#bunny loverxiv
amlovelies · 3 years
I have a time travel au I play with from time to time. One of the jokes in it is Young Ortega and Cynthia watching their older versions odd intimate relationship and distance, along with Ortega having some of Cynthia's old clothes and coming up with "Oh god we dated and broke up". Can be even funnier if you have a whole Rangers 2011 thinking that. Not helped by 2020 Steel and Ortega trying to hide that Heartbreak thing like their lives depend on it.
ooh lots of fun potential there for drama and angst. how exactly would that work? would younger ortega and cynthia travel forward?
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carolofthebell · 5 years
I think you count as Muffinlance’s accomplice by now. You keep adding to the angst. (You’re doing an amazing job with Inktober btw. You’re sticking with it and your art looks great. I like your coloring and expressions)
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I don’t want to hurt people, I just want to support her!
Thank you So Much! Inktober has been lots of fun! Somewhere around day 3 it switched from ‘finish a piece each day’ to ‘can I fit all these prompts to the extended muffin-verse’ which is good because I’m a waaay behind now.
I’ve noticed that I tend to take longer when I’m really excited about a piece. I want to do the scenes justice, so it means a lot to me when they’re so well received.
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avatarsymbolism · 5 years
🔥 Azula
Azula has a long way to redemption and Aron Ehasz’s idea of Azula becoming ‘overly apologetic’ post-redemption demonstrates a misunderstanding for abusers like Azula work and how her recovery should actually work should it happen. 
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storybookhawke · 6 years
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BUFF MORRIGAN as promised sans necklace lmao
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fasterthansupes · 6 years
bunny-loverxiv replied to your post: M!A That's Creepy: Make Wally look like Barry for...
Go fuck with Thad!
[Inhales. Pauses. Grins.]
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kittlesandbugs · 3 years
Au where Ortega sees the taboos in the Sidestep days
I'm ballparking that taboo was auto corrected from tattoos lol.
Obviously this needs to happen post-eavesdropping on the re-genes are terrifying convo for maximum angst.
I imagine it would happen with Riley getting injured or suit breached somehow, maybe getting knocked unconscious.
Hopefully someone has half a brain and gets her covered up/hidden somewhere safe until she wakes up and then there's the is this why you've been cagey lately? (the convo was recent, they remember), why didn't you say anything sooner? Is this why you're so terrified of the media and won't go to hospitals? HAVE YOU BEEN TREATING YOUR INJURIES???
Lots of crying and apologies on both ends, more understanding/sympathy from Chen, lots of we gotta keep this off any reports, hopefully no one else saw it.
MAYBE SOME IDIOTS WILL ADMIT FEELINGS FINALLY NOW THAT SHIT'S IN THE OPEN AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF BEING EXPOSED TO RIC ANYMORE. Maybe there's eventually some sweet sweet body worship sex and he sees all her self-treated scars and extent of her tattoos because I'm a sucker for that and he loves her no matter that she's a re-gene.
Maybe Chen and Ricardo don't accept that she was dead after HB but I can't see that ending well at all, this may end up turning tragic fast... But maybe they keep better eyes on her going up the stairs. Things like this can change perspectives and priorities. Idk lol.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Quoraah seems like an interesting character. Med student turned Sith against her will. I got questions Can you tell me more about her? Does she ever met her brother again? Is she a dark sider? What’s her discipline? What kind of doctor did she want to be? Does she ever use her skill from that as a Sith? What did she think of the Empire as a med student, as a acolyte and now? Do you have her end up on the dark council?
Oh, thank you so much for this!
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She will eventually meet her brother again, and when that happens, she will NOT be happy. I think... she'll stop short of killing him? But they have a lot to work through. She was traumatized first by the death of her parents, then by her exile from Balmorra, then from her brief but horrifying enslavement, then from discovering she was Force sensitive, then from Korriban. So its a lot.
Technically, she's a light-sider. She tries to avoid indiscriminate acts of cruelty and feels REALLY bad for the people who get caught in the crossfire of her missions. (Like Ashara.) That doesn't mean she won't roast the people who did all this to her.
Quoraah wanted to research diseases and develop vaccines. She wanted to create medicines that would actually matter. (In her estimation.) She's sad that probably isn't in the cards for her anymore.
Growing up on Balmorra, Quoraah was... well, a little bit privieged. She certainly didn't LIKE the Empire, but it mostly made her eyes roll. It was an inconvenience, more than anything. It was only when the Empire turned its brutality on her and her family where things became an issue for her.
Now... she really doesn't like the Empire. But she doesn't see an option for breaking from it.
She will wind up on the Dark Council. She will not be happy about it.
Thanks so much for the asks!
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oifaaa · 4 years
Hutt space has hyperspace lines! If senator Anakin’s AU Hutt space has free spots the clone wars might make Anakin important! The senate suddenly trying to suck up to Anakin because he’s got ins with outer rim worlds would be hilarious. They can’t get rid of him now! They need him.
The only reason anakin was allowed to become a senator at all was because after he over threw the hutts the hyperspace lanes became the tatooine hyperspace lanes and unless the Republic are despite to get access to those lanes
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tatiletotesamaze · 4 years
Do you have empire dating headcanons? How do they date if pda is tabooed? I’m also remembering an idea where imperials don’t start using first names until they’re married. Idk if that was canon or just Quinn.
 I think that might only be Quinn but I am more than happy for it to be a standard practice because honestly it sounds hilarious.
As to dating? I think there’s some in-game support for arrangements, both marriages and “you should meet this person”, in some of the NPC dialogue in Kaas City. (I don’t know if it’s still there, haven’t played the game in donkey’s).
So there would likely be formal meetings or meeting in a social situation, think salons, or work-dos, or Auntie-Darth-So-and-So is having her annual Running of the Slaves and General BigDeal’s daughter will be there, wink-wink nudge-nudge.
After the meeting and if the couple hits it off, there might be very proper dinners (I like to imagine Kaas City has a thriving restaurant scene), evenings out to the theatre*, or if you’re a bit younger, going clubbing (dance clubs, not beatings).
Due to the high level of military service in the Empire (pretty much everyone has some degree of training, so even the shelf-stackers in Space Boots can field strip and fire a blaster; this does also mean there’s a trifle less harassment of shop staff), however, being physically together isn’t always possible, so sexting is a big thing, and so are hook-up apps. So if you’re not the kind to fuck co-workers on the tin can you call home, put your details in Space Tinder, chat with like-minded people on other ships and stations and should you actually manage to meet up, that’s what the storage unit on Deck Three’s for.
The height of “I want to be serious with you” is spending shore leave together or watching the fireworks during the one time of the year the storms let up enough you can actually see them. This is true of both romantic couples and people who are friends.
Of course if your family doesn’t approve of your new squeeze or your previously arrange marriage partner decides no, actually, we’re going through with this contractual obligation, you might find yourself Struck by the former and having to bribe the latter if you can’t talk your way into a better arrangement. And for a fair number of people, just being disowned and out of pocket is the best outcome. However arranged marriages are less common and less strict the lower down the classes you go, particularly if there’s no Force Sensitivity involved.
But I digress. It’s all very proper, arms-linked, walking through the park and talking about holidays and hobbies and the War (because the Empire’s always at war, it’s a military industrial complex that grew a culture like a fungus), and while you might be raw dog fucking in the closed-top speeder, it takes a while to get to the “peck on the cheek and blush” phase.
This does not necessarily mean that the resulting relationships and marriages are what we might like to imagine ourselves having, and can become loveless and cold with a “do it for the kids” bent. Absence makes the heart grow fonder is a normal thing in the Empire, so you take opposite-wise postings in the Galaxy and sext like it’s your first night on Space Tinder, then hookup in the laundry room because the storage room is full.
*not all theatre is high-brow and neither’s the opera. Someone’s got to think u alternative lyrics to marching songs. And it’s actually a great way of explaining the ever shifting state of Sith political relationships, think Shakespeare but people actually get it’s 50% fart jokes.
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amlovelies · 3 years
38 or 2 for Cynthia
thank you for the prompt! I'm going to go with #38 "A person’s weight as they lie on top of you" I may have an idea for #2 with ric and vesper this is probably as close as I get to smut these days, but with a healthy dose of angst because of who I am as a person 🥰 sidestep days/preheartbreak and mild retribution spoilers. also fuck the new post editior because it keeps erasing all my indents. so I’d recommend reading this on ao3.
from this sensory prompts list
upon a razor's edge
fandom: fhr pairing: julia ortega/f!sidestep (Cynthia Basri) rating: M no smut but some heavy petting mention of dissociating words: 1.4k read on ao3
You’ve never been a hug fan of movies. The people on the screen too distant, no thoughts to touch, no impressions to get, so often you’ve misunderstood. Their motivations so hard to figure out, the hidden meaning behind their words impossible to decipher, but you still say yes when Ortega asks if you’d like to come over for dinner and a movie.
It’s something old: way before the big one, black and white, a relic of a different world. Dessert lays abandoned on the coffee table. Store bought, Ortega knew to play to their strengths, but even then, it had been too sweet, you’d only managed to eat half of it before giving up.
You’ve both migrated closer to the center of the couch, no longer safe in your corners. She’s close, so close, when did her arm go around your shoulders? You jump a little when her hand touches your leg, the touch is gentle, small absentminded movements, and you wonder if she even notices. Always so tactile, needing to touch, to connect, to hug with everyone. A slap on the back for Steel, a hug for Anathema, tossing an arm around Sunstream’s shoulders as she leave training. It means nothing to her. This closeness. You’d adjusted to it pretty well, no longer panicking and dancing away from her outstretched hands, until the kiss that was.
She keeps kissing you. You are sure you aren’t the only one she’s kissing, not with all the dates and events the tabloids are so happy to share, but it still feels special, personal. Maybe it’s because she’s the only person you’ve ever kissed. You can’t imagine ever kissing anyone else. Only Ortega would be stupid and stubborn enough to want to kiss you in the first place.
A glance, and she is looking at you, is she thinking of kissing you? You can’t tell. Anyone else and you could tell, but not her. Always a mystery.
You want her to. You shouldn’t, but you do. You’d never understood the saying about butterflies in your stomach, but you do now, the agitated swirling in your stomach like the fluttering of hundreds of wings matching the rapid beat of your heart. You keep waiting, waiting for her to bridge the gap like she always does. Her arm tightens a little on your shoulder and you draw in a quick breath, sure that any moment now she will move, but the only thing moving in her hand drawing small circles on your legs.
She’s not moving, just smiling at you with that smug look on her face like she’s the one with telepathy. Like she knows how badly you want. You want to scream, to push her away, to pull her closer, you can’t decide. You want her to take mercy on you and do something, Anything besides this waiting.
It feels like an eternity passes, but it’s probably only a moment or two, and then her lips are on yours. Soft, just a gentle pressure, which you answer with a hunger that surprises you both.
Her hand winds into your hair as she pulls you closer. The kiss deepening, leaving you grasping her arm for support. Firm muscles and the softness of her bare skin sliding under your palm.
She pushes forward, moving you backwards until your back hits the couch cushions and she is looming over you. A quiet gasp escapes you at the press of her body against yours. It’s overwhelming having her this close. It’s like standing outside during a storm. The crackling scent of ozone and the heady depths of her cologne mixing and filing your scenes. This is dangerous, but you feel so alive. She makes you feel alive.
You should push her away, but that would mean she stops touching you. You will have to stop it eventually, but not just yet. Your whole life is lived on the razor’s edge, why should this be any different?
She tastes like caramel. Just a hint of sweetness as she pulls your bottom lip into her mouth, the bite just sharp enough to make your body ache in ways you didn’t know it could.
Her mouth leaves your and you could cry from the loss, but then she is pressing hot wet kisses along your neck. A small moan escapes you as her lips press down on your pulse point and your hips twitch involuntarily. Her feel rather than hear her chuckle. She’ll be smug about this for sure, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
The static in her brain must be contagious. Pushing in and swallowing any rational thought until you feel like a storm of sensations. Her hands leaving trails over your skin. Even through your clothes all your hairs stand on end, as if every part of you wants to be closer to her. Ortega is a force of nature. How are you supposed to resist that, resist her? How are you supposed to pretend you even want to?
Have you ever felt more human than you do with her hands on you? Like you actually are your body rather than just sitting in the driver’s seat. There’s nowhere for your consciousness to escape to, the little pieces of your mind that are usually on alert, finding nothing to grip onto retreating back into yourself. Forced back into your body, into the moment, and her. Maybe that’s why you can’t stop this. Why you can’t give up the madness that is kissing Ortega.
Your nerves sings as she passes her hand down your side. Her grip digs into your hip, pulling you closer, so close, nothing but clothing between you. Her leg is slotted in-between yours and you can feel the heat of her where she is straddling your thigh. She rocks her leg against you. Just a little, just enough to make you groan.
Her fingers dip under your shirt, seeking skin. God, you wish you could feel her skin against yours, but all she finds is your suit instead. Your last line of defense, because you can’t actually go through with this. No matter how much you want to. Her movements slow down in surprise and then stopping all together in recognition.
“Expecting a fight?” she asks with a laugh.
“Always,” you respond as you take to opportunity to sit up, to put some distance between the two of you.
She doesn’t understand that this is a fight. A fight against yourself and her smile. A fight that you can’t lose, and it got too close tonight. If you let yourself give into your desires it would mean losing her. It would mean losing the illusion of humanity that you cling to. Losing the self that you’ve built from the ground up.
She frowns a little as you shift position, but she doesn’t protest. She looks a little wild, her cheeks flushed and her lips kiss swollen. She’s so beautiful that it makes your heart clench. You still don’t understand what she could see in you.
Nothing. It’s probably just boredom. It’s easier to think now that she isn’t touching you. The movie is over and the credit are rolling. You missed the ending.
“It’s late. I should get going.”
“Not too late. We could make it a double feature,” your voice is sultry, tempting, and she reaches out to run a hand down your back. You want to stay. You want to stay and lose yourself in her touch, but instead you jerk away.
“Or not,” you can hear the confusion in her voice. You don’t blame her. You shouldn’t have let it go this far in the first place. Of course, she’s going to be confused.
You should have put a stop to it after the first kiss, you tried. You really did. Even considered leaving the city, but you’d stayed, so sure it was just a passing impulse on Ortega’s part. After all she was used to playing the field. It can’t mean anything to her.
You’re halfway to the door before you hear her call your name.
“Yeah?” you ask just glancing over your shoulder. You don’t trust yourself to turn around and face her. Not when you can still feel the ghost of her hands on your body. Not when you want to break so badly.
“Text me when you get home okay.”
“I will,” you promise.
The night air is cold and bracing. Exactly what you need. You tell yourself you’ll be more careful in the future. You won’t let things go so far.
You’re a liar.
tagging (aski to be added/removed) @lord-king-saint @lilyoffandoms @roses-and-roux
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So I’m been so curious. If you’re willing to talk about it, What is project wildcard? And does Shiloh have different powers in it? Are the claw thing part of them or clothing?
Oh sure, yeah!
So 1. “Project Wildcard” is a story @axperjan and I are working on together because we wanted a permanent home for our OCs where we could really fine-tune the central themes of their character arcs. It’s extremely self indulgent and we’re basically aiming for “classic cyberpunk” while also touching on some ideas we felt haven’t really made it into the mainstream lexicon of the genre (so like modern internet culture/disguised marketing/parasocial relationships are gonna be big themes but there’s also gonna be cool tech and neon lights and a healthy dose of Fuck Capitalism).
2. Neither Shiloh or Zaven will have especially superhuman abilities this time around, beyond the fact they do have a unique empathic connection with each other because of some experimental neurotech fuckery. Instead Shiloh gets to go full hackerman and Zaven just... inexplicably seems to know how to do a little bit of everything. Weird.
3. The funky claw sleeves I’ve drawn a few times are armor!
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It’s essentially a nanite mesh that sits on top of the skin and then seals and hardens, so it can also be removed kind of like peeling off latex. It’s strong enough to stop a knife and absorb some blunt force, but light and thin enough not to feel like wearing heavy gloves or body armor. It’s also extremely expensive and flashy.
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storybookhawke · 6 years
is Templar Hawke gonna be an asshole run?
He’s actually a Hawke I’ve wanted to do since first shipping handers. I’m currently playing an asshole-run rogue hawke, but I’m actually invested in my Templar Hawke and have a big story for him and possibly some fanfictions since I love to put the hurt on that mage mhmm. Added: I wouldn’t consider him an asshole, because I reserve that word for just like a jackass-type Hawke, but he is very, very red, and very very controlling.
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ardellian · 3 years
How did Miles come up with his name?
Miles really thought he could get away with not having a “real” civilian name, and then felt very silly when he realized that Ortega calling him Sidestep when out of costume would, in fact, be bad.
So he basically scanned the surrounding people for the most ordinary (but not suspiciously ordinary) name, and stole it. He did not, at the time, think it would mean more than any of the other fake names he’s had.
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kiragecko · 7 years
Doesn't Damian call Talia "Mama" in some flashbacks? (It's the cutest thing) and in son of batman and the rebirth comics he started calling her Talia instead of Mother.
The arbitrary rules I’ve designed for this project require that I only accept data that’s complete. So, I can only add ‘mama’ to the list if someone were to go through an issue where he says that, and document EVERYTHING everyone says to EVERYONE.
Because what I do is ridiculous, and I require everyone else to be just as ridiculous.
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oifaaa · 4 years
What does Doku do after Sith Anakin kills their master?
They have a party and invite all the sith to celebrate how much they fucking hated that dude
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depressed-sock · 4 years
What is An Ex Villains Lament? I've become interested in it but I have no idea what it is beside my favorite trope of Villains that personally know the heroes. Is it an interacive novel game like Fallen Hero? Is it something you're making? What's it about? It is for sale?
It’s an interactive novel I’ve been slowly working on! It’s about a disabled ex-villain who is having to deal with the after-effects of helping take down a villain named Biohazard 3 years before. While also having to deal with the loss of their power and being drawn into other people's plans.
It’s still in its very early stages but I do have a couple chapters up on dashinton!
Link here
and I’ve made a tumblr for it as well @ex-a-villains-lament
It’s currently on a bit of a hiatus because I have to trim the current chapter I’m working on. (I tried to put too much in at one time and ended up with writers block whoops)
And once that’s done my plan is to try and only write one of the disabilities pov until I’ve found a satisfying path to the end of the game. And then focus on adding the other two.
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