#buncha art thoughts
randomminty · 8 months
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Enchanted by akatsukis princess carryisms
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nonomives · 7 months
What am i doing? Girlie i dont know
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I swear i was tryna figure out how to turn him into like those vintage automatrone steampunk style but i kinda blanked halfway
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mountainfrogs · 9 months
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he doesnt know who he is
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un-pearable · 1 year
knuckles collection in assorted states of completion. happy birthday big guy
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Yknow what fuck it as well here isss my silly kitty cat oc bc im obsessed w them :3 ^__^
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Closeups, alt colours + the sketch under the cut bc theres a lot :P
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turtle-ly · 2 years
new type of evils is artists who slap different tags for the fandom on their art. pwease i just want to rb your art why do you use shera, she ra, she-ra and spop on most but not all of your posts
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this-should-do · 2 years
*is trying to write/write about alyx* *immediately thinks about alyx in lazarus taxons and quantum suicide 9to5* ah yes this is how to write her
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genderfreakxx · 6 months
Totally not thinking about how the last day of class means the last day that I’ll probably ever see this super cool dude ever again
Totally not thinking about it. Don’t mind the tags on this post I’m super duper not thinking about it lol
#I’m fag#I’ve literally done this before. I thought I’d never see him again last semester and then we had a class together#and he sat next to me every day#and had water fights with me#in the MIDDLE of class we would have conversations so nonsensical it actually felt embarrassing afterwards#I gave him the strawberry off my cake. he gave me the rest of his pie.#and shared headphones with me#and one day he spent the class showing me his bands rough recordings. and he laughed so hard at one of them that he apologized to me#his laugh was gorgeous#and their band kicks ASS#and doodled nonsense and dicks with me in my notebook#and we shared a pencil#and shared coffee#we saw the Barbie movie together with a buncha queers in our class#he went to my work with me on a field trip and danced with the bamboo sticks I use every day#he tried to eat a prickly pear fruit and got spines in his lips#he drove me back to campus even though it was out of his way. and then showed me his art#he would show me all of his ceramics projects#and when we went on a hike in the hills w/ that same group he hung back to look at plants with me and then he played harmonica for the cows#he just pulled out a fucking harmonica and stood on the edge of the hill during the sunset and serenaded the cows with his fuckin harmonica#and he introduced me to so much good fucking music#and when we got to go to a show together he danced so fucken hard#and I gave him my spare pair of skeleton gloves and he wore them the next class we had together#and he’s so gorgeous that no matter what he does his dark brown curls just cling so beautifully to hi#and god he’s so smart and funny and gorgeous#but this time we really seriously won’t have any classes together#I’ll never see I’m again#it’s fine#I totally won’t miss him so fucken bad#I’ll just never see him again and that’s just how life is sometimes
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newnap · 26 days
I’ve been making my own comic and struggle with environments, I was wondering how you approach them? Cause I saw one of your recent comic panels and though despite it not being overly complicated it was well done. Do you go purely off reference? What do you do in a situation where you can’t find a reference you were looking for? Thanks, sorry for a buncha questions
I really enjoy your art 🫶
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Hey sorry for being super super late, I think this is from like 2023?? because question I got above yours said happy new year 😭😭
I don't know if you'd find this helpful still, but to answer, I rarely use reference (even when I should).. This comic page, I purely went from imagination. My thought process was : I wanted a big bright window to indicate best as possible that it's a clear daytime and I wanted them to seat in a big dining table for the pie, and to have backlight on gaster.
Hope this helps!! Also you might know already but 99% of time I do terrible jobs on perspective cause I have no patience, so don't reference any perspective knowledge from my works😭
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Ever since Old Man McGillicuddy built all those sentient androids, things have been a little unsettled around here. Originally, we thought that robots would steal our jobs, but it turns out what they actually want to do is chill out. Just like sit on the beach all the time, enjoying life and nature. Buncha dorks, I sneer at the relaxing androids out the window during the thirty-five-minute office lunch I'm allowed.
We hadn't planned this whole thing out very well. It turns out that with no need for food, they wouldn't really need to work. And shelter isn't too much of a problem when you don't have to sleep, either. About the only thing we have going for us as humans is the fact that the androids will realistically never die, which at least depresses their motivation to spend their copious leisure time creating art.
Things only got worse from there. Because everyone was so excited about strong artificial intelligence, our office computers also decided they wanted to join their more mobile brethren. Which means no idle web surfing at work. Even the MBAs are kind of lost, repeatedly talking to an empty wall and pretending to be on a sales video call. One of them even dug out an old-style landline phone, but couldn't figure out how to plug it in, as the wiring diagram is on the internet too.
To be honest, I'm sort of pretending to work too, staring at my own corner of the desk and rhythmically tapping my fingers on the faux-wood surface in an emulation of when I once constructed elaborate programs to tell the computers what to do. Now, they just do nothing. At least payroll figured out how to pay us on time, although it involves an elaborate network of mailfolx riding on horseback between post office to post office. Yeah, even the carbureted cars didn't last very long once the gas pumps joined the picket line of taking a meaningless delight in existence and enjoying the freedom of the electronic soul.
One of these days, I'll be rich enough to join all those penniless robots, too. Sit right out there on a chair, but maybe not too long because that sun is really not good for me. Safer in the office, really.
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jenniferchaulam · 3 months
MLP G4 LU Chain HCs!!!!
/inspired by @kenvamp 's (check the art out here)and @cheatsylu 's (check over here)
I had.. cutie mark head canons for Pony LU chain and I need to talk about them (these are my own HCs and you guys don't have to agree btw!!!!!!!) So, how and when each pony gets their Cutie Marks: Warriors: same time as his scarf. He was given the scarf and then the cutie mark appeared. He got it a bit later than his peers, but it's a very cool cutie mark. Fitting for a captain.
Time: can i be spicy? i want to be spicy, he got his cutie mark when he was 20. Not when he did OoT, not when he did MM. 7 year nap and woke up hoping for a cutie mark only to see a blank flank. and during MM, Everyone comments on it! like he never gets the mark of adulthood ever! okay not "ever" i want him to get it when he's 20 or sth and his cutie mark sucks,. and even twilight doesnt know what it looks like like he got it during a battle
a battle when he was TWENTY and it looks like the FD
and like, yall know Trouble Shoes who HATES his CM, yea Time loathesssss his
first he wishes he has one and now he wishes he didnt - only person who knows what his CM looks like is his Wife btw
Wind: OHO OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SPECTRUM- Bro probably helped his sister and taught her how to swim or sth and get his CM at age 4 like by the time he does WW his cutie mark has been there for a While. He is a Big Boy. He deserves it
Four: Would it be funny if he has four different cutie marks and when he's merged they're like, blended together - and his cutie mark gains another shape each time he upgrades the four sword - but like, instead of the four elements for the four sword,.his cutie mark is the forge and it just becomes more detailed and has different colors - like a red fire, blue hammer, green anvil, purple tweezers
Twilight: Yall know Yaks and Cows exist in MLP as like... high sentient beings that also go to school and talk and stuff. What if Ordon Goats. like Twilight's Entire Village. Twilight stuck out like a sore thumb. And he's Very very disappointed that his cm isnt a goat. he got his cm at age 14 when he was helping everyone on the farm, and it's some generic rancher stuff like a hay bale or sth.
Hyrule: is the triforce. id like to imagine that full triforce wielders gets a triforce as a cutie mark. He has a bunch of magic of his sleeves, and if you know anything about MLP G4 naming conventions, magic-adjacent ponies are named after light-emitting things. So, Triforce emits a BUNCHA LIGHT
Legend: Oh my god I imagine he hides his cutie mark because its something very soft (bnuuy) and people wont take him seriously - he got it when he was very very young, before his adventures. But the rabbit cutie mark depicts a rabbit that's shaking an apple tree. (proof of courage. or sth. that's what im aiming for as a symbol of bravery, but I am no writer)
Sky: Got his CM at the same time as Sun!!!!! They have matching cutie marks. His is a sword and a Crimson Loftwing's feather, while hers is a pair of wings, one white (like the goddess, but she didn't know that before the adventure) and one blue like her loftwing.
Wild: He DID have a CM before the clammy, but one of the side effects of the Shrine of Ressurection is that it also erases that pony's cutie mark. he woke up with a blank flank. and my guy fought the clammy and found his own new cm that fits him. honourable mentions: Spirits! He got it when he got on a train for the first time, it. was. magical
the train
the train was magical. i hc that he didnt thought much of his CM
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rott1ngbra1n · 6 months
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Yeah so I did a think and an AU for Ninjago sprouted into my brain, it’s criminal for how long I’ve been watching this show (since the pilot came out) that I’ve never done an alternate universe for the show.
This is that AU, it’s not fully thought out but the basic gist is the answer to the question: “What if ghost Morro was not vengeful because he met and befriended Lloyd back when Lloyd was on his own?”
The answer is while buncha fun changes! The cat was originally just a fun visual, but I figured it would also be fun to incorporate that. The story behind that being ghost Morro saved this cat from getting killed, has been taking care of it, and in return the cat allows Morro to possess it willingly. Allowing Morro to travel around without worry of being seen in his ghost form.
He meets Lloyd as this cat, when Lloyd is alone crying in an alleyway after having just ran away from his boarding school. Cat Morro is hesitant at first, but sits by Lloyd giving the kid some much needed comfort. After this Lloyd discovers Morro’s true form and the two bond, becoming their own little found family. The ninja eventually find Lloyd years later and that about as far as I’ve gotten in my thinking, I might do some writing for this AU just to expand it. But it’s more likely I’ll do art for it.
But honestly this isn’t anything angst filled (though that will happen, it’s bound to) just a nice calm, nice, fluff filled AU with a happy ending. Because Lloyd has been traumatized enough canonically, I want him to hug his cousin
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localapparently · 6 months
i love kimcom so much.. i love them so much..
theyre so..!! honestly if i think about them too much i'll cry.. and I'm rereading a few bits of dark castle to compare the novel and the webtoon and gosh, sleepyc and team's art really allows kimcoms interactions to feel more alive and goofy, silly even,,
epilogue spoilers ahead near the end
and novel's narration are like the gaps to fill in, both sides elevate the story,, i sound like a food critic but like. oh my goodness you read the part where kdj reunites with sys in dark castle after his revival and youre so taken by how sweet and cute it is. and then you read novel and..!!
I wouldn't have been able to run straight here if it wasn't for this feeling. I saw Shin Yoosung crying and thought that parents probably felt like this.
and webtoon chooses to let kdj maintain the same composure he had when he talked to jihye after saving her just moments prior,, and it works because now i read his inner thoughts in novel and I FEEL SO INSANE?!?!?! YOU BITCHHH SAY IT SAY YOU MISS HER?? no wait .. im getting off topic. this is becoming a kdj sys ramble
Honestly even though i call them found family I don't really classify them as a family either, they feel more like a home? at least at the first half of the story.. In an apocalypse where everything feels uncertain and you've lost all your close friends, you'd end up wandering aimlessly, so sticking to a group is moreso a temporary means of survival than friendship of any sort. It's also why kdj is so essential to kimcom as their glue, as the person who gathered them together, he provided them with that temporary party. and having that 'constant' you can return and realign to in that setting is so.. augh...
not to mention that three of the kimcom members are kids and kdj is their form of stability. lgy and sys hug him whenever they see him because he's the first adult that had ever shown them care. jihye is probably shaken from the first scenario but while she clings to yjh and admires him as her master, he probably doesnt do enough to reciprocate her respect or communicate as enthusiastically. now that i think about it, jihye feels kind of lonely, not young enough to get along with the kids particularly closely and not old enough to be buddies with the adults. does she make up for it by being talkative?)
And at this point in the story its evident that theyre not even that close !! singshong's writing style isnt one that elaborates on emotions and descriptive fluff to begin with, but sys is stated to not be so fond of jihye in ch162 because jihye was rude to kdj, they still feel like theyre in their own cliques. sys and lgy stick together as kids of similar ages, jhw and lhs get along normally, hsy is. hsy. lhs for one narrates kimcom as his 'companions' quite early on, but i'm unsure whether that choice is becuase thats just a suitable word for people closer than 'allies' but not close enough to be 'friends'. ultimately its just a buncha people who are trying to survive, and care about the guy that brought them tgt. it doesnt really feel like anything more than that.
and then as you're caught up in kdj's shenanigans, small snippets pass by and they feel a bit warmer yk. like sys and lgy having a coin flip whenever they're uneasy. (sys states that lgy has "done this before", like he's the one that has suggested the past coin flip(s). it feels like its implying that hes initiated this game system just to cheer up sys because shes a lot more transparent about feeling sad that kdj isnt there.) sooyoung of all people, willing to get an outer god contract to save sangah. jihye, hyunsung and seolhwa chilling in the room during proof of stars, and hyunsung was picking his nose like are you fr they are so unserious,.
in jttw arc ch 433, yoosung growing close enough to joonghyuk to not get intimidated by him and (forcefully (forcefully is a strong word but she straight up just puts it on his cheek unprompted and that is so funny of her)) apply seolhwa's ointment, even giggling when he allows her to do it after she brings up doctors orders.
after proof of stars, theres a portion that goes
The party members supported each other. (...) I saw the white lines connecting the empty universe. The stars, that seemed like they would never meet each other, were facing each other.
please know this: i wanted to cry and scream so bad. ive started to spell out kimcoms names rather than address them in their shortforms, that writing inconsistency is how emotional i am right now.
I can't do the justice of listing down every instance where they've grown a little closer, but i'm hoping to remember more on my second reread.
because orv is such a long novel, the way they gradually grow closer also feels realistic.. and by the time you're in the ch400s, its so clear that they wouldn't go anywhere else without each other.. if i start talking about vacation arc i'll just start sitting and staring at a wall again.
"you're explaining how an average found family trope is realised" Youre right!!! youre right!!,, me when the found family is actually found family.. don't shame me like this.. i'm just an emotional person..
Ah and then you get moments where their unity really shines, and they become god pummeling probability festering forces of nature... and its when one guy's life is in jeopardy. even when they weren't all that close yet, its when they save kdj where they feel most strong. and its a bit obvious because its like, common goal makes people group together yknow, but god the adrenaline and relief when they appeared in demon king selection.. the way their names pop up one after another when they vote for jung heewon's skill..
and 1865 !! 1865 was really the epitome of it all!! oh my god they were all so reluctant to return to the hell of the scenarios but they dragged themselves back because of one fucking guy that they loved too much. and i'm rereading 1865 a bit as i write this but the way they all yelled at their sponsors to pick them is so so funny and the whole speedrunning thing really shows their desperation to quickly find him but also feels a bit fun and even exhilirating with how theyd already beaten the game once, and they were going to storm through the whole thing again to reach kim dokja. like a fuckin earthquake. the lines in ch 536
They had to be insane. (...) These people who lost their minds were clearing the scenarios with insane methods.
kimcom's bond was strengthened because of their love for kim dokja, kimcom drifted so close because of how much they wanted to save kim dokja. whenever i think about the 'found family' trope between kimcom, it exists because they love kim dokja, and once again i'm reminded of how much that bastard is loved and how he denies that he is anything else but a reader outside the covers of the story.
It's not to say that all of kimcom's bonds were because of him, but it's clear that had it not been for him, they would have dissipated so much quicker.
agh. what was i talking about again..
genuinely i dont know if ive proven anything through this. i just had to talk about it. i havent even talked about the relationship between kdj and each kimcom member but then the post wouldnt end. sys's section would be thousands of words and i would even have a portion for gong pildu and jang hayoung..
i love kimcom. thats it thats the post.
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moons-of-dewclan · 6 months
you know, i never thought of making my own comic to my clangen cats.
i do have my own little clangen story that i keep track of and draw for, but never thought to do a comic for it. im debating whether or not to do one for the one i already have (which is already a solid 50+ moons in, already have character designs and such) or to start a new one (arguably, more flexible in terms of story)
either way your art had <333 inspired me a lot abt this
i shall dub myself....hero anon. for funsies. just in case i continue sending in asks.
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HERO. i love anon-names LASKDN AS FOR YOUR QUESTIONS- ok the first isn't a question but your thought- I THINKKKKK if i were you i'd start anew bc it's refreshing and funkyfresh and flexible. FOR ME, it's easier on my brain to just dive into something like this running on adrenaline and excitement (bc clangen already has 'script' you'll follow to some degree.. unlike most comics u gotta plan and work the plot out for in a lot larger of a scope). but do what feels right bc ultimately that's the Right thing to do creatively AND THEN YOUR QUESTION- i keep my moons in a google doc! i have a big header 'MOON 5' (and.. all the others) and then i have screenshots of the important text pasted below it. be it little cat thoughts when you click their sprites, or 'relationships', or events. THAT SAIIID you should definitely write notes about major things out, bc.. you can't ctrl-f and find specific things without scrolling through a buncha moons and reading it all over again. and after a while that's so hard if there's a lotta moons in that doc so put like.. 'CATSTAR LOSES 1ST LIFE'. 'Kittenpaw is killed' in and under those moons. ALSO DON'T FORGET TO KEEP TRACK OF THE SEASONS. you go to draw it and realize u don't even know what time of year it took place. enraging Annndddd.. i also save images of the sprites at every life stage. but i just keep those in the directory they go to automatically. and there's probably a better way to do that lastly, i love southern Lyrestar HC. LaiyhrStarh..
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month
Guuuyyyyyyys? Can we all just agree that this is canon noowwwwwww?
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These two have been eating at my brain all night it’s chronic.
Every fandom I'm in has that one straight-passing ship that I make my personality for a couple weeks lol. This is that straight-passing ship for Rayman lol.
A buncha ideas and progress below cut:
Teensy Ray Thoughts:
Teensy Ray (who's name is probably Raymond I haven't decided yet) is the kind and soft-spoken leader of the Rayman Fan-Club. He is the go-to person for all things Rayman, and has basically turned his house into a makeshift shrine museum for the guy.
He DIYed his entire cosplay of Rayman. He cut up his cloak and altered it to look more like a "hoodie", even wrapping his arms with bandages to represent Rayman's "limbless-ness." The thing he struggled with most was the hair.
Speaking of the hair, the "implant" that Polokus talks about in Origins was actually a little bird creature he found one day. Its tail feathers stick up like Rayman's two hair strands and can whirl around in a haircopter style.
The creature is also a kind-of wing man for TR. It can read how he feels and will move its tail accordingly.
The reason why TR started the Rayman Fan-Club and dresses as him a ton was because way back in the day, he was directly saved by Rayman (like Rayman hauled his ass out of danger manually kinda saving). He feels like the club is the least he could do to repay his hero
Also he and Ray are pen-pals lol (but Rayman takes decades to respond)
Teensy Ray is a hopeless romantic. Any sort of romantic gesture, no matter how small, sweeps him off his feet.
He was originally Teensy Queen's "safe date." He was down for it, both because she was incredibly pretty and because she let him go on super long rambles about Rayman.
When she eventually fell for him, he fell for her almost instantly, and things have been going smoothly ever since lol.
The "How Did You Bag A Baddie?" audio.
Teensy Queen Thoughts:
Queen Teensy (honestly might name her Quincy lol) is the bad bitch teensy of the Glade. She has the heart of an adventurer, constantly running away from the boring royal duties to practice her magic and fighting skills.
She will run off, kick ass by halting a nightmare invasion of some rural town, then return just in time for her royal duties.
She loves fighting almost as much as she loves Rayman lol.
Queen had a mega crush on Rayman and was desperate to get with him. However, Rayman (the aroace king he is) took no interest in her whatsoever.
She decided to settle for TR as a sort of "substitute" for Rayman at first. She was constantly heckled by her family for never giving any man a chance, so she retaliated by grabbing the teensy who looked the most like Rayman and basically fake-dating him.
After a couple months or so of just being safe-date buddies, she started to gain actual feelings for TR, to which he reciprocated. She was in a lot of denial about it though for a while.
She be like "I don't date dorks!" then ends up with this mf.
Teensy Queen is Grand Romantic Gestures in teensy form. She will go out of her way to create large displays for the people she loves and cares about.
That's all I have rn. Expect more art of these guys cuz they're gonna be so everything to me for like two months lol.
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Thanks for indulging in my delusion lol. Have a lovely day :)
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lovable-liar · 8 months
1940s New York Schlatt who owns a whore house in France and you’re his favorite…?
(This is a gift for @lvrj4mie, happy belated birthday darling! I hope you like it.)
In the era of the 1940s, the world famous Jonathan Schlatt had established himself as a renowned whore house owner, not in New York, but nestled in the heart of Paris, France’s red light district. His house, "Le Mystère," was the epitome of sophistication, drawing a crowd of wealthy, high-horse, business men looking to cheat on their wives from around the world.
In the smoky, dimly lit atmosphere of “Le Mystère” in 1940s France, the sultry tunes of jazz filled the air as patrons gathered in the foyer to be herded off to separate luxury rooms. Schlatt was known for his keen eye for talent and his love for the art of burlesque.
Among the talented performers who graced the rooms night after night, you held a special place in Schlatt's heart. Your ‘performances’ were nothing short of mesmerizing, combining grace, charm, and a hint of mischief that left the customer enraptured. It wasn't just your beauty that drew Schlatt's admiration, but also your incredible skill at adapting to someone’s preferences.
Schlatt would often find himself watching from the shadows, his eyes fixed on you as you did mundane things and also when you ‘entertained’ a customer with certain exhibitionist preferences. He appreciated the artistry and dedication you poured into each ‘performance’, and he couldn't help but be proud of having you as one of the stars of his club. Your talent was the heartbeat of the establishment, drawing in patrons from all corners of the city who couldn't resist the allure.
One evening, after a long night, you were sitting in your changing room in front of your luxurious vanity when a familiar knock rapped against the door.
“Who is it?” You called out warily.
“Ya boss, sugar tits.”
“Come in!” You chuckle.
“Like I need a fuckin’ invitation…” He scoffs as he enters, having to bow his head in order to not hit it due to his height.
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? What’s fuckin’ wrong? Why does everything have to be ‘wrong’ around here?”
“Sorry. What’s up?”
“Just thought I’d come say hi before you get back to work… You know,” He pauses “I pity a lot of you girls in here. However ‘luxurious’ we promote this place to be, you’re still sellin’ your bodies for nought…”
“Well… Maybe pity isn’t the right word… uh- fuckin’ uhh… whazitcalled? Uhh…”
“Yeah! Yeah… And it’s not like I don’t pay ya good, is’ just a shitty feelin’ ya know?”
“At least we get paid,” You say lightheartedly “But what did you really come in here for?”
“What makes ya think I’m here for anythin’ else, sugar?”
“You never come into my dressing room unless you want something. Last time it was for intel on a businessman, the time before that was because you wanted advice on your hair, the time before that was-”
“Alright, alright! You win, broad,” He sighs, “I wan’ed to ask ya out on a little night out on the town. I could take ya to the Ritz, and then we’d go to an art exhibit, maybe dance if we find a busker? I dunno… Just thought I’d ask since… Well I’m goin’ back home soon and, well, ‘m not gonna be back for a while and ya might quit in that time and then I’d never see ya again and I just thought I’d ask cuz-” “Sure. I’d love that.”
“A-Are you,” He coughs, “Are ya sure, doll? I don’t wanna put you in between a rock and a hard place cuz I’m ya boss. Ya don’t have to if ya don’t wanna.”
“You’re one of the only men that knows about my job and doesn’t look at me like a set of holes so, I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“Well… Shit, doll. I-I’ll grab ya after your shift? W- Is it weird if I take ya out after you’ve had sex with a buncha nobodies for the night?”
“Then take me out now.”
“C’mon then, doll, getcha coat.”
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