#buggy sama
Please please please 🥺🙏 do a cute fluff fanfiction of Buggy! If not that cool too.
*whispering* if I could be oh so selfish, please do xchubbyreader
Hope you like it😅
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A blind date…
Buggy wasn’t told much by Shanks about who he was meeting, all he knew was this person had a treasure map and that’s all he needed to know. He made sure to dress well and arrived at the meeting point only to see that it was a dive bar that he hadn’t been to in years.
“What the hell?! I hope that stupid Shanks isn’t wasting my time or I’m gonna kick his ass…”, he said as he huffed and fixed his hat before making his way to the front bar, “Hey, I’m meeting someone here…”, he said with the most intimidating voice he could muster.
The bartender recognized him immediately and had someone take him to the booth in the back where someone was already waiting for him, “…your date is already here”. Buggy smirked and followed proudly until he heard the word ‘date’ and his jaw almost dropped when he noticed who was waiting for him.
He blushed brightly as he tried to keep it together and took a seat, “…oh…hi…I’m…”, he stammered.
“The great Buggy-sama….I know, Shanks told me about you already but he didn’t tell me you were so handsome…I guess he wanted me to see that for myself…”, Y/N said with a smile before ordering some drinks for them.
He chuckled nervously like a teenage boy that he even completely forgot about the treasure map!
“…oh stop…I didn’t know you were going to be such a sight to behold either…”, he said gently.
“…that’s the whole point of a blind date I guess…but its kind of exciting, don’t you think?”, Y/N asked gently with a little smile.
“Yeah…that’s true…”, he said before realizing what he just heard, “…A BLIND DATE?!”. He then realized that he said that all too loud that his limbs had moved out of place momentarily and that might have scared Y/N but instead all he got was a cute laugh in response from them.
Buggy couldn’t help but smile and sink deeper into his seat, what was this strange warm feeling growing inside his chest, he leaned in a little closer to Y/N.
“…so…tell me more about yourself…”, he’d finally say and this conversation would last several hours and drinks later before they would head out of the bar…just enjoying each others’ company.
“Say, Buggy…would you like to go out another time with me?”, Y/N asked as they cuddled his arm and leaned against him as they walked under the moonlight.
He blushed even more and leaned against them, “Yes…I’m free tomorrow…and the rest of my life”, he said with a hiccup.
Y/N laughed in response and kissed his nose, “…you’re so cute…it’s a date then”.
Buggy smiled happily like a love-sick puppy, “…it’s a date…”.
((If you want a part 2, let me know))
Part 2
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ortofosforico · 2 years
I am 100% sure that Buggy's bombs are actually the real deal like, magnesium bombs and chloridric acid and whatnot; but everyone is so extra, magic or strong af that they're not even slightly affected.
Caesar Clown will go ahead and create a gas made out of who knows what deadly, inimmaginabile combination, while Buggy will follow the rules of chemistry and experience a stroke, like-
Any character outside the East Blue:"Meh"
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gorutin-blog · 2 months
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One Piece Manga Coloring 🎨
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suguruuuuu-chan · 1 month
The giant egg on the Oro was a metaphor for Shanks and Buggy btw
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Common Xam L
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kiwipropaganda · 7 months
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Female Buggy and her variants!
It's supposed to be "obey to Buggy sama"
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sporesgalaxy · 9 months
Hi Im a language nerd. I have for you a list of ways Pierre and Buggy could address each other in english & japanese bc I love stupid nicknames &etc.
I rely on cross referencing a few online translators bc I dont actually speak jp....... but i did my best 👍
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Buggy to Pierre:
間抜けなムカデ manukena mukade (stupid centipede) [fun alliteration!]
ピエロ君 Piero-kun (as in Pierrot) [too easy to pass up the Pierrot thing. as normal as it gets.]
間抜け君 Manuke-kun (you idiot/ Chucklehead) [sounds kind of like Mukade-kun]
ムカデ君 Mukade-kun (Centipede-kun) [sounds kind of like Manuke-kun]
ムカデちゃん Mukade-chan (Centipede-chan) [usually being sarcastic while pointing out the bug form is creepy]
間抜けちゃん Manuke-chan (Chucklehead-chan) [usually fucking with him]
ピエロちゃん Piero-chan (Pierrot-chan) [trying too hard to be cute because he wants something.]
Pierre to Buggy:
船長 senchou (captain) [early on pre-timeskip, Pierre sometimes forgets Buggy's name. This is why he calls Buggy Captain despite Pierre's insistance he's not on the crew.]
ドケノ船長 Dokeno-senchou (Captain The Clown) [As if "Doke no"/"The Clown" is Buggy's last name-- superficially respectful, but truly ridiculous]
バギー船長 Bagi-senchou (Captain Buggy) [being  more serious than when using Dokeno]
ドケノ様 Dokeno-sama (Mr. The Clown, sir) [respectful & ridiculous]
ドケノ先輩 Dokeno-senpai (Mr. The Clown) [respectful & ridiculous, but now Pierre admits he sees Buggy as a helpful Senpai.]
バギー様 Bagi-sama (Lord Buggy) [most people address Warlord / Emperor Buggy this way]
バギー先輩 Bagi-senpai (Buggy-senpai) [Not even the Dokeno name joke to make the senpai honorific seem potentially ironic anymore!]
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michelmims · 1 year
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Happy bday Buggyl!! 💙 BUGGY-SAMA 💙🤡🔪 [ 2/6 six fanart, part 2 ] Shares are appreciated 💖
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 1 year
Emperor buggy-sama is as powerful as ever in the live action with his Advanced Conqueror's Haki infused CHOP CHOP CANNOOOON
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I have a thing for clowny men so I have the hots for Perospero, Caesar and Buggy 🤡🤡 they're older too 🥵
Perospero is kinda cool, I ain’t gonna lie! I see the appeal!
Caesar is so funny!
But…Buggy-sama👏is 👏everything👏👏👏 he is TOO good for my hotties list! I could never even imagine being in his league!😍😍😍
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ortofosforico · 2 years
You know you've followed One Piece for enough time when this is the progressing curve of your waifus (genderless):
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And maybe him. Y-know, the Himbos.
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Which quickly evolves into HER.
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And I wanna say Franky, but I don't know.
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THEN OFC MY SWEET CHEESE, MY HOMEBOY, MY ROTTEN SOLDIER. He and Franky would be the only ones allowed to switch between waifu and husbando in the list.
But the ultimate waifu
The waifu that goes BEYOND puny human desires
The real deal of One Piece-
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I rest my case.
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ideas-4-stories · 1 year
All I have to say is that Buggy became a Warlord, which in that sometimes are sent to do bidding for the World Government.
All I see is Buggy doing something like Lloyd from The Greatest Estate Developer, because every Warlord had to do somethings for the World Government. Now all I can see is Buggy crying like Lloyd with another world government agent. Stopping when the doors open, and from there chaos has been unleashed upon that island.
Just imagine if he got a special thing that was endless money, to fuck with that shitty ruler. Because maybe they total disrespected him. And you know Buggy, he will take it personal. He'll be like:
Oh, you're goanna disrespect me or/and my crew? *laughs* that's not goanna happened again. ~ Oh, you don't care? *laughs* well you will. He finds every flaw this ruler has with their ruling and just mine at it.
Oh, you don't have enough clean water? *Has people built an amazing water channel(s) that are sourced with clear water for the people. Using the object that has all the money of kingdom*
Oh, you having shitty farming, because of the soil isn't good anymore or [some other reason]? *Buys things for more agriculture to the island(s), buying things that will help people understand what they need to do to make the most of their island without destroying it*
Oh, most of you can't read or write? *Precedes to buy things to build schools for all ages, as well as paying people from other places to come a teach them all for a good pay (better than they had before)*
Then for funnies, give some kids that lived on the streets some of the most expensive and most useful businesses. Getting them very loyal bodyguards to keep them safe and getting them things so they know what they are doing, so schooling for their new businesses.
Buggy loves using other people's money more than his own, bonus is that he's fucking over some royals because they think they're better than him. No one is better than Buggy-Sama!!!
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gumbleboy · 1 year
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The Strawhats when they pull up at Raftel and Buggy-Sama is already there
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hattafan2593 · 1 year
Buggy x Reader Fic Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
A month had passed, and Crocodile and Mihawk kept true to their word. Outside of insults and cold remarks, they left their "leader" unscathed.
And it was driving Buggy absolutely bonkers.
He was so certain that they were planning something, that they were plotting his assassination.
It admittedly wasn't outside the realm of possibility, but you found it unlikely. While they were certainly more powerful, Buggy had more clout, and his followers were in the hundreds if not thousands. Killing him now would only result in a riot that would no doubt set whatever plans they had back considerably.
This combined with your leverage over the two made you certain that your paranoid boyfriend had nothing to fear.
Buggy was, unfortunately, not convinced.
Currently, he was pacing up and down your shared tent. His feet were disconnected from his body and they frantically shuffled after him as he floated in mid-air.
"I'm dead! I'm done for! They're planning something I just know it!"
"Did you see the way that guy was looking at me?! He's working for them, I know he is! They somehow got one of my crew to spy on me!"
"Gasp! What if they're spying on us right now?! They could've planted bugs all over this tent! Quick, help me look!"
"Red nose."
You grabbed Buggy by the nose and pulled him towards you, so he was looking you in the eye.
"You finished?"
"Uh-huh." came his nasally reply.
You let go of his nose and cupped his cheeks. "Buggy. Mihawk and Crocodile aren't trying to kill you."
"But how do you know that?!"
You smirked. "Trust me. They wouldn't dare. Not if they know what's good for them."
Buggy blinked in confusion.
You placed your hands on your hips. "Let's just say that those two underestimated just how loyal one your followers could be, and they were given an offer they couldn't refuse."
Buggy stared for a couple of minutes, then burst out into laughter.
"Gyahahahahaha! Serves you right, ya bastards! That's what you get for messing with the great and powerful Buggy-sama!"
He suddenly stopped, his eyes darting back and forth. "But uh, don't tell them I said that, ok?"
"Mum's the word, dear heart."
Buggy let out a great sigh, then plopped on the bed next to you. "Ya know, I really owe that guy a huge one. I outta pay'im back somehow. A feast? A bigger cut of treasure? Whatta you think?"
Your smirk turned into a sly grin. "Oh, I can think of one thing they'd appreciate."
"Yeah? What iMMMPH!"
Buggy's question was smothered by the sudden kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you both fell backwards onto the bed.
And so, Cross Guild was flourishing.
Mihawk and Crocodile still ran things for the most part, but publicly, they kowtowed to Buggy. Well, as much as their pride would allow at any rate.
Buggy, for his part, was content to let them do as they pleased so long as they kept up appearances and didn't try to hurt him. Which you thought was wise - provoking them unnecessarily might cause them to throw caution to the wind and lash out.
Interestingly, Buggy's crew had begun sucking up to him again. They obviously saw a shift in dynamics between the three company heads and were trying to get back in his good graces.
You knew deep down that Buggy would forgive them...after he watched them squirm for a little bit first.
You, on the other hand, made it abundantly clear that they were all on very thin ice, Galdino especially. You told him, in no uncertain terms, that if he ever pulled a stunt like that again, he would be serving Crocodile, all right...as lunchmeat for his bananawani.
Overall, though, things were going well. Buggy had decided to pull you out of the field and keep you close to base. You suspected it was to keep Mihawk and Crocodile in line, though he claimed otherwise.
You didn't mind; this just meant you had more time to spend with your boyfriend. It had been a while since your last date, and you were looking forward to it.
You would occasionally cross paths with Buggy's "partners". They would glare at you with deadly intent, and you would sweetly smile back, knowing that you had their balls in a vice and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.
Honestly, they had no one to blame but themselves. After all, it was only natural for a pirate to try and protect their most precious treasure.
The end.
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crossguildmerch · 11 months
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Will you take Chairman Buggy-sama's hand? A sneak peek at the bookmark by @joudoodles ⚔️
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buggy-zine · 1 year
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Flashy news for all the Buggy lovers out there 🤡❤ Our show starts out its journey with an interest check in 1 month 🎪 Follow us for more updates, and join the crew on our socials 🎈 Questions to Buggy-sama can be asked through our Curious Cat or the askbox here on Tumblr 🔴
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