#building is not fun for me in blender
tricoufamily · 6 months
woke up missing blood sports so much i literally started using this screenwriting software to write it
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simphic · 1 year
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The way I'm just up randomly shit posting but the way I wanna redo Yas' apartment...literally I'm still in the makings of making it??? But I want to go for a more darker maximalism vibe. I really love the vibe of their apartment now like it's so somewhat 70s esque but with a modern twist. I tried to capture a chicago "loft" in the art district..thank you candy man. So honestly I may just go with the vibe in my head for Luna's house since she's NYC bound and Yas resides in Chicago...thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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applecoreart · 8 months
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+BST Project: I designed the abandoned apartment Crane is hiding out in using references pulled from properties in NYC via real estate sites. I mashed together apartment layouts I liked and made a blueprint. Still, it’s difficult to grasp scale and proportion in a flat blueprint, especially when drawing backgrounds, so I made a rough 3D blueprint in CSP using primitives and a character model scaled to Crane’s 6'4" height as reference.
It's really helpful to see the whole setting like this and quickly test out camera positions. I’m excited to build more of these for other locations in the future– I had a lot of fun and they’re really satisfying to build and look at :)
Posting just some WIP teaser images for now so people can see what I’ve been up to. At some point I plan to use this model to paint an above shot blueprint with all the textures, features, and furniture as a reference for painting backgrounds.
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cuideag · 1 year
i think i busted my 3d printer hot end trying to replace a nozzle (tip: a wrench is better than a pair of pliers when you need to grip something in a way that it cannot be wiggled around!) so i got a replacement one, which arrived with a huge kink in the tubing that filament can't pass through, so i guess i'm just going to replace/upgrade the tubing too while my poor machine is out of commission because at this point i might as well
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l0stw00d · 9 days
I'm currently balancing my cotl hyperfixation with a burgeoning satisfactory hyperfixation and a rapidly approaching minecraft hyperfixation and an unrelated omegaverse hyperfixation also. I'm also ignoring the project I was hyperfixated on a couple weeks ago but I'm my defence that's because I'm flared up and working on it rn is a Bad Idea.
All that is to say I have many many many thoughts and none of them are coherent enough to Do anything with and my body is continuing to betray me. So maybe I'll just play more satisfactory.
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sk1ttl3z · 2 years
Showed my friend a few doodles I did on whitebardfox yesterday and he goes (not word for word)
Also these look really good!!"
And I'm sitting here sobbing and crying /pos I am so happy I know this man
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sorrowfulrosebud · 11 months
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𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: angst
𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: in which Katsuki sees you get rid of a scrap book you planned to give him after he broke up with you
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The breakup was… rough to say the least. You supposed it could have been described as a perfect mirror image to your relationship to begin with; the crushing pain of Katsuki being Katsuki.
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Katsuki cracked his knuckles loudly from outside of the Heights Alliance building as he waited in the cold for you. Everyone was out doing something with the group, and Katsuki could not have been more quietly grateful. Even though he was going to rip your beating heart straight out of your body, he wanted you to maintain the dignity and pride that he had originally fallen in love with.
It wasn’t like Katsuki had woke up that morning and decided that he was going to break up with you; months of inner self-depreciation crept into his thoughts day by day, alongside the crippling realisation of his ex-victim’s strength and progress. The weight of his existence was slowly crashing around him, and he needed all of his attention for his strength.
Unfortunately, that meant cutting away dead weight.
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Your happy humming could be heard as you wandered your way to your boyfriend. Your face lightened at the sight of him, before your smile drops at his scowl.
“Hi, Suki! Is everything alright?” You asked him worriedly, head tilted to the side. Katsuki’s scowl deepened, causing you to reach out to him.
“Suki please, you’re starting to worry me,” your voice rang through his ears as his hand locked around your wrist before it could reach his fluffy locks. There was a long pause as you retracted your hand, staring wildly at your boyfriend’s face.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he sneered. If he was going to break your heart, he had to rip it out and shove it in the blender. Your eyebrows furrowed as you took your hand back.
“Katsuki, I-,” you were interrupted by Katsuki.
“Don’t fucking call me that either,” he grunted, shoving his hand in his pocket. Tears threatened to prick at your eyes.
“I’m breaking this thing up. It’s not worth my time at all. I’m training to be the number one hero, so I have no time to waste on other useless shit,” his gaze steeled, no ounce of insincerity to be detected. His words cut deep like a sword, your knees feeling weak as tears cling to your lashes.
“Y-you don’t mean that,” you sniffed. Katsuki let out a gruff laugh.
“Don’t I? Look, I guess it was fun when it started, but my priorities haven’t changed. You were just a distraction, something I could put my mind to. I’m not wasting any more time on you, so just leave me alone. I don’t care what you do, or who you get with. Just don’t fucking talk to me anymore, got it?”
His strength was impressive, you thought. How he could say such horrible things to you without buckling or feeling barbed wire dig into his throat. You could only stare at him with tears in your eyes, before shakily nodding. You turned at your heels and unsteadily walked off, before delving into a run back to the dorms.
Katsuki waited until you left. And he waited. And he waited. Until your sobs could no longer be heard. His body shook, before hushed hiccups and cries left his lips. His exhausted body slumped against the wall, shaky hands knuckling at his wet eyes. Well, his dirty deed was done.
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Life afterwards was rough for you. After being together for 10 months, your daily routine stung in ways you didn’t know was possible. You found yourself stopping during tasks you had grown unconscious to; you had to stop texting him during the day. Even just the silly thoughts in your head couldn’t be translated in a text to him.
You could only make protein shakes for one now. Laundry loads grew lighter, snack trips became quicker and physical touch with others withdrew exponentially. For the next month, you rotted in your dorm. You ate when Mina would bring you food, her hugging you tightly and angrily grumbling about how much of a dick her friend was.
You managed to stumble to class when you didn’t oversleep the day away. Insomnia plagued you like the Black Death, tossing and turning as you tearfully mourned the relationship you lost. You arrived to class way later than your ex would, avoiding all eye contact even though you were deskmates. (You soon requested a seat change).
Aizawa had had enough when you stumbled late to his lesson for the 5th time, demanding you stay back after class. You gulped and felt your cheeks heat up, embarrassed that your teacher called you out.
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The bell for the end of class sounded, bringing you out of your daze.
“(L/N), stay behind please,” came the tired drone of Mr Aizawa. Mina offered you a smile and a rub on the back as she walked off with Kirishima, throwing you a sympathetic look when she left.
Mr Aizawa cleared his throat as he signalled for you to take a seat in front of his desk. He continued marking some papers as his onyx eyes slightly looked at you.
“Your grades are slipping. You’re arriving late to class. You’re avoiding… certain classmates. If you’re struggling, I’d recommend telling me now and continuing the course. If not, pack your bags and take your grievances elsewhere. We’re training heroes, so you need to be exemplary,” he said bluntly, eyes flickering back to his paper.
You sniffled a little, rubbing your eyes.
“I’m sorry, Mr Aizawa. I’ll be better,” you promised dully, wiping your eyes on a tissue. His eyes looked back at you.
“I’m not an idiot. I can tell that you and Bakugou have come to some sort of disagreement. If it can get sorted, I would recommend making up as soon as possible-,” he starts.
“We broke up. He… he dumped me. He said such… horrible things to me. About me,” you whimpered, face screwed up as you clutched your uniform. Aizawa stopped writing before putting down his pen.
“I-I know I’m not exactly as composed as Todoroki, or as fast as Iida or as smart as Yaomomo, but I thought there was something about me that he liked. It just hurts how quickly he discarded me. I’m sorry for disturbing your lessons Mr Aizawa, it won’t happen again,” you quietly cried as you sunk your head in shame.
Only to lift your teary head as Mr Aizawa’s large hand encompassed your scalp. He looked at you with slight concern as you wiped your eyes.
“While it’s true that some of your classmates have advantages that you do not, a real hero doesn’t sell themselves short. Where Todoroki is composed, you’re bubbly and outgoing. Although Iida is fast, he often lacks the ability to let loose and enjoy the small things. And yes, Yaoyorozu is a prodigy student due to private schooling, but you put in the hard work and reap the rewards” his words soothed you as he softly rubbed your head.
“A real hero wouldn’t let someone who had to be chained up at the sports festival make them cry. So don’t sell yourself short. That boy has been in far too many detentions to have the nerve to point out your shortcomings,” he finished, removing his hand and gently pressing his fist into your shoulder.
“Understand me? I’ll let this incident pass if you can prove to me that you can put in the rest of the work and be a hero that everyone can put their faith in.”
The tears returned, but for a completely different reason. You quickly hugged Aizawa, his face immediately shifting into one of discomfort before gingerly patting your back. He let out his signature sly grin.
“Besides, if he tries anything, I can always say to Gang Orca that he needs more classes at the provisional licensing centre.”
You smiled at your home room teacher.
“Thank you Mr Aizawa,” you said, releasing him. He let out a small cough.
“Thank me with your actions. Tell anyone I let you hug me and it’s detention for the next month, understand?” He grilled you.
“I understand sir,” you giggled.
“Now go find Ashido, I can smell her anticipation from here,” he instructed.
“Yes sir.”
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After Mr Aizawa’s curt but helpful words, you aimed on self improvement. You focused on bettering a routine, sleeping more and eating healthier. Days you would have spent rotting in bed were forced into activities with your classmates.
The breakup still stung like a knife, but it was easier to manage and slowly dwindled down to a papercut. You hadn’t talked to your ex in 2 months, only sly glances when he wasn’t looking.
Unbeknownst to you, Katsuki was absolutely miserable. Seeing you rot and struggle to cope absolutely murdered him inside knowing that he was the person who ripped your heart out, and that he couldn’t stitch it back together. He managed to keep his own composure, training even harder to avoid seeing you or bumping into you.
He nearly passed out from training, he was overworking so hard. It was his own fault, he knew that. He just couldn’t work past his issues with you there; you didn’t deserve to be at the end of his shitty stick.
The pride he felt when you started cleaning yourself up and interacting more with your classmates made his chest swell. You looked so much more beautiful and radiant; the person he fell in love with.
And dumped.
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“Stupid fucking Sparky, gettin’ sick and makin’ me do his chores,” Katsuki grumbled, arms overflowing with bin bags as he stumbled to the large bins. It had been 2 months since your breakup. Or, even worse; your 1 year anniversary.
His heart was absolutely wrecked, but he could now slide quick glances to you without fear of you looking at him. He was so proud that you were able to overcome his asshole behaviour, and hopefully swallow any more feelings that you had about him. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of sniffling.
He peeked his head around the corner, dropping the bin bags as quietly as he could. His eyes widened. You were stood near the incinerator, a thick book wedged in your hands.
Tears slowly trickled down your face as you looked at the book. A small smile appeared as you thumbed the cover.
“I… I thought we would have made it. I don’t know, I thought it was all going so well. I know I’ll never probably understand what was going through your head that day, but… it’s time to let go of the past,” you say quietly, rubbing your teary eyes as you open the incinerator door.
“I loved you, god fucking damnit! More than I think I could have ever loved anyone! I suppose a small part of me always will now, though. I just thought we had a better chance. Happy one year anniversary, Katsuki,” you finish as you let out a sob, throwing the book into the furnace. You ran off before checking that the book was fully inside the furnace, slamming the door and running back inside.
Katsuki waited until your steps made no noise, before running forward and pulling the book from the furnace. It was a scrapbook; the book was ridiculously chunky, with glitter glue and doodles smothering the outside, as well as stickers from your combined favourite TV shows. The furnace had charred a large chunk of the book, the smell permeating his nose.
Then he saw your names scrawled neatly in cursive. His heart started to thud as he thumbed the pages.
Polaroid photos of you on dates were plastered neatly on the pages; some photos he remembered, others he had no recollection of. Movie ticket stubs, post it notes with cute messages detailing your affections, stickers you gifted each other, silly photos from photo booths that you dragged him into.
Each page was a flash of white-hot pain. There were photos of him during a festival winning you a fish from a difficult carnival game, his eyes smoked beautifully with eyeliner as he grinned (and won the fish). He wonders if you still had it.
Another photo of his birthday party. The two of you had snuck off to your favourite spot in the woods, where he found that you had created your own picnic spot with a spread of his favourite foods. Photos of shy hand-holding, of him resting in your lap and vice versa.
Katsuki was struggling to see the paper for the tears he tried so desperately to blink away before reaching the last page. A whole page was filled with your writing, and Katsuki had to knuckle his eyes to read it.
Dearest Katsuki,
Wow, a year already! I’m so happy that we’ve come so far, my love. I’m so indebted to you for everything that you’ve done for me; helped me with training, putting up with me, hell even just being there for me.
I know I’m not exactly the easiest to get along with, I know I’m easily excitable and not exactly quiet. I love and appreciate that you can listen to me and not get bored, just as I do with you.
Training to be a hero is hard work, so I’m so thankful that you’ve chosen to take your journey with me, even though you’re training so hard to become number one.
I love you more than words can ever describe; you’re the reason I wake up everyday. I adore you, and I hope we can have many more years together kicking ass and beating Deku >o<
Lots and lots and lots of love,
Your (N/N)
Katsuki couldn’t stop the tears that trickled down his face. Reading your words of quiet insecurity, thanking him for things that he threw right back into your face like you were nothing made his heart ache so badly.
He clutched the scrapbook to his chest tightly, sending silent but desperate apologies to you as his head sunk to the floor. Guttural cries escaped him as his choices swirled through his head. The scrapbook’s cover buckled due to the force of his grip as he sobbed his heart out.
Months of self deprecation caught up to him as he craved your touch; he wanted you to hear him, to turn around and hold him tightly to your chest and never ever let go ever again. He needed your sweet affirmations as you played with his hair; “my number one hero,” you would croon as you hugged your tired boyfriend.
His stupid pride got in his way once again, and he finally came to the one conclusion he should have met those 2 fateful months ago.
He couldn’t do this without you.
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The trip back to Heights Alliance was a painful one, but Mina hugged away your issues as soon as she saw your misty orbs.
“I’m so proud of you for doing this bestie. You deserve so much better. It’s time to let go of the past,” she told you softly, pink hair tickling your face. You smiled at your best friend.
“Thank you for everything Mina, I really mean it,” you sniffle, wiping your nose and taking a deep breath. You let go of your friend as you smiled at her.
“I think I’m gonna go for a nap, training was super rough today,” you told her, squeezing her hand as she squeezes back.
“Okay, let me know if you need anything. Sleep well, and I’ll let you know when dinner’s ready,” Mina promised, giving you one last hug.
You gave her a wan smile as you walked to your dorm room, throwing a pained look at your exes room. You shook your head as you unlocked the door and got changed into some comfy clothes. Tired bones sunk onto your bed as you let out a sigh.
“It’s time to let go of the past,” you murmur as you fell asleep. As soon as you were about to beat Shigaraki to a pulp, a loud knocking on your door pulled you from your dream.
The knocking was quiet at first, then grew louder, more desperate. You thought it was Mina, and that you had skipped dinner.
You let out a tired laugh, getting out of bed and redoing your hair.
“Okay, okay Mina, I’m coming-“ your voice was cut short as you opened the door, seeing a disgruntled ex staring at the floor.
Clutched tightly in his hand was the scrapbook, as you looked on in shock. How did he get it?! He wasn’t there when you- oh fuck.
Katsuki raised his head, volcanic eyes plagued with tears as he wildly searched your face. He gingerly reached for your hand before sinking to his knees, placing your hand on his face.
“P-please take me back. I know I was a dick, but I’m willing to show you all of my vulnerabilities. Please baby,” he raised his head again.
“I can’t live without you.”
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knownoshamc · 1 month
how I think want 70s-80s Devil's Minion is going to be (unpopular?). An essay, by me. (edit: apparently I do have to make it clear that these are all my own headcanons and I'm aware that they are not a healthy couple)
The "chase" lasts a couple of months instead of years
they start as the popular fucked up sex
Armand takes Daniel on a hunt, to show him how he plays with his food sometimes, how look I could be doing the same to you. But Daniel very loudly thinks fuck that's hot
Daniel starts picking up on how Armand behaves during sex (even how dissociates sometimes), since most of the time it's when and how Daniel wants (the normal thing for Armand). He starts checking on him more, like you sure, we can do something else // are you comfortable with that? // are you okay? it's just sex for them, sure, but there is this change.
but... they also start dating. once, for fun, they are curious. more dating. Dates are Armand using his mind gift so they have the restaurant by themselves. Taking Daniel to the top of a building so he can have the best view. Museums, galleries, movies...
And Armand brings him flowers, chocolates and poetry and Daniel playfully rolls his eyes and then giggles and kisses him and he even keeps the now dried flowers. Daniel returns the favour, and Armand looks at him as if he brought him the most exquisite and most expensive gift in the world.
Daniel makes Armand laugh for the first time (Armand smiles, smirks even grins, but he doesn't easily laugh) and Daniel realizes he is in love with him. He loves how Armand can be ruthless, cruel, cold with the humans he hunts before giving them an easeful death. He loves how excited with simple things like a phone, a microwave, a blender. How he lets his mask slip sometimes (more and more as time passes) and he sees the real him, the vulnerable side he rarely shows, the anger towards the world he thinks he doesn't deserve to feel.
Armand realises he is in love with Daniel earlier, in little moments, like how human Daniel is and how for the first time in centuries that is fascinating and not indifferent. And he loves Daniel because of how excited he is when he writes something or when he wants to read to Armand an interesting book/article/something he wrote, how clever he is, how he can be cold and compassionate at the same time...
And they talk about little and big things, from a good restaurant that Armand saw pass from generation to generation, to philosophy. And Armand reads Daniel's mind to see if his mind wanders and... Daniel is fully invested. Like I love getting to know you, how you think, what you think, who you are, tell me all about you. And Armand does. He tells Daniel the most.
they are in love and explore the world together and all its fascination and simplicity, and they are really happy.
but... Daniel doesn't want this to end, he wants to stay young forever, he wants to spend forever with Armand. How can't Armand see that this is not just because Daniel wants to be with him for eternity?
Armand sees how his own darkness but lure Daniel in... a bit too much. How he thinks that watching someone die and getting a life is the same thing, how he romanticises vampirism. How maybe he focuses on Armand a lot, and misses a deadline at work. A work that he loves. Maybe one day he catches a fleeting thought of Daniel wanting children someday. But he doesn't bring it up right away. He doesn't want to lose him. And he just can't understand how Daniel can love him unconditionally.
Then Daniel proposes to him in Paris. He has a ring and a romantic little speech to go along with it. But does it really mean he loves him? Or that he wants for Armand to make him a vampire? Isn't that what marriage is, after all, a promise of forever? How can Daniel just love him? So he says no.
Daniel is hurt, he is angry that Armand doesn't really trust his love and he tells him that yeah maybe he does want kids, a family, normality. And maybe a part of him does. They break up.
Daniel meets a girl, Alice. He doesn't fall in love, she doesn't really fall in love either, but they like each other. They get together. She gets pregnant.
Daniel needs Armand's blood (he needs Armand) but he can't have that, so he turns to his old comfort, drugs. It gets bad, he goes back to Armand, asking to get back together, asking for his blood, Armand says no and Daniel storms off to get his high somewhere else. He comes back a couple of days later, apologising and promising he won't ever do it again, he will really get clean this time. Again. And again. Until he comes very close to overdosing, and Armand takes care of him until he can actually go to a rehab facility, even though Daniel just begs him for his blood, to just turn him or let him die.
And this time, he knows what to do. Daniel can't have his normal life if Armand is still in his mind. So he just... erases it all. It's the only way. He couldn't see another way. And Daniel understands what Armand intends to do and he is crying, asking him not to do it, that he can get over this on his own, but Armand doesn't trust him, so he just tries to calm him down, telling him how great his life is going to be, with a brilliant career, a family... happiness. An easeful breakup.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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plumadot · 2 months
Can I see more of your builds on your server? Especially exteriors it’s so inspiring for me
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of course gkjfkdgj i hope this won't be too long but i'd love to show off my little area
i built real close to spawn because i made farms that i wanted to be accessible to everyone... and i wanted to be there in case new people enter the server :D
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my house/storage. it's too small. i need to make a bigger storage system asap. at one point some folks built a big blender on top of the tower gfjdgkjfg also yes that is a tiny jimmy behind the house we'll get back to him soon
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bamboo farm!!! it's terribly inefficient but it looks pretty!!!!!!!!!! all the barrels around the farm are filled with bamboo and anyone can take however much they want :D we do a little communism
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honey farm!!! the redstone breaks constantly but it's ok it works too well anyway. i love watching the bees. i wish people would take more honeycomb i have too much of it
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juice bar!!! yeah that's the blender that was originally on my house i repurposed it!!! also made this whole build simply because i managed to put a custom model into the game gkfjkg
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spawn nether portal!!! not much to say about it i'm just happy i was allowed to decorate it because i had a VISION(tm)
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couple of bots and my tiny lava farm :D first bot just walks around. the second guards my house. the third spreads ehhh pollen or something. the fourth makes music :D i care them very much
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moss farm!!!!!!!!! i tried to make it sorta look like a lab? it's hard to make round shapes in the block game but i keep trying every time hehe
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my magnum opus?????? i love this windmill. it has no function other than bubble elevator into the mines. i just think it's pretty
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robot factory!!! also no function!!! just lore(?)!!!!! i like the colours so very much...
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my smelter setup :D it's meant to be used by everyone but it's a little bit tucked away gfkjdgk i hope people can find it
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and last but not least: some guys. just some little dudes. vibing (jimmy was initially made for me as a little gift so i gave him his rancher...)
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that's my area :D this was fun actually i think maybe i can do a server tour eventually to show off everyone else's cool builds too :O !!!!!!!
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twinsimming · 2 years
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Yoga Mod by Twinsimming & Alunn 🧘🏾‍♀️
This mod brings the yoga activity from The Sims 4: Spa Day to The Sims 3. Originally created by Alunn, I recently took over to add additional features and bring it to release!
This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.
New Object: Yoga Mat
4 New Interactions
49 Converted Animations
10 Yoga Poses
Entertainment -> Sporting Goods
The Perfect Yoga Mat: two channels | §130 |
Zen Again Yoga Mat: two channels | §125 |
| All TS4 presets included and base game compatible |
The yoga mat is draggable in Live Mode and can be placed in a sim’s personal or family inventory.
Yoga Mat
Using any of the yoga mat interactions will build the Athletic skill (except for Children), though some more slowly than others. As your sim’s skill increases, they will learn new yoga poses and improve on their execution of previous ones.
A sim’s Athletic skill also determines how long they can use the mat before becoming Fatigued* (anywhere from 4-7 hours):
Skill Level 1-3 (Poor/Novice): 4 hours
Skill Level 4-6 (Normal): 5 hours
Skill Level 7-9 (Skilled): 6 hours
Skill Level 10 (Expert): 7 hours
*Children will always get Fatigued after 3 hours.
Your sim won’t gain muscle, lose weight, or become more fit from using the mat, but they will fulfill any generic workout related wishes. And sims won’t lose Hygiene as fast as they would using other athletic equipment.
Sims aged Teen and up will switch into their athletic outfit, take off their shoes before using the mat, and put them back on when finished. Children will switch into their athletic outfit, but leave their shoes on.
Pregnant sims can use the mat in any trimester!
Practice Yoga (Child and Up): Raises Athletic skill, gives sims the Tranquil moodlet after 2 hours, small boost to Fun need
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Do Yoga Routine… (Teen and Up):
Stress Relieving (Level 3 Athletic Skill): Boosts Fun need, gives Tranquil moodlet, slowly raises Athletic skill, can be used even when sims have the Stressed moodlet
Mind Balancing (Level 5 Athletic Skill): Boosts Social need, gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill
Energy Centering (Level 7 Athletic Skill): Boosts Energy need. gives Tranquil moodlet, small boost to Fun need, slowly raises Athletic skill
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By default, yoga routines will only boost their specific needs up to half way, so don't think your sims can forgo a good night's rest or talking to a friend in favor of a tree pose or two!
Boat Pose
Bridge Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Half Moon Pose
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Plank Pose
Tree Pose
Triangle Pose
Warrior Pose
Sims with the Athletic skill, Martial Arts skill, Athletic trait, or the Disciplined trait will be drawn to use the mat autonomously. Sims will also be drawn to the mat when it is placed on a Gym, Dojo, or Chinese Garden lot type.
All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML file:
Minutes to Add Fatigued Poor/Novice, Normal, Skilled, and Expert
Minutes to Add Fatigued Child
Minutes to Add Tranquil
Conflicts & Known Issues
- As this is a brand new scripted object, there shouldn’t be any conflicts.
- Teen sims sink a bit into the mat on certain animations because The Sims 4 doesn’t have shorter teens to convert animations from.
- If a laundry basket/washer/dryer has been placed on the lot, when sims take off their shoes to use the yoga mat, a pile of clothing will spawn.
Supported Languages
French (thank you MissPat!)
Brazilian Portuguese (thank you CupcakeLeaf and cabrera80!)  [Added 11/5/22]
European Portuguese (thank you David Manaia!)  [Added 11/8/22]
EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, SmoothJazz, Blender, s3pe, TSRW, Sims4Studio, Milkshape, and Gimp.
Thank You
First and foremost, I want to thank Alunn for kick-starting this mod and allowing me to continue improving it! 
Thank you @greenplumbboblover and @zoeoe-sims for helping with the early programming. Thank you mbottle, Jathom95 and @enable--llamas for being early testers in the beta thread.
And to all of the folks in the Sims 3 Creator Discord who helped me with coding, animations, ideas, and testing: thank you Battery, @flotheory, TheSweetSimmer, and @misspats3​!
Download @ ModTheSims
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ss33hksims · 6 months
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How I Make My Sims in 10 mins +Download included
I would like to show you guys how I create my sims usually. It will be more consistent and time-saving to use presets from our amazing cc creators. Personally I love to use presets but there are limited presets created for male sims. So it usually takes me about half an hour to make a male sims. No matter what, I am not good at in-game screenshot and photo editing, not to mention using Blender, so creating sims is just for fun only. I rarely use for in-game cause the lighting really ruins my sims. I usually just build lots / houses in-game . SO, Don't be stressed! We don't need to be perfect, so do our sims.
No reshade used
Screenshot taken from CAS.
(Continue to view the video and cc list)
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==CC List==
Soft rose B Full body by @northernsiberiawinds
Spotlight by @simandy
Head preset 5 by @northernsiberiawinds
Ear preset 2 by @mmsims
Nose preset 13 by @eunosims
Blush from GPME-GOLD MAKEUP SET by @goppolsme
HAIR 09HQ by @jino-sims
Eyebrow G24 by @goppolsme
Eye preset N1 by @northernsiberiawinds
Eyes 48 by @bunbunzsims1
Eyeliner cc52 by @goppolsme
Eyeshadow from GPME-GOLD MAKEUP SET CC70 by @goppolsme
3D Lashes N3 by @obscurus-sims
Lip presets 012 (I guess) by @lutessasims
Lipstick 14 by @bunbunzsims1
knit bustier top & skirt set by @yuns2ol
Shine Boots by @shoestopia
Classic tights by @magic-bot
Earrings Sofia @enriques4
Sweat Suit Set Bucket Hat by @rimings
Download my sims here (Please make sure you download all the cc above as well)
Please tag me to let me know you are using it.
Let me know if I missed some cc. There are too many, I may have missed.
Thank you for your support!❤️
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autisticlalna · 6 days
don’t have the braincells to do anything with this, so i figure i could just throw this out there for, like. the five people who’d know what this is.
anyway: sbk shadow people au 👀?
a quick recap of what Shadow People AU is: alternate universe where 1.15, on top of everythin else it Actually added, included a poorly-documented new mechanic where you could summon a black-and-yellow shadow copy of yourself. if you killed your shadow you would get a copy of everything you had in your inventory when you summoned it, but it would also be stronger with each death. if a shadow dies enough times, they can evolve to the point of being able to strategize, to build, and to communicate. oops! theyre self-aware!
there's a lot more to it than that, but ill explain as we go. because my favorite thing to do ever is apply this concept to different mcyt series and explore what might happen, and ive been toying with makin a variant for sbk. SO LETS GOOOOOOO
Viking would use his shadow to dupe materials and as an extra hand when buildin farms, so his shadow would develop to be more work-focused i think. zeroes in hard on a task and will not give up until its done. leave him alone he's got Shit To Do. either Viking gives him a cool mythology name, he continues the season nicknamin scheme to match Summertime, or Avid calls him somethin dumb and it sticks.
Vintage gets Antique. bottom text. i can actually just point at Antique as-is and go "yeah that's her shadow" LMAO. recolor the colored bits yellow and give her her eyes back and Antique is good to go. fun fact: the only* thing that can kill a shadow is their summoner or another shadow. run.
(* theres more than that but this post is already pretty long. spau is Big.)
Ruby is probably where we first run into the idea of "entity corruption", because god knows whats going on with Cherruby. basically if you've gotten corrupted by an entity in any way (eg Scar and Cub havin Vex magic, Watcher Grian, Karl Jacobs gettin put in the time travel blender), that bleeds over to your shadow and can cause... problems. i have a lot of thoughts about how this applies to TSMP specifically, but im squintin at Cherruby going what is your deal because there is SOMETHING messin with zhem and whatever it is is gonna mess with xis shadow too.
Avid would not risk havin a shadow. the most obvious reason is bc his shadow would be Super corrupted bc of basically everythin that happened in Nightmares, but the actual reason is that it would look like Avoid and that would freak Avid out too much :,D
rose suggested Marmalade would have the Old Shadows and OOGHGHHHHH FUCK . that goes hard. basically there's an associated dimension called the Shadowlands, and you can royally screw up your shadow's data by goin there before theyve finished forming for the first time. the outcome is a maxed-out shadow with a god complex that is capable of whatever you think its capable of. Marm might've drawn a connection between the Shadowlands and the Void, tried to use it as another way to get down to the Limbo border when the Void wasn't lettin her in, and instead got the Abyss equivalent. probably just named Void because of initially assuming theyre an extension of the Void itself.
Trog would be the runner-up for the Old Shadows, i think, but also they probably thought about it and went "nah" and forgot to warn anyone else that thats a thing. continues the trend with my Trog hcs of lookin perfectly normal and Not Being Normal At All. not entity corruption, just, like. corruption corruption. somethin broke here.
wait lmao i just realized something really funny and its that Fool's shadow would literally just look like him but all shadow-y. bc Fool already normally has the yellow/gold cracks. solar probably will have more ideas on what to do with this guy but i am proudly announcing that it is now Two Of Them Thursday
i cant decide if Leon's shadow shows signs of ender-ification before he does, or if he stays Completely Normal while Leon mutates. the latter is probably more interestin bc shadows gettin messed with is a pretty common trait in the au so havin a situation of "the shadow is normal while their summoner gets more and more fucked up" is fun. also: shitpost incarnate. this penguin cannot be stopped by any mortal means
i dont know how the tube thing would affect the shadows, is the fun part. like, "mechanically" the way the shadows work is they're tied to playerdata, so the likely idea is that Cloneby would have Cherruby's shadow. that's fun and fucked up!
fun side note: shadows are ground bound. they can do the kingdom hearts heartless thing of going flat to travel up surfaces and fit through spaces but they cannot jump over gaps. skyblock is maybe the worst experience for a shadow ever LMAO
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bellshazes · 1 year
ok but for real it's fucked up to me that bdubs only actual customer at his s8 redstone shop (etho) wasn't even sure when he placed the order if it was a prank bc everybody who watches bdubs knows redstone with bdubs is a longrunning joke. but he has clearly spent all this time working so so so hard at things that are not his expertise just so he can make his builds better and more alive and you see it growing in the s9 little machines that may not "do" anything and they may not be efficient but he bent redstone to his will.
he is so incredibly studious and my favorite thing about building with bdubs is he actually gets time to share his process and how he figures out how to totally change the game. couple eps back he was talking about builds in the fourth dimension of time! at the same time he's the best I've ever seen at framing not just in 3D but as you move around. he's right about the game being way better with closer fog. I know he's taught himself blender and to paint and draw but it's not for us, he's just learning to learn and grow. it's not just texture and gradients, he's thinking about ambient occlusion and what story different block values tell about the build.
dunking on bdubs may be my hobby but it is very much also that I really respect him doing all this and still in the end putting joy and fun above all so you don't even always notice. even fooled his friends!
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weavingstarlight · 5 months
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Happy Mermay! Have some Ravioli art! (I actually drew this a month ago, but I'm slow about posting.) Anyway, I might revisit this one later but for now it is DONE ~~
Critiques welcome on this one. I don't think I've ever drawn a kiss before! Progress photos below the cut.
I use a set of colored pencils belonging to my grandmother. They're Venus Spectracolor, which were made in the 70s and 80s. They're pretty creamy, but some of the smoothness in this drawing comes from using a colorless blender marker (or cheap rubbing alcohol, for some of it) to dissolve the pencil after laying it down! The rest of the smoothness just comes from using multiple layers of light pressure to build up color.
6 x 8.5 inches. Colored pencil, pen, and metallic gold gel pen.
[IMG: a colored pencil drawing of Ravio and Mer!Legend. They are SMOOCHING. Ravio is kneeling on a rocky outcropping with his silly rabbit hood off, while Legend is half submerged in water, clinging to Ravio's purple robe to hold himself up. Legend's tail and hair are completely pink and he's not wearing any clothes. There are metallic gold highlights on Ravio's robes.]
And just for fun, here’s the line art prior to coloring. I just like it so much! Maybe someone else would like to try coloring it? (If you do, please give proper credit and tag me so I can see it!)
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Here’s a bonus image: a teaser of sorts, from partway through the coloring process!
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And another bonus: comparison photos of colored pencil before and after blending with isopropyl alcohol.
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80 notes · View notes
Us Against the World
Tasm!Peter Parker x gn!reader
Word count- 4.4k
Dialogue prompt- “ hey! why don’t you try picking on someone your own size! “ Action prompt- [ DISTRACT ]: sender causes a distraction to draw the receiver’s attacker/s away from them.
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY), action, protective!Peter, food mention (reader makes salsa), Peter lifts reader, attempted harm to reader, the villain uses gas and chemistry to attack and reader is described as being trapped in a cloud at one point, reader interacts with kids briefly, no use of y/n
Notes- This month’s Year of Protectiveness is in honor of Andrew Garfield's birthday! I can't believe we're in August already! @yearofcreation2023 But this one was alot of fun to write so I hope y'all enjoy it! And I wrote it so that it could be read in the same timeline as Just Kiss Like Real People Do so if you liked that one, here is more with that pair but of course it could be read on its own! I"ll link it in the taglist rb if you want a refersher!
@flightlessangelwings-updatesis my update blog so feel free to also follow that and turn on post notifs!
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The city lights illuminated the way as Peter swung through the tall buildings of New York. The air was crisp so high up, and it felt refreshing after a long night of being Spider-Man. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but he knew it was late… well after midnight. And even though the villain he was chasing got away… again… all Peter looked forward to was coming home to you.
Peter expected you to be sound asleep in the tiny apartment, so he was surprised when the light from the widow shined like a beacon calling him back. His heart pounded in his chest and he hoped you were alright as he flipped his wrist to shoot a web towards the building and hurled himself into the window. Letting out a heavy breath, Peter ripped off the Spider-Man mask and closed the window behind him.
Just as he was about to call out your name, the sound of the blender filled the space. That combined with the intoxicating aroma of the spices and tomatoes told Peter exactly what you were doing. His stomach growled as he stepped out of the tiny bedroom and into the living space where you were occupied at the kitchen counter. 
He stood in the doorway for a moment and just watched you with a lovestruck expression on his face. Every time he saw you it was like the first time, and even dressed down in a t-shirt and shorts, you looked stunning to him. You were too consumed with putting the last touches on your salsa that you didn’t hear him come in. But, Peter enjoyed the view for the time being and his heart skipped a beat in his chest with the overwhelming emotions he felt towards you.
But, when you let out a startled yelp, Peter quickly jumped into action. 
You had turned around and were surprised when you saw him standing there. So surprised that you almost dropped the blender that held the salsa you had worked so hard on. But Peter was quick, and in a flash he jumped across the room and caught it before it hit the floor and splattered everywhere.
“Peter!” you exclaimed, “You scared the shit out of me! I didn’t hear you come in!”
“Sorry sweetheart,” he mumbled sheepishly as he set the blender on the counter, licking a drop that splashed onto his fingers after, “Wouldn’t want to waste any of your famous salsa,” he laughed softly, “But why are you up? It’s 3 in the morning.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged as you eyed him up and down. Ever since you found out that Peter Parker, your best friend, the person you had been in love with for years, was Spider-Man, it never got old seeing him in the suit. His long, toned arms, muscular body and especially the messy hair took your breath away every time.
“Everything alright?” Peter asked, concern lining his tone as he peeled the top half of the suit off and stepped closer towards you. 
“Fine,” you fidgeted as you felt your skin heat up under his gaze as your eyes dropped down to the floor, “Just thought you’d be hungry when you got back…” your voice sounded distant.
Peter looked at you with a softness and adoration in his eyes as he reached out and cupped your face, gently pulling you to look at him, “You know I know when you’re lying to me, right?” his voice was soft as his thumb brushed your cheek.
You let out a shaky breath as his eyes locked with yours, “I…” you trembled in under his hand, “I was worried…” you admitted.
“Baby,” Peter rested his free hand on your waist, holding you in his special way, “I’m fine, honestly. You know nothing would ever keep me from coming back to you, right?” he exhaled deeply, “I promise,” he took a breath, “You and me, remember?”
Tears filled the corners of your eyes at the sincerity in his voice and the confident look in his face. You knew he had been Spider-Man for a long time now, he had his powers and he knew what he was doing. Yet, you’d never loved anyone as much as you loved Peter, and sometimes you couldn’t help but worry as your mind went to the worst possible scenario. 
“I know,” you breathed. You opened your mouth to say more, but the words were caught in your throat as Peter reeled forward and kissed you deeply. Somehow, you were sure he knew what you were going to say, how much you worried for him. He said it in his kiss. 
“Sweetheart,” Peter mumbled between kisses as he backed you up against the counter, “As much as I love your salsa…” his voice dropped and his eyes darkened, “There’s something else I want right now…”
“Peter!” you couldn’t help but laugh at his insinuation, but you also felt a pulse of need through your body. You clung to his shoulders as your mind swam and your body warmed.
He let out a soft chuckle as his hands roamed up and down your sides, savoring the feeling of you under his touch. As much as it was a comfort to you to feel Peter’s hands on you, to feel his touch, it was just as much a comfort for him to know you were here and safe. Peter’s cock twitched as his hands dipped under the waistband of your shorts and in a flash he yanked them off of you, causing you to yelp in surprise.
But, before you could react to your shorts and underwear suddenly on the floor, you found yourself hoisted up onto the kitchen counter. Giggles erupted between you as Peter nestled himself between your legs… your bare legs. A low groan unlike anything you ever heard rumbled from deep in Peter’s throat as his eyes landed between your legs.
“Fuck…” he breathed heavily in a tone that made you shiver.
“Pete,” you sighed as you watched him drop down to his knees.
Immediately, you buried your hands in his hair as his hands ghosted along your inner thighs. Peter mumbled your name in a praise before he licked his lips and dove into you, causing you to scream loudly.
You saw stars as Peter worked you with his tongue, licking and slurping every sensitive spot with precision. You could tell even in your blissed out state that he was too desperate to tease you and take it slow tonight. Tonight was all about need; it was the need for both of you to know the other was here.
Tugging at his hair, you felt like your body was on fire from the way he worked you with his talented mouth. Every flick of his tongue sent waves of pleasure up your spine, and you were sure you weren’t going to last much longer. You arched your back as parted your legs more to give Peter more access to your body, an invitation that he immediately accepted. 
“Shit… Pete…” you moaned as you felt your body tingle.
Peter grabbed your inner thighs and squeezed hard as he intensified his motions, determined to push you over the edge in bliss. And from the way you screamed his name, he knew you were close.
It only took a few more licks of his tongue, a few more nibbles of his lips, one last nuzzle of his head before you came hard. Your head slammed against the cabinet as you screamed, your legs trembling under his strong grip as you gushed into his mouth. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as bursts of color clouded your vision.
As Peter coaxed you down from you high, you felt his movements slow before he reluctantly broke away from you. A trail of spit connected the two of you until he moved far enough for it to break, but in the corner of his mouth remained a shiny dribble of your release. Peter watched until you opened your eyes to lick it clean with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Delicious,” he chuckled as he rose to his feet and wrapped his arms around you, “But I’m not done with you yet,” he tone dropped as he easily picked you up and spun you around.
“Pete!” you yelped as you wrapped your arms and legs around his strong body. No matter how many times he lifted you up, you never quite got used to his super strength, and it caught you off guard in the most wonderful way every time.
He quickly made his way across the small apartment and gently lowered you down onto the bed, handing you with tender care as he did so. Peter stood for a moment and admired the sight of you, spread out on the bed, naked from the waist down and a look of pure bliss on your face. Hastily, he ripped off his Spider-Man suit so he was bare for you, and the way you eyed him hungrily made his cock stiffen even more.
“Like the view, sweetheart?” he asked with a cocky grin.
“Very much,” you purred as you bit your lip and extended your arms for him. You loved when he got like this.
“I do too,” his tone matched yours as he hovered over you, “But,” Peter grabbed your shirt, “You’re overdressed.”
You burst into laughter at his antics and allowed him to take off your shirt, the only barrier between your bodies. The two of you let out matching gasps at the sight of the other, as if it was the first time all over again. At times, it felt like that for both of you. The wonder, the passion, the desire never got old so matter how many times you slept together.
“I love you,” Peter broke the silence with a breathless voice as he cupped your face.
“I love you too,” you replied in a dreamy tone as you mirrored his action.
In a flash, Peter closed the gap between your bodies with a heated and desperate kiss. He swallowed the moan you let out as you parted your lips for him once more. The taste of yourself on Peter’s tongue was just as intoxicating for you as it was for him, and you bucked your hips against his hardened cock in a wordless plea.
Without breaking away, Peter muffled a moan as he positioned himself between your legs once more, this time with his cock poking at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself into you, past the first ring of muscle and into your warmth to connect your bodies together.
The moan you let out made you break away from the kiss, and your cry of pleasure echoed in the tiny room as Peter entered you inch by slow inch. You heard Peter’s own moans as he felt you engulf him, and he rested his forehead against yours as he slowly bottomed out inside of you.
Together, the two of you laid with Peter on top of you. Heavy breaths filled the room as you stayed with your sweaty foreheads pressed together. You wrapped your arms around him and dug your nails into his shoulders, clinging to him desperately.
“Move,” you pleaded softly.
He groaned your name and compiled without another word. He started slowly at first, rocking in and out of you, savoring the moans and groans you let out every time he was fully sheathed inside you. It wasn’t until you let out a higher pitched cry that Peter picked up his pace; he found what he was looking for.
“You feel so good, sweetheart,” Peter moaned, “Shit…”
The bed creaked as Peter thrust in and out of you faster and faster. As much as he wanted to keep his eyes open, to watch every expression you made when he was inside you, he couldn’t. He knew he would cum too fast if he watched the way your mouth hung open and your body bounced with his every move.
But luckily for him, you also weren’t far behind.
“Fuck!” you screamed as you dug your nails into Peter’s skin, “I’m gonna cum… Peter…”
“Me too baby,” Peter grunted, “Fuck…”
Peter’s thrusts became fast and erratic as he chased his climax as well as your own. He pounded into you with fervor as you screamed and your second climax hit suddenly. Your inner muscles clenched around him as you squeezed him inside and out. That and your beautiful screams were just the final push Peter needed for his own orgasm, and with a loud moan of your name, he came deep inside you. But, he kept going, wanting to savor every second of your shared climaxes together until he couldn’t hold himself up any longer. 
Peter let out a deep exhale as he collapsed down on top of you. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him as close as you could. Neither of you wanted to move, content to stay in the other’s embrace, safe and loved. For several long moments, no one spoke, and just the sound of slow, deep breaths filled the room as you felt the other’s heart pound against your bodies.
It was Peter who broke the silence first with your name in a low voice.
“Hmm?” you hummed as you ran your hand through his hair.
“You know I’ll always come back to you, right?” Peter said as he propped himself up on his elbows to look into your eyes.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, “I know,” you cupped his face the same way he did yours earlier, “I trust you… I just worry sometimes,” you admitted.
“I do too,” Peter breathed, “But I’ll always keep you safe, sweetheart.”
The truth was Peter always worried about you too. He was scared that someday someone would find out his superhero alter and use you against him. He was scared that one day you would get hurt because of him. He was scared that one day he might not get back to you in time… But, as much as you trusted him, Peter had to trust you too. Having no one else, it was just the two of you against the world.
“I’m gonna go shower then we can sleep in tomorrow,” Peter broke himself from his thoughts, “How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” you purred as you gave him a chaste kiss on the lips, “A day at home together sounds like just what we both need. But remember, the day after is that science museum day I wanted to go to.”
Peter let out a soft laugh as he tapped your face playfully, “I wouldn’t miss it, baby.”
“Looks like we came on a school field trip day,” you commented as you and Peter walked hand in hand into the science museum.
Children filled the space and chattered excitedly among themselves. The two of you followed close behind the class as you lost yourself in the exhibits. At one point, you broke away from Peter so you could play with one of the hands-on displays, and he couldn’t help but chuckle brightly at you as you were just as excited as the kids were.
As Peter watched you, a thought popped into his head: he was ready to marry you. He had never been more in love with you than he was at that moment as you laughed in fascination at the exhibit. He wanted to marry you for some time, but as he stared stupidly at you, Peter knew it was time for him to pop the question.
“Hey Pete…?” your voice broke him from his thoughts.
Peter suddenly found himself face to face with you, and he must have zoned out for a moment because you looked concerned, “Yeah?” he asked as he cleared his throat and tried not to look conspicuous. 
“Everything ok?” you asked as you tilted your head to the side a bit.
Peter just smiled back at you; you had no idea what he had in store for you, “Perfect,” he slid his hand in yours again, “Shall we check out that chemistry demonstration?” his tone was light, “You look like you’re having more fun than the kids are,” Peter joked.
“Shut up,” you giggled as you playfully nudged him.
Peter imagined that your hand would feel like with a ring on your finger as he fiddled with your knuckles. Yes, it was time, and everything was perfect. But, just as it felt like nothing could bring down his mood, a chill ran up Peter’s spine and he was suddenly filled with a sense of dread the moment the two of you crossed the threshold into the other room where the chemistry table was set up.
He stopped dead in his tracks as his heart sank and the hairs on his neck and arms stood up. The man behind the table was instantly recognizable to him; he was the one that kept slipping out of his grasp. And the feeling of dread was only made worse when the chemist looked up from his table and made direct eye contact with him.
It was like he knew.
“Peter?” you sounded even more worried than before as you tugged his arm.
Without a word, Peter dragged you out of the room and down the hallway towards the bathrooms. His heart pounded in his chest as his first thought was of keeping you safe and getting you out of harm’s way.
“Peter?!” you repeated more forcefully, “What’s going on?”
“Listen to me,” Peter grabbed your shoulders and spun you to look him in the eyes, “That guy… He’s…” he let out an exasperated sigh, “He’s the guy I haven’t been able to catch,” he finished in a hushed tone.
You gasped as your eyes went wide.
“I think he knows who I am too. Something just feels off,” Peter sounded more scared than you’d ever heard him before, “But I want you to get out of here, I’m going to stop him here and now.”
“What about those kids?” you asked as your breath came out fast and ragged, “We have to get everyone else out too,” you inhaled deeply, “Let me help you, Pete.”
His lips tightened as he paused for a moment before he spoke with a heavy exhale, “I’m going to create a distraction, and you help them out,” Peter’s grip on your shoulders tightend, “But you promise me you’ll get yourself out of here.”
You nodded, swallowing your fear, “What kind of distraction were you thinking?”
At the same time, both your heads turned and both your eyes landed on the fire alarm that stood out on the wall. You looked back at Peter and he nodded at you, knowing exactly what you were thinking.
“I love you.” Peter’s words sounded more like an assurance than a confession.
You knew what he meant too: Stay safe.
In a flash, Peter pulled the fire alarm before he rushed around the corner to rip his shirt off, revealing the spider suit underneath. At the same time, you ran towards the children, who you headed screaming and panicking before you even reached the room.
“Quickly!” you shouted, “Outside! Now!”
The kids scrambled as they rushed towards the door and you ushered them out. But, as you did that, a movement from the front of the room caught your attention.
The chemist dissolved into a fit of rage, and you heard his angry mumbles to himself even over the fire alarm. Smoke billowed out from either side of him as he mixed his viles together and for a brief moment, he looked up and caught your gaze.
Everything felt like it froze as you locked eyes with him, and suddenly you knew what Peter felt. It felt like this man looked into your soul and read your deepest secrets. Your blood ran cold and fear pulsed through your veins as he suddenly launched himself at you.
You yelped and covered your head, anticipating an impact, but it never came. Looking up, you saw Spider-Man clinging to the ceiling, a shot of web tangling with the chemist and stopping him in his tracks.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” Spider-Man quipped as he flung another web shot at him and flipped over to stand in front of you.
“Spider-Man…” the chemist growled as he threw a bottle towards him.
Peter quickly covered you, protecting you from the impact as well as the few kids who still hadn’t gotten out. 
“Spider-Man!” They cheered together as they kept for joy- and relief- at seeing their favorite hero.
“Get out of here kids!” Peter instructed before he glanced at you for a moment. The two of you nodded subtly before he turned back to the chemist and launched himself at him.
“Come on,” you breathed, “Hurry!”
You pushed the rest of the kids out of the room, but before you yourself exited, you couldn’t help but look back. Deep down, you knew Peter put himself in danger as Spider-Man, but to actually see him fight in person, and so close, was something else. You felt fear, but not for yourself. Watching him take and deliver hit after hit honestly scared you. 
But you suddenly had something else to worry about.
“You!” The chemist roared as he gathered his concoctions.
“No!” Peter sounded more scared than you had ever heard him before.
Clearly, it was obvious to the chemist how important you were to Spider-Man, to Peter, and he took advantage of the opportunity. Before either of you could react, he threw something at you, and you found yourself surrounded by a blinding gas. 
You gasped as you covered your mouth and dropped to the floor. Faintly, you heard the grunts of Peter fighting him still, but you couldn’t see anything. You were sure if it was from the gas or just from the adrenaline but you felt more and more dizzy the longer you stayed in the fog.
I’m another flash, you heard an explosion and the building shook. You struggled to keep from falling completely flat on the floor and you scrambled to stay on your hands and knees, ready for anything. 
You heard your name in Peter’s voice before you saw his silhouette appear in the fog. You tried to call out his name, but your voice croaked. Reaching out for him your hand trembled until it finally made contact with his.
“I’m here,” Peter murmured to you as he yanked you close, “Cover your mouth and hang on,” his voice trembled, “I’m getting you out of here.”
All you could do was nod as you felt yourself lifted into his arms with his super strength. You covered your mouth as you clung to him with your other arm. A gust of air hit your face as you found yourself flung through the air as Peter flipped and flung your bodies out of the museum. Faintly, you both heard the kids cheering for Spider-Man and shouting excitedly. Usually, Peter would have stopped for them, but right now his first priority was you and your safety.
You buried your head in the crook of his neck as you felt the air get fresher and fresher as he fwiped through the buildings and landed you both in an empty skyscraper far away from everyone.
The moment he sat you down, Peter ripped off his mask and looked you over, cupping your face as he did so. “Look at me,” he sounded breathless, “Are you hurt?”
You immediately saw the look of pure fear on his face, and it made your heart sink. You were sure you looked a mess, and you felt sore but you didn’t feel hurt. “I’m ok,” you whispered. 
Peter exhaled your name in relief as he gathered you in his arms. “You’re ok, sweetheart,” he cupped the back of your head as he held you as close and as tight as he could, “You’re ok…”
You weren’t sure if his words were for you or for himself. Perhaps both.
“I’m ok Pete,” you whispered softly in his ear as you clung to him, feeling safe in his arms. All the fear and adrenaline slowly faded away and you felt calm and safe the longer he held you. With one deep exhale, you felt better and you pulled away just enough to look into his eyes while still remaining secure in his arms, “Did you really have to wait and pull a dramatic rescue like that?” you smirked softly.
Peter rolled his eyes at you, but at the same time he was relieved to hear you say that; it meant you were back to normal with your wits about you, “Sweetheart…” he breathed. The truth was he had never been more scared, especially with the explosion. He opened his mouth to voice that, but the words were caught in his throat. Peter grimaced at the thought of losing you and a tear formed in the corner of his eye.
Sensing the change in tone, you tried to distract him, “Hey Pete?” you asked.
“What happened… To…?”
His grip on you tightened, “I think the mixtures he was using affected his mind… Made him so angry… He…Umm,” Peter trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud and upset you.
“Oh,” you whispered, unsure of what to say next. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for several moments as the breeze hit your faces. “Well, thank you,” you broke the silence, “For saving me.”
That brought a smile to Peter’s face. He leaned in and kissed you deeply, expressing all his emotions in the kiss instead of with his words, “You never have to thank me, honey,” he murmured against your lips as he placed a chaste kiss, “I’ll always protect you.”
You grinned against his cheek as your eyes fluttered closed, “And I’ll always take care of you too,” you hummed, “We made a good team back there though, didn’t we?”
“We did,” Peter chuffed, “You and me…”
“Against the world,” you finished the thought.
Silence fell over the two of you again, but before either of you could say anything, a growl from your stomach interrupted. You looked at Peter and both of you burst into laughter.
“I guess all that excitement made me hungry,” you chuckled.
“How about we get out of here then?” Peter said with a smirk, “I know a place that’s got the best salsa. We’ll pick up some tacos or something on the way too.”
You smiled brightly at him, “Sounds perfect…” you poked his chest, “Spider-Man.”
Peter felt his heart flutter in his chest. Oh yes, he definitely was going to find you the best ring he could and he was going to ask you to marry him as soon as possible. 
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roosterforme · 2 years
I'm So Hot For You | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley makes you some homemade hot sauce to show his love and appreciation for you being his sexy nurse.
Warnings: Fluff
Length: 1600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order!
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After spending weeks and countless hours helping Bradley heal after he had been injured, you really deserved something special. 
And now that you were going to be his wife, Bradley thought you deserved everything. But the one thing he knew you would love that he thought he could give you, was your very own homemade hot sauce. 
"Why are we here?" Jake asked him for the tenth time as he and Bradley donned matching aprons that said San Diego Community College across the front. 
"To make hot sauce, dumbass."
"Yes, I understand that much, but why are we here? I don't see why you didn't just bring Angel with you."
"It's supposed to be a surprise. You do know what a surprise is, correct?" Bradley asked him, like he was talking to a very small child. "Now put your gloves on so you don't burn your eyes later."
Jake scoffed at him as the instructor introduced herself to the class, and both Bradley and Jake settled onto the stools behind their workstation. 
"Hi everyone! My name is Miss Mabel, and I will be your teacher for today," said a very kind looking older woman. Bradley sat up straight on his stool, ready to make a treat that you would love. "It's so nice to see so many couples here. This is a great relationship building exercise."
Jake turned and glared at Bradley. "Couples? Relationship? What did you bring me to, Bradshaw?!" 
"I..... oh, shit," Bradley muttered, but Miss Mabel was already talking about different kinds of hot peppers, and Bradley really wanted to take good notes. He started scribbling down everything she was telling them. 
After Miss Mabel got everyone started on instructions, she started to walk around the room and help each pair individually. 
"You should have brought your future wife to couples cooking class, Bradshaw," Jake said, sorting the peppers by scoville heat units. 
"Can you just cooperate and help me, please?" Bradley begged, getting out a set of knives and cutting boards. "You know I can't do this right by myself."
Jake sighed deeply. "It amazes me that you manage to get through the day. Fine, I'll help," he agreed, handing Bradley the peppers in order of hotness to cut up. 
"Gentlemen, how are we making out over here?" Miss Mabel asked when she stopped at their table. 
Jake just shook his head. "Not sure, Miss Mabel. He's kind of a lost cause in the kitchen, but he's demanding that he takes the lead on this one." Jake held his hands up in surrender.
"I just wanted it to be special," Bradley grunted, dicing up a habanero pepper. "Can't I try to make something special for the person I love?" 
Miss Mabel just smiled at them. "Cooking for your significant other is always a gift from the heart."
"Yeah, well... he's being so grouchy about this. He keeps saying he just needs it to be perfect," Jake told her. Then in a hushed voice, he added, "But between you and me, Miss Mabel, his creativity outweighs his ability. And then he gets very snarky when things don't go as planned."
"If I get grouchy, it's usually always your fault," Bradley told Jake as he added an array of peppers to the blender. 
"You two seem like polar opposites! How long have you known each other?"
"Too long," Bradley grunted at the same time as Jake said, "Twelve years, Ma'am."
Bradley watched Jake measure out some vinegar and add it to the blender as he chattered along with Miss Mabel. 
"That's a long time," Miss Mabel noted. "You two seem to need to work on your communication with each other. I would definitely recommend more of my classes as a fun way to help you with that."
"Thanks. We'll definitely consider it," Jake told her with a wink before she moved to the next table. 
Bradley glared at him. "Will you stop fucking around?"
Jake just started cracking up. "She thinks we're in a relationship. With each other."
"Yeah. I caught that," Bradley said, shaking his head. "Now how much vinegar did you add? A teaspoon or a tablespoon?"
"Could you imagine a world in which I would slum it with you, Bradshaw? Hilarious," Jake drawled, settling back onto his stool.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "I would never date you. You are insufferable and irritating. That's probably why my fiancée turned you down. Now, did you add a teaspoon or a tablespoon?"
"Um, the little one," Jake replied, looking unsure of himself. 
Bradley tipped his head back and counted to five before looking at Jake again. "Bringing you here was a terrible idea."
"Yeah, mainly because it's for couples, but also because I am no better in the kitchen than you are."
When it was time to sample the sauces, Miss Mabel deemed Bradley and Jake's batch 'nearly inedible' and told them they should 'work on communicating and listening to one another'.
When they left the classroom, Jake checked his phone, completely unfazed by the epic failure. "Wanna stop at the Hard Deck?"
Bradley scowled. "No, I don't want to stop at the Hard Deck! I'm taking my jar of nasty hot sauce home and telling her you ruined it."
Jake just shrugged. "She's going to think it's funny."
When Bradley got home, you were just walking up the sidewalk with Tramp on his leash. 
"Look! It's Daddy!" you told Tramp as he pulled you along to get to Bradley faster. "Did you have fun with Jake?" you asked Bradley as he scooped Tramp into his arms. 
"No," he told you, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Where did you guys go, anyway?"
Bradley followed you and Tramp into the house, smiling as the sunlight hit your engagement ring. 
"Baby Girl, I just wanted to do something nice for you, but I made this for you instead," he said, holding out the jar of hot sauce to you. 
"What is it?" you asked, eyeing it skeptically. Even Bradley found the shade of orangish-green to be off putting, and he would eat pretty much anything. 
"Hot sauce."
"Hot sauce?! You made me hot sauce?" you asked, your eyes filled with love as you flung your arms around him. "I love it!"
"Well...." Bradley said while cringing. "Maybe you should taste it before you say that...."
He watched you dip a spoon into the jar, and the look of pure delight on your face turned to one of panic as the sauce touched your tongue. "What the fuck is in this?" you asked, coughing and gagging. Bradley watched you head for the sink, and he tried to suppress a laugh, but he couldn't. "It tastes like sour, evil vinegar."
"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I know it's disgusting. I tried my best. But the teacher thought Jake and I were a couple, and it was a disaster." He poured you a glass of milk and wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumbs. 
"Wait, what?" you asked, and Bradley told you the entire story. By the end of it, you were cracking up. "Oh, that's hilarious, Roo. I've got to text Jake."
"He said you would think the whole thing was funny. And I guess that's just one reason why I'm marrying you. Because you don't think I'm a complete disaster even when I am."
You looked up from your phone. "Bradley. You're never a disaster."
He shrugged and you wrapped your arms around him again. "I just wanted to surprise you with something you would like, Sweetheart. You were so good to me when I was healing, always making me food and taking care of everything around here."
You looked up at him and smiled. "I think going with Jake was probably your first mistake. We can try to make a hot sauce here. Together. If you want to."
"I took notes. Miss Mabel was actually very thorough."
Bradley watched you skim through his notebook before you grabbed your car keys. "Let's go to the farmer's market before it closes and buy peppers."
You seemed to know what you were doing, so Bradley held your hand and carried everything for you. 
"These are the little green peppers in my favorite hot sauce. Should we add them to ours?" you asked, pointing out some kind of pepper Bradley never heard of. 
"Definitely, Sweetheart." He watched as you picked out a few more. When you got back home to your kitchen, he felt perfectly at ease as you read Miss Mabel's instructions out loud and put him to work. 
Being around you was easy for Bradley in a way he had never experienced before. You laughed as he cut up the peppers and told you more about Miss Mabel's class. 
"We should go to a Miss Mabel class together," you told him. "Jake can just fuck off, he's not allowed to be in a relationship with you."
Bradley laughed and agreed, and while you blended everything together, he signed the two of you up for a salsa making class at the college. 
"Want to try the first bite?" you asked, offering the spoon to Bradley. He took a small taste, and it was good. Great, even. 
"Incredible," he said, and you grinned when you tried it. 
"It's perfect," you agreed, and Bradley played with your hair and kissed your neck as you made them eggs covered in homemade hot sauce for dinner. 
Just a fluffy little moment between these two (and Jake)! One more one-shot and then we dig into another series with these two if you can believe it....
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