#bundory family
tartrat · 8 months
random question
I made a post about Dandory Bundory from Busters 2 and briefly mentioned how the bundory family has spanish translations for each member. I was looking at the wiki and noticed that other yo kai from that game have spanish name translations, with some having either french or italian translations. Does anyone know if this is true or if someone on the wiki is just trolling out of boredom?
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ijinrejendo · 4 years
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Toranka Bundory from Yo-Kai Watch Busters 2! She’s one of my favorite yo-kai from the series.
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain major spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 8, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the aftermath of the battle with Gowin Bundory.
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These are the scenes that follow right after the battle with Gowin, the related scenes of which I have translated here, so I recommend reading that if you want more context.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
After the Battle with Gowin:
Jibanyan: ん? ここはどこニャン? Hm? Where are we, nyan?
Zom B Chopper: あ あれを見ろ! Ah, look at that!
Zom B Chopper: なんだこれは… 船を操縦するための舵 …つまりハンドルだな! What is this... A rudder to steer a ship... ...in other words, a steering wheel! (1)
Jibanyan: うーん 何かありそうだけど 全然わかんないニャ〜ン。 Hmm, seems like there’s something up with this, but I don't get it at all, nyaaan.
Indy Jaws: きさまら死にたいのかぁぁ! Do you want to die or something!?
Indy Jaws: こんなもの あきらかなワナだ! 触るんじゃないっ! This is an obvious trap! Don't touch it!
Indy Jaws: いいか? ちょっとでも 触ろうもんなら… Got it? Even the slightest touch could....
Indy Jaws: って さめえええええっ! Ah- Sameeeeeee! (2)
Jibanyan: めちゃめちゃガッツリ さわってるニャーン! You just totally touched it as much as possible, nyaan!
Whisper: え? え! うわわ… 床が動きますよ〜! Huh? Huh!? Uwawah... The floor is moving!
Zom B Chopper: そうか…! これはハンドルを 「右に回すと床が上へあがる」しかけだな! I see...! This wheel is a mechanism that "raises the floor when turned to the right"!
Komasan: もんげ〜!! さすが大大大冒険家ズラ〜! Mongeee! As expected from a Great Great Great Adventurer!
Jibanyan: この島に来て はじめて 謎を解いているとこ見たニャン! This is the first time I’ve seen you solving a puzzle, since we came to the island, nyan!
Whisper: でも グーゼンですけどね〜! Even though it was an accident, whis!
Indy Jaws: グ… グーゼンではない! ワナにさえ愛され 味方にする! It wasn't an accident! Let the trap love you, and turn it into an ally!
Indy Jaws: そ それくらいでないと 大大大冒険家とは言えないのだよ! I-if you can't even do that, you can't call yourself a Great Great Great Adventurer!
Indy Jaws: ハハハ… ハ〜ッハッハッハ!! Hahaha... Haaahahaha!!
The word I translated as steering wheel is ハンドル/handoru in Japanese, which is derived from the English world “handle”, and can be used to refer to the steering wheel of a car.
Indy Jaws often uses さめ/same, which literally translates to shark, as an exclamation of suprise, shock, or the like.
On a Higher Floor:
Jibanyan: ニャニャ… なんだニャン? Nyanya... What's this, nyan?
Indy Jaws: 見ろ…!祭壇だぞ! 安置されている宝玉は…。 Look...! An altar! And the jewel that's enshrined there...
Zom B Chopper: ああ! あれこそ 「バンバラストーン」……!! Ahh! That's the "Banbara Stone"...!!
Jibanyan: ニャ… ニャニャ!? Nya... Nyanya!?
Indy Jaws: あ… ジバニャンの宝剣が勝手に…! Ah... Jibanyan's Treasure Swords are acting on their own...!
Jibanyan: やったニャン! 「バンバラストーン」 ゲットだニャン!! Hooray, nyan! We got the "Banbara Stone", nyan!!
Zom B Chopper: 秘宝に認められたんだ…! やったな! よし… 早くここを離れようぜ!! The Hidden Treasure accepted us...! We did it! Alright... Let's hurry up and get out of here!!
Jibanyan: わかったニャン! Got it, nyan!
As they’re about to leave:
Indy Jaws: ん? 待て! あれを見ろ! Hm? Wait! Look at that!
Dandory: はぁ…はぁ…くくく… 待ち待ったぜ この時を!! *pant*… *pant*… Hehehe… We've been waiting for this moment!!
Indy Jaws: くっ またお前たちか… 往生際が悪いぞ!! Kch, you again… You just don't know when to quit!!
Dandory: バンバラヤーの秘宝が復活…  ってことは いるんだろ? The revival of the Hidden Treasure of Banbarayā… That's it, isn't it? (1)
Dandory: 壺の妖怪… 「カナエンデス」!! Yōkai of the Vase… “Kanaendesu”!! (2)
Black Catleen: ふふふ… やはりお前たちも来たか しつこいやつらめ… Hehehe… So you came after all. What a persistent lot… (3)
Whisper: うぃす? どいうこと? Whis? What's this?
Kirene: あぁっ!! Ahh!!
Dandory: ふ…ふふ… 参ったぜ 本当にその姿のままなんだな… Heh… Hehe… I'm at loss. You really have become like this…
Tanto: か… 母ちゃん!? 母ちゃん!! M… Mommy!? Mommy!!
Spatto: あっ タント!! Ah, Tanto!!
Tanto: わかるかい 母ちゃんオイラだよ! ずっとずっと探してたんだよォ! You understand, Mommy? It's me! We've been lookin' for you for so long!
Whisper: ええっ お母さん!? ブンドリー一家の? What!? The Bundory Family's mother?
Whisper: で それが壺の妖怪? ど…どゆこと〜? And, she is this Yōkai of the Vase? W… What are you talking about?
Spatto: バ… バカ! いくなタント!! You… You idiot! Stay away from her, Tanto!!
Spatto: 今の母さんは… 母さんじゃないんだっ!! Mom is not… she's not Mom anymore!!
Dandory: まだ小さかったあいつには話してないんだ… Since he was still small, we didn't tell him…
Dandory: 母さんと壺の妖怪が… 合体していることを! …that our mother and the Yōkai of the Vase… have fused!
Everyone: ええーっ!? Whaaaat!?
Black Catleen: くっ… な なんだコイツは!! ええい! はなれろっ!! Kch… What's with this one!? Arrghh! Get off me!!
Tanto: うわああああ!!! Uwaaahh!!!
Indy Jaws: 地鳴りだ! やばいぞ! Rumbling! This is bad!
Black Catleen: なんだ!? 塔が… 変形する? What!? The tower is… changing shape?
Black Catleen: 秘宝の前にして… こんなことがぁぁっ!! Why does this have to happen… when the Hidden Treasure is right there!?
Dandory: タント… タントはどこだ あっ!! Tanto… Tanto, where are you!? Ah!!
Tanto: ゴメンよぉ… オイラいっつもみんなの 足引っぱってばっかでさあ… Sorry… 'm always just draggin' you guys down…
Dandory: ガレキが… タントっ! う…動くな The debris… Tanto! D… Don't move!
Dandory: 待ってろ! 兄ちゃん今行くからな! Just wait! Your big brother will be right there in a moment!
Gowin: ハッハッハァァ!! ここはワシとバアちゃんにまかせろや! Hahahahaaa!! You can leave the rest to me and Grandma!
Toranka: ハッハアア! その通りだよォ! Haha! That's right!
Gowin: グハハ…… フウ…… フウ…… Guhaha… *huff*… *huff*…
Dandory: 親父…! ばあちゃん…! バスターズとの戦いでもう力が… Dad…! Grandma…! You're still out of energy from fighting the Busters…
Gowin: グハハ… バッスルしすぎたかのォ Guhaha… Guess they busted us. (4)
Kirene: イヤぁ! パパ〜っ! おばあちゃん〜!! No! Papa! Grandma!!
Komasan: タントさぁ〜ん! 待ってるズラ〜 Tanto! Hang in there!
Komasan: スィーツ好きどうし 助け合いズラ!! Sweets lovers gotta help each other!!
Treasure Komasan: よいしょっ… ズラ Heave-ho…
Tanto: コ… コマさん… オイラなんかのために Ko… Komasan… You're doin’ this for someone like me…
Dandory: タント…… お前… Tanto… You…
Tanto: ゴメンよ 兄ちゃん 敵なのに友だちになっちゃって… 'm sorry big bro, I made friends with him, even though he's our enemy…
Dandory: ありがとよ バスターズ 弟をたのむぜ Thank you, Busters. Please, take care of our little brother.
Dandory: おい! スパット! キレーネ! Hey! Spatto! Kirene!
Dandory: 親父たちを追うぜ! ヤツと決戦だっ!! We're going after Dad and the others! This will be the final battle with that guy!!
Spatto: ああ! Right!
Kirene: うん 行きましょう! Yeah, let's go!
Tanto: 兄ちゃん! 姉ちゃん! み… みんなあああっ! Big bros! Big sis! G… Guys!
Zom B Chopper: おい! やつらが上の階に! 追うぞっ! Hey! They're going to the upper floor! Let's go after them!
Zom B Chopper: さあ急げ ウィスパー!! Now, hurry up, Whisper!!
Whisper: うぃす〜〜っ!? この流れで私に来ます!? Whiiiis!? You're coming at me with that!?
Whisper: いやいや! おかしいでしょ〜〜っ!! Oh, no, no! You're not making sense!!
Zom B Chopper: お前一番 その輪っかのハンドルに近いんだよ! You're the closest to that steering wheel!
Zom B Chopper: 右に回して床を上げろ! Turn it to the right and raise the floor!
Indy Jaws: そうだ早くやれ!! 穴が閉じるぞ!! Yes, and hurry it up!! The opening is closing!!
Whisper: あわわ… 右って言ったらどっちです! Awawa... When you say right, which one do you mean?
Whisper: いつも私が鼻をホジホジする方の手? The hand I always use to pick my nose?
Jibanyan: どっちでやってるかなんて知らないニャン! As if I'd know which one you do that with, nyan!
Whisper: ですね! そうこっち! こっちが右手! True! Right, this one! This one is my right hand!
Whisper: ハイ息すってぇ〜… 右に力を入れてぇ〜… Alright, take a deep breath... Put your strength into your right hand aaaand...
Whisper: 回すぅぅ!!!! Turn it!!!!
Zom B Chopper: おい ハンドルは「右」から回しちゃったら 「左」に行くだろうが… Hey. If you turn the wheel from the "right", it will go "left", you know...
Whisper: …うぃすぅ〜? ...Whis?
Indy Jaws: 何やってんださめぇぇぇぇぇ〜〜!! What are you doing, sameeeeeee!!
The term バンバラヤー/Banbarayā could be romanized in different ways, for example the first syllable “Ban-” could also be romanized as “Bam-”, the middle part “-bara-” could also be “-bala-”, and the ending “-yā“ could also be romanized as “-yar”, “-yaa”, or “-yah”.
Kanaendesu is taken from 叶えんです/kanaendesu, which translates to “it is granted”, as in, a wish is granted. It's also noteworthy that  デス/desu is the Japanese spelling of the English word “death”, and I feel that this is likely intentional here, so the name could be spelled as Kanaendeath. But, I’m sticking with a literal romanization for now.
This “form” is labelled Black Catleen later in the game, so that’s what I’m using here.
In Japanese, I’m fairly sure he is making a pun on バスターズ/basutāzu (”Busters”) with the word バッスル/bassuru (”to punish”).
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kaialonedoodles · 6 years
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My idea of how two characters from Yokai Watch Busters 2, Spatto and Tanto of the Bundory Family, would look like without their masks and headwear.
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I wanted to translate something for fun! This was for fun so it’s kinda amateurishly translated... Some sentences were kinda weird to translate...
So, I assume the Bundori Family are the villains of the new Yokai Watch Busters 2? I think they look pretty awesome! I love the whole family dynamic.
Tl Notes:
Toranka: Her name is a pun with the word tora, which mean tiger. There was one sentence, “見た目は小柄なロック婆ちゃん。“ which I thought meant “Grandma that looks as small as a rock.” Which makes no sense to me, and I like Rockin’ Grandmas more.
Gohwin: The Japanese spelling of the name is Goouin, with the ui like wi (like whisper’s name). Wasn’t too sure how to write, but Gohwin looks cool. That first sentence was kinda confusing- “豪快なガッハッハ系妖怪.” This sentence I’m pretty sure I got wrong. 系 means “system, group, or series,” but ガッハッハ looks like a laugh, so I don’t understand what the two together would mean?
Gustav: Gustav is written in Japanese with an f, for some reason. I assume shupapa is the verbal tic he makes?
Dandori: Uh? Dandori in Japanese seams to mean “plan,” so I guess he’s the strategist? I suppose the second sentence is supposed to mean that he acts as the “man of the house” but acts coy around his dad.
Spot: Spot’s name was a flip of the coin, it could have been Spat (The spelling is Supatto). The second sentence tripped me up, as I thought it meant he inspires to be a phantom thief (although it’s implied in my translation). The third sentence was awkward in Japanese, it was just “Mother admires.” Context wise, it didn’t make sense,
Kireine: No pun! Her name is literally the Japanese sentence for “Beautiful, right?” Having to write that she loves cosmetics a lot felt awkward and trite.
Tanto: Tanto is the spelling of his name, but I almost wrote it as Tant, but Tanto is cuter. Dunno the pun, if any. The second sentence was kinda tricky, the meaning is like “Always focuses only on failures” in a way of obsessive worrying.
Catalina: CAT-alina! GET IT!? CAT! Catalina in Japanese (カタリナ katarina) probably wouldn’t have been written like her name is (キャタトリーナ kyatoriina), so her name actually is a pun using the Japanese writing of the English word for cat.
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tartrat · 9 months
My thoughts for a rewrite for Yo-Kai watch Blastes 2 rewrite.
Recently i have been thinking about one of my main problems with Yo-kai watch (besides the fanbase on twitter) and that would be the Bundory family being perpetually trapped in Blasters 2 and specifically how i do have a rewrite in my head.
My main problem here is that because B2 has been disregarded they have been stuck there since. I know that Gowin, Catleen and Dandory have reappeared in Puni Puni but apart from that the rest of the family haven't appeared in any game since 2017. I feel like there should have been some sort of crossover with Yo-kai watch 3 as B2 is based on the treasure blasters mode from it and it would've possibly given them a bit more acknowledgement as well as possibly having localised names. I mean recently i found out that the family name has a spanish translation (Familia Feliante, apparently) on the wiki but am unsure whether this is legitimate or if someone was bored one day and decide to mess around.
I do favour Dandory over the rest as he is the main one, but over the years I have rewritten him inside my head, like i thought about this alot during 2020 and within the last year or so i've tried to make it more cohesive. I just like him and i don't know why, an unfortunately most of the results that come up for him online are f*tish art of him (on an unrelated note i wish that Charlie and the chocolate factory was never written)
(note that in this rewrite i have made Dandory 15 and have also aged the human characters up to 15 as well, because most shows sort of show 15 year olds fighting god at this point or something)
This is a basic outine.
Anyway my rewrite essentially goes that Catleen had made a deal with Kanendesu that it would take her first born child, but eventually she kept evading it with her family and having the other three children. However, Kanendesu eventually catches up to her and as punishment, possesses her before going off to the island where B2 takes place. This leaves Dandory with the family and his life becomes a living hell. Eventually Gustaf, tips him off about Nate so that he could go to him for help, and so Dandory flees to Springdale in the night, ending up collapsed on a random street only for Katie to trip over him in the morning. This then leads into the events of B2 but with Nate, Katie and Hailey exploring the temples with Dandory to find his mother. Eventually when they do find Catleen, and that she is currently possessed by Kanendesu, the other Bundory Family members reach them and in the squabble that ensues Kanendesu releases its control on Catleen and goes straight for Dandory and possesses him, leading to him being the first phase of the final boss.
So what else would i change and what would i keep?
Firstly he is still going to be the brains of the group as he would know the most about the temples that they will be going into.
Obviously with the mention of Nate, Katie and Hailey, they are the protagonists of this rewrite, I have more ideas for why Katie has a watch but not how the game explains it, but i also want to see Nate interact with humans more. This would also be a way to show Dandory healthier family relations.
Dandory isn't an actual criminal in this and was simply being used behind the scenes, when this is found out, Gowin is arrested (though he would eventually break out again).
Dandory is enrolled in the human's School afterwards and has to go by the name "Danny" whilst there, and is taken in by the Forester family (I would need to explain Katie and her family"s relationships with Yo-kai in the rewrite). The school in this is not the elementary school and is instead a high school for the arts.
Thats really all i have for now. This week i really have been thinking about how theres a lot of things that i would change in Yo-Kai watch. I haven't really kept up with the series in a while and i dont really follow anything from Shadowside onwards because its all kind of strange and I don't understand it (like what is a sorananki and why arte there three different versions of it and why is one kind of hot?). But Dandory will always have a special place in my heart and I really wish we got to see more of him and his family. There is his dragon variant and red cursed variant in puni puni but they are not exactly him. I don't care if he's a criminal or not, he deserved better from the narrative. Again just like with my previous Knight Light post i do want to think morer closely about this rewrite that i have as there is a lot that i want to say in regards to this series (Such as how Nate barely has friends like the most he interacts with other humans in the main story events are with his future daughter and so kid from the 60's) but thats all i have on Dandory for now.
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain major spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 8, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the end of the chapter.
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This is the last scene of Chapter 8, which occurs right after the scenes I translated here, so I highly recommend checking that out for context.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Back Outside the Tower:
Indy Jaws: はぁ… 外へ出てしまったな。 *Sigh*... we ended up outside.
Zom B Chopper: 上の塔では あいつらがまだ…。 Up in the tower, those guys are still...
Whisper: あ… コマさんでうぃす! Ah... It's Komasan, whis!
Tanto: ふう… ようやく外に出られたよぉ…! *Phew*... We finally got out...!
Whisper: そしてブンドリー一家の…! And that Bundory...!
Komasan: タントさんズラ〜! オラのともだちズラ。 He's Tanto! He's my friend.
Komasan: よろズラ〜。 Please welcome him~
Indy Jaws: お… おお びくりしたよ。 O... Oh, that's a suprise.
Indy Jaws: 不思議な気分だ… 少し前までは争ってたのに。 Feels a bit strange... Since we were fighting just a while ago.
Tanto: み… みんな!お願いだよ! オイラの兄ちゃんたちを探しておくれよ! G... Guys! Please! Look for my big bro and the others!
Indy Jaws: …だそうだが どうする? ...We could. What should we do?
Jibanyan: いいんじゃないニャ〜ン? It's fine, isn't it, nyaan?
Whisper: 軽ぅっ! You're taking this really well! (1)
Jibanyan: 困ってるのを助けるのが バスターズだニャン! Saving people in trouble is what the Busters do, nyan!
Jibanyan: ってことで いそがしくなるニャン。 まずは腹ごしらえだニャン! We’re gonna be pretty busy, nyan. So, I'm gonna eat something first, nyan!
Tanto: ん? …って Hm? ...Wait.
Tanto: それはぁっ チョコボー!! That's a Chocobō!! (2)
Jibanyan: そうニャン 歴史上 最高のおかしニャン。 That's right, nyan! The best candy in history, nyan.
Jibanyan: いっしょにさがしてほしいニャン? You wanna look together with us, nyan?
Tanto: あ… ああ  ズビビ… Y... Yeah, *droool*...
Tanto: お前… たしかズビニャンとか言ったよな? You... Your name's *Drool*nyan, right?
Jibanyan: だれが ズビニャンだニャン。 Who're you calling Droolnyan, nyan?
Tanto: ジュルリ… オイラたち世間じゃさあ 盗賊…ジュル…一家だとかズビられてるけど *Slobber*... You know, the world *drools* us a thief family, but... (3)
Tanto: ほんとの目的は…ジュル… ズビバラストーンじゃないんだ! Our real goal is... *slobber*... not the *drool*bara Stone!
Whisper: 「バンバラストーン」でしょ…。 He probably means the "Banbara Stone"...
Tanto: ジュビ…たのむ! 世界のためにいっしょに オイラたちとズビジュルルってくれよぉっ! *Slurp*...Please! For the sake of the world, *drool, slobbber* together with us!
Jibanyan: ヨダレがすごすぎて 何言ってるか わからないニャン…。 I can't understand a thing you're saying if you're drooling so much, nyan...
Jibanyan: でも 気持ちは伝わったニャン。 But, I understood your feelings, nyan.
Jibanyan: ほら あげるニャン! Here, take this, nyan!
Tanto: ありがとよお… ジュルニャン! Thank you... Slobbernyan!
Jibanyan: だれが ジュルニャンだニャン Who're you calling Slobbernyan, nyan?
Jibanyan: …まあ チョコボー好きに悪いヤツはいないニャン! ...Well, there's no bad people who like Chocobōs, nyan!
Jibanyan: オレっちが その証拠だニャン! I'm the proof of that, nyan!
Komasan: ジバニャン ありがとズラ〜。 Thanks, Jibanyan~
Indy Jaws: よし ジバニャンがそういうなら信じよう! Alright, if Jibanyan says so, I believe it!
Indy Jaws: こちらには秘宝「バンバラストーン」と ねじまきがある!! We got the "Banbara Stone" and the wind-up key!!
Indy Jaws: 体勢を立て直して 私たちも 上の階へ急ごう!! Let's collect ourselves, and hurry to the upper floors, too!!
Indy Jaws: タント… 案内をよろしくたのむぞ! Tanto... I'm counting on you guiding us!
Tanto: わかってる まかせてくれよお! Got it, leave it to me!
Tanto: オイラとコマさんは もう ともだちだからさあ!! 'Cause me and Komasan are already friends, you know!!
Komasan: タントさ〜ん そうズラ! ともだちズラ〜! That's right, Tanto! We're friends!
Indy Jaws: …よし 心強いぞ! あらためて みんな出発だーっ!! ...Alright, that's reassuring! Everyone, let's depart once more!!
Everyone: おお〜! Roger!
In Japanese, he simply says 軽/karu, which can translate to things like light or mild, and I believe here this is meant as Whisper being suprised at how mild Jibanyan’s reaction is.
A Chocobō is Jibanyan’s favorite food, called a Chocobar in English.
Due to some words being replaced by drooling noises here, I myself can’t fully tell what this line means.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 6, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the beginning of the chapter.
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This is a scene I’ve been looking forward to translating.
Like I noted above, this is the beginning of the chapter, so the very first scene of it.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
第6話 知恵比べ! 灼熱のオリから大脱走! Chapter 6 Wisdom Comparison! The Great Escape from the Burning Cage! (1)
At Night, by the Altar:
Komasan: ん? 誰かいるズラ? Hm? Someone there?
Tanto: あ! お前 バスターズの一味だろぉ! Ah! Are you from that Busters gang!?
Komasan: そうズラ! オラ コマさんズラ。 よろズラ〜。 That's right! I'm Komasan. Nice to meetcha.
Tanto: うわわっ! く… 来るなよぉ! Uwawah! S... Stay back!
Komasan: ひとりで何してるズラ? What're ya doin' here all alone?
Tanto: …ここを見張ってろって言われてんだ。 中に みんながいるならさ。 I got told to keep watch here. 'Cause everyone's inside, you know.
Tanto: あわわっ これはナイショだぜ! Awawah, that's supposed to be a secret!
Komasan: わかったズラ〜! I gotcha!
Tanto: ふう… あぶないところだった…。 Phew... That was close...
Tanto: オマエらと いっしょにいるってバレたら また兄ちゃんに ドヤされちまうよぉ…。 If they found me together with you guys, my big bro would yell at me again...
Tanto: 「見張りもロクにできないのか!」 ってさ…。 He'd be like: "Can't you even keep watch properly!?"...
Komasan: 大変ズラね でもだいじょうぶズラ! なーんも聞いてねぇズラ。 That sounds bad, but don't worry! I didn't hear a thing.
Tanto: …お前 盗賊でもないくせに イイやつだなぁ。 ...You’re a pretty nice guy, even though you’re not a thief.
Tanto: へへ… オイラ タントってんだ ブンドリー一家なんだぜ〜! Hehe... I'm called Tanto, and I'm a Bundory! 
Komasan: 「チョーエキ1万年」の一家ズラね! もんげーズラ〜! That family with a "prison sentence of 10 thousand years"! Mongee!
Komasan: きっと いーっぱい お宝盗んだんズラねぇ。 Y’all must've stolen lots of treasures.
Tanto: へっへーん そうだろ! Heh heh, that's right!
Tanto: ……はぁ でもホントはさ オイラだけ まだ懲役「1年半」なんだよな。 ...*Sigh*, but you know, I still only got a prison sentence of "one year and a half", to be honest.
Tanto: 見張りばっかし 失敗ばっかしだからさ…。 I only keep watch all the time, 'cause I only mess up all the time...
Komasan: だいじょうぶズラ! マジメに生きていれば いつか きっとチョーエキも増えるズラ! Don't worry! If ya live life seriously, then I'm sure your prison sentence will get bigger one day, too!
Komasan: クヨクヨちゃ ダメズラよ。 …はい ソフトクリームでもなめるズラ。 Don't worry so much. ...Here, eat some soft cream. (2)
Tanto: ソ… ソフトクリーム!? バ バカいうな! 見張り中に… So... soft cream!? D- Don't be stupid! 'm in the middle of keepin' watch...
Tanto: って ああああっ! それは行列店の「ソルティソフト」ぉぉっ! Ah- Ahhhh! That's the "Salty Soft" from that popular store! (3)
Komasan: 甘い物好きなんズラね〜! オラも だーい好きズラ! Ya like sweets, dontcha? I love 'em, too!
Komasan: ちょこっと塩がかかってて うんめーズラよ〜! With a bit of salt in it, it's so delish!
Tanto: コッ コマさんよぉ… ズビ… オイラも盗賊… ジュル…一家なんだぜ。 Ko- Komasan... *drool*... 'm also from... *slobber*...a thief family.
Tanto: それが ソフトズビビクリームなんかで なびいたとズビったら…。 I-if you're trying to win me*drool*over with something like soft*droool*cream...
Komasan: ヨダレがスゴすぎて 何言ってるか わかんねぇズラよ。 I can't understand a word with ya droolin' so much.
Komasan: ほら エンリョしないで食べるズラ! 長旅だからいっぱい持ってきたズラ〜。 Here, don't hold back an' just eat it! I brought lots of 'em with me, 'cause it's a long trip.
Tanto: ホントに いいのかよぉ? でも… It's really okay? But...
Komasan: ソフトクリーム食べてても 見張りはできるズラ〜! Ya can still keep watch while eatin' soft cream!
Tanto: た… たしかに…っ! お前 かしこいな! …あんがとよぉ。 T... That's right...! You're smart! ...Thanks.
Komasan: もんげ〜 うまいズラ〜。 Mongeee~ so tasty~
Tanto: サイコーだな! これめっちゃンマイよぉ〜 あ〜 見張りやってて良かったぁ〜! It's the best! This is super good~ Ahh, 'm glad I was keepin' watch!
Tanto: コマさん… ありがとなぁ。 Komasan... Thank you.
Komasan: どういたしましてズラ〜。 It was nothing' ~
Tanto: あの… でもさ…。 Umm... But, you know...
Komasan: わかってるズラ! ないしょズラ! I got it! It's a secret!
Tanto: ホッ… あるがとなぁ! Oh... Thank you!
Komasan: 甘い物好きに 悪い人はいねぇズラよ! またいっしょにソフトクリーム食べるズラ! There's no bad people who like sweets! Let's eat soft cream together again sometime!
Tanto: おう! じゃあなぁ! Yeah! See you later!
Komasan: じゃあズラ! 楽しかったズラ〜! See ya! This was fun!
I’m unsure if cage is the right word to use here, since オリ/ori is written in katakana instead of kanji, so I can’t be certain about the meaning.
Soft cream is a type of ice cream, similar to soft serve, that can be bought in Japan.
What I translated as “That popular store” is 行列店/Gyōretsuten in Japanese, which refers to stores that always have long queues.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 8, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the fights with the Bundory Family members.
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These fights with some Bundory Family members follow after the events of Chapter 7 that I translated here.
Chapter 8 has something kind of special to it, as each of it’s dungeon levels has a Bundory Family member for a boss at first. However, after beating them for the first time, they will be permanently replaced by regular boss, instead of just occupying the dungeon levels forever.
The Dungeon in question is カラクリア塔 (”Karakuria Tower”), levels 1-4.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
第8話 げきとう! ブンドリー一家! Chapter 8 Fierce Fight! Bundory Family!
Starting off, the first three members you fight will have two bits of dialouge.
One as you enter their level, and a second one when you reach the last floor before the battle with them.
No other scenes occur around their battles.
Kirene Dialouge 1:
Kirene: 持ってくるのは三宝剣だけで よかったんですけど〜? Yeah, it's nice that you brought the Three Treasure Swords and stuff?
Kirene: なんでバスターズまで 連れてきちゃってるわけ〜? But why did you like, take the Busters here, too?
Spatto: キレーネ!お前の力で 宝剣をうばうんだ!! Kirene! Swipe the Treasure Swords with your power!!
Kirene: イヤなんですけど〜 I don't wanna, tho~
Spatto: なな… なんだと!? E-E... Excuse me!?
Kirene: 今ネイルの新色ぬっててぇ 邪魔しないでぇ… ふーっ I'm doing my nails right now, so don't bother me... *blew*
Spatto: お前ってヤツは…! Oh, you...!
Kirene Dialouge 2:
Jibanyan: ブンドリー一家! もう少しだニャン! Bundory Family! We're almost there, nyan!
Kirene: え?ウソ!? もう来ちゃった!? Huh? For real? You're already here!?
Kirene: って…きゃあーーーっ!! ネイルはみ出しちゃった! Ah... Kyahhhhhhh!! My nail polish got smudged!
Kirene: 信じらんなーい! あんたたちのせいだから! Unbelievable! This is your fault!
Kirene: ぐぐ…ぐぬふぅぅ… キレーネ まじキレそう… Gch... Grrrr... I'm getting ticked off, I am so ticked off right now... (1)
Spatto: ヤバい… コスメタイムを 邪魔すると性格が…! Oh no... Because her cosmetics time got interrupted, her personality has...!
Kirene: ゴルァァ!  ワシのネイルに 何さらしとんじゃぁあ! Graaaaghhh! What did you do to my nail!? (2)
Kirene: 来いやバスターズぅぅ! 次のフロアで待っとるわ! Come on, Busters! I'm waiting on the next floor!
Spatto: …くく キレたキレーネは 手におえないぜ ハハハ! ...Hehe, a ticked off Kirene can't be dealt with, hahaha! (3)
Spatto: お前らは もう終わりだ! This is  the end for you!
This line is a play on the fact that her name キレーネ/Kirēne is taken from キレる/kireru, which is slang for “to snap”, “to get angry”, and the like.
Normally, Kirene uses the informal feminine pronoun あたし/atashi to refer to herself, but here after getting angry, she uses ワシ/washi instead, which is notably the same pronoun her father uses. “Washi” is an informal pronoun associated with older people, however, in some dialects, like the Hiroshima dialect, it’s considered an informal masculine pronoun that younger people also use. In fiction, this dialect has come to be associated with yakuza and similar criminal groups.
This line is another play on Kirene’s name pun.
Dandory Dialouge 1:
Dandory: ここに来たってことは… キレーネが倒された? If you came here, that means... you defeated Kirene?
Dandory: 信じられん… I can't believe it...
Dandory Dialouge 2:
Dandory: 認めめるしかないようだな…! お前たちの力を!! It seems I have no choice but to aknowledge your power...!!
Dandory: 来い! 全力で 相手をしてやろう!! Come! Let me oppose you with my full power!!
Toranka  Dialouge 1:
Toranka: へぇ… ここまで来るとはね Oho... So ya made it this far.
Toranka: 以外に骨があるじゃないか Ya got some backbone there, dontcha?
Toranka  Dialouge 2:
Toranka: ふふん… やるねぇ! アタシャ好きだよォ! Heheh... Not bad Just how I like it!
Toranka: ここまで来れたら 相手になろうじゃないかァ! Since ya made it this far, why don't I have some fun with ya?
Toranka: ハッハァ!! Hahah!
The last one you face is Gowin, who unlike the previous ones, has an actual scene when he is encountered.
Encountering Gowin:
Indy Jaws: おお… 宝剣が光り出したぞ! 秘宝に近づいて 共鳴しているのか…!? Oh... Light is coming from the Treasure Swords! Are they reacting because we're getting close to the Hidden Treasure...!?
Zom B Chopper: いや 待て! あれを見ろ! No, wait! Look at that!
Gowin: グゥッハッハァァ! ワシのために ご苦労! Guhahahaaa! Good job doing all that work for me!
Gowin: 秘宝が復活してしまえば こちらのものだ! Once the Hidden Treasure is revived, it'll be ours!
Zom B Chopper: あっ お前はブンドリー一家の! Ah, you're from the Bundory Family!
Gowin: グハハァ! そのとーりゴムゾーリ! ゴーウィン・ブンドリー様だぁ!! Guhahah! That is true, bowling shoe! (1) It's me, Master Gowin Bundory!!  (2)
Indy Jaws: な… なんてゴーインなダジャレなんだ。 T... These puns are gowin too far. (3)
Zom B Chopper: インディにも うつってきてるぞ…。 It's spread to Indy...
Gowin: グフフゥ… なあ バスターズよぉ…。 Guheheh... Hey, Busters...
Indy Jaws: な… なんだっ!? W... What!?
Gowin: しんどいバトル…… がん「ばっとる」〜? なぁ〜んつってな!! グハハハハハ!!! In this hard battle... you "battler" do your best~? Juuust kidding! Guhahahahaha!!! (4)
Indy Jaws: …マズい! これ以上聞いていると 戦う気がなくなってくる! 早めに倒そう! ...This is terrible! If I hear any more of these I'll lose my will to fight! Let's hurry and beat him, quick!
Jibanyan: お〜! だニャン!! Roger! Nyan!!
In Japanese, Gowin does a bit of a wordplay here, where he follows to phrase そのとーり/ sono tōri (”that’s right”) with the similar sounding ゴムゾーリ/gomuzōri (”rubber sandal”).
Here, Gowin uses the very respectul honorific 様/sama when referring to himself, which is a very boastful thing to do.
Here, Indy makes a pun on Gowin’s name and the word it’s based on, which is 強引な/gōinna, and can translate to “overbearing”.
Here, in Japanese Gowin makes a pun with バトル/batoru, which means “battle”, and がんばっとる/ganbattoru, which means “do your best”.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 2, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the Busters’ first encounter with the Bundory Family.
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Busters 2 is finally out, and the Bundory Family are probably my favorite new characters from the game, so I just had to go ahead and translate the first real encounter with these guys.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Encounter with the Bundory Family:
Jibanyan: 新しいねじまきを見つけたニャン! We found a new wind-up key, nyan!
Whisper: ふぅ… シンドイ戦いでしたが これで次のダンジョンに入れますね! Phew... It was an exhausting fight, but now we can enter the next dungeon!
Indy Jaws: よし さっそくコイツを祭壇にささげるぞ! Alright, let's hurry and offer it to the altar!
Komasan: ん!? クンクン… なんズラ? ケムリが出てきたズラ…。 Hm!? *sniff sniff*... What's this? Some smoke appeared...
Jibanyan: ニャニャ…  オレっちだけじゃないニャン? なんかフラフラしてきたニャン…。 Nyanya... So it's nyot just me, nyan? I'm getting kinda dizzy, nyan...
Indy Jaws: 私もだ…! こ… この煙のせいか!! Me too...! Is... Is it because of this smoke?!
Dandory: ハッハッハ! ごくろうだったな Hahaha! Nice work.
Indy Jaws: なに…っ!? 誰だ!! What...!? Who are you!?
Indy Jaws: ああっ お前らは!? もしや…。 Ahh, you are...!? By any chance...
Dandory: ほう… このブンドリー一家を知ってるのか だったら 話は早いぜ。 Oh... So you know about us, the Bundory Family. That should speed this up.
Whisper: ブンドリー一家!? The Bundory Family!?
Indy Jaws: そうだ… この島に来る前に 言いかけた 「あの一家」… That's right... "That family", I briefly mentioned before we came to this island...
Indy Jaws: ありとあるゆる秘宝 名宝を盗みまくってる 「一家の懲役合計1万年」の極悪盗賊一家さ。 They're a villainous family of thieves, with a "total prison sentence of 10 thousand years", who steal all kinds of hidden and famous treasures.
Jibanyan: 懲役…ってなんニャン? What's a... prison sentence, nyan?
Indy Jaws: 警察につかまって 刑務所に入れられる期間のことさ。 That's the amount of time you'll be in prison for when you are caught by the police.
Jibanyan: それが 家族あわせて1万年〜!! どんだけ極悪ニャン!? And this family has 10 thousand years in total of that!? How villainous are they then, nyan!?
Spatto: くっくっく 極悪かどうかは持ち主じゃなく お宝の方に決めてもらったらどうだ? Hehehe, regardless of villainy, what about going after treasures with no owner?
Spatto: スパッと華麗に盗んでもらって 案外よろこんでるかもしれないぜ? Perhaps they'd be surprisingly willing to be stolen, swiftly and brilliantly?
Gowin: グハハ! 気づいたら お宝たちが勝手に 家に 「おったから〜」…なーんつってな!! Guhaha! Before ya knew it, those treasures stopped "treasuring" their homes on their own... Juuust kidding!!  (1)
Kirene: ゴーインすぎなんですけど〜 トランカおばあちゃん なんか言ってよ! Yeah, that's too forced. Say something, grandma Toranka! (2)
Toranka: 30点だよ! まったく このバカ息子が! 30 points for that! For crying out loud, ya stupid son of mine! (3)
Dandory: キレーネ… ��前は 父さんの 真の恐ろしさがわかってない。 Kirene... You don't understand our father's true fearsomeness.
Dandory: つまり 「お宝の方から こっちに 来たくなるような盗賊になれ」ってことさ Basically: "Through the treasure, become like a thief that would want to come here", is what he's saying.
Dandory: 経験に裏打ちされた 深い盗賊哲学だ…! やはりオレなんか 到底およばないぜ! A deep thief philosophy, coming from experience...! Just as I thought, I can't even begin to compare to that!
Gustaf: さすが ぼっちゃま! そこまで深読みなさるとは… グスグス。 That is just like you, young master! To have read into it so much... *sob sob* (4)
Gustaf: このグスタフ これからも骨身をおしまず 一家におつかえしますよ〜っ!! グッスン。 I, Gustaf, will continue to work myself to the bone, to serve this family!! *sob* (5)
Kirene: もう お兄ちゃんも グスタフも〜 ホントに〜? Geez big bro, and you too, Gustaf. Are you two for real?
Kirene: っていうか 新色ネイルが乾いてないから ねじまきとか 触りたくないんですけど! But yeah, my nail polish hasn’t dried yet, so I don't wanna touch that wind-up key thing or whatever!
Kirene: ふーっ ふーっ。 *blew blew* (6)
Jibanyan: このねじまきは バスターズみんなで がんばって ゲットしたニャン! We Busters got this wind-up key by all of us doing our best together, nyan!
Jibanyan: 誰が お前たちなんかに わたすもんかニャン! We'd never hand it over to people like you, nyan!
Spatto: キレーネ さわる必要はない… もうオレがいただいているぜ 華麗にな。 You won't have to touch it, Kirene... I am so brilliant, I already took it.
Jibanyan: あっ! ないニャン…! いつのまに! Ah! It's gone, nyan...! When did you?!
Jibanyan: こんニャろ ひゃくれつ…! Nyou bastard! One Hundred...! (7)
Jibanyan: と思ったけど… ニャニャ… やっぱ力が出ないニャ〜ン…。 ...Well, I'd love to, but... Nyanya... I really got nyo strength, nyaaan...
Dandory: さすがスパット 一家で最速なだけはある。 Just as expected of you, Spatto, the fastest in our family.
Dandory: それはそうと… この島のねじまきには 不思議な 「しかけ」があるらしくてな。 Anyway... It seems there is a mysterious "mechanism" about this island's wind-up keys.
Jibanyan: ニャニャ? なんだニャン? Nyanya? What's that, nyan?
Dandory: ねじまきを回したヤツが 一緒にいないと あらわれたダンジョンには 入れないのさ。 Those that aren't with the one that turned the wind-up key can't enter the dungeon that appears.
Indy Jaws: ってことは つまり…。 So, in other words...
Dandory: そう このねじまきはオレたち回して お前らの冒険は終了… ってことだ! Yes, if we turn this wind-up key, it's the end of your adventure... that's the idea!
Jibanyan: ニャンだって〜っ!? What did you say!?
Dandory: さあ! お帰りはあちらだ。 とっとと この島から出ていくことだな! Now! The exit is over there. Hurry up and get off this island!
Dandory: ハーッハッハ!! Hahaha!!
Indy Jaws: くそっ… ヒレも足も出ないなんて…。 Damn... our fins are tied... (8)
Dandory: ああ… あとひとつ インディ・J これで最後だろうから言っておくぜ。 Ah, one more thing I will tell you, Indy Jaws, since this will be the last chance to do it.
Indy Jaws: な… なぜ私の名を!? Wh... Why do you know my name!?
Dandory: 「秘宝調査あ委員会」なんて存在しない。 There is no such thing as a "Hidden Treasure Investigation Commitee".
Dandory: たかがメール1本で この島への案内 ごくろうだったな。 Nice work leading us to this island after only a single mail.
Dandory: 地図を盗む手間が はぶけたぜ。 You saved us the trouble of stealing that map.
Indy Jaws: な… なんだってぇぇっ? だましたのか…っ! Wha... What did you say? You tricked me...!
Toranka: ふふふ… 残念だったねェ 次からは怪しいメールは用心するこったね。 Hehehe, really sorry 'bout that. Next time, better be careful with suspicious mails.
Toranka: そうれ!! Eat this!!
Everyone: うわあああっ! Uwaaaah!
In Japanese, he makes a pun that literally translates to something like: “Before you knew it, those treasures just "fell" out of home on their own", from what I can tell, but I am not 100% sure. The pun here being on お宝/otakara, which is ”treasure”, and  おったから/ottakara which I believe can translate to “fell”.
What I translated as “too forced” is  ゴーインすぎ/gōin sugi in Japanese, thus being a pun on Gowin’s name, actually.
I think the “30 points” are probably meant to invoke a common Japanese grading system where, from what I understand, 100 points would be the best one can get. So therefore, 30 points would be equivalent to something like an F.
The onomatopoeia used for his sobbing in Japanese is グスグス/gusu gusu, which his name グスタフ/Gusutafu is a pun on.
In Japanese, the bone-related idiom he uses is 骨身をおしまず/Honemi o oshimazu which literally translates to something like “to not spare flesh and bones” and means “to work without rest”.
That blowing is her blowing on her nails, I’m pretty sure.
Here Jibanyan starts to try and use his Special Move (Soultimate) “One Hundred Paw Pads” (”Paws of Fury” in English).
Here Indy Jaws uses a modified version of the idiom 手も足も出ない/te mo ashi mo denai, which literally translates to something somewhat like “both hands and legs can’t get out” and means “to be helpless“. However he swaps out 手/te (”hands”) for ヒレ/hire (”fins”).
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 1, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the intro and first cutscene of the game.
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Since the intro sequence doesn’t have much text, I’m translating the first cutscene, too! This is the basic set-up for the game, explaining the motivation of the Busters, while also hinting at the adversaries they will face...
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Intro Scene:
Toranka: ふふん… 意外と早かったねえ… 優秀じゃないか Heheh... That was suprsingly quick... Ain't that great?
Gowin: ふっ… Hmph...
Toranka: イイねえ あたしゃ好きだよ! 派手にいこうじゃないかァ! Nice, just the way I like it! Let’s put on a little show!
Toranka: ハッハァー! 音に聞こえた ブンドリー一家が逃げてるんだ… Haha! The renowned Bundory Family is getting away...
Toranka: そう来なくっちゃねぇっ!! That's what I'm talking about!!
Toranka: おまえたちっ…! Guys...!
Toranka: お祈りはすませたかい? Have ya made yer prayers?
Toranka: ふふん… すんでなくても…… いっくよォォォォッ! Hehe... wether ya did or not... Here we go!
第1話 バスターズ解散!? Chapter 1 Busters Disbanded!?
At the Busters House:
Whisper: た、 大変でうぃぃすっ! W-we got a huge problem, whis!
Whisper: 「あと10日」で ここから放り出されますよ〜っ! In "just 10 more days", we'll be thrown out of here!
Jibanyan: ニャンだってぇーっ!? What was that!?
Komasan: もんげ〜〜っ!? Mongeeee!? (1)
Komasan: オラたちが この基地を 出ていくってことズラ…? We're gon get outta this base...?
Jibanyan: …見ての通り 食後のダラダラタイムで こっちは超忙しいニャン! ...As you can see, we're super busy with our after dinner loafing around time, nyan!
Jibanyan: おかしなこと言うと ゆるさんニャンよ! I'm nyot gonna let you say any weird stuff, nyan!
Whisper: これを見るでうぃぃぃっっす!! Look at this, whiiis!!
Sunao: え〜と… Uhh... (2)
Whisper: …これは ここを借りるときに 大家さんと結んだ 「契約書」です! ...This is the "contract" we made with the landlady, back when we rented this place!
Jibanyan: そんなコムズカシイもんが どうかしたニャン? So, what about this convoluted thing, nyan?
Whisper: ここを見るでうぃす! Look at this here, whis!
Whisper: 「約束の10日後までに1億円を 払わないなら ここから出て行け!」 "If you don't pay the 100 million yen within 10 days after the promised time, get out of there!" (3)
Whisper: って しっかりハッキリ 書いてるんでうぃす! ...That's written here clearly and precisely, whis!
Sunao: 1億円〜っ!? 100 million yen!?
Whisper: はい…さっき大家さんからお電話が… Yes... Also, the landlady called earlier...
Whisper: しかもですね 笑顔が丸わかりの ニコニコした声で… And get this, with a gleeful voice that made it obvious she was smilling... 
Whisper: 「次に入るカラオケ屋も決まってる」って… ...she said: "I've decided that a karaoke place should go in there next, too", ...
Whisper: まさか…! と契約書を見直したら ホントのホントにかいてるんですよっ! She can't be serious...! And, going over the contract, it really truly does say that!
Komasan: ほ…ほんとズラ? F...for real?
Whisper: ん〜… でもこんなの ここを 借りた時に書いてましたっけ…? Hmm... But did it say that back when we rented this place, too...?
Jibanyan: …そ そんなデタラメな契約は 取り消しだニャン! ...J-just cancel that willy-nyilly contract, nyan!
Jibanyan: バカバカしくて 笑えてくるニャン! 二… ニャハハハハ…!! It's so stupid, it makes me laugh, nyan! Ny... Nyahahahaha...!!
Whisper: ん〜 …けどここに 「肉球のはんこ」が ベッタリ押されてるんですよねえ Hmm... but you see, there's a "paw print seal" stamped directly onto it.
Komasan: オ… オラじゃないズラ〜 ケイヤクショなんて見たことないズラ… I... it ain't me. I've never seen that contract thing before... (4)
Whisper: …だとすると 残りは〜? ...So that only leaves?
Jibanyan: ドキッ!! *Badump*!!
Hikikōmori: まさか 追加の契約は ジバニャンが……? No way, did Jibanyan make this additional contract...? (5)
(flashback start)
Text: 1年前- One Year Ago
Honebijin: ごめんくださ〜い! Excuuuuse me! (6)
Jibanyan: 何だニャン〜? What is it, nyan?
Jibanyan: ニャ〜 ふぶくちゃんが居ない時にかぎって お客さんだニャン… めんどいニャン。 Nya~ Right when Fubuki-chan isn't there, we get a customer, nyan... What a pain  in the nyeck.
Jibanyan: ニャニャッ…大家さんだニャン そうか今日は月の終わり… Nyanya... It's the landlady, nyan... Right, today's the end of the month...
Jibanyan: ためにためた家賃を払う 最悪の日ニャン! The worst day ever, where we gotta pay our saved up rent for it, nyan!
Honebijin: ふむ… 「ためにためた」自覚はあるようですね Hm... There seems to be some self-awareness "saved up for it". (7)
Honebijin: では! 今日という今日は 払ってもらいますよっ! So! Today is the day where you pay up!
Jibanyan: そ そこのお金が全部ニャン たぶん足りるはずニャン…。 T-that money over there is all, nyan. It's probably enyough, nyan...
Honebijin: ほう…。 Oh...
Honebijin: …ふむ たしかに あることはありますが 「100円」足りないようですな ...Hm, while there is some here, it seems to be "100 yen" short. (8)
Honebijin: さ! 払ってもらいましょう… 100円! So! You will have to pay... 100 yen!
Jibanyan: …えへへ〜 オレっちたち まだまだ 「かけ出しバスターズ」だニャ〜ン? ...Ehehehe, well, we're still "newbie Busters", nyaaan?
Jibanyan: 100円なんて大金あるわけないニャ〜ン。 We don't have lots of money, like 100 yen, nyaaan.
Honebijin: 払わないと 出てってもらう約束です! The agreement is that, if you do not pay, you will get out of here! 
Honebijin: だいたい 「おちこぼれバスターズ」のクセに You are basically the "dunce Busters"...
Honebijin: こ〜んなゴージャスなビルを 借りる方が どうかしてるんです! And yet you are the tenants of suuuch a gorgeous building. there is something wrong with that! (9)
Honebijin: ワタシも育ちがいいもですから テッキリ払っていただけるものと信じ込み… I am of noble upbringing, too, so naturally, I firmly believed you would pay up...
Honebijin: 今じゃダマされたと 大変後悔しております だいたい「信頼」というのはですね…! But now that I have been deceived by you, I deeply regret it. This is basically a manner of "trust", you know...!
Jibanyan: なんニャン なんニャン! たかが100円ぼっちで What the heck, nyan!? It's just 100 yen...
Jibanyan: ガタガタぬかすんじゃないニャン! こんなはした金 オレっちたちが出世したら So, what are you rattling on about, nya!?  (10) Once we make it big...
Jibanyan: 100万倍にして返してやるニャン! ...We'll return it to you a million times, nyan!
Jibanyan: もしダメだったら1年後にここから 出て行ってやるニャ〜ン! If we can't do that in one year, we're getting outta here, nyaaan!
Honebijin: なな…なんてことを! W-w... What are you saying!?
Honebijin: だったらホントに「100万倍」で 返してくれるんですね!? So you will really return it "1 million" times, you say!?
Honebijin: 1年後!じゃないとホントのホントに 出てってもらいますよ〜っ!! In one year, then! And if not, I am really, truly throwing you out!!
Jibanyan: おうニャン! 1年後には札束に リボンかけて返してやるニャ〜ン! You're on, nyan! In one year, we'll return it to you, wrapped and tied up with a ribbon, nyaaan!
(flashback end)
Whisper: そ…そんな… No... No way...
Whisper: ホントに約束しちゃったなんて!? You actually promised that!?
Komasan: しかも1億円ズラ…!! An' one hundred million to boot...!!
Jibanyan: 100円の100万倍って よく考えれば1億円なんだニャン。 Yeah, if you think about it, 100 yen times a million really is 100 milion yen, nyan. 
Whisper: 知ってるでうぃす!! I know that, whis!!
Jibanyan: あの時は ヒートアップしてて スッポリぬけてたニャン ニャハハ…。 I got pretty heated back then, so that just slipped out, nyan, nyahaha...
Whisper: ……こうなったら すべて 責任とってもらうしかないですね。 ...Since it's come to this, you have no choice but to take responsibility for everything.
Jibanyan: ニャ…? Nya...?
Jibanyan: ニャハハ…そんなコワイ顔して… オレっちが交渉しなかったら Nyahaha... you guys are looking pretty scary... You know, it's only cause I nyegotiated...
Jibanyan: みんな ここにいられなかったニャンよ〜? ...that we all could stay here, nyo?
Whisper: ジ〜バ〜ニャ〜ン!! JIBANYAN!!
Jibanyan: みんな… みんな…… Guys... guys...
Jibanyan: 目を覚ますニャ〜ッ! Open your eyes, nyaaan!
Whisper: きゅぅぅ…。 Kyuuu...
Komasan: ひどいズラ〜…。 That was mean...
Jibanyan: 何言ってるニャン! お金お金…! 今はお金なんか どうでもいいニャン! What are you talking about, nyan!? Money, money...! Right now, nothing matters but the money, nyan...!
Jibanyan: 大事なのは 今何をするべきかニャン! じゃないと… What we're gonna do now is important, nyan! Well, nyo...
Jibanyan: お金なんかより大切な「思い出」!  Our "memories" are even more important than the money!
Jibanyan: 「思い出」を… みんな失うことになるニャンよ? Our "memories"... are we gonna lose them all, nyan?
Whisper: …思い出? ...Memories?
Jibanyan: そうだニャン つらかったこと…楽しかったこと… That's right, nyan. Rough times... fun times...
Jibanyan: オレっちたちのすべてニャン! All we have, nyan!
Jibanyan: そのためにどれだけ ブリー隊長のシゴキに耐えたニャン That's why we've endured Captain Bully's harsh training for so long, nyan.
Jibanyan: …みんな このまま離ればなれになって… ...Guys, if we don't do anything, we'll all be seperated...
Jibanyan: ホントに いいニャンか〜っ!? Are you really okay with that, nyan!?
Whisper: まあでも…。 Well, even so...
Komasan: …言ってることはわかるズラ。 ...I hear ya.
Jibanyan: このぐうたら生活を守るためなら… To protect this lazy life...
Jibanyan: オレっち死ぬ気でがんばるニャ〜ンっ!! ...I'd work myself to death, nyaaan!!
Whisper: …ぐうたらなのか やる気があるのか わかりませんが… ...I can't tell if you're lazy, or motivated...
Whisper: でも確かに! 今何か手を打つべきなのは たしかでうぃす! But certainly! We should certainly do something about this, whis!
Komasan: でも1億ズラ… But, one hundred million...
Komasan: そんな大金どうするズラ? How can we get so much money?
Whisper: とにかく! ここはブリー隊長に相談です! 司令室に行きましょう! In any case! We should consult Captain Bully about this! Let's head for the control room! (11)
もんげー/Mongee is actually a pre-existing term in the Japanese language. It is a contraction of ものすごい/monosugoi, and could literally be translated as something like awesome or terrific and the like. From what I understand it’s part of the Oyakama Dialect, spoken in the Okayama Prefecture, though I have also read some people stating is isn’t as common there as some people think.
Sunao is known as Sandmeh in English.
One hundred million yen are roughly nine hundred thousand U.S. dollars.
When Komasan says “contract” it’s spelled in katakana rather than kanji, which is a subtle indication that he doesn’t know the word that well.
Hikikōmori is known as Hidabat in English.
Honebijin is known as Skelebella in English.
I am a bit unsure if I got both this and the one before it right.
100 yen are roughly 1 U.S dollar.
I am a bit unsure about this part, too.
This might be a bit of a pun, where Jibanyan uses ガタガタ/gatagata in Japanese, which is a rattling noise, but can also refer to “complaining”.
Captain Bully is literally called ブリー隊長/Burī-taichō in Japanese, and Sergeant Burly in English.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 3 and 4, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the end of Chapter 3 and the beginning of Chapter 4, which features the introduction to the concept of Banbarayā.
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This is a bit of a short one, but it is significant, since the titular Banbarayā is mentioned and explained here for the first time.
While these aren’t the scenes that follow directly after it, this is a bit of a continuation of the beginning of Chapter 3, so for a bit of context you can check out my translation of that here.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
The Busters Return:
Doyagari Tribe Member: おお! バスターズが帰ってきたべ! Ohh! The Busters came back!
Doyagari Tribe Member: マジ真の勇者だべ! ぶっちゃけスゴいべ! They're totally true heroes! Not gonna lie, they're awesome!
Jibanyan: ニャハハ これからも困ったことがあったら オレっちたちに言うニャ〜ン! Nyahaha, if any more trouble comes up, just tell us, nyaan!
Whisper: そもそも困ってたのは 私たちが原因なんですけど〜 Although, we were the cause of that trouble in the first place.
Whisper: …まあ 結果オーライでうぃすね! ...Well, everything turned out alright in the end, whis!
Indy Jaws: よし 次のねじまきも手に入れたな! これでどんどんダンジョン探検ができるぞ! Alright, we got the next wind-up key! With this, we can explore more dungeons!
Doya Osa: ふぉふぉふぉ… よくぞワザワイを しずめたべ! Hohoho... Well done, supressing the Disaster!
Sunao: あ! 酋長さん! Ah! Chief! (1)
Doya Osa: ここまで見事とは… もしかしたら ワシたちの悲願が かなうかもしれぬべ。 You've done great so far... Maybe you could even grant our dearest wish...
Whisper: 悲願…? Your dearest wish...?
Doya Osa: バンバラヤーにつながる道が開けるかも… ぶっちゃけ そう思ったべ。 The path leading to Banbarayā might open... Not gonna lie, I do think so. (2)
Indy Jaws: バンバラヤー? なんだそれは!? Banbarayā? What's that!?
Doya Osa: この島の神秘だべ! …だが それに たどり着くには 数々の試練が待ってるべ! It's the mystery of this island! ...But, numerous trials are waiting on the way there!
Doya Osa: 今は みんな疲れておるべ。 あらためて話すから 待っておるんだべ…。 You're all probably tired now. I'll wait a bit before I tell you more...
Jibanyan: ニャニャ… 行っちゃったニャン。 Nyanya... He left, nyan.
Komasan: もんげ〜 気になるズラ〜!! Mongeee, I wanna know!!
Captain Bully: みんな! 酋長の言う通り 今は ゆっくり休もう!! Guys! The Chief's right, let's all have a nice rest for now!! (3)
Captain Bully: その後で あらためて 話を聞こうじゃないか! And after that, we'll listen to the rest of the story!
Captain Bully: 熱い冒険の予感がするぞ!! うぉぉぉ! ビクトリアーン!! Feels like it's gonna be a hot adventure!! Whooaah, Victoriaaan!! (4)
Jibanyan: 楽しみだニャ〜ン!! I'm excited, nyan!!
Sunao is known as Sandmeh in English.
The term バンバラヤー/Banbarayā could be romanized in many different ways, for example the first syllable “Ban-” could be romanized as “Bam-” instead, the middle part “-bara-” could also be “-bala-”, and the ending “-yā“ could also be romanized as “-yar”, “-yaa”, or “-yah”. I don’t know what it is a pun on, if anything, so I don’t know which romanization would fit the best.
Captain Bully is literally called ブリー隊長/Burī-taichō in Japanese, and Sergeant Burly in English.
In Japanese, Captain Bully’s catchphrase is ビクトリアーン!/bikutoriān!, and I have seen this be translated by people as “Victory On!” in the past, and it always sounded like that to me when he said it, too. However it seems that it actually has a different meaning. Of course, it’s most definitely derived from Billy Blanks’ “Victory!” catchphrase, as Bully is based on him, but the origin of the word’s second half is unclear. I have seen people speculate it’s based on Rocky shouting “Adriaaan!” in Rocky 2, so therefore ビクトリアーン!/bikutoriān! would be romanized as “Victoriaaan!”. 
第4話 目覚めよ!バンバラヤー! Chapter 4 Awaken! Banbarayā!
Later, at the Beach:
Doya Osa: …うむ みんな集まったようじゃな。 ...Mhmm, seems everyone has gathered.
Doya Osa: そろそろバンバラヤーの秘宝について 言わないといかんべ。 It's about time I told you about the Hidden Treasure of Banbarayā.
Jibanyan: もったいぶらずに 早く話すニャン〜! Just quit wasting time and tell us already, nyan!
Doya Osa: バンバラヤーとは この島に眠る 原始の魂のことだべ。 Banbarayā is a primeval soul that sleeps within this island.
Indy Jaws: 原始の魂… 妖怪なのか!? A primeval soul... is it a yōkai!?
Doya Osa: 偉大な存在… 今はそうとだけ言っておくべ。 It's a great presence... Let me just put it that way for now. (1)
Doya Osa: とにかく 島の守り神みたいな マジハンパない存在だべ…!! Anyway, it's totally dope presence, kinda like a guardian deity of the island...!!
Doya Osa: そしてバンバラヤーは どんな願いでも かなえてくれる… そう言われてるべ! Also, Banbarayā will grant any wish... That's what is said!
Jibanyan: どんな願いも!? すごいニャン! Any wish!? That's awesome, nyan!
Doya Osa: そのバンバラヤーに 願い伝えるものこそ 島の秘宝なんだべ! The island’s Hidden Treasure is what conveys wishes to Banbarayā!
Indy Jaws: なるほど… それをねらって ブンドリー一家も来たんだな…!! I see... Perhaps the Bundory Family came here to look for that, too...!
Doya Osa: だが バンバラヤーは 深い眠りについてるべ…。 However, Banbarayā is in a deep sleep...
Doya Osa: 目覚めさせるには 大きな音を出す 「あるもの」が必要なんだべ。 To wake it up, you need "that thing" and make a loud noise with it.
Doya Osa: ぶっちゃけ それを鳴らさないと 話が始まらないんだべ。 Not gonna lie, if you don't sound that thing, you're not getting anywhere.
Whisper: 大きな音を出す…あるもの〜? それが無いと いけないんでうぃすね? Make a loud noise with... that thing? So, we can't do without that, whis?
Doya Osa: そうだべ 秘宝を持ってても バンバラヤーが寝てたら 意味ないべ。 That's right. Even if you had the Hidden Treasure, it'd be useless if Banbarayā was asleep.
Zom B Chopper: まあ そりゃそうだな。 Well, that makes sense.
Doya Osa: その「あるもの」は… 島の迷宮に 封じられているんだべ。 As for "that thing"... It's sealed away in a labyrinth of the island.
Indy Jaws: そうか…! じゃあ そいつ取りに行こう! Is that so...! Let's go and get it, then!
Doya Osa: 待つべ! その迷宮には 今では 大妖怪が住み着いているべ! Wait! Great Yōkai have now settled down in those labyrinths! (2)
Doya Osa: だから島の者たちは 今まで 誰も 取りに行けんかったんだべ…。 That's why none of the people of this island have been able to get it up until now...
Jibanyan: 安心しろニャン! オレっちたちの強さなら その大妖怪にも 勝ってみせるニャン! Don't worry, nyan! We're so strong, we can even beat those Great Yōkai, nyan!
Doya Osa: ふむ… たしかに おヌシたちの強さなら イケるかもしれんべ! たのんだべ! Right... Given your strength, it might just go well! I'm counting on you!
Komasan: まかせるズラ〜!! Leave it ta us!!
???: ふふふ… いいことを聞いたでチュ♪ Heeheehee... Neko just ovewheawd something good ♪ (3)
The word I translated as “presence” is 存在/sonzai in Japanese, which can also be translated as “being” or “existence”.
Because there is no true plural in Japanese, this could possibly refer to a single labyrinth and a single Great Yōkai, but given the overall I context, I tend to feel it does refer to the dungeons and Boss Yōkai of the island in general.
There is not enough room here to go over what I have to say on why I adapt this yōkai’s speaking style the way I do, so if you’re genuinely curious, you can read about it at the beginning of this translation here.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 7, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of all cutscenes of Chapter 7.
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Because of how the story cutscenes in Chapter 7 are laid out, I can actually neatly fit them all into this one post.
The first of these scenes occurs when your party is about to depart for the final dungeon level of the chapter.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Entering the Dungeon:
Jibanyan: あれ? 酋長さんだニャン。 Huh? Oh, it's the Chief, nyan.
Doya Osa: ああ バスターズ。 いよいよ 最後の宝剣だべなあ。 Ah, Busters. So you're finally going for the last Treasure Sword.
Jibanyan: ニャ? だから がんばろうって話は さっきしたニャン…。 Nya? Isn't that why you told us to do our best just earlier, nyan...?
Doya Osa: ふぉふぉ… そうだったべ。 Hoho... That's right.
Doya Osa: だが この宝剣は本当に大事なんだべ 秘宝の入手を 確実にするためには…。 But, this Treasure Sword is of great importance, for acquiring the Hidden Treasure...
Doya Osa: それがわかってるなら いいべ。 As long as you understand that, it's fine.
Whisper: なんか様子が変ですが… こんなところに来て どうしたんでうぃす? You're acting kinda strange... Why did you come here, whis?
Doya Osa: いやいや 今回ばかりはワシも行こうと 思い直したべ。 Oh, well, I thought that, just this once, I'd go with you, too.
Whisper: そ… そんな危ないでうぃすよ! T... That's dangerous, whis!
Doya Osa: なあに心配ないべ 後ろから着いていって 安全が確認できたところにしかいかんべさ。 Oh, come now, no need to worry. I'll only be right behind you if it's absolutely safe.
Whisper: それなら いいですけど… That's alright then...
Whisper: でも…ホントに「危ない!」と思ったら スグに逃げてくださいよ〜? But... If you really start thinking "this is dangerous!", please get out of there right away, yes?
Indy Jaws: 心配ない! 大大大冒険家である私の 後ろから着いてくれば安心だ! No need to worry! If he’s right behind a Great Great Great Adventurer like me, it's perfectly safe!
Jibanyan: そのとおりニャン! That's right, nyan!
Jibanyan: インディ&ゾン・ビーに全部のワナに 引っかかってもらえば 楽勝ニャン! If Indy and Zom B get caught in all the traps, it'll be a piece of cake, nyan!
Indy Jaws: なっ… なんだと!? Wha... What did you say!?
Doya Osa: ふぉふぉふぉ… さあ とっとと行くべ! Hohoho... Now, let's go quickly!
Komasan: は〜いズラ! Yessir!
After the Battle with the Dungeon Boss:
Doya Osa: みごとだべ バスターズ。 You've done well, Busters.
Doya Osa: さて その剣は ワシがあずかっておくべ。 こっちに持ってくるべ! Now then, I will hold onto the sword. Give it to me!
Komasan: あ 酋長さん。 わかったズラ! Oh, Chief. Okay!
Whisper: …ん〜? 「あずかっておく」なんて 急にどうしたんでうぃす? ...Hm? Why are you suddenly supposed to "hold onto the sword", whis?
Doya Osa: さ 三宝剣の真の力は ワシでなければ 開放できないんだべ! T-The true power of the Three Treasure Swords can't be released wihout me!
Komasan: もんげ〜! はじめて聞いたズラ〜! Mongeee! That's the first time I'm hearin' this!
Doya Osa: む… 村の秘密なんだべ! さ さあ 早くこっちに持ってくるべ…! It... It's our village’s secret! N-now, hurry and give it to me...!
Jibanyan: な なんか今日の酋長さん ちょっとおかしいニャンよ…! T-The Chief's being a little weird today, nyan...!
Zom B Chopper: ああ 実は気になっていた…。 わざわざ ダンジョンにもついてくるしな。 Yes, I was actually wondering about it... Why he went through the trouble of following us into the dungeon.
Zom B Chopper: それに酋長さんは 「バスターズ」なんて 呼び方はしない…。 And also, the Chief never calls us "Busters"... (1)
Zom B Chopper: そして何より… さっきから ぜんぜんドヤがっていない…! And most of all... This whole time he hasn't been smug at all...!
Zom B Chopper: おい! お前! ホントに酋長さんか…? Hey! You! Are you really the Chief...?
Doya Osa: ………………。 ...
Jibanyan: ………………。 ...
Komasan: ………………。 ...
Doya Osa: くっくっく なあんだ 意外に 頭が回るじゃないか。 Hehehe, well, well, well, aren't you suprisingly perceptive.
Jibanyan: お前は! ブンドリー一家のやつニャン! You! You're from the Bundory Family, nyan!
Spatto: ああ 次男のスパットだ。 Yes, I'm Spatto, the second son.
Spatto: 変装や華麗な盗みは お手の物なんだが 今回は つめが甘かったようだ。 Stealing brilliantly and disguised is my forte, but it seems I wasn't careful enough this time.
Spatto: ちっ また 兄貴にドヤされるぜ。 Kch, my big brother is going to yell at me again. (2)
Spatto: だが… 力ずくってのもキライじゃないぜ! さあ 三宝剣をわたしてもらおう! But... I won't say no to brute force, either! Now, hand over the Three Treasure Swords!
Jibanyan: ゼッタイに わたさないニャン! Like we'd do that, nyan!
Jibanyan: 宝剣は 試練に立ち向かって 手に入れるんだニャン! We got those Treasure Swords by taking on the trials, nyan!
Jibanyan: それを盗んで手に入れようって考えが オレっち ゆるせないニャン! I won't let you get away with thinking that you can just get them by stealing them, nyan!
Indy Jaws: その通りだ! 言おうと思っていたことを 全部ジバニャンに先に言われたぞ! Exactly! Everything Jibanyan just said was what I was about to say!
Indy Jaws: みんな! 宝剣を守ろう! いくぞ!! Everyone! We'll protect the Treasure Swords! Let's go!
Jibanyan: おお! だニャン!! Roger! Nyan!!
The Chief usually refers to the Busters as おヌシら/onushira, which is an archaic way of saying “you”.
Spatto refers to Dandory as 兄貴/aniki which literally just means big brother, though in gangs it’s also used to refer to one’s leader. Considering that they’re thieves, the double meaning might be intentional here.
After the Battle with Spatto:
Spatto: はあ はあ… なんてヤツらだ ここまでとは 予想外だったぜ…。 *pant pant*... You're quite something, no wonder you made it this far...
Jibanyan: どうだニャン! オレっちの力 思い知ったかニャン! How what that, nyan!? Nyow you get how powerful we are, nyan!?
Zom B Chopper: そうだ! 強さだけじゃない… みんなの気持ちの勝利だ! That's right! And it's not just our strength... This was a victory for everyone's feelings!
Spatto: クソ……。 Crap...
Jibanyan: さてと… コイツをどうしてくれようかニャン? Now, then... What do we do with this guy, nyan?
Zom B Chopper: 待て…っ! Wait...!
Komasan: ズラ!? Wha!? (1)
Zom B Chopper: おい お前… ねじまきを持ってるな? Hey, you... got a wind-up key, right?
Spatto: ……!!! ...!!!
Jibanyan: ニャニャ!? ねじまきを? Nyanya!? A wind-up key?
Zom B Chopper: ねじまきは回したヤツが一緒に入らないと ダンジョンの中には入れない。 You can't enter a dungeon, unless you're with the one who turned the wind-up key.
Zom B Chopper: ってことは ダンジョンから出る時に ねじまきがないと入り直せないわけだ。 So that means, when you exit a dungeon, you can't reenter it without a wind-up key.
Jibanyan: あ! そうかニャン! Ah! That's true, nyan!
Spatto: …ちっ 一家のもとに お前らをつれていけってのか? ...Kch, you want me to take you to where my family is?
Zom B Chopper: そうだ 察しがいいな。 That's right, you guessed it.
Indy Jaws: おいおい敵だぞ? いくらなんでも そんなことするわけ…。 Hey, hey, he's still our enemy? No matter what, there's no way he will...
Spatto: ふっ いいだろう…。 Heh, alright...
Indy Jaws: ええーっ!? なな…なんでだ〜っ? Whaaat!? W-Wha... What was that?
Spatto: オレは華麗な怪盗… イケメンだが非力でな。 だが アニキやオヤジたちは違う…。 I am a brilliant phantom thief... Handsome, but lacking physical strength. However, my older brother, my old man, and the others, they're different...
Spatto: 一家の元に連れていけば お前らは 無事で帰れるわけない! If I take you to my family, you won't get away unscathed!
Spatto: …だが そこのゾンビは連れて行けと言う。 ...Yet, that zombie there said I should take you.
Spatto: 「求めているものが同じなんだから 結局いつか戦う運命」ってんだろ? "Since we are seeking the same, we are fated to eventually fight one day", is what you were thinking, right?
Zom B Chopper: その通りだ さけられぬ戦いなら 今こそ戦うべきだ! Exactly, since it's a fight we can't avoid, we should fight now!
Spatto: たしかに 秘宝があるダンジョンには オレたち一家が待ち受けている… It's true that our family is lying in wait in the dungeon where the Hidden Treasure is...
Spatto: だが 秘宝を手にするための宝剣は お前たちが持っている… But, you have the Treasure Swords that are needed to obtain said Hidden Treasure...
Spatto: お互い このままでは秘宝を 手に入れることはできないからな。 Really, If we do nothing, neither of us will be able to get the Hidden Treasure.
Komasan: もんげ〜! ゾン・ビーさん カッコイイズラ〜! Mongeee! You're so cool Mr. Zom B! (2)
Indy Jaws: なるほど…! よく気づいたな! I see...! Good thinking!
Zom B Chopper: フッ 大したことじゃない… オレが どんな男か忘れたのか? Heh, it's no big deal... Did you forget what kind of man I am?
Zom B Chopper: 「この島に来たものの 誰からも 仲間に入れてもらえず… "A man who couldn't become friends with anyone who came to the island,...
Zom B Chopper: ねじまき無しでダンジョンに入ろうとして 数々のワナにハマりまくった男」だぜ…? ...tried to enter dungeons without a wind-up key, and got stuck in countless traps", right?
Zom B Chopper: それくらい 身をもって学んでいるのさッ! I have learned, from experiencing all of that firsthand!
Jibanyan: 言い方超カッコイイけど… 言ってることが メッチャせつないニャン! The way you said that was super cool, but... What you actually said was totally sad, nyan!
Indy Jaws: よし! そうと決まったらここから出て ブンドリー一家の待つダンジョンへ行こう! Alright! If that's settled, let's get out of here, and go to the dungeon where the Bundory Family is waiting!
Komasan: お〜ズラ〜! Roger~!
Here Komasan actually just says his iconic “zura!?” in suprise, but since I don’t translate that speech habit literally (since it’s derived from a real dialect), I had to turn it into something else.
Komasan refers to Zom B with さん/-san, which I decided to translate with “Mr.” in this particular case, note that it’s not a true equivalent though.
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kaialone · 7 years
Some Yokai Watch Spoilers (Busters 2 and Movie 4) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Movie 4 information.
Mastertag for pre-release Busters 2 information.
Basically, Corocoro has been leaking again, but I am unsure know if I would have the time to translate all of it anytime soon. Adding to that, from just going over it, it seems a lot of it is just going over old things again, (or stuff that I admittedly dont understand well) so what I decided to do is this:
I’ll just do the small parts that I can translate that I think count as “new information”, though of course there could be stuff I missed, and summarize the rest.
Sorry if doing it this way bothers any of you, I just thought it was better than posting nothing at all.
So first of all, here are the only two pages I did new translations on this time around:
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The stuff on the upper right of the first page is too blurry to read, sadly.
The stuff in the lower left on the second page with Cat King Enma Matatabi and Fudō Myōō just talks about how other pages in this magazine will go over how they can be obtained, which is information we know already.
Aside from that, the following are things I consider new
First is this bit talking about “Banbarayah”:
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伝説の秘宝 バンバラヤーを 手にするのはどっち!? Who will be the ones to get the Legendary Hidden Treasure, Banbarayah!?
バスターズとブンドリー一家が ともに狙う伝説の秘宝。 それがバンバラヤー!! ブンドリー一家は、 全員が見事な連携を見せ、 バスターズを圧倒!? A Legendary Hidden Treasure that both the Busters and the Bundory Family aim for. It is Banbarayah!! The Bundory Family, each member showing excellent teamwork, end up overwhelming the Busters!?
バンバラヤー 正体は不明だが、 手に入れた者の願いをかなえるらしい…。 Banbarayah It's true nature is unknown, but it seems that it will grant the wish of the one who obtains it...
Technically, this is mostly information we’ve been told before, however, this part confirms that this object itself is indeed “Banbarayah”, which the website previously only hinted at, and reveals that it will grant wishes, which I don’t think was stated before?
This pre-release magazine does seem to indicate that this object is Banbarayā (Banbarayah), putting that label right next to its image and everything. However, In the actual game this turns out to be NOT true! And this isn’t a spoiler, either, it’s never assumed or anything.
Next is this bit, talking about newly introduced “G Yōkai”:
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バスターズは G妖怪で対抗!! The Busters Strike Back as G Yōkai!!
おなじみのバスターズメンバーが、 ゴルドなオーラをまとい登場!! Sランクにパワーアップしているので、 バトルでも大活躍だ。 コイツらがいれば、 ブンドリー一家にも勝てる!? The Busters members we're familiar with appear, clad in a golden aura!! Powered up to S-Rank, they're hugely successful in battles, too. If these guys are here, could even the Bundory Family be beaten!?
So, these are basically the guys we already now, just with a form that makes them S-Rank? I can’t tell if there is any other difference.
And now we have a few information on each member of the Bundory Family, including their names:
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ダンドリー 斬り込み隊長を務める長男。 切れ者だが、父ゴーウィンを恐れている。 Dandory The eldest son, who acts as the attack leader. He's a sharp one, but fears his father, Gowin.
Name Origin: Likely from 段取り/dandori, which translates to “plan”, “design”, “set-up”, and the like.
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スパット 華麗な怪盗に憧れるナルシストな 次男。ダンドリー対立することも。 Supatto (could also be romanized as Spatto or Spat) The narcissistic second-born son, longing to be a splendid thief. (1) Clashes with Dandory sometimes, too.
Name Origin: Possibly from スパッと/supatto, which translates to "quick and clean", "thouroughly", "without hesitation".
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グスタフ 一家に仕える執事。 目にも止まらぬ 素早い動くで一家をお世話する!! Gustaf (literally: Gusutafu) The butler who serves the family. With his lightning speed movements, he takes care of the family!
Name Origin: Possibly from スタフ/sutafu ("staff")
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キレーネ お宝とコスメが大好きなワガママ長女。 キレると手がつけられない!! Kirene The selfish eldest daughter, who loves treasures and cosmetics. When she snaps, she's out of control!!
Name Origin: Likely taken from キレる/kireru, which is slang for “to snap”, “to get angry”, and the like.
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ゴーウィン 豪快な父。 いつもダジャレを いって笑っているが、本気になると…!? Gowin The lively father. He is always making puns and laughing, but when he gets serious...!?
Name Origin: Likely taken from 強引/gōin, which can translate to “brute force”, and by extension 強引な/gōinna, which can translate to “aggressive” or “overbearing” and the like.
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タント 身体が大きくてパワーは抜群!! でも、 心は優しくてドジな末っ子。 Tanto (could also be romanized as Tant) His body is huge and his power is outstanding!! But, at heart he's the kind, ditzy, youngest child.
Name Origin: Possibly taken from たんと/tanto, which can translate to “a lot".
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トランカ どんなピンチに遭遇しても動じない、 ロックで破天荒な婆ちゃん!! Toranka The unprecedentedly rocking granny, who is unfazed no matter what kind of trouble she faces!! (2)
Name Origin: Unsure, but トラ/tora does translate to "tiger".
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キャトリーヌ 謎に包まれた母親。他の家族とは いっしょに行動していないよう…!? Catleen (could also be romanized as Catrine or the like. Literally, her name is spelled Kyatorīnu) The mysterious mother. It seems that she is not acting alongside the other family members...?!
Name Origin: Possibly taken from names like “Cathleen“ or “Catherine”, combined with "cat".
I am unsure if the second part of this first line translates to “longing to be a splendid thief” or “admires a splendid thief“, but with the current context I feel the former is more likely.
I am unsure if I got the first part of the line right.
Technically Punipuni already had information on half of the Bundory Family, but still, here’s them all together for the first time.
So with that, let me summarize the pages I didn’t do any full translations for.
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These pages talk about how to get Matatabi aka Enmanyan in Busters 2. From what I understand, there is a QR code in this issue of Corocoro that can be used, but you can also use QR codes from Shadowside medals that are tied to the 4th movie. (If I am understanding this right, that is. Again, merchandise is always a weak point of mine.)
Corocoro’s official channel has uploaded a video recently that shows off trying to befriend Matatabi using the QR code from this issue, too.
With these stones that allow you to enter certain dungeons, I believe those that have the infinity symbol in them can be used well, infinitely? And usually these can only be obtained with certain QR codes. But I am not 100% sure.
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This page shows off some more merchandise. With the medals, it points out how you can get an Infinite Stone to challenge the Underworld King Enma Maka if you have his medal, and how his and Awakened Enma’s medal can give you rare yōki.
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The upper half of this page shows off something called “Yokai Watch Tomodachi Fun Pak 9”, which will come with an Enmanyan Treasure Medal, and a DVD (though i dont know whats on that one, I’d guess episodes of the anime, maybe) and QR codes for Crank-a-kai coins.
The lower half talks about what, if I’m getting this correctly, is a little manga story that will act as a small side-story to the movie. And seems it will come with a Shadowside movie version Treasure Medal of Jibanyan.
(Either that or this is the manga adaptation of the movie that will ALSO feature a little side story that’s not in the movie.)
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Aside from talking about how to get Fudō Myōō and showing off new punis that will soon be added to Punipuni,
This page shows off the Shadowsides of yokai, talks about how they work, and talks about the two Yokai Watches (Eruda and Ogre) that will be in the movie, but all this text is just information that was in previous issues.
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Visually, it does show us new things, which is little icons of the Lightside versions of various yokai that will appear in the movie.
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This page talks about plot details of the movie that were talked about before, nothing new as far as I can tell.
Most notable is that it shows off Dark Enma’s signature weapon, a fusion of Enma’s and Kaira’s swords. (Or rather the toy version of it)
It’s called the “DX Dark Enma Agito” and you can check out it’s bandai page here.
And lasty, we got this:
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A small part that talks about a newly revealed Yokai Sangokushi game.
It’s called “Yokai Sangokushi Kunitori Wars” and it’s a mobile game that is set to be released in 2018.
It’s official website is up if you’re interested, I personally haven’t had time to look through it in detail.
And that’s it for now, sorry for it being so minimal this time around, I hope you still found it helpful!
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kaialone · 7 years
Catching up on Yokai Watch News
Yokai Watch Spoilers (Movie 4 and Busters 2) under the cut.
Mastertag for pre-release Movie 4 information.
Mastertag for pre-release Busters 2 information.
Sorry this took a while but, this is gonna be a post to mostly summarize the information that was released via magazine and website updates in the past week.
I have been somewhat busy, so I don’t have time to translate every bit of this, gotta kinda skim over some parts, so this won’t be 100% complete, but I wanted to put out something at least.
First I’ll go over the stuff revealed for Busters 2 and then the stuff revealed for Movie 4, so if you’re only interested in one of the two, just go to the part you wanna read.
Busters 2 Stuff:
A lot of the stuff that the magazine leaks covered are also mentioned in the trailer that was released shortly after. The website also updated with some of this information and can be found here.
The game will appearently take place on a island called Karakuri, where the treasure of a pirate king is said to be hidden?  The Busters will go there to look for treasure, with the New Busters (Indy Jaws, Zom B Chopper, Neko II, and Mr. Scoop) presumably still being after the goals theyve been said to have in the anime and YKW3. (This last part is more my conjecture than anything)
It has been revealed that there will be two versions of “Yokai Watch Busters 2: Hidden Treasure Legend of Banbaraya”, called “Sword” and “Magnum”, and we also now know it’s release date, which is the 7th of December, 2017.
Each version will come with a special Yo-kai Treasure Medal, both featuring Enma and a new character called Kaira, who will seemingly play a role in the 4th movie, too.
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Seems that these come with QR codes that will allow you to battle and befriend both Enma and Kaira, too.
It also seems like with this game you will be able to play online with up to 4 people? Though I’m unsure if I understood this right, cause I’ve never played a Busters game myself.
Something else that is shown off is the Treasure Gear, which from what I understand is the various weapons that the Yo-kai Pod merchandise can be turned into.
(for the reference, this is a Yo-kai Pod:
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Its a lamp-like device that can have additional stuff get attached to it to turn into various other stuff.)
The Japanese version of the recent Nintendo Direct showed of the Treasure Gear well, showing the Chainsword, Sniper, and Magnum modes.
Unless I’m misunderstanding, there are also certain item boxes you can only destroy with these? (I could be wrong about this part)
A magazine also showed off a 4th Treasure Gear, which is literally called Hyūdroid, but could also be romanized as something like Hughdroid?
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The text is as follows:
“The Adventure Partner Hyūdroid also appears!
A new model of Treasure Gear. Within a dungeon, it moves around automatically and finds treasure!!”
Something else interesting the magazine mentioned that doesn’t seem to be adressed in the trailer or on the website is this bit:
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(From the same source as the one before)
“The Mysterious Cry ‘Banbarayahh’!?
Within the game, when this cry occurs, strange events will...!?”
A new group of characters called the “Bundori Family” (might be romanized differently) has also been revealed:
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It seems that they will be your “rivals” when it comes to treasure hunting in the game, whatever that means.
Twitter user rabbittotank has kindly translated the information on them that the magazine provides. You can check that out here.
In addition to these guys, 6 new Hidden Treasure Yokai (or Hihou Yokai) have been shown off:
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Again, twitter user rabittotank has translated the information on these yokai found in the magazine. You can see those here.
And that’s about it for Busters 2, from what I can tell, cept for some merchandise related stuff, new Treasure Medals, and of course Emblems for the new Hidden Treasure Yokai and the like.
So onto
Movie 4 Stuff:
Here I must apologize again, because of how blurry some of the text is, I can’t translate all the text from the magazine, but I will show off the bits that I can translate.
First we have this page:
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(image source for this and the following magazine pics)
While on this page, they point at Enma and the Enma Blade he is wielding and have descriptions for them, sadly I can’t really make out either of those. Though what little I can read of the Enma Blade’s description, it just seems to go over what it is again. (In case you dont know, the Enma Blade already appeared in YKW3)
What I actually can read is this bit:
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“Kaira enters the war, too!?
Do not miss Onimaro VS Yōkai (Shadow Side) !!
The Yōkai ‘Onimaro’ that have appeared alongside the comet, who transform the humans they inspirit into Kaodeka Oni (Huge Faced Oni), are terrifying beings!! And Kaira plans to take advantage of this situation and take over the world!? Can the yōkai, transformed into the Shadow Sides, their combat forms, save the world from crisis!?”
And this:
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“The king of the Yōmakai is me!!“
Aside from these there is also this little bit, but it’s literally just listing their names:
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From left to right: Jibanyan (Shadow Side), Onimaro Leader, and Kaodeka Oni.
Next is this page:
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Again, I can’t make out everything, and some stuff is incomplete, but I will go over the stuff I do understand.
This page features the new character Kaira again:
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“Kaira the Snake King A yōkai who has tricked Enma and became the king of the Yōmakai. Using the power of Onimaro, he plans to rule the human world as well.”
Note: I am unsure about the world “tricked” here, might be another kanji, it’s a little blurry. If it IS the kanji I think it is, it could also be translated as “framed” or “trapped” or the like.
Also Note that his sword is labelled too, but
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I can’t really make any of it’s description. It appears to be called “Snake King Sword”, but that name might be incomplete.
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“The Era of Enma is over!!“
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“This Sword holds the key to the story!?
Fudō Thunder Sword A legendary sword that was sealed away, for its power is too strong for anyone to control it.”
Note: “Fudō” could possibly translate to “Immobile” or “Unmoving”. Also cause I was confused about it for a moment, I want to point out that this is NOT the same as Kaira’s sword. It’s a different sword.
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“In the setting of the movie - 30 years into the future, Kaira the Snake King has become the master of the Yōmakai!? And the swords that the two of them possess, alongside the legendary sword sealed in the Yōmakai, appearently will be important keys of the story!!”
And that’s it for what I got on the information from the magazine, but there is a little bit more from recent news udpates to the website.
First, there is a little notice about how if you got a pre-sale ticket for the movie, you can scan the QR code on it to get a treasure coin in YKW3.
Second, more interestingly, there will be some sort of crossover between Yokai Watch and Gegege no Kitarō.
I will translate the entire news post on that one:
“Gegege! Nyo, nyo, nyo way!! 'Gegege no Kitarō'
will appear in a 'Yokai Watch Movie'!
With this, the shocking 'Yōkai Tag Team' is born!
(Translator's Note: I am not sure if it refers to 4th movie specifically, but given the context I feel like it more than likely does.)
This new work is...! The veteran of Yōkai Anime, the national character everyone knows about, 'Gegege no Kitarō' will appear! And not just Kitarō will appear; Daddy Eyeball, Catchick, Old Man Crybaby, the Sand Witch, Rollo Cloth, Ratman, everyone from the familiar 'Kitarō Family' will make an appearance!
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(Translator's Note: I used the english names from 2002, I hope thats okay?)
'Gegege no Kitarō' is the master piece of Shigeru Mizuki, which could be called the parent of modern Yōkai Manga and Anime. The manga series started in 1965. The anime started to be broadcast in 1968, and in the blink of an eye, started a Yōkai Boom, spreading the image of 'Yōkai' throughout the world, with 5 more national anime series being produced afterwards.
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The voice actress who plays the role of Kitarō, who breathes life into numerous super popular characters, and enjoys national popularity, is the outstanding Masako Nozawa! Kitarō is brought back to life with Masako Nozawa's voice!
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(Masako Nozawa's comment): "The protagonist of the first series, Kitarō, fully lives within me. This time around, I am looking forward to see and imagining, how we will be accepted, or what kind of welcome we will receive, as we enter Yokai Watch. For now, I am very excited and looking forward to the completion. Yōkai are immortal."
Furthermore, this Kitarō-like Jibanyan form is known as 'Kitanyan'. Somewhere within the work, this 'Kitanyan' will appear!”
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Third, there’s a little thing about Kaira, which is mostly the same as what the magazine already said, but since that makes it not that hard to translate, here it is:
“ Kaira the Snake King,
the strongest (worst) rival,
for the strongest of the Yōmakai,
The Great King Enma,
makes his appearance!
(Translator's Note: the word used to describe Kaira here is a pun that can mean both "strongest" but also something like "most vile")
In the setting of the movie - 30 years into the future, Kaira the Snake King has become the master of the Yōmakai!? It seems he also plans to rule the human world.
The swords that the Great King Enma and Kaira the Snake King possess, and the legendary sword sealed in the Yōmakai are important keys to the story!?”
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And lastly, it seems that the winner of the Shadow Side design contest has been chosen.
From what I understand, people where able to submit their own ideas of the Shadow Side design for a Yokai of their choice, via various forms released in different magazines around the time.
Unless I’m mistaken, it appears that someone named Kakuto Yona (unsure about the surname’s spelling) was the one to win first place, and their drawing of Shadow Side Bushinyan (Shogunyan) will be turned into a treasure medal
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And with that we should be all caught up on general news, again, sorry it took me so long to get this finished.
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