#ship: chargestep
bastardnoodle · 3 months
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so i finished retribution....eve is now pansexual! everybody say congratulations eve! erm suggestive warning for that last pic
eve (sidestep) uses they/them
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extreme-neutral · 9 months
Aight, FHR fandom!! I've a very important question for all of you!
(don't fear the cut, it's not long)
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We all know what you find while investigating Ortega and "associates" on "fansites" in Rebirth, right?
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disastersteps · 10 months
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the hoverboots jumpjets are useful to be tall!!!
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This epilogue made me into 10-ply
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amlovelies · 2 years
These are just off the top of my head and julia flavored because of who I am as a person. feel free to yell at me in the tags over lines I left off
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b33tlejules · 6 days
Fucked up bingo Chargestep
Had to do a coinflip and chose for it to be Teo/Julia chargestep because I need to be more insane about Teo here.
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Teo is hopelessly charmed by Ortega. She so badly wants to stay invisible, unnoticed, unbothered, but god Ortega just sees her anyways and it feels like the best thing in the world. Its terrifying. It's humiliating, how easily Ortega has wormed her way back into Teo's terribly shattered life but. Maybe it's not a bad thing? As long as she keeps lying about not being telepathic anymore, Ortega doesn't need to know a thing. Nothing can go wrong. :)
Here's a song I associate with them, just for you.
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sidesteppostinghours · 10 months
Ok so. Firstly… Obviously #69. I would also like to know #23 and #6 ✌️
well obviously we have to start with the superior one
69. The Crooked, the Cradle - Crane Wives
i think of this alot with chargestep, specifically cynthia and cyrus. love me my tragic lost to time loves
23. Never Love an Anchor - Crane Wives
More chargestep vibes! i always imagine this song from sidesteps pov because those lyrics,,,
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,, yeah
6. Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
This one has no fhr associations, im just a sucker for the jauntiness and the soldier poet king quiz sucked me in deep :')
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dogueteeth-fhr · 1 year
17 for any pairing of your choice :)
17. holding the other's chin up
I intended this to be fluffy but, uh, Cheshire is a Very Needy Blorbo and snatched the steering wheel out of my hands and it became spicy 😂😂 hope you enjoy!!
Warning: mild spice. not descriptive NSFW but large hints to it, a prelude to NSFW, if you will
ArgenStepTega (Argent x Cheshire x Julia)
Ze presses another kiss, onto the tip of her nose this time, pausing to coo at her grumble. Holding her chin in zir hands, hot skin against silvery cool.
Absolutely adorable.
It's not often that Argent lets zir indulge like this, so ze plans to make the absolute most of the 5 minutes of unregulated affection she's given zir.
Cradling her face in zir palms, ze dapples kisses from the corner of her jaw to her temple, tracing over her eyebrow, revelling in the giggle it prompts from Argent. Ze keeps tabs on Argent's mind, when she needs a few seconds for a break, what makes her heart flutter, when a cautionary warning rises in her conscious as the nanovores get too jittery. What she likes and dislikes, and, as Cheshire ventures lower, daring for a kiss, daring for more as she reciprocates, zir tongue swiping across metallic lips and pressing deeper as her mouth parts for zir, ze makes sure to map out every inch and movement that makes her mind go fuzzy and soft. What makes it grow opaque at the edges, stained-glass thoughts of affection muddling with desire.
Ze pulls back, smiling, bubbly, satisfied when Argent pushes softy at their chest, licking zir lips with a cheshire-cat grin at the hazy look in her eyes.
Julia coughs on the other side of the couch.
She's pouting, brow furrowed and face propped up on her forearms from where she leans over the armrest.
"It's been five minutes," she informs, flicking her gaze to Argent's frown with a smug grin. "Sorry to steal zir from you, Angie, but it's my turn."
A chuckle tumbles from Argent, little rumbles of her throat where Cheshire still traces the line between jaw and neck. "It hardly counts as stealing when I was already planning to dump Smoocher Supreme onto you before ze gets too carried away," she says, drawing an offended gasp from Cheshire.
"I do not get 'too carried away,'" ze sniffs, dramatically tossing a lavender-dyed lock of hair over zir shoulder. Ze is indeed patting down heat that had been gathering in zir stomach, but neither of them need to know that. "Doting on you is hardly a crime."
"Wiggling your tongue in my mouth is your definition of doting?" Argent quips, an amused smirk doing beautiful things to her face and- oh. Uh-oh. There's something else swimming in her eyes, a flash of mischief, quicksilver and piercing. "In that case, Julia, how about you show Cheshire what real doting looks like?"
Oh. Uh-oh, big uh-oh indeed, because glancing at Julia was a bad decision because she's smirking with that look in her eye and zir can feel the flush of embarrassed excitement beginning to creep onto zir face.
"With pleasure," Julia smirks, stalking towards zir, looking every bit predatory, making Cheshire feel every bit prey at the confident saunter in her hips.
"Come on, Bluebird, have some mercy here, yeah?"
"Mercy? I think I'll make you beg for that, first," she purrs, crawling over Cheshire and pushing zir onto their back. Ze lets out a small oof as ze falls, and. Oh. Oh, Cheshire moans at the sight, quiet and breathy and helpless at the look in Julia's eyes that says she's about to devour zir. The heat that had been simmering in zir earlier is coming back full-force like a punch to the gut. Oh dear, there's no getting out of this, is there? Ze doesn't want to get out of this.
The whimper in zir chest damn near comes to fruition when Julia leans down and nips at zir jaw. Gasp becomes groan as the swipe of her tongue on zir pulse point becomes riddled with teeth, and ze tries not to pant, not to rip a chunk out of Angie's carpet at the force of zir need when Julia holds zir chin up, sucking a bruise into zir skin. And. The angle she tilts zir head at. Ze. Ze is staring right at Angie.
Angie who stares back, eyes molten and flickering with interest. Angie who bears witness to this, to the way ze melts all to easily beneath Julia. Angie who projects what she sees, projects zir's laboured breathing and needy gaze, a mirror of Cheshire's embarrassment tossed right back into zir face.
Cheshire's entire body blooms like a red light-up Christmas tree at the fully amused smirk she throws at zir.
Julia pulls away from the fifth hickey she's worn into Cheshire's skin, tossing Argent a smug look. "Wanna watch me show Chess what real doting looks like?"
Cheshire's hands smack onto zir face to try and hide the heat of zir blush, grumbling when laughter pearls out of Julia at zir expense. Devil woman. Ze will get back at her later for sure.
Argent smiles and Cheshire frowns at the spark of sadness and disappointment that shoots through Argent, gone and swiped away with the hand of someone who's used to pushing those feelings aside.
"I wish I could, but I'm afraid that this is it for me," she says, and Cheshire's nose tickles with the buzz of the nanovores' excitement in Argent's hindbrain. She gives Cheshire a placating smile at the wave of concern and affection ze sends her way, small, reassuring thoughts that yes, she'll be fine, and no, they don't have to stop because of her, and if they do, she'll punt zir into the sun the next time they fight.
"You kids have fun, I'm going to go eat the churros we got earlier. Let me know when you're done so we can watch The Nun." She says with a wink, sorrow replaced by enthusiasm at the thought of cinnamon-sugary goodness. Cheshire huffs, smiling, glad at the bounce in her step and the genuine joy that she gets to enjoy the kick of eating all of the sweets that were supposed to be intended for the three of them. Never mind that ze would have given her all of zir's if she asked, anyways.
But Julia is tilting zir chin up again to face her, and Cheshire gulps as zir thoughts resettle on the devil above zir. Julia's grin is long, wicked, and hungry.
"Try not to scream too much, corazón. We don't want to disturb Angie while she's eating sweets."
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aro-ortega · 2 years
also how tf do i get ortega/step/chen together in retribution, is there a scene for that ?
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straightuppotato-ocs · 8 months
first insane post go
OKAY SO my chargestep (anika + ricardo) is tagged with "haunt me then" from wuthering heights but I've always debated between that one and my favvvvvv quote from The Great which is "I will haunt you." / "Promise it."
Which is. I'm completely normal about it. whatever.
But!! But!! But!!! The issue is that Anika would never SAY she's going to haunt Ric. Like duh she'll do it, but she won't Admit that. So tragically it's not accurate to the fake people in my head.
But. But. But. Later? :) If, say, Anika was idk *twirls hair* dying years into their relationship? :) Yeah, she'd totes say that :)))))))))))))
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idlenight · 4 months
thinking about this post too much already.
I KNOW people shipped river x julia Chargestep. I know this to be true deep in my soul. C'mon, a man and a woman? Superheroes crime fighting together? They're literally joined at the hips! I mean Hero x their Sidekick??? that would do numbers babey.
River would think it's so hilarious, he'd find the fanfiction and read it aloud in the break-room while everyone cringes. He would give the fans such good fanservice and indulge it if Sidestep and Charge are ever caught on camera. Lean in a little closer to Julia, sling an arm across her shoulder, etc. Nothing to outright mark them as a couple but enough to get people on the forums SPECULATING.
He stops liking it the moment he finds out about Steelstep. He never mentions any of it ever again.
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camillathe6th · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
@askweisswolf tagged me, thank youuuuu for thinking of me ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Huh, 12 apparently? A lot of them are shorts and gifts, though.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
66,495???? When did THAT happen (I have never opened the statistics tab before can you tell)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly and forever Fallen Hero my beloved, but I have one (1) foray into Baldur's Gate 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hmmm, my "main" fics really: 1. Splinters (Fallen Hero, Una and Ortega's relationship's turning points) 2. Dialogue Box (Fallen Hero, people having conversations) 3. Hopefully, No Biting (I can't believe this is in the top three JKLHGLKHGLH. Probably the oral sex helped.) 4. Hauntings (Fallen Hero, little mindfucks and experimental chapters) 5. The Heist, a three-part gift about Hollow Ground and @kittlesandbugs Sidestep, Riley. This one was a passion project, very happy to find it (surprisingly) in the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually, yes, if I can't reply directly to the commenter on another platform! If people are lovely enough to take the time to write, you know... Right back at them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but the angstiest as a rule is Hauntings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but I think my happiest / sweetest / peacefullest might be one of my recent ones--Shipname: Burnt to the Ground (it's sex, but not sad babygirl sex, you get me?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No.......... But if you want to go and hate on Hollow Ground when they appear in my fic please be my guest lads I'm right there with you.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure my sex scenes count as smut considering I'm firmly rooted in the suggestive rather than explicit territory. I write metaphors for fucking, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! I'm such a one-trick pony man, all my money's on Los Diablos.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I do like to fuck around with language and I have translated part of my fics once or twice and then back again just to throw a punch into the English and its pacing though. And I used to translate fics out loud for my friends who couldn't read English when I was, like, a teen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started to, didn't finish, but the idea's there somewhere—co-writing with @astarien is the heights of existence obviously.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... Chargestep. I guess. I guess they're alright. Whatever.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish a work I do—but there's nothing I'm gunning to end yet, except for shorts, which I finish in one-go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I don't really know... I enjoy dialogue, action scenes, and fucking up pace, musicality, analogy, words and format so that language says more than it usually does, or shows more than it usually does—goes further than it wants to go if you don't give it a shake—and makes you FEEL. That's what's in my brain when I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking... plot. Logical pathways. Lore. I do not have a brain.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! I gesture at it but keep it in English when I don't know the language (too scared of fucking it up, and not enough control over tone / nuances / connotations), but if I do know the language then absolutely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my little notebooks when I was 8? A French Child Fantasy book I loved. But the only fandom I've written seriously for is FHR.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My darling, though not my easiest, is Splinters. The hard-hitting writing moments are compiled there, I usually break out of a chapter a little brain-weird and all rabbit-hearted, it's always a blast to get to work on it.
Annnnd I'll tag @astarien, @kittlesandbugs, @ejunkiet, @impossible-rat-babies, @rab-bitly, @witchfall, @silvery-bluish, @ladyshivs, and anyone who feels like it!
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nsewell · 3 months
have two ships 🫶
chargestep + traffic
ava/nat + stars
ily jules you know me so well 🫶🫶🫶
chargestep: ok that one art of julia with her bike going ‘hop on the jüber’ is so ingrained in me i think she used to drive sidestep everywhere once the trust was built up enough. i have such a clear image of step and ortega sitting in los diablos rush hour and ortega torturing them with the pop fm radio station to the point that step has gotten out and stubbornly walked the side of the highway and refused to get back in before. which turned into a blow out argument with the source of like. a katy perry song. other than that i think it's a lot of interpersonal bonding for them. the first time step wraps their hands around ortega's waist on the back of the bike was a big i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me (already has) moment. also drive by halsey is a chargestep song 🙇‍♀️
ava/nat: this is more something that's been on my mind lately as opposed to an actual headcanon but do they mourn the depleting star visibility???? can you imagine how vivid the night sky was in britain a thousand years ago compared to now ik ava probably doesn't gaf, light pollution? show me something i can smite with my blade but NAT oh i know it kills her to look up every night and notice the dimness compared to how the stars had looked reflected on the water centuries ago....esp with their hypersenses giving them increased visibility nat telling farah that the stars are beautiful but nothing compared to how they used to be :(( back in my day
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disastersteps · 7 months
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consider it a belated valentines art but its neets asking a Totally Serious question and heres the girlfriends' answers <:3c
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I think I'm managing to make the most compelling version of Rashad, if I'm honest.
Ricardo knows there's something very wrong with what's going on with them, that they're likely the face behind the fanged mirror, but cannot do anything to stop it. Every time he tries to reach out, Rashad slips through his fingers. Further and further out of his grasp. They always come back, but always shy away when they get too close.
Rashad knows Ricardo will try to stop them. They are diametrically opposed in the means to their ends. Ricardo can't even be allowed to know their ends because he will want in and he can't because he will die if he tries. They know this is a suicide mission. Most just causes are. So they push him away. To save his life, save his heart. Can't mourn them if he never got more reasons to mourn. Right?
Rashad and Ricardo are a tragic romance that never was. They flirted and spoke and laughed into the night and shared a couch for a movie and patched each other up after fights. Intimacy after intimacy, only touching in moments stolen. They were closer to each other than anyone ever was to either.
And then they were stolen away. Months of mourning, two people locked within four walls, kept placated by drugs and booze respectively. Years go by and they are haunted both by what could and couldn't have been all at once. Slowly they pick themselves up piece by piece and move on, both irrevocably altered by the effect they've had on the other.
And now they've crashed into each other again, exhuming long buried emotions, but both have come back different. They're on different courses, walking different paths. They will collide but never in the same way as they used to. Too burdened by the weight of their scars. They're too late to save each other, but they were always too late to save each other, and maybe they always will be, too.
Regardless, neither will stop trying.
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amlovelies · 1 year
playing fhr at last and by GOD am i enjoying being the wet black cat gf to julia’s working dog also-gf.
It's an excellent dynamic! One thing I love about fhr is how different the dynamics can be be depending on your choices, just makes it feel so vivid and responsive
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