bungouimagines · 5 years
Still Kickin’
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Hey guys, I know it’s been an insanely long time since I’ve posted on here. Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that I’ll be responding to all those requests in my Inbox throughout this summer. This epic writing quest won’t be starting until after my exams though, so be on the lookout for more headcanons, pairings, etc. towards the end of May. 
I’ve been thinking about transferring this account to a new email so I can respond to messages a bit more as well, if any of you have any recommendations on how to do so, please let me know! This, unfortunately, isn’t my main blog, and I’d very much like to swap to another if that’d make managing things a little easier.
Thank you all for your unyielding patience, and I look forward to replying to all your requests! (つ ͡^ ͜ʖ̫ ͡^ )つ
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Happy Valentines Day Guys!
Enjoy all that candy and do something nice for yourself or a loved one today! 
I’ll be posting a surge of match-ups this Friday as a little celebration, be on the lookout for them. (^u0)b
Hope everyone enjoys their semi-holiday; I’ll metaphorically see you all soon!
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bungouimagines · 7 years
what would the BSD characters children be like? [not a shipping thing mind you, just child headcanons in general]
I’ll keep this simple and just start out with the Agency’s members if that’s alright! If you guys like these, I’ll continue onto the Guild, Port Mafia, and/or the Rats In the House of the Dead. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Girl or Boy: Both! Atsushi would most likely have more than one kiddo, hoping to provide them with some company. He’d be well suited with a boy and a girl.
Both would adore fluffy things, like their dad’s weretiger state
There would be a profound appreciation for the simpler things in the Nakajima household
The least picky children you’d ever meet
Very frugal; kids with the ability to go couponing like no other soccer mom has done before
(Out of everyone, I feel Kyōka would be the least likely to want/have children; but I’ll include a scenario anyways!)
Girl or Boy: Just one little girl, Kyōka wouldn’t want many children and considering how she is also a girl, would have an easier time with one daughter
There’d often be tea time with mommy
Silent, stoic little child
Not particularly patient though, she gets that from her mother
Would be extensively trained in self-defense; Kyōka wouldn’t want her little girl to be unable to defend herself
At the same time however, she wouldn’t be predisposed to violence all that much
Loves cute things like plushies and decorative desserts
But also has a fascination with badass female leads and action/spy movies in general
Girl or Boy: Both, similar to Atsushi. Jun’ichirō’s lighthearted personality would work well with children.
For starters, they think their aunt is a bit peculiar…but never say anything about it in order to stay polite
Jun’ichirō would most likely call them his “little snowflakes” when they’re little
The adverse of their father and their aunt would happen with them: the girl would have a gift and the boy wouldn’t
The boy would still actively try to protect his sister though, as his father would most likely instill that in him
Both tend to be very aware of their surroundings, since they grew up with their father’s gift trying to catch them off guard (i.e. a holographic cookie jar conveniently left open on the counter)
Because of this, they wouldn’t be very mischievous and most likely have strong moral compasses
But love practical jokes
Girl or Boy: Just one boy, whom Naomi would dote on constantly
Due to a peculiar strike of luck, he would be born with a gift
Naomi would often have him visit her brother in an attempt to help him control it
Fukuzawa would also mentor/babysit him from time to time
Hates his uncle, no one is really sure why…
Has a crush on his other babysitter, Ms. Haruno
Despite his aggressive nature towards Jun’ichirō, he gets along with his cousins rather well
Trains with Kyōka’s daughter under Fukuzawa’s mentorship
A bit spoiled compared to the other children
A firm believer in cooties
Girl or Boy: One little girl, although Kunikida wanted a more traditional “nuclear family”, his partner insisted that she’d be happy with their daughter. Doppo, over time, couldn’t help but agree.
The most academically astute of the children – besides Yosano’s son
Gets stressed out very easily (once had a panic attack over a B-)
Diligent and resourceful
Has the second nicest handwriting of the group
Lectures her friends when they’re behaving “like children” (despite being a child herself)
Cutthroat when it comes to school and marks
Keeps a day-to-day journal, rather than writing an “ideals” book like her father
Girl or Boy: One vastly older son and a daughter. Fukuzawa has a tendency to be a bit too strict with his first born, and dote on the youngest far too much.
Both would be trained in hand-to-hand combat; alongside Kyōka and Naomi’s kids
The son would potentially prove to be trouble for the Agency in that he’d want to take control forcefully
Though he would eventually reconcile with his father and prove to be a useful member of the Agency
The girl would be rather quiet and contemplative
Though Fukuzawa would feel rather betrayed, given that she prefers dogs to cats; she even keeps bone-shaped biscuits in her purse for them
As for the older son, despite his rough temper, he too prefers the docility of cats
Fukuzawa’s daughter admires traditional theatre and Noh Mai performances
She is also rather astute at sewing, crocheting, weaving, and much more, provided her patient nature and love of creating new patterns
Girl or Boy?: A mischievous pair of twin boys with enough pranks and energy to keep Ranpo busy
One loves mysteries and has his father’s wit
While the other has the street smarts and common sense both his brother and father lack
Both are infamous in the Agency (and some subsectors of Yokohama) for their pranks
One of their favourite pastimes is trying to create a faux-crime or prank so intricate that their father could never figure it out…they haven’t succeeded yet
Kunikida’s daughter and Atsushi’s kids are their main targets for pranks
They’re terrified of Kyoka’s daughter and Yosano’s son
They get along well with Jun’ichirō’s kids
Both love sweets and love learning how to hack things from Katai (and tease/prank him mercilessly when he refuses to give them lessons)
Girl or Boy?: Two resourceful, happy-go-lucky farmer girls that pack a punch, much like their father.
Actually have the least amount of interaction with the Agency in that Kenji would most likely have them stay back at home with their grandparents (for their safety)
Though, upon arriving in Yokohama, they proved rather quickly that they can take care of themselves (i.e. they punched their way through a street brawl outside the train station with beaming smiles on their faces)
Both have major appetites for fruit and home cooked meals
They appear to be optimistic, like Kenji, but also more aware of their surroundings and situations
They’re outsiders in regards to the other children, but enjoy spending time with Fukuzawa’s daughter, especially when she lets them braid her hair
They’re fascinated by city life and actively wander around town (usually resulting in them getting lost) to look at landmarks 
The girls also get along increasingly well with Atsushi’s kids
Girl or Boy?: An intelligent but lackadaisical boy who is a firm believer in his mother being the most clever and terrifying woman in existence.
Often studies with Kunikida’s daughter, as he is also one of the more astute children of the bunch
His ability, as the opposite of his mother’s, is similar to Fyodor’s devastating gift
As a result, he often kept to himself and through himself into his studies to make up for his lack of interpersonal connections
Though Yosano doesn’t want him to separate himself, she doesn’t push the matter, and is always happy to take him home early from Kunikida’s
Loves frogs, mice, and other animals usually used in lab experiments: would never be able to bring himself to harm them
Fearful of scalpels, but fascinated by the medical field nonetheless
Has a crush on Kyōka’s daughter, but due to his isolationism, usually says something awkward and scares and/or angers her
Girl or Boy?: One curly-haired girl with a cynical view of life and a constant eye on her father (for his safety).
Loves puzzles and reading
Prefers time alone, but doesn’t mind spending time with the more serious children of the Agency from time to time
That being said, she cannot stand Ranpo’s boys or Naomi’s son
More mature in her mindset than the others, besides Fukuzawa’s children
Berates Dazai on his suicidal jokes, but on the inside is deeply worried about him
Has a peculiar hobby: baby proofing rooms (a result of living with her father)
 She becomes incredibly embarrassed when Dazai dotes on her in public
Can effectively use a first aid kit and CPR
When she relaxes around friends, she often has insightful comments from her more reflective moments to share
Aspires to be a writer
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bungouimagines · 7 years
chuuya in a secret relationship with mori's secretary (female preferable).
Ooh, saucy. ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°) Juuust kidding. Here you go! I know it’s a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it!
The One Where Chūya Dates a Port Mafia Secretary
They met just before a typical “meeting of the minds”: only that time, Chūya ended up being a tad bit later than usual. He didn’t notice it at first, all he had done was initiate the usual secretary-to-client conversation. But there was something special about this secretary, something that drew him to her more so than any of Mori’s non-discernible (and questionably lolicon) aides. 
He talked with her a lot longer than he had anticipated that day.
“You do realize there’s a meeting that started five minutes ago, right Mr. Nakahara?”
He could see that she was laughing at him, covering her mouth slightly as she did. The way her smile tugged on just one side of her lip was…rather cute.
“Mr. Nakahaaaara? Earth to Mr. Nakahara?”
He stuttered and caught himself staring, apologizing profusely, he dashed into the Boss’s chambers and slammed the doors behind him. The other heads of the Port Mafia looked at him with mirth in their eyes.
They started dating shortly after that.
It was pure bliss: just having someone on the inside to vent to, someone who understood what stress the Port Mafia can create, someone to walk home with at the end of a long night’s worth of work.
They took their time initially, ensuring that the two of them had their lines drawn when it came to information. They were in a business where secrets were customary, after all. But once the wine glasses started flowing and the two enjoyed a number of giggly dinners together, they began to open up in a way neither of them expected.
Not that there wasn’t drama…
Mori’s secretaries were known for being targeted by invading forces. After all, they knew their boss’s schedule, his contacts, and sometimes even his sleep patterns. This annoyed Chūya to no end sometimes; sure, she could easily fend for herself. She was a trained member of the Port Mafia, but that wouldn’t prevent all workplace injuries, and a certain vanguard of the Mafia didn’t have the patience for that. 
There would be hell to pay if someone laid a hand on her. 
She’d often come home tired more than anything. Rival groups didn’t attempt to infiltrate headquarters like that too often, and on nights where she’d stumble through the door and yawn into her greetings, Chūya loved to have dinner ready on the table or promise a backrub when he got home from work himself.
No one objected to their relationship, most members had a general idea of it but kept quiet out of respect. Higuchi scoffed when she first heard, but got over it once she saw how happy her colleagues were together; a pleasantry most Mafia members never got to experience themselves. Mori, ever-wary of the things he shares with his secretaries, keeps a steady eye on their relationship, and teases his lieutenant mercilessly whenever he gets the chance.
And when they had time alone…it was bliss.
Mori’s office wasn’t a busy one, and his secretaries always kept the various God’s Eye cameras in mind when they went about their daily duties. 
The two would occasionally meet up right in the office they had met…sometimes even on top of the very desk they held their first semblance of a conversation at.
Though, for subtleties sake, they’d normally go out for a nice dinner after work, drink a fair amount of wine and giggle the day’s worth of work away, then head home and…relieve some stress.
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Ahh I would like a match up if thats ok? Im a female with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. My personality types is INTP but I can be quite impulsive at times. While Im not a fan of confrontation if confronted I will always stand my ground and I wont hesitate to speak my mind. I spend most of my time daydreaming and listening to Vocaloid music. I love to create things and play games. I end up losing motivation & task remain unfinished. I tend to be pessimistic but I am very loyal. Thank you!!
Of course it’s okay! It’s nice to hear that some folks still enjoy Vocaloid music too. (^u^) Based on what you’ve said, the best hypothetical BSD partner for you would be…
(ง ͠° ͟ʖ #)ง  John Steinbeck (ง ͠° ͟ʖ #)ง
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Though he hasn’t had the most screen time, John would be a dependable partner and would go along with (as well as counter) nicely with some of the traits you listed:
For starters, he’s known for skimping out on his duties at home as well as within the Guild; so you’d both have a penchant for starting things and not always finishing them…
Though that isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, John would probably plan out a couple of “break days” for the two of you to go on dates and relax for just a bit; maybe even take you out to the countryside and show you some of the rare natural scenes from back home!
Your impulsive and lack of fear during confrontation are both traits John would admire deeply, as he himself didn’t always speak his mind when he really needed to. He also would really love to have a partner that was just as loyal as he is (i.e. his dedication towards the Guild and his family).
Since you’re an INTP, that would contrast nicely with his Steinbeck-ian Sensing over Intuition, as you could learn more from his sensory-based perceptiveness and he could learn more from your inner wisdom
Vocaloid would be something new for John, but provided that he hasn’t grown up around Pop music, he’d probably take quite the liking to it (out of farm boy naivete)
He’d admire your love for creating things and wouldn’t mind playing a game or two whenever he had the chance: after all, nothing beats some downtime
Lastly, John would make an effort to brighten up your day in little ways: like going for little nature walks or having a surprise picnic in the park. He would understand your pessimism, but would also want to make sure you’re happy and healthy.
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Those match-ups seem really interesting! Mind if I bother you a bit? I'm 6" unlimited stamina book worm with mischievous personality. I love exploring areas most wouldn't venture in, but sleep, writing and music, waaaarmth are what makes me the most happy. I'm ENTP, Jack of all trades, master of none. Give me attention and you shall hear me purr (the last part... ignore it ^_^''')
No worries! And I’m afraid I can’t let that kitty comment slide, I’m far too fond of cats to ignore such a purrfect comment. ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) Heheh. Based on the attributes you’ve listed, you’ll be paired with…
͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧  Osamu Dazai  ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
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The overtly-flirtatious and multi-faceted former mafioso of the ADA may seem a bit too preoccupied with his mortality at times, but he certainly wouldn’t want to end things on a grim note with you around:
As an ENTP, your personality type pairs quite nicely with Dazai’s suspected INTJ/ENTJ, as both of you are rather intuitive and can work around things based on prior experiences
That unlimited stamina would definitely help you in this relationship, particularly with having to run about and ensure Dazai’s safety
He wouldn’t mind some quieter moments with you, reading alongside each other would be just the sort of domestic calm he craved in his previous life
He’d love to cuddle up and sleep! The whole idea of sharing warmth is very appealing to him - it just emphasizes the fact that you’re real and that you’re still safe in his arms (or he’s safe in your embrace)
Moreover, Dazai loves jamming out to some tunes from time to time, so he would love to do so with the person he cares about most
A Jack of All Trades and a Master of None you say? Well, as quite the dilettante himself, Dazai would love to pick up and drop hobbies alongside you, in fact the two of you could make for a very efficient, hobby-loving couple
And finally, he wouldn’t mind teasing you with that mischievous personality, or having you reciprocate it from time to time. All-in-all, your relationship has the potential to be a bit flirty at times!
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bungouimagines · 7 years
scenario prompt; chuuya raising the 6 year old daughter of his deceased lover.
What are you doing to my heart, Anon!? ( ;∀;) Thank you for the ask though, sorry that it’s been such a long time coming! I hope you’re pleased with the results
She’s gone, and there isn’t a thing he can do about it anymore.
Telling the girl wasn’t easy, but he knew that it wouldn’t have been right to leave her in the dark, it would be an insult to her intelligence in the long run…poor thing would’ve found out sooner or later. Still, her absence in their once shimmering home was felt deeply; in fact, it shook them to their very cores.
Chūya hadn’t the slightest idea of how to care for her: that last, precious fragment of the one person he could fully trust. The one who allowed him to break down all those walls…that one beautiful person who he would never wake up alongside ever again.
Their daughter was a magnificent blend of the two of them, after all. She had his fiery locks, but had her mother’s kind, patient eyes. Luckily for her too, she never inherited her father’s temper. 
He was thankful that she was here, and he’d make damn sure the same tragedy that befell her mother would never happen to her. The little girl, having just started her journey in the educational system, managed the home far more than Chūya would’ve ever liked. He’d often come home from work to find her putting toast in and clumsily clattering through the kitchen as she scrambled to make eggs and other easily cooked items for dinner. Although he appreciated it, the sight of his little girl exerting herself just to feed the two of them tugged on his heart strings.
“Sweetheart, don’t you have homework?”
“Mhmm, finished it.”
“All of it?”
She twirled her orange curls with a stray hand. “Umm…n-no daddy, Ms. Higuchi helped me with most of it. I told her I could do the last couple by myself…” 
He sighed, “Give it here, let’s finish this up before bed.”
Her studies were suffering because of all this. Not that he didn’t understand…his performance at work had been slipping too. But she couldn’t continue doing this to herself, he wouldn’t allow it. He couldn’t allow his one and only baby girl to be forced into his line of work due to her lack of academic prowess. 
Higuchi had been a huge help. The ever-productive blonde had enough to put up with within the Port Mafia, yet she always made sure to transport his little girl from school in the evenings back to the safety of their apartment. On really busy days, Higuchi would even stay and make sure the girl had something to eat and that her work was completed; since she knew that the girl’s father wouldn’t be home for the bulk of the night.
There were nights like this too, however. Nights where his dazzling little kid would make up a quick lie so she could help her dad out…she really needed to stop doing this. Although it often made him chuckle to himself to see her little hands attempt at cooking, it tugged at his heart in a way that made him wince every once in a while.
After dinner, he sat her down and hammered through the remaining questions on her homework sheet for the week (interestingly enough, there were some simple ones regarding gravity, which led to a full-on story being told about Chūya’s gift).
Settling in after having finished her homework and doing all the usual pre-bedtime rituals, the first grader would often start out in her canopied bed, but would later sneak in to her parents’ room to sleep soundly beside her father…a habit she only recently had taken up after her mother’s passing: she would often claim that she had a nightmare regarding her, though the majority of the time, this was a truth. Chūya, often having just experienced a nightmare about her himself, would welcome her and keep her close.
After this, the carrotheaded father-daughter duo would sleep through the night peacefully; no more nightmares of their wife/mother respectively.
This little girl was all that he had left in this world. He would make sure that she had everything she would need, and work hard to ensure a brighter, safer future for her. 
In the end, he owed it to his beloved to make sure of that.
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Scenario where aku and his s/o are having a conversation in front of the others that sounds like they're implying they did something dirty last night but they actually didn't?
Heheh, I can only imagine how frustrated he’d get with that sort of situation.    (^艸^)Akutagawa definitely seems the type to prefer keeping intimate things to himself. Enjoy~! 
The One Where Akutagawa Gets Embarrassed Over a Misunderstanding
It felt as if every single higher-ranking member of the Port Mafia was watching him today, and Akutagawa was growing sick of it. His ears would burn at their heavy gazes, and he swore he heard someone snicker at one point. 
Was the Boss messing with him again? Did that freak lolita of his attach a “Kick Me!” sign to his back? Or was it something he had done while at work?
The black dog’s mind raced with possibilities, and he became increasingly snippy as the day continued and the snickers failed to cease. 
Wait. Was it that conversation?
He needed to find his s/o, and stat.
The conversation had been innocent enough.
But from the moment his s/o began mentioning their night together he could feel his subordinates tuning their ears into their conversation. Normally for Ryunosuke, his personal life and work stay as far away from one another as they possibly can. But today his s/o had some questions from the night before, and the line of questioning was simple enough to where Akutagawa initially didn’t feel were threatening to answer.
“Ryunosuke, can I ask you something? It’s about last night…”
His ears pricked at her unsure tone, “What is it?”
They began fidgeting under everyone’s gaze, understandable so, but it looked suspicious nonetheless. “I was just wondering if you were…comfortable with everything last night.”
What? Why wouldn’t he have been?
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, shouldn’t I be the one to ask you that? It was quite the load to burden yourself with.”
They bristled a bit at this, “N-No! I can handle myself, Ryunosuke. It’s not like that was my first time doing ‘that’ or anything!” 
He had unintentionally stepped on a landmine and decided to try to make amends later. He had work to do.
Yet everyone continued to gasp when he entered a room…
Rashomon, at this point, was ready to spring up and tear into someone with the amount of frustration bubbling within Akutagawa’s mind. How could they see that as something dirty!? How degrading, for both him and his s/o, to be subjected to such ridicule from their subordinates.
He ran into Higuchi first; the blonde seemingly shot daggers from her eyes as he hurried past her, motioning for her to follow.
Her scowling threw him off-guard.
“What’s the matter, Higuchi? Speak up.”
Her eyes widened at his sudden barking, she recoiled a bit and looked down at her feet. “I-It’s a personal matter sir…nothing of importance to report.”
“Is that so? Than get that look off your face. Same to all those gossipers out there. Effective immediately, understand?”
Her head tilted to the side for a bit, Higuchi eventually nodded. “Y-Yes sir.”
Seriously, these people were beginning to piss him off.
Clarity comes at a cost, however:
He somehow managed to call an informal meeting amongst the Black Lizard and some of the more prolific Port Mafia members. He was getting to the bottom of this, whether they liked it or not.
His s/o had just gotten back from a routine shake-down and looked to see what all the commotion about, blushing slightly at the claims being made by the growing crowd of members.
“Now, I’m going to give you all five seconds to tell me what the hell you all have had the audacity to continue snickering about behind my back. Answer. Now. Or face Rashomon.”
Oh no.
The answer didn’t reach his ears quite right at first, but the persistence of the crowd eventually made it, or a repeated iteration of it, reach him.
He was half tempted to just annihilate them where they stand.
His s/o had to be the one to step out into the crowd and clarify, before Ryunosuke ended up massacring members:
“You all do realize that we were discussing me giving him a massage and vice versa last night, don’t you?”
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Can you please write a scenario where it's the birthday of fyodor's s/o but every year they just end up depressed about being reminded they're alive and feel like their life is going nowhere?
Sure thing! Again, terribly sorry for the late response. Ó╭╮Ò I’ll try my best to address this scenario correctly!
Although Fyodor never was one for parties, he knew that he needed to orchestrate something in honor of his little котёнок’s birthday. But something wasn’t quite right, he felt a sense of general discontent and lethargy seeping from his lover on their special day, he felt that they deserved to feel nothing but ease and embrace the affection he enthused in his uncharacteristic party plans. 
He tried prodding at them first, attempting to pry the cause of their stressors from their tight-lidded lips. Their eyes weren’t shining in the way he had anticipated…what was it?
“These streamers…you didn’t pay too much for them, did you Fyodor?”
He chuckled at her inquiry, “These scraps of paper? Nothing significant, I can assure you. Why the concern, my dear?”
“There’s just…there isn’t any sort of point to this. Birthdays lose their purpose after some time, Тигренок. I just don’t see the point in all these extravagances at my expense.’
He had already figured that this was the problem, addressing it however, was another issue altogether. There wasn’t anything he would not do to bring a subtle smile to his beloved’s face, and he wasn’t going to allow a passing thought to ruin their day.
“котёнок, may we go somewhere?”
They arrived at their hidden sanctuary’s balcony in no time; Fyodor gently guiding the object of his affections to the one place they could get some fresh air. It wasn’t much, but at least they could speak in private.
It didn’t take long for a quizzical look to replace their previously solemn expression, Fyodor chuckled at this sudden change and promptly addressed it.
“My dear, how long have we been together?” He chuckles, “And no, I do not require the exact times here.”
Raising a brow, they answered, “About a year or so, I’d say…maybe more? I don’t see what this has to do wi-”
“Now answer this, how long have you been here? On this Earth?”
They tilted their head to side, answering cautiously, “As of today, about twenty years. Again, why do you ask?” 
Taking their hands into his own, his pools of rich burgundy seemed to look through theirs. Carefully reaching up one hand to cup their cheek, Fyodor’s lips curled into a rare, genuine smile.
“You cherish that year, correct? Our year together?”
“O-Of course, Fyodor.”
“Then allow me to tell you this: I will cherish each and every one of your special days, such as today, with as much fervency and care as you express towards our year together. Especially due to the fact that I have an entire twenty years’ worth of birthdays to make up for… Now I understand why you aren’t pleased with proof of the passage of time, but we all experience this sense of malaise from time-to-time my dear, and I can assure you that if you don’t want to continue such functions, we won’t. But let me remind you:
I will cherish each and every one of your birthdays, whether we celebrate them or not, because they represent the day that the love of my life entered this world and graced me, as well as anyone else fortunate enough to meet them, with their presence. Don’t disvalue these days on the basis of not actively witnessing progress on your behalf, because you’ve made changes throughout the year whether you realize it or not. It doesn’t take the tectonic plates shifting to experience a change, my dear, and I can assure you, you’ve changed my life in the most positive way imaginable. Do not forget that.”
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Hello, may I ask for a male matchup , please and thank you. I hope the length is alright, if not send me a message in the chat box and let me know. Because my info is too long to fit into ask box, I’m putting it in a link to the tumblr blog with my personality description, I hope it works . LINK - The first part is infoship2(.) tumblr(.) (com) (without the parentheses). You can take your time on my request, I don’t mind being patient and waiting.
Of course, and I have to say, the amount of detail you gave was simply wonderful! Based on that wellspring of info, you’ll be paired with…
且_(・_・ )  Chūya Nakahara 且_(・_・ )
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A fan favourite in BSD, this fiery vanguard of the Port Mafia would get along swimmingly with you on the basis of:
Chūya is a Taurus, which traditionally is not paired with an Aquarius. However, Taurus’ are known to crave steady, dependable partners and heavily value commitment, which would hopefully help with one of those fears you mentioned
Moreover, Chūya is usually characterized as an ENTJ, which with his extraverted functions would serve as a bit of a foil to your introverted ones, however, you’re both intuitive and he would never push his partner out of their comfort zone when it came to how they perceive things; he would admire his partner for who they are, nothing more, nothing less
He wouldn’t mind watching K-dramas or French ones, he loves embracing/experiencing other cultures and relishes in learning about societies outside of Yokohama (mentioned briefly in drama CDs and via his love of exotic wines)
One thing he would be thorough about in your relationship is making sure you don’t apologize so much, especially since there’s no reason for you to need to; he’d be rather frank and direct about this because he wouldn’t want you to go through that post-unnecessary-apology anxiety or guilt, you deserve better than that
He’d be very patient and understanding regarding your anxiety, OCD, and depression. He understands that the world you two live in can be very stressful, and will work tirelessly to make sure you’re safe and comfortable enough to work through said stressors
On a side note, Chūya secretly enjoys mood-lighting (dimmer lighting goes well with “classy” love of wine), so he’d make sure the house had softer, more natural lighting for himself and to help with your HS
Chūya is also very loyal, both with relationships and the Port Mafia
Of the Port Mafia members, Chūya seems like he would be more receptive to having a family in the future, as he takes a very focused and practical look at life
Lastly, Chūya wouldn’t ever be afraid of telling the truth, he’s direct in his feelings and certainly wouldn’t keep anything from his partner
Thank you so, so much for your request! I hope you enjoyed it, and I’m honored that you gave so much info for your match-up. If you ever want me to take this down, just let me know. (^u0)b 
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bungouimagines · 7 years
*BURSTS THROUGH DOOR* I heard you're doing matchups?? Hello! I like BNHA, BSD, Magi, Noragami, FMAB, and other stuff! Random info about me: INFP (2% off INTP), Aquarius, love chocolate, not an outdoor person, plays and writes music (but terrible at it), likes learning (but terrible at it), socially inept, panicky, clumsy, bad at life. I speak my mind, and some people think I'm smart (I disagree). My dream job is to be a score writer for film (animation perhaps?). Are DMs open? DARN CHARACTER LIM
Hey there Nsis! I’m here to announce your match up results, hopefully you won’t mind being paired with…
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■  Edogawa Ranpo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>⌐■-■
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Such a talented detective would certainly be a bit choosy when it came to potential partners! But he be more than happy to stay alongside you due to:
You’re both a bit excitable! Which isn’t a bad thing! You can bounce off each other’s internally-charged batteries and find fun in dreary situations
As an INFP/near-INTP, you’d be very similar in regards to how the two of you process their outer world and how you think things through, especially since you’d only be a single letter off from having the same MBTI type (most classify Ranpo as ENTP)
Not only that, but your horoscopes line up nicely! Since Ranpo is a Libra (said to be one of the best fits for Aquarius), the two of you would be able to enjoy some quiet moments of contemplative silence, especially while at work
He would cheer you on in regards to your career goal! Though he doesn’t understand much of that specific field of work, he’d love to read over what you’ve typed and admires your dedication to your craft
Same with your music! Ranpo would probably hum along to some of your tunes while lazing about the Agency’s office
And lastly, you’re both sharp and not afraid to be direct when the situation calls for it, meaning that there wouldn’t be any awkward silences or lack of communication!
Enjoy! Thank you for your request and I hope it’s to your liking. If you ever want me to take this down, just let me know. And in regards to DMs, I certainly wouldn’t mind them being open, buuuut I’m not 100% sure as to how they work. Heheh….(I just recently learned what a DM is). 
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, and Akutagawa realizing they're in love? ^_^
Atsushi: *The kind of love that gives him butterflies in his stomach…and self-doubt*
Atsushi has the hardest time out of the bunch accepting his feelings (besides Akutagawa), provided that he doesn’t feel deserving of such a pure, powerful emotion. The weretiger will admit to having fallen for their crush or s/o, but will struggle putting his feelings into words–he won’t be the first to admit his love for someone, unless Atsushi was pushed to the breaking point or found a way to come to terms with love, or in this case, Atsushi deeming himself worthy enough to love someone unconditionally.
Kunikida: *A deep and adoration-based love wherein he’s not afraid to speak openly about the future*
Though he’d try to hold back at first, after meeting that one person that encompassed all of his “ideals”, or managed to convince Doppo to relax about them; Kunikida wouldn’t be able to hold back sharing his hopes for the future, or just doing cheesy, old-timey things with his s/o. Professing his love however, is another story. He’d be unexpectedly shy about saying those three words first, but once his s/o confirmed them as mutual, Kunikida would be more than happy to shower his s/o with those words whenever they had some proper time alone.
Dazai: *On the outside he’d be rather open /ecstatic about it, but on the inside, he’s terrified*
After spending plenty of time with his interest, Dazai would be surprised about feeling himself falling for them. At first he’d be elated about the concept, after all, this was someone to potentially stick around with; a fresh change to the lonely humn of everyday life for Osamu. But there was something to be concerned about too, and he would acknowledge this fear within seconds of his heart skipping a beat that first time…this beloved individual wasn’t immortal, and he would have to either shelter them from his past with the Mafia or prepare them for a possible clash as the news got around about them.
Dazai would have to take some serious time to reflect on this “love”.
Akutagawa: *Flabbergasted at the concept of someone breaking down his walls–he’d need to keep tabs on this person*
Don’t be surprised if he lashes out about this. The concept of “love” has always been taboo to Akutagawa, sure, he held a certain level of respect towards Dazai and Higuchi respectively, but why entangle yourself in such a way? Wouldn’t that just make you vulnerable? Despite this process of thought cycling vehemently in his head, Akutagawa can’t help but acknowledge the tinge in his chest he experiences every time he spends time with that particular person. 
Honestly, how dare they? 
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bungouimagines · 7 years
[1/3] Hi! Could i request a matchup pls? I'm an INTP-T Ravenclaw girl, 5'7", i have long brunette hair, grey/blue eyes, huge eyebags, pale skin and glasses. From the outside I look aloof, quiet, cold and shy, but I can be really friendly, dorky and kind if you get to know me (though it may take some time for me to warm up). I have troubles conveying my feelings/opinions to others and understanding theirs (result: lots of breakdowns + panick). At random times, i tend to be more social.
I’m not sure how to include your additional info on here, but no fear! I’ve still read over it and have factored in that info in this match-up. Your dislike of “fake” individuals and love of the calm pair well with…
(¬、¬)  Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (¬、¬)
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You and this ever-independent, powerhouse of the Port Mafia would find a serene sense of calm in one another due to:
Both of you have a difficult time getting your point/emotions across, and with the two of you in a relationship, you’d have the time and understanding to work things out in a comfortable time frame
Akutagawa is usually characterized as an ISTJ, which goes along well with your INTP in that you both hold a deep appreciation of quiet time but also respect logic over emotions in stressful situations
Though he’s normally gung-ho about taking missions, he wouldn’t mind taking the occasional break from work to listen in to whatever pieces you’ve learned or whenever you would feel comfortable playing in front of him
However, he wouldn’t share your love for concerts…but would most definitely become interested in the bands you go to see and grumble about requesting a t-shirt from your travels
Considering your mention of Ravenclaw, Akutagawa would admire your logical and intelligent side since he’s rather sharp and intuitive himself; he’d want to have discussions with you (after you’ve broken down his walls a bit) about whatever interests the two of you every night after work
He also dislikes “fake” people, or those with all those characteristics you mentioned; he’ll annihilate them if he knows he won’t be reprimanded for it
Finally, Akutagawa values personal space just as much as you: he’d give you time to yourself when you need it and would avoid PDA at all costs (he despises it as well)
Hope you enjoyed your match-up! (^u^) If you ever need me to take this post down, just let me know.
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Quick Request and Reminder!
Heiya guys, 
So I’ve finally started to get back to doing these match ups and I’ve started to wonder something...do you think you guys can help?
You see, I’m not always 100% sure as to what gender you guys prefer while doing the match ups, and if possible, I was wondering if you guys could include which gender you’d prefer in your partner while requesting a match up? That way I can ensure no one gets someone they might not “like” and then everyone can be happy with their pairings (hopefully)!
Oh, and just a reminder: if you guys ever dislike your match up, or want me to take the post down, just message me and let me know and I’ll be sure to alter/delete it! (^u0)b
Thanks guys!
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Chuuya, Akutagawa, Ranpo, Atsushi from most likely to least likely to freak out if a spider got on them or something.
Fear of Spiders
Least Fearful = 4 — Most Fearful = 1
Akutagawa: 4
Considering his already violent history and the gruesome things he’s witnessed in his line of work, Akutagawa isn’t particularly perturbed by the sight of a spider; his voracious sense of pride just wouldn’t allow for such a pathetic fear. That being said, he would however, utterly annihilate any and all trespassers (spiders and people alike) that dared to step foot into his home.
Ranpo: 3
Though he does experience the usual heebie-jeebies whenever an eight-legged friend decides to climb on him, Rampo isn’t particularly frightened of the Agency’s resident creepy crawlies either. In fact, he finds them kind of cute, in a creepy sort of way. And he can’t help but admire their clandestine capabilities: though their gifts would never surpass his own.
Atsushi: 2
The very sight of them makes his skin crawl a bit, though it’s mostly due to past experiences than anything. After being left destitute by the Orphanage, Atsushi’s sleeping arrangements often resulted in nightly visits from the various insects, creatures, and occasional predator attempting to infringe upon the little spaces Atsushi would make for himself. Despite his fears however, he still prefers to capture and release them rather than kill them.
Chūya: 1
Behold: the biggest baby when it comes to arachnids this side of Yokohama has ever seen. It was bad enough that Dazai used to plant rubber ones throughout his house. Chūya cannot stand spiders, the mere sight of them causes his insides to churn and his skin to crawl. His wine cellar is adorned with insecticide-laden traps in each corner just to ensure that he doesn’t have any “fateful encounters” with one of those eight-legged freaks. He doesn’t care if they’re good for the environment, he’ll eviscerate them all if they don’t stay several feet away from him, and his homestead, at all times.
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bungouimagines · 7 years
Hello!! Could i get a matchup if these are still open ? Im not a tall person but not short, Im in the middle, got black hair and brown eyes. Im a bit reserved at first when it comes to new people but when i get confortable Im open to chat about anything. I dont like arrogant people or loud ones, i value loyalty and compasion, however i dont like people who blinded helps others. My Favorite color is blue and Favorite animal sharks, i enjoy staying at home just reading or watching movies. Thanks!
Of course you can! (^u0)b I hope you wouldn’t mind being paired with…
(๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤) Katai Tayama (๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ̤)
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This sweet, sleepy, and often unappreciated member of the Agency would positively jump at the chance to be with you because:
Katai is the most immobile of the Agency and would be more than happy to have several at-home movie dates away from all the drama the ADA usually faces
He reads quite a bit too, especially when it comes to online articles and whatever he’s hacking and/or coding into
Moreover, Tayama isn’t known for putting himself into too much danger unless someone he truly cares about is at risk (which is incredibly rare); he has a deep understanding of his rates for success and failure in any given situation, so he wouldn’t take too many risks (in comparison to most characters in BSD)
 He’s a rather shy fella himself, so you two could tiptoe your way into a comfortable relationship!
Despite his penchant for keeping out of conflicts, he is incredibly loyal and would ensure that his and his s/o’s safety were on the top of his priority list (you would even be placed higher than his futon!!!)
In fact, he’d probably invest in a larger futon for the two of you to relax on after a long day’s worth of work; so long as it didn’t hinder his ability
Once he’s comfortable, Katai is very affectionate when not in public, and would probably create silly but sweet programs on his computer to send to you whenever he gets the chance (like sending you that one equation that turns out to be in the shape of a heart when you plug it into Google)
Lastly, he would be a devout companion in that he wouldn’t have a wandering eye and would simply be enamoured with the fact he has such an incredible partner (just make sure he doesn’t become too dependent!)
There you are! Hopefully you like it. If you ever want me to remove/take down this post just let me know. (0u0)
p.s. Sharks rule!
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