#rayman teensy ray
katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
"And if you EVER talk bad about MY Plumgum Cupcake, Pudding Pie, puppy-faced Cutie Patootie Shmoopsie Boopsi Booboo, Sweetheart, Sunshine, Honey Bunch, Teddy Bear, Boytoy AGAIN, I'll make sure your dismantled disheveled bubblized body NEVER gets a proper burial!!"
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Back at it again with everyone's (me and me alone's) favorite straight ship in the Rayverse <33333
Progress below cut:
Sometimes I brainrot about these two a little too much. It usually occurs when someone likes my og post about them💀
One of my (least) favorite things to see is when people portray Teensy Queen as a damsel in distress. Like yeah, she's feminine n stuff and probably doesn't like getting dirty, but like, gurl whoops ass. She will go out of her way to beat up people who hurt the people closest to her.
And since Teensy Ray is kinda a super massive pushover out in public, you could imagine that occurs a lot.
Teensy Ray (despite being incredibly embarrassed) loves how she stands up for him. He's gotten nicer treatment from the public since they came out as together. Half of the public respect him b/c his ability to basically rizz up one of the most legitimate lines of royalty. The other half is just scared of Queen, so they leave him alone💀.
Don't mess with her or her boyfailure malewife. You won't escape with any unbroken bones and intact joints.
Also, thanks to my homie @supgoddo, the name of the bird species on Teensy Ray's head is called a whiffler. This one in particular is named Whiffles.
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Have a good one my brokousies >:))
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dirtyhandslolo · 1 year
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(2/3) Another part of Rayman stuff that I didn't share before!
There is pretty a lot of sketches this time, old and new, so my apologies, haha!
Rayman (in Samsung Notes, yes, it was drawn in Samsung Notes, no joke)
Art trade with Banditboiiz in Twitter (their OC)
Surprised RO Magician/Ales Mansay
Ales Mansay in two different ways (first one is closer to his in-game appearence in Origins and second is my personal take of him)
Little redesign of Teensy Ray (with different skins on him)
Little sketch of Globox and Rayman on black paper
R1 Rayman with glasses
And also sorry for not posting for long time once again 😅
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vorktyunal · 5 months
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teensie, teensie, teensie
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rayix · 7 months
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More of my Rayman OC, Joxster :}
Ik I said mini things about him on my other post but oh well. Here's some random thingies.
- Despite being Mr. Dark's henchmen/helper, he looks up to Rayman at times, even though he is always the main target for Joxster's pranks. It's a bit of a strange admiration. He likes to prank the thingamajig and try to take down Rayman for his boss, but finds him cool and entertaining.
- He tends to wear a hoodie that strikes resemblance to Rayman's, besides color, which he got from The Legend.
- He is impatient, mischievous, childish in nature, and quite emotional.
- He tends to call everyone his friend and sees them as just objects.
- He likes to shape-shift too, either to mess with people or to just show off (despite how his colors give him away. Again ik I said these in the last post but I have a doodles for them now shh).
- He likes to follow Mr. Dark around all the time and talk his head off.
- Regularly goes to The Glade of Dreams just to stir up trouble
- Likes to collect bones and rocks
- Yes I have a voice claim and it's Fryda Wolff (Collector - TOH)
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rainbow-wolf120 · 6 months
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Two friends have a talk
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
I just realised something about Laserhawk Rayman which I've been saying about Rayman for DECADES.
So what is Rayman's defining goal which powers him throughout all his games? It's gonna sound corny, but it's FRIENDSHIP.
And you'll say 'oh that's not uncommon, most videogame protags do stuff for the sake of their friends', but it's kinda more than that.
Rayman LIVES AND BREATHES through the love and support of his friends.
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Rayman is a strange little freak guy, one of a kind even amongst his own species*, and instead of being shunned and alone he is held up and supported by his friends and propelled forward by the power of friendship. This is more of a driving force in his life than a romantic interest, a prized possession, or any kind of praise.
(*I still use the logic of Rayman 1 that other limbless beings like Rayman exist but were not created by magic. Hence why Rayman has immortality)
On the surface you have his friendship with Globox as a clear example of his devotion. Despite their differences the two are like brothers and bond through various games in different ways. saving and being saved by Globox is a big part of Rayman 2. Curing Globox of Andre is literally the driving force of Rayman 3.
When Rayman is trapped by the pirates at the start of Rayman 2 he is absolutely distraught, powerless and unable to escape on his own. Without Globox risking his life on the vague chance he'd get put in a cell near Rayman to give him a silver lum, Rayman might never have escaped the Buccaneer. Rayman's friendship with Globox trumped Globox's absolute fear of the pirates.
Rayman's friends are always the ones giving him support and gifts and powers to help him save the day, not in a 'you suck lets hold your hand as you go through the game' way but in a 'we have absolute faith in you, friend, anything we can do to help we will!' way. And in turn Rayman returns that love through his actions and compassion. Rayman is who he is because of the love and acceptance of his friends. Hence why he is always seen relaxing with them, chilling with Globox and Barbara and Murfy and the Teensies.
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And it's Rayman's willingness to befriend others and turn the other cheek that betters him overall. Mosquito, Inspector Grub, the Rabbids, they have all been part of his journey despite being antagonistic to him at the start.
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When Rayman is separated from his friends, or unable to make new friendships, he kinda falls apart and struggles by himself. He gets lonely, realises how small he is in the world. If he doesn't have a focus to find his friends and help them he is lost.
Which makes perfect sense when you see a version of him in Laserhawk.
Rayman is the most popular mascot in Eden but HE DOESN'T HAVE FRIENDS.
The closest connection he has is to the Counsel who run Eden and even they keep him at arm's length from what we see in the show. They are not his friends, they are his abusive, neglectful bosses that dropped him the minute he stepped out of line, and without them Rayman has NO ONE ELSE in the city he can rely on.
No wonder he's a complete mess even before the show starts. He has no one to confide his fears in, no one who understands his unique perspective. He probably has yes-men and people willing to lie about how great he is, not to mention adoring viewers and a whole fanclub of kids, but even Rayman knows that's fake. They are not his real friends. He's the picture of the lonely celebrity in an ivory tower.
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You can see it in Rayman's face when he meets Bullfrog, and Bullfrog VALIDATES his feelings of betrayal and anger against Red and the Counsel. Finally he has someone showing him genuine compassion but also not mollycoddling him. Someone who is honest with him and not freaked out by/judgemental of how he looks. He's scared and angry, but there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel before him.
This and being replaced by Eden is the breaking point that causes Ray to become Ramon and fight back. He now has an end goal, take revenge on the Counsel and save Bullfrog from the electric chair. He has multiple reasons for doing this ranging from his belief in protecting hybrids in general to protecting his image to taking away some of Eden's power at gunpoint...but I also like to think he did it because he put his faith in Bullfrog.
Because as well as being one of the only people in Eden who might have an idea of what's going on behind the veil, he's probably the only person Rayman could consider a friend.
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Headcanons on Mr. Dark or Raymesis?
I’ll do both!
Mr. Dark real name is unknown, someone just once sarcastically called him ‘Mr.Dark and brooding’ and the name just kinda stuck.
He was a menace long before stealing the Great Protoon, basically pulling really mean tricks and spells on the locals. Giving people rashes, starting fires, trashing their homes, just being really alwful. It wasn’t until he defeated Betilla that he became a major threat on everyone’s radar.
He likes sweets.
Is an arsonist🔥
Before he spided on Rayman he was watching Betilla and her sisters, learning their strengths and weaknesses.
He just is really angry at Rayman for some reason, not because the hero is trying to stop him, but a more personal issue that he isn’t aware of. Envy.
Mr. Dark is actually a Limbless just like Rayman. However something terrible happened to him in the past, which would’ve killed him. But he lived for some reason, wether that would be thanks to some dark evil power or just his pure spite, it’s hard to tell.
He is 100% aware of what he is doing.
He wears the cape and hat to hide his messed up body.
His Cape also doubles as a security blanket of sorts.
Likes to put little charms on his hat he finds neat.
He likes to fight smarter instead of harder
Next Raymesis/dark Rayman
He was created using the power of the great protoon.
He gained his own autonomy once the Great protoon was out of Mr.darks control.
Has a bit of an identity crisis, due to him being created to keep chase and destroy Rayman, but if he did this he became scared of what would happen if he actually completed his goal.
Due to the crisis mentioned before had sometimes the part of him that wants to chase down and destroy heroes, end up separating from him sometimes and takes the form of Shadow Ray.
Weird love-hate feelings for Rayman (platonic)
After the whole first adventure he tries multiple different hobbies, except the same ones as Rayman because he wants to be his own person.
Theater is ultimately his favorite. He loves being dramatic (probably got it from Mr.Dark)
He name himself Raymesis, he got tired of being called dark Rayman.
I imagine a scenario where one day Rayman gets sick due to a potion a teensie had him try. Raymesis decides the best why to introduce him self to Rayman’s friends is to pretend to be the bed ridden hero, and that he was fine, the potion really didn’t do anything at all. 😈
Rayman sees him as a weird cousin of sorts.
Loves plum juice.
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rwuffles · 2 months
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☕️ ❛ rayman ( rayman legends / origins ) names , pronouns , usernames & titles! ⚣ req ; anon
pt: rayman (rayman legends/origins) names, pronouns, usernames and titles. requested by anon. end pt.
⠀names — bit , knightly , ray , raymond , pippo , ramiro , raimon , chevalier , aloysius , rainier , alphonse , odile , lou , alvaro , ludovic , marceau , alp
⠀pronouns — he / hero , hero / heroes , laze / lazes , laze / lazy , duck / ducks , snooze / snoozes , knight / knights , knight / knightly , hero / heroic , sleep / sleeps , sleep / sleepy , zzz / zzzs , snore / snores , create / creates , teensy / teensies , electoon / electoons , toon / electoon , magic / magics
⠀usernames — teensiehero , sleepyknight , thesnoringtree , dreamknight , dreamhero , lum-collector , teensy-savior , teensy-hero , electoon-hero , electoon-savior , fairys-creation , betillas-creation , nymphs-creation , globox-n-rayman , rayman-n-globox , snoring-tree
⠀titles — the hero who enjoys lazing / snoozing about / around , the teensy-rescuer , the one who's been asleep for a century / one-hundred-years , the savior of the teensies / electoons / glade of dreams , [prn] who spends most of [prns] time at the snoring tree , [prn] who freed the electoons , the lum-collector , [prn] who globox is attached at the hip to , [prn] who is attached at globox's hip
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mintsuwu · 11 months
Question, did Rayman ever learn about the Magician’s origins? I think he’d feel freaked out that Mr. Dark created his father figure but he would definitely still want him around despite his dark past.
Oh boy oh boy, never would I have thought that I would answer Rayman asks again, but here we are! (The posts are getting attention due to his rise I suppose, I feel so proud that Rayman has made not only one, but TWO big appeareances in media after so long)
ANYWAY SORRY- To that question I do imagine that he probably did, but much later on... Maybe around the time that Magician had dissapeared. He probably looked EVERYWHERE for him and didn't succeed, until he got the teensie (who pretended to be Magician, even by his name, Ales Mansay) all figured out and that's when he found out.
But on the other hand I do imagine that Ray was upset to know. Not because his father figure was a nightmare all along, but because nobody told him sooner and he had been taught that "All nightmares are bad and shall be punished" when Magician was the biggest exception and changed his ways (even if lum magic plays a bit of a role there). Betilla would regret it deeply, probably try to explain that he was still too young to know... And Ales himself was scared to tell anyone, he had come so far, so he didn't want to ruin his progress, he felt that Rayman wouldn't look at him the same way knowing that he was once a nightmare... Specially when the youngster was specifically made to be the hero of the Glade instead of him, Rayman couldn't know he was just some sort of dream replacement.
Of course, after he was found they talked it out and Rayman understood it perfectly, he will always look up to him no matter what.
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cosmo-production · 1 year
Rayman stuff (i think) would work well in the Sparks of hope DLC: rayman in the phantom show
the obvious picks: barbara and Globox
the two seem most likely to appear because of rayman legends and being the thing that bailed Rayman out of obscurity. being the extra playable characters the game needs when Rabbid Mario and Peach get boring to play. globox being a bulky character with single target-focused damage , barbara is a close combat version of edge.
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the most popular evil Rayman poeple would riot of he didnt get, even some wanting to develop character outside of being a clone and i feel the wacky world of rabbid's is great place to do it, he would be boss fight that acts like a powerful version of Rayman, but he would use darkmess versions of rabbid Mario and rabbid peach. being a creature himself made of dark magic, he interacts with darkmess just fine. this creates a rival battle for ages as Raymesis's team is stronger than you in most aspects but friendly fire is on for all of there attacks, take advantage of that and he will fall easily. at the end the clones melt and Raymesis runs off like an angry diva and can be seen the break room yelling about the lost
the fun stuff:
1st off
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dark rayman: an evil doppelganger created to hunt down rayman to ends of the world, mirroring everything ray does until he catches him
this could be a fun minboss fight, using his shadow-like body to phase through attacks that are not from rayman, but there would be props with ray's face on them that the others would set up, he would charge at them like a bull, and leave him open.
maybe at the end he disappears the second somebody asks where he came from. then showing randomly during fights
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Fiesta de los Muertos:
Fiesta de los Muertos itself would be great astheic on it own as part of the dlc but maybe the world could be invaded by phantom turn was once an undead party, into a theatrical nightmare realm with the two rulers of land estelia and selena leading the rebellion, with selena in particular keen on collecting phantom's soul, being a ghost with no unfinished business breaking i don't know all the rules of the underworld
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dark teensy:
again, a character from legends and origins that is very likely to get in because two games that revived rayman. but every tv show plot in a game needs a intern that the butt of every joke and there perfect for the role.
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this would perfect for Phantom and to up his character, a ost that mixes between phantom lyrics and the orchestral becoming one at the crescendo. Phantom gaining more control and power over it as it goes on. the toads that make up the orchestra as npc at start of the dlc but slowly become controlled by the phantom and turn into his mindless yes-man whose only purpose is to preach about phantom, greatness and build up his insatiable ego.
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katiekatdragon27 · 5 months
Guuuyyyyyyys? Can we all just agree that this is canon noowwwwwww?
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These two have been eating at my brain all night it’s chronic.
Every fandom I'm in has that one straight-passing ship that I make my personality for a couple weeks lol. This is that straight-passing ship for Rayman lol.
A buncha ideas and progress below cut:
Teensy Ray Thoughts:
Teensy Ray (who's name is probably Raymond I haven't decided yet) is the kind and soft-spoken leader of the Rayman Fan-Club. He is the go-to person for all things Rayman, and has basically turned his house into a makeshift shrine museum for the guy.
He DIYed his entire cosplay of Rayman. He cut up his cloak and altered it to look more like a "hoodie", even wrapping his arms with bandages to represent Rayman's "limbless-ness." The thing he struggled with most was the hair.
Speaking of the hair, the "implant" that Polokus talks about in Origins was actually a little bird creature he found one day. Its tail feathers stick up like Rayman's two hair strands and can whirl around in a haircopter style.
The creature is also a kind-of wing man for TR. It can read how he feels and will move its tail accordingly.
The reason why TR started the Rayman Fan-Club and dresses as him a ton was because way back in the day, he was directly saved by Rayman (like Rayman hauled his ass out of danger manually kinda saving). He feels like the club is the least he could do to repay his hero
Also he and Ray are pen-pals lol (but Rayman takes decades to respond)
Teensy Ray is a hopeless romantic. Any sort of romantic gesture, no matter how small, sweeps him off his feet.
He was originally Teensy Queen's "safe date." He was down for it, both because she was incredibly pretty and because she let him go on super long rambles about Rayman.
When she eventually fell for him, he fell for her almost instantly, and things have been going smoothly ever since lol.
The "How Did You Bag A Baddie?" audio.
Teensy Queen Thoughts:
Queen Teensy (honestly might name her Quincy lol) is the bad bitch teensy of the Glade. She has the heart of an adventurer, constantly running away from the boring royal duties to practice her magic and fighting skills.
She will run off, kick ass by halting a nightmare invasion of some rural town, then return just in time for her royal duties.
She loves fighting almost as much as she loves Rayman lol.
Queen had a mega crush on Rayman and was desperate to get with him. However, Rayman (the aroace king he is) took no interest in her whatsoever.
She decided to settle for TR as a sort of "substitute" for Rayman at first. She was constantly heckled by her family for never giving any man a chance, so she retaliated by grabbing the teensy who looked the most like Rayman and basically fake-dating him.
After a couple months or so of just being safe-date buddies, she started to gain actual feelings for TR, to which he reciprocated. She was in a lot of denial about it though for a while.
She be like "I don't date dorks!" then ends up with this mf.
Teensy Queen is Grand Romantic Gestures in teensy form. She will go out of her way to create large displays for the people she loves and cares about.
That's all I have rn. Expect more art of these guys cuz they're gonna be so everything to me for like two months lol.
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Thanks for indulging in my delusion lol. Have a lovely day :)
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lonelimbless · 11 months
Because I don't have money for Netflix just to watch Captain Laserhawk, I might as well do some lore building for my au.
The AU is called "Sun Setted" - The Meadow of Hopes is where Ashlen, Gnarr, etc have originated from and it serves as a parallel universe to the Glade of Dreams but it has notable differences.
• Hoodlums are the prominent enemies in this universe and they have been around for years. It was more of a "what if" situation where André managed to successfully reach the Heart but the Heart had been divided up into 5 Lum Shards and scattered across the land, each ending up into the 4 Kings possession while one of the Shards were in Ashlen's care currently.
• The Meadow was once originally just as vast as the Glades but majority of it fell in Hoodlum territory. What remains became a safe haven for the survivors: The Lastians. Mostly comprised of Teensies from the different tribes, most important Rue, who was an advisor for the Grand Minimus. She once served as the guardian for the Lum Shard.
• Ashlen's creation was natural rather than being manmade, the Lastians did not created Ashlen but they did raised her at a young age. She was considered as a miracle at some extent as she was made out of red lums, which had been scarce nowadays and this grants her healing ability. However, they were fearful that she can easily be corrupted so they would always advise her to not feel fear and always be brave. Rue didn't believe that it was not the good way but she did believed it was necessary so Ashlen wouldn't fall into the Hoodlums' influence.
• Ashlen was led to believe that she was abandoned by Rue and the Lastians but she was abandoned out of her safety. Rue gifted her the Lum Shard in her sleep and sent her away through a raft with the aid of others just before the Hoodlums can reach to her. Rue was never seen or heard of again after this and Ashlen had to learn to grow up alone... until she met Gnarr.
• Gnarr just tolerates this child following around but they grew closer when they were facing the invasion. The Pirates had a pact with the Hoodlums but it was all just a betrayal plan so the Hoodlums can gain their metal for their guns, armor, etc. Some ships were saved but most were renovated to become new HQ's or have crashed after the invasion - one which became Ashlen and Gnarr's forever home.
• Ashlen was more of an anti-hero, especially under the alias of The Crimson Thief, cause all she wants was just to survive and not risk herself turning. It was Gnarr, unironically, that tried to convince her to save the world but Ashlen already see it as a lost cause and again, it was too risky. The whole accidental encounter with André all those years ago was way too hard to forget. Fortunately, Rayman and Globox would accidentally find a way into their universe...
• Ashlen didn't like Rayman with his heroic ideologies and his carefree personality, she didn't understand yet Ray softened her up around the idea. He also helped her that she doesn't have to be strong all the time: "it's okay to be scared, you know". In return, she helps him with his combat skills and even show him some battle tricks. For Gnarr and Globox... well, Gnarr can act as a grumpy uncle to his kids.. which almost made him jump out of his skin by how many they were.
They go around to find the 4 Kings, collect the Lum Shards, and stop André for good yada yada... but this is still a work in progress and I promise you that I'll make it more interesting. I watched Raya and the Last Dragon for some inspiration (I know, it's mid but I still liked it... I like dragons). Also, André in Sun Setted is way different than original André in both appearance and personality. Pretty much, I Mr. Dark-ified André since Mr Dark likely doesn't exist here, I haven't decided yet.
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vorktyunal · 1 year
Hello! I am absolutely in love with your Rayman drawings, you draw the sillies so well! I really like the teensies so I must ask what are your favorite teensies in particular? I'm also very interested about the Vampire AU and I would like to know more about it. I also must ask, but is Goth-teensy some sort of a mentor for Rayman in the Vampire AU and he's teaching him on how to be a vampire? Anyways, I love your Rayman content! 😁
Hello. Thank you very much.
I also love teensies. Grand Minimus is my main favorite. As well as love First King and Magician.
I’ll write about the main details. Vampires are deprived of their former feelings and attachments, some lose their personality. They are aggressive (with some exceptions) and have improved physical qualities and heightened senses. Goth Teensy was the one who bit Rayman. They cooperated for a while and walked in the same direction but their paths diverged. Then the team finds Ray. Unfortunately, they don’t yet know how is the vampirism transmitted.
There are a lot of sketches left, I can continue somehow.
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the-eggplantblog · 11 months
In ancient times the Glade’s inhabitants believed in a legendary warrior that would protect them from the recently created Jano and all the nightmares that came. Teensies and nymphs suffering from Jano’s wrath held out hope for a hero and he showed up.
They said he had a limbless body that would make anyone laugh when you see them. They say this person would liberate them from the nightmares and bring about joy and smiles to all. Some called him “Ray-gnarr” if that was really his name.
Did he really exists or did they dream him up is unknown as all documents of him has been lost to time and only folklore exists of him. Some believe that Rayman is connected to this ancient hero and attributed the defeat of Jano to him despite Rayman never meeting Jano until the robo-pirates attacked.
(Based off a headcanon to explain a few inconsistencies and establish there may have been multiple raymans before our classic one)
:0, I like your idea, it would be very curious if Rayman had ancestors and that like him, they protected the glade of the dreams.
Yes, I always considered that it didn't make sense, that Rayman was supposedly created to stop Jano originally, or that he defeated Jano,when in Rayman 2 he doesn't even know who he was and it seems like he was knowing him and Janp also doesn't seem to know to rayman.
but your headcanon explains that very well, since it was not rayman who defeated jano, it was another thingamajig that existed before him.
Anyway, I really liked this headcanon ^^
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rainbow-wolf120 · 2 months
Dumping my RayEvils here because these guys are floating in my brain again
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A lot of these are very self-indulgent I mean, very reasonable and totally make sense
Couple of facts / hcs below:
They were all created to oppose Rayman or someone else once in their life
All the RayEvil’s were built / ‘owned’ by a different Rayman villain throughout the franchise. Some overlay, yes, but mostly it’s diverse
Most of the times their creators would leave 'brands' on them to know who belongs to who
RayEvil’s aren’t entirely natural Thingamajigs. They were all artificially made for whatever their creator desired. These normally consist of a Blue Lum and whatever else they have (most commonly Dark Magic)
Now some individual facts about the characters!!
Created by Mr. Dark, stolen by Ales Mansay at a young 'age'
Hates Mansay and wants to go back to being Mr. Dark's creation (Mansay claims that he created Raymesis)
Became an 'older brother' figure to Shadow after Mansay dumped the two in a room together
Super snappy, angry, and extremely petty. Thinks he's Rayman's true rival but Rayman couldn't give a shit
Created the Antis (Him, Glombrox, First King, and Selena) as a way to get back at Rayman
Shadow Ray:
Created by a Blue Lum and copious amounts of Dark Magic. This made them extremely unstable and (if they could feel it) in lots of pain
Ales Mansay's favorite creation. Thinks that they're the most 'sucessful'
Half-blind and only really cackles / giggles. Needs glasses to sorta see
Can't fully move. They need to 'mark' someone and follow their 'trail' to even go anywhere
Fascinated with art and film. Loves a good movie and is easily amused
Shadi (Bad Rayman)
Also created by Mr. Dark but left for dead in the Livid Dead after his defeat
Did not understand free will until she met Goth Teensy. He helped her find her own personality and being
Very disliked in the Livid Dead with the other Nightmares. She looked too much like Rayman for them
Can pick things up super easily by just watching
Still friends with Goth but became distant after he because the Livid Dead Door guard
Created by Razorbeard; he was left in the Glade after the Robo Pirates fled the Glade
Made to tire Rayman out and keep him occupied. Very much destined for sports and high-energy activities
Very competitive and will do anything to win. He will cheat, cry, and fight to get what he wants
Cannot handle loosing. He will throw a fit and get extremely violent
One of the only RayEvil's without a Blue Lum. He is pure machinery and alien technology
Mansay's first RayEvil. He created him, but he was sold to Rigatoni. Gave him a hatred for Mansay
Athletic, can breathe / control fire, and can detect his limbs. Everything Rigitoni wants in a star
He's very snobbish and under the impression he's more popular than Rayman (He also has never left the circus)
Even as a performer, still has his old programming. If he see Rayman or anything similar, he will get needlessly violent
Extremle 'one man show' and hates working with others
So yeah, these are my silly guys!! Feel free to ask me anything about them. I love them all dearly <3
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raygirlramblings · 6 months
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‘Napping on your friends is the highest sign of trust you could ever show them’ ~ Lexintothenex
I had this sketch rotting in procreate to literally too long so bit the bullet to finally finish it. I figure Rayman and Ly having a very physical (but not sexual) friendship. Lots of hugs, tackles, roughhousing and general comfortable closeness between two people who have known each other for a very long time. It’s not uncommon for Ray to fall asleep after a long mission saving the day, and Ly is more than happy to be a hammock just to be sure her buddy is getting the rest he needs. I can see her easily giving death stares to any Teensie king who tries to barge in demanding Rayman fix something XD
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