key topics and resources for every tech enthusiast from algorithms to Data Structure. Perfect for learning and growth. Let's connect and innovate together! Check the link below: https://bit.ly/3LYyXm6
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falldogbombsthemoon · 7 months
I had such a weird ass dream today, I was in school ig? (Now that I think about it, that place definitely wasn't school, but it ft like that)
And there was this one teacher of mine. And he'd be like everywhere. Not that there were more than one of him, but he randomly was everywhere, where I was.
And that bitch was judging like crazy. For everything that I'd do. Like once, I was piggybacking a friend somewhere, and he was like, "Why would you do that?" -WHY WOULDNT I BITVH?
Anyway, my friends and I also joined like a school club of him. Idk what that club was for, but we were in a garden, and there were 2 seats, but we needed more, so I looked into a like bush, and I but my hood on, bc there were insects, and I didn't wanna eat or breath them or something like that. And when I came back, he judged me so hard for having my hood on. Don't remember what he said, but he was so serious.
Anyway, funny thing, because that teacher actually kinda judges me although he is nice normally.
Oh, last weekend, my neighbor asked me to dance macarena with her for a school project (they had to show the bubblesort algorithm with that ig. So something IT) ... turns out that project was for that exact teacher, so let's see haha :D ... ._.
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snaildotexe · 1 year
Software Technical Interview Review List
Data Structures
Arrays (and Java List vs ArrayList)
Sorting (Bubblesort, Mergesort, Quicksort)
Recursion & Backtracking
Linear and Binary Search
String/Array algos
Tree traversal
Dynamic Programming
Graph algos (DFS, BFS, Dijksta's and Kruskals)
OOP fundamentals
Data abstraction
Explanations & example questions:
Strings and Arrays [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ]
Stacks and Queues [ 1 | 2 ]
LinkedList [ 1 | 2 ]
Sorting & searching [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]
Recursion and Backtracking [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Dynamic Programming [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4]
Graphs [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
Tree [ 1 | 2 ]
General DS&A info and questions [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
OOP review & questions [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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ketbra · 9 months
sorry to bring up ancient history from mid-October, but someone who codes using AI tools IS a programmer, just like someone who uses them for art is an artist. Most programmers learned to code by copying other people’s code piecemeal, maybe tweaking the parts they could figure out until it did what they wanted, and it doesn’t make any difference if they get the code from an AI instead. People cribbing from Stack Overflow are programmers, people who code with those building-block UIs are programmers, people who write basic bash scripts for the commandline are programmers, people arranging machine instructions in binary are programmers. Do you see? They’re all creating. Where would we be if we had stopped at punchcards because typing a program was too easy? However easy we make it, there will still be further goals to strive for. (Also, anyone who claims you need to know bubblesort to be a programmer is a fool and probably a poser.)
Hi anon, I'm actually glad my posts from mid-october don't get read and forgotten and i really appreciate the question because I don't think this website has enough middle ground on the topic to have a conversation that isn't just hate from both sides.
So, I get where you're coming from, there are many different types of programmers and there are many different types of artists, and it's true that not all of them know bubblesort because maybe some programmers kept on working and developing other aspects (an assembly programmer and an html developer have surely different views on the same topic)
and it's so very much true that you can find code on stack overflow, or directly ask chatgpt for a function and you can add those strings to your code. or you can use tools for building the UI all you want
but there is a difference between asking AI tools for a piece of code and knowing how it works. You can have a completely working program or app that you ask AI to code for you and you might have the idea for that app, but if you don't know how the code works then you're not the one who programmed it. And I don't mean it to minimize anyone's work, but if one reads a piece of code, (with all the context needed to understand it) and doesn't know how it works, then that person isn't a programmer.
I'm not saying different types of developers need to know everything about every language, but they do know the one they're using.
The difference between copying a piece of code into your code and getting the code completely written by someone/something else is that in the first instance you know what you're doing and you're asking for help, in the second you're commissioning a final product.
And I think this can be applied to art as well, an artist knows so many things we take for granted, the pressure, how light and shadows work, anatomy, prospective, materials, contrast, which color evokes that specific emotion and so on.
Now, is every draw painted by a real person art? (tumblr is going to hate me for this but) no, not every draw is art, there's always a subjective element in these discourse but personally I don't think everything is art, or that everything is a ode to the human condition, sometimes one draws a doodle and it's fun and doesn't hold the weight of being called art.
Is every draw painted by AI shit? (and tumblr is going to hate me for this as well but) no. sometimes AI art is wonderful and sometimes it's just fun, I use it with friends, we make silly pictures to send eachother and birthday cards. and it's fun, and pretty and we're all programmers and it's harmless.
And the thing is, that I am pro AI-art just not in the way it is now. I think the scraping of every picture on the internet to train AIs has been a little invasive and kind of unfair. I think the best way to get AI tools and human artists together is to have AI trained on every classical painting and draw at museums and in history books, and then, if there are specific modern styles a company selling AI tools wants to add to its portfolio then they should get in contact with said artists and pay them for their work and ask permission to use their art.
the way I see it, it's like if you made a funny post on the internet, and a company copies and pastes it on their own profile and makes it look like it was its pr team who thought about it. And I mean they don't get anything directly out of it, but also there's a value in the image a company has online.
I think this answer is very long already and I just want to finish it with the actual answer to the question. I don't think AI artists can call themselves that. I don't think they're artists, they're for sure creative people and they can have good, great, ideas like everyone one else but if they don't have the knowledge to create those pieces on their own then they're not artists. Designers, picture architects, prompt makers, people with great ideas but not artists.
And before you tell me yeah but you still need some tools to make art, you can't not do it "on your own", yes but there's a difference between drawing with an ipad and typing a prompt into mid-journey.
You could end up with the same exact result and people might not even recognize one is AI but it's not the same thing as being an artist.
I can design a wool hat to the detail, but that makes me a designer, not a knitter. BUT those figures can and do collaborate, it's just that in this very moment AI tools aren't making it possible to have a conversation. they stole from the world wide web and they did it for profit. and it always ends up like this, it's always a marketing tool.
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softwarily · 9 months
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Currently trying to write a bubblesort algorithm in Befunge, which is pretty much the level of weird that I should've expected to be doing on the weekend before crimsas
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emarezi-backup · 11 months
"this is how to do a bubblesort algorithm" can you take me out on the back and fucking shoot me
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hackernewsrobot · 1 year
FreeBSD replaces bubblesort with mergesort on SYSINTs
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arpit143blog · 1 year
Java program that performs bubble sort on an array of integers:
javaCopy codepublic class BubbleSort { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] numbers = {7, 2, 9, 1, 5}; System.out.println("Before sorting:"); printArray(numbers); bubbleSort(numbers); System.out.println("After sorting:"); printArray(numbers); } public static void bubbleSort(int[] numbers) { int n = numbers.length; boolean swapped; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { swapped =…
View On WordPress
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nuxillu · 1 year
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Rembrandt. Mann mit Goldhelm. Mar 2023
Ich bild mir ja ein, die Algorithmen zu kennen, nach denen linke Hirne sich die Welt sortieren. Ich sag nur "Bubblesort". Trotzdem sollte man sie nicht unterschätzen, die Internationalsozialisten.
Wir haben zugelassen, daß sie alle strategisch wichtigen Punkte besetzen konnten. Haben kuhäugig zugesehen, wie sie in den Medien, in der Justiz, in den "Ethikräten" ihre MG-Nester aufbauen und mit Ringmauern aus Aktivisten-Sandsäcken befestigen.
Und natürlich habe ich nach der Pandemie vorausgesehen, was als nächstes kommt: Der nächste Notstand nämlich. Im speziellen Fall die Lauterbach'sche Todeshitze. Könnte aber auch "katastrophal hohe Vermehrungsraten in der Feldhamster-Population" oder "Neue Pandemie. Tapirschwanzschnupfen. Schon hunderte infiziert" sein.
Hab ich mir gleich einen Tropenhelm besorgt, damit ich auch diesen Notstand gut überstehe.
Meine Voraussage? Wir werden von einem "Notstand" in den nächsten stolpern. Jeder neuerliche Notstand wird von der höfischen Schranzen-Clique in Berlin dazu genutzt werden, den Polizeistaat weiter auszubauen.
Und die Feme-Gerichte unter den internationalsozialistischen Ting-Eichen* werden jeden zum Tode verurteilen, der nicht täglich vor dem tausendjährigen Gender-Führer salutiert. Ich zitiere: "Kill Till".
In hundert Jahren dann wird die Jugend sich fragen, wieso niemand etwas unternommen hat, damals. Werden sich junge Menschen zutiefst dafür schämen, daß Opa beim Tagesspiegel gearbeitet und die ganze Familie, bis runter ins fünfte Glied, mit seiner Propagandascheiße besudelt hat. Und man wird Reparationen fordern von Tagesspiegel- und Zeit-Redakteurs-Nachkommen.
Nee, das is kein AI-Bildchen. Der Helm liegt hier rum. Katholiken haben immer einen gewissen Fundus an Masken und Hütchen am Start. Wir sind die Erfinder des Karnevals und des schlechtgeschminkten Trans-ID-Zirkus. Inkl. geschmacklosem Ohrschmuck. Denn die wichtigste Regel im Karneval lautet: Nicht hübsch, sondern bescheuert. So wie bei unseren Nachahmern von der Transifa-Front.
* Ich erzähl wieder Blödsinn. Schreibt sich Thing und nicht Ting. Und es waren Linden, unter denen die Vorfahren des linken, des internationalsozialistischen Mobs sich versammelten. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thing
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bellpolh · 2 years
Bubble sort
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#Bubble sort code#
#Bubble sort code#
Currently, our code iterates through the entire array each time. If you look back at our array visualization, the blue values in the array do not need to be iterated through because we have already sorted them. That’s it! We have built our bubble sort function! But…we can make it slightly better. Our function then returns the sorted array. If we have performed a swap, we know that our array was not sorted so we set our sorted flag to False: def bubbleSort(array): sorted = False while not sorted: sorted = True for i in range(len(array) - 1): if array > array: array, array = array, array sorted = False return arrayįinally, once our array is completely sorted, our flag will be true and we exit the while loop. Remember, we were checking if our current value is greater than the value to its right and swapping if that is the case. The reason is that we can’t look to the right of the last value in the array (there’s nothing there). Note that we are iterating until len(array) - 1. We then start our for loop to iterate through our array: def bubbleSort(array): sorted = False while not sorted: sorted = True for i in range(len(array) - 1): We are going to start our while loop and tentatively set our sorted flag to True. So while our array is not sorted, we need to sort it. Initially, we assume our input array is not sorted so we have a flag sorted set to False. We define our bubbleSort function and it takes in an array of integers. We are not allocating any extra memory to perform our sort so our space complexity is O(1). We still need to iterate through that array once to check that its sorted, our best case time complexity is O(n).Īs mentioned earlier, bubble sort performs its swaps in-place. In the best case, we’re given a sorted array to sort. More specifically, Bubble sort has a time complexity of O(n²) in the worst case. You might be thinking - that was extremely tedious. This means we are done! Time and Space Complexity 2 cannot be swapped with anything so our swaps are zero for this round.
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Shell Sort Algorithm . . . . Explore this essential Data structure and Algorithm! It covers key topics and resources for every tech enthusiast from algorithms to Data Structure. Perfect for learning and growth. Let's connect and innovate together! Check the link below: https://bit.ly/3yIe9fx
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kitzykat · 6 years
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codeclub32 · 4 years
Museum Management System in C# with Source Code
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Introduction Museum management system is a museum based C# project. C# is simple. Modern and general-purpose programming language. The system project is a console app. The project us useful in carrying daily works in museum. It will be supposed to manage the museum in an efficient way. The project is bases on console app based on .NET core. This museum project is easy to use and implement. The system is randomly named as Rock museum. This project can generate the report and chart of the visitors. The system can save and retrieve data. The system has a user-friendly interface. You must download the project to have fully access to the system. Executing the project, you will see login screen first. Type admin for both user and password. Click login button and you will get access to the system. Wrong user and pass may not let you to enter the system. Login Screen Let’s talk about the system. After you successfully login you will see menu bar. These menu items has submenu. When you click on first museum menu and click detail. You will see museum detail form screen. When the sub menu is clicked it retrieve the data from save file. In this screen you can add visitor using add visitor option. You must enter the information asked. The information will publish to the screen. You can save and retrieve this data. When you save the file it will store as .dat file. Further the system can import from CSV or export to CSV file. Read the full article
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mehrdadsalahi · 4 years
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‌ در این پست، حلقه for رو توضیح دادم. از حلقه for برای تکرار دستورات به دفعات مشخص استفاده میشه. امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد. لطفاً پیج ما رو به دوستان‌تون معرفی کنید و یا اونها رو زیر این پست تگ کنید. @_computer_skill_ ‌‌ #ماکرو #کامپیوتر #برنامه_نویسی #آموزش #آموزش_برنامه_نویسی #نرم_افزار #ویژوال_بیسیک #computer #computerscience #vba #visual_basic #visual_basic_application #macro #bubblesort #programming #computer_skill_vba #computer_skill_vba_episod_10 (at Tehran, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCa8ucmnclQ/?igshid=t45ho4pzlvkl
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kazexmoug-blog · 5 years
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When your average case is also your worst case and you actually know what it means.......THANKS ARRAYS LOL!!!!!! #coding #datastructuresandalgorithms #learningtocode #computerscience #sortingalgorithms #timecomplexity #bubblesort #insertionsort #selectionsort #bigotime #computerscienceisfun #learningsomethingnew #learningtoimprove #selftaughtcoder #kazexmoug #learningtech #timecomplexity #spacecomplexity #runtimes #algorithms #softawareengineering #mathisfun #computerscienceforeveryone #codingmakesmehappy #mathisnotscary #teachyourselfcode #algorithmanalysis #gettingoutofmyhead #criticalthinking #entryleveltech https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3ONFXpZYe/?igshid=ibaa3jipzdz
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