#buraikan do or die
fullmetalgirl98 · 2 years
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《DO or DIE》 - 武雷管
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hehe Head cannon request for both Haruomi and Chisei! <3 <3 What will they reaction be if their Freader,weared their clothes at their house or an Buraikan concert ^^
Writer's corner: Aw! This sounds so cute!! Thank you for requesting, sweetheart! qwq Let me know if there's anything you want me to change or fix!♥ Enjoy!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (Fem!reader)
Warnings: Fluff/sfw, nothing strange here~
⭐𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐧⭐ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬
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⭐Haruomi is always seen as a serious and introverted man
⭐But I'm sure he would show a little bit of his surprise after seeing you wearing his clothes casually
⭐Like.. if you entered Raimentei wearing one of his t-shirts or jackets, I'm sure he would blush slightly, trying not to make his embarrassment evident
⭐His yellow eyes would sparkle as they would notice your cute figure wearing his big clothes
⭐And I don't deny the fact that I totally think you even would slightly tease him, like walking in front of him only to show him how you're wearing his clothes
⭐After some time Haruomi would sigh and whisper:
⭐"You look adorable today..."
⭐You even could see a small but cute smile on his face.
⭐It would have surely taken so much effort to express his feelings!
⭐Since he's not really good at expressing his emotions, but through music, Haruomi would slightly smile and you could see a warm light through his eyes
⭐But what if he saw you wearing his clothes or Buraikan merch clothes at their concert?
⭐His heart would melt like ice in a warm pot
⭐His yellow eyes would sparkle and you would notice a few seconds of his serious look going away and leaving a cute smile on his face.
⭐In short I think he would appreciate your support and would absolutely love the fact that you wear his clothes
⭐If you wore Buraikan merch t-shirts or hoodies, he would feel powerful and ready to face other rappers teams in Club Paradox!
⭐Then when he had some minutes alone with you, he would hug you by wrapping his arms around your torso.
⭐You would hear a small but warm sigh from him, a warm heat on his cheeks.
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⭐Contrary to Haruomi, Chisei wouldn't have problems to show his feelings towards you!
⭐At the sight of your cute figure wearing his clothes, Chisei would immediately smile and jump happily
⭐He would reach you only to hug you tightly and to chuckle:
⭐"You're wearing my hoodie!.. Aww!! You're so cutee!! It fits you so well! I like it!!"
⭐His heart would melt and he would be so happy to see you feeling comfortable in his clothes
⭐Even if you kept wearing his clothes daily and ordinarily, Chisei would never get used to that
⭐His eyes would sparkle each time they would notice you in his baggy clothing
⭐A small "Aw.. cute~" would leave his lips each time
⭐And of course, what if he saw you wearing his clothes or Buraikan merch hoodies at their concert?
⭐He would die of happiness right away!
⭐Since you're a special one to him, Chisei would blush softly and smile even more brightly
⭐His smile would show and let you know that he's very glad to have you there supporting him and Haruomi
⭐Chisei would spend the whole concert rapping and occasionally- oh, well, frequently- giving you a glance and a soft smile
⭐On the other hand, if it happened in Club Paradox, just like I wrote for Haruomi, Chisei would feel even stronger after seeing you there supporting him
⭐And after the concert/ the rap battles, he would approach you and hug you the tightest he could!
⭐His mouth would let his adorable canines visible in a happy and cute smile as he would wink at you:
⭐"Thank you for being here, mc! Oh, and... my hoodie fits you so well! You're adorable! You can keep it, if you want to~!", then he would chuckle
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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Always Something to Learn ~ *Haruomi Shingu*
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Summary: Haruomi seems to be perfect at everything he does. You want to learn from the master. You're surprised he's willing to take on such a task...
Pairing: Haruomi Shingu X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Word Count: 848
Warning: me trying to explaining rapping while not being good at it
It was your idea to ask Haruomi to teach you how to rap. You've seen him take the stage for years and shine like a bright star every time he does. He always knew what he was doing and looked like he was having fun as he did so. You wanted to know what that felt like. So you asked. Well, more like begging him to teach you.
Haruomi was very clear that you would not get a phantometal. He made sure you knew the dangers of dealing with that kind of metal and he was not about to put your life at risk just because you wanted to learn to rap like him. You were touched by just how much he cared about you, that you didn't ask to have one. All you asked for was a microphone and some lessons, things he was glad to give you.
When it came to your first lesson, he asked a very simple question: "What are you passionate about? Can you tell me about it?"
And you did. You told him everything you could about what you were passionate about and answered his questions as they came up. You were a little confused as to why he was asking, but you decided to trust the process.
When you were done, he nodded and gave you a small smile. "Did you hear how fast you were talking? That's how you start learning to rap fast. You start by talking fast, and then you put it over a beat. You follow the ups and downs of the beat to make it sound more musical. And your passions are a great thing to rap about it. That's what the genres are all about, really. It's telling your story, telling the world who you are and what you're bringing to the stage. Does that make sense."
You nod. "I think I got it."
"The other thing about rap is it doesn't have to be perfect. It can be messy. You can play up the dissonance in the music, stumble over your words, and you don't have to rhyme if you don't want to. You're allowed to make mistakes and choices others think are odd. It's your rap, it's your story. You get to tell it like you want to."
You nod and he plays a simple beat. He begins by rapping a few bars before turning it over to you. As you give it a shot, you stumble and your voice wavers due to a lack of confidence, but you manage to get through a couple of bars before he stops you.
"Hey, relax. You're doing fine. You just need to get out of your head and you'll get there." He assured you.
You groaned. "Easier said than done! I know you said I can make mistakes and do whatever I want, but I'm making mistakes I don't want to make! I just want it to be good. I want to sound as amazing as you do when you're on stage as Buraikan."
He shook his head. "Don't do that. Don't compare yourself. Remember, this is your story. This rap is who you are. You need to have confidence that only you can tell this story because it's the truth. Only you can rap the way you do. So prove it to me."
You give a shaky nod and he starts again. He raps another couple of bars before turning it over to you. Now it's your turn to try and you get through it a little easier than before. His smile encourages you to keep going and your confidence begins to grow. You find yourself smiling with him, surprised at just how well you're doing. Sure, there are hiccups and flaws, but you're telling your story and you feel so free as you do so.
When you're done, he nods at you. "You're getting the hang of it. There are still some technical things to work out, but that's what practice is for."
"Thank you, Haru. I really appreciate it." You beam. "Now, I have another favor to ask you."
"Can you teach me how to cook?" You sheepishly ask. "Your ramen is to die for and I've been desperate to know how to make it!"
His expression turns stony, making you flinch. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but my ramen is a secret recipe. I can't just give it to you."
A pout crosses your face. "Aw, c'mon! I'm not going to tell anyone! I just want to make it for myself!"
He shakes his head. "No. Never going to happen."
He shakes his head one more time. "No. But I can make you ramen if you're hungry."
You were about to protest when your stomach loudly grumbled. You give a sheepish chuckle. "Ah, fine. I guess I am hungry."
As he leads you back to his ramen shop, he casually mentions. "I can teach you how to cook anything other than my secret recipe ramen. How's that?"
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chibbypanda · 2 months
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Paradox Live | what the anime’s finale could’ve been…
General SPOILERS of the events that happened during the first Paradox Live.
The finale of Paradox Live the Animation was a mess.
It was a bundle of anime original ideas that were cool on paper, but felt haphazardly executed due to the show’s pacing. There is only so much twelve episodes can do, and it seemed that it wasn’t enough time to flesh out those ideas.
I can go on about my thoughts on Allen’s conflict with his father or my mixed feelings towards the unnamed scientist’s motives, but I’m here today not to burn the final episodes to the coals. Rather, I want to explore the season finale and what it might’ve been.
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Before I do just that, I need to share some context.
The drama CDs implied that a major incident happened at CLUB paradox before the events of LIVE.
While the incident in question was never explicitly explained, it did cause three major events:
It made Kanata remember Nayuta’s “death.”
It revealed that Alter Trigger not only organized Paradox Live, but implied that they intended to do something to the performers.
It made the performers realize just how powerful and dangerous phantometal can be.
What made the anime stand out at the time (fingers crossed that the manga will have its own take in the future) was how it portrayed that very incident. In the anime, Alter Trigger forced Kanata to remember his repressed trauma to turn him into a phantometal vessel that will spread the metal erosion to everyone inside CLUB paradox.
The purpose? To make everyone become one with the metal. Why? I have no idea. The scientist just said that he wanted to become messiah and to strip away humanity’s pain and suffering…or something. Okay, Haruomi did comment that the scientist just wanted puppets to control so maybe the scientist wanted to take over the world. That said, considering how everyone affected would likely die as soon as the metal reaches their literal hearts…I don’t know how the mind control thing will happen.
Frankly, I don’t know if the scientist would’ve had any control of the rampage at all. He may have started Kanata’s descent to madness, but unless he has a way to actually control Kanata himself…technically the scientist’s experiment has run wild and for all we know, Kanata might’ve just devoured the entire venue with the scientist in tow.
Other than that, I have no clue of who the scientist is as a person nor understood his implied history with BURAIKAN (except how he apparently killed Chisei or directly contributed to his death). He’s just a mad scientist who happened to conduct a similar experiment ten years ago, and then decided to do it again.
There’s just so much missed potential there.
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And of course, the day was saved when BAE, TCW, and AKYR gathered together to sing a friendship rap to free Kanata from his metal-induced state. The rap was well-sung and I love the lyrics. I understand the show’s intent behind its setup, though it’s a bit hard to believe that it’s what saved Kanata considering that he and the others were barely friends but anyway—I’m not here to burn them. I did that already in other places. I am here to wrap my head around the intentions of these plotlines to find a bright side. Because when I think about it, they could’ve been quite something.
This is where I get loosely philosophical.
Based on the finale’s resolution, it seemed like the show intended to hammer in the message of how music has the power to connect people in ways that are hard to see but can be felt regardless. That’s why the scientist used Paradox Live for his plan, as well as why the characters tried to reach Kanata through music.
It appeared to be a nod to the general project as it was an outlook originally said by Tsubaki, Naokira’s wife and Yohei’s friend. She believed in music’s power to connect to others which was why she saw the potential of phantometal.
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To me, this line of thinking seems to be inspired by the words of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who wrote the following in his book, “The World as Will and Representation”:
Therefore music is by no means like the other arts, namely a copy of the Ideas, but a copy of the will itself, the objectivity of which are the Ideas. For this reason the effect of music is so very much more powerful and penetrating than is that of the other arts, for these others speak only of the shadow, but music of the essence.
The human will is defined as an insatiable force that drives people to act and move forward towards their goals, even though there’s no guarantee that this “goal” will be achieved. Thus, it becomes the “root cause of all suffering” but nevertheless the thing that makes us human. Therefore, it is said that in order to be at peace with one’s self—one needs to temporarily release themselves from the will by momentarily losing themselves to the arts—one of them being music.
With that in mind, Schopenhauer believed that out of all the arts music could pierce through a person’s will the most because it was seen as a direct representation of the human will. He believed that unlike the other art forms that could only capture the shadow of things, music can be presented as itself.
Okay, that sounds interesting, but how is it related to Paradox Live?
It might be just me, but as I said before, I think the finale attempted to implement Schopenhauer’s view on music in its anime-original finale.
For one, the scientist’s plan was already messed up as it is. He basically forced someone to relive their repressed trauma to cause a dangerous chain reaction that could claim the lives of every person the venue—or even the city if he’s not stopped. On it’s own, it’s clear why he needs to be stopped.
That said, if you look at it in a more philosophical lens, then it becomes more poignant as to why everyone—Haruomi especially since he’s the only one aware of what’s actually happening behind the scenes—was strongly against it.
As stated before, Schopenhauer believed that music can be used as a means to temporarily release oneself from the will in order to ease one’s suffering. Emphasis on temporary because while the human will can cause suffering—it is nonetheless the driving force that allows humans to overcome suffering and thus live. The arts, let alone music is never meant to be used to destroy what makes us human. It is meant to connect and inspire us to keep going—to remind us that life is worth living.
“Losing oneself isn’t salvation.”
Haruomi told the scientist during their confrontation. The scientist’s plan is the antithesis of music’s purpose. To him, it wasn’t enough to temporarily release humanity from their suffering. No, he wanted to use music to permanently strip away the human will to “save” humanity from their suffering. And by doing so, he essentially took away their will to live, and thus their sense of self. How is that any different from being dead?
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There’s this other cool detail I noticed, and it’s probably there for drama and stuff, but when Kanata was turning into the vessel fake BURAKAN told him this:
“Change the world with your screams!”
On one hand, it’s villain dialogue but on the other hand it could’ve been another nod to how the scientist’s plan was the antithesis to what music is. They could’ve said, “Change the world with your song!” or somewhere along those lines. After all, Kanata’s chosen because of his music (also the fact that he won by default which is a questionable writing decision for the anime).
So why screams? If music is perceived as the closest representation of the human will, then it can be argued that Kanata lost his music the moment he lost his will to live. It kind of happened in the LIVE drama. After remembering the truth of his situation, Kanata lost his reason to live which led him to lose his reason to sing and thus he couldn’t create illusions.
Just a quick tangent, this seems reminiscent to what happened to Allen in the season finale—when he lost his ability to use illusions. Could it be that because his will has been shaken by doubt, it affected his music and thus his phantometal? If it weren’t for the choice to make cozmez win by default, then I would’ve been sold on this plotline.
In context with the anime’s finale, it seems have happened again when Kanata transformed into the phantometal vessel. By forcing him to confront the reality of Nayuta’s “passing,” Kanata has lost his reason (Nayuta) to sing or live, and by having his will snuffed out—so does his music. And by being possessed by the metal, he’s forced to snuff out the will of others in turn.
That’s why CLUB paradox was filled with static, screams, and whimpers. By using music to snuff out the will, music has unsurprisingly died with it. That sounds so cool, and I wish that the anime fleshed out that concept.
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Actually, come to think of it, I wonder if the way Kanata remembered Nayuta’s “death” would have affected the severity of the incident.
In the anime, Iori made a comment that Kanata’s metal went berserk due to its owner’s memories being forcibly opened—implying that Kanata’s state of mind made the situation worse. The original project has yet to reveal how Kanata exactly remembered the truth, but the manga did show that illusion Nayuta disappeared on his own without any prompting from other forces (in the anime, illusion Nayuta disappeared because fake BURAIKAN’s pushed Kanata into a corner).
If illusion Nayuta is a piece of Kanata’s subconscious, and he disappeared in his own accord…does that mean that Kanata felt that he’s ready to let go deep down? But again, it’s still unclear if the manga will adapt its own take of the incident so whether Kanata’s mental state affects the incident itself is still up in the air.
Back at the topic at hand, there’s also the Friendship Rap—the resolution of the story. I think its main issue was in its execution because story-wise it makes sense. The show has established that music has the power to connect to others, and philosophically music is the closest representation of the human will. Therefore, gathering together to sing their hearts out in hopes to reignite Kanata’s will makes a lot of sense.
“Remember cozmez’s music and our sound!”
That’s what Allen pleaded to Kanata. By remembering the music he made with Nayuta, as well as the music that drives him to get better at his craft, Kanata was finally able to regain his sense of self.
When he was struggling near the end of Last Verse (the moments before Allen summons his phoenix illusion), I want to believe that it’s Kanata fighting the phantometal with everyone too. He wanted to live. He wanted to be saved. He wanted to face life head on, even if Nayuta won’t be there with him (Nayuta’s alive in the end, so lucky him).
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And so, in the end, the scientist plot—and in turn his warped philosophy was thwarted. He was literally beaten up by Haruomi and figuratively defeated by the characters’ strong bonds (or at least, they would’ve been strong bonds if the show didn’t pace it in a way that makes it feel like a gathering of acquittances).
And that’s how I think the show would’ve been.
With more time, Paradox Live the Animation would’ve been a fun yet compelling exploration of the power of music and its connection to the human will. They could’ve fleshed out the scientist’s motives and his history with BURAIKAN, as well as show more moments of Kanata bonding with the others in order to make the Last Verse more poignant in its message of human connection.
But alas, the show is already over and we can only think about it in retrospect. Regardless, the show will always hold a special place in my heart for its quirks and I hope that a season two will be greenlit. Like please! I want more ParaLive anime content!
That’s all for now. What are your thoughts on Paradox Live the Animation? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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arklayraven · 2 years
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Buraikan latest new MV DO or DIE has reached over 150,000 views! 🎊
Paralive has released this standby image as a gift in celebration for the views. 🎁
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boimgfrog · 1 year
Buraikan is back^
Do or Die^
Road to Legend
getting sleepy so I'm going 2 listen 2 these tomorrow while I get ready 4 work I think <333 genuinely ive had a blast feel free to fill up my inbox w more information I'm having the time of my LIFE out here
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buraikans-back · 2 years
Okay I might be looking into this too much but hear me out
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So to just give some context, there's a collab with Paradox Live and some bookstores in Japan where if you buy a book and present a picture of the collab to the cashier, you get a random card of one of the groups. One side of the card has a picture of the group and the other side has a quote from the group "leader" (i.e. Suzaku for Bae, Kanata for cozmez).
Anyway, super cool, I wish I could get my hands on them, but the promotion is only from 2/24-3/7 and I'm very much Not In Japan.
But then I was staring at the Buraikan card, and I noticed something a little off about it.
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So Buraikan's quote is by Haruomi (I tried to translate it, but it just says "read more at the bookstore!" so at least I can say I tried ;-;), and the group art is from their Road to Legend MV.
Or is it???
Because at first glance, it's absolutely from Road to Legend. There are frames that look just like this in the MV.
But zoom in on Chisei's face here and compare it to this image from the MV
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Chisei's smiling in the MV, but in this card art, he looks upset. It looks like he's frowning. It might just be the quality of the card picture + the big SAMPLE going across it, but Chisei looks upset in the card art, and nowhere in the Road to Legend MV can I find Chisei not smiling. I know he does this pose in the DO or DIE MV as well, so I went through that MV, and he's always smiling in that pose.
Again, it could just be quality of the picture + the SAMPLE going across the image. He could just be smiling as usual.
But I'm trying to figure out why they would change it to frowning if they did change it. What "changed" to make Chisei frown? The last time we saw him and well everyone really in the Rap Guerrilla Reload MV which was recently dropped, and Chisei and Haruomi were fine in it, so what's going on here?
Maybe I'm just over thinking this too much and there's nothing going on here, but Buraikan is so special to me, and if I see something of them, I latch onto it so fast. I haven't noticed anything odd about the other cards yet, but this one has kind of been my focus ^^;;
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[We've had your favorite songs / groups, now it's time for your least favorite]
[ohhhh boy
bae - BaNG!!! (IM SORRY OKAY)
the cats whiskers - ride out
cozmez - ain't no love (is this one that people really like? idkkk)
akanyatsura - go over da TRAP
buraikan - do or die
visty - endless dream
amprule - nobody but me
1nm8 - edN
gokuluck - ummmmmmm augh fight for liberty i guess
is it mean of me to say i don't like visty or amprule as much......is that typical......]
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snapdragons-sunshine · 9 months
playing do or die by Buraikan for the 1000000000th time
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
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I wanted to try to make a bracelet with a Japanese motivational phrase but at the same time with Buraikan vibes...and this is the result :)
In the end, I followed @kuro-ayame's advice and opted for Ichika Bachika once I found a way to reduce the lenght of the phrase😆
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kijakitten · 2 years
my headcanons about bae members!!! again pls excuse my poor english<3 i forgot to post this lol !
puts cereal fist, then milk
likes to eat tomatoes
bites his nails when stressed
anne say it’s his biggest flaw
follows "daily rap quotes" on ig
"i cant set an alarm on my phone"
actually he could, but pretended he couldn’t so he wouldn’t set an alarm and go to classes
kinda knows how to cook but people find it sus
coffee and energy drinks don’t work on him anymore
says he likes spicy food but once when bae were at restaurant allen ordered a spicy dish
he cried so hard and his mouth was so red
likes to run in the morning when the weather is nice
iced coffee>>> normal coffee
after getting drunk he’s so lovely
watches animation movies in secret
enjoys listening to metal and punk rock
choco-mint ice cream is his thing
the ‘i can drive fast’ type then drives 30km/h
tomatoes are his archenemy
hates allen for liking tomatoes
professional fifa player
the "we have food at home" type
they follow 5 minutes crafts on instagram
“god, their ideas are so stupid” but still wants to try some of them
they help allen to choose his clothes because "he's literally a fashion disaster"
actually good at math
they have that one tv series that they need to watch no. matter. what.
"let's hurry up, it's almost time for my series!!"
uno master
make tik toks with fashion advices
or just show their looks
the type who says "hajun's right, we have food at home"
"but it’ll take a while before we get home, let's eat something out"
akyr ver <3
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laeteria · 3 years
ROAD TO LEGEND: a random thoughts dump
I know everyone is over the Road to Legend phase, but I was chatting with a friend some time ago and they asked me what I thought of the song and MV. I told them that I didn't know, because I hadn't really listened to it too much. That's the life of someone who's in multiple fandoms after all.
I finally decided to share my thoughts on it, because the lyrics is surprisingly a lot of fun.
I'm writing this in a state that everything and nothing makes sense, so I'm sorry if I'm writing nonsense LOL.
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So every unit appears in the MV and the lyrics are basically directed towards them. I will do the old groups first, because it's easier to write about them since we already know the units.
First of all, I like how they keep the overall theme their road to becoming legends is. I mean, yes. The title is "Road to Legend" after all, but I was surprised how they kept the theme so clean and it made a lot of sense as well. That's BURAIKAN for you.
Show me your soul, it still starts here
Are you pursuing it? Are you putting your heart into it?
BAE is a unit that came together after an outfall with their family. They don't have support from their family and they are living together and trying to get by with the three of them.
The first line doesn't sound that intimidating, but the sound line is just plain mockery. It's as if Chisei is saying that BAE may be going their own way, but they are not truly going after it. They are not serious about it. Is there maybe something that's still holding them back to give it their everything…?
Indicate the location of rivals to survive
Would you still travel when there are troubles?
I was not sure to include the first two lines when The Cat's Whiskers appeared, but I decided to still do it. I'm actually not sure if there is a meaning behind it. I'm completely lost. The first thing that came to mind was XXXX. But like… how do I connect it? The reason for thinking about XXXX is purely because Saimon and Yohei were kind of rivals when it came to Tsubaki.
What do they mean by troubles? Maybe Tsubaki's health…? I'm not sure. I feel like I'm reaching for nothing...
The bell will ring again
My bus that runs and emits exhaust fumes
The line "The bell will ring again" sounded pretty hopeful, but I was like "they would never put something like that between these lines full of dissing people". Then I read the last line and went oooh…
Exhaust fumes are not good for humans, so maybe it means something like Buraikan is not to be reached, it will be dangerous around Buraikan…? BUT THAT DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH TCW AAAAAAA—
So what if we took it super literally and say that they may still be going forward, but it won't take long before they can't go on anymore? What if the ringing of the bell means they have to to stop, but every time you stop it will get harder to continue…?
Do it or die. I’m not going to be worn out
Really hurt if it’s a kid’s game
I don't really have a lot to say about this part, because I feel like it could be the line for any group, but it does fit cozmez the best in the end. I'm not gonna to be worn out is probably directed towards the whole Nayuta scenario when he was on the rooftop and… yeah. He basically couldn't go on anymore and that's why he went to the rooftop. He was at his limit.
Though, we can assume that Haruomi was pushed to his limits many times, but didn't give up because of Chisei. Better said, Buraikan and cozmez are very alike in a way, but so different at the same time. Both units have something mysterious to them related to AT, but what has yet to be revealed…
Now I’m putting you in charge, everything above is incomparable
Showed you a different side, two digits three digits
You can’t go over us if you’re screwing around
On the contrary, you’ll get really hurt
I had something in mind, but… hehe. I forgot. So… Iori is basically the leader of AKYR and it kind of felt like it was directed towards him, but I'm not sure... Iori is the outgoing leader of AKYR, that's how people view him from the outside, but we all know that he's doing a lot of stuff in the background regarding the Suiseki gumi.
The thing is… AKYR's story doesn't really seemed to have progressed a lot so far, especially in the case of the older members. What have they been doing in the stage battles? Who knows. If they keep going like this, there will be a chance that they will lose even more of their "family" than they already did. When will they finally show the true colours of AKYR? Maybe this upcoming season…?
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This section is all about the lines that appeared with the new units, but since we don't know anything about them, I will write about it with the interpretation that the line could be for anyone, if not for Buraikan themselves. I hope you understand.
Hey Boy, your shoelaces are untied
If you know that and you’re playing along, you’re silly
We are starting with this line that everyone kind of found funny when the song was released. I mean… your shoelaces are untied! I really believe this could apply to everyone, because the lyrics is all about the road to becoming legends. Prior to this, it was all about not being able to keep up and still running despite knowing that.
When you go running, it's important that your shoelaces are tied. Tying your shoelaces will already be half of the work done. If you don't tie it, your shoe won't fit or it will be uncomfortable to walk in. What they are saying is that if you know your shoelaces are untied and you're still running (playing along), you are not taking it seriously at all. That's Buraikan for you. Burning everyone from left to right.
Another interpretation is being taken advantage off. You know when you were little and people would say "Your shoelaces are untied!" and you would look at your shoes, only to get hit in your face or something like that? I think you know where I'm going. If you know you're taken advantage off, why would you even play along?
Reaching out and passing the mic? Will you give a double shot?
Okay, but this line was actually really funny. It really had to be this line for AMPRULE… It's as if they are saying that Dongha wants to be the best since he's reaching for the mic and we know that reaching for the mic equals being the top dog. In this case, Buraikan is on top and AMPRULE wants to overtake their place, but it's actually Dongha wanting to be better than Hajun with the whole Yeon family problem. Dongha is reaching out to it, because he can't have it (yet).
The thing is, the lyrics also says passing the mic and you pass the mic to give someone below you a chance to talk. The way I see it is that Dongha knows he's actually on the same level as everyone (or below that www), but he acts as if he's on top and that's why he's passing the mic to let others now he's the alpha when he's really not LMAO.
The double shot can also mean that they have to perform two times in a row, but it's difficult to pull that off when you're not sure of your own abilities, so yeah… It's really through and through mockery coming from Buraikan.
Why was I chosen? I asked God
I’m not the dead, but I was able to rise
I feel like these lines have more to do with the whole shady business of AT and that's why it appeared with 1Nm8, since they seem to have the closest relation to AT (at least from the vibes and info we are getting).
I also feel like it could just be about Chisei, especially about the "I’m not the dead, but I was able to rise" line. No one knows about Chisei's whereabouts and it's one mystery after another. What's actually happening behind the scenes…? What is AT doing and what are they actually aiming for? A lot of questions, but no answers yet.
From this star’s point of view, it’s a stupid story
Let’s leave a mark, C’mon Homie
I'm burned out and have no brain power left to think. I'm going to cut it short. Goku Luck seems to have the most connections to the old cast and I'm not connecting anything at all, help. It kind of gives me the vibe that what happened isn't anything special according to them.
The second line is more Buraikan, because they are the legendary unit and if you have accomplished something big, you are bound to leave something behind. It's also nice that they said "mark", because there are sometimes landmarks along the road. Does this mean that Buraikan is trying to help them uncovering the mysteries around Paradox Live in their own way? Probably…
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That was all and I'm sorry that I cut it short at the end. In the end, no one will read this anyway and it will only be a random post on this Tumblr of mine.
The song obviously connects better when you read all the lyrics, but I thought it was fun to try to connect the lines with the groups, although it didn't always work out… At least I was able to pass some time, huehuehue...
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the-starless-sky · 5 years
The Cat’s Whiskers / drama part full translation
As usual: If you want to see the prettier version a.k.a subbed version with proofreads, please head to the Paradox Live discord!
Names: Saimon Naoakira: N Kanbayashi Yohei: Y Natsume Ryuu: R Ando Shiki: S
P.S. This translation starts right after the sample (again!), so head there if you haven’t read it yet!
Y: We really got knocked out of our seats back then. It was a performance that scorched into your soul.
N: Yeah. Unmistakably, their existence made hip hop boomed thereafter. That’s why everyone thought Buraikan would lead the newcomers as it is, but...
S: Did something happen?
Y: In just a night, they disappeared… Just like children’s fairy tales, that is.
S: No way… Why so suddenly…?
N: It was said that they disbanded, but nobody knows the truth. It was something God only knows.
R: Even though those two were promising…
Y: Hah, talking as if you know anything.
R: Hehehehehe…
Y: Stop laughing in such a disgusting way, you tool!
R: Tool… tool…? It sounds kinda cute, tool! Yo yo, representing Tools, Ryuu-kun has come! Obeying instincts, toying you with pork cutlets, checkera!
N: Haha. You know those phantometals we use on stage, right? It was said that the first person to use it to visualize their emotion and carry out a Phantom Stage was Buraikan.
Y: Yeah. There’s a really long bridge that’s made off-limits in the bay coast area, right? Beyond that, there originally was a big live house. That’s Buraikan’s home base… Club Paradox.
S: That place held such a past, huh…
N: Yeah. Shall we get back on track? This invitation… what do you think about it, Yohei?
Y: I’ve said this before, but it’s fishy. There’s no way Paradox will suddenly come back. Well, at most, it’s a passionate heads’[1] work.
R: But that Club Paradox came back, you know?
N: Ryuu, why do you think so?
R: Because my friend, Pigeon-san, told me so. He said, ‘Flap flap flap, pow, pow!’.
Y: Oi, Saimon. As I thought, this guy’s lost it.
N: Haha. Shiki, can you look it up?
S: Ah, yes. Umm… Ah, there’s a hit! It seems that people are rapidly uploading pictures on SNS. Um, this…
Y: Seriously…? That island has, again…!? No way…!
N: Very interesting…! What in the world is the mechanism behind it…? I certainly want to confirm it with my own eyes.
Y: Why are you so fixated on that event? If you only want to know the reason behind Paradox’s come back, you don’t have to go as far as participating.
N:I want to try aiming for it once again… with you, and with these children. For the apex of hip hop.
Y: Ah… the glory we failed to grasp at that time, huh?
Y: Saimon, this is huge!
N: What’s wrong?
Y: It’s an invitation from overseas! There was an American fest that Buraikan participated before they disbanded, right!? They said they want us to do a phantom live!
N: …!
Y: Saimon…? Oi, what’s wrong with you? Isn’t it a nice offer!? If we perform there, our name will spread in one go! If that happens, even Tsubaki-san will…!
N: I’m sorry. It’s impossible for the current me.
Y: Hah? What’s up with that? You’re not gonna say you’re bored of hip hop, are you?
N: That’s impossible! Even I think it’d be splendid if I could participate. But… I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Yohei…
Y: Saying something hard to refuse…
N: It’s a very egoistic reason, yet… I want to dream again.
Y: And? Who else are invited?
N: Each has different inclinations, but all of them are currently uprising teams. The team popular among youths, B.A.E; Militaristic, gangster-representing Akan Yatsura; And lastly, the team running around breaking into every competitions with monetary award, cozmez.
R: Aah~ I broke it! This is no good, no good~ Hm? Shiki?
S: Ah… ah…
Y: Oi… what’s up with you, suddenly?
N: Shiki!? Yohei, I’ll handle this.
Y: Understood. Ryuu, get a broom and dustpan.
R: Aye, aye, Sir~
S: Ah… ah, ah…
N: Shiki.
S: Owner… I… I…
N: Everything is alright, Shiki. Because I am here with you.
S: Ah… but…
N: Poor thing… Turning this pale… Come, take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Are you alright?
S: Yes. um… I’m sorry… for interrupting the talk…
N: You don’t have to worry about such things.
Y: Drink this water, ‘kay?
S: Ah… thank you very much.
Y: Hey, Saimon. I’m fine if you want to aim for the top in hip hop once again, but… In reality, won’t a competition be too big a burden for this guy?
N: Hmm…
R: Ryuu-kun thinks Paradox Live sound interesting, but does Shiki not want to join?
S: It’s impossible… for somene stained like me…
R: Shiki, you’re dirty!? Hah, you haven’t taken a bath!? Sniff, sniff…
Y: Stop it, you idiot!
R: Ouch, it hurts, it hurts!
S: Plus, if I participated in that event…
Y: It’s not like this is the first time you perform in an event, right? What’s wrong with you, suddenly? Saimon, don’t you think it’s better to consider participating without Shiki?
S: Yeah… but Ryuu’s tricky sense and Shiki’s prodigious sense of rhythm is vital to our music. Furthermore, Whiskers is comprised of four people, all together. If we can’t all go, let’s give up on participating.
S: N-no!! That’s no good!!
R: Shikki?
S: My feelings don’t matter; I want to be of use to Owner. I have to…
Y: What are we gonna do now?
N: I don’t think your feelings don’t matter. Because I want you, Shiki, to take good care of yourself. And for that, I’m sure that this competition will be a good experience.
Y: Which means…
N: We’ll participate with The Cat’s Whiskers. Is that alright? Shiki.
S: ...Yes.
N: I’m really sorry. Thank you, Shiki.
S: Owner…
R: Ye~s, Ryuu-kun’s sleepy, it’s fifteen minutes until nighty-sleepy Ryuu-kun, beep, beep, beep, beep…
N: Haha, that’s true. Everyone, I’m sorry for keeping all of you up until this late. Ryuu and Shiki, please sleep first. I’ll tidy up the shop with Yohei for a while longer.
S: Understood…
N: Then, good night.
R: The nighty sheep goes ‘baa, baa, baa’…
S: Ryuu-kun, wait, that’s dangerous…Come on… wake up…
Y: Saimon… that just now wasn’t your only reason for participating, right?
(in the back ground) S: Hey, are you listening?
N: My, my, I’m really no match for you, Yohei. Actually, that Alter Trigger Company is trying to buy-out this land.
Y: Huh? That Alter Trigger is?
N: Yeah.
Y: Oi… seriously? ...Fucking around like this…! I’ll never hand over Seven-Four to anyone!! This shop is ours!!
N: Of course, I also have no plans of handing over this shop that easily. However, there’s no other way for us to protect this shop but to buy-out the whole land in a higher price than them.
Y: So, how much is it?
N: Including maintenance costs, it will be difficult if we don’t have ten billion yen.
Y: That’s like a number some brat sloppily thought up of! How are we supposed to gather that much… don’t tell me, you…
N: Yeah, it’s just as you thought.
Y: So that’s your plan. Shit!
N: There’s also the matter with Ryuu and Shiki. That’s why, we have to win this stage battle no matter what.
Y: Well, if you think in reverse, it’s a simple matter. All problem’s solved if we become the top, right?
N: Haha. Well, I guess it is.
Y: Let’s do it, Saimon. Just like us of that time.
N: Yeah. Plus, now we have Ryuu and Shiki, too.
Y: Drink up, Saimon.
N: What, you’re going to drink again?
Y: There’s no way I can go on without drinking after you told me something like that.
N: That’s true. I’m sorry for always troubling you, Yohei.
Y: The feeling’s mutual. We’ll protect this shop for sure.
N: That’s my plan. Cheers.
Y: 'Due to event participation, Bar Seven-Four is temporarily closed for today.’ Alright, this is fine.
R: Huh? Shiki, you’re nervous again!
S: I-I’m fine! I’m always like this, after all.
Y: I think that’s a problem in itself, though.
R: You know Shiki, you don’t have to be that nervous!
S: Ryuu-kun…
R: After all, it’s just a competition! It’s not like we’re going to die~!
S: Ah…!
Y: Grr…
R: Ouch!! Master kicked me!!
Y: Don’t say unnecessary things and make him even more nervous!
N: Are you alright, Shiki?
S: Yes, I’m fine.
N: You might not realize it, but Shiki’s the one who had enhanced our music to this point. In order to win Paradox Live, we can’t have anyone missing.
S: Is that true…?
N: Yes, it is.
R: What about Ryuu-kun? Hey, hey, what about Ryuu-kun!?
N: Haha, of course Ryuu is also needed. And Yohei, too.
Y: Stop it, my flattery allergy’s gonna act up.
S: Haha…
R: Ah, Shiki laughed!
Y: Alright, let’s go, Saimon!
N: Yeah. Let’s teach everyone what real music is like… We, as The Cat’s Whiskers.
[1] Heads = term for hip hop fan.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 23: a crossover with Hypnosis Mic (or other similar multimedia projects) you'd like to see
💿 Yohei & Iori / Samatoki & Jyuto
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I could name an infinity of crossovers that I'd like to see between HypMic and ParaLive: Kenta / Saburo (about which I've already made a fanart); Hajun / Gentaro (... / Shion, why not?); Allen / Ichiro (easy to imagine them talking for hours about Buraikan lol); Saimon and Haruomi / Jakurai, Hitoya and Rei; Toma / Hifumi; Reo, Ryu and Kantaro / Ramuda; Satsuki / Dice (OMG, I WOULD DIE TO SEE THOSE TWO DORKS INTERACTING); Zen / Rio ("SO MUSCLE. HUSTLE. THIS IS A JOY!")... and I think this is quite enough, so I'll stop here for your sake. BUT. BUT BUT BUT. Let's talk about the interaction between Iori, Yohei, Samatoki and Jyuto, will you?
I can perfectly see them meeting at bar 4/7 late in the evening, after the closing time. Yohei is behind the counter, cleaning the glasses while chatting idly with Iori, waiting for Samatoki and Jyuto, who just got off work, to open the bar's door and enter, even if the place is already closed. Because yes, they're a group of friends who just meet up to relax together before calling it a day. It makes me laugh to think that Samatoki is the youngest, among them! Yohei, Iori and Jyuto are, indeed, respectively 28, 28 and 29 years old. And all of them have so much in common! Let's start by saying that them all love smoking. So, I can picture the scene: Samatoki slowly walks in, sits on a high stool next to Iori, who's already smoking from his pipe, a glass of liquor in front of him, greeting Samatoki with a fist bump ("Yooo, Samatoki-kun~") and Jyuto with a graceful pipe motion ("Iruma-san~"). Meanwhile Yohei, with a relaxed smile, starts pouring a glass of iced whisky before the white haired man, who's just brought a cigarette to his lips. On Samatoki's right, Jyuto sits down and loosens just a little bit his necktie, lighting himself a cigarette, so Samatoki leans forward to light his through Jyuto's. Yohei places a glass of whisky before the other man, too. So the chitchat about the day starts, while a relaxing jazz music plays in the background. The two Yokohama men simply love bar 4/7. Samatoki, in particular. He loves the atmosphere, so calm and relaxing with those dim lights and the smell of liquors and a different tobacco to the one he smokes, so detached from the reality he lives every day, so much in line with his tastes about music and aesthetic. Moreover, Yohei's drinks are the best and he himself and Iori are ex Yakuzas too. It's so strange for him to say something like this, but he feels understood by them, he's at ease with Iori and Yohei, because they know what Samatoki goes through as a Yakuza. That's the only place where he can break down his defenses, at least for a while. Obviously, Jyuto enjoys their company, too! He gets on well especially with Iori (he won't never admit that Yohei remembers him a quieter version of Samatoki, lol). Jyuto and Iori sips from their glasses while talking about the day and exchanging information about criminals in the area... I can see Jyuto taking care of the AKYR case and informing Iori about every small new info about it. In the background, Yohei (who's now enjoying himself a glass of liquor and a cigarette offered by the MTC leader) and Samatoki are exchanging passionate opinions on their new purchases of vintage clothes and records, since they both love that kind of things. Until Yohei says "Oi, Samatoki, let's go to the piano, tell me what do you think about this new rap verse I'm writing for the next stage battle ... try to rap this part and this one, too. Follow me on the beat..." And that's how the rhythmic notes of a piano fill the calm, muted night air inside the bar. "Holy shit! What's the song's name, Yohei-san?" "Shooting arrows. You like it? Eheh" "It's really something, I must admit. But let's talk about it after you listen to our Scarface. Naa, Jyuto?" "Why, yes ~" And Iori: "Nee, Danna ~... What about a small rap battle, just for fun, then? Two on two, since we're in the mood?" Yohei: "Ohoh, not a bad idea! Count me in!" Samatoki: "Ha! You'll regret once we'll show you what MTC can do. Come here, Jyuto!" Jyuto: "Well, I suppose I have no choice " *Double Trouble starts playing...* Funny how to pass from MTC to TCW it's required just a flip of the M (it's an upside down W) and to place it at the end of the word.
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