#buddy matthews x reader x rhea ripley
judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
Jumped in
Pairing: Buddy Matthews x Fem reader x Rhea Ripley
Description: You and your partners are on a date when you do an action to save someone that leaves them terrified
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A squeal could be heard as you squirm in Buddy's grip after he picked up and slung you over his shoulder while Rhea jogged ahead of you with a bag of snacks and drinks. The three of you decided to have a date together after the long hours of traveling and wrestling and barely having time to spend with each other, bright pink and calm orange paints the sky as you all listen to music and share kisses in between sips of soda along with water and bites of fruits for the next hour and a half until you get a wave of dread and anxiety about the cliff just a few feet in front of the three of you that wouldn't go away which lead to you standing a few feet away while carefully looking over the cliff only to see hands waving from the water and distanced yells that made your heart jump to your throat and stop all at once. "What's wrong possum?" you turn to them before quickly setting your phone down beside them and stripping down to your bra and underwear, "Baby what the hell are you doing?!" you ran and jumped down into the water below which made the two scream as they looked over the cliff only to see the water below with no sign of you anywhere in sight before their hearts dropped and ran down not knowing about what you saw that made you jump and what you were doing as you swam in the water for the next five minutes before you were on shore twenty minutes later, the two ran down only to see you on the beach with a pale topless girl who was very scared and hurt while she choked and coughed up water as you softly talked to her, "Hey it's okay, you're alright" the two immediately ran back to the car where they had blankets since it would be late when you all left. You immediately wrapped her in them and sat with her as the heat blasted in the car which warmed you up along with buddy's body heat since he wouldn't let you go after you put your clothes back on, you all took her to the hospital where you and her were treated for hypothermia learning that she had been swimming only to get swept further and unable to swim back to shore for ten minutes until you had jumped in and took her to shore before she was a few seconds away from passing out due to the exhaustion and onset of hypothermia, you learned as the two of you became friends that her name was Amelia and she had been on the beach with a few friends which ended up leaving her while she was swimming which pissed you off that they had just left without checking to see if she was on shore with them or even okay at all. You're released from the hospital the next morning while amelia stayed to be treated for a case of pneumonia after she gives you the ring she was wearing that would remind you of that day as you noticed that buddy and rhea had been very quiet since your stay in hospital which confused and worried you until every thought that they had poured out later that night in the comfort of your shared bedroom while tangled and intertwined together, "You scared us to death" buddy's voice made you tear up knowing that you worried them in the moment of your choice but you didn't know just what it did to them by seeing you jump off the cliff and not seeing you in the water at all as rhea's words only made your heart shatter to the floor "We...we thought you wouldn't come back or that your...body was on the beach" the tears flowed and cries are let out as you kissed both of them and held onto them tightly, "I love you both so much and I promise you that I would never do anything to purposely lose you" the hours felt like years as you held each other in the domestic silence until soft words are spoken that leave you tearing up again after telling them that you wouldn't forgive yourself if you had just left her in the water without trying to save her, "We're so proud of you for what you did".
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Session 0 - Damian Priest x Tattoo Artist
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Part 1 of 6
Rating: T
Beta Reader: @jstarr86
“Trust me Dam, she’s the best at what she does. It doesn’t hurt that I’d trust her with my life. You’ve been going on about finally getting that back piece, there’s no one better.” Rhea practically herded him towards what looked like an absolute hole in the wall, his nerves judged it based on first appearance.
“Most of my art was done by her, I’ve been meaning to introduce Dom as well. You got first dibs of course.” She paused at the door giving him a single raised brow, “You do trust me, don’t you Damian?”
Cornered he let out a sigh, it doesn’t hurt to at least take a look to appease her. 
“Fine, after you.” 
A bell above the door could just barely be heard over the heavy rock that beat like a pulse within the confines of the lobby. Framed detailed tattoo sketches hung upon the walls, behind the front desk were a collection of awards and licenses to prove this place was legit. Folders full of premade basic bitch designs sat on the coffee table by comfortable leather chairs, Rhea pressed a button at the front. No sound could be heard but in a span of seconds a young woman came out from the back.
“How can I- Oh! Shit! Rhea! Hey girl! Why didn’t you give me a heads up that you were coming?” Priest looked up from one of the framed pieces he was admiring. Apparently the new arrival hadn’t noticed him from the angle he was standing, not something he was used to given his size. He took a moment to admire the person before him…
Purple faux hawk with an under-fade, full tattoo sleeves on both arms, legs, and back, several piercings both visible and one not, brilliant blue eyes with some intense metallic goth eye makeup and a stunning smile. A pair of fake leather leggings with lace ups on the outside of the legs, a fishnet crop top under a Beetlejuice tank top, tying it all together was a basic durable black dog collar and a pair of Demonia knee length boots.Unlike the blonde Barbie she was finishing up, Rhea’s friend wasn’t stick skinny. She was probably a good size 9 or 10, there was some plump flesh but it appeared to have some sturdy muscle underneath. A full pair of breasts accentuated beautifully with the fishnet, and hips perfect to dig fingers into.
“I brought a friend that I thought you might like meeting, he’s been talking about wanting a new big tat for awhile now. So I told him there's only one person I’d trust with that.” After a moment the girl turned to look at him, there was immediate recognition as well as shock across her features. It was brief and fleeting before putting up a friendly facade.
It took Rhea slapping on the bicep to smack Damian back present, realizing he’d been staring at the artist long after the gal she’d been working on had left happily. Meaning he had given her an intense resting bitch for a good minute now. Incredibly embarrassed Priest offered a hand which she accepted with an impressive firm hand shake.
“You can call me Minnie, only people I like get to use that.” Rhea playful shoulder checked her with a warm smile,
“It’s short for Minerva, her parents were from Athens originally”
“So your namesake is a Goddess of War, seems fitting.” Bright sky blue eyes flicked up from the sketchbook she’d grabbed to start jotting ideas from him. And without pause blossomed like a Sunflower, taking note of the dimple on her right cheek. 
“Best make sure you never get on my bad side, Rhea has some great stories of me chasing off her exes prior to Wrestling. I’m only five years older than her, not to mention like 5 inches shorter even without those elevator shoes she stomps around in.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed that at all. Both of you still don’t have me beat.”
“Well you clearly discovered immortality in high school, because you haven't aged a bit.”
Rhea perched herself on the spare stool in the room, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she watched the two getting comfortable with their back and forth.
“What she neglected to mention is the three times she chased them off with a metal bat wrapped in barbed wire and nails welded to it.”
“Jokes on you, I still sleep with that bat beside my bed. Safety first and all that fun stuff. Safer than a machete, I’d rather not accidentally stab myself in my sleep.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” The Aussie grins before giving Minnie a cheeky wink.
“Why do I feel like I got led into a trap?” She wrinkled her nose at Damian before opening the sketchbook before her.
“You have nothing to worry about Butterscotch, I take my art very seriously. Now let’s start discussing what you’re looking to get and where. I’ll let you know now, that while I’m sure you’re likely VERY blessed… I don’t do anything where I gotta see dick or vag.”
Priest momentarily choked on his saliva while Rhea guffawed in glee. A quick side eye glare at her smothered the sound to a quiet chuckle. Something about her felt like she was messing with the poor Puerto Rican man, akin to a cat staring directly at their owner while pushing a glass of water off the counter playfully.
“You’ve already got plenty of gorgeous pieces on that flawless flesh. What are you thinking of doing?”
No hesitation he pulled his t-shirt up and over while turning to show the empty expanse of his back. Her breath caught audibly, eyes briefly went wide glancing at Ripley wildly. The female wrestler grinned like the Cheshire Cat, watching each interaction with fascination. Plans coming to fruition.
The tattooer bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to focus on what he was actually saying. Once locked in, Minnie began to sketch up fluidly upon paper, at one point he was leaning over her shoulder admiring the work of a talented creative. Bringing his vision to life on the crisp white paper, each description rumbled like incoming thunder located in the man’s voice box. Thank god for hyperfocus cuz lord only knows this was gonna be a genuine challenge for her self-control. All she wanted to do was trace those tattoos on him with her tongue. She had to shake her head to focus back in again, hands working on autopilot, taking in his words with each glide of charcoal across parchment. 
When he finished describing it she looked back up at him with a friendly smile,
“How big are you thinking of making it? So I know what to prepare for, as well as how many sessions to schedule in advance.” He tilted his head in thought momentarily before answering,
“Ideally I’d like it to cover a majority of my back.” She nodded in agreement,
“Alright, I’ve got the sketch started. I'll email you three different versions and you let me know what you like and what you don’t. And if there's aspects you like in one and want to add it to another one, just let me know. This is your tattoo on your skin, I want you to love it decades from now. How’s that sound?”  Damian was genuinely impressed with her professionalism, even as he controls the strong desire to flirt with her. This was a time to behave, she was Rhea’s best friend, and thus not someone to attempt to make any moves towards. 
“That sounds great to me, thanks.” Her smile was so sweet it could have made him diabetic just looking at it. 
“Great. Oh and Rhea, let me know when you want to come in and do those matching ghost tattoos with Dom.” 
“No rush, he’s busy planning his wedding right now so it’s gonna be a bit.”
“Sounds good to me. Now unfortunately I do have another client coming in twenty minutes so I gotta start prepping.” She pulled a business card from her bra, handing it over to Damian,
“My email and personal number is on there in case you think of something you want to add to the tat.Sound good?” Minnie gave a bashful little smile, and it made something deep in his chest want to say something incredibly forward. Rhea snagged him by the elbow, grinning like a cat that caught the canary. 
A nod of thanks was all he got out before being ushered back out, quicker than able to verbalize his appreciation. Ripley called back loudly,
“Thanks love! I’ll make sure he remembers to check his email regularly.” As if he didn’t already do that for work contacts to begin with. Once back in the car Priest gave his companion a look of utter suspicion, he could tell that she had ulterior motives. Nothing vicious or cruel, but she’d tried to set him up on a couple dates in the past, none that worked out. He’s focused on work, most women didn’t appreciate not being number one in his life. It’s been a string of disappointments, to where he bluntly asked Rhea to stop playing cupid. 
“This better not be an attempt at matchmaking again-” She cut him off with a sigh,
“I’ve long accepted that the ball is in your court from now on. I really truly just wanted you to go to an artist I’d trust my life with. She’s a good one, professional, talented, she spent twenty years as an apprentice before taking on her own clients. To top it off, she’s loyal, fun, and could use more genuine friends other than me. Can you blame me for that?” Her tone of voice was honest, after how much time they’d spent together, he could easily tell when she was bullshitting. Damian nodded to her as a show of acceptance to what she was saying. Her attention locked on the drive back to her place, Buddy was gonna get some sparring practice in with the other man. 
His gaze trailed a spot in the distance, trying to keep that woman out of his thoughts… failing miserably. She had such a lovely face, and all the art on display was impressive to be sure. The name Minerva fit her perfectly, especially with how protective she was of the Australian wrestler. It was endearing how she was barely 5’3 and was ready to take on the world to keep her 5’7 well-muscled friend safe. He hadn’t noticed the small smile that spread across his features, but Ripley sure took note of it. Keeping her features stoic while internally she was so pleased with herself. 
She pulled into the driveway where her man was waiting, he waved as they got out of the car. Buddy smiled at them, 
“I’m guessing it went well? Minnie is great at what she does. Rhea doesn’t like to share her with people, so it’s a hell of a compliment she brought you.” She gave him a quick kiss before heading into the house calling back,
“Play nice boys don’t forget the Terror Twins have some matches coming up.”
Damian shook his head w a huff before following the ginger towards their personal gym. Somehow he still had a sneaking suspicion that Rhea was playing a long game now instead of all the quick fruitless dates in the past… The image of Minerva slid by again, and for once… he might be okay with that.
@superlove167 @midnightlycan @mooshroomii420 @hotwheels1108 @misslackey @gigisview @abadbitchblogs @sexyblacksimper @sweetmoonlove0214 @daithideolishmer118 @tomandbuckyfan1 @terrortwinunicorn @iy-16-18 @sluttysierraaa @jstarr86 @zombiedixon89 @horsekoala @fearlesschimera @eringobragh420 @elainneoneill570 @gretavanhockey @moonwolfdemonprincess21 @sad-dreamer93 @agustd202204 @nubian-queen22 @kaitlinlovetwister @bosslady3168 @gabberzzz1998 @mol2311
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
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I was NOT prepared for this.
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damiansgoodgirll · 9 months
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i love it, bye
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mamisalwaysontop96 · 3 months
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Mr & Mrs Adam’s 6-23-24 💜🖤
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msminutes · 1 year
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ripleyfilms · 1 year
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# rhea is engaged !!!
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stellakiddsblog · 8 months
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redpool · 1 year
It is genuinely so weird scrolling through the wrestling fanfiction tags, you guys write fanfiction for Australian wrestlers that I know personally. I went to so many little shows that Duke Hudson, Rhea Ripley, Bronson Reed, Adam Brooks, Robbie Eagles and Buddy Matthews wrestled at, to the point when they recognised me anytime I was at a show. And I am irl & online friends with some of them too.
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babybatlover · 2 years
HI I’m L
I’m 20, write and read fanfics. Im nonbinary and love writing for trans reader (or characters) most ships and fic will be gay cuz same.
I will write for Strangers Things and some of WWE, before sending a request READ MY TERMS
DNI: Religion pushers, minors, terfs, maps/aam, zoos
18+ plz cuz sometimes things will be nsfw.
I will write:
Almost all kinks
I will not write:
step-cest or incest
I use the stoplight system
if you don’t know ask me! Send me a request
Fics :
want to know about me? Pan or Omni or Bi we still figuring that out:) I’m am Polyamorous and trans ftm! I love metal music and alt /punk pop . I a sub and VERY kinky.
Green kinks:
pet play
breath play
Daddy/ Mommy kink
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madhatterbri · 1 month
Unconditionally | D.P.
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Summary: Can I request a Damian Priest x reader fic, where the reader and Damian were engaged, but she broke up with him when she found out she was pregnant with his baby and never told him. Reader gets invited to Rhea's wedding, and she knows Damian will be there, so she tries to ignore him, hoping he won't see her and her baby bump.
Author's Note: I saw his documentary yesterday, and it made me love him more. ❤️
Damian Priest Masterlist
Requested by Anon
Taglist: @theworldofotps @smallestsnarkestgirl @mrsarcherofinfamy @terrortwinunicorn @miss-kuki-nz @magicalbuttertarts
Y/N sighed and stared at herself in the mirror. Black was supposed to be slimming. Her three month old pregnant stomach appeared like she was stealing a watermelon from a grocery store. Granted, she knew she was exaggerating. She wasn't that big yet. The bump just needed to not be seen for a few more months. The frustrated woman threw her hands in the air. She would give up on hiding the bump, for now.
"High heels, high heels," she spoke in frustration as she dug through her suitcase. Normally, she was so calm and collected. Not today. Today was the day she would lock eyes on her fiance for the first time since they broke up. She found her high heels and slipped them on her feet. With one final look in the mirror, she deemed herself ready for the wedding.
Y/N felt tears in her eyes as Rhea Ripley exchanged vows with Buddy Matthews. This was supposed to be her in October. She was supposed to marry Damian. The father to the baby who is currently growing inside of her. Instead, she broke up with him. He expressed that he never wanted a child. Besides, his career was hotter than ever right now. A baby would slow all that down.
The wedding ended with a kiss between the happy couple. The newlyweds looked so happy together. As the guests watched the newlyweds leave to take pictures, her eyes locked with Damian. His brown eyes were filled with hurt and longing. Y/N managed to look away when the guests were ushered to go inside for the after party.
Without wasting another second, Y/N rushed inside before the crowd. She needed to be as far from Damian as possible. He couldn't know about the baby. She couldn't be the reason his career was changed.
From her seat, she watched as the couple had their first dance. A few tears slid down her cheek. This was supposed to be her future in a few months. Now, it was all for nothing. She was going to end up alone. Y/N stood up from her seat to get some fresh air outside. The last thing she heard inside was an Irish accent urging him to go after her.
Y/N sat in her car. Her face buried in her hands as she cried. She knew it would hurt to see him, but not like this. The hole in her heart felt bigger than before. A dull ache that she swore hurt when she even attempted to breathe. The front passenger door opened and closed next to her. Someone sat in the passenger seat.
"Hey," a deep voice greeted. "Everything okay?"
Y/N looked up to see Damian. Her mascara ran with her tears down her cheeks. She gulped and shook her head. Nothing was okay. Everything was horrible. All she wanted to do was have him back, but it was selfish. His handsome features turned to worry. Before he could ask, she confessed everything.
"I am pregnant, and it's yours. I thought I could do it alone. I wanted you to continue your career. Your parents and siblings are so proud of you, but I don't know if I can do this alone,"
The car was painfully silent. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as she waited for him to speak. He needed to say something, anything. She feared that she was right the entire time. He didn't want anything to do with her or the baby.
"Wait, you broke up with me because you are pregnant?" He asked. He threw his hands in the air. His hands wiped over his face. "Why would you do that? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to stop your career. I know how you are. You don't back back. You did everything to get in the WWE. I didn't want to take it from you," she answered. Based on his reaction, that wasn't a good enough reason.
"I love you for you, Y/N. We made this baby together, not just you. I want to be there. I want us back. I miss you, mi amor. You have no idea how hard it has been for me," he admitted. He rubbed her stomach with his hand. She placed a hand on his and smiled. "I love you, Y/N, unconditionally,"
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keysgrave · 2 years
Wrestlers I Write For
I write for both aew and wwe now!
* indicates my favorites to write for
Keep in mind I usually only write female or gender neutral reader as they are easiest for me
I'll also write certain ships(I added those at the bottom
Kenny Omega
Adam Cole
Adam Page
Chuck Taylor*
Kris Statlander*
Cash Wheeler
Dax Harwood
Kyle O'Reilly*
Orange Cassidy*
Nick Jackson
Matt Jackson*
Ricky Starks
Eddie Kingston*
Powerhouse Hobbs
Kip Sabian
Ruby Soho*
Buddy Matthews
Malakai Black
Daniel Garcia
Jamie Hayter*
Toni Storm*
Austin Theory*
Johnny Gargano*
Drew McIntyre
Roman Reigns
Jimmy Uso*
Jey Uso*
Shayna Baszler
Indi Hartwell
Seth Rollins*
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Dominik Mysterio*
Rhea Ripley*
Damian Priest*
Finn Balor*
Dakota Kai*
Iyo Sky (Io Shirai)
Naomi (idk if she still counts as wwe tbh)
Alexa Bliss
Liv Morgan*
I will not write for any of the following
Sammy Guevara
Tay Conti
Anna Jay (it depends tbh, I'm willing to just not alot)
Jake Hager
Chris Jericho
Bryan Danielson (I dont like writing for him sorry)
Darby allin (I dont like writing for him)
CM Punk
Max Caster
The Miz
Dexter Lumis
Hook x Danhausen (hookhausen)
Trent x Chuck (best friends)
Dax x Cash (FTR)
Orange Cassidy x Chuck Taylor
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south-of-heaven · 1 month
Rhuddy Masterlist
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Just breathe
Almost there
Little brother
First trimester
Self care
Scars of your past
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Buddy x Rhea x reader
Reader finds out shes pregnant but is scared on what her partners will say
So reader decides to leave but is caught packing and her partners comfort her and tell her they are excited for the baby
And the have a celebration dinner
( they haven't talked about kids yet)
Excited || Rhea Ripley x Reader x Buddy Matthews
Summary: You freak out when you find out you're pregnant.
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Your heart raced as you stared at the pregnancy test in disbelief. Panic surged through you, thoughts swirling in your mind. You hadn’t planned this, hadn’t even discussed having kids with Rhea and Buddy yet. Fear gripped you, the worry that they might not want this, might not want you anymore.
Your hands trembled as you started packing, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on you. You were lost in your thoughts when the door creaked open. There they stood, Rhea and Buddy, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion.
"Hey, what's going on?" Rhea's voice held a note of worry as she rushed to your side, her hand resting gently on your arm.
You faltered, not knowing how to explain, how to articulate the fear that consumed you. But before you could say anything, Buddy spoke up, his voice calm but earnest. "We saw the test, love."
The admission hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, silence engulfed the room.
"I-I'm sorry," you stammered, tears welling up in your eyes. "I didn’t mean to… I thought…"
Before you could finish, Rhea pulled you into a tight embrace, her arms wrapping around you protectively. "Hey, it’s okay. We’re here for you," she reassured, her voice steady and filled with warmth.
Buddy joined the embrace, his arms enveloping both you and Rhea. "We want this, love," he murmured against your hair. "We want you."
Confusion swirled within you, their words slowly sinking in. You looked up, meeting their gazes, and the sight that greeted you was beyond what you had imagined. Their eyes held excitement, love, and an unwavering commitment.
"We're excited, love," Rhea beamed, her eyes sparkling with joy. "We've always talked about a future together."
Buddy nodded in agreement, his smile mirroring Rhea's. "We want to celebrate."
And just like that, the weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by an overwhelming rush of relief and happiness. The three of you settled in for a cozy dinner, the atmosphere filled with laughter and anticipation.
Throughout the evening, they showered you with reassurances, their excitement contagious. Plans and dreams for the future unfolded as you shared stories, hopes, and a newfound sense of togetherness.
As the night drew to a close, you found yourself wrapped in their arms, the warmth of their affection cocooning you. You realized that, despite the initial panic, this unexpected turn of events had only strengthened the bond between you.
With their love and unwavering support, the fear dissipated, replaced by an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family that was already coming together—a family built on love, understanding, and the shared joy of welcoming a new life into their world.
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south-of-heaven · 11 months
Buddy x Fem! Reader x Rhea: reader is obsessed with self-care like face/hair/hands and cuticles/feet masks, under eye patches, eye pads, jade rollers etc and they always find her with all these on her body and always scares her partners with her monster looking face?
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I mean something like this
Self care || Rhea Ripley x Reader x Buddy Matthews
Summary: You always manage to scare Buddy with your face masks.
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It was one of those evenings when you decided to pamper your skin with an elaborate skincare routine. Face masks, jade rollers, and gua-sha tools were spread across the bathroom counter like a cosmetic battlefield. You were in your element, navigating through the beauty rituals with a sense of reverence.
The door creaked open, and in walked Buddy, oblivious to the self-care extravaganza awaiting him. As he turned the corner into the bathroom, he was met with a sight that almost made him jump out of his skin — your face adorned with a vibrant, slightly ominous face mask.
"Bloody hell, what in the world?" Buddy exclaimed, his hand involuntarily clutching his heart.
You turned to face him, a mix of amusement and satisfaction evident even through the mask. "Just giving my skin some love, Babe. Scared you again, huh?"
Buddy shook his head, still recovering from the shock. "Every damn time, love. I never expect it, and every time you manage to give me a heart attack."
Rhea, drawn by the commotion, strolled in, sensing the familiar scene. "What's going on here?"
You gestured dramatically to your face, "The usual. Buddy getting scared by my skincare routine."
Rhea burst into laughter, a deep, hearty sound that filled the room. "You'd think he'd be used to it by now."
Buddy, regaining his composure, rolled his eyes. "One of these days, I'm going to get used to it. Maybe."
The banter continued as you went back to your skincare ritual, this time under the amused gaze of both Rhea and Buddy. Despite the initial shock, there was an unspoken appreciation for your commitment to self-care, even if it came with the occasional jump scare.
As the masks worked their magic, you all found yourselves in the heart of one of those everyday moments that defined your relationship — a mix of laughter, love, and the shared acknowledgment that sometimes, the path to radiant skin might involve a few startling surprises.
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south-of-heaven · 11 months
Buddy x Rhea x reader
Reader is afraid how buddy and Rhea will react to her scars from her previous relationship
Rhea and buddy comfort reader
Her ex would hit her
Scars of your past || Rhea Ripley x Reader x Buddy Matthews
Summary: You've been afraid to show Rhea and Buddy your scars. You're tired of hiding them now.
Warnings: Mentions of past physical and mental abuse and an abusive relationship.
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The scars from your past relationship were more than just physical; they had left indelible marks on your soul. The mental wounds ran deep, and every time you undressed in front of Rhea and Buddy, fear gnawed at you. You knew they loved you, but you couldn't help but worry about how they would react when they saw the scars that marred your body, the brutal reminders of your past.
One evening, as you prepared to change into your pajamas, you could feel the anxiety building in your chest. Rhea and Buddy were in the room, chatting about their day, but your mind was far away. You'd kept your scars hidden for so long, but you were tired of hiding, tired of pretending like they didn't exist.
With trembling hands, you started to unbutton your shirt, revealing the telltale marks of abuse. Rhea and Buddy fell silent, their eyes fixated on your body. You felt exposed, vulnerable, but you needed them to see. You needed them to understand.
When Rhea finally spoke, her voice was filled with compassion. "Darling, we love you. We'd never hurt you. Those scars, they don't define you. You're so much more than your past."
Buddy nodded in agreement, his expression fierce and protective. "We're here for you, always. We'll never let anyone hurt you like that again."
Their words were like a soothing balm for your soul. You started to cry, not out of pain, but out of relief. Rhea and Buddy approached you, wrapping you in their warm embrace. They kissed your scars, one by one, as if to erase the memory of the pain they held. It was a silent promise, a commitment to love and protect you, and to ensure that your scars would never define your future.
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